I saw paper money in a dream - what is it for? Why do you dream about a large bill?

Money is the subject and concern of many people. It follows from this that very often dreams about money can mean absolutely nothing, but are only an understanding of the worries that occupy you every day.

At the same time, dreams in which we see money and enjoy the fact that we have it, make purchases and, in general, are satisfied with our well-being, may mean that this will happen in reality, unless the dream contains routine elements with which you encounter every day (visiting a nearby store, a familiar road, etc.).

Making an important money deal in a dream means profit or adding to your family.

Receiving an advance in a dream is a sign of future success. However, the dark elements of such a dream may indicate that you have ill-wishers who are trying to settle scores with you.

Losing money in a dream is bad. Such a dream predicts failures, difficulties, collapse of plans and warns that soon you will have to think about how to live on.

The same thing is predicted by a dream in which your money was taken away or they were defrauded out of it. If at the same time in your dream there was dark man, a foreigner or just gypsies, then you should be careful and take action necessary measures precautions, because they will want to rob you.

See interpretation: wallet, bag, gypsies.

Finding money in a dream means large expenses that will significantly exceed your income.

Such a dream is a warning that you should be frugal and think about your future. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving news about money, which can be good or bad.

However, if someone owes you a lot of money and does not pay it back, then the dream predicts that it is unlikely that he will do this in the near future.

Finding a lot of money in a secluded place and feeling remorse in a dream is a harbinger of large financial losses for which you will be to blame. You will be ashamed to remember this later.

Saving money in a dream is a harbinger of improvement financial situation.

Giving out money in a dream means unexpected benefits and wealth, which will fall into your hands. Such a dream indicates that you should not miss the opportunity provided by fate.

Asking for money in a dream means you will receive money soon.

If you dream that someone is asking you for money and you refuse him, then in reality you will give him money, but he is unlikely to return it to you. After such a dream, you should not lend money.

Seeing new coins in a dream means obstacles in business.

Seeing, finding, receiving ancient coins in a dream is a sign of imminent, accidental enrichment.

Strange money in a dream is a sign of an unexpected incident that will upset you.

At the same time, this dream suggests that your wishes can come true.

A dream in which you saw that someone is laying claim to the money you found warns you that this person or someone will interfere with your plans.

Picking up coins in a dream means tears, worries and grief.

If in a dream you find a shortage when counting money, expect financial troubles due to the deception of partners or relatives.

Sometimes such a dream indicates a lack of funds to implement a project.

Spending other people's money in a dream means that you will deceive the expectations of your friends or partners.

Giving coins to beggars means that you will soon find loyal friends or partners who will help you achieve your plans.

In general, seeing copper money in a dream means troubles and disappointments, silver money means wasted trouble, and gold money means worries that your enterprise or plan will not come true.

Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon have to experience grief in your family.

Receiving or finding gold chervonets in a dream is a sign of good hopes and good news.

Giving out a salary in a dream is a sign that you will find a way to settle accounts with your enemies, and receiving a salary means that your enemies will not miss the opportunity to take revenge on you for the damage they have caused.

If you dream that your salary was reduced, then expect good news about the failures of your enemies. And vice versa, if in a dream your salary was increased, then your business will go worse, and spiteful critics will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this.

Finding income means that with your rash actions you will get yourself into trouble, which you will subsequently not know how to get rid of.

Losing your income and falling into despair means victory over your enemies, big changes and a career take-off.

Stealing money is a sign of danger. Be careful and don't do anything rash.

If in a dream you managed to escape with someone else’s money, then losses await you, from which, however, you will soon recover.

If in a dream someone wanted to steal your money, then close person will betray you. See interpretation: thief.

Deformed coins in a dream are a sign that your plans will soon be disrupted, which will bring you a lot of disappointment. Sometimes such a dream predicts troubles at work or loss of a job.

A bag of ancient coins in a dream means receiving an inheritance, an unexpected and significant acquisition of property, or an unexpected joyful event.

