Conclusion on the sanitary and ecological survey of the soil. Permits for the movement of soil and construction and demolition waste. Is soil a waste product?

How to arrange the transportation of soil, documents that are absolutely necessary for the transportation of goods, what documents to confirm the export of soil will be clarified by the article.

Question: We provide a soil removal service. What documents do they need to provide to confirm these works? Certificate of completion, invoice, register, waybills?

Answer: The parties have the right to prescribe in the contract what specific documents will confirm the services for the removal of soil.

In this case, sufficient confirmation of services will be:


service act,


Additional documents, in this case, can be:

A copy of the waybill (the original remains with the contractor),

Payment documents for services rendered.

The carrier does not have to provide you with a waybill. It is drawn up in one copy and is not transferred to the customer of transportation. There is no such requirement in the regulations.

The courts also believe that the absence of travel tickets from the customer of services does not indicate the absence of documentary evidence of such costs (decisions of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Moscow District dated 19.03.12 No. A40-64845 / 11-107-280, dated 08.25.11 No. KA-A40 / 9306 -11, Volga region dated 10.21.10 No. А49-442/2010, Moscow district dated 09.03.08 No. КА-А40/8214-08 and Northwestern district dated 01.18.08 No. А56-15033/2007).

Along with this, you can additionally request a copy of the carrier's waybill and attach it to the act. Copies of waybills may be needed as additional evidence that the contractor actually provided transport services to him.

How to arrange the transportation of soil

The organization performs construction work (asphalt laying, etc.). I signed a separate contract with the customer for the removal of his soil. The customer asked to give him an invoice, act and consignment note. Who should write out the TTN for the service, because this is the customer's soil? Who is the consignor and consignee? And do you really need TTN?

In this case, you should first decide what the soil is for the customer. This is a commodity-material value transferred to the consignee. Or is it a by-product that occurs during the production process and is taken out to the dump. After all, the purpose of the TTN is to account for the movement of inventory items and payments for their transportation by road. Based on the TTN, the consignee settles with the consignor. And if we are talking about the removal of soil from the construction site for the purpose, for example, of its movement and planning in another place, then, I think, in this case, TTN is not needed. It is enough to draw up an act of services rendered. Attach waybills on the operation of trucks in the form No. 4-C to it. Also present the invoice to the customer.

Documents that are absolutely necessary for the transport of goods

3. Paperwork for road transport

3.5. Waybill

The provision of services for the carriage of goods without issuing a waybill for a car - a truck or a car - is prohibited. The basis is paragraph 2 of Article 6 of Law No. 259-FZ. The waybill is presented by the driver when the vehicle is delivered to the consignor or charterer (clause 1, article 10, clause 6, article 18 of Law No. 259-FZ). This is the document of the owner of the vehicle. The transfer of a copy of the waybill to the customer of transportation is not provided for by regulatory documents.

Invoice for the removal of soil from the object is not needed

The organization is building. The removal of soil from the site is carried out by a transport company, which at the end of the month issues a certificate of completion and issues an invoice. These documents indicate the name of the service - "removal of soil", units - "cub. m. Do you need bills of lading for this?

No, not needed.

Waybills are used when transporting goods, in respect of which the movement of inventory items is kept. It is obvious that the accounting of goods is not kept when they do not have a market value. This applies, for example, to the removal of soil to dumps and construction waste.

In addition, invoices are required when concluding a contract for the carriage of goods, and in this case, vehicles are provided on the basis of a charter contract.

Such conclusions follow from Article 8 and Clause 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law of November 8, 2007 No. 259-FZ "Charter of Road Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport". At the same time, I recommend reflecting the features of the document flow of the organization in the contract with the transport company.

In accordance with the Law of the City of Moscow of October 24, 2001 N 52 "On Information Resources and Informatization of the City of Moscow" and in order to provide information support for the activities of the Department of Construction of the City of Moscow, the Government of Moscow decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction waste, demolition and soil in the city of Moscow" ().

2. Determine that:

2.1. The Moscow City Construction Department exercises the powers of the owner on behalf of the City of Moscow, is the state customer of operation and operator of the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction waste, demolition and soil in the city of Moscow".

