Interpretation of numbers. Numerology of numbers: the meaning of numbers and key concepts

The magical concept of numbers, date of birth and fate.

From time immemorial, people have constantly endowed numbers with some kind of magical power in this way, they tried with their support to run into the past and into the future, they used them in different methods portents of fate.

Numbers rule the world, our ancestors thought so, convinced that each number has its own cherished meaning, and can influence the fate of a person in a certain way, showing its strength.

Our ancestors, both in antiquity and at present, use the alphabet, which consists of ancient Greek characters.

There is an opinion that our ancestors borrowed the number system from the Egyptian priests. The ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Pythagoras (580-497, respectively, AD) owns the formula: "All things can be represented as a number." Ancestors believed that only numbers carry a secret meaning and only they can encrypt the wisdom of everything in the world, that quantity is a code that is given to us at birth and it is the basis of all visible and invisible phenomena. There are negative numbers that predetermine us to some negative actions, strain us and thereby destroy our destiny. And there are positive ones, which, on the contrary, encourage good actions and deeds and contribute to the ordinary balance of our life. Numbers are the basis of everything, they give certain character traits, and intertwine our destinies.

Numbers, as is commonly believed, are vibrations, the subtlety of our sacred and astral world. Numerology reveals the vibration of numbers and with their help the character of a person, how a person with the greatest benefit for himself can use the information encoded in numbers. The basis of numerology's interest is human life.

The purpose of this science is to help you discover your inner capabilities, find a field of activity in which you can express yourself most fully. Assist and warn a person against frivolous and pre-prepared negative events in his life.

Numerology uses only nine numbers. Zero is not used, as a rule, zero means the end of a certain cycle and the onset of the next period in a person’s life, and as practice indicates, the next cycle goes more high level. There are only exceptions in the so-called Ruling numbers 11 and 22. However, with such numbers, few people have every chance to habitually coexist, they really feel their disposition towards them and hear their call. Numbers illuminate and give information about the main aspects of human life.

Number manipulations such as subtraction and division make their effect less strong, so as a rule, specialists in this field use only addition and multiplication of numbers, so as not to lose their effect. magical power per person.

With the help of numbers, you can delve into the essence of any process, characterize any event or person (country, city) and determine what vibrations they give. With the help of a number, you can understand, as well as choose favorable period for beginnings.

Any date by addition can be reduced to a single number and understand the essence of the event or the character of a person, decipher his fate. With the help of numbers, you can predict the fate of a person, understand his abilities, inclinations, and the level of his future well-being. You can understand whether the city in which he lives, the apartment is suitable for a person, even figure out what the number of his car or phone says. Having calculated the value of the name, you can choose for yourself the name that suits you best, strengthen your best qualities character and bring good luck. You can read more about this in the article:

If we compare numerology with astrology, then these two sciences are very similar. Astrology is a horoscopic comparison, and numerology is comparable to digital values, however, calculation in astrology is also done using numbers.

This article provides calculations and interpretations of certain digital combinations, a characteristic of the owner of a certain numerical value.

Numerology, as a certain kind of discipline, will undoubtedly help and tell you what to do in certain circumstances, will contribute typical solution some tasks, as well as give you the opportunity to reproduce the past and predict the future. It will give you the chance to understand which people you know and which ones you should avoid. With the support of numerical compositions, it is allowed to find your own opportunities, how to better realize yourself in life, increase your own potential.

The secret meaning of the numbers themselves

The meaning of the number 1 in numerology

The owners of this number are ruled by the Sun. These are extremely principled, functional, positive, creative, fearless, strong, intelligent people. However, they are characterized by selfishness, vanity, fear, aggressiveness, impotence, perseverance and inconstancy. They care about the impression they can make on the people around them. They are lucky in life. Do not suffer from envy, anger and dissatisfaction with life.

The meaning of the number 2 in numerology

The planet of this number is the Moon. This is the number of inequality. It's like two opposite side one medal. The owners of this number are distinguished by good imagination, susceptibility, artistry, they are balanced and harmonious. They are always cooperative, friendly, overly kind, charming, patient and tactful. They are also very shy, indifferent, sometimes indifferent, sentimental and curious. They tend to fantasize, which is often perceived by others as a deception. They often suffer from self-doubt.

The meaning of the number 3 in numerology

The number three is a kind of pendulum, which, in constant pursuit, is trying to find balance. The number three is the number of creation. The owners of this number are very talented, optimistic, they have a rich imagination, they have a great ability to inspire, lightness in character, and a good sense of humor. They are boastful, loud, talkative, very inattentive, restless, boring and shy. The owners of this number are very jealous, impatient. The trinity is inherent in the triplicity of nature; the past, the present and the future are connected in them. Magicians and hypnotists often have a predominance of the number three in the date of birth.

