Test for assessing personal qualities "Psychological personality profile" T.A. Ratanova, N.F. Shlyakhta

The method of differentiation of stimulus-objects by N.I. according to the criteria. Each deck consists of 32 cards. The classification time is fixed using a manual stopwatch and is an indicator of the speed of differentiation of the corresponding objects. In total, four types of classification tasks were compiled.

1. Sensory differentiation of lines and colors.

2. Perceptual differentiations of figures.

3. Establishing the identity or difference between the pairs on each card of figures or letters.

4. Semantic differentiation of words according to their categorical meanings.

For each type of tasks, two tasks were compiled: one is easier (simple differentiations), the other is more difficult (complex differentiations). In total, 14 tasks are used (and 14 decks of cards).

Sensory differentiation.

1. Simple image differentiation of horizontal and vertical lines.

2. Complex differentiation: differentiation of images of vertical and oblique lines (slope 8°).

3. Differentiation of images of squares (with a side of 20 mm), red and green (simple differentiation).

4. Differentiation of the same squares, but painted in colors closer in color - red and orange (complex differentiation).

Perceptual differentiation.

5. Simple differentiation of images of a right-angled triangle with sides (legs) of 20 mm and a rectangle (40x5 mm).

6. Complex differentiation: differentiation of images of a square with a side of 20 mm and a rectangle (22x18 mm).

Establishing the identity and difference of objects.

7. Establishing the identity or difference in shape of two geometric shapes, colorless and the same size (simple task).

8. The same classification in terms of figures of different colors and sizes. Here the figures are identical in shape, different in one or two irrelevant features (color and size). And the figures are different in shape, on the contrary, they are the same in one or two irrelevant features (difficult task).

9. Classification of cards with written letters, identical or different in spelling. All letters are capital and the same size (AA, AB, BB, BA).

10. A more complex classification of cards with pairs of letters that are identical or different in their semantic meaning. Uppercase and lowercase letters are used (Aa, 6A, ba, aB, 6B, etc.); there is a conflict between the identity of letters in their criterion property of meaning and differences in the irrelevant property of spelling.

Tasks 9 and 10 represent Posner's methodology, widely used by Western cognitive psychology in research into the nature of intelligence.

Semantic differentiations.

11. Differentiation of words that are far from each other in meaning:

12. Differentiation of words that are similar in meaning to each other, denoting "dishes", and words that do not belong to this category, but are situationally close to the meaning of the words of the first group. For example, dining room, coffee, napkin, dinner, etc. (complex differentiation).

13. Classification of cards with words denoting features of appearance (fat, tall, etc.) and character traits, i.e. internal psychological features (sensitive, soft-hearted, malicious, etc.) and which are far from each other in semantic meaning (simple differentiation).

14. A more complex classification of words denoting moral (stingy, decent, modest, etc.) and mental (wise, erudite, inquisitive, etc.), human properties; these words are close in semantic meaning, denoting the personal characteristics of people (complex, subtle differentiation).

Tasks 13 and 14 related to semantic differentiations made up a separate type called "personal characteristics".

All tasks are completed 3-4 times. When processing the results of the task, each subject separately determines the time of the first sorting of cards and the average time of two or three subsequent trials, and also calculates four total indicators: 1) the average time of all simple differentiations in the first trials; 2) the average time of all simple differentiations, excluding the first trial; 3) the average time of all complex differentiations in the first trials; 4) the average time of all complex differentiations, excluding the first trial.

1. Ratanova T.A. Psychophysiological features of the intellectual development of older adolescents //Psychol. magazine. 1999. V. 20. No. 2. - S. 93.

2. Chuprikova N.I., Ratanova T.A. Relationship between indicators of intelligence and cognitive differentiation in younger schoolchildren // Questions of psychology. 1995. No. 3. -S. 104-114.

3. Chuprikov N.I., Ratanova T.A., Lokalova N.P. The speed of signal differentiation and the dismemberment of motor images in schoolchildren with different academic performance // Questions of Psychology. 1991. No. 4.-S. 159-169.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

higher education

"Tyumen State University"

Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy

Practical work in the discipline: Training workshop for professional and personal growth and interaction


Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Brook Zh.Yu.

Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of Childhood

Completed: 1st year student gr. 29 PO 1710 s / 2 Ivanova Yu.S.

