Statements about water by famous people. Aphorisms about water. Aphorisms about water

He who sees only water in the sea does not notice mountains on earth.

Smoke the air, drink the water! There is nothing softer and more flexible than water, but try to resist it.

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Not everywhere where there is water there are frogs, but where frogs croak, there is water.

Every drop of water has a chance to someday end up in the ocean.

Statuses about water and life

The most powerful water in the world is women's tears.

Water is the life not only of all living things and humans, but also of the earth itself.

Don’t yawn at Epiphany, dip your butt in the hole! Let Epiphany water will give you health for years!!!

Water is the only drink of a wise man.

Deep waters flow smoothly, wise people live quietly

Status about water and love

Save water - shower together

It’s the month of November, and there’s water on the windows... I know for sure, everything is my fault... And even if you forget about me... I will wait... I will wait... I’m sorry, I couldn’t keep our happiness...

Why do I need air and water? Why do I need heaven and earth? Why do I need the sun and moon? If you're not around T_T..?

Status about the sound of water

The murmur of the stream pleases and calms.

The murmur of water, like a serenade, relieves melancholy, reduces pain and earthly vanity

The poems are pure, like the murmur of spring water...

The rustling of leaves, the sound of water... The sky, the smell of silence...

Cool and funny things about water

Water was given the magical power to become the juice of life on Earth. Leonardo da Vinci

The water in the vessel is clear. The water in the sea is dark. Little truths have clear words; the great Truth has great silence. Rabindranath Tagore

IN cold water– healing, prevention of diseases, it strengthens the body and maintains good spirits. Aulus Cornelius Celsus

The water leaves, but the rock remains; slander good man will not pollute. Chinese proverb

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Water takes the form of the vessel into which it is poured, and a person gains good or evil from his friends. Japanese proverb

Thousands of people live without love, but no one lives without water. Wystan Hugh Auden

To understand water is to understand the universe. Masaru Emoto

Truth is in wine, health is in water. Latin proverb

Water destroys mountains and stones, but words destroy people. Kyrgyz proverb

If the water is calm, don't think there are no crocodiles in it. Indonesian proverb

Water benefits all beings and does not fight (with them), it is located where people would not want to be. Lao Tzu

In no water can a crow wash off its black feathers. German proverb

Water is the beauty of all nature. Water is alive, it runs or is agitated by the wind, it moves and gives life and movement to everything around it. Sergey Aksakov

Water is the only suitable drink for the wise. Henry David Thoreau

We begin to value water no sooner than the well dries up. Thomas Fuller

A drop breaks a stone not by force, but by falling frequently. Giordano Bruno

Water can carry a boat, or it can capsize it. Chinese proverb

Water is so precious that it ends up going down the drain. Georgy Alexandrov

Fire is trouble, water is trouble, and there is no worse trouble than neither fire nor water. Russian proverb

Water is the pioneer that the settlers obediently follow, benefiting from its minimal changes. Henry David Thoreau

Although there is no object in the world that would be weaker and more delicate than water, it can destroy the hardest object. Lao Tzu

Without water there is no life, without labor there is no prosperity. Turkmen proverb

Water stands apart in the history of our planet. There is no natural body that could compare with it in its influence on the course of the main, most grandiose, geological processes. Not only earth's surface, but also the deep - on the scale of the biosphere - parts of the planet are determined, in their most significant manifestations, by its existence and its properties. Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky

A sip of water opens the doors of heaven. Norwegian proverb

Anyone who is thirsty dreams that he drinks. Chinese proverb

Iron rusts from water, water loses its purity from stagnation... the power of the mind is also undermined by inaction. Leonardo da Vinci

Just as water can clearly reflect the sky and trees only because its surface is calm, the mind can only reflect the true image when it is calm and completely relaxed. Indra Devi

Worms breed in standing water. Italian proverb

Water and air, two basic elements on which all life depends, have become global trash cans. Jacques-Yves Cousteau

One cannot logically judge the possibility from a drop of water. Atlantic Ocean or Niagara Falls, without seeing or hearing either one. Arthur Conan Doyle

In the mountains the water is tasty, on the plain the flowers are beautiful. Chinese proverb

Water is the source of life, because in the womb we are surrounded by water for nine months. Paulo Coelho

When you drink water, remember the source. Chinese proverb

When acquiring land, first of all take a closer look at the water, the road, and your neighbor. Pliny the Elder

Earthlings do not have the money to deliver water to the arid regions of the Earth, but they do have the money to look for water on Mars... After this, it is worth asking the question: Is there intelligence on Earth? Unknown author

Aphorisms about water

Earth - water planet, in which the quality of water determines the quality of life. Good water - a good life. Bad water - bad life. No water - no life.