The meaning of the number 4 in numerology

But the number 4 transforms the square. This is vitality and bone strength. This quantity will form 4 directions of the world, 4 sides of the year, 4 main priorities that form the world. These are earth, flame, air and moisture. The owners of this number are incredibly strong, they have excellent organizational skills, accuracy, prudence, diligence, reliability, usefulness. They are extremely harsh and pessimistic. They may take on additional obligations.

The meaning of the number 5 in numerology

The number 5 is considered one of the most fatal numbers. The owners of this number are in constant search, instability, unpredictability. It is believed that the owners of such a symbolic number are often completely alone, without a stable life partner. This is the number of sacrifice above yourself. They are freedom-loving, psychologically unstable, independent, sociable, inquisitive. They have a great love for sensationalism, contradiction, slow, intemperance for alcohol, completely dissolute. The owners of this number should pay close attention to themselves and try to somehow get around the sharp corners.

The meaning of the number 6 in numerology

But it’s not surprising, however, the number 6 is the number of a couple (2 times according to 3), this is the amount of reliability and measure, freedom, love for home, reliability of family ties, attractiveness, comprehension, stability, balance. Firmness, loyalty. Bad Aspects given number, perseverance, dullness, interference in extraneous matters, disposition to depression. They are jealous, suspicious and cynical.

The meaning of the number 7 in numerology

The number seven is the number of wisdom and knowledge. They have an analytical mind, restraint, and not verbosity, ingenuity. They are able to discover something new and analyze their results, but they are dominated by measured nervousness and embarrassment, they are cunning and resourceful, two-faced and secretive.

The meaning of the number 8 in numerology

And regarding the number eight, we can say that this is a sacred number, this is the number of justice and harmony. It is generally accepted that this number symbolizes death, but in astrology this number is closely associated with the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is known to be the eighth house of the sign. But the figure eight is also a symbol of the infinity of life. The owners of this number are constantly striving for success, self-disciplined, with strong character, organizers, leaders, they can foresee and they are good managers. They are ambitious, they are very heavy character, intolerant and slow. Differ bad temper, greed, and very often tend to express themselves with the help of foul language.

The meaning of the number 9 in numerology

Nine, these are 3 threes, they themselves form a triangle according to themselves. Nine means stubbornness, courage, steadfastness. This is one of the most fundamental and massive numbers. They are characterized by compassion, altruism, goodness, ardor, enthusiasm, seductiveness, and unselfishness. They are also capable of selfishness, intemperance, impracticality and instability. Negative side this figure is biliousness, gloominess, baseness, extravagance.

The meaning of the number 11 in numerology

But the owners of this number serve the population of the earth. They are dominated by such character traits as religiosity, inspiration, reason, mysticism, skill, intricacy, charm. However, one should not forget that this number is connected with the fall, it threatens to violate the law, a threat. Since the number 10 is an absolute number, but 11 is, as it were, a conclusion beyond the unacceptable. The number 11 creates a balance between good and evil, and which side a person chooses depends on him.

The meaning of the number 22 in numerology

Twenty-two is no less difficult and not everyone can withstand it. It is often associated with illusions and dreams, thereby leading to misfortune. The owners of this number are very proud, honest, practical, hasty and boastful. But despite all this, they can occupy the highest positions of a builder leader, director, manager. It is highly likely that people with the number 22 will have problems with money all their lives. They are vulnerable and suspicious.

Numerology is very interesting science, is still unknown. One has only to think how many numbers surround us? We now and then want it or not, but we are faced with numbers, date of birth, the value of time, the money that we keep records of has digital symbols, the mass and height of our body, and much more. Each of us thought that all these figures every now and then have something to do with our lives. Knowing the exact date of birth, up to the time of birth, you can tell with great accuracy what fate has prepared for us, even then, as soon as we breathed the first breath of air.

There is even some belief that if you see some kind of digital meaning in a dream, it means that it brings us some foreshadowing of future events. This is a typical caveat outside. Our ancestors also interpreted the number of 666 as the number of a demon. It is like 1 six means two pairs of 3, and 3 is a pendulum, instability. So this particular pendulum has something fragile as an astral invention into the supernatural world. And as it is customary to believe that this world is of the lower levels, sinners. You can discuss this topic indefinitely, but this is in subsequent articles.