However, hearing the clink of coins in a dream is a harbinger of imminent wealth or the conclusion of a profitable deal.

Lending money in a dream means worries and worries, which, however, will be in vain. Your enterprise will generate income.

In general, such a dream warns you that you are prone to rash actions.

Not having money to pay debts in a dream means worries related to money and failure in business.

Sometimes such a dream warns that soon you may actually become one of the debtors.

Not lending money to a person who owes you money in life in a dream means that your debtor will return a small part of the money to you.

Borrowing money is a sign of possible distress or humiliation due to the cramped circumstances in which you may find yourself.

Seeing a lot of money in a dream means profit and big troubles associated with it (especially if you see a lot paper money, scattered in disarray).

The latter may also mean that your venture will not pay off and your whole life will go awry.

Paying money (in a store) means losses due to excessive gullibility or your inability to refuse other people when they urgently ask you for something.

Paying in gold chervonets in a dream is a harbinger that you will pay dearly for some of your actions or mistakes. In this case we're talking about not about material losses, but rather about great mental anguish.

Receiving money in a dream means profit or big changes in life. Sometimes such a dream predicts a lot of worries and responsibilities that will be burdensome for you.

Having money in a dream is a sign that you need to look for sources of livelihood or new job.

Swallowing money is a warning that you will act in selfish interests and nothing will be able to hold you back.

The dream indicates to you that in pursuit of profit or your other interests, you should not forget about your duties or responsibility for the fate of people close to you.

Living beyond your means in a dream warns that in reality you should not have your head in the clouds: you need to think about tomorrow. Sometimes such a dream predicts some incredible adventures.

Asking to borrow money in a dream means new problems.

Paying debts in a dream is good and promises good luck in business or the fulfillment of any obligations that are unpleasant to you.

Having counterfeit money in a dream means losses and disappointments. The dream warns you: do not believe beautiful words and do not deceive yourself with empty dreams.

Receiving counterfeit money in a dream means deception. This dream warns you that you should not trust people, both unfamiliar and close.

Making counterfeit money in a dream is a harbinger of danger that threatens you if you are up to something bad.

Minting coins in a dream foretells unnecessary troubles and sorrows resulting from this.

Receiving money under a letter of credit in a dream is a sign of receiving news.

If you dream that someone gave you paper money in your dream unusual looking, then you will receive money completely unexpectedly.

A deposit to receive or give portends success in any business.

See interpretation: pay.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dreams have so little in common with real everyday life. Sometimes you have to see real miracles, participate in incredible events, fly, see magic and fantasy.

But sometimes dreams are quite real, like life, and not like a movie or a fairy tale. Sometimes you have to see such dreams from which you don’t want to return to reality - where dreams come true, there are all the benefits that are so lacking in life. For example, big money! Who doesn't dream of wealth? Of course, if you dreamed of large, brand new banknotes, the first thing that comes to your mind is - maybe this is a prophetic dream, and you should expect wealth?

Don't rush to conclusions. Banknotes in a dream are only a symbol, and it has its own meaning. They can mean a lot of things, depending on their appearance, dignity, the events that took place in the dream, and your actions.

Therefore, in order to understand why banknotes are dreamed of, first of all, recall all the details in your memory, remember your actions and the details of the dream, and then find out what the dream book says about it. It offers a range of options:

  • Seeing paper bills in a dream.
  • There were many of them.
  • Get a large amount in dreams.
  • Find.
  • See very large bills.
  • Pay someone.
  • To count money.
  • Lose the amount.
  • Seeing counterfeit bills.
  • I dreamed of a bag of money.
  • A sum was stolen from you in a dream.
  • Steal yourself.
  • Save.
  • Returning a debt to someone in a dream.
  • Pick up a bill from the ground.
  • Find a wallet with money.

As you can see, there are many options, and they have unique, different interpretations. Choose yours and find out what your dream will lead to!

Money, money, money...

