Valeria Roman Instagram. Famous men who left faithful companions for young girls. Then you got pregnant. Have been planning a baby for a long time

37-year-old Valeria Rimskaya found her female happiness after a divorce from her ex-husband, 39-year-old musician Vladimir Kristovsky. The mother of four children and her new chosen one Denis Pavlov informally celebrated their wedding in Moscow.

37-year-old Valeria Rimskaya got married for the second time

In the fall of 2013, after 17 years of marriage, the lead singer of the Uma2rman group, Vladimir Kristovsky, left his wife, who had given birth to four children during this time, to 26-year-old actress and model Olga Pilevskaya. Despite the fact that the musician himself called the divorce “civilized” in an interview, and the relationship with the ex-wife after the breakup was “friendly”, the woman herself hardly shared this opinion. Kristovsky even tried to introduce his new and former chosen ones, but friendship between them did not work out.

For a long time, Valeria Rimskaya experienced a separation from her husband exclusively in the company of her daughters and even tried her luck on the Let's Get Married program, but she did not meet new love there. In the end, the woman found her happiness in the company of Muscovite Denis Pavlov, whom she married on July 30, 2015. Then the couple did not celebrate this event in any way and did not even tell their friends about it directly, confining themselves to a note on their Facebook accounts.

The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Europe with their children. And upon returning to their homeland, on August 22, they informally celebrated the official registration of their relationship outside the city, as evidenced by a photograph published by Pavlov on a social network - in the picture Rimskaya is depicted in a white T-shirt, long skirt and pink tulle instead of a veil. And her newly-made husband chose a vest, hat and trousers.

It is noticeable that Valeria Rimskaya and Denis Pavlov (unfortunately, very little is known about the man who outwardly reminded us of Vladimir Kristovsky) are happy - the couple regularly shares joint pictures with their friends with their new lover, they spend a lot of time together. How the soloist Uma2rman reacted to the new marital status of his ex-wife is unknown. The musician himself, by the way, has also already managed to legitimize relations with a young girlfriend.

Cases where a man enters middle age and at the same time achieves great fame are not uncommon. Usually behind such a man is a faithful and loving wife who brings up their common children and provides for life.

The test of popularity, coupled with a midlife crisis, is something that not every marriage can survive. We invite you to read about Russian male stars who left their wives for new lovers.

Garik Kharlamov

Showman and actor Garik Kharlamov looks completely happy with his wife Christina Asmus. However, few know that his romance with the actress began when Kharlamov was still married. Kharlamov's ex-wife Yulia Leshchenko did not suspect that her husband was cheating on her until information appeared in the media about his affair with Christina Asmus. The divorce proceedings of the former spouses turned out to be scandalous and lasted more than six months.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Director Fyodor Bondarchuk married fashion model Svetlana Rudskaya in 1986. The couple has been married for more than 20 years, they have two children, and the youngest Varvara is a “special child”, the girl was born with developmental disabilities. For many years, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk created the impression of a harmonious couple, until in 2016 they announced a divorce. Soon after that, Bondarchuk appeared in public with a new lover - actress Paulina Andreeva.

Evgeny Tsyganov

Actor Yevgeny Tsyganov met Irina Leonova on the set of the TV series "Children of the Arbat". Leonova was married to Igor Petrenko, but the couple had no children and the marriage was bursting at the seams. In alliance with Tsyganov, the actress seemed to rush to catch up - she gave birth to six children and was pregnant with the seventh when Evgeny Tsyganov left her for the star of the "Inhabited Island" Yulia Snigir. Less than a year later, Snigir gave birth to his child. Irina Leonova is now raising seven offspring alone. To earn a living, she had to return to the theater.

Vladimir Kristovsky

The frontman of the group "Uma2rman" Vladimir Kristovsky was married to Valeria Rimskaya for 17 years. During this time, the couple experienced a lot: youthful poverty, the birth of four daughters and the glory of her husband. According to Vladimir, his relationship with his wife became related from marital, and he became close to Olga Pilevskaya, who starred in several videos of the group. For Valeria, her husband's betrayal came as a complete surprise.

Konstantin Meladze

Producer Konstantin Meladze hid from the press for a long time that his relationship with his wife Yana went wrong. The wife herself also tried to put on a good face in a bad game, and exploded only when Konstantin announced his wedding with singer Vera Brezhneva. Then the abandoned wife gave a long interview in which she said that she blamed the new passion of the producer of the VIA Gra group for the destruction of the marriage.

After 19 years of marriage, of which, as it turned out, more than half of the time Yana lived in a situation of betrayal, she decided not to spend a single day in a lie. The editors of the site notes that Konstantin's brother, Valery Meladze, also destroyed his image as an exemplary family man when he left his wife Irina - and also for the sake of the soloist of VIA Gra, Albina Dzhanabaeva.

