Valery Nikolaev. Actor Valery Nikolaev: photo, biography, personal life, films, interesting facts Valery, as a romantic person, probably, and made an offer spectacularly

The actor married circus artist Elmira Zemskova a couple of months ago. For many, this news came as a surprise. "Antenna" was the first to talk with the newlyweds.

How long have you known each other? It looks like you have such a hasty wedding ...

In 2008, I participated in the Circus with Stars project. After one of the rehearsals, Volodya Turchinsky and I (TV presenter, record holder in strength sports, died of a heart attack in 2009. - Approx. "Antennas") and Sasha Mokhov went to the locker room. In the corridor I saw Elmira. Red hair, long suede coat. Some kind of alien! I would have stood there if Vova Turchinsky hadn't pushed me into the dressing room.

I had just returned from a tour of Germany and just for a couple of minutes looked into the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard to resolve some urgent issues. Valera in this trinity singled out immediately. She asked her mother who he was. The fact is that I rarely visit Russia and have not seen films with his participation. Mom answered: actor Nikolaev.

Elmira Nikolaevna then told her mother: "This is my future husband." By the middle of the project, I got in good shape, and I had something to impress.

Before one of the numbers, I approached Valera in the buffet, made a compliment and added that I was rooting for him. He invited me to the cinema...

I'm guessing a movie about love?

I don't even remember. I was so worried then that my hamstrings were shaking.

Did we have before the movie? Fortunately, the theater is dark. After some time, Elmira invited me for tea. And a month later, we no longer planned in the evenings what we would do tomorrow, but decided it together in the morning.

Valery looked after beautifully?

He is romantic! Not from the “big bouquet for the holiday” series, although this also happened. And every day some surprises, deeds. I remember my cat was sick. Valera took her to the veterinarian, then he bought medicines. When he learned that I had poor orientation in Moscow, he showed me the city. I constantly felt that he not only listens to me, but also hears me. This went on for over a year.

And then, despite the fact that everything was fine, for some reason you broke up ...

I started touring...

And I have insanity. We hardly spoke for several years. From case to case they crossed paths, called up. During this time, a lot has happened in my life. And at a certain moment I realized that I had exhausted the limit of such an existence. On April 18 of this year, I was driving in a car with very bad thoughts in my head. Suddenly I caught myself calling someone. Heard in the tube "Hello!" and I realized: I dialed Elmira on the machine.

And if he had called the day before, I would not have answered: I was in India. And then, having returned home, she turned on her cell phone, and Valera's number immediately appeared. The call surprised me, because we did not call each other for three years. But there was no resentment. He didn’t do anything bad to me, he didn’t do terrible things. So I invited him home.

I arrived, and so I stayed forever.

Photo from the personal archive of Valery Nikolaev

Did Elmira's parents accept you right away?

Elmira's dad Nikolai Zemskov died when her daughter was 12 years old. And we met Elmira's mother Nina at the Aeroport metro station. She was walking with Klepa, a Stafford who bites car tires without any problems. First, Cleopatra had to please. Happened. When Eli's mother returned home after a vacation, Klepa and I slept together on the couch. Then the hostess was imbued with confidence in me. True, the question arose: what should I call Elmira's mother? Mom is hard. She is only three years older than me. And one morning it dawned on me: to speak in one word “Mother Nina”. She, a beautiful young cheerful woman, appreciated the joke. And now I eat delicious hodgepodge and fish soup that she cooks.

There were a lot of rumors about Nikolaev's relationship with women. Didn't that bother your mother, Elya?

Mom doesn't believe the rumors. And it hurts me more that circus performers are called circus performers in the newspapers.

Are you jealous of your husband?

I'm not jealous. I think: if the husband wants to leave, change, he will do it. You won't have any effect. There are always a lot of women around Valera. But I know how much he loves me, so I am one hundred percent sure of him.

Photo PersonaStars

Valery, as a romantic person, probably, did he make an offer spectacularly?

We went to the Novodevichy Convent for a walk. We sat down near the pond, and he took out a ring ...