Perhaps your “money” dreams are an echo of constant thoughts about finances, about their lack or, on the contrary, about how to manage them wisely. Sometimes dreams are just extensions of reality, this is worth remembering. But still, the dream is worth interpreting. Who knows, maybe significant changes await you in reality?

1. As the dream book says, banknotes in dreams are an obvious sign that in reality you are not paying enough attention to your financial affairs. Perhaps you are so passionate about personal or social life, in other matters, that finances will soon begin to “burst at the seams.” It's time to get involved in this area!

2. If you dreamed of a lot of money, pleasant and joyful events, good news and pleasant surprises await you in reality. In a word, a bright and vibrant period of life is coming, so open up to new happiness!

3. Large bills, for example five thousand, are dreamed of as a symbol of the fact that in reality you are missing something. Not necessarily money, anything. Instead of suffering a lack of something, it is better to find a way to get it.

4. Seeing counterfeit paper bills in a dream is a sign of lying. There are dishonest people around you, but you don’t notice it. Other people's lies can harm you, so be on your guard!

4. Counting banknotes in dreams is a warning. Take care of your happiness! In pursuit of material benefits and with success you risk losing real values. Friendship, warm relationships, family - all this is more valuable than the rest.

5. Losing banknotes in dreams means minor failures and adversity. A difficult period awaits you, but if you don’t overthink and exaggerate, you won’t even notice the problems, and they will easily pass you by.

6. If your money was stolen, you are worried about a recent event. Try to spend some time quietly and calmly, put your thoughts and feelings in order.

9. If in your dream you returned to someone monetary debt, this is a great sign. Your dream foretells recovery, complete recovery from an illness. The dream book may mean both physical illness and stress, melancholy, heartache. After such a dream, know that everything will pass very soon!

10. Picking up paper money in your dreams is a great sign. Waiting for you in reality great luck! Many pleasant surprises await you, there is a bright streak ahead.

11. Another one auspicious sign- find a full wallet. This promises not only good luck and happiness, but also great love!

Believe in the best, weigh your actions wisely and remember that your happiness depends only on you! Author: Vasilina Serova

Money is the subject and concern of many people. It follows from this that very often dreams about money can mean absolutely nothing, but are only an understanding of the worries that occupy you every day.

At the same time, dreams in which we see money and enjoy the fact that we have it, make purchases and, in general, are satisfied with our well-being, may mean that this will happen in reality, unless the dream contains routine elements with which you encounter every day (visiting a nearby store, a familiar road, etc.).

Making an important money deal in a dream means profit or adding to your family.

Receiving an advance in a dream is a sign of future success. However, the dark elements of such a dream may indicate that you have ill-wishers who are trying to settle scores with you.

Losing money in a dream is bad. Such a dream predicts failures, difficulties, collapse of plans and warns that soon you will have to think about how to live on.

The same thing is predicted by a dream in which your money was taken away or they were defrauded out of it. If at the same time a dark person, a foreigner or just gypsies were present in your dream, then you should be careful and take the necessary precautions, because they will want to rob you.

See interpretation: wallet, bag, gypsies.

Finding money in a dream means large expenses that will significantly exceed your income.

Such a dream is a warning that you should be frugal and think about your future. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving news about money, which can be good or bad.

However, if someone owes you a lot of money and does not pay it back, then the dream predicts that it is unlikely that he will do this in the near future.

Finding a lot of money in a secluded place and feeling remorse in a dream is a harbinger of large financial losses for which you will be to blame. You will be ashamed to remember this later.

Saving money in a dream is a harbinger of an improvement in your financial situation.

Giving out money in a dream means unexpected benefits and wealth, which will fall into your hands. Such a dream indicates that you should not miss the opportunity provided by fate.

Asking for money in a dream means you will receive money soon.

If you dream that someone is asking you for money and you refuse him, then in reality you will give him money, but he is unlikely to return it to you. After such a dream, you should not lend money.

Seeing new coins in a dream means obstacles in business.

Seeing, finding, receiving ancient coins in a dream is a sign of imminent, accidental enrichment.

