I don’t like your irony to whom it is dedicated. Analysis of Nekrasov's poem I don't like your irony

I don't like your irony.
Leave her outdated and not alive,
And you and I, who loved so dearly,
Still retaining the remainder of the feeling, -
It’s too early for us to indulge in it!

Still shy and tender
Do you want to extend the date?
While rebelliousness is still boiling inside me
Jealous worries and dreams -
Don't rush the inevitable outcome!

And without that she is not far away:
We are boiling more intensely, full of the last thirst,
But there is a secret coldness and melancholy in the heart...
So in autumn the river is more turbulent,
But the raging waves are colder...

Analysis of the poem “I don’t like your irony” by Nekrasov

The poem “I don’t like your irony...” is included in the so-called. “Panaevsky cycle” by Nekrasov, dedicated to A. Panaeva. From the very beginning of the novel, the poet's position was ambiguous: he lived with his beloved and her husband. Relations between all three were naturally strained and often led to quarrels. They got even worse after early death Panayeva's first child from Nekrasov. It became clear that the romance could no longer continue in this form. Nekrasov’s love for Panaeva did not weaken, so he experienced constant torment. The poet expressed his feelings and thoughts in the work “I don’t like your irony...” (1850).

Nekrasov, in an attempt to maintain a love relationship, turns to his beloved. He urges her to abandon the irony that is increasingly taking possession of Panaeva. The child could have cemented their relationship, but his death only increased the woman’s hostility. Nekrasov appeals to the beginning of the novel, when love was still strong and equally controlled the souls of the lovers. All that was left of her was a “remnant of feeling,” but thanks to it, the situation can still be corrected.

From the second stanza it is clear that Nekrasov himself anticipates the “inevitable denouement.” The relationship lasts about four years, has already resulted in the birth of a child, and the poet describes it in terms related to the origins of the novel: “a date,” “jealous anxieties and dreams.” Perhaps by this he wanted to emphasize the freshness of the feelings he was experiencing. But with such a long period of time, “freshness” is out of the question. It just indicates the fragility and ease of relationships.

Artistically, the final stanza is the strongest. Nekrasov himself firmly states that the outcome is “not far away.” When describing the state of the relationship, he uses a very beautiful comparison. The poet compares the dying feeling with an autumn river that is in front of hibernation very stormy and noisy, but its waters are cold. Nekrasov also likens the remainder of passion to the “last thirst,” which is incredibly strong, but will soon disappear without a trace.

The poem “I don’t like your irony...” shows the full force of the suffering Nekrasov experiences. His premonitions were correct, but they did not come true immediately. Panaeva left the poet only in 1862, immediately after the death of her husband.

Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva

The purpose of poetry is the elevation of the human soul. The poetry of N.A. Nekrasov is marked precisely by this desire to ennoble the soul and to awaken good feelings in the reader.

Speaking about the themes of N.A.’s poetry. Nekrasov, it should be noted that, along with works of a civil orientation, he also has poems that are distinguished by a special emotional flavor. These are poems dedicated to friends and women. These include the poem “I don’t like your irony...”.

This poem was probably written in 1850. By that time, difficult times had come for the Sovremennik magazine, which Nekrasov was publishing. In Europe, shortly before this, a wave of revolutionary uprisings took place, which contributed to the strengthening of censorship in Russian Empire. Strict restrictions from the authorities led to the fact that the release of the next issue of the Sovremennik magazine was in jeopardy. Nekrasov found a way out of the critical situation by inviting Avdotya Yakovlevna Panova to jointly write a novel whose content would not cause dissatisfaction with the censors. The publication of this novel on the pages of Sovremennik could have saved the magazine from commercial collapse. Panaeva agreed to this proposal and took an active part in working on the novel, which was called “Dead Lake”.

Working on the novel brought Nekrasov and Panaeva much closer together, and new motives appeared in their relationship. Any joint creative endeavor, as well as life in general, includes both moments of joy and delight, as well as moments of grief and misunderstanding. At one of the moments of mental turmoil, Nekrasov writes the poem “I don’t like your irony...” addressed to A.Ya. Panaeva. The main theme of this poem is the relationship between two people, a man and a woman, who still value each other, but are already close to breaking off the relationship.

