Purchase of goods in China for business activities. Business with China on resale from scratch. How to start trading in Chinese goods without investment. Disposable plastic products

Good afternoon, dear readers! Evgeny Guryev is with you - an expert of the online business magazine "PAPA HELP" on the subject of Internet commodity business and business with China. The topic of this article is business with China.

If you think that the times of brisk trade in Chinese goods have irrevocably sunk into the past, then I hasten to please you - it is not! Thousands of businessmen from Russia and other countries continue to make money on supplies from China, selling goods at a price of 3-5 times more expensive than purchased.

Do you want to start your own business with minimal risk, low initial investment and with a work scheme that has been proven for decades? Then business with China suits you in all respects. In this article, I described the features and nuances of trading in Chinese goods, plus step-by-step instructions for "dummies" to launch a business project from "A" to "Z".

Are you interested in how to make money? from 100 000 rubles per month"clean" in the trade of Chinese goods? Then read the article to the end!

Is it realistic to start a business with China from scratch in 2019, or is it a bygone train?

Yes, it's real! And in my experience, I have proven this many times, earning million rubles .

Chinese-made goods still make up a significant share of the global market. This is not surprising - China has a developed industry, cheap labor, many years of economic growth and, in the end, 1.5 billion people.

Marking "Made in China" is no longer an indicator of low quality. Modern goods from China have become more functional, high quality and durable. And they look much better than 15-20 years ago.

In Russia, up to 80% of light industry products are produced in China. There are such goods in every home - these are wallets, watches, phones, household appliances, toys, jewelry, accessories, cosmetics and much, much more - do you agree with me ?! Surely at least half of the goods in your home are made in China.

What does this mean for you? This means that the market for Chinese goods is simply huge, billions of dollars are “spinning” here every year, and why shouldn’t you be the one to break off a piece of this huge financial pie?

The main advantage of doing business with Chinese goods is that the resale scheme has been worked out to the smallest detail and is available to everyone. You don't even need to have initial capital to start your own business.

For example, the dropshipping model* allows you to earn income with almost no investment. If you wish, you do not even have to leave your home - all operations will be performed online.

Working according to the dropshipping scheme, you reduce financial risks to a minimum!

The algorithm of work is reduced to three points:

  1. Find a supplier in China and purchase goods at the manufacturer's price.
  2. Deliver to Russia.
  3. Implement at a premium.

You ask: what about customs, documents, taxes? But do not rush, we will analyze each stage of the business process in detail in the following sections.


philistine skepticism and the position “this niche has long been occupied, it makes no sense to break” are the main obstacles to success. Any entrepreneurial activity requires courage, but at the same time a meaningful approach.

Why China? It's simple - mass production in this country was initially "sharpened" for export to other states. The cost of production here is extremely low due to low wages and the use of industrial technologies.

Chinese factories operate non-stop, supplying products to all corners of the planet.

The stereotype “Chinese means wretched and breaks down quickly” is no longer relevant. My Chinese e-book has been working for five years without failures and complaints. The quality of products from this country is constantly growing, but at the same time prices remain low. China has no competitors in this parameter. So, you need to buy goods there.

Practice shows that business with China is not a “gone train”, but, on the contrary, a direction that is gaining momentum

If you are still in doubt, here is a visual list of the main advantages of working with Chinese manufacturers:

  • Low prices. Working with domestic manufacturers, you will get a "cheat" on goods in the area 20-50% . Trade in Chinese goods will bring from 100 to 1,000% markup.
  • Wide range of. Not just an assortment, but an “assortment”. The choice of products is almost endless. The Chinese market has absolutely everything. If you want to work on popular products - please. If you prefer an exclusive niche that has no analogues in the country, no problem.
  • Refined algorithm. You don't need to invent anything. There are websites of suppliers, there are schemes for the delivery of goods. Even if you work with a large wholesaler, you do not have to look for transport companies for a long time, conduct tedious negotiations, etc. The manufacturer will deliver the goods either by himself or by professional intermediaries for a moderate fee. They will also help with customs, paperwork, certificates.
  • High competition among Chinese manufacturers. There are many sellers in China, and each of them is trying to find its niche in the market. Firms value each client and are ready to conclude contracts on the most favorable terms for the buyer (price reduction, compensation for transportation costs, bonuses for bulk purchases). They are in touch around the clock, ready to start with minimal lots, you can bargain with them, request samples of goods for free. Experienced buyers know how to keep the price to a minimum and earn maximum profit by selling high-priced Chinese goods in their own country.

You ask, if goods are so easy to buy from a supplier, why do people need intermediaries?