I then said that this is not a wedding ring, but an engagement ring. Elya, in response, deigned to put her head on my shoulder. She withstood a long pause in the registry office after the words of the registrar. Stanislavsky himself would have said: "Elmira Nikolaevna, the audience is waiting." A friend even had to pinch her so that Elya finally said: “Yes!”

I know that you had a wedding in Suzdal.

I don't like big feasts with traditional white dresses. We bought my outfit spontaneously.

Of course, we drove from the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard to an apartment on Maslovka and “accidentally” ended up in Crocus. This dress would be the envy of a Cirque du Soleil costume designer. Narrow as the neck of a glass, corset, breeches to the knee under the skirt. Very cool. When I showed it to Ele, the first answer was “No!”. Then I took a closer look, and in addition to the dress, we bought two more outfits. After all, the bride must change clothes three times for the wedding.

We did not make a list of guests and menus in advance. At first, they generally wanted to celebrate it together. But in the end, Valera offered to go to Suzdal. I agreed. I have never been in this city, and I'm tired of the Moscow bustle. Only 12 people were invited to the celebration.

The wedding took place on September 8, on Monday. We flew to Suzdal by helicopter. It is unsuitable for an aerial gymnast to move on the ground. There we were already waiting for guests, local artists. Very talented people. Then we went to Vladimir. In the Bogolyubov Monastery, a kitten with huge blue eyes approached us. The priest blessed us so that we could take it. The kitten was named Eve. True, a week later the veterinarian advised me to change the name to Adam. And it became clear why the cat immediately crushed the house under him, scared the dogs away and hunted me. In general, now his name is Vladimir Central. ...September 13 was 40 days without my dad. Many said that this was not the time for celebrations, but I think he was happy for us. In the summer, my father was diagnosed with blood cancer. God bless Ira Apeksimova, she placed him in the Botkin hospital. Without her help and her friends, Papa would not have received better care than in Germany and Switzerland combined.

A good relationship with an ex-wife is rare. Do Irina and Elmira already know each other?

Yes, I introduced them. True, after that the second meeting took place at the funeral of his father.

Elmira, do you communicate with Dasha, Valery's daughter from her marriage to Apeksimova?

We met a couple of times. There was no dinner with heart-to-heart conversations yet. But I would like it.

Elmira Zemskova told how hard her husband had experienced the accident, and how she was advised to divorce him.

Last spring, Valery Nikolaev rammed several cars in a car, ran over a traffic police officer and fled the scene of the crime. The wife of the actor Elmira Zemskova was on tour in Vienna at that time, when she heard about the accident, she thought it was a duck and began to call her husband, but he was unavailable.

From friends, Elmira learned that Valery had been detained. The next day, it turned out that Nikolaev left the courtroom without permission, and he was imprisoned for ten days. On March 8, Zemskova returned to Moscow, Valery had just been released. He came home tired, depressed, with empty eyes, he closed himself even more.

Elmira did not engage in clarifications, but simply tried to be with her husband around the clock. And again, she didn't follow. Nikolaev, hurrying on business, drove into the oncoming lane and lost his driver's license. As a result, the court imposed a sentence of fifteen days of arrest and a fine. Elmira went to her husband and brought a package. And at that moment, behind bars, Valera finally realized how he had played tricks in recent months. As a result, Nikolaev returned home completely broken.

According to Zemskova, it began to seem to her husband that wherever he went, he would get into another trouble, as a result, Nikolaev became afraid to leave the house. The actor has always controlled himself perfectly, it was very difficult to unbalance him. And on the day of the accident, the twenty-fifth of February, nothing foreshadowed trouble. Then Valera confessed to his wife that he himself did not understand how this could happen.

Nikolaev completely immersed himself in his sense of guilt, fear for the future. He understood that he could lose his profession, his family, his audience. Then he apologized publicly on the Internet for the first time - both to the people who were injured in the accident and to his fans.

In the period between the accident that Nikolaev got into and the trial, some well-wishers asked Elmira why she needed such a husband. Some people stopped communicating with Valera after these incidents. But real friends and relatives were always there, supported. Dasha was constantly in touch with her father. There were also fans from Valery's fan club who supported Nikolaev in every possible way.

Elmira herself had doubts that if her husband behaved so strangely, whether he even needed a wife. However, after everything experienced, they even stopped quarreling over trifles. Their love only grew stronger.

