Comparison of modern fighters. Military aircraft of the Russian and world air forces video, photos, pictures watch

u-37 Terminator is a multi-role fighter created on the basis of the Su-35 multi-role fighter. Further improvement in the aircraft's flight characteristics was possible only by installing an engine with a variable thrust vector in flight. Work in this direction has been carried out for several years at the Design Bureau named after. A.M. Lyulki, and tests of the prototype were carried out in the spring of 1989 on the T-10-26 by Viktor Pugachev. Then only one engine was installed on the plane, the nozzle of which could change its position in the vertical plane, for which the pilot switched a toggle switch in the cockpit. To prepare a demonstration model of a fighter with a deflectable thrust vector, we took one of the serial Su-35s, installed two AL-31FP engines on it, installed a side control stick and strain gauges in the pilot’s cockpit ( the new kind engine control knob). After appropriate modifications to the aircraft and engine control systems, the name of the vehicle was changed to Su-37. April 2, 1996 OKB test pilot E.I. Frolov took the plane into the sky, and on August 18 of the same year, the Su-37 was first shown at the aviation festival in Tushino in Moscow.

During flight tests, the Su-37 aircraft demonstrated unique maneuverability. For the first time, new maneuvers related to reaching ultra-high angles of attack and near-zero speeds were tested. Technical solutions, implemented in the design of the new fighter, provided:

the ability to launch pre-emptive strikes against any air enemy (including stealth aircraft);

multi-channel and algorithmic security of all information and targeting systems;

attacking ground targets without entering the enemy’s air defense zone;

low-altitude flight with overflight and avoidance of ground obstacles;

automated group actions against air and ground targets;

countering enemy radio-electronic and optical-electronic means;

automation of all stages of flight and combat use.


The aircraft is made according to the “unstable integral triplane” design, combining a normal aerodynamic design with the front horizontal tail. The airframe design is generally similar to the Su-27, however, when creating the Su-35/37, new aluminum-lithium alloys were used, and the use of composite materials was significantly expanded. A new wing with an increased relative thickness has been developed for the aircraft, allowing it to accommodate a larger volume of fuel.

The horizontal tail is a differentially deflectable stabilizer, each console of which has its own high-speed electro-hydraulic drive. The PGO is included in the general digital fly-by-wire control system of the aircraft and is capable of deflection in the angle range of -50/+100. In addition to improving stability and controllability characteristics at high angles of attack (in particular, on the Su-35/37 it was almost completely possible to eliminate shaking, which greatly complicates piloting and aiming of other types of fighters in similar modes), PGO also performs a number of other important functions. In particular, it promotes a forward shift of the aircraft's aerodynamic focus, which leads to a significant reduction in static stability.

The prototype Su-37 aircraft (known as aircraft No. 711) is equipped with AL-31FP engines with a thrust vector control system along the pitch channel. The TRDSF is equipped with a digital electronic control system integrated with the aircraft control system. The axisymmetric controlled nozzle is deflected in the vertical plane at an angle of 150 using two pairs of hydraulic cylinders powered by the general aircraft hydraulic system (angular velocity of movement of the nozzles ≈ 300/sec).

It is planned to equip serial Su-37 fighters with improved AL-37FP engines (2 x 14500 kgf), which are a further development of the AL-31 turbofan engine. The TRDSF ensures cooling of the rotating part of the nozzle at full afterburner mode and maximum rotation angle. Aviation fuel is used as a working fluid in hydraulic cylinders. The thrust vector control system allows you to control the aircraft in both the pitch and yaw planes, which is achieved by mismatching the direction of thrust of the right and left engines. The aircraft is equipped with a retractable fuel receiver boom for an in-flight refueling system.

Electronic equipment
The Su-37 is equipped with a digital fly-by-wire control system (EDCS) for the aircraft. It is made according to a four-channel redundancy scheme in the longitudinal channel and a three-channel scheme in the lateral movement channels. To increase reliability, all EMDS calculators operate in parallel. The automated aircraft control system provides control of all control surfaces, as well as deflection of the engine thrust vector by moving the aircraft control stick. In this case, flight safety is achieved by automatically limiting aircraft overloads depending on the flight weight and flight conditions. There is an automatic spin recovery mode. The installation of a new set of on-board equipment with increased energy consumption required an increase in electrical and hydraulic power. Compared to the Su-27 aircraft, new electric generators and hydraulic pumps have been installed. The Su-37 aircraft is equipped with a low-speed side control stick and a fixed strain gauge throttle.