Everything is simple!

People do not have the time and desire to understand all the variety of Chinese sites, calculate the cost of products, taking into account delivery, and wait for the package. It is much easier to act through a responsible intermediary who has already agreed with the manufacturer and placed the goods with a clear description in Russian on their website.

I am sure that I was able to convey to you in an accessible way the prospects and benefits of building a business with China and prove that this is not a train that has gone away, but a real opportunity for you to start your own business.

How to start a business with China without big investments - 10 easy steps for a beginner

Now let's move on to practice.

Below is basic circuit business. Delete and add items depending on the specifics of the product you have chosen and other objective factors.

Step 1. Choose a business model

There are several effective business models for reselling goods from China. First you need to choose the best option depending on the specifics of the product and the size of the initial capital.

Trading methods (models):

  1. Dropshipping. I have already talked about this model above, I will briefly repeat it. This method does not involve the purchase of goods in large quantities. You don't need a warehouse - just a site to sell. In other words, it is exclusively an intermediary activity. You simply look for customers, collect money from them, and only after that you order the goods from the supplier, and he himself sends the goods to the customer's address. By using the dropshipping model, you simply get the difference from that sale.
  2. Wholesale. The main thing here is to find a reliable supplier and customers who will purchase goods from you in large quantities. You again take on the role of middleman, but this time for large deliveries.
  3. Retail sales offline and online. A method for those who have their own point of sale online or in real life. Competent marketing, attractive prices, professional design - these are the main components of success.
  4. Joint purchases. A group of several people buys wholesale lots of goods from the supplier and then sells them. The goal is to reduce shipping costs and purchase products at the lowest (wholesale) price due to volume.

Whatever scheme you choose, success depends on the competent organization of the process and a responsible approach to business.

Step 2. Define resources

Your resources may be:

  1. Time. The most important non-renewable resource. Sometimes even one of them is enough to successfully launch your business. Time can make up for any other resource if used properly.
  2. Money. Their presence will be a plus, but is not a prerequisite for starting your project. You only need a few hundred dollars to get started. For example, a dropshipping scheme does not require money to purchase goods. Mediation eliminates the risk of failure, however, and the income will be small under such a scheme.
  3. Information and knowledge. A well-known expression says: "Who owns the information, he owns the world." In the topic of business with China, it is fully justified, since knowing the schemes of work, pricing and ways to promote goods, you will always be one step ahead of your competitors.
  4. Experience. By experience, I mean any commercial skills that you have acquired in the course of your life: the ability to negotiate, marketing, work with social networks. networks, knowledge of special analytical and graphic programs, English, and even better Chinese. All this is for you the foundation for a successful start in the Chinese "theme".
  5. Connections. It's no secret that in our time, connections play the same important role as money. In contrast to “close ties” with the local city administration or an acquaintance of the prosecutor, here I mean the presence of friends and acquaintances in China or cities close to this country, in particular in Vladivostok.

One of my acquaintances successfully traded Chinese teas, goods with wow effects from the Middle Kingdom in the city of Stavropol, having experience in purchasing Chinese goods at a previous job and an acquaintance in Vladivostok.

Step 3. Find your niche (the product that we will sell)

Let's define this concept.

Niche is a commodity line. For example, hours.

Product is a unit of production in this niche. For example, watches with a GPS tracker, CASIO G-SHOCK watches, etc.

What to trade? Beginners should start with products that enjoy constant attention (demand) from buyers.

A few tips for choosing the right Chinese products for resale:

Tip 1. Determine in advance the demand for the categories of products you choose with the help of special Internet services, of which there are quite a few. But the simplest and most effective of them is YandexWordstat. This service allows you to determine how many times a month this or that phrase (word) was typed by Yandex users in the search line. That is, this tool allows you to determine the demand for a particular product.

Now I will show you clearly how it works, and you repeat!

Using the example of a watch with a GPS tracker, let's determine the frequency of the request: " buy gps watch».

Go to YandexWordstat and type this phrase in the search line of this service.

The higher the frequency of a query for a particular product in Wordstat, the more in demand it is

And you will see that this phrase was searched for 11,700 people per month. And this means that there is a demand for this product.

In my experience, if this figure exceeds 10,000 requests per month, then you can easily start selling this product.

Another cool life hack from me! Type the same phrase in the Yandex search bar.

The presence of advertising in the "SPECIAL PLACEMENT" block of Yandex indirectly indicates the demand for this product

And more advice. Below I will give you several CPA networks and groups in VK (VKontakte) where you can buy goods from China. So, you can use these groups and services to make a decision on choosing a product for sale. If a product is advertised in VK groups, and the same product occupies TOP positions in CPA networks, then this means only one thing - the product is popular and you can earn money on it.