2.2. The Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow performs the functions of the state customer for the development of an automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction waste, demolition and soil in the city of Moscow".

3. Recognize as invalid:

3.1. Hyphens of the second, fourth paragraph 1 of the order of the Government of Moscow dated May 13, 2009 N 917-RP "On putting into commercial operation information systems of the Department of Urban Construction of the City of Moscow".

3.2. Hyphens of the second, third paragraph 1 of the order of the Government of Moscow of April 25, 2012 N 199-RP "On measures for the further operation of information systems of the Complex of urban planning policy and construction of the city of Moscow."

4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Minister of the Government of Moscow, the head of the Department of Information Technologies of the City of Moscow, Ermolaev A.V. and Head of the Department of Construction of the City of Moscow Bochkarev A.Yu.

Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin

on the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction waste, demolition and soil in the city of Moscow"

1. General Provisions

1.1. Regulations on the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction waste, demolition and soil in the city of Moscow" (hereinafter - the Regulation) defines the tasks, functions and structure of the automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction waste, demolition and soil in the city of Moscow" (hereinafter - AIS " OSSiG"), the composition of the participants in information interaction using the AIS OSSiG (hereinafter referred to as participants in the information interaction) and their powers, as well as the procedure for granting access to the AIS OSSiG.

1.2. AIS "OSSiG" is a state information system of the city of Moscow, designed to provide information support for the activities of the Department of Construction of the city of Moscow, including for making decisions on issuing:

Permits for the transportation of soil in the city of Moscow;

Permits to move construction and demolition waste for recycling;

Permits for the movement of construction and demolition waste for disposal.

1.3. AIS "OSSIG" consists of subsystems necessary for collecting, processing, updating, storing, distributing and using information on the issuance of permits for the transportation of soil in the city of Moscow, for the movement of construction and demolition waste for processing, for the movement of construction and demolition waste for disposal ( hereinafter referred to as permits for the movement of OSSiG) and the results of the movement of construction waste, demolition and soil (hereinafter - OSSiG) to ensure urban planning activities in the city of Moscow.

1.4. The tasks of AIS "OSSiG" are:

1.4.1. Improving the activities for issuing permits for the movement of OS&G, including using the state information system "Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions) of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter referred to as the Portal), for maintaining a register of technological regulations for the process of handling construction and demolition waste.

1.4.2. Consolidation of information resources of decommissioned information systems "Processing and disposal of construction and demolition waste in the city of Moscow" and "Control of transportation of soil and construction waste" based on the AIS "OSSIG".

1.4.3. Creation of a mechanism for displaying construction objects and specialized landfills for the disposal of OSSIG on a geographical map in the AIS "OSSIG" using the functionality of the integrated automated information system "Unified Geographic Information Space of the City of Moscow".

1.4.4. Ensuring the possibility of generating statistical and analytical reporting on the issuance of permits for the movement of OSS&G.

1.5. The functions of the AIS "OSSiG" are:

1.5.1. Automation of the process of submitting documents required for obtaining permits for the movement of OSS&G.

1.5.2. Automating the process of receiving and registering documents submitted by applicants for issuing permits for the movement of OS&G (hereinafter referred to as applicants) when applying for the issuance of such permits, using the Portal or the one-stop service of the Moscow City Construction Department.

1.5.3. Display of construction objects and specialized landfills for the disposal of OSSIG on a geographical map in the AIS "OSSIG".

1.5.4. Automation of the processes of preparing permits for the movement of OSS&G and issuing them to applicants using the Portal or the one-stop service of the Department of Construction of the City of Moscow.

1.5.5. Automation of the process of storage and accounting in electronic form of documentation for issuing permits for the movement of OSS&G.

1.5.6. Ensuring the direction of interdepartmental requests on the issuance of permits for the movement of OS&G.

1.5.7. Automation of maintaining a register of technological regulations for the process of handling construction and demolition waste.

2. Participants of information interaction

2.1. The participants of information interaction using AIS "OSSIG" are users, information providers and the operator of AIS "OSSIG".