Numerology of numbers, logically, studies numbers. How much influence they have on our destiny, how strongly they vibrate with us in unison and predetermine what is to come. They tell unmistakably about the character of a person, his aspirations, about the deeds and accomplishments awaiting him in the future.

This is a science that is very close in its purpose to astrology. Some people call it the magic of numbers, but, like astrology, it uses only the accumulated experience of people in the analysis of factors that affect the fate and life of a person. It also relies on fairly accurate and ancient teachings, at the origins of which stood Pythagoras himself, who said that everything that exists is located in accordance with numbers.

Numerological interpretation of numbers

Each of the ten - from zero to nine, has its own designation in the numerology of numbers. They are full of secret meaning and are not easy to accurately decipher. Approximate numerology of the meaning of numbers from 1 to 9 looks like this:

Name Number Calculation

The algorithm is simple and clear, it does not require complex manipulations, no need to rub crystal balls and toss coins. He answers the question what the numbers in the date of birth mean. For this it is necessary do a few things:

  1. We add all the numbers of your date of birth in sequence, for example: you were born on April 15, 1995. 1+5+4+1+9+9+5, we get 35. In no case do we write, for example. 04/15/95, this gives 24 and calculates a different result, which will be discussed below.
  2. Now add two digits of the resulting number: 3 + 5 = 8.

This is your name number, you can read the transcript above. That's how simple and clear digital science is.

Additional concepts of numerology

In addition to the above-described number of the name, they also distinguish number life path , which is exactly calculated according to the method "04/15/95" and tells its carrier about karmic destiny. This calculation allows you to direct a person along the path of his fate, which is prepared for him from birth.

Soul Number takes only the day itself from your date of birth. It tells about the more secret impulses and characteristics of your being and helps to determine compatibility with other people or love partners, the correctness of your self-esteem and the attitude of other people towards you, and yours towards them.

And a car, a phone, an index, a bank account ... Ancient people gave numbers magical properties. Until now, we consider the numbers 13 and 666 to be dangerous, and the three and seven to be happy. There is a whole science that explores what the numbers mean. It's called numerology.

History of the science of numbers

Interest in the magic of numbers arose at a time when our ancestors were just learning to count. We find references to this in ancient China and Japan, in Rome, Greece, Babylon, etc. Trying to understand what the numbers mean, people created a whole occult science similar to astrology.

The idea of ​​a Big Bang that created the universe was popular with the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the consequences of this were mysterious vibrations that still determine the fate of the world and individuals. They were represented by numbers. The Jews created the Kabbalah system on this basis. They calculated the vibrations of the letters and with their help they interpreted the original texts of the Bible, and also predicted the fate of a person by name.

A great contribution to numerology was made by the famous thinker Pythagoras, who lived in the 6th century BC. e. Exploring various mathematical concepts, he came to the conclusion that it is the numbers that underlie our universe. He derived the characteristics of numbers from 1 to 9, and also developed a system for predicting the future using calculations.

The Power of Prime Numbers

IN modern world numerology is very popular. With its help, they predict fate, make forecasts for the year, talk about the compatibility of people, give advice on achieving professional success.

Particular importance is attached to prime numbers from 1 to 9, each of which corresponds to a particular planet. All other numbers are reduced to them by addition: 17 is 1 + 7 = 8; 59 is 5 + 9 = 14, in turn, 14 is reduced to 5 by the already familiar algorithm. The resulting prime number is called "spiritual".

Math and planets

What do numbers mean in numerology?

  • 1 corresponds to the Sun. This number means leadership, striving for a goal, selfishness and ambition.
  • 2 corresponds to the Moon. This feminine, which is characterized by softness, openness, obedience and uncertainty, uncertainty. The deuce is between two extremes, it is very important for it to maintain balance.
  • 3 is associated with Jupiter. This is the number of the universe, depicted as a triangle. Its sides symbolize the past, present and future. Troika is revered in many religions, including Orthodoxy.
  • 4 corresponds to Uranus. This is the personification of the four cardinal points, the seasons, the main elements (water, earth, fire and air). Four is the number of stability, strength.
  • 5 corresponds to Mercury. It is a symbol of risk, unpredictability, and also the human principle (four limbs + head; five fingers; five senses). Five is considered lucky.
  • 6 is associated with Venus. The number represents harmony, perfection, reliability. It was in six days that God created the earth.
  • 7 is related to Neptune. It is a symbol of mystery, knowledge of the unknown, spirituality and development.
  • 8 corresponds to Saturn. The number means rebirth, material success, reliability.
  • 9 is associated with Mars. This is a symbol of success, completeness.