Tip 2. Choose a product that is popular, but not very competitive. It should not be sold in thousands of copies in every supermarket.

Before choosing a product for sale, go to the large stores in your city and make sure that the offer of this product or its analogues is there, but at the same time it is small.

This will allow you to sell your product to potential buyers without much effort.

Tip 3. Pay attention to quality. If you sell products of handicraft factories, the first customers in your store will be the last.

Tip 4. Understand thoroughly the product you have chosen. A real pro knows all the features and characteristics of the product being sold, correctly determines the price for it and selects a marketing strategy for promotion.


I have a friend who sells modern electronic gadgets. His knowledge in this area is simply amazing. He is aware of all types of virtual reality glasses and knows which health sensor is suitable for a weightlifter and which one for a runner.

Tip 5 Do not immediately purchase large quantities of new goods. It's always better to buy a trial quantity, evaluate the quality, "probe" the demand, sell the entire test batch, and only then make a large purchase.

When testing a niche, you can order a trial batch of goods from a small wholesaler in Russia. You will receive the goods much faster than when ordering from China. It will cost a little more, but you will quickly get results and be able to move on.

Step 4. Choose a product

There are two paths you can take when choosing Chinese goods to sell.

For a beginner , who just wants to start a business and is considering the option of cooperation with Chinese manufacturers, consumer goods with a high margin will do.

The ideal option is trending products that are now sold through one-page sites. These are products that solve the consumer's pains (lose weight, a bone in the leg sticks out, back hurts, loss of strength, moles in the garden are wound up, etc.) or have a WOW effect (new cool toys, luminous headphones, gadgets, unusual covers, etc. d.)

Where to look for them? Yes, even on the same CPA networks or in groups of domestic wholesalers VKontakte.

Here are some of them:

  • kma.biz - CPA network
  • ad1 - CPA network
  • m1-shop - CPA network
  • Goods from China wholesale- group in VK;
  • Goods from China wholesale— group in VK;
  • Cupinato goods from China Taobao- VK group.

The main secret is to trade such goods not one at a time, but in an assortment, launching several one-page sites with different goods at once.


You sell GPS watches on one site, on another you sell wireless headphones, on the third you sell video recorders, on the fourth you sell unusual toys. You earn from every product. In a month, profits are possible in 150-800 thousand rubles.

Now it will not be difficult to create a landing page (one-page site) for you. For symbolic money 10$ ) or even for free, you can create a full-fledged website on intuitive designers.

And this is a short video for you to get acquainted with the designer:

Soon we will have a separate article-instruction on how to create a one-page site yourself.

For the current entrepreneur , whose business is not related to the sale of Chinese goods, the strategy of expanding the range of already existing product categories and services of this businessman is more suitable.


Your business is suspended ceilings. Already know how to attract customers, the business is working, but would you like to earn more? What can be brought from China? As an option - LED chandeliers with control panels. It is no longer necessary to attract and look for customers: the audience is all site visitors.

Today, to organize a trading business, it is not at all necessary to travel to China, communicate with company representatives and sign papers in offices. All products are available online.

At first, while you do not have experience and knowledge, I recommend that you undergo preliminary training from experts. My team and I also provide support to newcomers in business with China and conduct training on this topic.

Comparative table of the most visited sites:

Name Peculiarities Pros (+) Minuses (-)
The platform is focused on small and large wholesale Security for customers - transferring money only after delivery of products. There is a Russian version of the site. Excessive popularity drives up prices
The oldest site, suitable for bulk purchases The main plus is low prices Not suitable for retail purchases
One of the ten most visited Internet resources in the world, suitable for any business model Hundreds of millions of items of goods, some categories are not available on the Russian market at all There is no Russian version of the official site

Two more life hacks when choosing a product on the AliExpress website.

Life hack 1. Use product sorting filters correctly.

Do everything as shown in the screenshot below and you will find the cheapest product with free shipping.

Use filters on Alixexpress to get the best price and shipping terms

Life hack 2. Use cashback services.

I recommend that you use the SmartySale cashback service. By making purchases using this service, you will receive up to 5% cashback (return of the amount paid for the purchases made) to your bank card.

If you are counting on constant trade and long-term cooperation with Chinese manufacturers, be sure to register on one of the above sites to start.

The absence of a Russian-language version is not yet a reason to refuse to work with a certain site: use an online translator, including for negotiations with suppliers. Successful online communication is the key to success.