Strange money in a dream is a sign of an unexpected incident that will upset you.

At the same time, this dream suggests that your wishes can come true.

A dream in which you saw that someone is laying claim to the money you found warns you that this person or someone will interfere with your plans.

Picking up coins in a dream means tears, worries and grief.

If in a dream you find a shortage when counting money, expect financial troubles due to the deception of partners or relatives.

Sometimes such a dream indicates a lack of funds to implement a project.

Spending other people's money in a dream means that you will deceive the expectations of your friends or partners.

Giving coins to beggars means that you will soon find loyal friends or partners who will help you achieve your plans.

In general, seeing copper money in a dream means troubles and disappointments, silver money means wasted trouble, and gold money means worries that your enterprise or plan will not come true.

Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon have to experience grief in your family.

Receiving or finding gold chervonets in a dream is a sign of good hopes and good news.

Giving out a salary in a dream is a sign that you will find a way to settle accounts with your enemies, and receiving a salary means that your enemies will not miss the opportunity to take revenge on you for the damage they have caused.

If you dream that your salary was reduced, then expect good news about the failures of your enemies. And vice versa, if in a dream your salary was increased, then your business will go worse, and spiteful critics will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this.

Finding income means that with your rash actions you will get yourself into trouble, which you will subsequently not know how to get rid of.

Losing your income and falling into despair means victory over your enemies, big changes and a career take-off.

Stealing money is a sign of danger. Be careful and don't do anything rash.

If in a dream you managed to escape with someone else’s money, then losses await you, from which, however, you will soon recover.

If in a dream someone wanted to steal your money, then a loved one will betray you. See interpretation: thief.

Deformed coins in a dream are a sign that your plans will soon be disrupted, which will bring you a lot of disappointment. Sometimes such a dream predicts troubles at work or loss of a job.

A bag of ancient coins in a dream means receiving an inheritance, an unexpected and significant acquisition of property, or an unexpected joyful event.

However, hearing the clink of coins in a dream is a harbinger of imminent wealth or the conclusion of a profitable deal.

Lending money in a dream means worries and worries, which, however, will be in vain. Your enterprise will generate income.

In general, such a dream warns you that you are prone to rash actions.

Not having money to pay debts in a dream means worries related to money and failure in business.

Sometimes such a dream warns that soon you may actually become one of the debtors.

Not lending money to a person who owes you money in life in a dream means that your debtor will return a small part of the money to you.

Borrowing money is a sign of possible distress or humiliation due to the cramped circumstances in which you may find yourself.

Seeing a lot of money in a dream means profit and a lot of trouble associated with it (especially if you see a lot of paper money scattered in disorder).

The latter may also mean that your venture will not pay off and your whole life will go awry.

Paying money (in a store) means losses due to excessive gullibility or your inability to refuse other people when they urgently ask you for something.

Paying in gold chervonets in a dream is a harbinger that you will pay dearly for some of your actions or mistakes. In this case, we are not talking about material losses, but rather about great mental anguish.

Receiving money in a dream means profit or big changes in life. Sometimes such a dream predicts a lot of worries and responsibilities that will be burdensome for you.

Having money in a dream is a sign that you need to look for sources of livelihood or a new job.

Swallowing money is a warning that you will act in selfish interests and nothing will be able to hold you back.

The dream indicates to you that in pursuit of profit or your other interests, you should not forget about your duties or responsibility for the fate of people close to you.

Living beyond your means in a dream warns that in reality you should not have your head in the clouds: you need to think about tomorrow. Sometimes such a dream predicts some incredible adventures.

Asking to borrow money in a dream means new problems.

Paying debts in a dream is good and promises good luck in business or the fulfillment of any obligations that are unpleasant to you.

Having counterfeit money in a dream means losses and disappointments. The dream warns you: do not believe beautiful words and do not deceive yourself with empty dreams.

Receiving counterfeit money in a dream means deception. This dream warns you that you should not trust people, both unfamiliar and close.