Vladimir Vdovichenkov

Actor Vladimir Vdovichenkov, star of the TV series The Brigade, broke up with his common-law wife Olga Filippova after ten years of de facto marriage. Olga left a daughter from this union. At the same time, literally two months after the breakup, Vdovichenkov appeared on the red carpet in Cannes with a new lover - she turned out to be actress Elena Lyadova, known for films directed by Andrei Zvyagintsev. The editors of find out.rf notes that Vdovichenkov refused to marry Olga Filippova, citing three unsuccessful marriages, but he formalized relations with Elena Lyadova.

Leonid Barats

Leonid Barats broke up with his wife and colleague, actress Anna Kasatkina, after 24 years of marriage. The family had two daughters, the eldest of whom is already married and lives in England. Leonid Barats said that the marriage fell apart on its own, without the involvement of third parties - he and Anna tried to save the family, but did not succeed. According to him, he maintains a warm relationship with his ex-wife. He introduced his new lover to the public quite a long time after the divorce - this is a young woman, a psychologist from Odessa named Anna.

Camille Larin

Leonid Barats' colleague at the Quartet I theater Kamil Larin divorced his first wife Galina a little earlier. In 2014, he married a second time - to an employee of a sports store, Ekaterina. A year later, she gave birth to his son Daniyar. The actor himself says that he never thought that he would divorce his first wife, but he does not talk in detail about the circumstances of the break. The second wife of Kamil Larin is twenty years younger than him.

Andrey Arshavin

Andrei Arshavin met his first wife, Yulia Baranovskaya, when she was a student. The couple lived together for about ten years, and outwardly everything looked good - two children were growing up in the family, Yulia was pregnant with a third. Until the football player told her that he was leaving the family for a new passion, and she was also pregnant.

At the same time, the relationship between Arshavin and Baranovskaya was not formalized, so the issue of alimony had to be resolved with a scandal. After the break, Yulia Baranovskaya became the host on Channel One and also wrote a book. Similarly, the editors of the site clarifies, after a divorce from Dmitry Tarasov, she entered

Maxim Matveev

Maxim Matveev met his first wife, actress Yana Sexte, in the theater - they played in the same performance. The family idyll did not last long - on the set of the film “I won’t tell”, he met Elizaveta Boyarskaya and quickly broke up with Yana Sexte.

The actress said that she experienced a breakup for a long time, but she coped with the loss, married the composer Dmitry Marin and left sadness from what she experienced in the past. Both Sexte and Matveev had children in new marriages. And Matveev and Boyarskaya again worked in the same film - the next film adaptation of Anna Karenina.

Mostly those who are not to blame for anything - the children of a separated couple - suffer from divorces. The breakup of parents does not always go unnoticed for them, especially if the divorced mother and father do not exert enough strength to smooth over the trauma. The editors of the site invite you to read about the most “unlucky” children of Russian stars and what ruined their lives.
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Many people remember well how at the end of 2013 it became known that the leader of the Uma2rman group Vladimir Kristovsky left his wife and four daughters for the sake of the young actress Olga Pilevskaya. The musician willingly filmed his new chosen one in his own music videos, took him to social events and even introduced him to his daughters - Uma, Mia, Stanislava and Yasmin. Interestingly, the singer's new chosen one managed to find a common language with his children, and they got along well. But the ex-wife of Vladimir herself experienced this story more difficult than the rest. Already after the high-profile divorce, Valeria Kristovskaya admitted in an interview with reporters that it was not easy for her to realize that the person with whom she had been married for 17 years and to whom she gave four charming children could prefer another woman to her. Some time later, the ex-wife of Kristovsky told StarHit about how she experienced this period and what tremendous support she received from friends and daughters.

“Friends began to introduce me to lonely friends, sent their photos and resumes to the email, as if I were recruiting a staff,” Valeria told StarHit. - Best girlfriend Zhenya almost "took off" for me a handsome brunette of forty years with a laptop right in the restaurant. She noticed and began to expressively roll her eyes - look! I was angry: "Zhen, stop it." Turned around: "Sorry!" - and he already pecked: "It's amazing that you are alone here." We had lunch - and ... said goodbye. As if the stigma of a married woman had not yet been erased from the forehead. I decided to try my luck on the Internet - and received a bunch of offers to have sex. No thoughts from people, no sense of humor ... And I deleted my profile on a dating site: virtual games are not for me.

Pretty soon, Vladimir Kristovsky married Olga Pilevskaya. Apparently, a complete idyll reigns in the relationship of lovers - Vladimir and Olga have repeatedly admitted to journalists that they are very happy and have big plans for the future. By the way, the ex-wife of the leader of the Uma2rman group managed to arrange her own personal life only now, almost two years after Vladimir left the family. Previously, Lera talked about her relationship with 31-year-old businessman Vadim, but, apparently, in the end this union broke up.

