Pig according to the horoscope characteristic. The nature of people born in the year of the Pig. Negative Characteristics of the Pig

Pig - the female principle of yin, the sign of the fourth triangle, the element of Water

The sign of the Pig embodies concern for the well-being of the family, the education of children. She strives for a comfortable life and personifies kindness and mercy. Strong intuition, sensitivity and the gift of empathy help the representatives of this sign to succeed in their careers and surround themselves with interesting people. Patience, perseverance in life's troubles, calm nature help this sign in partnerships. The pig knows a lot about good things, needs interesting interlocutors and attracts tempters into his life. The main problem of this sign is self-doubt. The Pig is a real fatalist, likes to dramatize and become isolated in depression. At these moments, she needs the support and emotional participation of friends in her problems.

In relationships, she is too unconventional, likes to experiment and build a variety of love relationships. The pig itself is changeable in mood, it all depends on the moral and material investments from the partner. The pig cannot endure poverty, flourishes in abundance, prettier in appearance and invariably kinder. If the Pig has a bad temper, then she was not in her circle or did not work hard enough.

Positive qualities of the sign

Men are real gallant knights, women are noble sensitive ladies, representatives of this sign have good taste, understand art, and know how to appreciate beauty. The pig is hardworking, thoughtful, open to new things. Trust contributes to a good environment, but can make her a target for a liar. A passionate sign that understands a lot about love and raising children.

Negative qualities of the sign

When it comes to income, she can be scrupulous, too materialistic in partnerships. Often gets into a relationship of dependence, cannot overcome infantilism and abandon naivety. Indulges his weaknesses, does not use intuition to unravel deception or manipulation. Fatalism cuts off possibilities and stifles inspiration.

In the Year of the Pig you should enjoy the joys of being, look for a way to express yourself in a new way. A favorable period for increasing income, starting a business, increasing material well-being. Intellectually developed people will be more successful than others. The Year of the Pig is good for the whole zodiac, it differs only in the degree of positive. A successful year for the Pig, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, Dragon, Monkey. Neutral to Ox, Snake, Sheep, Rooster and Dog.

Characteristics of the male Pig

The appearance of a male Dog conquers a woman with her grooming. But besides that, he attracts with gallantry, impeccable manners. He will always do what he says. Honor is in his blood, but others are ready to forgive shortcomings. He does not strive for leadership, does not want to compete, but at the same time he is always confident in his own abilities.

Characteristics of the Pig Woman

The calmness, confidence of the female Pig is complemented by gentleness. In relation to loved ones, she is able to provide support in difficult situations. He copes with household chores easily, without attaching special importance to it.

Often the female Pig looks at men from a financial point of view, choosing the most profitable party. But at the same time, he often does not pay attention to psychological qualities, which in the end does not turn out in the most successful way.

Child born in the Year of the Pig

When a Pig child appears in the family, parents will be immensely happy. He is honest, almost devoid of stubbornness, implicitly trusts adults. He always shows sympathy, has a good appetite. Since childhood, he has excellent health, so there is an opportunity to achieve success in a sports career.

A cheerful kid cannot control his own emotions, during a quarrel he can get into a fight. Often in adolescence, because of this, he gets into unpleasant situations. Credulity, passion for pleasure can lead to bad company and addictions. Therefore, the parents of the Pig child must build trusting relationships, follow the circle of friends.

Pig in love and marriage

A penchant for pleasure characterizes the Pig. Therefore, sex, passionate love attract the attention of such a person. He knows a lot about love pleasures. However, he does not need numerous partners. He is looking for a sincere, gentle partner with whom he will definitely marry, especially if the financial component suits him.

In the family, the Pig will sacrifice everything for the sake of children and spouse. but if the feelings between the spouses fade away, the Pig is capable of treason in order to satisfy its own need for pleasure.

Pig in friendship

The Pig makes a great friend - very responsive and sincere. She is able to come to the rescue at the right moment, she will fulfill this promise and will not condemn. Many use the kindness and responsiveness of the Pig for their own purposes: she will still forgive. But in the end, the limit of goodwill will be exhausted.

This is not to say that the pig likes to stay at home. Despite her boundless love for her family, she loves traveling with friends, outdoor recreation and in a noisy company. In this case, easy to lift.

Work and career

Perseverance, hard work help the Pig slowly move towards its goal. The Boar will not go over the heads, achieve victory at any cost, if at the same time you can go the same way honestly and nobly, spending a little more time.

Always pays attention to details. Therefore, he achieves more success in professions where, in order to achieve success, you only need to realize your potential and not be equal to others. They feel good in the role of writers, directors, artists, writers. If creativity is not of interest to the Pig, it can realize itself in medicine, business, and finance.

Celebrities of this sign

Cleopatra, Dalai Lama, Henry Ford, Rockefeller, Françoise Sagan, Carl Gustav Jung, Fyodor Tyutchev, Marc Chagall, Chiang Kai-shek, Ronald Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Ralph Waldo Emerson, German Titov, Ernest Hemingway, Aleister Crowley, Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, Elton John, Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock. Cast: Arkady Raikin, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Tabakov Alain Delon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mark Wahlberg, Jared Leto, Winona Ryder, Ewan McGregor, Charlotte Ginzbur, Sergei Bodrov Jr., Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Emily Blunt, Chris Hemsworth, Mila Kunis, Svetlana Khodchenkova .

The nature of the sign by the elements

Red Fire Pig

The expression "you will fall in love - you will not stop loving" one hundred percent refers to the Fire Pig. Despite everything, the Fire Pig will always win, will be able to overcome oncoming circumstances and find something to rejoice in difficult moments of life. The least dependent on the vicissitudes of fate, knows how to find benefit everywhere, an optimist with a bright temperament. This sign is not prone to deep analysis of situations, but intuitively chooses the best.