Making counterfeit money in a dream is a harbinger of danger that threatens you if you are up to something bad.

Minting coins in a dream foretells unnecessary troubles and sorrows resulting from this.

Receiving money under a letter of credit in a dream is a sign of receiving news.

If you dream that someone gave you paper money of an unusual type in a dream, then you will receive money completely unexpectedly.

A deposit to receive or give portends success in any business.

See interpretation: pay.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Why do you dream about banknotes? You can pack your bags - you will soon go on a long trip. Another interpretation in a dream is illness, and how more quantity money, the harder it is. Dream books also offer other interpretations.

According to the dream book from A to Z

Did you receive banknotes in a bank in a dream? In reality, business will improve and things will get off the ground. Seeing a sealed bundle of bank notes means that honor and fame are approaching.

Why do you dream if you had to hand over a lot of cash bills to the bank? The dream book advises to exercise caution and refuse frivolous actions.

According to Miller's dream book

Did you find banknotes in your dream? Expect changes and minor worries, but overall everything will be fine. But giving banknotes to someone is worse. This is an omen of failure and loss. Why do you dream that you managed to lose banknotes? Prepare for troubles at work and bad times.

If you happen to count a lot of banknotes, then the favorable period. In a dream, did you happen to count banknotes and discover a large shortage? The dream book predicts difficulties with real payments. Did you dream that banknotes were stolen? In real life, monitor all your actions and follow a clear plan.

Why do you dream if you borrowed several bills at night? From the outside it seems that you live better than you really are. If you manage to spend other people’s money in a dream, then you will lose a friend due to petty deception. Did you dream that bank notes were counterfeited? In real life, you will get into trouble through your own fault.

According to Vanga's dream book

Banknotes in a dream hint that someone has decided to do something very evil to you. In the near future, do not pick up anything on the street, do not take things from friends and strangers. The dream book believes that through them they can damage you.

Did you dream that some person handed you banknotes? This literally means help from above; soon all problems will be resolved favorably. You can hand over the bills yourself before completing a task that required a substantial investment.

Why do you dream if you happen to count bills? The dream book advises to take a simpler approach to money and direct energy towards spiritual rather than material achievements. Seeing torn bills means that a period of hunger, poverty, disease and other dangers is approaching. You might get robbed.

According to Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream that bills disappear from your wallet right before your eyes? You will be offered to participate in a business that is obviously a failure; it is better to refuse and do not waste your time. The same plot warns: a person who can ruin you will appear nearby. Sometimes the disappearance of banknotes from a wallet hints at an extremely unsuccessful financial transaction.

Did you dream about how a dog was given a wad of banknotes so that it could pick up a trail? You have done something illegal and now you are afraid that you will be caught doing it. At the same time, the vision symbolizes the choice between a calm but modest life and enormous but dangerous wealth.

Why do you dream of old banknotes that crumble in your hands? The dream book considers this a sign of wasted energy, empty promises, and vain hopes.

I dreamed about paper bills, money

Most often, paper bills in a dream predict a very profitable purchase. If the sight of banknotes does not evoke any special emotions, then in reality expect profit or an important acquisition. Moderate joy in a dream symbolizes a clearly thought-out plan, so there is no reason to worry.

Why do you dream about banknotes that you were too worried about counting? After such a vision, you should exercise maximum caution in any matter. Did you happen to see banknotes and were overwhelmed by a wide variety of emotions? In reality, you shouldn't expect any improvements. The gloomy atmosphere of visions of banknotes predicts Hard times, losses, return of forgotten problems.

Why do you dream about a lot of banknotes?

Did you dream about a lot of paper bills of various denominations? You'll have fantastic luck for a while various areas life. Seeing countless banknotes can lead to universal respect and prosperity.

Why do you dream of little money, for example, just one small bill? Failure awaits you because you obviously chose the wrong direction or did not put in enough effort to implement your plan. In a dream, were you given a salary or an advance in one large bill? You'll soon be off on a long journey.