The work is written in the form of an appeal from the lyrical hero to his girlfriend. Compositionally, the poem “I don’t like your irony...” is conventionally divided into three semantic parts, three five-line lines. In the first part of the poem, the lyrical hero characterizes the relationship between two close people and shows how complex these relationships are. He heartfeltly says that mutual feelings have not yet died out completely and concludes that it is too early to indulge in mutual irony. In the second part of the poem, the lyrical hero urges his friend not to rush into breaking up the relationship, knowing full well that she still wants to continue meeting, and he himself is in the grip of jealous anxieties and dreams. In the final part of the poem, the optimistic mood of the lyrical hero comes to naught. He clearly realizes that, despite the external activity of their relationship with his friend, spiritual coldness is growing in his heart. The poem ends with an ellipsis, showing that the lyrical hero still hopes to continue the conversation on such an exciting topic for him.

N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “I don’t like your irony...” stands out significantly among his other works as an excellent example of intellectual poetry. This work is about people who are well aware of life, for whom it is characteristic high level relationships. Being on the verge of parting, they only feel sad and allow themselves to use only irony as a means of reproach towards each other.

the main idea The poem “I don’t like your irony” is that for people whose relationships are on the verge of separation, it is very important not to draw hasty conclusions and not to rush into rash decisions.

When analyzing this poem, it should be noted that it is written in iambic pentameter. Nekrasov rarely used two-syllable meters in his work, but in this case, the use of iambic pentameter is justified. This choice of the author gives the effect of a free sound of the verse and enhances its lyrical mood. In addition, iambic pentameter makes the line longer, encouraging readers to think about the content of the work.

The novelty and originality of the poem lay in the fact that Nekrasov used pentaverse stanzas with constantly changing rhyme schemes. The first stanza has a ring rhyme scheme (abba), the second has a cross rhyme scheme (ababa), and the third has mixed scheme, including elements of both ring and cross rhyme schemes (abaab). This choice of rhyme schemes creates a lively feel. colloquial speech, at the same time maintaining the melodiousness and melody of the sound.

Facilities artistic expression, used by Nekrasov in this lyrical work, include such epithets as “inevitable denouement”, “full of thirst”, “turbulent river”, “raging waves”, which well convey the mood of the lyrical hero. The author also uses metaphors: “ardently loved”, “jealous anxieties”. An important place in the poem is occupied by exclamations that convey the degree of excitement of the lyrical hero: “It’s too early for us to indulge in it!”, “Don’t rush the inevitable denouement!”

Attention is also paid to such an element of artistic expression as allegory. Speaking about the mutual feelings of two people who still love each other, the author compares these feelings to a river that becomes stormy in the fall, but its waters become colder.

My attitude to the poem “I don’t like your irony...” is as follows. Nekrasov cannot be classified as an author - a singer of beauty and love - but he felt love itself subtly. The poem activates the poet’s zone of experiences; it reflects his life impressions. He treats cooling in relationships without reproaches and edifications, in a philosophical way. The poet's feelings are conveyed masterfully.

The poem “I don’t like your irony” is part of the “Panaev cycle”. This is Nekrasov’s love letter to his beloved woman, with whom he had a strong quarrel at some point. Brief Analysis“I don’t like your irony,” according to the plan, can become part of a literature lesson in the 9th grade and help the student better understand the poet as a person.

Brief Analysis

History of creation- the poem “I don’t like your irony” was created in 1850 (presumably), and published only five years later, in 1855 in Sovremennik. A year later (in 1856), Nekrasov included it in a poetry collection.

Theme of the poem– fading and cooling of feelings as a natural stage in the development of relationships between lovers.

Composition– each stanza is part of a description of a sad situation in a relationship, the action develops sequentially.

Genre- love lyrics.

Poetic size– iambic and pyrrhic, each stanza uses its own rhyme scheme.

