"Bjoerndalen will have problems." Why did Evgeny Ustyugov leave? Alexander Ustyugov: “I pray and ask you to give me love Ustyugov divorced his wife

The two-time biathlete announced his retirement from biathlon. Olympic champion Evgeny Ustyugov. He is now only 28. When Magdalena Neuner left, the entire biathlon space was seething, putting forward one version of such early care more outlandish than the other. And she couldn’t say much less. In the case of Ustyugov, Sportbox.ru columnist Evgeny Slyusarenko was surprised only by the method of leaving, but not by the fact itself. Speaking directly, Evgeniy Ustyugov finished biathlon four years ago - after winning in Vancouver. The remaining years he endured rather than enjoyed.

It must be said right away that Ustyugov has made a great career. There are very few of our people who have won at the Olympics more than once. Alexander Tikhonov (four times at four Games from 1968 to 1980), Viktor Mamatov (twice - in 1968 and 1972), Ivan Byakov (twice - in 1972 and 1976), Nikolai Kruglov Sr. (twice in 1976), Anatoly Alyabyev (twice in 1980), Dmitry Vasiliev (twice - in 1984 and 1988) and Sergei Chepikov (twice - in 1988 and 1994). If we remove those who won only in relay races, Kruglov Sr., Alyabyev and Chepikov will remain. And if those who did this not within the framework of one Olympics, then only Chepikov.

In other words, we, contemporaries of Evgeniy Ustyugov, observed with our own eyes one of the coolest characters in the entire history of our biathlon. This is a mathematical fact. And in response to any o(b)judgment, this character may well use the famous meme “What have you achieved, boy?” And, in general, like no one else, he will have every right to do so.

Another thing is that Evgeniy Ustyugov could have achieved more. Much more. “When we got him, I thought that now Bjoerndalen and all the Norwegians will have serious problems for many years. His last lap is something unique,” ​​said Vladimir Alikin, senior coach of the Russian men’s team in 2006–2010. As a result, in addition to two Olympic victories, Ustyugov has two silver medals at the 2011 World Championship and three victories in individual races at the World Cup. This is all. He made his debut in the World Cup quite recently, in January 2009. Some five years later I held my last race there.

This story, meanwhile, is not only about Ustyugov. This is the story of an entire generation of Russian biathletes - coincidentally, it came at the time of the leadership of the RBU by oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov and his team. This is the story of those who grew up on Doshirak and reserved seat carriages, and then suddenly found themselves in the world of business class flights, team managers with handkerchiefs at the ready and generous prize money, when success in one race can be paid in several places at the same time. This is the story of those who - like all our athletes - were afraid of coaches like fire, and then got the opportunity to resolve all issues directly with senior management. One call - and the famous coach turned into a helpless servant.

There is such a famous “caisson disease” - when suddenly rising from depth to the surface, submariners must take precautions. There were no limits in biathlon, and most couldn’t stand the climb to the top. Well, they couldn’t stand it - they just became different.

From some point on, the guys changed a lot,” Alikin recalled. - We are sitting at the training camp, three months until the Olympics. I hear conversations: they are discussing what repairs to do in the house, who to hire and what car to buy. If something was not to their liking, they started calling their superiors. It always took their side. This is the end for the coach.

“I understand everything, but we need to stop the practice of solving problems at the top, and not within the team,” even the cautious Nikolai Lopukhov, the senior coach of the men’s team in 2012–2014, could not stand it at a recent coaching council. - I had no leverage over my athletes. The same Evgeny Ustyugov did no more than 70 percent of the work that was necessary. And I couldn't do anything about it.

The fact that Ustyugov, after Vancouver, did not fully devote himself to his profession, was said by everyone involved in the process - first on the sidelines, then without hiding. The athlete himself denied this, but the results spoke for themselves: not a single personal victory in this four-year period. Most likely, there was simply a lack of real purpose. Here’s the thing: when sport becomes just a means to change your life for the better, it’s a good motivation, but temporary. She quickly leaves.

In this sense, Evgeny Ustyugov acted as honestly as possible. He could have spent at least another season, without particularly bothering, collecting payments and grants for the Olympic success of Sochi, and then leaving. Many will do this - you'll see. He decided not to participate in this.

