On the eve of Mother's Day, an interview with a mother of many children in October. Mother's Day in Temryuk. Interview with a mother of five children Interview with a specialist in large families

On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day.

On this day, a Temryuk.info correspondent interviewed Tatyana Tyshchenko, a mother of many children, and found out how a family with five children lives.

- Hello Tatiana. It's very nice to see such a big and friendly family. Tell us about your children.

- Hello. The eldest son's name is Konstantin, he is already 18 years old. He studies in Novorossiysk, in the state Maritime University named after Admiral Ushakov and devotes a lot of time to sports, boxing.

The second son’s name is Sergei, he studies in the 9th grade of secondary school No. 2, and in his free time from school, just like the eldest, he practices boxing. On this moment he has not yet decided what he wants to become by profession, but in our family conversations the FSB Coast Guard Institute in Anapa was mentioned more than once. Seryozha wants to complete all 11 classes, and only then enter a higher educational institution.

Our daughter Daria is only 6 years old, she goes to preparatory school, and will only go to secondary school next year. Dasha is the most energetic child in our family; she is ready to play, dance and sing from early morning until late at night. IN preparatory school she enjoys participating in concerts.

A little over a year ago, our family was expanded with two more beautiful girls. We named the twins Christina and Polina. They are just learning to walk, but judging by the way they are doing it, they will definitely be models (Laughs).

Children are energetic and responsive; elders always take an active part in household affairs. We even created a duty schedule; the duty officer was assigned the duties of washing dishes and other small household chores. But mostly we do everything together: we clean the house, work in the garden, babysit our one-year-old girls.

— Large families are not so common these days. You always wanted and dreamed about big family?

— Yes, my husband and I planned and really wanted many children. True, we didn’t even imagine that we would have twins, but we were very happy about it. We love children very much, as it may not be trite to say, children are our everything: our joy, the meaning of life.

When we already had three children, we consulted with my husband and decided to take the baby from orphanage, but the guardianship authorities persistently dissuaded us, citing the fact that children are often adopted by wealthy parents and foreign citizens, and we will not be able to give them that much. In the end we were refused. We decided to try to have another baby, but it turned out to be two at once. (Smiles)

- Is it easy or difficult to be large family? What is a typical day like in your family?

— Our days, I think, pass the same way as in all families, there are just a little more worries. When on the street good weather we try to spend time on fresh air, in the summer - in nature, at the sea, the rest of the time either in a city park or in your yard.

By the end of the day you already feel tired. During the whole day you try to devote time to everyone, but you also need to maintain order in the house and prepare food. But it’s a blessing to realize that you have children, and there is nothing more pleasant than feeling the warmth of the embrace of five pairs of beloved children’s hands at the same time.

— Between worries and raising children, do you still have personal time for yourself, perhaps have a hobby?

“There’s not much time left; it’s mostly lunch time for our little ones.” Then I can take time for myself and my hobbies. Not long ago I became interested in sculpting pictures from plasticine. It's painstaking work, but it's very calming.

— Does the state help you?
Yes, once a quarter we receive an additional payment of 4,300 rubles. They also promised to allocate land plot, which is due to us by law, this issue is being resolved by the administration, but, unfortunately, not as quickly as we would like.

Good assistance is provided by the organization where my husband works; he is a sailor mechanic at the AChBF FSUE “Rosmorport”.

If support from the state were more significant, I am sure there would be more large families. I know many examples of couples who would like to have a second or third child, but cannot afford it due to limited financial resources.

— What do you advise and wish for women who are just preparing to become mothers?

— I would like to note that motherhood is a big responsibility, you need to prepare for it in advance, lead healthy image life. Children must be taken seriously, each one as an individual from the first days. Children are our future, and to a large extent it depends on us, the parents, what kind of people they will grow up to be. I wish all mothers and girls who are just planning to become mothers health, love and, of course, patience.

PWhy is a large family such a rarity today? , why is society often even aggressive towards large families? , Whatsuch an ideal family and aboutsecretOheducationMaria Bubnova, a mother of four children, tells in an interview.

— Please tell me what a family is, from your point of view, and what it should be like?