What do the bills in a wallet mean?

Why do you dream of a wallet or purses with a thick stack of banknotes? In reality, your wish will come true or you will be very lucky. Did you dream of an old, rather shabby wallet filled with large bills? You have set a goal that will be very difficult to achieve.

It’s good if in a dream you managed to find a wallet with banknotes. This means that in reality you will become a participant in an extremely profitable business. The same plot promises wealth that will literally fall on your head. But if you dreamed that you lost your wallet with money, then you will quarrel with a close friend and suffer other losses.

Banknotes in a dream - other interpretations

To interpret the dream and its full interpretation, it is necessary to note the most memorable details of the vision and give them a decoding.

  • count bills - be careful
  • detect shortages - large losses, payments, bills
  • exchange - poverty, need
  • exchange for currency - heavy losses
  • receiving banknotes from a bank is a benefit, a profitable project, an undertaking
  • to pass - frivolity, negligence will lead to a dead end
  • consider - financial situation is in your hands
  • issue - planned changes
  • give - wish fulfillment
  • to lose - failure, breakdown of relationships
  • find – news related to money or losses
  • tear - fame, luck
  • stolen - danger
  • put in your hand - support from friends, higher powers
  • fake banknotes – illusion, false priorities
  • currency - bad luck in business
  • receive a pension in banknotes - help from friends
  • benefits - you will be left without work

If in a dream you tried to exchange a damaged bill for a new one, and nothing worked out, then an important matter will fail. Did you dream that you found a treasure with old banknotes? Something from the past will seriously shock you, or a long-standing problem will be successfully resolved.

Money is the subject and concern of many people. It follows from this that very often dreams about money can mean absolutely nothing, but are only an understanding of the worries that occupy you every day.

At the same time, dreams in which we see money and enjoy the fact that we have it, make purchases and, in general, are satisfied with our well-being, may mean that this will happen in reality, unless the dream contains routine elements with which you encounter every day (visiting a nearby store, a familiar road, etc.).

Making an important money deal in a dream means profit or adding to your family.

Receiving an advance in a dream is a sign of future success. However, the dark elements of such a dream may indicate that you have ill-wishers who are trying to settle scores with you.

Losing money in a dream is bad. Such a dream predicts failures, difficulties, collapse of plans and warns that soon you will have to think about how to live on.

The same thing is predicted by a dream in which your money was taken away or they were defrauded out of it. If at the same time a dark person, a foreigner or just gypsies were present in your dream, then you should be careful and take the necessary precautions, because they will want to rob you.

See interpretation: wallet, bag, gypsies.

Finding money in a dream means large expenses that will significantly exceed your income.

Such a dream is a warning that you should be frugal and think about your future. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving news about money, which can be good or bad.

However, if someone owes you a lot of money and does not pay it back, then the dream predicts that it is unlikely that he will do this in the near future.

Finding a lot of money in a secluded place and feeling remorse in a dream is a harbinger of large financial losses for which you will be to blame. You will be ashamed to remember this later.

Saving money in a dream is a harbinger of an improvement in your financial situation.

Giving out money in a dream means unexpected benefits and wealth, which will fall into your hands. Such a dream indicates that you should not miss the opportunity provided by fate.

Asking for money in a dream means you will receive money soon.

If you dream that someone is asking you for money and you refuse him, then in reality you will give him money, but he is unlikely to return it to you. After such a dream, you should not lend money.

Seeing new coins in a dream means obstacles in business.

Seeing, finding, receiving ancient coins in a dream is a sign of imminent, accidental enrichment.

Strange money in a dream is a sign of an unexpected incident that will upset you.

At the same time, this dream suggests that your wishes can come true.

A dream in which you saw that someone is laying claim to the money you found warns you that this person or someone will interfere with your plans.

Picking up coins in a dream means tears, worries and grief.

If in a dream you find a shortage when counting money, expect financial troubles due to the deception of partners or relatives.

Sometimes such a dream indicates a lack of funds to implement a project.