Planet Earth

Although there is no object in the world that would be weaker and more delicate than water, it can destroy the hardest object.

We begin to value water no sooner than the well dries up.

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings.

Water is the only suitable drink for the wise.

Have you noticed that when you put a stick in the water, it seems to be bent, although in reality it is not? That's why I don't take baths.

Beware of stagnant water: poison lurks in it.

I bought a pack of powdered water, but I don't know how to dilute it.

Water takes the form of a vessel. Japanese proverb


Water is the softest and weakest creature in the world, but in overcoming the hard and strong it is invincible, and there is no equal in the world.

Water benefits all beings and does not fight (with them). she is where people would not want to be.

To be strong, you must be like water. There are no obstacles - it flows; dam - it will stop; if the dam breaks, it will flow again; in a quadrangular vessel it is quadrangular; in the round - round. Because she is so compliant, she is needed most and most powerfully

Water is the source of life, because in the womb we are surrounded by water for nine months. Water is a symbol of female Power, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to claim, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to challenge.

It is everywhere; it touches the past and prepares the future; it flows under the poles and is present on high altitudes. If there is something truly mysterious on this planet, it is water.

Eternally flowing water will cut a path in the rock.

A person can learn so much by observing water.

Beautiful saying about water

Water is nature's treasure. The statements of poets and scientists about this all-consuming element make us think about eternal values. Everyone at their own time comes to the realization that they can change a lot in the direction of their life path. The statement about water is endowed with mystical power. It helps you understand what is important in life and what is secondary.

When a person is torn apart by problems from within, he often turns to water to sit in solitude and comprehend what is happening. This article contains interesting statements by scientists about water. They are of significant interest to those who are looking for their own truth in this large and constantly changing world.

“Water has the power to become the meaning of existence” (Leonardo da Vinci)

Life often seems to us to be a treasure full of mysteries and secrets. Even when a lot of things don’t go well, things don’t go the way we would like, a person never stops striving for more. Water helps you find peace of mind, throw off the burden of disturbing problems. Any statement about water can lead a person to understand it. true nature. The reason for many tossing and negative attitudes is the inability to correctly express negative emotions. It is best to turn to water - it will help you renew yourself, and you will feel an improvement physical condition, as well as internal transformation.

There is, perhaps, not a single person in the world who would not be delighted when contemplating the infinity and power of the natural elements. Writers' statements about water emphasize the undeniable importance of life and its various manifestations. Creative people In general, it is common to think about the meaning of life, to search for oneself alternative options manifestations. Water often helps to relax and achieve a state of internal zeroing.

Concentration improves after showering or swimming. Even if you just spend a certain amount of time near any body of water, your soul immediately becomes lighter. Water has the ability to take away all sorrows, fill the soul with positivity and new hopes.

Life is wiser and more enterprising than us. This statement about water shows how big and unknown what is happening around us can seem. If a person understands and accepts the laws of the universe, then he lives in harmony with his inner nature. For such a person, everything turns out as easily as possible, without significant effort. If, contemplating nature, you understand why you exist, then you can gratefully accept the gifts it offers.

Have you ever paid attention to how ordinary water flows? Watch her for a few minutes! How unhindered she passes through the most significant obstacles! The water stops at nothing, but acts softly and smoothly. Under its pressure, the most insoluble problems dissolve and bold dreams come true.

“There is nothing comparable to water” (Lao Tzu)

We all sometimes strive to achieve a state of balance. This statement about water is filled with the energy of creation and forgiveness. It will help someone to cheer up and find alternative solutions to complex problems. Only water often helps us free ourselves from oppressive experiences and problems. By taking a bath, a person washes away negative energy, just as a snake sheds its old skin, thereby being reborn.

Water performs very well on Earth important function: heals spiritual wounds, cleanses physically and mentally. It fills a person with new, positive energy to carry out important intentions. In terms of strength and power, it cannot be compared with anything else. Nothing without a sip of water Living being couldn't live even a day.