Family- this is a married union loving spouses and children, which is a single living organism. Husband- head of the family, wife out of love (if you love a person, then you are afraid of offending him, upsetting him, you want to do everything so that there is love, peace, God's blessing in the family) obeys and helps him, children obey their parents, realizing that disobedience leads to serious consequences. Also here, in the family, are grandparents - as the most wise people in life. Parents learn to honor them. D I go with my grandmother to the delight of my grandchildren, and the grandchildren themselves are also delighted by their attention to them - reading books in the evenings, playing checkers, words...

— Please tell us about your children. Are they similar or completely different?

All mothers of many children They will say that the children in their families are different. They are similar in appearance, but in character... Everyone has different temperaments: the eldest is sanguine, the second is melancholic, the third is choleric, the fourth is sanguine. We My husband and I noticed one interesting feature: a child’s character develops during pregnancy! Here are examples: I was the eldest in my last year of study, took exams, defended my diploma. It was easy and joyful for me; it was the first year of marriage. And my daughter’s character has developed like this - cheerful, dreamy, she loves to study, invent...

I was afraid to give birth to my second, remembering how mi The first birth was difficult. She prayed a lot, was withdrawn and reserved. And the second daughter was born serious, self-sufficient.

I spent my third pregnancy getting ready – moving from city to village. She collected everything, gave it away, then dismantled it in a new place, mastered the village and the garden with overflowing energy...And the third turned out to be the most energetic in the family, easy to communicate, and economical!

— Is external fulfillment important for a woman?

Probably yes - but in a small dose. For the first three years I worked as a teacher, then I went on maternity leave for many years. When I gave birth to my third, I was asked to quit my job. In 13 years family life I run the house And I work from home. All my children did not and do not go to kindergarten. At first I felt a little bad about not going to work. But the husband said: “I earn enough money, we have everything we need at home. Don’t go anywhere, be close to the children, they need your love...” I agree with him.

Now I find fulfillment in reading books and a little on the Internet - talking with friends, typing a little orthodox stories, I'll find out new information on the topic of your work.

— What is more important for children – material security or the care and love of their parents, sisters and brothers?

I asked this question to the children (except for the fourth, he is not yet three years), and they all immediately answered: “The love of parents and each other!”

It seems to me that all the children in the world want this one – love. But not all parents listen to them...

— Do life guidelines change with the advent of a large family?

I guess it's yes. When we had small childrenand we lived in the city, we were drawn to the village. But in her we are faced with problems: education for children (there are no clubs, music and art school, the nearest secondary school was closed completely), with a lack of money, implementation to her myself. In the city large families It’s easier to live, but at the same time you lose: closeness to nature and, accordingly, a calmer, healthier, working rhythm of life...

- How you spend free time, if this happens, don’t you want to take a break from family worries?

About once a year, in the summer, we go on vacation to Crimea or Abkhazia by the sea. What a great time for the whole family to relax! And so, once a month we try to visit a museum or a concert, an exhibition... We went to puppet show. If the children are not sick (the flu seems to have hit us all...), I try to walk with them either in the park or on the playground. On children's birthdays and holidays, we invite other large families and organize games, competitions...

— Are there any problems that do not arise in a family with many children?

I think that children in a normal large family will not have selfishness. How can selfishness manifest itself here if in a family several children at once learn to give in to each other, ask for forgiveness, forgive, share, etc. ima ugh... It’s hard for one child learned t. And here is daily school!

The children probably don’t have much free time either.: everyone takes turns washing the dishes, cleaning something, tidying up, I tell them I also give you tasks to embroider something on draw, they go to music school...Children in large families understand the value of time and work.

There is a learning experience from older children. The younger ones will immediately learn to walk on potty, and read, draw, play excitingly, looking at the elders...

There is also a feeling of “elbowdom” - children go to school together and leave it together. The younger ones are starting to miss the older students. And how happy those children who stay at home are - they can play, work out with their favorite baby...

There is no danger of excessive hyperopia in a large family e ki - there are a lot of children, here you have to have time to pay attention to everyone e...

Children from large families are more independent, sociable, and have experience managing younger children.

— We saw photographs where you bake cookies with your children: you do it so well together. Do you have any parenting secrets?

As in any Orthodox family– obedience, work and prayer. But above that is love and attention to every child. We pray together in the morning: Each child takes turns reading “To the King of Heaven,” “ Holy Trinity"and other prayers called s in ae t his patron saint,godparents, asks about health and peace. I have an evening rule - reading the Psalter, and the children help me. Morning prayer calms and organizes the day, gives strength, and the Psalter (ancient Slavic text) develops memory well, drives away despondency and demons.