Yellow Ground Pig

This combination of sign and element often contributes to laziness and inertia. Passivity is dangerous for the Earth Pig, as excellent opportunities are not realized. Meanwhile, she is a wonderful householder who cares about the continuation of traditions, is capable of anything for the sake of a loved one, a peaceful and kind sign. The desire to avoid conflict often puts the Earth Pig in an ambivalent position, which leads to addiction and manipulation. The most distrustful of the elements of this sign, the Earth Pig will require guarantees in his personal life.

White Metal Pig

The Metal Pig carries a mystery and a rich inner world. The most disinterested among the elements of her sign, she is ready for self-sacrifice. She always lives a rich spiritual life, is not prone to materialism, although she provides for herself well. Success and career are given to her easier than others. She is more demanding of living conditions, loves luxury and comfort, knows how to earn money, appreciates her achievements. Very emotionally expresses her feelings, whole and purposeful.

Black (blue) Water Pig

The Water Pig is kind and trusting, her own emotions and feelings are most important, she is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of love. This combination of qualities makes the representative of the sign vulnerable to manipulators. If the environment is hostile, then the Water Pig knows how to mask his feelings, keeps secrets, avoids scandals and showdowns. She often makes mistakes and chooses a partner that is not suitable for her in terms of development. Needs protection. Usually has bright external data and pleasant manners. Very sexy, independent, can not stand life in captivity.

Green Wood Pig

Pigs by zodiac sign

To make a full-fledged portrait of the Pig, you need to supplement the main features of the sign with the characteristics of the zodiac sign.


This is the most naive and honest Pig.

Pig Taurus

If we talk about the Pig-Taurus, it is characterized by slowness, dreaminess.

Twin Pig

Compared to other representatives of the sign, the Gemini Pig is distinguished by a restless, inquisitive disposition.

Pig Cancer

Under the influence of Cancer, the boar becomes less decisive, but at the same time becomes more compassionate.

Pig Lion

The majesty of the Pig-Lion is complemented by global thinking. Thanks to courage, responsiveness, he is able to change the world.

Pig Maiden

The path of self-improvement is chosen by the Pig-Virgo. At the same time, financial success is no less important to her.

Pig Libra

Is in constant search of the right way of life. At the same time, in any situation, he can make useful acquaintances.

Pig Scorpio

The Pig-Scorpio combination is considered the most dangerous. A quick-tempered person who, in anger, cannot control himself.

Pig Sagittarius

The Pig-Sagittarius combination turns out to be very optimistic. But stubbornness is added to the character, the absence of worries about one's own mistakes.

Pig Capricorn

The Pig-Capricorn is considered the most stubborn. Thanks to this trait and unquestioning authority among others, she is able to achieve any goal.

Aquarius Pig

The sound judgment of the Pig and the idealism of Aquarius makes the nature harmonious, balanced.

Pisces Pig

The Pig-Pisces combination is considered the most creative.

2019 is the Year of the Earth Pig. This animal is famous for its kindness, excellent decency, honesty and good-natured attitude towards absolutely all people. People born in the year of the pig attract and rightfully occupy the main place in all companies. If you have a friend who was born this year, then you can not worry, this person will always be there and help you cope with difficulties.

Year of the pig Characteristics of the sign

The boar only seems formidable. In fact, this person is very open and kind. They respect everyone and are ready for a lot for the sake of a loved one. He appreciates and loves his surroundings. And if he is reciprocated, then he will do everything to repay. The pig can be called the knight of our time. They are gallant, courteous.

Those born in the year of the pig are endowed with intelligence. But they do not know how to cheat and dodge at all. They can be considered naive animals because they do not notice how they are being deceived.

The pig has a kind and open soul. In every possible way she tries to avoid scandals, conflicts, and if she notices that they are trying to piss her off, she tries to stop the dialogue and get away from the conversation. But if a quarrel has occurred, then they go first to put up and always admit their guilt. These animals do not know how to deceive. Their eyes give out. But if a lie is necessary, then they are very worried about this.

Positive qualities of the sign



Developed sense of taste;


Strive to learn;

They don't know how to lie;

Family comes first for them. Children are very loved and try to give the best.

Negative qualities of the sign


They trust partners too much and do not trust intuition;

Often spare money.

The boar will never get angry at his offenders and arrange a showdown. He will do things differently. A good attitude and a good-natured smile make people choose this person.

Best birthday dates, months and times

The year of the boar is a very good year for any undertakings. But if you were born this year, then consider yourself doubly lucky.

The news will be for those who were born or will be born on 2, 5, 8, 17, 28. Good months are February, July, October and November.

Pigs, like most animals, love warmth and comfort. Therefore, those born in the summer feel much more comfortable. They adapt more easily to the conditions and quickly find their niche.

It will be a little harder for winter pigs, but despite this, they do not lose their innate kindness and continue to develop and strive to achieve a lot not only in their careers, but also in their personal lives.

The most suitable professions

Those born in the year of the boar do not like it when rivalry arises in the workplace, and once good friends begin to intrigue and gossip. Therefore, they try to choose the place where this can be avoided and work calmly.

Pigs do not know how to trade and speculate at all. They would rather sit without a penny than hang around in the market and carry heavy trunks. This is also due to the fact that they do not know how to deceive and are too compassionate. Such a huckster will always be in the red.

They feel better if they choose the profession of an accountant or financier. In this area, they are calm.

A pig will never go over the head to achieve its own benefit. Work for them does not take first place. They (as for women) would rather choose home comforts and a large family than disappear for days at work and build a career. Even if they are offered a good salary and a high position, they will refuse without hesitation and will raise children, bake pies and arrange family comfort.

These people are not considered sociable. They spend more time in silence and their own thoughts. Professions where you need to talk a lot and constantly meet different people they simply do not like.

But the specialties associated with physical labor, lure pigs. They can become builders, installers, devote their lives to auto repair and restoration, go to complex production, make small details and masterpieces of art from wood or metal. In a word, these are people who know how to work with their hands and are not afraid of difficulties.