At the trial, Valery thanked his wife for understanding everything and being there. “I live for her,” the actor admitted. For both of them, this was a serious lesson. They realized how much they needed each other in sorrow and in joy.

Then Nikolaev and Zemskova acquired a large and kind Alabai Josie, such a great white miracle. They began to walk with Josie, Valery began to gradually come to life.

Recently, with the participation of Nikolaev, the entreprise “Lie to me, baby!” The fact that her husband is busy with what he loves makes Elmira very happy.

Valery Nikolaev was married twice before meeting Elmira. The first time - on a classmate at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio Natalya Pirogova. From the second wife, actress Irina Apeksimova, Nikolaev already has an adult daughter, Dasha. Elmira and Valery visited Irina, where Zemskova met Dasha. Nikolaev loves and is proud of her very much.

Elmira Zemskova in her youth lived for three years with the juggler Lev. Then she went on tour to Las Vegas, and maintaining a serious relationship at a distance is impossible. A few years later, Elmira found out that Leva had crashed on a motorcycle. On tour, she had foreign fans, but there was no serious relationship. And with Valera, Elmira admits, from the first day it was even comfortable to be silent.

Candid interview with the new wife of the famous heartthrob

As we already reported in the last issue, 49-year-old actor Valery NIKOLAEV, whom viewers see every week in Ilya Averbukh's super show "Ice Age", secretly married a circus performer - 31-year-old Elmira ZEMSKOVA. At the numerous requests of readers, Express Newspaper turned to Elmira with a request to tell how Valery conquered her and what sacrifices she is ready to make for her beloved.

The whole country followed the relationship of the handsome Valery Nikolaev with actress Irina Apeksimova. In 1989 they left for the USA in search of a better professional life. Nikolaev successfully starred in several Hollywood films. But American luck did not smile at Irina. Having decided to continue her career in her homeland, Irina left her star husband in a foreign land. This predetermined their separation. After the return of Nikolaev, they starred together in the famous film "Bourgeois's Birthday". And during the filming, Valery had an affair with actress Daria Poverennova.
How many such novels there were in the life of a popular artist - today, probably, even he himself will not be able to calculate. But now a new period has begun in the life of the "bourgeois": he married the beautiful gymnast Elmira Zemskova!

We met at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, - said the artist of the Circus. Nikulin Elmira Zemskova. - Valery walked along the corridor, and when I saw him, I asked my mother about him. She told me about the starring role in the film Bourgeois's Birthday, which I, since I spent a lot of time abroad, for obvious reasons, did not see. Mom explained that they were filming the TV show "Circus with Stars" and Nikolaev was one of the participants. Behind the scenes, in a cafe over a cup of coffee, we talked and got to know each other.
- What else did he win you over?
- Courage. During the performance with horses, he crushed his heel. Jumped badly. He had a crack, but he did not leave the race, but continued to prepare other gymnastic numbers in the air. All the circuses respected him then. By the way, Valera did gymnastics as a child and did not become a candidate for master of sports due to a broken arm.
Our paths converged and diverged. Since I am also an ambitious girl, I could not refuse overseas contracts. Now we are trying to be together: either he goes abroad with me, if I have a contract signed, or I pack my bags and fly with him. For example, he recently filmed in Cuba in the film Cult. I went with Valera.

Husband did the wedding

You were not embarrassed that the press wrote a lot about the broken women's hearts of Valery Nikolaev?
- Of course, I knew about Irina Apeksimova. I heard he was drinking. Sometimes it is sharp, breaks. But there are no perfect people. Valera's virtues outweigh his faults. He is a real man. He could come somewhere and arrange fireworks in honor of me. Valera himself organized our wedding. I didn't know anything about her training.
We once walked near the Novodevichy Convent. They sat on a bench by the lake, Valera knelt down and, holding out a ring, offered to marry. All I did for our wedding was to make a festive menu and on one of my visits from Cuba, together with my future husband, I chose a wedding dress. Even two. Both are not wedding, so I will often wear them in everyday life. I had no dream - to wear a white dress with a veil. Valera bought wedding rings himself: they are made in the shape of infinity.