Metaphors – “passionately loved”, “jealous anxieties and dreams are boiling”, “boiling more intensely”, “filled with the last thirst”, “secret cold and melancholy of the heart”.

Epithets“jealous anxieties”, “inevitable denouement”, “last thirst”, “secret cold”.


History of creation

Nekrasov's relationship with Avdotya Panaeva has never been easy. In fact, the couple lived in a civil marriage with the consent of the woman’s husband, the frivolous womanizer Ivan Panaev. The romance between them began in 1846, and the poem “I don’t like your irony” was written in 1850 - they would be together for another sixteen years, but a premonition of the end already gripped Nekrasov.

This poem was first published in 1855 - it was published in the Sovremennik magazine, which the poet owned together with Ivan Panaev. In 1856, Nekrasov published a collection of poetry, which included this work.

It fully reflects the essence of the lovers’ uneven relationship: despite mutual feelings, an affair outside of marriage weighed heavily on them, and Avdotya’s difficult character became a catalyst for frequent quarrels. Nekrasov describes one of these situations in poetic form- they always sorted out their relationship vigorously, and there were temporary coolings in the relationship, but it was this moment that showed the poet that their love would end someday.


The main theme of the verse is a quarrel between lovers, when their relationship has developed to the stage that feelings gradually begin to fade away, and a cooling of the once boiling passion begins.

At the same time, Nekrasov expresses the idea that only love can give a person a real taste for life, therefore it must be protected and done especially carefully when the first signs of extinction appear. The lyrical hero expresses this thought, addressing his beloved, who, obviously, made some offensive remark about him.


The poem consists of three stanzas, each of which expresses its own idea, but they are all part of a consistently unfolding idea.

Thus, in the first stanza, the lyrical hero admits that there is no longer the same fire in mutual feelings, but he believes that this is not a reason to be ironic, because love is still alive, which means it can be preserved.

In the second stanza, this idea develops - both the man and the woman want to be together, but both already understand that the inevitable outcome of their story will be the fading of the relationship.

The third stanza shows that the lyrical hero has ceased to believe that the relationship can still be extended; he understands that conflicts and scandals are inevitable signs that the cold of a breakup is very close.


This work belongs to the genre of intimate lyrics. It is part of what literary scholars call the “Panaev cycle,” in which Nekrasov addresses the theme of feelings.

In addition, Nekrasov uses an unusual and innovative technique for his time in the rhythmic pattern of the verse. Despite the fact that the work is written in iambic, it very often breaks into pyrrhic, which makes the rhythm look like the breathing of an excited person - ragged and uneven.

The effect is enhanced by the rhyme - the ring is replaced by a cross, and in the last stanza the cross is mixed with the adjacent one. Such disorder completely reflects the inner rebellion of the lyrical hero.

Means of expression

In order to convey the feelings of the lyrical hero, the poet uses a variety of expressive means:

  • Metaphors- “those who loved passionately”, “jealous anxieties and dreams are boiling”, “boiling more intensely”, “filled with the last thirst”, “secret cold and melancholy of the heart”.
  • Epithets- “jealous anxieties”, “inevitable denouement”, “last thirst”, “secret cold”.
  • Comparison– feelings before parting are similar autumn river: The stormiest waters flow before it freezes.

The poem “I don’t like your irony” was written by Nekrasov presumably in 1850, published in the Sovremennik magazine No. 11 for 1855. It is included in the collection of poems of 1856.

The poem is addressed to Avdotya Panaeva, with whom Nekrasov was in love. Their romance, which began in 1846 and lasted almost two decades, never ended in legal marriage. In this sense, the poem “I don’t like your irony” is prophetic.

Avdotya Panaeva was the wife of Nekrasov’s friend Ivan Panaev, with whom they revived Sovremennik together. Since 1847, the trio lived together, Nekrasov, with the consent of the flighty Ivan, became common-law husband Panaeva. Both were burdened by this connection, although they loved each other.

The relationship between Nekrasov and Panaeva was uneven. There were stormy showdowns and temporary cooling towards each other. This is what the poem is about.