Birth number

In numerology special meaning attached to the date of the person's birth. Knowing it, you can determine the number of the soul of an individual and the number of fate. The first value is your birthday. If it's a composite number, add up the numbers until you get a number between 1 and 9. For example, you were born on June 28th. Two plus eight equals ten, one added to zero gives one. This is the number of your soul. It determines the choice of life path, partners and friends. Great importance this figure has up to 35-40 years.

Then the number of fate comes to the fore. To find out it, the digits of the year, month and day of birth of a person are added alternately until a prime number is obtained. For example, you were born on 11/29/1988. We consider: 2+9=11=2; 1+1=2; 1+9+8+8=26=8. Then all the received numbers are added again: 2+3+7=12=3. Three will be the number of your destiny.

Numbers and abilities

What do the resulting numbers mean? How do they affect life? Let's listen to the numerologists:

  • One is a sign of a leader, a strong, independent personality. Such a person goes to the goal, not relying on someone else's help. He has a rather mobile mind, he is active, knows how to lead others. Negative qualities: excessive self-confidence, reassessment of one's capabilities.
  • "Deuces" are insecure, romantic, trusting people who value communication. They need to build harmonious relationship with your surroundings. Conflicts can lead to depression. Throughout life, "twos" constantly have to make choices. Negative qualities: indecision, compliance.
  • Threes are eternal optimists who are inspired by struggle and freedom. Such people make successful businessmen or cultural figures. They are also lucky in love. Negative Traits: the habit of ignoring problems, disrespect for the feelings of other people.
  • "Fours" are reliable, persistent, stubborn people for whom nothing in life comes easy. They are waiting for ups and downs, unfounded criticism, but they are endowed with the ability to overcome any obstacles. Success comes to them at the end of life. Negative traits: mood swings, dissatisfaction with one's fate.
  • Fives are adventurers who are interested in everything in the world. They love to learn something new, have fun, travel. They do not know how to build long-term plans, they constantly come up with new ways to make quick money.
  • "Six" - cheerful people who manage to support a good relationship with other people. They have a wonderful family, great friends. In material terms, everything is also going well. "Sixes" are able not only to take, but also to give. The main thing is not to overdo it. First of all, pay attention to loved ones.
  • "Sevens" have a strong intuition, they are interested in everything unknown. They are self-sufficient and prefer solitude. They are peaceful with people, love to give advice. They occupy a high position at work, but they achieve real success late. Negative trait: pessimism.
  • "Eights" - diligent workers who value money. They begin to accumulate them after 35 years, having experienced several financial crises in their youth. They are calm, secretive, patient, practical and honest people with a vulnerable soul. Their life path is often unpredictable, there are few friends, because from the outside they seem tough. Negative features: inability to obey, categorical.
  • "Nine" is given more than the rest of the numbers. These are people with a strong, imperious character and many talents. However, it is difficult for them to find their place among people, since Mars endowed them with irascibility and aggressiveness. "Nines" must learn to give without demanding anything in return.

Alphanumeric match

From the point of view of linguistics, letters are a graphic designation of phonemes. The phoneme, in turn, is sound wave obeying the laws of mathematics. Since ancient times, in numerology, sounds have been correlated with numbers. Let's look at the numbers that represent the letters of the modern English alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A, J, SB, K, TC, L, UD, M, VE, N, WF, O, XG, P, YH, Q, ZI, R

With the help of such a table, numerologists calculate the number of a name that affects your personal life and role in society. If you wish, you can also do this by translating your first name, last name and patronymic into English language. After that, write down all the letters on paper, mark the corresponding numbers under them and add them up until you get an elementary number.

Numerology and Russian alphabet

What do numbers mean in Russian? Numerologists have been looking for such correspondences relatively recently and have not yet come to a consensus. A lot of controversy raises the question of whether the letters "E" and "Y" are considered independent, or are they variations of the phonemes "E" and "I".

Vedic numerologists offer the following option, taking into account the vibration of sounds:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A, K, U, bB, L, F, UB, M, X, IG, N, C, ED, O, HE, P, W, EF, R, WZ, S, bI (Y), T, s

Practice shows that this table should be used to calculate:

  • the number of the name (the sum of all the digits of the person's full name), which indicates the person's innate inclinations and talents;
  • the number of desires of the heart (the sum of all vowels of the full name), which helps to realize our motivation, innermost feelings;
  • the number of individuality (the sum of all consonant letters of the full name), which allows you to see the ways of behavior characteristic of a person.