The aircraft's avionics includes systems using elements artificial intelligence and ensures preemptive engagement of air targets (including subtle ones) at distances that guarantee against the possibility of an enemy retaliatory strike. All stages of the flight are automated, including combat use By air targets, attacks on ground targets without entering the enemy’s air defense zone, countering radio and optoelectronic electronic warfare means. According to information received from the navigation system, the self-propelled gun solves the problems of flight along the route with flight over programmed intermediate points of the route, return to the airfield, pre-landing maneuvering and approach to an altitude of 60 m. There is an automatic flight control mode at extremely low altitude, with roundabout or fly-over ground obstacles. Automatic target designation is provided for actions against both air and ground targets.

The Su-37 is equipped with a complex that includes a pulse-Doppler radar with a fixed phased array antenna and a rear-view radar. Advanced optical-electronic sighting system The fighter includes a thermal imager combined with a laser rangefinder-target designator. Provides detection, identification and automatic tracking of several air targets simultaneously long range. The optical-location system is combined with radar and an improved helmet-mounted sight for the pilot into a single complex. The aircraft is equipped with equipment for an automatic secure target data exchange system, which allows better coordination of the actions of several fighters conducting a group battle. The defense complex includes optical warning sensors for attacking enemy missiles, a new generation electronic reconnaissance station, active suppression systems operating in the optical and radar ranges, as well as means for producing passive radar and infrared jamming.

The Su-37 aircraft has a new cockpit information and control field with four large-format liquid crystal color (unlike the Su-35, where the inlicators are monochrome) multifunctional indicators and a wide-angle indicator on the windshield. The indicators use liquid crystal matrices. Communication equipment includes VHF and HF radio stations, telecode secure communication equipment, as well as a satellite communication system.

Main characteristics

Wingspan, m - 14.698
Aircraft length, m - 22.183
Aircraft height, m ​​- 6.433
Wing area, m2 - 63.50
Weight, kg
empty - 18500
maximum takeoff - 34000
Engines - 2 TRDDF Saturn AL-37FP
Maximum thrust, kgf - 2 x 14500
Maximum speed, km/h:
at high altitude - 2500
near the ground - 1400
Practical ceiling, m - 18000
Practical range, km
with one in-flight refueling - 6500
without refueling - 4000
Combat radius, km - 800
Crew, people - 1
30-mm cannon GSh-30 (150 rounds).
Combat load - 8000 kg on 12 hardpoints:
Suspension of 8 URVV - R-27RE, R-27TE, R-77), as well as short-range and close combat (R-73, R-73M, R-60M) and 6 URVS S-25LD, Kh-29L and T is possible , X-59M, X-31A and P as well as bombs - KAB-500Kr, FAB-500, -250, OFAB-100 and NAR S-8, S-13, S-25

It is hard to imagine modern life without aviation. Airplanes today are used for various purposes: for passenger transportation, cargo transportation, in the military and research fields. Since all aircraft have significant differences, it is worth considering the most best planes various categories. They are used for different purposes, but each of them holds records that make them the best winged machines.

Boeing 747 - the best passenger plane

In 1969, the Boeing aircraft manufacturer introduced the Boeing 747 to the world, which remains the best passenger aircraft to this day. It is most often used by the world's airlines to transport people. Today there are several modifications of the Boeing 747, and most of them can fly great distances.

After release passenger plane Boeing 747 entered the market, many airlines were hesitant to purchase such an aircraft because it had 4 engines and consumed much more energy resources than other aircraft. But soon they began to use it on the busiest lines. The Boeing 747 is widely used by transport airlines because it can carry huge volumes of cargo.

Today, the Boeing 747 is available to all major airlines. It has a number of interesting features:

  • the minimum price at which the aircraft was sold is $24 million;
  • the maximum cost of a modified Boeing 747-400 model is $260 million;
  • Since the creation of the aircraft, 1527 units of this air transport have been produced;
  • maximum range The flight of a Boeing 747 is 18 thousand km, to overcome which the ship needed a little more than 20 hours.

Aircraft manufacturing companies continue to work on creating various modifications Boeing 747. Customers are currently expecting the release of more than 20 such aircraft.

F-22 Raptor - the best military aircraft

The American F-22 Raptor is recognized as the best military aircraft in the world. Making this the newest fighter fifth generation began in the USA in 1991 after a competition for best project supersonic multi-purpose aircraft. This plane besides high speed has another significant advantage: it is difficult to detect even with modern radars.