Step 5. Search for a supplier and check for reliability

In the 4th step, I told you on which sites to look for the right product. And now let's figure out how to choose the right supplier and check it out.

Choose a supplier according to the criteria below

When choosing a supplier, pay attention to the following points:

Any activity related to money involves certain risks. There are a lot of scammers and dishonest "businessmen" among Chinese suppliers. Never negotiate with intermediaries and firms without prior verification.

Every company on the web now has reviews. Each official seller has documentary evidence of his status and recommendations. The best option when working with large wholesale is to request product samples, certificates, permits. Most of the scammers successfully merge after such requests.

Frequently asked questions about choosing a supplier, I answered in this short video:

Types of fraud faced by beginners, and sometimes experienced businessmen:

  1. Supply of low quality goods. In China, there are thousands of semi-legal factories that drive goods from second-class, and sometimes dangerous materials. In the picture, the product looks like a hundred dollars, but in reality it is not worth even one.
  2. Fake one-day companies. Fraudsters register a domain and conduct an advertising campaign on the Internet. The buyer is tempted by fantastic prices and favorable conditions. After receiving payment, the company safely ceases to exist.
  3. scammers in the process of negotiations, they get access to your data - card details, bank account and payment systems.

To protect yourself from these types of scams, follow the tips above when choosing a provider.

Signs of a scam:

1) A domain that was registered only a few weeks or even days ago. You can check when a domain was registered on the Reg.ru website. To do this, enter the domain name in the search bar of the service and click the " WHOIS". See picture below.

Checking the lifetime of a site on REG.ru in 3 steps

2) Lack of contacts, legal and actual addresses on the supplier's website.

3) Low quality site design. Almost 100% indicates that this is a one-day site created by scammers on the knee.

Conclusion: check everyone you deal with!

Step 6. Calculate profitability


You bought 100 wristwatches of a well-known brand in China by 1,000 rubles per piece. Spending on it 100 000 rubles. During the year, you sold the entire volume of goods for 3,000 rubles per piece. The profitability of your business in this case will be: (300,000/100,000)*100%=300% per annum or 25% per month.

This is a very rough example, since the cost of attracting customers, staff salaries, and transportation costs can also be included in the expenditure side, which will reduce the profitability of your business. However, you need to plan this indicator in order to understand whether your commercial activity makes economic sense.

Step 7. We study the terms of delivery of products

Here I will tell you how to deliver the goods from China and then to the final consumer.

1. Delivery from China

Official suppliers detail the terms of sale and delivery on their websites. But each buyer has the right to offer his own terms of cooperation, which are more beneficial to him. For small consignments of goods, customs clearance and other manipulations with documents are not required.

How to bring a wholesale batch? Is there a way to deliver goods from China in small batches in 1-2 boxes or is it necessary to transport a container at once? Is it possible to do all this without registering an IP?

Use options such as "cargo" and "groupage cargo".

In short, these are ways to bring goods from China in small batches without registering an individual entrepreneur and without problems at customs. Approximately in terms of money 3,5 $ behind 1 kg and autodelivery 28 days.

Issues with customs are already included in this price. This is a great option for those who are already ready to buy goods directly from China with significant savings, but have not yet developed to such a level that they can buy in containers.

With the advent of such delivery methods, the prospects for start-up entrepreneurs immediately expanded - now they can purchase goods directly from China in small batches. It is convenient and profitable.

Here is an example of a company ecb.bz, which is engaged in cargo delivery. The video below details this delivery method, its advantages and features.

2. Delivery to the end consumer.

The next question that every entrepreneur needs to solve is “How to deliver your goods to the client in order to receive payment from him?”

Let's imagine that an entrepreneur lives in Ryazan. Of course, he is interested in selling his goods in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other regions. By the way, Moscow and St. Petersburg are more than 70% of all online sales in Russia. Probably, I want to cut off for myself, albeit not a big, but tasty piece of such a pie.

How, then, from Ryazan to sell goods via the Internet throughout Russia?

Muscovites want courier delivery. It is desirable that the goods be delivered yesterday or, as a last resort, tomorrow. You can’t deliver from Ryazan to Moscow in a day, or you can deliver it, but it will cost a pretty penny. What to do?

Everything is simple. There are wonderful fulfillment services, which can store your goods in a warehouse, issue it to your customers, deliver it by couriers in Moscow and St. Petersburg and send cash on delivery throughout the country.

Just magicians and wizards of logistics. Examples are a company such as Reworker.