But when they choose a profession, very often pigs make mistakes, and then regret it all their lives. Even at the university, in their first years, they understand that they made a mistake. But they don't dare to quit. They get depressed. But time passes, and these people begin to get used to it little by little. They will never dare to start all over again and will devote their lives not to their work.

The pig loves justice. They will not get out and will tell everything as it is. They make excellent lawyers and incorruptible judges. They give their soul to each case and try to make sure that the guilty are punished, and the innocent are free.

They are very fond of cultural and social life. Understand art. But they do not want to work in this area. It's all just hobbies. They can draw, write poetry and books, make films and write great scripts, sculpt and build amazing houses.

Love and relationships

The boar dreams of meeting unearthly and eternal love. She just needs them. This feeling makes them live and strive forward. To create a family, the pig is looking for the same person who will be like her. As a result, they get a strong family, where harmony and peace reign.

Sex in a relationship plays a huge role. If in this respect everything is not the way he wants, then betrayal is inevitable. The pig will hide its secret relationship and suffer, but will not be able to admit it.

Year of the boar. Characteristics of a man

The boar man is very popular among women. He understands this very well, but he is in no hurry to rush into the pool with his head. This person attracts with good behavior and a sober outlook on life.

But if he liked someone, then he will not wait, but will immediately begin to act. These men know how to take care of.

The male. Who was born in the year of the pig will not save on entertainment. He knows all the places where they cook delicious food. Companions of such a gentleman will never be bored. He will show her beautiful and interesting places, tell many stories and amuse her.

But if he notices that his soulmate does not reciprocate or simply does not trust, then he will begin to look for another person who knows how to appreciate and believe. For him, confidence in the future is important.

He will not meet for years, if the boar man understands that he has found his man, he creates a family. He needs someone to patronize and create comfort.

Changing such a partner will not be easy. There must be a good reason for this.

And if he is abandoned, then he suffers. And for a long time he can not come to his senses and start a new life. But there will always be those who can console.

In a word, a boar man is an ideal husband. He does everything for his wife and never spares money for her. He knows how to please. The wives of these people never need anything.

Year of the pig Characteristics of a woman

The female pig is a good and loving wife, a caring mother. These ladies are very beautiful and kind, they know how to present themselves in a favorable light. They know how to be friends not only with the opposite sex, but also with women. Moreover, this friendship originates in childhood.

Everyone around them loves them. They strive to help and give a piece of warmth to those who need it. They can be compared with small children, because they do not get upset over trifles and are always happy with everything. If you manage to make friends with a woman born in the year of the pig, you will find the most faithful friend for life.

They look at life from a certain angle and do not deviate from their principles. Therefore, it may seem to many that these people do not understand what is happening in the modern world, and their ideas about life have long been outdated. But this is far from true. These people need to be understood and loved.

The female pig is not afraid of difficulties. And if problems arise, then strive to look at them optimistically and not despair. Before they have one drawback, they are too kind and trusting, and many take advantage of this.

The pig will not sort things out and arrange jealousy scenes. She does not tolerate when they shout and quarrel. She would rather give in and remain silent than prove and blame her partner.

But if her family or children were offended, then she is capable of anything. If necessary, she will fight to the end and will definitely win. But if the culprit admits that he did wrong, then she will forgive him and even justify him in front of others. Maybe they'll even become friends.

These ladies are very smart and well-read. You can talk to them endlessly.

She can easily get into bad company and become addicted. They can be given anything. Therefore, if you have acquaintances or friends born in the year of the pig, then be on the lookout.

Children born in the year of the pig

Children born this year will be smart, well-rounded and happy. They adapt easily and are not afraid of difficulties.

At a young age, they do not like noisy companies and large crowds of people. It is better for them to sit in silence and dream up than to rush down the street. They come up with various stories, draw, sculpt, craft, embroider.

But they do not always succeed in finishing the work they have begun. Interest is quickly lost, and the little pig takes on new things. Therefore, they understand and know a lot. And if you ask about something, they can easily explain it.

Parents with such a baby are easy and simple. He quickly becomes independent and does not pay attention to the conversations and advice of others. Parents need to help and develop their baby. And if he does not listen and does it his own way, then do not resort to the whip. This kid can achieve a lot in life. He just needs help. They need comfort and a calm environment. Then they will do whatever the adults tell them to do.

But anyone can offend them. This is what moms and dads need to know. And in no case do not blame the baby for his mistakes. They may be too independent in everything, but this does not mean that they do not need help and support.

Which of the five types of pig is yours

Metal boar. These people can easily navigate in space and solve problems that have arisen. No matter how difficult the situation is, they know how to control themselves and look at the current situation from the right angle. He easily achieves his goals, but does everything carefully and thoughtfully. Easily finds a common language. Trusts everyone indiscriminately, so they are easy to deceive. Family is everything! He loves his soulmate and children.

Water pig. This type is the most windy. He can easily change his mind and do it completely in his own way. If he feels that he is right, he acts immediately, but if he fails, he immediately disappears. Does not love. When they start proving him wrong. He remains a child for a long time and does not recognize the rules.

Wooden boar. Easily achieves location, both of the opposite sex, and of the identical. He is friends with everyone. It is easy to draw him into various companies. If a person stands above him and inspires him with his ideology, then he can become an ardent supporter of any sect or party. As a result, this type can take a leading position and lead the crowd. In love, he is fickle, easily makes connections on the side, and breaks off stable relationships.

Fire pig. These animals are very energetic and cheerful. At work, they give all the best. She decides everything herself, and if someone else's opinion or choice is imposed on him, she becomes angry, but does not accept the choice. Very quick-tempered, hot and even aggressive. They like to have parties and gather people for a common cause.

Earth Pig. For these people, money and all material wealth are important. They dream of living in wealth and excessive luxury. Never give up the good life and pleasure. They love different kinds of entertainment. They achieve everything on their own. Always think and act according to plan. This kind of initiative pays off.