Since 1997, 195 F-22 Raptor fighters have been created. But in 2010, the US Senate decided to reduce military spending, as a result of which the production of F-22 military aircraft began to be reduced. latest model This winged car was created in early 2012. During exercises conducted in the United States in 2006, F-22 Raptor fighters showed incredible results: they shot down 144 military aircraft, but none of them were damaged.

Boeing 777 is the safest aircraft

Another Boeing 777 aircraft, manufactured by the Boeing aircraft manufacturer, is included in the list of the best aircraft, as it is recognized as the safest winged aircraft. During the entire operation of aircraft of various modifications, only 4 serious accidents occurred:

  • in July 2013, a Boeing 777, flying between Seoul and San Francisco, overturned after a rough landing due to improper actions by the crew, and a fire broke out in it;
  • in March 2014, an aircraft flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing disappeared from radar, changed its flight path, and crashed in the Indian Ocean;
  • in July 2014, a Boeing 777 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was shot down over Ukraine in an area of ​​armed conflict;
  • in August 2016, an aircraft carrying people from Thiruvananthapuram to Dubai caught fire while landing.

Boeing also became the first aircraft model to be developed entirely on computers without the use of paper drawings.

An-225 Mriya - the most load-lifting aircraft in the world

The best aircraft for transporting large cargo is the An-225 Mriya aircraft. It was created in the USSR, and first flew in 1988. Today, only one aircraft model is in service. It is used by the Ukrainian transport airline Antonov Airlines. The An-225 Mriya has set many world records for transporting the largest and heaviest cargo. The longest flight of this aircraft is 15.5 thousand km, during which 4 landings were made.

At the present time, it is planned to complete the construction of another modernized model of the An-225 “Mriya”, the creation of which began during the times of the USSR. To complete the construction of the aircraft, about $120 million is required. The Chinese government decided to finance the creation of the new An-225 Mriya on the condition that the winged aircraft would be transferred to their country.

Northrop B-2 Spirit - the most expensive aircraft

One of the best military aircraft is the Northrop B-2 Spirit. It was also included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive aircraft. To create one such winged aircraft, the US government had to spend $2.1 billion, and the entire program to create effective military bombers required an investment of $44 billion.

The United States first started thinking about creating the Northrop B-2 Spirit in 1979. The development of the aircraft was initiated by President Ronald Reagan at the height of Cold War. The heavy bomber first flew in 1989. Today, the United States has 21 Northrop B-2 Spirits in service. Each model is named geographical feature, and the first aircraft was called the “Spirit of America.”

NASA X-43 - the fastest plane

Considering the best aircraft on the planet, one cannot help but recall the fastest aircraft, NASA X-43. This extreme hypersonic winged vehicle can reach speeds of up to 18.2 thousand km/h, which is a record. The first aircraft was created in 2001, but during a test flight it crashed on the territory of Pacific Ocean. The successful model took off into the sky in 2004. The Orbital Science Corporation created only three such drones.

The air force is one of the most important components of the defense capability of each country. Every day, scientists around the world work to create faster and more efficient combat aircraft. Our review today presents 19 of the most best models fighters who have already proven themselves in combat.

1. American fighter-attack aircraft - Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

This model is a modernized version of a military aircraft F/A-18. The sample weighs 14.5 tons, and one full tank will be enough to fly 3,300 kilometers. The aircraft is equipped with a powerful F404 engine, thanks to which maximum speed can reach 1915 km/h. The Super Hornet costs about $67 million.

2. German monoplane fighter - Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Wurger

The presented model performed well in the Luftwaffe during the Second World War. Kurt Tank is the developer of a fighter called the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 Wurger, which was created specifically for the German Air Force. The aircraft made its first flight back in 1939.

3. American light fighter - Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon

This model was developed back in 1974, but was put into operation at the end of 1979. The sample length is 15 meters. The sample is equipped with a powerful General Electric F110 engine. Price General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is about 19 million US dollars.

4. Swedish multi-role fighter - Saab JAS 39 Gripen

The presented model has been in service with the Swedish Air Force since 1997. The weight of this sample is 6622 kilograms, while the flight range from one full tank reaches 3250 kilometers. The creator of the aircraft is Saab AB. Costs Saab JAS 39 Gripen approximately 60 million US dollars.

5. Fighter - Su-30MKI (Flanker-H)

The modernized model of the aircraft weighs 18,400 kilograms, while its flight range from one full tank reaches 3,000 kilometers. This model made its first flight in 2000. The fighter is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine. Price Su-30MKI is 25 million US dollars.

