Statuses about people with high self-esteem. Statuses about self-esteem, self-respect and self-improvement. And the best quotes, aphorisms, sayings

Very often there are moments in our lives when we are seemingly powerless to do anything and prefer to give up. Sometimes women go to great lengths to win a man’s attention, forgetting about the most important thing - love and respect for themselves. Often, many people of both sexes forget about their uniqueness and uniqueness, and create a whole ball of complexes around themselves.

Do you think such situations have never happened to great people? Most likely we will make the mistake of saying “no”. It’s just that these people, men and women, were able to understand where the real values ​​of life and love lie. And fortunately, they shared their wisdom with us. Reading the greatest statements, and there is no other way to call them, celebrities: politicians, actors, fashion designers, you involuntarily begin to think about the meaning of life and look at the world differently. Everyone we talk about today will forever remain in history. Great women are our inspiration.

Margaret Thatcher's Greatest Quotes

This woman is equally admired by both sexes. Agree, the first woman Prime Minister of Great Britain is not bad at all. The “Iron Lady,” as her contemporaries nicknamed her, created herself from scratch. At the beginning of her career, Margaret Thatcher was by no means as powerful and firm in her position as we used to think. She was afraid to appear in public and spoke in a squeaky voice. And only the willpower and character of this extraordinary person helped her achieve extraordinary heights. What did the “iron lady” teach us?

Margaret Thatcher

Famous quotes by Margaret Thatcher

  1. The only way to get to the top of the stairs is to climb one step at a time, one step at a time. And in the process of this ascent, you will suddenly discover everything necessary qualities, skills and abilities needed to achieve success that you seemingly never possessed.
  2. I won’t say that I was lucky, I just deserved it.
  3. The rooster may crow well, but the chicken still lays the eggs.
  4. If a woman shows character, they say about her: “Harmful woman.” If a man shows character, they say about him: “He is a good guy.”
  5. Always make eye contact! Then people will remember you.
  6. You should not lie shamelessly; but sometimes evasiveness is necessary.
  7. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.
  8. It is not at all necessary to agree with the interlocutor in order to find a common language with him.
  9. All men are weak, and gentlemen are the weakest.
  10. The passion for victory burns in each of us. The will to win is a matter of training. The method of victory is a matter of honor.
  11. He is so silent that you want to take off your clothes.
  12. Any woman who understands the problems that come with running a home can understand the problems that come with running a country.
  13. An engineer is a person who can explain how a device works, but cannot explain why it doesn't work.
  14. Politeness today is valued more and more; impudence has no price at all.
  15. The home should be the center, but not the boundary, of a woman’s world.
  16. I am extremely patient if things end up my way.
  17. It is impossible to understand everyone unless you listen to everyone.
  18. If you're only focused on pleasing someone, you have to be willing to compromise on anything at any time - and you'll never get anywhere.

Greatest Quotes by Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren is an Italian film star who conquered the whole world and all men's hearts. The actress knew that the secret of her success lies not only in the beauty that can be created with the help of modern cosmetic techniques, but in her inner world and beliefs. Confidence and self-love are the main qualities that any person should have, regardless of gender.

Sophia Loren

Quotes by Sophia Loren

  1. It's hard to become irresistible if you're lazy.
  2. A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of it.
  3. Mistakes are part of the price to pay for an eventful life.
  4. A woman who does not like her man's shortcomings does not love him either.
  5. A mother should think twice - once for herself, once for her child.
  6. Man's fantasy - best weapon women.
  7. Charm is the invisible part of beauty, without which no one can look truly beautiful.
  8. Beauty is a sense of self, and it is reflected in your eyes. This is not a physical phenomenon.
  9. Can not be beautiful eyes who never cried.
  10. No matter how beautiful a woman is, without charm her beauty fades.
  11. Men notice smart women, beautiful ones - they “snatch them out of the crowd” with their eyes, and only charming ones... are not forgotten.
  12. Good looks aren't everything, but add charm and the world is at your feet.
  13. There is no better love potion than regular coffee brewed with your own hands. Once a man tries it, he won’t go anywhere.
  14. If your body far from perfect, the skin is not as transparent as you would like if you vertically challenged- this is not a tragedy. Beauty has different mechanisms, it comes from other sources.

The greatest sayings of Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel is a true phenomenon in the fashion world. Not everyone knows that the famous couturier did not spend her childhood in a luxurious apartment with servants and everything necessary. Coco Gabriela grew up in a very poor family. The mother and father could not feed the girl while making ends meet, and therefore decided to send her to a boarding school. After the death of her mother, 12-year-old Coco was accepted into a Catholic convent, where she had to wear a uniform for many years. But even then she dreamed of all the things that wealthy women had: beautiful clothes, home and opportunities. Despite all the hardships and obstacles, Coco Chanel was able to build her life according to her own scenario. Greatest Sayings designers most accurately reflect the fashion guru's thinking in achieving success.

Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel Quotes

  1. Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.
  2. If you were born without wings, don't try to stop them from growing.
  3. Don't waste your time beating up a wall in hopes of making a door out of it.
  4. Fate has no reason to bring strangers together without reason.
  5. There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.
  6. Hands - business card girls; neck - her passport; chest - international passport.
  7. The worse a girl does, the better she should look.
  8. The most important thing to do is think about yourself. Out loud.
  9. Restraining yourself when it’s offensive and not making a scene when it hurts is what an ideal woman is.
  10. You cannot have two destinies at the same time - the fate of an unbridled fool and a moderate sage. Can't stand it nightlife and be able to create something during the day. You cannot indulge in food and alcohol that destroy the body and still hope to have a body that functions with minimal disruption. A candle that burns at both ends may, of course, spread the brightest light, but the darkness that follows will be long.
  11. Modesty and luxury are two sisters.
  12. Stupid women try to impress men by dressing eccentrically. And this scares men; they cannot stand eccentricity. They like it when people look at their women because they are beautiful.
  13. Our homes are our prisons; but we will find freedom in them if we can decorate them at our discretion.
  14. You can still get used to ugliness, but never to sloppiness!
  15. A man capable of action is doomed to be loved!
  16. Self-care must start from the heart, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help.
  17. A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man doesn't worry about the future until he gets married.
  18. If a woman cheats, there is no need to look for reasonable reasons: it’s not all about the mind, but about feelings.
  19. You won't get a second chance to make a first impression.
  20. After fifty, the days are already counting!
  21. The best thing about love is doing it.
  22. To be irreplaceable, you need to change all the time.
  23. At 20 your face is given to you by nature, at 30 it is sculpted by life, but at 50 you must earn it yourself... Nothing ages you more than the desire to look younger. After 50, no one is young anymore. But I know 50-year-olds who are more attractive than three-quarters of poorly groomed young women.

“Avoid those who try to undermine your self-confidence. great person"On the contrary, it instills the feeling that you can become great." Mark Twain

“To boost your self-esteem, it's important to take risks, to try something really difficult, to see what you're capable of. But you shouldn't be too upset if you fail. Winning depends on many factors besides your talent. You should celebrate not when you win, but when you take risks.” Bernard Werber

“The only thing that matters is what assessment you give to yourself!” Carrie Bradshaw

“The most important thing to do is think about yourself. For all to hear." Coco Chanel

“Remember: you are valued only as much as you value yourself. If the number of zeros in your own and external assessments do not match, one of two things: either you have not done everything to reach yourself, or others have not reached you. I have the second one." Coco Chanel

“Mistakes of the past are the best motivation to be better in the present and future.” Kaya Scodelario

“I always thought I looked like a stupid doll with a huge mouth and middle-parted hair. Over time, you grow up and understand that you need to accept all things within yourself. And then you kiss your loved one and understand why you need those lips.” Angelina Jolie

“It all depends on the environment. The sun in the sky does not have as high an opinion of itself as a candle lit in a cellar.” Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach

“Know your worth and don’t sell yourself for less than you are worth, otherwise you will turn into a discounted product.” Luule Viilma

“It’s scary if your self-esteem is tied to the opinions of strangers, to their comments and words, to reviews... This is really scary.” Emma Watson

“Surround yourself only with those people who will lift you higher. It’s just that life is already full of those who want to drag you down.” George Clooney

"I want it. So it will happen." Henry Ford

“Defeat is always a state of mind and soul. You only fail if you admit it. If you think and act like a loser. Learn from your mistakes and see failure as the price you pay for your learning.” Donald Trump

“Any logical person should see things as they are, and underestimating oneself is just as far from the truth as exaggerating one’s capabilities.” Arthur Conan Doyle

“Real life begins the moment you get rid of the ballast of your own troubles and complexes!” Nika Gordo

“It’s not your problems that should push you behind, but your dreams that should lead you forward.” Douglas Everett

“We are slaves to our habits. Change your habits, your life will change." Robert Kiyosaki

“Life is a huge canvas and you have to throw all the paint you can onto it.” Danny Kaye

“Smile because life is a wonderful thing and there are many reasons to smile.” Marilyn Monroe

“Why, why am I the best?” Daniil Kharms

In this article, you will learn how self-criticism lowers self-esteem and how to overcome it with the simple practice of “4 Magic Words.”

The main reason for low self-esteem

The main reason for decreased self-esteem is constant criticism of oneself. We don’t notice how we constantly scold ourselves in our heads. We regularly remind ourselves of the mistakes and mistakes we have made in the past. We take out the memories of mistakes from the shelves of memory, shake off the dust from them and polish them until they shine. They remind us of personal imperfection. We don’t notice how everyday self-criticism moves us away from, how we ourselves put spokes in our wheels, stopping ourselves on the way to our own goals and desires.