2.2. Users of information - public authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations that need the information contained in the AIS "OSSIG", and participate in the provision of public services and services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services or the performance of public functions (hereinafter - services).

2.3. Providers of information - public authorities of the city of Moscow and organizations exercising the powers of the owner of the information placed by the operator in the AIS "OSSIG", as well as applicants providing the operator of the AIS "OSSIG" with the information necessary to obtain permission to move the OSSIG.

3. Procedure for information exchange using AIS "OSSiG"

3.1. The procedure for information interaction of participants using AIS "OSSiG" is determined by the regulations for information interaction between participants in the information interaction of AIS "OSSIG" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by the operator of AIS "OSSIG" in agreement with the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

3.2. Formation and updating of information resources of AIS "OSSIG" is carried out by the operator of AIS "OSSIG" on the basis of information provided by information providers.

3.3. To perform the tasks of the AIS "OSSiG" information interaction is provided with:


Integrated automated information system "Unified geoinformation space of the city of Moscow";

The system for managing access to information resources of the Moscow Government;

Automated system "Unified system for maintaining and managing registers, registers, directories and classifiers";

Automated information system "Control over the examination of design and estimate documentation";

Unified information system of the Association of Administrative and Technical Inspections of the City of Moscow;

other information systems.

4. Rights and obligations of participants in information interaction using AIS "OSSiG", the state customer for the development of AIS "OSSiG"

4.1. AIS "OSSiG" operator:

4.1.1. Develops and approves Regulations in agreement with the Department of Information Technologies of the city of Moscow.

4.1.2. Ensures the functioning of the AIS "OSSiG" in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information, information technology and information security, the requirements established by the Government of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, as well as legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.1.3. Carries out the formation and updating of information resources of the AIS "OSSIG" on the basis of information provided by information providers.

4.1.4. Ensures the integrity and availability of information resources of the AIS "OSSIG" for participants in information interaction.

4.1.5. Carries out control over changes in information resources contained in the AIS "OSSIG".

4.1.6. Ensures the protection of information contained in the AIS "OSSIG" from unauthorized access to it, its distortion or blocking from the moment the specified information enters the AIS "OSSIG" until it is transferred to another information system, is responsible for the invariance of the information transmitted through the AIS " OSSiG" from individuals and legal entities, public authorities and organizations.

4.1.7. Provides consulting support to the participants of information interaction on the use of the AIS "OSSiG".

4.1.8. The right to transfer the performance of part of its functions to a state institution of the city of Moscow or another organization in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.2. The AIS "OSSiG" operator is not responsible for:

4.2.1. For the reliability of the information placed in the AIS "OSSiG" by information providers.

4.2.2. For the quality and timing of the provision of services using the information contained in the AIS "OSSIG" if a decrease in the quality of the provision of such services or a violation of the terms of provision arose for reasons that are not dependent on the functioning of the AIS "OSSIG".

4.3. Information provider:

4.3.1. Provides information to the operator of the AIS "OSSIG" for its placement in the AIS OSSIG.

4.3.2. Ensures the accuracy and completeness of the information provided.

4.3.3. Complies with the requirements for the maintenance and use of AIS "OSSIG" data.

4.4. User of AIS "OSSIG":

4.4.1. Provides access to the AIS "OSSIG" in accordance with the Regulations.

4.4.2. Has the right to send proposals to the operator of the AIS "OSSiG" on changing the procedure for providing information.

4.4.3. Complies with the requirements of operational documentation for the use of AIS "OSSIG".

4.4.4. Submits proposals to the operator of the AIS "OSSIG" on the necessary changes in order to optimize the functions of the AIS "OSSIG".

4.4.5. Ensures non-disclosure of information received from the AIS "OSSiG" to third parties without the consent of the operator.

4.5. The state customer for the development of the AIS OSSiG is entrusted with the functions of ensuring the operation and maintenance of the system software and hardware of the AIS OSSiG, as well as backing up information placed in the AIS OSSiG.

5. Exchange of information with other information systems and resources

5.1. The formation and maintenance of the AIS "OSSIG" is carried out on the basis of information resources contained in other information systems, as well as information resources of the operator of the AIS "OSSIG".