Tyumen, 2018

1. Test-questionnaire of self-attitude. V.V. Stolin, S.R. Panteleev…………. 3
2. Test "Readiness for self-development" T.A. Ratanova, N.F. Gentry……..... 5
3. Test for assessing personal qualities "Psychological personality profile" T.A. Ratanova, N.F. Shlyakhta……………………………………..... 6
4. Essay "Personal growth"…………………………………………………... 8
5.Psychological content of the phenomenon of "reflexivity" and "reflection"……………………………………………………………………….... 10
6.Methodology for determining the level of reflexivity. A.V. Karpov, V.V. Ponomarev……………………………………………………………………. 12
7. Determination of the level of formation of professional pedagogical reflection. HER. Rukavishnikov…………………………… 14
8. Test “Analysis of your strengths and professional limitations” (M. Woodcock and D. Francis)……………………………………….. 15
9. Test “Motivation of professional activity” (method of K. Zamfir modified by A.A. Rean)…………………………………………… 17
10. List of used literature…………………………………….. 18

Test-questionnaire of self-attitude. V.V. Stolin, S.R. Panteleev

Purpose: to identify three levels of self-attitude, differing in the degree of generalization:

1. global self-relationship;

2. self-attitude, differentiated by self-esteem, autism, self-interest and self-relationship expectations;

3. the level of specific actions (readiness for them) in relation to one's "I".

Working process:

Scale "Raw Score" Cumulative Frequencies (in %)
S scale (integral) 13 55,33
Self-Esteem Scale (I) 9 71,33
Autosympathy scale (II) 4 21,67
Scale of expected attitude from others (III) 9 39,67
Self Interest Scale (IV) 4 29,00
Confidence Scale (1) 4 49,67
Other Attitude Scale (2) 6 51,33
Self-acceptance scale (3) 3 34,33
Self-consistency (self-guidance) scale (4) 7 100
Self Blame Scale (5) 7 96,67
Self Interest Scale (6) 4 34,33
Self Understanding Scale (7) 2 43,33
Average score:

Chart based on the results of the test - questionnaire (raw score)

Graph according to the results of the test - self-attitude questionnaire (accumulated frequencies)

Analysis of the results obtained: After passing the test - a self-attitude questionnaire by V.V. Stolin, S.R. Panteleev, designed to study the three main characteristics of self-attitude, my result is within the average statistical norm, which means that I adequately perceive myself and correctly evaluate my behavior. These results show that I am able to evaluate myself, my capabilities and abilities, thus this can help me get rid of my shortcomings and become a spurring factor on the path to self-development. The result can be explained by the fact that, choosing any occupation, I focus on my strengths and capabilities; I do not deny my positive qualities and work on the negative ones. The result was unexpected, because initially I thought that an underestimated level of self-esteem would come to light. For myself, I would recommend becoming more determined, believing in yourself to achieve your aspirations. Inwardly say to yourself "I CAN", and not about the question "can I do this?".

Test "Readiness for self-development" T.A. Ratanova, N.F. nobility

Purpose: the test contributes to the determination of readiness for self-development, readiness to change, to know oneself, has an impact on the formation and development of personal qualities and personality as a whole. Working process:

5 4

Reflection: "Hit" in square B - "I want to know myself" and "I can change." Based on the results obtained, the most favorable combination for further personal development can be noted. The desire to know oneself more and more deeply is combined with the need for real self-improvement. I want to know more about myself, but I don't have cultivation skills yet. As in the previous work, I can similarly recommend myself to believe in yourself and in your abilities, because. difficulties should not cause the reaction “I can’t, then I won’t do it.”

Test for assessing personal qualities "Psychological personality profile" T.A. Ratanova, N.F. Shlyakhta

Purpose: a test with which you can assess the severity of certain personal qualities, as well as get your personal profile. Working process:

Reflection: After analyzing the results obtained, we can say that such a quality as exactingness is the most pronounced of all. Demanding is a high level of expectations from oneself and others. Whoever wants to achieve a lot must set high standards (Johann Wfgang von Goethe). However, it must be adequate. Strong personalities, eager for personal growth, look for exactingness and treat it with gratitude. After all, a high bar of expectations encourages interest in growth and development, while the weak are looking for an opportunity to evade, maybe because of inattention, or maybe because of fear and indecision to speak about their requirements. Recommendations: exactingness to others should begin with oneself; it must be appropriate and reasonable. The resulting personality profiles clearly showed that it is necessary to improve and develop such qualities as ease, activity and optimism. The development of optimism will provide me with a cheerful outlook, faith in my strengths and capabilities, because This is the quality of a mature personality focused on overcoming problems. The development of such a quality as ease will provide me with free movement without any tension, communicate with people around me and free me from insecurity.








MGOPU Editorial and Publishing Center

BBK 88. I 73

P 86
Human psychology: Textbook for students of all specialties of pedagogical universities // I.A. Domashenko, T.A. Ratanov. - M., MGOPU. ANOO NOU, 1999. - 272 p.


Academic Council of the Moscow State Open

Pedagogical University

"Educational and methodological support of distance learning"
Scientific supervisors of the project

O.G. Kruglov, V.I. Ovsyannikov

The project is designed for students studying on the job, including distance learning. The textbook can also be used by students of all forms of education.

Recommended by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education

Russian Federation as a textbook for students

all specialties of pedagogical universities.

ISBN 5-8288-0274-7
© Domashenko I.A., Ratanova TA 1999

© Moscow State Open

Pedagogical University, 1999

©ANOO, NOU, 1999


Psychology is becoming the basis of scientific modernity, and the areas of its practical application are multiplying.