Second option

You can find another table explaining what letters and numbers mean in Russian. It is based on the continuous numbering of the modern alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A, I, C, bB, Y, T, SB, K, U, bG, L, F, ED, M, X, YE, N, C, IE, O, HW, P, WZ, R, W

Practicing numerologists use it to decipher a person's social mask. In life different people call us various names (abbreviated, caressing, nicknames). Having calculated their number from the given table, we will understand what role is being imposed on us in communication. By counting the numbers of the last name and patronymic separately, you can determine what behavior our ancestors passed on to us by inheritance.

What do the same numbers mean?

Sometimes the same number literally haunts us. We see it on signs, on TV, on shop receipts, in newspapers. Doreen Virtue claims that in this way the guardian angels convey their messages to us. She offers the following decryption:

  • 111 - your desire will come true if you constantly think about it.
  • 222 - the work begun is beginning to bear fruit, so pay more attention to it.
  • 333 - patrons are ready to hear you.
  • 444 - you are in difficult situation, but the divine forces are near.
  • 555 - serious life changes are coming.
  • 666 - you are too fixated on money.
  • 777 - pleasant changes await you, thank the angels for this.
  • 888 - an important life stage ends.
  • 999 - take care of your life, finish pending business.
  • 000 - it's time to take stock and think about the future.

And what do they mean same digits hours? If, by chance, looking at the screen of a mobile phone, you see the time 00:00, is this a sign from above? Connoisseurs of "angelic numerology" answer this question positively.

The universe is constantly talking to us using various symbols. If you accidentally glance at the dial and notice the numbers match, listen to the message. What do the numbers on the clock mean?

  • 00:00 - start life from scratch.
  • 01:01 - think about the good, and thoughts will materialize.
  • 02:02 - meet an ally.
  • 03:03 - do not be afraid of change.
  • 04:04 - be patient, you are on the right track.
  • 05:05 - fateful changes.
  • 06:06 - think about the spiritual and you will be rewarded.
  • 07:07 - fulfillment of desires.
  • 08:08 - the opportunity to earn.
  • 09:09 - get rid of the excess.
  • 10:10 - minor troubles.
  • 11:11 - success.
  • 12:12 - a successful union awaits you, which will bring money and change the usual worldview.
  • 13:13 - restrain emotions.
  • 14:14 - change the scenery.
  • 15:15 - loved ones need you.
  • 16:16 - learn to give.
  • 17:17 - material benefit from a new acquaintance.
  • 18:18 - release the one who wants to leave.
  • 19:19 - do not give in to feelings.
  • 20:20 - friends will help you.
  • 21:21 - change your life by listening to your intuition.
  • 22:22 - do not overestimate your capabilities.
  • 23:23 - stop and correct the mistakes.

Without fanaticism!

Numerology is an interesting science that gives us important clues. But everything needs a measure. Sometimes it is more useful to consult a doctor, and not puzzle over the question: "What do the pressure numbers mean in terms of numerology?" If the forecast portends trouble, be careful, but do not panic. Each person has the power to change his destiny by making efforts for this.

What do the numbers mean? They are the starting point, allowing you to better understand yourself, the people around you. Knowing your weaknesses and strengths, you can work with them, move forward, skillfully avoiding the dangers that lie in the way. Listen to the numbers, your intuition, but do not forget about logic. Then everything will definitely work out.

Numerology or digitology is the science of figures and numbers. They surround us from all sides. Our name and date of birth also have their own number, and if you know it, the secret will be revealed. Everything is programmed, this is how this world works.

The one who speaks the language of numbers is able to learn everything about his past, future, character and destiny.

The combination of numbers also matters, because in this way you can conclude your compatibility with a partner. Who knows, maybe it is you who has the gift of working with the magic of numbers. In any case, it is worth asking how easy it is to find out secrets about people, knowing only their name and date of birth. If you want to learn how to use the numrology of numbers, then start with the Pythagorean Square.

Numbers: meaning and description

Numbers from 1 to 9 matter. Zero too significant number. A number in numerology is always reduced to its simplest value.


This is how the final numbers are calculated. Pythagoras called them vibrating. It is on them that all digitology is built, which is very widely practiced in the world today. Everything matters:

  • date of birth of a person;
  • the number of his name;
  • the date of the important decision;
  • car number affects the fate of the car.

Do you see repeated numbers? Just like that or not? All this will help to learn numerology. Some say that this is real magic, because with its help you can change your destiny.

How is it that numbers affect our lives?