Spending other people's money in a dream means that you will deceive the expectations of your friends or partners.

Giving coins to beggars means that you will soon find loyal friends or partners who will help you achieve your plans.

In general, seeing copper money in a dream means troubles and disappointments, silver money means wasted trouble, and gold money means worries that your enterprise or plan will not come true.

Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon have to experience grief in your family.

Receiving or finding gold chervonets in a dream is a sign of good hopes and good news.

Giving out a salary in a dream is a sign that you will find a way to settle accounts with your enemies, and receiving a salary means that your enemies will not miss the opportunity to take revenge on you for the damage they have caused.

If you dream that your salary was reduced, then expect good news about the failures of your enemies. And vice versa, if in a dream your salary was increased, then your business will go worse, and spiteful critics will not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this.

Finding income means that with your rash actions you will get yourself into trouble, which you will subsequently not know how to get rid of.

Losing your income and falling into despair means victory over your enemies, big changes and a career take-off.

Stealing money is a sign of danger. Be careful and don't do anything rash.

If in a dream you managed to escape with someone else’s money, then losses await you, from which, however, you will soon recover.

If in a dream someone wanted to steal your money, then a loved one will betray you. See interpretation: thief.

Deformed coins in a dream are a sign that your plans will soon be disrupted, which will bring you a lot of disappointment. Sometimes such a dream predicts troubles at work or loss of a job.

A bag of ancient coins in a dream means receiving an inheritance, an unexpected and significant acquisition of property, or an unexpected joyful event.

However, hearing the clink of coins in a dream is a harbinger of imminent wealth or the conclusion of a profitable deal.

Lending money in a dream means worries and worries, which, however, will be in vain. Your enterprise will generate income.

In general, such a dream warns you that you are prone to rash actions.

Not having money to pay debts in a dream means worries related to money and failure in business.

Sometimes such a dream warns that soon you may actually become one of the debtors.

Not lending money to a person who owes you money in life in a dream means that your debtor will return a small part of the money to you.

Borrowing money is a sign of possible distress or humiliation due to the cramped circumstances in which you may find yourself.

Seeing a lot of money in a dream means profit and a lot of trouble associated with it (especially if you see a lot of paper money scattered in disorder).

The latter may also mean that your venture will not pay off and your whole life will go awry.

Paying money (in a store) means losses due to excessive gullibility or your inability to refuse other people when they urgently ask you for something.

Paying in gold chervonets in a dream is a harbinger that you will pay dearly for some of your actions or mistakes. In this case, we are not talking about material losses, but rather about great mental anguish.

Receiving money in a dream means profit or big changes in life. Sometimes such a dream predicts a lot of worries and responsibilities that will be burdensome for you.

Having money in a dream is a sign that you need to look for sources of livelihood or a new job.

Swallowing money is a warning that you will act in selfish interests and nothing will be able to hold you back.

The dream indicates to you that in pursuit of profit or your other interests, you should not forget about your duties or responsibility for the fate of people close to you.

Living beyond your means in a dream warns that in reality you should not have your head in the clouds: you need to think about tomorrow. Sometimes such a dream predicts some incredible adventures.

Asking to borrow money in a dream means new problems.

Paying debts in a dream is good and promises good luck in business or the fulfillment of any obligations that are unpleasant to you.

Having counterfeit money in a dream means losses and disappointments. The dream warns you: do not believe beautiful words and do not deceive yourself with empty dreams.

Receiving counterfeit money in a dream means deception. This dream warns you that you should not trust people, both unfamiliar and close.

Making counterfeit money in a dream is a harbinger of danger that threatens you if you are up to something bad.

Minting coins in a dream foretells unnecessary troubles and sorrows resulting from this.

Receiving money under a letter of credit in a dream is a sign of receiving news.

If you dream that someone gave you paper money of an unusual type in a dream, then you will receive money completely unexpectedly.

A deposit to receive or give portends success in any business.

See interpretation: pay.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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