How does constant self-criticism lead to low confidence and derail plans?

Self-criticism is born from criticism. First we are scolded by other people, and then we learn to scold ourselves. And it becomes so much a part of us that we stop noticing how we do it. This stream of self-criticism affects the opinion of oneself. Gradually, we become so accustomed to the feeling of our own insignificance that we expect the same attitude from others. We are afraid that other people will notice mistakes and criticize us. Therefore, we try our best to look perfect and avoid possible mistakes.

The risk of errors increases when we take on new and unusual tasks. Therefore, plans and goals related to life changes are postponed “until Monday.” This involves what is called “guarding behavior.” We try not to get into a stupid situation and worsen our already low opinion of ourselves. Therefore, we drag our feet or, to put it more fashionably, procrastinate. The subconscious rule at work here is that it is better to do nothing than to do something and make a mistake.

An example of protective behavior is fear of speaking in public. A person who has such fear will try with all his might to avoid any situations related to communication in front of big amount of people. In fact, people are not afraid of performing, but of the fact that they might make mistakes and be ridiculed by other people. The psyche blocks the possibility of ending up in an uncomfortable situation through protective behavior.

Neuroscientists have found that a person is driven by 2 forces: the desire to acquire and the fear of loss. And fear turns out to be stronger. Internally we may have the desire to become famous, but having strong fear and protective behavior will block any of our results.

When we want something for a long time, but do nothing to achieve the result, we begin scold yourself for indecision, laziness and regularpostponement. As a result, the situation comes full circle. The more often we scold ourselves, the greater the fear of error. And the more we are afraid of making mistakes, the moreharder to make changes. The vicious circle has closed.

Graphically, this vicious circle of self-esteem looks like this:

Remember how much you promised yourself:

  • eat a healthy diet
  • go to the gym or exercise regularly
  • ask for a salary increase
  • clarify your relationship with your partner
  • do what you have long dreamed of
  • open your own business
  • increase the price of your services
  • finally start...

How many of these plan points have been completed?
Perhaps the reason for this is self-criticism and reduced self-esteem ().

What 4 words will increase your self-esteem?

What words and phrases will help increase self-esteem?

Phrase No. 1. I allow myself to be...
Phrase No. 2. I allow myself to make mistakes.

How to apply it?
When you catch yourself thinking negatively about yourself, change the thought by adding the “magic” 4 words.
For example, you think about yourself:

  • I'm weak
  • I am shy
  • I look bad
Instead, you say in your head:
  • I allow myself to be weak
  • I allow myself to be shy
  • I allow myself to be lazy
  • I allow myself to look bad
Or another example.
You think what others will think of you:
  • he's stupid
  • she is strange
  • he's slow
  • she's evil
Instead, say in your head:
  • I allow myself to be stupid
  • I allow myself to be weird
  • I allow myself to be slow
  • I allow myself to be angry
If you notice that you have a fear of making mistakes, use the phrase “I allow myself to make mistakes.”

Why does this work?

As children, significant adults taught us that we have no right to be weak, lazy, stupid (insert here the words that we heard addressed to ourselves). We were criticized, shouted at, and used physical violence. We have been taught that we must be what others want us to be. Then, in childhood, we felt fear, cowered, stopped breathing. We were rejected, refused, we were not recognized. To some extent, we experienced a small death. We decided to hide a part of ourselves so deeply that we even forgot that it existed.

Do an experiment. Say mentally several times “I forbid myself...” and add any word that is relevant to you. And catch the sensations that appear in your body and breath. How do you react to this phrase?

Then change the phrase to: “I allow myself to be.” And notice the difference. What changes have occurred?

When we allow ourselves to be, we stop denying ourselves. We begin to accept ourselves as different. We are moving towards life. The very phrase “I allow myself to be” recognizes our right to life. She gives freedom...

When we use these phrases, we influence several links at once vicious circle self-criticism and tear it apart.

Why don't attempts to suggest the opposite work?

There are techniques where you need to convince yourself that you are strong, smart, brave, etc. They don’t work or have a short-term effect. Why? Because every person has formed an opinion about himself over the years. And if you suggest something that does not correspond to this opinion, the psyche will reject this suggestion.

When criticism is present, there are two sides: the critic and the criticized. And even if we scold ourselves, we are divided into the parental part and the children's part, between which there is a constant conflict. Are you tired of that squeaky voice in your head that tells you how to lead and keeps you in a vice? And if you are ready to get out of this conflict, weaken self-criticism and increase self-esteem, then use the “4 words” practice.