We fast together at home and go to church every Sunday.

— Your children are fond of handicrafts, perform work in various techniques: beading, appliqué, embroidery. Does this activity have any children developing andeducational potential?

All this develops attention, perseverance (my youngest doesn’t really like to sit...), imagination (you have to choose the color and design yourself), artistic taste, motor skills, the ability to use a needle, pencil, scissors... There is another feature - we give crafts, and the children are happy the fact that they can make something with their own hands and give it to someone they love: godparents, girlfriends, other family members, teachers yam...

— What is an ideal family?

For us, the ideal family is the royal family of Nicholas II and Alexandra. Their children were so pure, beautiful, friendly, merciful (three girls were sisters of mercy), cheerful! And how they all loved each other! And their mother, Alexandra Fedorovna, endlessly surprises me with her sacrifice - she had facial neuralgia, periodically lay in bed, could not get up due to leg disease, but she overpowered herself. She gave all of herself to her family and people (along with doctors, she worked in the hospital, often even staying up at night; she gave her and her children’s crafts to everyone around them, organized charitable societies, schools and orphanages...).

— Why do you think large families are so rare today?

People do not want to sacrifice themselves, they are afraid of losing free time, entertainment, peace, they do not know that the more children in the family, the more joy the Lord will give!

— Why do you think society is often even aggressive towards large families?

It seems to me that people envy people with many children - they are not like everyone else, they do not commit the terrible sin of abortion, they work, they sacrifice themselves. But the majority cannot do this! Children are God's gift, God's blessing. Many people don’t understand this and believe that life is pleasure. And God will have to give an answer - did you live your life correctly, did you do good to anyone? Did you raise your children well, did you truly love them?

A large family is a reproach to the selfishness of single people, who somehow, willy-nilly, have to justify themselves. At least before your conscience!

Thanks for the interesting answers, Maria. God bless your family.

In continuation of the “Interviews with mothers of many children” section, our guest today Natalya Spechova. Natalya - w journalist and writer at the behest of his heart. Teacher, psychologist, by education and state of mind. And, of course, a mother of many children.

Natalya, did you deliberately have many children or did it happen naturally?

“I always wanted three children with such an age difference, and then everything will happen on its own.”

How many children do you have in your family?

— We have 2 sons (12 and 4) and a daughter (9 years old).

At what age did you become mother of many children?

— My third child was born when I was 33 years old. Significant age.

Do older children help you?

“We all help each other.” One cooks, the second immediately washes the dishes, the third removes the excess. Anyone can wash the dishes, the floor, the laundry. Everyone except the youngest cooks well)). The eldest son can easily bake a cake or pie.

How do your children communicate: as a team, in pairs, by age, by gender?

All together, again. If the youngest rushes around the apartment like the leader of the Redskins, the elders join in - we need to throw out emotions - and for some time we enjoy the hooting and stomping. Then everything calms down, the steam is released. The eldest, as a rule, takes out boxes with construction sets, the younger ones sit down, and creative silence ensues.

Do you develop children according to their abilities and talents or all together?

— I am a supporter of the development of individual abilities. If the eldest, for example, dreams of becoming a design engineer, then let him go to robotics and the like. If my daughter sees herself as a stylist, then I won’t force her to cram notes.

Of course, there are moments when we are directed in one direction: these are trips to museums, concerts, exhibitions, etc. And that's okay. And this is important.

Do you have any secrets for arranging your home?

— Most main secret- together. But Sooner or later, every mother faces the question: “How to simplify household chores”? Of course, me too. I’ll share my basic truths, which I talk about quite often:

“I use my aunt’s principle, The “follow-up” principle. She likes to repeat: “Don’t walk empty.” Remember when the Gas Station Queen used to send drivers “along the way” for gravel? So this “along the way” principle works well with things, especially if there are more than two people in the house. You run to the kitchen to turn off the running milk, grabbing a tea cup on the way that was left by the computer. When you go back, grab a pen and notepad, which have been eating dinner on the kitchen table since last night.

« If not me, then who?” Elementary: everyone washed their plate after eating, put away their mug, etc...

« Do it right away. Everything is immediately in place (not on a chair or chair, they say, in an hour the thing will be needed again, but in place). Sometimes this point argues with the first)).

