What is the best container to store water in? How to properly store drinking water Where is water stored?

This is such a simple question, it would seem. If you need to transport or store purified water, what is the best way to do this? Of course, if transportation takes 10 minutes, then the question posed in the title of this article is not worth a damn. But, if you need to store a supply of water, say, for a day?

So, let's not beat around the bush, but get straight to the point:

1. The best place for storing water - glass containers. Yes, ordinary glass is the least aggressive medium in principle; it does not react with water and does not spoil it in any way. The disadvantage of glass is its weight and fragility.

2. Stainless steel- the second best container for transporting and storing clean water. Stainless steel is an extremely low-chemically active alloy, so water in such containers does not acquire any odor or color in most cases (when using a high-quality alloy, of course). It’s not for nothing that expensive flasks use stainless steel alloys; moreover, such containers are not subject to accidental destruction due to impacts, pressure, or falls.

3. Aluminium alloy. Oddly enough, this is the most practical material. Despite the fact that water in aluminum containers acquires a distinct metallic taste, it does not have any harmful properties. Aluminum is light and quite strong, aluminum flasks are extremely durable (for good reason army units use aluminum flasks). But, over time, deposits may appear inside the aluminum container, which must be periodically removed by washing.

4. Well, on last place priority of use plastic container. This is a simple, accessible and cheap way to transport and store water. Light weight and ease of production made this container extremely popular.

However, it is useful to know that plastic (food grade) is also different, and not every container should be used. You can determine the suitability of the plastic by the marking (usually on the bottom) in the form of a triangle with arrows and a number inside (and an abbreviation below it). Security (from top to bottom):

polypropylene low density polyethylene
food containers, syringes, toys, shakers bags (garbage), some containers
safely relatively safe
polyethylene terephthalate high density polyethylene other types of plastic
water bottles, cosmetics, water bottles disposable tableware, containers for cleaning products water bottles, toys, packaging
practically safe conditionally safe usually safe

That is, the safest containers are those with the number “5” (PP - polypropylene) and “4” (LDPE - low-density polyethylene). And the most dangerous (which should not be used in principle) are “3” (PVC or V - polyvinyl chloride, also known as technical plastic) and “6” (PS - polystyrene, not suitable for reuse in anything, as it releases a carcinogen in the form of styrene). And the most common type of plastic is “1” (PETE), almost 100% of water and lemonade bottles are made from it.

Well, what would you get? clean water In our world, you need a filtration system. Without water purification, any container causes less harm to your body, rest assured of this.

The influence of water on the human condition depends largely on how it is stored. Let's talk about how to properly store water so that it is healthy and stays fresh longer.

Rules for storing drinking water

Water quality plays a major role in determining the appropriate storage period. For long-term storage Well-purified drinking water is suitable; poorly purified water will quickly go rotten in any container.

  • Can choose various containers for water depending on its use: glass, plastic, metal. Plastic and glass containers are most often used to store water. It is more convenient to store small volumes of water in plastic bottles with a lid. If you choose plastic, then choose PET bottles. They are made of polyethylene terephthalate, which does not spoil water.
  • PVC containers are unsafe and can “contaminate” the water with toxins. Also avoid using PVC or BPA containers.
  • The storage temperature of water should not exceed +25 degrees, and you also need to ensure that the container with water is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • If you bought water in a store, then follow the deadlines indicated on the bottle.
  • The container in which water is stored must be tightly closed, otherwise useful material will soon die. Also, water does not last long in an open container, because oxygen entering the water changes its chemical composition.
  • Bottled water can be stored in polycarbonate bottles for twelve months. IN glass containers water can be stored from three months to two years, in PET containers - from three months to one year.

Water plays important role in biochemical processes occurring in the human body. Our health and well-being directly depend on the quality of drinking water. If you don't know how to store water That's right, you can do a lot of harm to your health.

Everyone knows that spring water, which has an excellent taste, is the most beneficial. City dwellers, far from natural springs, drink tap water, which is chlorinated to protect against pathogenic bacteria. But this does not save you from harmful microorganisms. To avoid unpleasant consequences, tap water must be boiled or passed through a filter.

What and where to store water

The quality of water is greatly influenced by the container, storage location and temperature. Research by scientists has proven that the molecules of the materials that make up storage containers have different effects on the structure of water molecules. Therefore, it is important what the water is poured into.

It is recommended to store large amounts of water (for example, in a country house) in a wooden or ceramic dishes. Thanks to their properties, water remains drinkable for up to 3 days.

Silver ions have a positive effect on preserving the molecular structure of water, and accordingly on its quality. Silver containers are the best for storing water.