When a person is born, the Stars line up in a certain position relative to the planets, the Earth and other space objects. Every moment is unique. Only a second will pass, and the position, angles, medians will change. This is a completely different person was born. Numerology and Astrology are very closely related. The number and time indicate the moment at which the positions of the planets and stars were determined. Calculate the vibrating number - that's the answer to all questions. You'll get:

  • information about the character of a person;
  • his inclinations;
  • desires and opportunities;
  • hobbies;
  • good and bad sides.

In our date of birth lies the great secret of our life.

Determination of fate by date of birth

So, before you start, stock up on a calculator. An error of just one will result in a different value. You will not recognize yourself in the response you receive. The numbers won't mind your mistakes - they just watch silently. To know everything about yourself, you just need to count well.

Let's pretend that we are talking about about a woman who was born on May 25, 1978. Let's write this date in the correct numerological form.

Date of birth: 05/25/1978.

The combination of all the digits when added will give the final number:

2+5+5+1+9+7+8= 37, now 3+7=10 and 1+0=1.

We got the result. It will have only one value. Numerology attracts many precisely because of the simplicity of the answers.
No need for complex calculations, formulas in order to quickly get exact result. Real magic.

Table of fate by date of birth
1 Ambitious and very goal oriented person. He is by nature a winner. Sets challenging goals
likes to achieve high results. Most likely, he is fond of sports, doing something extreme.
He will always find a place for himself in any company, at work, among friends.
2 A person who faces a choice all his life. If others do not feel the need to make a choice, then for him this is a decisive state. He chooses the life he lives, men, women, work. No one will ever be able to influence the choice of this person.
3 Successful man. He does not have special talents, is not very purposeful. He likes to go with the flow, because this is the only way to win, to get the best. You need to let go of the situation and let fate guide you. Only in this way you will get everything you dream of.
4 A man stands on the ground with two feet. Very clear and correct thinking. Suitable for scientists, lovers of exact sciences. He chooses the most difficult path, follows without rest.
5 Risky, adventurous. This is how you can describe in a nutshell the owner of the five. All life is a game. You have to play to keep going. The most risky bets win.
6 A very reliable person. You can always ask for help good advice. For the sake of his loved ones, he is ready for anything, because what else to live for? The man has a plan. Clear and thoughtful. It is impossible to live without a plan, and so it achieves success.
7 Man lives under the sign Higher Forces. He's lucky. He gets into dangerous situations, but emerges from them unscathed. Often he feels an invisible hand leading him forward, pointing to dangerous places. Always trust your intuition.
8 Such a person will always be successful, because he knows how to attract money. He does nothing special, but he is doomed to be rich. Eight or infinity hint that life is full of the unpredictable.
9 This is the strongest of prime numbers. Very few people were born under this sign. She is marked as a genius. Very often they become famous. It is easy to study, exact sciences, painting.

Now calculate your date of birth and determine what you are.

Square of Pythagoras

One of the biggest mysteries of numerology is the Pythagorean Square. Pythagoras discovered many interesting calculations that were made by the Egyptian priests. He used this information to create his own system. From it you can find out:

  • your destiny;
  • health hazards;
  • predisposition to the sciences;
  • choice of profession.

The Pythagorean system has given each prime number its own meaning. The person's date of birth is used first, and then a number of calculations are made. At the end, you get 9 columns with numbers that give answers to all questions. Today, many people believe that calculations "on hand" are complex and long, so many computer programs have been created where your date of birth is entered.

Lucky dates and numbers

Is it possible to participate in the compilation of the numerology of your destiny yourself? Of course you can. You need to learn how to find the right dates. What date can you choose?

  • Buying a car
  • Schedule an interview for new job
  • Finding the perfect wedding date.
  • Selection of the name of the child by date of birth.

Digital science gives you the answers to these questions. If you are choosing a wedding date, then it should be a very successful day, just like the interview for a new job. The day should begin and pass under the sign of success, good beginnings. The Pythagorean table is also designed for numbers. For example, let's define a good wedding date in 2015.

The newlyweds wanted to get married in September 2015. So we already have the month 09 and the year 2015. Let's add the numbers 9+2+1+5=8

Before picking up the numbers, you need to see which prime numbers are ideal for this day:

1,6,7,9. Positive meaning, promise well-being, success in undertakings. This is the most important, because not only the holiday itself matters, but also the future life. The magic of numbers gives the newlyweds many opportunities.

Do not forget that the month and year give 8, which means that you should look for such numbers, when added to 8 of which, you will get a number equal to 1,6,7,9.

  • September 1, 2 (8+1=9, 2+8=10=1);
  • September 7, 8, 10 (8+7=15=6);
  • September 11 (11+8=19=10=1);
  • September 16, 17, 19, 20;
  • September 25, 26, 27, 29.