Watch the video on how the fulfillment service works:

Ideally, for those who have been doing business for a long time, everything is done like this:

  1. Goods from China go directly to the fulfillment service warehouse in Moscow.
  2. All accepted orders from the Internet are transferred to the CRM system.
  3. The fulfillment service delivers the goods to the client and accepts payment.
  4. Once every 2 weeks, he transfers money to the owner of the online store.

That is, ideally, it is possible to achieve such a format of work when an entrepreneur does not see either goods or customers, and at the same time is not limited in any way in his geographical location.

Step 8. Find buyers

Finding a product at a bargain price is only half the battle. Attracting customers is the main difficulty of business in the face of an overabundance of offers. If you want to get a stable profit, you will have to show imagination in the use of marketing techniques.

Now the main battlefield is the Internet.

Consider several options (channels to attract customers).

1st option. One page site.

It can be purchased for some trendy product for 250 rubles. To do this, you just need to go to the Yandex search, enter the query " Buy landing" or " Buy a one page website". Renting a hosting, domain and buying a one-page site will cost no more than 1 000 rubles .

As I mentioned above, you can create these one page websites yourself using the LPGenerator website builder.

2nd option. Bulletin boards Avito and Yula.

The first orders can be obtained from these boards. Especially if you write the name of the ad correctly and choose an attention-grabbing picture. You should build your ads according to the system ODC (Offer-Deadline-Call-to-Action) and pay for a couple of ads so that they are higher in the search results.

An example of an ODC ad (Offer, time limit, call to action)

3rd option. Targeted advertising in social networks.

To generate more profit, you will need advertising on social networks. Modern advertising allows you to make an offer only to those people who are really interested in this product.

But there are also more interesting approaches. Do you remember how the famous Sherlock Holmes found criminals? He used the so-called deductive method, that is, he thought outside the box. And you have to develop an out-of-the-box marketing mindset in the process of finding customers.

Friends, to make your life easier in the search and segmentation of the target audience, I recommend that you use the understandable and convenient Targethunter service. It allows you to quickly find the audience you need, save 90% of your advertising budget using analysis tools and automate many processes.

Use promo code: papapomog and get 2 days of free access at the maximum rate + two months of using the service for the price of one.

Watch a short video about this service:

4th option. Yandex.Direct.

Make the most of the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN). Have you ever noticed that if you became interested or searched for some product in Yandex or Google, then the advertisement of this product will then follow you everywhere on all sites and even on social networks. This thing also works well: offers come to those who are most interested in this product.

Here's what it looks like:

Contextual advertising Yandex.Direct is succinctly embedded in the text of the site

You can use all the options for finding buyers at once, or stop at one. In any case, do not spray, study each one in sequence and only then apply them.

Step 9. Procurement and testing of goods

Be sure to check the quality of the product. Nobody needs cheap fakes now. If you start selling third-rate products, it will kill your business in the bud. Reputation in business circles is expensive.

If, according to some criteria, the product does not satisfy you, it is better to refuse the transaction, despite the low prices or favorable delivery conditions. An honest name is more valuable than momentary profit.

Step 10. Launching a business

The decisive moment is the start of sales.

Don't rush things: if you have done the preliminary work and chosen a niche, the result will definitely be.

To work in the dropshipping system, it makes no sense to legally formalize your activities. Start thinking about this as your turnover grows and your customer base grows.

And remember - commercial success favors the brave. Don't let failure discourage you. In commerce, local failures are inevitable, followed by a rise.

How to understand which products can now “rise” in resale

Demand changes every year and every season. To understand what the buyer needs, the same Wordstat.yandex service, which I already mentioned, will help.

But there are universal human needs that are more or less permanent. A competent choice of a niche for trade is the most important condition for a successful business.

We have prepared for you a list of the most profitable Made in China products:

  1. Gastronomic disposable trifle. The mark-up for such goods purchased in bulk is from 200 to 500%. Disposable tableware, plastic cups, hygiene products, clothespins, ropes and other small things that are always needed.
  2. Clothing. In China, they have long learned to make high-quality clothes for people of all ages. It looks aesthetically pleasing and is cheap. And the demand for it is constant.
  3. Shoes. In China, there are entire markets that sell only shoes. Choose such a product depending on the season.
  4. Accessories– women's handbags, wallets, umbrellas, belts.
  5. Mobile devices– smartphones, iPhones.
  6. Cases for them and other accessories.
  7. Chinese electronics (branded). In terms of quality, Chinese computers, video cameras, cameras, of course, are inferior to South Korean and Japanese ones, but the difference is no longer as noticeable as it was 15-20 years ago.
  8. Electronic gadgets- video recorders, navigators, devices for computer games.
  9. Food products (bulk) with a long shelf life- teas, dried fruits, nuts.
  10. Auto accessories. Brushes, air fresheners, stickers, steering wheel covers.
  11. Furniture. Oddly enough, furniture in China is made of high quality. At the same time, even with delivery, it will cost you less than domestic, and even more so, Western manufacturers.
  12. Household appliances and household goods.
  13. Toys. In China, inexpensive analogues of all successful brands are made. For example, Lego-type construction sets are ten times cheaper, and children like them no less than branded ones.
  14. Special equipment. An option for serious businessmen, since the price for such a product is, by definition, higher than for gastronomic trifles. Tractors, trailers, cranes, other construction and industrial equipment from China are inferior to European counterparts, but for several years such equipment has been working properly.
  15. Industrial machines. In the conditions of the economic blockade, this is a promising niche - the wear and tear of equipment and spare parts for it is inevitable. Chinese analogues of European models will cost dozens of times cheaper.

This is not a complete list of popular products. It is in your power to find your niche and promote it on the Internet or in your city.

The success story of Evgeny Guryev in launching his own business with China

Dear friend, you are welcomed by the founders of the online business magazine "PAPA HELP" Alexander Berezhnov and Eduard Stembolsky.

Here we will tell the success story of our good friend Zhenya Guryev, so that, inspired by her, you can take action and launch your business on goods from China in the near future.

Evgeny Guryev is an expert on business with China

Before Zhenya became an entrepreneur, he worked as a loader, waiter, handyman, and manager. He started his business with retail sales of Chinese goods through coupon sites and landing pages.

Then there were wholesale deliveries, successful online stores and even larger and more profitable projects. In business, he had not only ups and downs. Both brought the result - invaluable experience of entrepreneurial activity.

Now Evgeny is a speaker of a large online project to organize a business partnership with China. Sells goods from China not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus. I am ready to share my experience with small and medium-sized businesses, novice merchants and have already helped hundreds of people create their own profitable online stores.

His students make turns on Chinese goods in tens of millions of rubles . Here is one of his students Sergey Lipin.

Zhenya writes books, conducts both paid and free training events on BSC - for example, 5 day marathon on this topic For everyone.

By visiting it, you will receive answers to all questions about BSC that you have and may have in the future.

Do I need to study before starting in business?

Dear reader, I have told you in some detail about the steps and nuances required to start a business with China. All of them are extremely practical and will help even beginners to enter 100 000 rubles profit net and more in the next few months. It all depends on your perseverance and available resources.

Is it worth it to study - you decide!

However, it is obvious that any professional and commercially successful activity is impossible without deep theoretical knowledge and developed practical skills.

Another important point is that training will reduce the time to start a business, save you from serious mistakes and save tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles.

Successful trading also needs to be learned from those who have achieved real success in this direction.

I suggest signing up for a five-day course right now. free BSC marathon, which will allow you to start your successful business selling Chinese goods over the Internet.

You will learn:

  • what products are profitable to sell right now;
  • get contacts of reliable suppliers in China;
  • find out which sales algorithms are the most effective.

All this is based on specific examples and schemes that are working and being used right now.

7 golden tips for a beginner from an expert on business with China - Evgeny Guryev

If BSC is so profitable, why is it that not everyone succeeds in trading successfully? The reason is not high competition and not interference from the state. Nobody prevents you personally from launching a successful project for the sale of goods from the Middle Kingdom.

The main problem in the specifics of the business is that without knowing the nuances and details, you will miss out on profits.

Some useful tips for those who decide to try their hand at the BSC niche:

  1. Always check suppliers before doing business with them.
  2. Learn! Books, trainings, courses, business clubs. Not less than 10% from profit It is recommended to invest in yourself through training.
  3. Take care of the client - he must be sure that he receives a quality product. Test the samples yourself - do not trust the photos and the seller's assurances.
  4. Bargain with the Chinese as if your life depended on it. You will get favorable conditions and outperform competitors if you discard the constraint when discussing the terms of the transaction.
  5. Sign formal contracts.
  6. The first sales should be made on those products that are already on the market. It will be much easier for a novice entrepreneur without experience and resources to earn the first money than climbing where there is “no competition”.
  7. Expand your range. It is much easier to earn a couple of millions on 10 products than on one. Try to work without intermediaries and unnecessary steps - they take both money and time.

And a few more chips from me in video format:


So, business with China is still a promising and profitable commercial idea. To get the maximum profit from trading, it is enough to organize the process competently, find a reliable supplier and work with him directly, without intermediaries.