Pig compatibility with other signs

The pig is such a sign of the eastern horoscope, with whom it is very easy and simple. She knows how to soften the situation. She will be able to be friends with a rat, but it’s not worth starting common affairs. The rat will easily fool the boar, and he will remain on the beans.

The bull cannot stand the pig. They can be friends, but you shouldn't meet every day. Such a couple will not have a family.

The tiger must know when to stop and not test the patience of the pig, then perhaps they will start a family. But their friends will turn out great. These two signs know how to understand and support each other. The business of these animals will not work.

The rabbit does not perceive the pig either as a friend, or as a partner, or as a soul mate. They are not comfortable together.

The union of the dragon and the boar is hopeless. The dragon does not know how to understand and appreciate. The pig will endure and drag out this relationship for a long time, but nothing good will come of it.

You shouldn't have a relationship with a snake. The snake will easily deceive and abandon the pig. And she, in turn, will suffer and worry for a long time.

The horse will constantly unnerve a quiet pig. The horse is an egoist, and for the boar, mutual understanding and support in relationships is important.

Anything can happen with a goat. They converge easily. A boar can provide a prudent goat and make her life comfortable. They can be friends all their lives. They love to talk, walk and travel together. Business relations will develop and, quite, well.

year of birth: 1911 1923 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995 2007 2019

The boar belongs to the Yin group of animals. This is the twelfth sign of the Chinese zodiac. It governs from 21 to 23 hours. The season that brings him luck is autumn. The peak period is November. According to the European Zodiac, the Boar corresponds to the sign of Scorpio. Its fixed element is Water. The colors that bring him happiness and prosperity are blue and fawn. Flowers and plants that bring them good luck are lavender, acacia and hazel. The most favorable countries for the Boar to live in are Pakistan, Denmark, Iceland, Israel, Malaysia, Burma, Brazil, Argentina.

In eastern countries, the Boar is considered the master of the court, it is a symbol of pleasure, naivety and passion. It is difficult to recognize whether he is a noble boar or just a piggy bank. The Boar combines promiscuity and ferocity. This is a combination of dark and light beginnings, which often alternate. Before him, you involuntarily feel unarmed and helpless. His presence excites, and wealth delights. The boar is elusive and wild, often he is alone. These animals feed on acorns and trample the fields, they can also be lustful pigs who are used to living in a warm barn.

Pigs are white and black, there are many legends about them. Everywhere the Boar is a loner. In the myths of the druids, it denotes spiritual strength. Hunting for him is dangerous and fraught with mortal risk, because the hunter pursues, as it were, the embodiment of the spirit.

In Christian myths, the Boar has gained notoriety, as it is often depicted as a demon overcome by lust. Such Boars ravage fields and destroy orchards. But in China, the Boar represents courage, prosperity and nobility.

Among the Celtic peoples, the Boar played a very important role. The Celts are avid hunters, they hunted mainly wild boars. In their mythology, the Boar also occupied a prominent place. Their people, who were evicted to the islands, brought up seven piglets. They were killed every evening and eaten, and in the morning they came to life again. These piglets were messengers from another world.

It is better for a boar not to be born on New Year's Eve, otherwise it will simply be eaten for a holiday. It is better if the Boar's birthday does not coincide with traditional holidays, only in this case they can be happy. Their childhood always proceeds peacefully under the protection of parents and patrons. Adolescence is usually associated with a lot of emotional problems. The first part of their life is relatively calm, but various problems await them in the second. By nature, the Boars are too secretive and therefore will never ask for help, but will try to eliminate all the troubles themselves. In fact, no one suspects what kind of hell they live in.

Maturity brings with it family difficulties, and therefore stable feelings should be achieved. But if this stability is achieved, by old age the Boars become fully prosperous.


Boars are peaceful and good-natured people who want nothing more than a quiet life. Therefore, they can often be brought to hermitage. They are materialistic and love the beautiful life. In Chinese astrology, the Boar represents honesty, it is the most conscientious sign. They are born into the world already endowed with a mass of emotions and always lag behind fashion. They are great altruists, endowed with tolerance, constantly thinking about harmony. They are optimistic and very confident in human virtue.

Boars are gallant gentlemen. They try to be correct and sincere under any circumstances. Of course, Boars can also be predators. When they notice an easy prey for themselves, they boldly pounce on it and devour it with an enviable appetite. But still they are very naive and gullible. Boars are frank and sometimes simpletons, which often borders on stupidity in our understanding. They are trusting because they are used to seeing the best side of a person. And no one can see the flaws better than them. They always live in a different world, which they are used to supporting and protecting.

Boars are endowed with the rarest virtue - they are able to live in our vile world, showing sympathy and never drawing categorical conclusions. Boars are not capable of judging, they are opponents of disputes and conflicts. These people always compromise. Perhaps that is why they are considered weak, but they do not care. Boars always believe in the existence of the best, and they are right. Although sometimes their extreme tolerance leads to delusion. Boars are able to give shelter even to a criminal, being champions of justice. This makes them fanatics, in such moments they are very dangerous. But at the same time they have a good heart.

Boars are made to do good. They give the impression of stable and calm people. They feel the position of others well and quickly adapt to the environment. Boars are very sociable and love noisy companies, but they cannot stand showing off. In society, they are accustomed to remain silent for fear of making a mistake. Boars do not know how to accurately express their thoughts, but in individual conversations they chat cheerfully about everything.

The Boar, like the Monkey, is very eager for knowledge. He reads a lot, but usually erratically. Boars give the impression of a great mind, but their knowledge is rather superficial. One Japanese proverb says that the Boar is very wide in front and narrow in the back. Sometimes they scatter and do several things at the same time. This does not allow them to delve into the essence of the problem and deal with one idea. They are very stubborn and hard to lift, but if they make a decision, nothing will stop them. Boars try not to take the initiative and always count on the help of people. As a rule, no one refuses to help them, because they believe that the Boars themselves cannot carry out the intended work. But this is just a common misconception. Having received proper help, Boars calmly continue what they started.