According to the classification (B.M. Kedrov, 1981), psychology occupies a central place in the system of sciences. Her fundamental knowledge, as well as the knowledge gained in biology, social and other sciences, is used by pedagogy to solve the problems of education and upbringing.

Psychology is ahead of pedagogy, blazing new trails for it, providing a broad search for new things in the matter of education and upbringing. Among the disciplines on which pedagogy relies, psychological science occupies a special place. More K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that in terms of significance for pedagogy, psychology ranks first among all sciences, because. in order to teach and educate, one must know the psyche of the trainees and educators. Not a single problem of pedagogy can be solved without relying on psychological knowledge. The goals and content of education, methods and means of training, optimization of educational activities, individualization and differentiation of training, education of a creative personality, the specifics of pedagogical work - everywhere the psychological aspect is decisive.

Psychology acquires especially great importance in the light of the reform of the education system, in the course of which new technologies of developmental education and personality formation arise. The modern holistic approach, which allows more effective implementation of the process of teaching various disciplines at school and educating students, strengthens the role of psychology as a science in the training of a new generation of teachers and requires an increase in the psychological preparation of future teachers in pedagogical universities.

Under these conditions, the importance of general human psychology increases, which precedes the study of other psychological disciplines: developmental, pedagogical, social psychology, and special courses in psychology.

Human psychology in this regard is a kind of introduction to the system of psychological sciences. It takes upon itself the solution of specific tasks of theoretical and practical preparation of a student of a pedagogical university for his professional activity, arming him with the necessary knowledge, primarily about the psychology of personality, the main components of its structure, individual characteristics (temperament, character, abilities and their biological foundations), its activities. , communication, about the methods of its study, about the patterns of basic mental processes, etc. Without this knowledge, it is impossible to master other psychological sciences and successfully form a professional teacher who is able to manage the mental development, educational and work activities of students, and their upbringing.

To this end, standards have been introduced in psychology, new curricula and programs have been developed in all psychological disciplines, including general human psychology, and the importance of pedagogical practice has been strengthened.

This textbook is focused not only on a more complete and in-depth consideration of the main theoretical provisions of general psychology, but also on solving the problems of practical training of students to work with children. The textbook is compiled taking into account modern requirements, based on classical and latest psychological research. It retains the most well-established generally accepted topics and sections of the course, the significance of which over the years has been confirmed by the practice of teaching psychology in pedagogical institutes. However, the textbook differs significantly from others. It includes a number of new topics ("Historical outline of the emergence of psychology", "Brain and technology", "Psychology of activity", "Speech", etc.), all other topics have been revised and amended.

The attention of students is drawn to the main scientific schools and individual studies. A large role is given to the development of the basic conceptual apparatus. The pedagogical orientation of the course has been strengthened, aimed at revealing relevant scientific knowledge and its application in solving practical problems.

As a result of studying this psychology course, the future teacher will learn the basics of the inner spiritual world of a person and its characteristics in children. He will master the general culture of intellectual activity, reveal the variety of connections between different aspects of a person's mental life - the emotional-volitional sphere, intellect and behavior.

This course is built taking into account the organic connection between the problems of general, developmental and pedagogical psychology. It is focused on creating in students a holistic view of the subject of psychology, its main categories - a person, personality, activity, communication, states, cognition and features of their development, individual personality traits.

This textbook on human psychology is intended for distance (evening, part-time) forms of education, and can also be used by full-time students in pedagogical universities and pedagogical institutes. Therefore, the authors tried to select the most important material for each topic, necessary and sufficient for students of pedagogical educational institutions - future teachers. In the process of mastering it, students must master the basic concepts and categories, facts and patterns of human psychology. They must learn to apply the acquired knowledge in the practice of training and education on the basis of a scientific approach to their pedagogical activities.

The information provided in the textbook will help to acquire the skills of self-control of the assimilation of knowledge, independent work with scientific pedagogical literature, as well as get acquainted with diagnostic methods of research.

To this end, at the end of each topic of the textbook, lists of references and tasks for independent work are given, which makes it possible to conduct a self-examination of the assimilation of knowledge, using the above methods to measure the individual characteristics of students in different aspects of their psyche. The obtained experimental data can be used when performing tasks during the period of pedagogical practice, when writing control, term papers and theses. All this will help to carry out scientific and practical preparation of students for their professional activities.


Man. Ordinary and scientific psychology. History of scientific psychology. Structuralism and functionalism. Behaviorism. Psychoanalysis. Gestalt psychology. Cognitive psychology. Humanistic psychology. Methods of psychology. Ontology and psychology in human life. Organism, individual, personality, subject. Human activity. Communication. Man as an individual. Gender and age. Temperament. Character. Capabilities. Man as a subject. Desires (will), feelings, reason. Needs, motives, goals. Emotions, moods, affects, passions. Role, status. Position.

Perception, memory, thinking, imagination, attention. Consciousness. The structure of consciousness. Self-awareness. spiritual life of man. Man as a personality and individuality.

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