It’s just a pity that “Bjoerndalen and all Norwegians” had problems for so short a time.


Alexander Ustyugov

Alexander Ustyugov is not only a popular actor whose filming is scheduled months in advance, but also a person with an incredible range of hobbies: from antiques to antiques.

Alexander, you act a lot and play in the theater. How do you find time for hobbies? How serious is boxing?

I haven’t reached the hall for a very long time. I think as soon as I have time, I’ll go straight to the gym. I dream that one day a film will appear, during the filming of which it will be necessary to restore physical and athletic data. When I just have an obligation to study. It’s really a dream that I would be forced, forced to go to the gym against my will. (Laughs.)

-Are you also a motorcyclist? We used to love riding a bike from St. Petersburg to Moscow and back, but today?

Motorcycles, of course! Although I’ve been “out” for the third motorcycle season due to being busy. I used to travel fifteen thousand kilometers a summer, but now I can hardly do five. And all because I work. (Smiles.) Today I try to ride a motorcycle to work. This year I plan to visit the motorcycle festival in Riga and go to the “Invasion”. I will definitely get to Tver. I'll see if more routes will appear. Perhaps, I don’t rule out work-related. I don’t have much time, I regret it, and the season is short. I dream that there would be some kind of winter court where I could skate, practice some tricks and stunts. So far there is no such thing either.

- Where is your other hobby - artistic photography?

Now I only pick up a camera when I need it for business. For example, for filming my pieces of wood - then I remember some photography skills. I screw on a discrete “poltos” (lens with a fixed focal length. - MKB) with an aperture of ½ - and off we go. Woodworking is my passion and business; I have been making antiques for five years. Plus carving. Accordingly, photographs are needed, then I take them myself. But now I rarely take pictures for myself - the phone has already replaced artistic photography to such an extent that, in principle, when you want to take your equipment somewhere with you, you think that it’s a huge suitcase. Well, our air carriers now prohibit the transportation of photographic equipment.

- What’s wrong with your group “Ekibastuz”?

We are currently writing our second album. It turns out to be very joyful, positive, and brings a lot of happiness.

- Bar owner is a new and unknown type of business for you. Is everything working out?

At first it was scary to start in the restaurant business, but we have been working since November last year, and we really like everything. Everything is great. I think the bar will expand. It will cover motorcycles, the motor capital, and festivals. By summer, I want to believe, a new word will appear in the restaurant business.

- You were born in Kazakhstan, lived in the capital for a long time. And why in the end did they choose St. Petersburg over Moscow?

I didn’t prefer it - I lived in Moscow and filmed for twelve years in St. Petersburg. For six months I lived in St. Petersburg, and for six months I was anywhere. Therefore, Moscow was also divided between Belarus, Ukraine and the place where the filming took place. At some point, I simply stayed in St. Petersburg and did not leave. And I didn’t regret it. In addition, on my mother’s side, my relatives were all Leningraders, blockade survivors. Grandfather - Colonel, commanded air defense. Apparently, something is working, and Peter brings me great spiritual joy. Every time I come back here with pleasure. The city provides incredible creative potential. I think if I had stayed in Moscow, I would not have done even a quarter of what I have now. And Peter inspires very much.

- You once called Moscow a “production facility”...

-...Yes, absolutely right. And St. Petersburg is a place where you can live, love, just walk, it is a niche for peace. And the longer I don’t live in Moscow, the more I understand that this is true.

- One of your new works is a role in the series “ Golden Horde" How satisfied are you with the reviews?

I don't look at reviews. But everything I hear is quite favorable. I know that people I didn’t expect were watching unexpectedly. The target audience was somewhat different. It's not bad. This means that someone is interested in this. And, I admit, I haven’t seen the film yet.

- What's coming now?

There are two historical projects in the pipeline. These are “Decembrists” and “Boris Godunov”. Large-scale and interesting projects: horses, nature... A very beautiful set of old Moscow was built for “Boris Godunov”. I've been in cinema for twenty years and this is the first time I've seen something like this beautiful work, which simply delights: the Kremlin wall, the Spasskaya Tower, everything on the hill...