The boar is easy to deceive, but he is completely calm about this. True, it also happens that he is a victim of his own courtesy. Other Boars, over time, become distrustful and suspicious, which saves them from other people's snares. In fact, their weaknesses are fraught with a huge power of resistance, and the Chinese sages consider the Boar one of the most cunning animals, able to defeat even the Snake.

These peaceful and sensitive creatures are good friends, they wish well and want to be useful. But they are defenseless against malice and hypocrisy. Once they make a mistake, they learn a lesson for life. Be careful, these wild animals in anger can destroy everything in their path! However, they can be trusted and they will never leave you.

Boars have a pleasant character, because they hate disputes, always give in and change their minds at the right time, just so as not to enter into conflict. This is a big exception when Boars start arguing. Perhaps that is why, among all the signs, the Boar most often loses court cases. Often the impulsiveness and honesty of these people turns against them.


Boars are not overly ambitious. Nothing can disturb their sleep. Prosperity is simply necessary for them to feel independent and comfortable. They strive to excel in what they really care about. It cannot be said that they are always lucky, as they sometimes choose the wrong profession, attracting with external brilliance, which can lead to a dead end.

Boars do not like large crowds of people, they are not made for competition. These people are too loyal and cannot make a deal with their own conscience. They are too proud and do not know how to flatter. They can also be accused of laziness, because they do not like to overwork. Boars need time to learn not to tremble for their own skin. They hate fighting and can dignifiedly give up their privileges. In anger, wrestling qualities wake up in them, which incinerate the enemy.

Failures do not bother the Pig, they treat them quite philosophically. But if the Boars fail to gain a foothold in their own profession, they will regret the lost time all their lives. Boars always need a person to push them. One more thing. Never in their lives will they sacrifice personal well-being for the sake of a professional career.

Boars can work in all areas where conscience and hard work are needed, only in this case they can get rich. Of course, they can come to art and literature, but they can just as well fail. One of the worst traits is choosing the hardest path. Until the end of their lives, they are helped by others, thanks to which they can achieve perfection.

They make excellent doctors, scientists, architects, directors, writers, poets, artists, music lovers, businessmen, judges, arbitrators, confessors.


Boars love to live. They adore flowers and know how to grow fruits in the most unfavorable soil. This is their unique dignity. Boars tend to idealize everything, they live in their reality and sing the joy of life and feelings. Therefore, they are very gentle lovers and delightful partners.

From an early age, Boars have a weakness for love pleasures. They are very sensitive, at first glance seem strange and have a vivid imagination. They experiment endlessly, fulfilling their desires, which constantly haunt them. Yes, and it takes a little to arouse a new passion in them. In love, Boars do not know how to dissemble, use cunning, they know how to talk with a partner. For them, there is no vicious relationship, and love is something ideal. As you can see, this is a pretty healthy philosophy, and it brings a lot of success to the Boar.

Women of this sign enter into life with a good sensual appetite, but suffer from a penchant for excess. They are distinguished by perseverance, apparently caused by greed. Of course, Boars are faithful, but too lustful. They can encroach on someone else's marriage union, while having a lot of fans and applicants. Having allowed such an offense, they begin to build a life together, sharing everything with a partner - both joy and sorrow.

When their union suits, they always behave calmly, emotionally and are attached to a partner.


When the Boar finds a pleasant corner, he feels calm and lives in harmony and prosperity. Everyone knows that they adore luxury. They are used to looking content, even if they don't have much wealth. The thought of divorce always leads to Panic, as the Boars are very loyal and are not used to breaking this word. Many become moralists and conservatives after marriage, and a breakup is a real grief for them.

They make wonderful parents who take too good care of their children. They are obsessed with the welfare of their offspring. They always insist on respect for principles. Boars instill high morality in children, but do not interfere with free development. In education, they use both affection and severity. The only drawback is too trusting relationship with children. Such children are very hard to break away from their parental blood. Oxen, Tigers, Dragons, Horses are too independent and love adventure, so they create a lot of trouble for their parents-Pigs. They make them anxious and nervous. The indifference and swagger of the Hare and the Sheep amaze the parents, but all the same, the Boars are able to provide protection for these children. Rats, Roosters and Monkeys quickly adapt to their Boar parents and love and understanding arise between them. Children-Dogs of these parents calm down. Snake children are not too disposed towards their caring parents and abuse their love.


Boars are full of contradictions and are used to fighting with themselves. They burn with passion for their chosen one and oppose this passion with their strong and restrained character.

There is no stronger sexual sign. Boars are able to be cold-blooded, like good artists, and, reaching their goal, they completely win the partner's heart. They take sex very seriously and their passion for life exists regardless of their partner. Even having won the hearts of their fans, they cannot penetrate the secret depths of their hidden feelings. Their enveloping tenderness is designed to meet the needs of their body. And no one can resist their charm.

Having met an attractive partner, Boars always know how to tear them away from reality. These people are accustomed to brilliant escorts wherever they go and love to travel first class with a smile on their lips. Their purely emotional nature can become very dangerous when angry. They become devastating enemies. For a lover, they retain all their adoration, but, having learned about the betrayal, they immediately part. Boars can't stand weakness.

They are always the first to start talking about sex and sometimes move on to too frank topics. They love big beds and experiments. Regardless of the knowledge of the sexual partner, they are so skillful that they still know how to surprise. Their behavior is entirely subordinated to instincts. If someone interests them, they pursue their prey decisively and persistently. They accumulate a lot of experience in sexual intercourse and know no limits in achieving their goals.


Boars bribe with sincerity. When they are in love, they talk about it openly. And, as a rule, everyone appreciates their sincerity. They expect a partner to share their passions with them and respect their feelings. Boars do not tolerate aggressors.