It is best to choose one of these numbers, and the choice is great. The ideal solution would be "6". this day is the best fit. These days are September 7,16,25. Well, now it all depends on their choice.

Table of numerological values ​​of important events
1 Victory number. A good number for the day the process starts, it has an excellent chance of success.
2 The day is not very good for beginnings. He will definitely give you a choice. Make the right one and win, make a mistake and it's over.
3 Successful number to start the process. Gives the necessary energy charge. On this day, you can recover on travel and be calm. Suitable for financial transactions, purchases, sales.
4 The number of fights. Gives a person a strong boost of energy. If you need to start trial, a sports match or even a banal fight, then on the day of the four.
5 A good day for those who like to take risks. You are most likely to win. On this day, buy lottery tickets, make risky deals.
6 A very good day to start something. Promises harmony, prosperity. If you open your company, then preferably on the day of the six. You start writing a book, also a six.
7 On this day, everything happens at the behest of the Higher Forces. An unpredictable number. What happens in the end is unknown to anyone, only the Creator. On a day like this, it's better not to start anything at all. The result can greatly disappoint you or insanely please you. So don't put the most important things on the line.
8 day to start profitable business, sell. Money will flow to you under the sign of the eight.
9 The most successful of numbers. Everything will work out for someone who starts with a nine. This is a happy start to any process.

Every little thing matters. The most accurate calculations are not only by date, but also by the moment of birth. They can greatly correct the fate of a person. To do this, you need to know the exact hour of birth. It can be tricky, but if you are choosing a name for a child, then the magic of numbers will help with this. The time of birth can be found in his medical record at the maternity hospital.

Name number

The number of the name is selected in the same way as we were looking for the date of the wedding. Imagine that each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number from 1 to 32. It is clear that after 10 there are repeating numbers. So, by the number of birth, you can suppress another number - the name. The girl's parents like three names:

  • Elizabeth - 641913621. When added, it turns out 33=3+3=6.
  • Anna - 1661. It turns out 14, 1 + 4 = 5.
  • Irina - 19161. So, 18, 1+8=9.

If the child was born, for example, on May 16, 2015, then we will choose a name. The value of the date of birth is obtained: 1+6+2+1+5=25 or 7.

It's not magic, but simple calculations. Let us turn to the very first table of fate.

4 - Clear thinking, love for exact sciences, a person stands firmly but on his feet, very independent.

3 - Changeable success, no exact aspirations, desires. A person is carried with the flow, now giving, then taking away.

9 - Excellent data for a genius. Success in studies, painting, literature. A very talented and interesting person.

Well, this is a difficult choice for parents, because each personality turns out to be interesting in its own way. There is no exact answer which meaning of the name is the best. Is it bad to be able to go with the flow? Stand firmly on your feet and think accurately? Become a genius and write amazing pictures? The choice is yours.

Correspondence table for letters and numbers
A 1 1
B 2 2
IN 3 3
G 4 4
D 5 5
E 6 6
Yo 7 7
AND 8 8
W 9 9
AND 10 1
Y 11 2
TO 12 3
L 13 4
M 14 5
H 15 6
ABOUT 16 7
P 17 8
R 18 9
WITH 19 1
T 20 2
At 21 3
F 22 4
X 23 5
C 24 6
H 25 7
W 26 8
SCH 27 9
E 28 1
YU 29 2
I 30 3
Kommersant 31 4
b 32 5

Numerology is the science of numbers, but it is not mathematics at all. Numerologists study the influence of numbers on our lives and argue that there is a certain connection between numbers and events. Based on the date of birth, experts make horoscopes, make predictions, and calculate prospects. Esotericists can calculate the number of the fate of an individual and, based on it, give their recommendations or make magical effect. The value of the number 11 in numerology is considered special. Let's consider its characteristics in more detail.

Fundamentals of numerology

Numerologists also suggest that our destiny is already destined from above and its main milestones cannot be changed. But we may well influence individual events, making the course of fate more favorable. Numerology has its roots in ancient egypt and is considered secret mystical knowledge that helps to understand the mysteries of the universe. This system will help you get answers to questions related to various areas of our lives. The features of the path of a particular individual are determined by only a few numbers that add up in various combinations.

Numerologists' forecasts are always strictly individual. Sometimes numerology is called the "algebra of fate." For calculations, base numbers are used, each of them has a certain value. Double number combinations are simplified by adding them up and getting a single digit as a result. The exception is numbers 11 and 22. They are called master vibrations, as they are very important in any scenario, even at an intermediate stage.