“A drop sharpens a stone not by its strength, but by the frequency of its impact” (J. Bruno)

All living things change over time. Not only nature, but also people undergo changes. If some thought constantly affects us, then sooner or later we will accept it. Any events, positive or negative, eventually cease to seem terrible, frightening and destructive.

Even a stone is capable of changes under the influence of a drop, let alone a person whose soul contains a mechanism of constant transformation.

“I saw the Indian Sea, azure, with blue waves in it” (K. Balmont)

Here we are talking about praising water, which is an integral part of living nature. Konstantin Balmont points out in these lines the possibility of spiritual and moral transformation. In his poem, he glorifies the majesty of this natural element, endows it with high value. Poets' statements about water, as a rule, are filled with creative power and revelation.

“Water and time put everything in its place” (A. Dumas)

Sometimes events happen in life that change people's minds. In most cases, when faced with incomprehensible changes, a person becomes lost and temporarily loses the ability to take active action. Water helps to survive many unpleasant events. You just need to wash your face and take a shower to feel better.

Over time, we rethink the events that happened in the past and change our attitude towards them. Thus, water is part of the life of all living beings. Statements about it allow you to return to your own origins.

Best quotes about water

Water is the most important substance for humans and our planet as a whole. It was water that made it possible for life to arise and exist for us. Let's read what the great minds and creators of our vast planet think about water. I also advise you to study the topic: “How to drink water correctly for weight loss?”.

Water was given the magical power to become the juice of life on Earth. © Leonardo da Vinci

Water, air and cleanliness are the main things in my pharmacy. © Napoleon Bonaparte

There is nothing softer and more flexible than water, but try to resist it. © Lao Tzu

Iron rusts from water, water loses its purity from stagnation... the power of the mind is also undermined by inaction. © Leonardo da Vinci

A drop of water is more valuable than a diamond. © Dmitry Mendeleev

Trust yourself in the water. When you swim, don't grab the water, because if you grab, you will drown. Instead, you just need to relax and float. © Alan Watts

Thousands of people lived without love, but not one without water. © Wystan Odena

Water is the only drink of a wise man. © Henry Thoreau

Water is the source of life, because in the womb we are surrounded by water for nine months. Water is a symbol of female Power, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to claim, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to challenge. © Paulo Coelho

We only know the value of water when the well runs dry. © Benjamin Franklin

Not everywhere where there is water there are frogs, but where frogs croak, there is water. © Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings. © Saint-Exupéry A.

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Text Sayings, aphorisms and quotes from great and famous people" :

The knower is reluctant to plunge into the water of truth, not when it is dirty, but when it is shallow.
Friedrich W. Nietzsche

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Taste, Water

Water consumed in moderate amount, hasn't hurt anyone yet.
Mark Twain
Water, Ironic quotes

The majesty of the iceberg's movement is that it rises only one-eighth above the surface of the water.
Ernest M. Hemingway

But I warned you that I live in last time. Not a swallow, not a maple, not a reed, not a star, not spring water, not ringing bells. I will not confuse people and visit other people’s dreams with an unsatisfied groan.
Akhmatova Anna A.

Not everywhere where there is water there are frogs, but where frogs croak, there is water.
Johann W. Goethe

Now they like to immediately choose their side. They cannot tolerate uncertainty, and the investigation is painful. They want to get rid of him as soon as possible. People seem to feel like they are drowning as soon as they dare to trust the flow of thought. It seems to them that they are being carried away somewhere, and they are ready to cling - as quickly as possible - to the first branch they come across. And they prefer to hang on it, even at the risk of life, but not to stay on the surface of the water, trusting in their own strength. He is satisfied who has grasped at some hypothesis, no matter how lightweight it may be. Then, without hesitation, he can easily answer any objection and, using a few terms, he can easily give an account of everything in the world.
Anthony K. Shaftesbury
Water, Hypothesis, Wise Quotes, Labor

An eternally burning ocean.
There are fiery shafts rushing
And they don’t find the shores;
Fiery whirlwinds swirl there,
Fighting for many centuries;
There are stones like boiling water,
The burning rains there are noisy.
Mikhail V. Lomonosov
Water, Sun

If a person has developed the habit of leaving home to dream, then the day will come when he will leave home to throw himself into the water.
Hugo Victor Marie
Water, Suicide