To keep their loved ones, they are ready to get the stars from the sky. They are not prone to cheating, but if a partner cannot satisfy their sexuality, they can find joy on the side. Boars know how to keep their obligations and protect the family from divorce.

If there is a need to make a gift, it is not necessary to look for rarities, a small trinket is enough - it will certainly please the Boar. After all, attention is so important to them, and they are very glad that they are remembered. To seduce them, it is enough to invite them to a country walk, and best of all, to a villa. And in no case should we forget about the picnic.

If there is nothing to talk about with the Boar and it is time to leave, organize a noisy party at home. Try to be in the company all the time. Pay less attention to the Boar, and when it comes to bed, say that you are very tired.


As we have already noted, Boars love home comforts, nature and long walks. Of course, it is best for them to live in a country villa or by the sea. They adore blooming gardens and houses remote from civilization. Boars love a quiet life. If they do not have the opportunity to live in the village, then they always find friends outside the city. On their weekends, they leave the noisy city to breathe a sigh of relief in the vast expanses.

Wild boars languish in a closed space, modern cages lead them to nervous depression. They are born for forests and spacious rooms. They like to pay attention to their own home, they constantly improve it with something. Boars can do a lot with their hands, from electrical wiring to complex carpentry work. Boars are real virtuosos, so they are often invited to help.

These people love to decorate their life with various elegant things that delight the eye. Women - Boars are always reasonable and cannot stand mess, they are excellent housewives and know how to meet guests.


Fred Astor, Oliver Cromwell, Dalai Lama, Ralph Waldow Emerson, Alfred Hitchcock, Saddam Hussein, Elton John, Carl Jung, Henry Kissinger, John Mackenroe, Ronald Reagan, John Rockefeller, Steven Spielberg, Max Rothschild, George Rockefeller, Gerald Ford, Albert Schweitzer, Blaise Pascal, Georges Pompidou, Otto von Bismarck, Françoise Sagan, Hector Berlioz, Paul Cezanne, Vladimir Nabokov, Bernard Law Montgomery, Herve Bazin, Mark Bernes, Rasul Gamzatov, Todor Zhivkov, Melvin Calvin, Marcel Marceau, Albert Osborne, Boris Pokrovsky, Arkady Raikin, Mikhail Tal, Lavrenty Beria, Joseph Balsamo Cagliostro, Alain Delon, John Ellington, Thomas Mann, Jean Paul Marat, Prosper Mérimée, Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel, Van Dyck, Velasquez.


Boar and Boar

This is a very favorable union. They know how to be condescending to the weaknesses of a partner, and they have the basis for building this union. It is very good if they have interests in work, this will further strengthen the union, otherwise there is a danger of parting. Misunderstanding can overshadow their life and end with terrible scenes. Such Boars will find a reason to argue. As a rule, the stumbling block is in the upbringing of children. While the parents are ranting, the offspring are in danger of growing up. These people love to be at the family hearth and do not tolerate change. The life of these people is impossible without work. So that there are no mutual insults and reproaches, it is better for both partners to work.

Boar and Rat

Both are passionate and sexual creatures, they are brought together by the desire for pleasure. Perhaps this is the only thing that unites them. And they do not regret it, experiencing wonderful moments together. True, sometimes the Rat is annoyed by the naivety of the Pig, especially in business and family matters. But if the Rat is overwhelmed by passions, she always admires the attention and tenderness of the Pig. For his sake, she is ready to go into the fire and; .: an ode, trying to stir up and encourage her clumsy pet. She can teach him a lot, especially the ability to manage money.

Boar and Ox

The boar wants to be the most cunning, but in reality he can only shine with frivolity. Therefore, the Ox must always be on the alert. They really like each other and especially appreciate honesty in a partner. The boar always acts as a fighter, and the Ox is distinguished by exceptional peacefulness, this is their strength. But this union is not without controversy, because the Boar is a glutton by nature, and the Ox cannot Allow such waste. They are pleased with different things - one is content with little, while the other desires abundance. The Ox is an excellent economist, and the Boar is wasteful and cannot live without comfort, which causes mutual reproaches. But on this, one might say, their disagreements end, since the Boar has a well-developed sense of proportion. And if he feels that he is tired of Ox, he will instantly shut up.

Boar and Tiger

These signs are united by their loyalty. They know how to make friends and love, their nights are full of passion. They know what honor is. The tiger is much more cunning than the Boar and helps him defend himself. He instills in the Boar the ability to find weaknesses in the enemy's defense and thus adapts him to life. Both respect each other's freedom, show tolerance and trust, which is the basis of their union. From time to time, the Tiger infuriates a partner, but not out of malice, but rather out of curiosity. In business, things are great, they complement each other.

Boar and Hare

This is the best union of all combinations. They respect each other, as they value positive qualities, which they have more than enough. Sometimes the Pig wants to be alone, and the Hare will not take it as a tragedy, he knows how to adapt and is used to pleasing his partner. The Hare uses all his free time for home improvement. Both will try to avoid everything that can interfere with family well-being. In intimate life, the Hare will help the Boar to avoid rash acts. They will prevent them in time. But in any union, disadvantages are not ruled out. The Boar is sensual, sometimes even too much, and the Hare is chaste and even in the most passionate situations he is not. throws off the veil of modesty, which can make the Boar laugh, and the Hare will not understand the reason for the laughter.

Boar and Dragon

For the Dragon, this alliance is very favorable, but not quite for the Boar. In this combination, the Boar falls into a trap, because the Dragon will instantly turn his head. The boar will be occupied only by the Dragon all his free time, and he will no longer have time for himself. His admiration for a brilliant partner will instill energy in him, he will become more liberated and begin independent exits into society. This Dragon will not offend at all, and he will not forget to give wise advice to his partner. The Boar will gratefully accept the words of the Dragon, because his advice is always valuable.