« Weeding" “Noble culture” needs conditions: Every day, 10 things out. Even if it’s small, it’s all the same. Plus, when you bring something new into the house, you throw away the old.

Traffic charts. I have several active charts:

  • priority chart
  • thematic chart (I use stickers to write the next version of the task)
  • schedule “Important family matters”
  • There is also such a thing as “Hole-Patches”: the holes are debts, and the patches are to whom, what and when I must repay.

How do most of your friends feel about having many children?

- Wary...

Whether you work?

— I work at home. In addition to my daily work, I also work in creative and coaching fields. I have been involved in journalism for more than 10 years, and a little less in writing. I have 10 books to my credit.

The creative writing theme has been accompanying me like a red thread for 26 years. And at the beginning of last fall, I organized the project “I want to write a book.” A project for beginners (and not only) writers. Next to me is an amazing team of professionals, each of whom complements each other. We do not pretend to be a literary institute. We have a completely different approach. So that the writer feels calm and confident, so that he can create without drowning in the writing routine, we have collected required material and placed it on a silver platter. This includes creative time management, writer naming, book marketing (do writers like to do promotion?), and copyright (we have an amazing media lawyer) and much more. etc.

Well, and most importantly, we create an atmosphere of creativity and provide psychological support, because I am a psychologist, and my colleague Natalya Filippova is a psychotherapist.

This time, in addition to the main project, we decided to create an express option, where you can immerse yourself in writing short prose.

What are your hobbies? Do you have enough time for them?

— I love handicrafts. I try to set aside time every day for at least 15 minutes. My most great love- this is scrap. Actually, for good reason, because diaries, diaries, and various pieces of paper are sacred to me. Soap making is to the soul, because... obsessed with natural products. If desired, I can decoupage. I generally like to experiment, mix and connect everything and everyone.

Do you feel like a fulfilled and fulfilled woman?

— I feel the horizons ahead. “Realized” is kind of like a ceiling, already “annaya” (according to my feelings), so the “student-teacher-master” position is close to me - three in one.

What is your main argument in favor of large families?

- Unconditional love. In such families, most often, love does not have unnecessary signs, accents and emphasis.

Thank you for participating in our project. Your example is very important for our readers.

Interviewed by Elena Kuznetsova

- Having many children - why people do they decide to do this?

I never thought that I would be a woman with many children.

As a child, I did not have a large family; my mother was the one who raised me. Mom worked a lot, I remember I was often lonely and, of course, I dreamed of “having” myself a brother or sister. This loneliness probably left its mark, because already in my girlish dreams I planned to have at least two children (necessarily a boy and a girl).

Two children fit perfectly into my idea of ​​a full-fledged family, but I could not imagine that there would be four children.

All of them are desirable to me and I love them very much! My eldest daughter’s name is Lenochka, she is already 24 years old, she is very big and independent, now she is starting (I hope) her own family.

My son’s name is Vanyushka, he turned 18 in April. At the moment, he is trying to defend his rights to independence from me.

The “little” girls’ names are Masha and Nastya. Masha is 7 years old, she is in first grade, Nastya is 4 years old, she is in “housekeeping” class.

- Is it easy or difficult to be a large family in Voronezh?

Being a large family is not easy in any city, and I don’t just mean financial difficulties. Voronezh, unfortunately, is no exception. Family budget you have to plan very carefully so that there is enough for everything. In addition, every child wants parental attention, and this is time. Well, everyday housekeeping, of course, brings its share of troubles.

Although we moved to the suburbs a few years ago, we now have our own home on the river. The house is old, but we love it very much. We also have a real bathhouse and a small vegetable garden, the work in which only makes me happy so far. But I am patiently waiting for the younger “gardeners” to grow up.

- How does a typical day for a large family go?

Yes, just like in ordinary families, there are just a little more worries.

If we cook, it’s a “bucket”, but I have some assistants who are growing up. They will wash the dishes and help prepare dinner: they cut vegetables like real chefs. Mashunya puts her room in such order, the elders are jealous.

It happens that guests come to all the children at once (especially in the summer) - then the house becomes a little noisy, but very fun. I like this bustle, because I dreamed of a big, cheerful family.

-How do the children themselves feel about the fact that there are many of them?