A person is like flowing water: as soon as it becomes muddy, you cannot see its bottom, and the bottom of the river is full of pearls and corals. Be careful not to muddy it, it is clean and transparent. The human soul is like air: as soon as it mixes with dust, it becomes a curtain of the sky, preventing one from seeing the sun; but when the dust disappears, the air becomes clear and transparent.
Jalaluddin Rumi
Water, Man

As far as I know people, I am convinced that there is hidden within them aspirations for an ideal far beyond anything that has ever come to the surface. Just as a spring gushing out from under the ground represents only a small part invisible stream, the idealism that we observe is only a small fraction of the idealism that people carry within themselves in a bound or barely manifested form. Untie what is tied, bring it out The groundwater to the surface! Humanity is waiting for someone who will do this work.
Albert Schweitzer
Water, Work

Drunkenness does not give birth to vices: it reveals them. Happiness does not change morals: it emphasizes them. Get rid of the shortcomings inherent in your fellow countrymen. Water acquires good or bad properties from the soil through which it flows, and a person - from the region in which he is born. Some owe more to their homeland than others, because they were born under a more favorable sky. Every nation, even a very enlightened one, is characterized by some natural defect; neighbors usually notice him with laughter or gloating. Etch or at least cover up these birthmarks- no small art: such a person will become famous as an exception among his fellow countrymen - but what! rare, then expensive. There are also disadvantages of family, class, position, age, and if they all come together and a person does not try to get rid of them, then the monster will become unbearable.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales
Water, Art, Flaws, Drunkenness

No matter how cunning people are, the time comes - and everything comes out into fresh water.
William Shakespeare
Water, Cunning

Young poets pour a lot of water into their ink.
Johann W. Goethe
Water, Poet and Poetry

Although there is no object in the world that would be weaker and more delicate than water, it can destroy the hardest object.
Lao Tzu
Water, Wise Quotes

Chance is always powerful. May your hook always be thrown into the water, and the fish will be where you least expect it.
Publius Ovid Naso

My books are water; books of great geniuses - wine. Everyone drinks water.
Mark Twain
Water, Book

The public buys their opinions the same way they buy meat and milk, because it is cheaper than owning their own cow. Only here the milk consists mainly of water.
Samuel Butler
Water, Sarcastic Quotes

Water flows continuously, but a river constantly exists.
Silovan Ramishvili
When you're aground, there's no time for undercurrents.
Yana Dzhangirova
Water is so precious that it ends up going down the drain.
Georgy Alexandrov
We begin to value water no sooner than the well dries up.
Thomas Fuller

To understand water is to understand the universe,
all the wonders of nature and life itself.
Masaru Emoto
Water is the source of life, because in the womb we are surrounded by water for nine months. Water is a symbol of female Power, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to claim, which even the most enlightened and perfect man will not dare to challenge.
Paulo Coelho
Water is the softest and weakest creature in the world, but in overcoming the hard and strong it is invincible, and there is no equal in the world.
Tao Te Jing
Water is the beauty of all nature. Water is alive, it runs or is agitated by the wind, it moves and gives life and movement to everything around it.
S.A. Aksakov
On the eve of spring, ice melts and turns into water. Water and ice alternate, as if they are running after each other in a circle.
Huainan Zi
Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings.
A. Saint-Exupery
Water consumed in moderation cannot harm anyone.
Mark Twain
Improperly placed water can cause you to drown.
Alisher Faiz
Parisian water causes colic.
- Sea water supports while swimming.
- Cologne water (cologne) smells good.
Gustave Flaubert
If you hit the water hard, you can only hurt yourself.
Although there is no object in the world that would be weaker and more delicate than water, it can destroy the hardest object.
Lao Tzu
Water stands apart in the history of our planet. There is no natural body that could compare with it in its influence on the course of the main, most grandiose, geological processes. Not only the earth's surface, but also the deep - on the scale of the biosphere - parts of the planet are determined, in their most significant manifestations, by its existence and its properties.
Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky
Not everywhere where there is water there are frogs, but where frogs croak,
there is water there. Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Water has been given magical power
Become the juice of life on Earth. Leonardo da Vinci
How much water flows around for the sake of our daily bread.
Leonid Sukhorukov
Verbal water has no formula, but is full of formulations.
Leonid Sukhorukov
The dryness of the report is proportional to the amount of water in it.
Leonid Sukhorukov
A person has little chance of getting out of the water unscathed, but many chances of entering...
Vladimir Borisov
To give a camel a drink you need 250 liters of water.
Half a liter is enough for a person.
Vladimir Borisov

Water is nature's treasure. The statements of poets and scientists about this all-consuming element make us think about eternal values. Everyone at their own time comes to the realization that they can change a lot in the direction of their life path. The statement about water is endowed with mystical power. It helps you understand what is important in life and what is secondary.