Are you superstitious? Usually the dress is not shown to the groom ...
- There is a sign in the circus: you can’t sit with your back to the arena, otherwise luck will turn away. I follow this rule. But when it comes to wedding matters - here you need to act according to the situation.
- How did Valery's relationship with his mother-in-law develop?
- My mother loves him, so they found a common language.
- Where did you celebrate the wedding?
- In the ancient Russian city of Suzdal. Valery wants to show me beautiful cities that I have not seen. He gave me a tour of Moscow, which I did not know well. There was no magnificent celebration: 14 people were guests. Signed on Monday, without fuss. It really turned out to be our holiday, which was made for two. On the second day, the guests went on city tours.
- This is your first marriage. Chosen under a microscope?
- At the beginning of my career, I had no time for men: the circus is home, the circus is home. Then suitors began to appear, thinking something like this: “Oh, what a girl, sitting on a twine.” But I have before my eyes the example of my father - also a circus performer Nikolai Zemskov, who was the leader of the numbers "Equilibrists on Perches" and "Russian Stick". I was 12 years old when he died. But I remember it for the rest of my life. Everyone in the family adored dad: calm, balanced. The house was warm and cozy. My father was the wall that I then looked for all the time in other men. Naturally, when you grow up with a father who represents a male ideal for you, you look for the same. So I waited a long time.

Calls a goddess

Nikolaev looks like his father?
- I understood from the very beginning: Valery is a man with a capital letter. He takes good care of me. Often in a male company I hear: “Yes, that’s how they are, women.” And Valery corrects: “But I don’t have a woman, I have a goddess!” You can't even imagine how much he helps people. Someone needs help, they immediately turn to Valera. Let me give you one example: in Cuba, the artists and I somehow wandered into an abandoned estate. We saw 36 dogs. Valery and I are dog lovers in life: he is still worried about the death of Rick the Labrador who died under the wheels of a car. The artists began to feed the dogs - and you won’t look at them without tears: they are bald, the bones stick out. Valera paid for the veterinarians who gave the mutts injections for worms. And we brought a kitten from Suzdal, who accidentally sat on Valera's shoe in the temple. Named Eve. First they gave a nickname, and then studied: a boy or a girl. Guessed with the name ... Somehow we are driving a car and we see a guy with a girl flying on a motorcycle. The husband pushes the driver to the side of the road and explains: “What are you doing? Why is she not wearing a helmet? Think about the girl!

I know that Nikolaev even got a tattoo in honor of you.
- Yes. For the film in the film "Cult" he must have a tattoo on his shoulder. He was first painted with paints, and since the shooting took place in the heat, she was washed off. So he decided to beat her up. Then he changed it a little: he added my profile and the name Elmira. I'm not going to fill anything in honor of him: tattoos are not my topic. But in his honor I give birth to children. Valera wants, of course, a son, because he has a daughter, Dasha. And I - two, but first a daughter.

Does your husband worry that you risk your life every day by working at height without insurance?
- Yes. That's why he doesn't want me to work. But I explain: “Valery, I need to say goodbye to the audience. If I leave now, I won’t forgive.” The circus was my life, and my husband understands me. Of course, he wants me to be by his side, alive and well. And, choosing between the circus and Valera, I will choose it. Soon I will finish my circus activity. I have been working at the arena since the age of 12, that is, already 18. I have the right to a legal pension: for aerial gymnasts, the experience is 15 years. True, so far I have received a refusal from the pension fund: a year and a half is not enough. I will seek justice.
- Aren't you afraid that the Olympic champion Maria Petrova will take her husband away?
- I'm not jealous: if a man wants to leave, he will do it. And keep in tight rein - it's pointless. I will not allow myself or him to live with the motto "to the foot." It's embarrassing when I see how the fans fit in Valera and, seeing me, are humiliated. But I'm definitely not jealous.

"Bourgeois" found a way to take revenge on Edgard Zapashny

"Bourgeois" found a way to take revenge on Edgard Zapashny

The story that happened in the Circus on Vernadsky Avenue, someone figured out to film it, and it quickly spread around the Internet. During the performance, a man in a vest, shorts and Che Guevara's beret appeared on the arena. The audience saw in the character of the actor Valery NIKOLAEV, who demanded to the whole audience that the director of the circus, Edgard ZAPASHNY, publicly apologize to his wife Elmira ZEMSKOVA.