- So you are imbued with historical films?

Life goes in stripes. Now it's history! Then - war films, then - bandits... Everything is filmed in cycles.

- You were married twice, divorced twice. Do you think God loves a trinity?

I don’t think about this topic. Because God loves, God gives, God takes. In this regard, if the Lord gives me another chance to fall in love, let him. As my heart dictates, I will do so. In this case, I won’t even say that I will never love again! No, I am absolutely in the power of the Lord. But I think it would be crazy. (Laughs.) After all, love does a lot to people... It changes them! (Laughs.) Therefore, on the one hand, I pray and ask you to give me love, on the other hand, I am very afraid of this. I can’t even imagine what will happen to me. (Laughs.)

Did you break up amicably with your ex-wives, Yanina Sokolovskaya and Anna Ozar? What is your relationship with them today?

Parted amicably. And the relationship is absolutely normal. We meet, talk, eat common topics. And the common child is growing. In this regard, everything is good.

- Do you think you spend a lot of time with her?

No, of course, a little. This cannot be measured by the category “time and children.” It's never enough, no matter how much. I want more and more. I want to put her to bed and wake her up, take her to school. Unfortunately, this is not always possible.

- You are a kind father, do you spoil your child?

I try not to indulge. In this regard, I have a very large resource, I can shower her with gifts, diamonds, gold, but I realize that this is not necessary. Firstly, it is unethical, and secondly, it will be difficult for her later, in adult life. Therefore we have - Teddy bears, love, kisses, flowers, everything about it. Something like this.

- What is she interested in, what does she like?

Studying - the workload at school is serious, a large number of circles. She likes dancing now. Theatrical as well. It's very busy. Sometimes I want to thin out this busyness. Zhenya leaves early and returns late. All the time there are some reporting concerts, preparations for something, rehearsals... The schedule is not childish. But she likes it.

-Have you ever seen her diary?

Yes, I even do homework with her... (Laughs.)

The name of Anna Ozar is associated with the public, first of all, with her father Igor Ozar and ex-husband Alexander Ustyugov. Anna is a bright brunette, whose biography arouses keen interest of the Internet public. Anna Ozar was born on April 11, 1987 in Moscow. The girl grew up in a wealthy family.

Anna's father, Igor Yakovlevich Ozar, - CEO Sukhoi Holding, Vice President of the United Aircraft Corporation for military aviation. Since childhood, Anna dreamed of becoming a journalist. She studied at schools in Moscow and England. In 2008 she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. She worked as a journalist for the newspapers Izvestia and The Moscow News, as well as a special correspondent for the Rossiya TV channel.


After 8 years of work in journalism, Anna Ozar left the profession. She entered the department of directing and dramaturgy at VGIK. She studied in the workshop of Denis Rodimin and Vladimir Fenchenko. In 2013 she received a diploma in directing. Graduate work Anna Ozar - thirty-minute comedy film "Shubaduba in Peonies." The actors who played in the film were:

The film tells in a humorous manner about filming by city residents rural life. The plot of the film centers on the love of the main character, an elderly man, and a village resident participating in the filming of the film. After the premiere of Shubaduba, Anna said in an interview that she “dreams of making a blockbuster, not soap opera" After the debut of the film “Shubaduba in Peonies,” Ozar spoke in an interview about plans to film a full-length musical “A Drum for the Beaver.” But so far nothing has been heard about the project.

Personal life

In 2015, the Network exploded with information about the unexpected wedding of Anna Ozar and the public’s favorite, star of the TV series “Cop Wars,” 38-year-old. The artist is known for his role as Mikhail Tabakov in the TV series “The Plague.” According to rumors, Anna and Alexander met while working on the film “Viking”. Ustyugov played Prince Yaropolk of Kyiv in the film.

They say that Anna Ozar became the reason for Alexander Ustyugov’s divorce from his first wife. The actress, Ustyugov's first wife, is a former classmate of the artist at the Shchukin School. The couple got married while studying. In 2007, daughter Zhenya was born. After Alexander and Yanina broke up, the actress returned maiden name.