People who have master number 11 in their personal calculations have strong intuition and hidden inner reserves. They often have access secret knowledge they can make discoveries. Many do not even suspect such a potential, but reduce the calculation to the base deuce, adding two units. Master number 22 is even more powerful than eleven. The one in whose calculations this numerical combination is present can find in himself psychic abilities. These people have strong creativity and organizational talent. But realization of potential occurs infrequently, when interpreted, two deuces are usually added, getting a four.

Meaning of base numbers

The base numbers have the following symbolism:

Destiny number

The very first numbers in the life of any person is the date of his birth. Do not tell it to anyone, such information should remain secret, because it can tell a lot about a person. These numbers contain the code of human destiny, it is recommended to know it in order to understand your purpose, to follow the right path.

Calculations can be made in the mind or use a calculator. classical numerology practiced since the time of Pythagoras. Great mathematician, studying numerology in its usual form, deduced his own patterns, which gave rise to the Pythagorean system. In order to get the base number, you need to add all the digits of the date of birth together so that you end up with one digit.

After adding all the numerical values ​​​​of the date of birth, a two-digit number is obtained. The 2 digits that make it up must be added again to obtain a single-digit numerical value. This will be the number of a person's destiny. We have given the decoding of the base numbers above. Beyond the code of fate additional numerological values ​​are calculated, giving a more accurate description of the individual, for example, numerical values:

  • Birthday;
  • expressions;
  • Mind;
  • Personalities;
  • Soul Awakening.

The code of fate (or life path) bypasses the details, being the basis, the essence. It is especially necessary to obtain such knowledge in difficult moments of life, so that a person can find the strength to move in the right direction. Lucky number by date of birth is calculated based on the base figure, which each has its own.

What do master numbers 11 and 22 mean?

Often a person, finding master numbers in his layout, faces a choice: use them as they are, or add them up to a single digit, getting 2 or 4. Numerologists say that the master vibration manifests itself fully only with a favorable set of circumstances in the early youth. If this does not happen, its value will be weakened. But for a person, this most often means eternal dissatisfaction with one's life, a continuous search for something better.

Having a destiny number of 11, a woman will be strong and independent. Such ladies have no desire to lean on a man's shoulder, they need an ally and an equal partner. These figures will make a man tough and even cruel. Consider what positive and negative aspects code 11 brings to the life of its owner.

Pros and cons of the number 11 for a person

If number 11 falls out in calculations, a person can count on success in love and friendship. Those born on this day are full of optimism, able to solve any problems, proactive. They will have to learn how to move forward in this life no matter what, then luck will always be on their side, and their career will go uphill.

If 11 is the number of birth, numerology predicts trials in the form of illness, poverty, and various difficulties. To those who can overcome the crisis from above will send a worthy reward. Using their intuition, these people can reach great heights in both the material and spiritual spheres. Starting from scratch, they are able to gain more than they have lost.

In a negative sense, the numerical combination 11 can endow people with arrogance, cynicism, makes them gloomy and pessimistic. People whose birth fell on the 11th day of any month do not like others, they are hostile to the world. It is difficult for them to communicate even with close people, they are petty and picky.

Negative vibrations can negatively affect the will of a person, he will sink to the very bottom of society. The number 11 does human tough , causes a desire to overwhelm others and dominate. Sometimes such individuals are characterized by deviations on sexual grounds, they may be haunted by mental illness.

For these people good days will be Thursday and Friday. Misfortunes and misfortunes with them often occur in July and December. For those born on the 11th, it is better not to contact people with fives: relationships will be conflicting and can lead to fatal consequences. Good luck awaits them on the 1st, 2nd, 8th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 26th, 28th, 29th. Possible troubles lie in wait on the 4th, 5th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 22nd, 23rd, 31st.

The magic of numbers

Numerical values ​​play a role not only in numerology, but also in various magical practices. For example, simoronists are attentive to the set of numbers 9,1,1, seeing in them the help and support of the Heavenly Chancellery. If you left home for some reason important business, pay attention to whether you will meet this numerical value in car numbers or somewhere else. The more often you come across the combination you are looking for, the more likely the Universe will provide you with success. It is desirable to see a combination of 911 at least three times.

If you failed in some undertaking, write these numbers on anything. A piece of paper and a wall of the house will do. You will see, after that the problem will be quickly resolved without your special efforts. Support from above also means the often occurring numerical value 27. If you look at your watch and see 11:11 or 22:22 there, then your angel wants to tell you something important, try to decipher what his message could mean.

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