In which fable Krylov tells about flattery. Condemnation of human vices in Krylov's fables. What did we do

Krylov's fables are an excellent school for observing life situations, realities, and characters. They involve with their dynamic plot, the most interesting description of the characteristic features of the main acting characters, which are mainly all kinds of animals: insects, birds. The works of I. Krylov make the reader plunge into thought. For example, in "Demyan's stew" it is not at all about Fok and Demyan and immense hospitality. Here such character traits as importunity, excessive obsession, disrespect for the wishes of the guest are ridiculed. The fable also shows that good intentions do not always have a favorable outcome.
"Swan cancer and pike" speaks of the inability to work together. To achieve success, you should worry about the common cause, and not about your own tastes. It is necessary to carefully weigh the abilities and capabilities of potential participants, and only then begin some work. Thanks to this, an excellent result will be obtained and the overall action will not turn into torment. In The Monkey and Glasses, the ignorant are ridiculed. The fable speaks of people who are unable to understand certain phenomena, as a result of which they simply reject and forbid them. Many of the acting characters are quite reminiscent of characters from children's fairy tales. We know their nuances and features, and in his works I. Krylov reveals their essence.
The fox in many fairy tales is the personification of cunning and tricks. The fable about the crow and the red cheat tells how the fox, with the help of tricks, got the coveted piece of cheese. The main idea of ​​the fable is not in cunning and cunning, but in sycophancy. Some stupid people can believe in any flattery, so that only the words will pleasantly please.
The works of the great fabulist are directed to the mind and feelings of readers. They reveal and expose all possible shortcomings of human characters, teach to live with dignity and wisely get out of various life situations.

Krylov was, of course, an observant and intelligent person who was able to process information and create wonderful creations. These very creations remained in our literature for years and decades, for centuries. In addition, Krylov is just an excellent storyteller, which makes his fables simply interesting. We read them not because he is a classic, but simply because they are interesting to read.

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The writing

Wow Russian fabulist Krylov. The fables of I. A. Krylov are an excellent school of observations of life, phenomena, characters. Fables are of interest both in dynamic plots and in the depiction of the characters of the characters, in particular animals, insects, birds. However, animals, insects and fish in fables, according to the exact expression of I. Franko, "wink at people with one eyebrow." So every read fable causes a person to think. Reading the fable "Demyan's stew", you understand: the story that the author tells is not at all about specific Demyan and Fok, and not about stew and excessive hospitality. Demyan personifies such traits as obsession, captiousness, importunity, inability to respect the desires of another person. And the fable also teaches: beautiful intentions do not always have good consequences.

The inability to work together, worrying about the common cause, and not about their own tastes, is personified by the characters of the fable "Swan, Pike and Cancer". The last line of this fable - "And only carried and now there" - became a catch phrase. Sometimes with the help of these words they characterize the state of affairs of a person who is not able to complete what he started. The fable helps to understand: before taking on some business, you need to carefully weigh both your capabilities and the capabilities of your accomplices. Otherwise, “only torment” will come out of that case. Ignorant and ignorant are exposed by I. A. Krylov in the fable "Monkey and Glasses". Some people are very similar to the character of the fable: they are not able to understand some phenomenon, they object or forbid it. Many characters in the fables of I. A. Krylov seem to have come from folk tales. Their "characters" are well known, but the author creates situations in which their essence is revealed.

Answers to tasks. Kutyavina S.V. Notebook on literary reading. Grade 3

Answers to page 31

1. Read in the textbook (p. 132) an article about the great Russian fabulist I.A. Krylov. Check yourself. Add.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov was born in Moscow. He independently studied French and Italian languages. For more than thirty years, Krylov worked at the St. Petersburg Public Library. He wrote fables in which he ridiculed the vices of people.

2. Remember what a fable is.

Fable- this is a small work written in verse or prose, in which the vices and shortcomings of people are ridiculed (cunning, lies, flattery, greed, stupidity, etc.). In fables, animals usually act, in which we easily recognize people. The fable ends or begins with a moral - a conclusion, a lesson, where the meaning of the fable is explained.

3. What are the fables of I.A. Krylova is in the textbook? What does the author make fun of in them?

“Monkey and Glasses” (an ignorant person is ridiculed), “Mirror and Monkey” (ignorance, stupidity, meanness are ridiculed), “Crow and Fox” (flattery, stupidity are ridiculed).

4. What lines of the fable "The Mirror and the Monkey" became winged words? Write them out.

Most of the rest are original. According to the content of Krylov's fable, it can be divided into three parts: 1) those in which universal human shortcomings and vices are ridiculed; 2) those in which the author denounces the social shortcomings of his contemporary life and 3) historical fables.

The first section is the most extensive. In many fables, Krylov ridicules stupidity and ignorance with all sorts of shades of this lack; so, a stupid monkey is angry at glasses just because she does not know how to use them (" Monkey and glasses"); the monkey foolishly does not recognize his reflection in the mirror (“Mirror and Monkey”) - and even, taking the opportunity, criticizes and condemns his neighbors; the fool did not know how to simply open the casket ("Casket"); The "curious" in his mental short-sightedness sees only the small details of life and does not notice the main thing. In the wonderful fable "Liar" at the same time boasting, lies, stupidity and passion for everything foreign are ridiculed, that "foreignness" that Krylov always resented.

Vanity and flattery ridiculed in The Crow and the Fox. From flattery not far to pandering ; it is wittily and subtly denounced in the fable "Two Dogs". Life is hard for the "faithful dog Barbos", this honest worker, while Zhuzhu, the "curly lapdog", perfectly managed to arrange her life - and how? Only by the fact that she “walks on her hind legs” in front of her owners.

Portrait of Ivan Andreevich Krylov. Artist K. Bryullov, 1839

"Cuckoo and Rooster" depicts journalists Buckwheat and Bulgarin who in their articles mutually praised each other. It can be assumed that in the fable "The Education of a Lion" Krylov alludes to the education of Alexander I. Conservatives, dissatisfied with the reforms of Alexander I at the beginning of his reign, accused the Republican La Harpe (Eagle), who raised Alexander, of the spirit and direction of these reforms.

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