It happened during the circus festival "Idol". Valery, looking around the hall, praised me for the good organization, and then told the public that he had married a circus gymnast Elmira Zemskova and even showed a tattoo in honor of her on his arm, - said the director of the circus Edgard Zapashny. - At first, you might think that this is part of a clown reprise. But then Valery turned to me again: “When did you have the last festival?” I said a year ago. To which he said: “A year ago, my wife was kicked out of this circus by guards with machine guns! And she worked for 18 years without insurance at a great height. I couldn't understand what was happening. Had to withdraw Nikolaev from the hall."

Behind the scenes, Zapashny approached the actor to find out what he was dissatisfied with and why he had been dragging on with explanations for a whole year. And he noticed that the star of the once thundering television series “Birthday of the Bourgeois” is clearly not in himself: the pupils are greatly dilated, his eyes shine. It is unlikely that he was drunk - it was more like the impact of some kind of "dope". Zapashny ordered the guards to escort Nikolaev to the car. He got into the driver's seat and drove away. 15 minutes later he called back and tried to apologize. But he spoke indistinctly, swearing through the word.

I invited Valery to come the next day, but he did not appear, - says Zapashny. - Maybe he mixed up the circuses? I personally don’t know Elmira Zemskova, she works at the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard - Nikolaev regularly arranges similar shows there. Somehow he was caught in the stable, and he also tried to get into the tigers - he had to call the police.

Mother-in-law stood up for son-in-law

Elmira, who was ill, refused to comment on her husband's trick - her mother took the floor Nina Zemskova. She is also a circus performer, she trains aerialists in the Circus on Tsvetnoy.

A year ago, Elmira was really not allowed to attend the performance, Nikolaev's mother-in-law recalled. - Valery is a decent person, and Zapashny's behavior towards Elya offended him. He wanted to apologize to her. Valera and Elmira got married on September 8, and before that they had been dating for five years. And believe me: my son-in-law is a decent person. If he had thrown scandals or rowdy Elmira, she would not have married him.

Of course, Valera chose not the best place for an explanation, Zemskova agreed. - But when he talked to Edgard, he was absolutely sober. Yes, perhaps Valera drank at some point, but now I don’t notice this sin in him. And with the appointment of Zapashny, our artists really stopped going to the Circus on Vernadsky Street: they are not allowed in. But it's pointless to talk about it with Edgard.

Zapashny himself does not deny that a pass system has been introduced in his circus.

We do not have armed guards, because our circus is a state institution. But we have no right to neglect safety: we have children at the show, animals in cages. My artists will not get into the Nikulin Circus just like that, from the service entrance. If Zemskova couldn't ask the press secretary to give her a pass, that's not my problem.

In the Nikulin Circus, where Elmira works, they also saw Valery more than once, but they remember this more calmly.

Nikolaev always comes to us in a suit and with a tie,” the administrator said. Oksana Druzhinina. - The last time was on September 1 - he said that he and Elmira were going to get married. We were happy for Elya: a talented gymnast from a circus dynasty, a beauty. I have known her since the age of six. With Valera, Elmira has her first marriage. And they met during the television show "Circus with the Stars", where they worked in pairs. As for the conflict, as I understand it, Elmira was not allowed in because she had a pass from another circus. Of course, she told her husband about it. And he exploded.

Third try

* In 1984, 19-year-old Moscow Art Theater student Valery Nikolaev married a classmate Natalia Pirogova, with whom he broke up three years later, having met Irina Apeksimova. The artists got married in 1988, but divorced 12 years later. In marriage, a daughter, Dasha, was born.

* On the set of the series "Bourgeois's Birthday" (1999), Nikolaev began an affair with an actress Daria Poverennova which she carefully concealed.

* In 2003, the actor became interested in the singer Tatyana Ovsienko, and a year later was seen in connection with the actress Lyubov Tikhomirova. Marriage with Elmira Zemskova is the third for Nikolaev.

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