Literary direction, genre

The poem “I don’t like your irony” refers to intimate lyrics and is included in the so-called “Panaev cycle”. It tells the story of the development love relationship, realistically explaining internal reasons external changes in communication.

Theme, main idea and composition

The theme of the poem is the development of love relationships, the fading and cooling of feelings.

Main idea: only love is real life, therefore, love must be protected, you need to take care of its preservation, noticing the first signs of extinction.

The poem is an appeal to a beloved. The reason for the appeal was the mockery, the irony of the beloved in relation to the lyrical hero.

In the first stanza, the lyrical hero admits that his feelings are fading away, that the once ardent love is only warming in his heart. Irony, from the point of view of the lyrical hero, is characteristic of “those who have become obsolete and who have not lived,” that is, those who did not love at all or no longer love.

In the second stanza, the lyrical hero describes the current state of the relationship: the woman shyly and tenderly wants to extend the date, in the heart of the lyrical hero “jealous anxieties and dreams are boiling.” But love fades away, which is conveyed by the words “for now.” The last line of the second stanza calls the extinction of love an inevitable denouement.

In the last stanza, the lyrical hero no longer harbors illusions, does not hope to continue the relationship, which he calls for in the first two stanzas, using exclamation sentences. Scandals and conflicts are a sign of the end of a relationship, when there is already “secret coldness and melancholy” in the heart.

Paths and images

The poem is based on the opposition of cold and hot, boiling and icing. Love is like a boiling stormy stream, which is described using metaphors: those who loved dearly, jealous anxieties and dreams are boiling, boiling more intensely, full of the last thirst. Feelings are opposed secret cold and melancholy hearts (metaphor of indifference).

Nekrasov compares the feelings preceding cooling to a river, which bubbles more strongly in the fall, although it becomes colder. Thus, the strength of feelings (storminess) is not equivalent for the lyrical hero to their quality (warmth or coldness). The river will boil and freeze, and so will love.

The poem has a complete thought even without the last two lines, which are preceded by an ellipsis. Comparing feelings with a stormy river is the last argument that the lyrical hero gives in order to achieve understanding of his beloved.

Epithets are of great importance in the poem. All of them are negatively colored: jealous anxieties and dreams, final thirst, inevitable denouement, secret cold. They are contrasted with adverbial epithets with a positive connotation: passionately loved, wished shyly and tenderly, seething rebelliously. The lyrical hero perceives the actions of the heroes as a manifestation of love, but state ( anxiety, thirst, denouement) considers them deprived of the desired feeling. This is how the idea of ​​a poem works on a linguistic level.

Meter and rhyme

The poem has an unusual rhythmic organization and rhyme pattern. The meter is defined as iambic pentameter, but there are so many pyrrhichs that the rhythm gets confused, like a person who cannot even out his breathing from excitement. This effect is facilitated by the shortened last line in the first stanza.

Each stanza consists of 5 lines, the rhyme pattern in each stanza is different. In the first stanza it is circular, in the second it is cross, in the third the cross alternates with the adjacent one. This disorder corresponds to the internal rebellion of the lyrical hero. The male rhyme alternates with the female rhyme, also disorderly due to different rhymes.

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The theme of love is traditional in Russian literature. N.A. Nekrasov also could not pass her by and clothed his experiences in a weighty and straightforward Nekrasov style. The reader can notice how realistic the poet’s love is, for example, in the poem “I don’t like your irony...”.

The writer worked on the poem in 1850, at the height of his affair with a married woman, Avdotya Panayeva. That's who the work is dedicated to. He lived with her civil marriage 16 years, and cohabited with her and her husband in the same apartment. At that time, the lovers suffered a terrible test: their son died. From that moment on, scandals and quarrels became more frequent, and Nekrasov himself began to be jealous of the woman even towards her legal husband. Not surprising, because Avdotya was a beauty known throughout the capital. Even F. M. Dostoevsky was in love with her, but did not receive reciprocation.

Already in 1855, the poem “I don’t like your irony” was published in the Sovremennik magazine, and was also included in the poetry collection for 1856.