We are no longer children. There is no one else who stands above us and tells us how to live. It's time to retire" inner critic"and finally breathe a sigh of relief and feel the freedom and taste of life.

I invite you to do the following:

1. Use the 4 words practice and see what results it brings you.
2. Required (Are you interested in boosting your confidence to the fullest?).
3. Write in the comments your experience of using the “4 words” practice or ask questions about the practice.
4. Don’t forget to understand whether you need to work with it.

If you liked the article, then share it on social networks Alexey Repetsky

From the phrase itself it becomes clear that self-esteem is your judgment about yourself. How important you are to yourself and how important you believe you are to the world around you. And this is, first of all, self-love. Sometimes there is healthy self-esteem, sometimes it is inflated and low self-esteem. By the way, you can read more about self-esteem and how to “improve it” on the pages of our website in the “Self-Confidence” section. Well, now I would like to present to you statements about self-esteem from famous historical figures.

Quotes and phrases about self-esteem:

  • 1) Be happy with yourself when you appear to be who you really are.
    Marcus Aurelius
  • 2) To install true feeling dignity, we should concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and negativity in our lives.
    Denis Whately
  • 3) Self-esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves.
    Nathaniel Branden
  • 4) The strongest factor in a thriving consciousness is self-esteem: believe you can do it, believe you deserve it, believe you will get it.
    Jerry Gillis
  • 5) Self-esteem is not everything, it’s just something without which there is nothing.
    Gloria Steinem
  • 6) I'm afraid to show you who I really am because if I show who I really am you might not like it and that's all I am.
    Sabrina Ward Harrison
  • 7) I looked in the mirror and felt shame, but now I look in the mirror and love myself very much.
    Drew Barrymore
  • 8) Nothing makes you feel better self-esteem and self-confidence as an achievement.
    Thomas Carlyle
  • 9) You personally, as far as possible in the entire universe, deserve love and affection.
  • 10) Great leaders find ways to improve the self-esteem of their staff. When people believe in themselves, it is amazing what they can achieve.
    Sam Walton
  • 11) The golden opportunity you are looking for is within you. Not in your environment, not in luck or chance, or in helping others, it is only in you.
    Orison Swett Marden
  • 12) My mother raised me so wonderfully. She gave me self-respect and made me appreciate my flaws as well as my strengths.
    Kirsten Dunst
  • 13) Loving yourself means starting a lifelong romance.
    Oscar Wilde
  • 14) Psychological freedom, a strong sense of self-worth, here the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.
    Martin Luther King Jr.
  • 15) Most people with low self-esteem deserve it.
    George Carlin
  • 16) You really need to look inside yourself, find your inner strength and say, “I'm proud of who I am and who I am, and I just want to be me.”
    Maria Carey
  • 17) Do not think of yourself as an irreplaceable and infallible person. As Charles de Gaulle said, the cemeteries of the world are full of irreplaceable people.
    Donald Rumsfeld
  • 18) Your chances of success in any endeavor will always be measured by your belief in yourself.
    Robert Collier
  • 19) There is overwhelming evidence that the higher your level of self-esteem, the more likely you are to treat others with respect, kindness and generosity.
    Nathaniel Branden
  • 20) I have never loved another person as much as I loved myself.
    Mae West
  • 21) The most powerful magnifying glass in the world is a person’s own eyes when they look at themselves.
    Alexander Pope
  • 22) Whatever you do, love yourself for it. Whatever you feel, love yourself for feeling it.
    Tadeusz Golas
  • 23) In my time, we had no self-esteem, we had a sense of self-respect, and no more than we deserved.
    Jane Haddam
  • 24) In my dreams I am a king, but when I wake up, it’s not so important.
    William Shakespeare
  • 25) Does anyone else really think that they didn't get what they wanted because they didn't have the talent, or the strength, or the stamina, or the commitment?
    Nelson Mandela
  • 26) Have patience with all things, but mainly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage when considering your imperfections, but immediately begin to eliminate them - start the task anew every day.
    St. Francis de Sales
  • 27) Confidence is a long-growing plant, especially in infancy.
    Samuel Johnson
  • 28) If you don't love yourself very well, you will find it difficult to love anyone else because you will resent how much time and energy you give to another person that you don't even give to yourself.
    Barbara De Angelis
  • 29) Devote yourself to the good that you deserve and desire for yourself. Give yourself peace of mind. You deserve to be happy. You are worthy of admiration.
    Hannah Arendt
  • 30) Every act of conscious learning requires a willingness to sacrifice one's self-worth. This is why small children, before they realize a sense of self-worth, learn so easily...
    Thomas S. Szasz
  • 31) I care not so much about who I am to others, but about who I am to myself. I will be rich by being myself, and not by borrowing.
    Michel de Montaigne
  • 32) He who despises himself continues to honor the despiser in himself.
    Friedrich Nietzsche

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