Boar and snake

With this union, some paradoxes are observed. Besotted by the Snake, the Boar instantly falls in love with her - and makes a big mistake. Because the Snake will fool him, like the rest. Honesty is not her quality. The snake is even annoyed by the natural honesty of the Boar. She considers him incredibly stupid and naively gullible. Perhaps there is some truth in her opinion, because the Boar very easily goes to all agreements. Despite these difficulties, feelings can hold them together, even though they are even expressed in different ways. But there is a danger that soon the Snake will want to eat the Boar. This is unlikely to succeed, because the Boar has a very fast reaction.

It is easy for the boar to free himself from the death grip of the Snake, because he knows how to resist it. Of course, this fight will cost teeth. The snake should not think that it is a simpleton in front of it. Otherwise, unpleasant surprises await her.

Boar and Horse

Both signs are honest and love an easy and pleasant life. The Boar is too naive and does not see anything selfish in the actions of the Horse, but you cannot rely only on the sleeping Boar. When he is wounded, he defends himself to the last. Therefore, the Pig chooses a different tactic: he philosophically and patiently copes with his interesting partner. Both are sensual and inventive. The Horse likes the Boar, and she tries to stay near him, but this union will not do without friction, because the Horse needs walks alone, and the Boar will not want to understand this. In addition, the Horse is a born egoist and loves everything to belong only to her. If the Boar shows his independence and innocence, the Horse will instantly become jealous. In this regard, it is very difficult for them to adapt to each other.

Boar and Sheep

This union is very favorable for both signs. The Boar represents luxury and generosity, and the Sheep cannot resist luxury and generosity. But there is an obstacle: A sheep cannot be locked in a golden cage, it must remain free. The boar is quite satisfied with these conditions, he allows the Sheep to roam wherever she wants.

The sheep will be able to bring diversity and aesthetics to the life of the Boar and turn a tastelessly luxurious home into a gallery of elite art. They live peacefully in their idyllic world and give in to each other. Both do not tolerate conflicts and are happy to satisfy the whims of a partner. But the Sheep should not abuse the attention of the Boar, because from soft and courteous he can turn into a harsh and impregnable, it is possible - aggressive. As always, he will have the last word.

Boar and Rooster

An overly calm and thick-skinned Boar will not pay attention to the teasing and pricks of the Rooster. Boars know how to appreciate the kindness and nobility of the Rooster, which he does not particularly boast about. The boar knows how to curb the aggressiveness of his motley friend and calms him down in time. For its part, the Rooster will never humiliate the Boar and will not dishonestly exploit him. These people get along well together and establish excellent companionship based on mutual understanding and talkativeness. Their union is more intellectual than based on passion and love. At the slightest danger, they always rush to help each other. In their house there is always a strict order that cannot be destroyed even by outside interference.

Boar and Dog

Between these people immediately there is a complete mutual understanding. Both benefit from the union. The Boar will be able to teach the Dog his carelessness and optimism, which she so lacks. Both partners are generous and honest, able to sympathize and respect each other. They know how to maintain a good microclimate in the family and constantly strengthen their union. They know what true love and a good life are, and there is simply no place for the rest.

A pacified Dog will be happy and calm, because it is so interesting for her to listen to the Boar and listen to his useful advice. She is absolutely not embarrassed by the awkwardness and slowness of the Boar, but sometimes the Dog shows excessive suspicion. However, at the right moment, she boldly rushes to the defense of her beloved. True, sometimes the Pig is annoyed by the excessive care of a restless girlfriend. But with the Boar, the Dog will not be lonely and she will finally be able to relax.

Pig (Boar) - the twelfth sign of the 12-year cycle of the eastern, or Chinese animal calendar. It is associated with yin and yang energy. Its element is "water". The corresponding zodiac sign is Pisces.

The pig symbolizes:
honesty, directness, thoughtfulness, purposefulness, peacefulness, sociability, sensitivitynaivety, slowness, categoricalness, idleness, superficiality

Table of the years of the Pig (Boar)

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Pig

The characteristic of the Pig gives a general idea of ​​​​the sign, introduces its positive and negative qualities. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better, to understand the features of building their personal relationships and careers.


Positive. Honesty and directness are the basis of the character of the Pig. Her calm, balanced disposition and reasonable approach to everything attract others. She performs well both at work and at home.

Main positive character traits:

  • honesty: The pig is not looking for workarounds and cunning tricks, so you can always rely on it; he achieves everything in life with his work; it is always a pleasure to deal with her in business, as she never "stabs in the back";
  • directness: her “yes” means “yes”, and “no” means “no”, and the Pig expects the same from others; at the same time, she does not cross the line and knows how to keep a balance between directness and sharpness;
  • thoughtfulness: The pig first thinks, then acts; she successfully applies this approach in all spheres of life and achieves a lot with his help, especially at work;
  • purposefulness: after the Pig makes a decision, she does not stop at anything and goes to the end; this quality allows her to always bring what she started to its logical conclusion and receive well-deserved laurels;
  • peacefulness: does not tolerate conflicts; often acts in quarrels as a peacemaker; knows how to forgive others for their shortcomings; in unpleasant situations, he always acts wiser than everyone else; peacefulness and sociability make the Pig a great friend.

Negative. The Pig has few faults. Most of them are the reverse side of its virtues. With sufficient support from loved ones, she can easily cope with her negative qualities. It is better for her to always consult with others and not make decisions on her own.

Negative character traits:

  • naivete: The pig is honest and expects the same from others; therefore it is easy to deceive; she often becomes a victim of scammers;
  • slowness: never makes hasty decisions; prefers to think everything over and only then acts; therefore, matters are not resolved immediately, but after the development of a clear “action plan”;
  • categorical: The pig is principled; it divides the world into "black" and "white", "good" and "evil"; therefore, she has no half measures, she always thinks and acts directly and categorically;
  • idleness: loves entertainment and a merry life; can easily become addicted to bad habits - alcohol, smoking; she likes to spend money, so even with a lot of money she can “lower” it “under zero”;
  • superficiality: The pig often takes on a lot of things; she strives for knowledge, while she lacks orderliness; although she seems to be knowledgeable in many areas, in reality she may turn out to be an amateur.