Genre and direction

The genre of the poem is a message, since this is one of the works included in the “Panaev cycle” and addressed to A. Panaeva.

The poem refers to love lyrics. There is a rhythm here that is unnatural for Nekrasov, and an atypical rhyme. The meter is iambic pentameter. But you can also notice pyrrhic. It is precisely because of this that the rhythm is lost and the breathing is lost.

Nekrasov also composed an unusual rhyme. Everywhere the rhyme is different: if the first stanza has a ring pattern, then the second turns into a cross stanza, the third crosses together with an adjacent rhyme.

Images and symbols

The author talks about the formation of love relationships, and partly writes about his life: the relationship between Nekrasov and Panaeva was unbalanced. Their passions were either in full swing, or they experienced a temporary cooling towards each other. Therefore, the lyrical hero is an emotional person with jealous anxieties, he is a temperamental and honest man who recognizes the inevitability of separation. His love burns with the last blush of autumn, a break is ahead, but he wants to share the last rays of fading attraction with his beloved, without rushing the gloomy denouement.

His chosen one is also experiencing separation, and therefore the lyrical hero is also worried about the condition of his beloved. She puts her disappointment into irony - that is, she mocks what was once sacred. This is how she hides her melancholy, the pain from the impending loss, which she is already aware of. But with an icy smile the lady extinguishes those sparks of happiness that still remain in their meetings, and the lyrical hero urges her not to do this. You need to be able to enjoy love to the end. The woman still loves him, because she extends the dates and gives tenderness to a jealous, not ideal, but still close and desirable man.

The symbol of autumn is a sign of withering and farewell to love. The water is getting colder, and only the last splashes retain the appearance of life. This is how love passes, and its final convulsions are an attempt to forget, to warm and breathe life into a fading feeling.

Themes and mood

  • Love theme- the main theme of the poem. The culmination of the feeling has already passed. A separation looms ahead for the lovers, but the last glimpses of happiness should warm them, because the journey together has not yet been completed. The poet tries to convey to the reader the whole authenticity of romantic relationships between people: how a spark flares up between them, how difficult it sometimes is for them, and how this spark can go out.
  • Theme of jealousy. The author believes that jealousy is a clear manifestation of male passion. Nekrasov himself managed to show this emotion, even when he was a lover married woman. Therefore, it is not surprising that he sang his own manifestation of love.
  • Theme of longing. The hearts of fed-up people are full of boredom and coldness; their feeling from life, where the illusions of novelty have been lost, can be succinctly described by the word “melancholy.”
  • Mood the poem can be called autumn, because its heroes clearly see off love, paying their last respects to it. The reader feels slightly tired, nostalgic and involuntarily plunges into his own passion, applying the words from the poem to himself.

main idea

The poet talks about the reality of life, where feelings, even the most sublime ones, come to an end. The main idea of ​​his message is that one must leave with dignity, without negativity. A person must be able to treat others not only with love, but also with respect. The last tenderness, the last passion is no less sweet than the first kisses, you just need to taste them. Don't rush to leave if you can still stay.

The work “I Don’t Like Your Irony” tells about the end of a relationship, which is close, and that’s why it’s so important for the characters to enjoy the last bliss and be alone. The point is not to miss the last breath of a dying attraction, to drink the cup to the bottom. Nekrasov shares a piece of his personal experience, because he broke up with his chosen one after the death of her legal husband.

Means of artistic expression

Nekrasov’s lyrical hero experiences various emotions throughout the entire poem. Thanks to exclamation marks, appeals, comparisons, the author does not allow him to relieve the tension.

Epithets played the main role in conveying emotions. Thanks to them, people can not only feel the state of the lyrical hero, but also find out what the relationships between the characters were: “jealous anxieties and dreams”, “last thirst”, “inevitable denouement”, “secret cold”; “who loved dearly”, “you wish shyly”, “they seethe rebelliously”. It is worth noting that the above epithets seem to be in opposition to each other, some are negative, the other are positive.

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