Volcanoes - how are they formed, why do they erupt and why are they dangerous and useful? Son of Vulcan in ancient Roman mythology

A truly amazing sight is a volcanic eruption. But what is a volcano? How does a volcano erupt? Why do some of them spew huge lava flows at different intervals, while others sleep peacefully for centuries?

What is a volcano?

Outwardly, the volcano resembles a mountain. There is a geological fault inside it. In science, it is customary to call a volcano a formation of geological rock located on the surface of the earth. Through it, magma erupts outward, which is very hot. It is magma that subsequently forms volcanic gases and stones, as well as lava. Most of the volcanoes on earth formed several centuries ago. Today, new volcanoes occasionally appear on the planet. But this happens much less often than before.

How are volcanoes formed?

Briefly explaining the essence of the formation of a volcano, it will look like this. Under the earth's crust is a special layer under strong pressure, consisting of molten rocks, and it is called magma. If cracks suddenly begin to appear in the earth's crust, then hills form on the surface of the earth. Magma comes out through them under strong pressure. At the surface of the earth, it begins to disintegrate into red-hot lava, which then solidifies, causing the volcanic mountain to become larger and larger. The emerging volcano becomes such a vulnerable spot on the surface that it erupts volcanic gases onto the surface with great frequency.

What is a volcano made of?

In order to understand how magma erupts, you need to know what the volcano consists of. Its main components are: volcanic chamber, vent and craters. What is the focus of a volcano? This is where magma forms. But not everyone knows what the mouth and crater of a volcano are? A vent is a special channel that connects the hearth with the surface of the earth. A crater is a small bowl-shaped depression on the surface of a volcano. Its size can reach several kilometers.

What is a volcanic eruption?

Magma is constantly under strong pressure. Therefore, there is a cloud of gases above it at any time. Gradually, they push the red-hot magma to the surface of the earth through the mouth of the volcano. That's what causes the eruption. However, one small description of the eruption process is not enough. To see this spectacle, you can use the video, which you need to watch after you have learned what the volcano consists of. In the same way, in the video you can find out which volcanoes do not exist at the present time and what volcanoes that are active today look like.

Why are volcanoes dangerous?

Active volcanoes are dangerous for a number of reasons. By itself, a dormant volcano is very dangerous. He can “wake up” at any time and start spewing lava flows that spread over many kilometers. Therefore, you should not settle near such volcanoes. If an erupting volcano is located on the island, such a dangerous phenomenon as tsunami may occur.

Despite their danger, volcanoes can serve mankind well.

Why are volcanoes useful?

  • During the eruption, a large number of metals appear that can be used in industry.
  • The volcano generates the strongest rocks that can be used for construction.
  • Pumice, which appears as a result of the eruption, is used for industrial purposes, as well as in the production of stationery gum and toothpaste.

Son of Vulcan in ancient Roman mythology

First letter "k"

Second letter "a"

Third letter "k"

The last beech is the letter "k"

Answer for the clue "Son of Vulcan in ancient Roman mythology", 3 letters:

Alternative questions in crossword puzzles for the word like

In Roman mythology, the monster son of Vulcan

In Roman mythology - the son of Vulcan, a monster

Runaway Rogue Slave

Word definition as in dictionaries

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal
adv. the question of the qualities and circumstances of something; expression of similarity, comparison, surprise, doubt; when. How did it come about? How can we be? And as you please. How (how) far is it from here to Moscow? No matter how bad. He is stupid as hell. White as snow...

Wikipedia The meaning of the word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Kak (written [kak)) is a Russian graphic design magazine, a printed non-academic periodical in Russia. It was founded in 1996 by DesignDepo studio. The first issue came out in 1997. For the first 5 years it was published two or three times a month ....

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
. adv. interrogative. Denotes the question about the circumstances of the image, mode of action, in the meaning: in what way? How did you get here? How to get to Myasnitskaya? How did you find us in the crowd? Denotes a question about the quality of an action or state, in meaning. adverbs to...

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
adv. How? In what degree? how much? Use when expressing the complete impossibility of smth. in rhetorical questions and exclamations, corresponding in meaning to the words: is it possible, impossible, impossible. To what extent? up to what? Union Use. when joining...

Examples of the use of the word as in literature.

You scold Stalinism and Brezhnevism, considering Brezhnevism as continuation of Stalinism, and the current policy - as freedom from both as insight, But this is factually and theoretically incorrect.