6. Two-seat fighter - McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle

This model was created on the basis of the F-15D combat training fighter. This aircraft can be used for patrolling and providing cover. ground forces. The sample is equipped with a powerful Pratt & Whitney F100 engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed can reach 2655 kilometers per hour. Price McDonnell Douglas F-15E Strike Eagle is approximately US$31 million.

7. French multi-role fighter - Dassault Rafale

French company Dassault Aviation is the creator of a 15 meter fighter called - Dassault Rafale. The maximum speed of this model reaches 2130 km/h, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3700 kilometers.

8. Experimental aircraft - Sukhoi Su-35

This fighter weighs 18,400 kilograms, while its flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,600 kilometers. The model is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft reaches 2500 km/h. Costs Su-27M about 65 million US dollars.

9. Multirole fighter - Eurofighter Typhoon

This model was created by the company Eurofighter GmbH in 1986. The aircraft weighs 11 tons, and its flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,790 kilometers. The maximum permissible speed of the aircraft is 1838 km/h.

10. Fighter-bomber - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II

American company Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company is the creator of a stealth fighter called - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II. This model is equipped with a powerful Pratt & Whitney F135 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed can reach 1930 km/h and the flight range is 2220 kilometers. The sample made its first flight in 2006.

11. American attack aircraft - Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk

This model is developed by the company Lockheed Martin. This sample is designed to penetrate the system undetected air defense enemy and destruction of strategically important targets. The aircraft is equipped with a powerful General Electric F404 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 993 kilometers per hour. Price Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk is about 100 million US dollars.

12. Multi-role fighter - Mig 21

This model is equipped with a turbojet engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2175 kilometers per hour. The sample made its first flight back in 1955. Mig-21 is one of the most common supersonic aircraft around the world.

13. English fighter - Supermarine Spitfire

This model is one of the best fighters of the Second World War. This model is equipped with powerful engines such as: Rolls-Royce Merlin, Rolls-Royce Griffon, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can be 584 kilometers per hour. The aircraft made its first flight back in 1936.

14. Russian fighter - MiG-35

This model is equipped with a powerful RD-33 engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2600 km/h. The sample made its first flight in 2007. One full tank aircraft enough for 2000 kilometers.

15. Multirole fighter - Chengdu J-10

This model is a development of a Chinese company Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group.
The presented sample is equipped with a turbofan engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed of the aircraft can reach 2327 kilometers per hour. The aircraft made its first flight in 1998. Price Chengdu J-10 is 28 million US dollars.

16. British fighter - Hawker Siddeley Harrier

This model is a development of the Hawker Siddeley company, which in 1960 created a fighter called Hawker Siddeley Harrier. The maximum permissible flight speed of this sample is 1175 kilometers per hour.

17. American fighter - North American P-51 Mustang

This model was created by designer Edgar Schmüd together with the company North American Aviation. This model is equipped with a powerful twelve-cylinder engine, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 703 kilometers per hour.

18. Russian fighter - Su-47 Berkut

This model is equipped with powerful engines such as AL-31F, D-30, thanks to which the maximum speed of the aircraft can reach 2650 km/h. The sample weighs 16,380 kilograms, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,300 kilometers. The Su-47 Berkut costs about 70 million US dollars.

19. Multi-role fighter - Su-27

This model is equipped with a powerful AL-31F engine, thanks to which the maximum flight speed can reach 2500 km/h. The sample weighs 16,380 kilograms, and the flight range from one fully filled tank is 3,530 kilometers. Costs Su-27 approximately 30 million US dollars.

And aircraft lovers will probably be interested in looking at these

Military aviation has always attracted a lot of public attention. And, if at the time of its inception it delighted with its efficiency, today it surprises with its capabilities and the presence of a mass of high-tech solutions. We live in a very unstable world, in which things happen every now and then. local conflicts, but perhaps the only advantage of this is the opportunity to observe best works engineering art in action. We have combined them into a rating the best military fighters in the world, which can not only surprise you with the technical progress of the defense industry, but also make you proud of your own country, because most of the leading positions belong to Russian aircraft. As they say, “First things first, the planes...”