5.2. Automated interaction of the AIS "OSSiG" with other information systems is carried out using the software and hardware complex of the information interaction subsystem of the Information and analytical system for managing urban planning activities of the city of Moscow and (or) using the regional system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of the city of Moscow.

Document overview

The automated information system "Regulation of the movement of construction, demolition and soil waste in the city of Moscow" is used to support the activities of the Construction Department, including for making decisions on issuing a permit for the transportation of soil in the city, for the movement of construction and demolition waste for processing and disposal.

AIS is designed to automate the process of submitting documents necessary for issuing permits for the movement of soil and waste, the process of preparing permits and issuing them to applicants, displaying construction sites and specialized landfills for waste disposal on the geographical map of the system, automating the maintenance of a register of technological regulations for handling construction waste and demolition, etc.

Our company in the shortest possible time will perform a full range of activities for the removal of soil, construction waste and demolition from your site. If you do not have or do not have enough of your own equipment, we will help you organize the removal of construction waste and soil.

Work on the export of OSSiG is carried out around the clock in accordance with the prescribed conditions and schedule in the service agreement.

In less than 1 year, our company has reviewed and prepared more than 20 sets of documents. For each set, a permit was obtained for the export of OSSiG. At the moment, most of the permits are closed, work is underway on the rest.

In 2016, our company removed more than 50,000 m3 of OSSiG from construction sites in Moscow and the Moscow region. We provide services to well-known companies in various construction industries.

Our company assists contractors in obtaining permits from the Moscow Department of Construction:

Opening/permits (orders) for the export of OSSiG

Conclusion of an agreement for the placement of OS&G

Permit renewal

Cancellation and closure of permits

We also offer comprehensive support, which will include all stages of work with permission.

Required documents for issuing a permit for the movement of construction and demolition waste, including soil.

The order of organization of work permitting system for the movement of construction waste, demolition, including soil.

Permit for the movement of soil and waste in the department of construction

If your organization has concluded a government contract for the construction, landscaping, reconstruction or demolition of buildings, then you will definitely have to face such a task as opening a permit for the movement of soil in the Moscow City Construction Department.

Our experts will advise you on the procedure for obtaining a permit, help you collect the necessary set of documents, explain what to do and where to go. Since the Arkona Construction organization has several of its own landfills in Moscow and the Moscow region, we can give you the most attractive prices on the market, we are even willing to bet.

Our landfills are accredited by the Department of Construction and are on the register, and this is one of the main requirements for a successful opening of a permit. Below is a list of documents that must be submitted to the department:

1. A copy of the OATI warrant for the performance of work or an application for obtaining an order from the OATI. - You

2. Building permit. - You

3. Work schedule. - You

4. A copy of the contract with the transport organization, certified by the applicant, dated __________ No. _________. - You

5. Conclusion on the sanitary-ecological examination of the soil: radiation, toxic-chemical, bacteriological, and a copy certified by the applicant. - You

6. Technical conclusion (characteristic and vertical section of the soil). - You

7. Project for the production of works. - You

8. Situational plan. - You

9. Local estimates for earthworks and a statement of volumes of earth masses from the construction organization project. - You

10. Estimated vertical layout. - You

11. A copy of the contract with the organization, the recipient of the soil, dated __________ No. _________ *. - We

12. A copy of the waste recipient's license, certified by the waste recipient, when placing soil at landfills, reclaimed quarries and authorized landfills**.

13. Free limits of the waste recipient**. - We

14. A copy of the document confirming the authority of the applicant, certified by the applicant. - You (agreement between the investor and the customer / between the customer and the general contractor / between the general contractor and the subcontractor)

* In the absence of an agreement with the waste recipient, the technical contractor is obliged to indicate in the permit the place of removal of the soil, based on the need for soil at other construction sites or the availability of free limits, taking into account the optimization of transportation routes.

** Information and documents are provided if it is necessary to dispose (burial) the soil if it is impossible to use it at other facilities, including construction sites in the city of Moscow.

Call us and we guarantee that you will save your time and money with us. The Arkona Construction team is always with you.

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