Having risen to the rank of colonel, I would, of course, not have been able to pass the exam in statistics to General Zolotarev and would not have answered the question of whether such, for example, metal is mined in Russia, as lead, and if not, where do we get it from.

Every patient needs to be taken into account. as own son, not only as patient.

Belinsky jumped up from his seat and, flashing in his face, prenaively said to me: - Well, thank God, we agreed, otherwise I, with my stupid disposition, did not know as to begin.

These people, at least in large part, are strangers to each other, and even generally hostile, as this takes place, for example, when some humanists are conquered by others.

son of Vulcan

Alternative descriptions

In Roman mythology, the son of Vulcan, a monstrous giant (myth.)

In Roman mythology - the son of Vulcan, a monster

Son of Vulcan in ancient Roman mythology

. "... the steel was tempered"

. "Oh, here you are...!", Kesha

Water off the goose

Son of Vulcan (myth.)

Goal... falcon

Drink give

. "Suit me... once!"

. "... would not be so!"

Deeds ... soot is white

The cat cried

Son of Vulcan among the Romans

Scion of Vulcan

In Roman mythology, the monster son of Vulcan

Runaway Rogue Slave

Artificial deepening on takyrs for collecting rain and melt water

adv. the question of the qualities and circumstances of something; expression of similarity, comparison, surprise, doubt; when. How did it come about? How can we be? as you please. How (how) far is it from here to Moscow? No matter how bad. He is stupid as hell. White as snow. How funny! How can he not agree? How will someone come. to tell. When you want to drink, call. How he screams, how he hits, means the strength or inadvertence of a scream, a blow. Somehow, somehow, somehow, somehow, carelessly, just to get away with it, arch. somehow. Somehow, somehow, somehow. How to be! you have to be patient, there is nothing to help. How to be, how to be. It's a matter of how to get along. Beam how to be had. How can you! No. Not at all. Not as it seems to give up, I see. How not, yes, yes, of course. How not. no matter how, a mocking refusal. What do you mean? expresses an effort to recall the forgotten. What's his middle name? How; perm. as otherwise, as otherwise, in which way; how adv. affirmative yes, so, of course, of course, not otherwise. Is he a fellow countryman? how. Somehow, namely, that is, for example; somehow adv. once upon a time, recently, recently. You once asked, he somehow talked. Somehow, somehow How to, how to be, as if, like, in the form of. He kind of refuses, as if it looks like it. As if issera-greenish. No matter how, no matter how. How would you lure him? How would you do it? As if with gloss. Kakomog adv. tul. by all means, irrevocably (as much as possible, by all means). As it came, so it went. No matter how you throw it. and all wedge. No matter how you turn, everything is a pancake. As you look into the water, it seems so. There something like that. how about from there? said the fox, sniffing at the corner of the chicken coop. They do it somehow, and it turns out somehow. As you mix, so you sip. Downhill something like that, but uphill something like? How hungry, so I guessed! As he lived, so he died. No matter how! What place. or adj. from adv. how, answers the word such and refers in general to the quality of an object, sometimes replacing which; also expresses amazement, approval, indignation. What kind of person is this? which, who exactly; what kind of person is he? what it is, what kind, genus, properties. What day is it? which day of the week. What kind of nights do we have? dark, light, cold, etc. This is such a person, of which there are few. Take what you have, do not be whimsical. What kind of life is this? i.e. bad. What a man! i.e. very good, or completely unusable, something wonderful. Now the old people are already god knows what! How? how, by what means, in what manner, by what means. What or what east. in the form of an adverb condemnation and denial. How good, come on. Kako did, but was not accepted. Some, I don’t know what, unknown, some, was like that. Some lady came on some business. What-no, chickens. any, anyone. No updates have been made to her! What would be the answer? What is the place. and adj. which, which, who. He fell ill and sat down at a crossroads without a penny, what (what, what) circumstances are known to you. What, what, what, what properties, qualities. What is your health like? what is this guy? good or bad? Nothing to you, but what about us? Which one went, that one returned. What is hello, so is the answer. What is the dog feeding, such is he (him) and catching. One is not good, the other is not good, look at yourself. what is it like! It is easy to offend (destroy), but what a soul! What is the tree, such is the branch. Dot to dot, like mother to daughter. Like a tree, like an apple. What is the root, such is the offspring. What ripened, such and ate. What she planted is what she took out. What baked, such and filed. What will click, such will come around

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