Love and relationships

The pig chooses a life partner similar to her in character. He surrounds his chosen one with care and well-being, tries to please him in everything. However, if the passion of the Pig remains unsatisfied, then after a while she seeks pleasure on the side.

Able to do everything for the family, even give up a dizzying career. He loves children and spends a lot of time with them.

Career and profession

The Pig has a huge working potential. She is energetic and always finishes what she starts. At the same time, he never takes up a case without considering all the nuances. She has few “punctures” and problems in her work. For this, she is appreciated by her superiors.

The pig easily climbs the career ladder. She is lucky in financial matters. She often receives bonuses and highly paid positions. He achieves everything with his own work and never "goes over the heads."

recommended professions. The pig, with its honesty, desire for justice and peacefulness, is suitable for professions in the field of working with people, as well as creative professions, where its sensitivity is used. She successfully works as an actor, artist, writer, doctor, social worker.

This is the twelfth sign of the Chinese horoscope.

The hieroglyph "boar" - "zhu" - is ambiguous: they designate both a wild, dangerous forest boar, which was considered a symbol of vitality, courage and power, and a domestic pig, which has long been revered as a symbol of well-being, good luck and lust. If the Boar manages to overcome earthly temptations, he can fulfill all his desires, since fate favors him and is always ready to helpfully open any doors for his pet. Years corresponding to the year of the Boar in the Eastern horoscope: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031.

The nature of people born in the year of the Boar

The boar is one of the most honest and unsophisticated animals of the Chinese horoscope. He is valued and loved for his faith in people, patience and reliability. The boar is smart, insightful, patient and persistent - it is not surprising that those born under this sign are considered lucky: the stars prophesy their career take-off, a strong family and the love of others. This sign bizarrely combines a rather tough, greedy mind, logic and cordiality. Regardless of the level of education, all those born under this sign are characterized by vitality and natural ingenuity. Where a representative of any other sign of the Chinese horoscope will only dig a garden, the Boar, with its inherent confidence, will dig an oil well. The main thing is to start digging. Those born in the year of the Boar are hedonists: they like to enjoy delicious food, good music, pleasant company - these people love life like no one else. Even in a hopeless situation, they brush aside: "Let's break through!" - And indeed, they break through, rising from the ashes like a Phoenix. They like beautiful people and things, although Boars wisely prioritize content. Representatives of this sign travel with interest, learn new things, love to learn and have fun. The main thing for them is not to forget to take care of themselves. Unfortunately, Boars tend to be overweight. The word that most capaciously describes the character of the Boar is solidity. The boar clearly knows what he wants, and, having outlined goals, confidently goes towards their implementation, not succumbing to tricks, persuasion and provocations. All that the Pig needs is to understand their desires, aspirations and make a choice. Regardless of whether this choice is correct or not, actions aimed at its implementation will make the Boar happy and sooner or later lead him to where the Boar was supposed to go.

People born in the year of the Pig: compatibility in love

Boars are idealists and romantics. They believe in love, they are ready to wait for it for years - and often their expectation is justified. It is almost impossible to meet a Boar who has entered into a marriage of convenience: falsehood is contrary to their honest and open nature. From a partner, the Pig expects fidelity, feelings and support. A boar can be incredibly jealous if he feels lies, omissions and understatement on the part of a partner. However, most likely, he will tactfully keep silent about his feelings, not wanting to hurt his loved one with his suspicions and will be tormented in silence, in splendid isolation. If the Boar convicts a partner of treason, then he himself can indulge in all serious - solely for the sake of revenge and jealousy. In their youth, Pigs are characterized by a slight Don Juanism, but age brings them maturity of feelings and stability. This Sign is incredibly sexy and attractive: Boars are distinguished by special, "earthly" charisma and sensuality. It is impossible to forget them: having once “tasted” true love, devotion and the power of feelings, it is very difficult to refuse them. In love, the Boar is compatible with, and other Boars.

People born in the year of the Pig: compatibility in friendship

The boar is a great friend. This is the type of friends who will fly to help from the opposite end of the globe if you really need their help. The boar will delicately bypass sharp corners and issues on which you and he have diametrically opposed opinions, so as not to offend you inadvertently. He can say that he has changed his view of the work of your favorite group (do not believe it: the Boar, who has decided something for himself, is extremely stubborn in his opinion), and your favorite Chinese vase in a hi-tech interior looks very good ... The boar is smart, has a good sense of humor, generous, pleasant in communication, loves companies and parties. However, he has few real friends. Perhaps the reason is that the representatives of this Sign do not tolerate halftones: give them either black or white, and intrigues, friendship on two fronts and gossip behind their backs are not for them. The boar trusts people and is ready to meet them halfway. He judges others by himself and does not imagine that perhaps this person smiling at him is up to some meanness. The boar is patient, calm and ready to turn a blind eye to many things, so rogues and flatterers can easily circle it around their fingers. It's amazing how quick-witted and insightful at work, the Pig can be trusting and naive in love and friendship. The boar is easy to deceive and betray, but this can only be done once: he will not forgive. And if the offense is heavy, the Pig will definitely take revenge. Revenge can be cruel - just remember an angry boar that rushes at the offender, sweeping away everything in its path, not paying attention to pain and wounds. In friendship, the Boar is best suited, and the other Boar.

People born in the year of the Pig: work compatibility

The most suitable professional areas for the Boar are business, manufacturing and trade. The Boar loves his work, giving it a lot of time and effort, therefore among the Boars there are often large and medium-sized businessmen who once started their business from scratch. Business partners respect them for their honesty and reliability, while subordinates respect them for the stability of payments and dedication to their work.

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