Start with communities on Vkontakte, landing pages - it will cost less than starting your own online store from scratch. There are thousands of markets on Instagram that bring decent income to their owners. Learn from colleagues - it's not shameful.

Another component of success is effective marketing, proper organization of an online store and filling it with “catchy” content.

Dear friends, I believe that you will succeed, because a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

And most importantly, believe in yourself and be optimistic. Good luck and see you soon!

PS. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments and I will personally answer them.

Sincerely,expert on business with China and e-commerce

online business magazine "PAPA HELP"

Evgeny Guryev

According to experts, the resale of goods is the easiest and, at the same time, the most profitable way to make money. It is especially profitable to sell Chinese goods, which are distinguished by low prices and quite acceptable quality. The most important thing is to find a manufacturer who will supply products on favorable terms for you. Business with China for resale without investment can be organized by anyone. How to do it right, we will discuss in this article.

Business without investments is real

Recently, many aspiring entrepreneurs are concerned about the question of how to do business with China without investment? The easiest way to make money is dropshipping. This is a very popular line of business that does not require start-up capital. Its essence lies in the establishment of direct deliveries of goods from the manufacturer to the buyer. This type of business appeared in our country relatively recently. It began to develop in parallel with online trading.

Let's take a closer look at all the subtleties and nuances of doing business with China without investments. For example, you have your own online store. A customer visits your site, places an order, and pays for their purchase. After that, you search partners from China for the product he needs, buy it at a lower price and send it to the client. The price difference is your profit. All that is required of you is to find a trusted partner. It is advisable to agree on cooperation with the manufacturer of the product. If you order goods for an amount not exceeding 1 thousand euros, you can not pay customs duties. Large orders require official registration and payment of all taxes.

One page website

Another option for those who want to organize a business with China for resale is a one-page website or, in other words, an online trading platform. Such a resource should have a stylish original design. In this case, you need to pay special attention to every detail.

Entrepreneurs go to different tricks to ensure that the user who visits the site must click the "buy" button. A single page website is great for promoting any product. According to statistics, products that are offered at a low price in a single copy are best sold. It is bought much more willingly than several items of goods with the same discount. As a rule, buyers are lost in front of a large assortment, so they can visit an online store and, as a result, buy nothing. On a one-page site, everything is simple, because it presents only one type of product with complete information.

To open such a business with China without investment, you need to choose popular products that are in great demand among consumers. It is desirable that it be some kind of unique product. It is clear that TVs or refrigerators are unlikely to interest buyers, since in our time you can buy such equipment anywhere. Before you create a website, carefully consider its design and functionality. If you do not have knowledge in this area, seek help from specialists who will make you a high-quality Internet resource and fill it with unique content. In addition, you need to resolve the issue with the delivery of goods. In this case, you can use the services of a postal or courier service. If we are talking about some large cargo, agree on cooperation with a transport company.

What to trade?

Before starting a business with China, you must first decide. Production in the Middle Kingdom covers almost all market segments:

  • clothes;
  • Shoes;
  • Textile;
  • Medical equipment;
  • electronics;
  • Kids toys;
  • Industrial machines and production lines.

If you are not interested in reselling goods, you can find an interesting small business manufacturing idea from China and implement it in your country. Equipment for the enterprise is best ordered from Chinese manufacturers. China offers any construction, woodworking or packaging equipment, equipment for sewing shops, car services and more. Chinese manufacturers will organize the delivery of equipment, train staff and tell you how to organize production in a small room. In addition, they provide a guarantee for the maintenance and repair of purchased equipment.

branded items

Another profitable business idea from China is the resale of branded items. Many well-known brands have moved their production to China. These are all kinds of companies that produce:

  • clothes;
  • household appliances;
  • Clock;
  • Computers and more.

Cheap labor makes it possible to implement any ideas of small business in China without any problems. Take Nike sportswear as an example. Despite the fact that this is a well-known American brand, almost all of its products are made in China. Of course, the company strictly controls the quality of its products, which is a guarantee that you are buying a really good product. By hiring the Chinese, Nike significantly reduced the cost of production and, accordingly, increased its income.

Communication and communications

Beginners often ask the question, how to start a business with China? At the stage of formation, the most important thing is to formulate an offer that will interest the buyer. Therefore, do not immediately put too high prices. When your outlet starts to prosper, the rates can be gradually raised. At the initial stage, try to save as much as possible on advertising. Products can be promoted absolutely free of charge on thematic forums or in social networks. In order to conduct an effective advertising campaign without investment, you need free time and your imagination. In addition, in the process of self-promotion, you can find out the preferences of your audience and, based on the results, create a suitable assortment. Do not abuse discounts as they reduce your income. If the product is in demand on the market, it will be bought at the price you set.