Already today, in the Tushinsky registry office of the capital, Valeria Kristovskaya married her lover Denis Pavlov. Only Lera's daughters, Yasmin, Uma, Miya and Stanislav, were present at the wedding ceremony. For painting, the couple picked up unconventional outfits. Kristovskaya dressed in trousers and a white sleeveless blouse, while her chosen one chose to wear a white T-shirt, blue jeans and sports sneakers. In a word, the newly-made spouses were more worried not about the outfits, but about the fact that this long-awaited event in their life would finally take place. Pictures taken at the entrance to the registry office after the marriage were shared in the microblog by the eldest daughter of Vladimir and Lera Kristovsky. The girl made it clear that she was happy for her mother, and from the general mood of all the wedding photos, it is easy to guess that Lera's other daughters warmly accepted her chosen one into the family.

The popular soloist of the group " [email protected]» Vladimir Kristovsky did not immediately become. In his youth, when music as a profession was only a dream for him, he came to the capital from Nizhny Novgorod and offered his songs to various producers. Among others was Ivan Shapovalov. Kristovsky slept and saw how popular then and very unusual for Russian showbiz Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina sing his songs from the stage. However, Shapovalov did not see this.

All other producers also rejected the warm ironic hits of the provincial. And then he returned back to Nizhny, to his wife and children.


The wife was then the first and only. The faithful and wise Valeria married Vladimir at the age of 18. She supported her beloved throughout the entire time of their life together. She whispered kind words, called him talented, followed him wherever he went. Together with him, when luck turned to face Vladimir, Valeria moved to the capital. Together with him was 17 long years.

During this time, four charming girls were born to the spouses, who inherited their parents' cheerful disposition and easy character. Vladimir and Lera gave them unusual names: Yasmina, Miya, Stanislav and, of course, Uma. Photos of the funny four from time to time get into the press, including in scandalous materials.

hard decision

In particular, one of the first notes that upset the singer's fans was the news of the divorce of Lera and Vladimir, who were so suitable for each other. This was in 2013. Both spouses gave interviews to the press, each said that a divorce after 17 years of a happy marriage is an extremely sad event.

Everyone knew that Kristovsky had a muse - Olga Pilevskaya. However, even taking into account the new relationship, it was difficult for Vladimir to part with Valeria. He said that the feelings did not go away, they just grew out of love into a strong friendship. He was convinced that even after the divorce, the spouses would remain devoted friends, but still, for rehabilitation after a difficult decision, he left for Germany, where he received psychological help.

Valeria was no less worried. It didn’t even fit in her head that such a loving and sincere person as her husband, after almost two decades of marriage, after four of the most beautiful and kind gifts in the world - charming daughters - could go to another woman. She suffered this shock for a long time.

New life

Olga Pilevskaya found herself between two fires. The feelings that flared up between her and the married man were hard to contain. Love is different. The girl, as best she could, supported her beloved and tried to improve relations with the delightful four of Volodya's daughters.

After some time, Kristovsky married his muse, but for a long time nothing was heard about Valeria's personal life. However, two years later it turned out that she did not live as a recluse: happy photos of Lera with a stranger and children appeared on the social networks of Vladimir's ex-wife - at the registry office.

Despite the outfit - both adults were wearing jeans and shirts, it was clear who the bride was here. Valeria got married for the second time, however, despite the strong friendship promised by Kristovsky, she did not invite him to the wedding. Only the daughters of the Kristovskys enjoyed the ceremony with their own eyes.

After both established a personal life, the couple really began to maintain a relationship - after all, they have four wonderful children, with whom dad often and enjoys spending time. And in 2016, Kristovsky became the father of a boy for the first time. In a marriage with Olga, his son Fedor was born. “Now I have a whole hockey five,” the happy dad grabbed on social networks.

The ex-wife of Uma2Rman soloist Vladimir Kristovsky, Valeria Rimskaya, married a second time. Not much is known about Valeria's chosen one: his name is Denis Pavlov, before the wedding, the couple was in a relationship for less than a year.

Valeria Rimskaya and Denis Pavlov

Marriage registration took place yesterday at the Tushino registry office. Unlike "standard" brides, Valeria was not dressed in a puffy floor-length dress, but in a white blouse, simple jeans and sneakers. However, the groom also refrained from officialdom, appearing on the threshold of the registry office in a T-shirt with the image of the British Queen Elizabeth.

Denis Pavlov began testing with white children and one white woman in tattoos,

Valeria's eldest daughter, Yasmin Kristovskaya, signed one of the wedding pictures. In addition to Yasmin, among the guests of the wedding were her three sisters - Uma, Mia and Stanislava. Vladimir Kristovsky, with whom Valeria had been married for 17 years and bore him four daughters, did not come to the celebration.

Recall that Kristovsky himself married a second time a year ago. His chosen one was the model and actress Olga Pilevskaya, who can be seen in Uma2Rman's videos "Dance, muse!", "Olya from the network" and "Pour me". Olga, like Denis, became friends with Vladimir's daughters and often posts pictures of their joint walks on Instagram.

Valeria Rimskaya with her daughters and husband

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