Meaning of Sunlight

When thinking about how to store water, we must not forget about the influence of light.
According to scientists, the content structural elements in unboiled water gradually decreases in the dark. And, conversely, under the influence of scattered light, changes occur in positive side. It has also been noticed that if tap water is poured into a glass decanter and allowed to sit well in diffused sunlight, its structure remains almost unchanged throughout the day. While in plastic bottle stored in the refrigerator, changes in the worst side happen in 10 minutes. Therefore, it is healthier to store water in the light.

Optimal temperature for storing water

The most acceptable temperature is 7-12 degrees. It slows down the proliferation of microorganisms, remains transparent and quenches thirst well.

Mineral water can be stored at a lower temperature - from 4 to 10 degrees. Glass bottles must be in a horizontal position.

Water in a plastic bottle is stored in the refrigerator. In summer, at temperatures above 30 degrees, plastic begins to release toxic substances into the water.

So, in order not to harm your health and enjoy drinking water, it is best to store water in a silver or glass container in diffused sunlight at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees.

Remember in the old movies: a carafe of water somewhere on the nightstand, on the table or on the speaker's podium. It is unlikely that you will see this in our homes now. Drinking water We store more and more in polymer containers, disposable bottles, and teapots.

But scientists from Smolensk medical academy found out that store water Only needed in clear glass containers!

Everyone knows that water has a more than significant impact on our health, probably no less than the air we breathe. If not all, then many consumers already know that not only the sanitary and hygienic indicators of water, but also its structural features affect a living organism. Now this is often written about in scientific and popular literature.

Water is a heterogeneous system consisting of a liquid and an ice-like or structured fraction. This structured fraction has a significant impact on the maintenance of dynamic structure in a living cell. The functions of water in the body are very diverse; in particular, it forms the spatial structures of biopolymers. Structured water protects cells and enhances biochemical processes. In combination with organic compounds it creates a polymer-liquid pseudo-crystal matrix, and this is the basis of the double helix of DNA, that is, the basis of the foundations - genes.

Many different studies are being conducted, much remains to be learned, but it is already clear that structured water, similar to spring water, is good for health. Manufacturers offer various methods for improving water in this direction.

The structure of water is affected by physical and chemical influences, various radiations. But not only. There are also simple ways available to all of us.

For the experiment, we used ordinary tap water, measured the structured fraction (SF) in it, after which the samples were poured into different containers and stored for two days. The dilatometric method was chosen for the measurement; it is based on the property of water to increase in volume when transitioning to a crystalline state.

The most common utensils used in everyday life were:

Glass decanter;
- crystal decanter;
- glazed ceramic vessel;
- ceramic unglazed vessel;
- aluminum pan;
- enamel pan;
- stainless steel pan;
- silver vessel;
- a glass glass with a silver tea spoon placed in it;
- plastic transparent bottle;
- plastic green bottle.

What did you get?

Firstly, when water storage Lighting is important. In the dark, the content of the structured fraction in water decreases, and in the light it increases. When storing water in the dark, the content of the structured fraction significantly decreased in crystal and plastic, starting from 10 minutes of storage, and in glass, starting from 2 hours of storage. The worst quality indicators were observed in plastic dishes, the least changed water structure in glass. These positive changes under the influence of scattered sunlight they increase within two days. There is no further improvement.

Secondly, the structure of the cookware material affects water structure. Most pronounced positive influence The structure of water was affected by metal utensils: silver by 2.81%, stainless steel by 2.12% and aluminum by 1.39%. When water was stored in enamel containers, its structure changed in much the same way as in glass containers in the dark. The combination of silver and light caused the greatest effect water structuring, and this effect increased over time. After 2 hours the increase was 7.35%.

Thus, contact with metal causes a rapid increase in the structured fraction, and amorphous materials (ceramics, plastic) do not maintain the structural state of water or destroy it during storage. This is especially true for plastic dishes.

Scientists conclude that the optimal and most acceptable option in everyday life water storage is the glassware on the scattered sunlight. Crystal in this sense is somewhat inferior to glass. Adding a metal component, especially silver, enhances the process water structuring. The content of the structured fraction in such water by the end of the second day is 6.5-7%, which corresponds to the indicators of spring water. Worst case scenario is water storage in a plastic container.

Life itself originates in water. The beginning of the beginning - the formation of new DNA from two helices into one double - A transcendental mystery. If we can help ourselves in something, without harming, let's do it! Including, dear expectant mothers, drinking good water.

Store water correctly!

Lyuba Kotikova, chemist

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