When a person is torn apart by problems from within, he often turns to water to sit in solitude and comprehend what is happening. This article presents scientists about water. They are of significant interest to those who are looking for their own truth in this large and constantly changing world.

“Water has the power to become the meaning of existence” (Leonardo da Vinci)

Life often seems to us to be a treasure full of mysteries and secrets. Even when a lot of things don’t go well, things don’t go the way we would like, a person never stops striving for more. Water helps you get rid of the burden of troubling problems. Any statement about water can lead a person to understand its true nature. The reason for many tossing and negative attitudes is the inability to correctly express negative emotions. It is best to turn to water - it will help you renew yourself, and you will feel both an improvement in your physical condition and an internal transformation.

“Water is life itself, which fills us with constant joy” (Saint-Exupery)

There is, perhaps, not a single person in the world who would not be delighted when contemplating the infinity and power of the natural elements. Writers' statements about water emphasize the undeniable importance of life and its various manifestations. Creative people generally tend to think about the meaning of existence and look for alternative manifestations for themselves. Water often helps to relax and achieve a state of internal zeroing.

Concentration improves after showering or swimming. Even if you just spend a certain amount of time near any body of water, your soul immediately becomes lighter. Water has the ability to take away all sorrows, fill the soul with positivity and new hopes.

“To understand the nature of water means to immerse yourself in the inexhaustible worlds of the Universe” (M. Emoto)

Life is wiser and more enterprising than us. This statement about water shows how big and unknown what is happening around us can seem. If a person understands and accepts the laws of the universe, then he lives in harmony with his inner nature. For such a person, everything turns out as easily as possible, without significant effort. If, contemplating nature, you understand why you exist, then you can gratefully accept the gifts it offers.

Have you ever paid attention to how ordinary water flows? Watch her for a few minutes! How unhindered she passes through the most significant obstacles! The water stops at nothing, but acts softly and smoothly. Under its pressure, the most insoluble problems dissolve and bold dreams come true.

“There is nothing comparable to water” (Lao Tzu)

We all sometimes strive to achieve a state of balance. This statement about water is filled with the energy of creation and forgiveness. It will help someone to cheer up and find alternative solutions to complex problems. Only water often helps us free ourselves from oppressive experiences and problems. By taking a bath, a person washes away negative energy, just as a snake sheds its old skin, thereby being reborn.

Water performs a very important function on Earth: it heals spiritual wounds, cleanses physically and mentally. It fills a person with new, positive energy to carry out important intentions. In terms of strength and power, it cannot be compared with anything else. Without a sip of water, not a single living creature could live a day.

“A drop sharpens a stone not by its strength, but by the frequency of its impact” (J. Bruno)

All living things change over time. Not only nature, but also people undergo changes. If some thought constantly affects us, then sooner or later we will accept it. Any events, positive or negative, eventually cease to seem terrible, frightening and destructive.

Even a stone is capable of changes under the influence of a drop, let alone a person whose soul contains a mechanism of constant transformation.

“I saw the Indian Sea, azure, with blue waves in it” (K. Balmont)

Here we are talking about praising water, which is an integral part of living nature. Konstantin Balmont points out in these lines the possibility of spiritual and moral transformation. In his poem, he glorifies the majesty of this natural element and endows it with high significance. Poets' statements about water, as a rule, are filled with creative power and revelation.

“Water and time put everything in its place” (A. Dumas)

Sometimes events happen in life that change people's minds. In most cases, when faced with incomprehensible changes, a person becomes lost and temporarily loses the ability to take active action. Water helps to survive many unpleasant events. You just need to wash your face and take a shower to feel better.

Over time, we rethink the events that happened in the past and change our attitude towards them. Thus, water is part of the life of all living beings. Statements about it allow you to return to your own origins.

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