10. Dassault “Mirage” 2000 (France)

French aviation has noticeably improved since the Second World War, when it was completely destroyed German army. Attempts to be independent foreign policy demanded strong army, therefore, 30 years ago, the Mirage military aircraft appeared, which immediately became the main fighter of the French Air Force and did not give up this position for two decades, because it performed excellently in peacekeeping operations in North Africa, as a result of which it began to be purchased en masse by India. It was in this region that he found himself: the successful destruction of enemy aircraft and headquarters, as well as guided missile attacks, broke the rebel resistance in a couple of days. According to some reports, despite being discontinued in 2006, Dassault 2000 participated in the Libyan War, where it caused stunning damage to the military equipment of Gaddafi's army.


Just a couple of years ago, the Falcon, ranked ninth in the ranking of the best fighters in the world, was the most common combat aircraft in the world. Low cost and quality indicators made it the main export product of the American Air Force. As of today, there are 4,750 F-16 fighters worldwide. The modernized version will be produced at least until the end of 2017. Pictures of this aircraft were repeatedly captured by military reporters; it managed to take part in 100 conflicts, the most famous of which are the NATO Operation against Yugoslav troops and the Iraq War. The Israeli Army's F-16 Fighting Falcons are the most capable combat fighters. According to official data, they have forty air victories.


Although prototypes have not yet taken part in hostilities, and its commissioning is planned for 2018; it has already incorporated the leading developments of domestic engineers. Compared to its predecessor, it will become more economical in terms of fuel consumption, but at the same time, it will create more conditions for pilot comfort: from automated flight control during aiming to an increased volume of air created by an autonomous oxygen station. The only fly in the ointment, in our opinion, is the too early attempts of the Russian Ministry of Defense to involve it in international tenders, because the radar and some equipment are still not brought to ideal condition. Positive feature of this model is also the cost of production, for example, the French produce airplanes with similar characteristics two to three times more expensive.


The most successful American project over the last forty years, it ranks seventh in the top ten best combat fighters in the world. The F-15 Eagle is guaranteed to remain in service until 2025, which means it will have time to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. It’s amazing, but “Eagle” suffered defeat in such a long period air combat only once, while destroying about a hundred enemy aircraft. This fighter is connected with the story of an Israeli Air Force pilot named Peled, who during the military conflict in Syria was able to destroy six enemy aircraft and cause significant damage to four more. Now in service various countries There are six hundred F-15s, and they are not going to be written off, because on average problems occur only once in 50 thousand flight hours.


The crown of thought of French aircraft designers in the context of fourth generation fighters. The only drawback is the high cost of production, which requires the involvement of a lot of precision engineering objects. Having started its journey with the war in Afghanistan 15 years ago, the Rafale has proven its effectiveness in the fight against the Libyan army. It is worth noting that the “victims” of the Rafale were most often domestic fighters and helicopters in service with the Libyan Air Force. Speaking of modern times, Dassault most often takes part in exercises and only struck the forces a few times Islamic State in Iraq. It is also associated with a lot of incidents when the plane crashed or exploded in the air, but the manufacturer has proven that the cause of such situations is most often the human factor.


The most reliable domestic aircraft is located at the equator of the ranking of the best military fighters in the world. He repeatedly proved his superiority during the exercises. Forming the backbone of the Indian Air Force, the Su-30 defeated American and British competitors in training battles, and in most cases, dryly. Also, it was Sukhoi that ensured the success of the operation of the Russian military space forces in Syria, and played a decisive role in the liberation of Palmyra. Over a quarter of a century, only 9 incidents were recorded, most of which were caused by an engine fire or insufficient fuel; fortunately, there were no military casualties, with the exception of a Vietnamese Air Force plane crashing into the sea.


The only fighter created by the joint efforts of countries European Union and has proven its effectiveness during real combat operations (coalition operations in Syria and Iraq). Its undoubted advantage is the ability to interfere with enemy radars and, thereby, correct the direction of flight of guided missiles, so the absence of losses should not be a surprise. Another advantage is the maximum firing range; according to this indicator, the Typhoon surpasses its closest competitors by as much as one hundred kilometers. Today, the countries of Europe and the Middle East are armed with about half a thousand fighters, each of which has a unique modification and production technology.


The aircraft, which opens the top three among the best military fighters in the world, requires special attention, because it is he who will form the backbone of the aviation wing of our country’s permanent military base in Syria. Secrecy of production for a long time forced potential buyers to avoid investing in a risky project, but participation in hostilities, where the Su-35 covered the main attacking forces of the Russian Aerospace Forces, attracted a lot of attention to it. Considering that the aircraft is an extremely thorough modernization of the Su-27 (this is evidenced by the identical airframe), the fighter serves as proof of the durability of domestic military equipment, and also speaks of following traditions in aviation. Unfortunately, information about participation in exercises or battles with the enemy was not presented to the public.