Children, in my opinion, do not attach any importance to this and perceive our “collective farm” absolutely normally. Younger girls, for example, adore older sister, she is an unquestioned authority for them, they imitate her in everything: they copy her gait, manner of dressing and talking. And she, in turn, always brings them a whole bag of gifts; my husband and I are very pleased with her care for her little sisters.

The elders also live quite amicably among themselves; the son often comes to Lena with his secrets, which he does not want to trust with me.

The main thing in a large family is “one for all and all for one,” then the family will always live in love and joy. Therefore, my husband and I try to raise our children in such a way that there are as few grounds for quarrels as possible: for example, in our family greed, injustice in relationships, and any kind of division are strictly suppressed, but, on the contrary, the slightest concern for each other is very welcome.

We, as parents, are worried about financial difficulties, and we certainly wouldn’t want material goods, one of the children regretted that he was from a large family.

They say it’s difficult with one child, with two it’s easier, but with three or more it’s quite easy. This is true?

It's not about the number of children, but about the attitude of parents towards children. We believe that children should be given more freedom, but always with a reasonable amount of control, then they grow up to be quite independent and responsible. For example, since the age of ten, Vanyushka has been caring for his younger sisters: first Marusya, and then Nastenka, and we always boldly trusted him with the girls, knowing that he would feed them and look after them.

Younger children can already provide serious assistance in cleaning the house. But of course there are difficulties! One of them is enough, but here there are four - and each with its own character, so everything can happen: small quarrels, and big conflicts. My husband and I always try to resolve them fairly; for example, the title of junior never gave us any privileges. Everyone is treated with respect, but it also carries responsibility. Even a baby must follow his little rules.

- Having many children - what is more in it, happiness or problems?

There are so many problems, so much happiness, even more. You know how happy I am when we all get together as a family. I would like to hope that the children also have a good time together.

The biggest concern of a mother with many children: the more children, the more worries about them, and they are so different and there are so many of them, your head is spinning. Vanyushka, for example, is now in adolescence, and it is often difficult to find mutual language, of course, I worry about how he will manage his life.

Lena is “building” her family, she wants everything to work out well for her.

There are fewer problems with the little ones, the main concern is to feed and kiss on time.

- Does the state help you?

The state helps only low-income large families. It so happened that our family falls a little short of this “honorary” title, and we have to rely on our own strength.

Of course, assistance should be sufficient, but if necessary, the state should help all large families, then there will be many more of them in our country.

We, of course, are not starving, but, for example, it is very difficult to go on vacation or go with the whole family somewhere to relax on the weekend, because even on movie tickets you have to spend more than a thousand rubles! There is still an opinion among people: “Rather than create poverty, it is better to raise one in prosperity.” Therefore, many parents do not dare to have even two children, let alone three or more.

But, in turn, I want to say: no amount of money, dear daddies and mommies, can replace the feeling of that happiness when you are hugged by four pairs of beloved children’s arms at the same time.

Friendly, cheerful, big family- this is the result of parental work, patience, the desire to give your loved ones the best, to teach the most necessary things. To raise a child to be a person with a broad outlook, with internal moral values, to raise a person who will feel confident on the waves adult life, is the understandable goal of every parent. How do large families cope with such educational tasks, where do they get the strength for all their children, how important is it to be able to instill discipline, mutual respect and independence? Each large family has its own answers to this, its own recipes for a happy life.

Nikolai and Elena Korneta live in Zhukovsky near Moscow, they have three children. Nikolay works as a manager. Elena is a housewife and mother. Her main job is caring for and raising Alexandra, Maria and Nikolai. We talked with Elena about the joys and difficulties in the lives of large families, what problems parents solve, and how they take into account the individuality of each child.

“Stork on the Roof”: Elena, what would you first tell future parents who dream of a large, friendly family?

Elena Korneta: A family that plans to have a child - first, second, third, it doesn’t matter - inevitably faces questions of a material nature (housing, income) and psychological. Many of my friends, having no financial obstacles, cannot even decide to have a second child precisely because of psychological fears and concerns. When we were planning a third child, I constantly felt anxiety and remorse that it would be too hard, that I couldn’t cope, that I would abandon my daughters, because the eldest had to go to first grade, the youngest - to kindergarten. But now I can say that fears just need to be overcome. The birth of a child is a natural and happy event. After the first crazy days after maternity hospital, everything falls into place and becomes orderly. Naturally a daily schedule is built, a place is found for each child, husband, for oneself, and after a few years for work.