Alexander Ustyugov and Anna Ozar got married on September 23, 2015. There were no invited guests. Friends found out about the wedding after seeing photos of wedding rings in the hands of the newlyweds on Instagram. After painting, the couple went to Honeymoon To France. The newlyweds visited Paris, Rouen, Trouville, Saint-Malo, and the island of Mont Saint-Michel.

The marriage of Alexander and Anna did not last even two years. In December 2016, Anna changed Ustyugov’s surname to her maiden name on Facebook and removed Alexander from her “friends.” Ustyugov, in turn, changed his status to “free”. The actor, according to him, celebrated New Year 2017 alone in St. Petersburg. He often comes to Moscow for work. His daughter also lives there, whom, as Yanina Sokolovskaya said in an interview, Ustyugov often visits.

Anna Ozar's daughter Kira is growing up. Rumor for a long time attributed paternity to the star of the film “Shadowboxing” and the TV series “Molodezhka”. However, the artist has repeatedly stated that he is connected with Anna only by friendship. Denis Nikiforov is married. Married to former model Irina Temrezova, Denis has two children - a boy, Sasha, and a girl, Veronica. Irina, having married an actor, left her career and devoted herself entirely to her family. Only occasionally former model helps her husband with his projects.

Anna Ozar now

Little is known about Anna Ozar’s life today. The screenwriter and director communicates with subscribers in in social networks.

A huge fire broke out in world biathlon. Russian biathlon and the IBU with the leadership of the high level. According to a new investigation with an old and well-known main witness, Russian functionaries brought money in suitcases, and the International Biathlon Union, in gratitude for this, turned a blind eye to dozens of cases of doping and gave Russia the right to host international competitions.

Devour Besseberg, bury Russia alive. What will the police find in biathlon?

Rodchenkov recalled: the main person in biathlon was given a suitcase of Russian dollars. For what - it is not yet clear, but there is time to come up with it.

While searches are taking place at the IBU, and Besseberg and Resch are giving evidence, everything is suspiciously calm on the Russian side. In two days, only one person was targeted - a two-time Olympic champion. In 2010 in Vancouver he won the mass start, in 2014 in Sochi he helped a relay quartet win gold, and then quite unexpectedly the 28-year-old athlete announced that he was finishing sports career. According to the investigation launched the other day, for good reason: according to Le Monde, Ustyugov had abnormal blood counts since 2010, and the IBU did nothing about it.

At the end of 2016, the wife of Alexander Ustyugov unexpectedly cleaned up her pages on social networks. Anna returned her maiden name, removed all photos together with Alexander, and even excluded him from her friends.


Ustyugov also did not remain in debt. On his page, the actor regained his “free” status, and in recent photographs he right hand Alexandra is no longer visible wedding ring. Particularly inquisitive fans of Ustyugov suggested that he could return to his first wife, actress Yanina Sokolovskaya, and daughter Zhenya.

However, Ustyugov’s ex-wife denied these assumptions. “I don’t feel like an abandoned woman raising her daughter alone. Despite the fact that Sasha moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, he often sees Zhenya. She is very similar to her dad. She dances, goes to theater studio and on vocals. In addition, my daughter made her debut on the RAMT stage. A new year holidays We spent it at home - together with my parents and neighbor friends. So everything is fine with us,” Eg.RU quotes Sokolovskaya.

Reporters also contacted Ustyugov himself. He said that he had met New Year alone. “On December 31, I had a job in Moscow, after which I jumped on the train and went to St. Petersburg, home. There I opened a bottle of whiskey, turned on the TV, very quietly and calmly welcomed 2017. The next day I woke up quite late, because for the first time I didn't have to run anywhere. I finally got some sleep! I even turned off my phone so that no one would bother me. I was alone and had a great time," said the actor.

Let us recall that in the summer of 2015, Alexander Ustyugov divorced Yanina Sokolovskaya and married the daughter of the general director of the Sukhoi aviation holding Igor Ozar, Anna. However, the lovers' happiness was short-lived. if the information about their breakup is correct, then Ustyugov’s marriage lasted less than two years.

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