Multifunctional, economical, effective - in general, in front of you best fighter manufactured in the United States. From 2014 to today, he has formed the backbone of the Air Force in Syria, where, having begun the fight against radical Islamists, he continues to create significant problems for IS troops. A noteworthy case is when a pilot, in one combat mission, not only completed combat mission, but remained in a certain area for another six hours, but was not noticed by enemy forces and transmitted the coordinates of the positions of the enemy who was trying to evacuate the base. Over the past two years, the F-22 has successfully completed approximately 210 combat missions. The entire operational period includes only two casualties during conflict, indicating high quality and reliability of the Raptor.

1. Sukhoi T-50 (Russia)

Palm in the ranking and title the best military fighter in the world receives the Sukhoi T-50 - the first domestic fifth-generation aircraft capable of simultaneous combat with several opponents located both in the sky and on the ground. This was made possible thanks to increased maneuverability and advanced technology. Even Western experts praised the first steps of Russian engineers in creating fighters with stealth reduction technology, but in practice it is not possible to draw any solid conclusions: all tests are carried out behind closed doors, and the final configuration of the prototype will be presented only in a year and a half.


We couldn't ignore the best one soviet fighter, which is still in service both in post-Soviet countries and among allies in the communist camp, because he is in the top ten. It is noteworthy that the Su 27 becomes a participant in any computer flight simulator. Also, this aircraft is the only domestically produced fighter that took part in hostilities in the territory Central Africa, where he neutralized 3 enemy aircraft without losses, and the only identified disadvantage was the rather high fuel consumption during afterburner.

All of these aircraft mentioned here are incredibly powerful and destructive, but none of them have ever seen combat against each other during military operations. Our analysis is based on aircraft performance, available data and technical comparison. Experimental aircraft training is also important because it affects the fighter's passive military capabilities. This article considers only combat military aircraft.

So, the best fighter planes:

Number 1 Lockheed Martin / Boeing F-22 Raptor (USA)

The F-22 Raptor class aircraft is almost invisible to radar. This aircraft is equipped good weapons on board. This is the most modern and most expensive production fighter in the this moment. Put into operation on December 15, 2005. A total of 195 units were produced. The cost of the aircraft is about $146 million.

The F-22 Raptor is controlled by two fault-tolerant computers called CIP - Common Integrated Processor. Fighter engines allow the aircraft to travel very long distances. The aircraft fuselage structure is largely made of composite materials (graphite-epoxy, graphite-thermoplastic materials and carbon-carbon materials).

The F-22 first showed itself as a combat aircraft in 2014, when the United States Air Force attacked Islamists in Syria (the city of Raqqa). By February 2015, more than 100 special tasks had been completed. missions in the skies of Syria.

The maximum speed is about 2410 km/h.

This modern aircraft has never been offered to export customers, even other allies and NATO countries. It is currently the best fighter aircraft ever built.

Number 2 Lockheed Martin F-35 (USA)

The F-35, also known as the Lightning II, is a new bomber developed by the American company Lockheed Martin. As of December 2015, a total of 174 units were produced. Cost - about one hundred million dollars (depending on the model).

The F-35 was produced under the Joint Outpost Fighter program, which was intended to replace existing types aircraft general view. In the near future, the F-35 will replace the AV-8B, A-10, F-16 and F/A-18 aircraft in service with the US Air Force. It will also be exported to other countries.

The F-35 has a similar design to Lockheed Martin's F-22, but is slightly smaller and has a single engine. For pilots who fly the F-35 Lightning II, a special helmet will be made that will allow them to “see through the cockpit.” Instead of submitting the image to dashboard, it will be fed directly to the pilot’s visors, providing him with all sorts of hints.

This stealthy bomber can reach speeds of up to 1,700 km/h without activating the afterburner. Lockheed Martin's F-35 is compatible with the latest air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles.

This aircraft is offered in three main variants, including the F-35A conventional takeoff and landing aircraft, the F-35B short takeoff and landing aircraft and the carrier-based F-35C aircraft.

Number 3 Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet (USA)

The Super Hornet is currently one of the most capable carrier-based fighters in the US Navy. As of April 2011, 500 units were produced. The Super Hornet is also used by Australia as its premier fighter aircraft.

The combat radius of the F/A-18E/F is about 726 km. Super Hornet is equipped with new engines. It has extra hardpoints and can carry more missiles. The Super Hornet also improved avionics. Some measures have been taken to reduce radar cross section this plane.

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