“Stork”: How did you and your husband come to the decision to become a large family? Was the support of relatives and friends important?

Elena: I always thought that I would have two children, perhaps because I myself grew up in such a standard family. My husband, on the contrary, was an only child, but from the very first day of our marriage he planned a large family.

The decision to have a third child somehow came naturally. I suddenly realized that I wanted to become a mother again, that there were opportunities, there were strengths. Having many children gives a different perception of family, in my opinion. An extraordinary feeling of cohesion and friendship. In addition, children grow up and turn from fools into full-fledged interlocutors, it’s so amazing.

I think there is no need to rely on the opinions of others when planning a family. I got the impression that our society accepts only one model - a family with two children. Families with one child, three or more, or no children are generally considered abnormal. Of course, you need to listen to the opinions of your loved ones, especially if they are part of the responsibility for caring for the child, but the final decision can only be made by the spouses.

“Stork”: Tell us about your leisure time, about the development of children. Is it possible to give each child due attention? How to find time for both daughters and son to develop as independent, unique individuals?

Elena: I don’t work in the usual sense of the word, that is, I don’t go to the office every day. My job is taking care of children every day. I have enough time for each child. Eldest daughter is in the fourth grade, she needs help with her homework and talk to her a lot: about school, about her affairs. A dangerous adolescence is approaching, and I would like to approach it in the most trusting relationship. I'm preparing my second daughter for school. She does not visit development centers, I, having Teacher Education, I work with her myself. My son is three years old, an active age, when everything is interesting and everyone wants to do something - sculpt, draw, listen to books being read. Gadgets are not accepted in our family, children do not play computer games, eldest daughter does not go online, is not registered on social networks, works with a computer only when performing school assignments. All her free time is consumed by the dance studio.

We don't put pressure on children, they do what they want. The eldest daughter went to the pool and dances, then she stopped liking the pool, now she just dances. The younger children do not attend anything yet; I organize all the leisure time that remains after kindergarten myself.

On weekend evenings we like to get together at the table and play Board games: lotto, Monopoly, Scrabble, children's board games, of which there are a lot now.

My husband and I try to introduce our children to culture: we go to museums, theaters, and exhibitions. Every year we definitely travel to Russian cities. We have already visited Kolomna, St. Petersburg, Novorossiysk. It was not easy with the little ones, but I hope they will have some memories.

Dad is actively involved in water tourism and already takes his eldest daughter on small trips around the Moscow region.

“Stork”: In large families, special attention is paid to discipline. Probably, some future parents may reasonably think that this will be the main difficulty when raising several children. What could you answer them?

Elena: In my opinion, discipline directly depends on an adult’s ability to handle a child and has nothing to do with the number of children. Serious disciplinary problems can also arise in a family with one child. Children are flexible and receptive, they integrate very organically into the life of the family and exist according to its laws. What you allow your children to do, they will do, and subsequently demand. If initially, from birth, a child lives according to a clear, precise daily routine, knows when to go for a walk, when to go to bed, how much to watch TV, then as he grows up there will be no difficulties with this. Whims and uncontrollability are a direct consequence of parents’ lack of understanding (or unwillingness) to create an understandable, clear environment around the child.

Of course, children are not robots, and discipline is not training; it makes no sense to demand absolute obedience. You need to be more relaxed about a certain percentage of “error”. I myself, having a soft character, cannot boast of impeccable discipline.

“Aist”: What support from the state is most in demand for you? And how would you rate the state’s care for large families in general?

Elena: Almost all benefits provided by the state are in demand by us.

Very worthy program maternity capital, we took advantage of it by paying off part of the mortgage loan. But it seems to me that this program needs to be developed and expanded. Now the law allows a fairly narrow range of needs for which a family can spend maternal capital. I think that if families are given a wider choice of how to spend this money, there will actually be more people wanting to give birth.

Of course, the opportunity to get a plot of land. This is a huge plus for us. We have not yet taken advantage of this benefit, but we are looking forward to it, because the opportunity to spend time at the dacha, in the fresh air, is very valuable to us.

It seems to me that a good help from the state for large families would be preferential mortgage loans and other housing programs. There are many families who want to have a third child, but they have limited housing and simply cannot afford it. It would be great if the state showed interest in the emergence of new citizens and helped its citizens a little to make the right decision.

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