The most popular Chinese marketplaces

To implement new business ideas from China in 2020, you need to find a reliable supplier. In principle, it is possible to establish cooperation with several sellers who supply goods, both wholesale and retail. Consider some of the most popular online stores that offer customers free delivery of goods:

  • AliExpress. This is one of the largest Chinese Internet resources where customers from all over the world make purchases. Here, buyers can safely purchase any product, since the money is transferred to the seller after the client confirms the quality of the purchased products;
  • BuyInCoins. This site has a wide range of products. Promotions are often held here, within which you can purchase goods on favorable terms. Prices on this trading platform are about a third lower than in other online stores. In addition, you can find discount coupons on the Internet that allow you to purchase goods on BuyInCoins for another 5-8 percent cheaper.

Organizational moments

Beginners often ask how to organize their business from scratch with China? As mentioned above, the easiest way is to open your own online store. If you do not understand anything in web technologies, you will have to pay money to developers for the creation and promotion of your electronic trading platform.

How much money do you need to start a business with China?

Chinese goods can also be resold through ordinary stores. The easiest way to implement a business idea for selling goods from China is to rent an outlet in a supermarket. You can also organize the sale of products through social networks. For example, your page in Vkontakte may resemble an online store, but it does not require any financial investments. This is a great option for people who are looking for. To increase sales, you can hold various contests and sweepstakes. For example, a person who reposted to their page can win an inexpensive gadget. As a result, you will be able to attract a large target audience to your product. As a rule, any new business ideas from China bring a good income, so your business will prosper.


Since Chinese online stores do not require their customers to pay for the goods in advance, there are people who are trying to cash in on this.

They come up with various fraudulent schemes:

  1. Direct payment. On some sites, sellers offer a significant discount on goods, but only on the condition that the buyer pays for it directly, to someone's bank account or through an electronic payment system. It is better to ignore such offers as you may lose your money;
  2. Fictitious payments. The seller can persuade the customer to pay taxes or customs duties. Only swindlers do this;
  3. Delivery payment. Many Chinese online stores offer free shipping. Some scammers agree with the client that they will deliver the goods to him for free, and then apologize for choosing the wrong method of transportation and ask to transfer money for transporting the goods. Never pay for shipping until you receive the item at your post office.

Anna Sudak


The Chinese often refer to Russian businessmen as "bukaopu" (Chinese for "out of tune, unreliable"). But trends are changing, and now Eastern entrepreneurs are willing to work with Russians.

Article navigation

  • Business with China on the resale of goods
  • 10 steps to start a business with China
  • Step #1 – Exploring Business Models
  • Step # 2 - analysis of your own resources
  • Step #3 - what to sell
  • Step #4 - Finding Suppliers
  • Step #5 - Checking the Chinese Supplier
  • Step number 6 - delivery
  • Step #7 - attracting customers
  • Step #8 - Profitability Calculation
  • Step #9 - ask the manufacturer for samples
  • Step #10 - launch
  • Business with China on the resale of popular goods with investments in 2020
  • Tips: how to start a business with China from scratch
  • How to conduct legal business with China from A to Z
  • How to open a manufacturing business with China
  • Instructions for the implementation of own production in China

The article will be useful for novice businessmen who plan to establish partnerships with Chinese suppliers and manufacturers. Most of the nuances will be disclosed in detail in our material. Step by step instructions, recommendations and examples are provided.

Business with China on the resale of goods

Despite the fact that this niche is very popular and only the lazy do not work in it, everyone can find their place here. And even a beginner can easily earn from 50 thousand rubles a month without much effort. Of course, you need to have an entrepreneurial spirit, have basic knowledge and understand the purpose of the final result.

But even if you lack something (knowledge, skills or personal qualities), it is fixable. Business on goods from China is unpretentious. The main thing is to set a clear goal and move step by step towards it.

The simplest algorithm for working with China can be described in three points:

  1. Search for popular products in China at low prices.
  2. Delivery of goods to Russia.
  3. Selling at a premium.

Why is it profitable to buy in China? Now the quality of products is growing, and wholesale prices remain at the same level.

For example, consider the products of Xiaomi, a Chinese brand that instantly won its consumer not only within the country, but throughout the world. Why? Because the quality of products, smartphones in particular, is even higher than that of popular brands. And the price is lower. At the end of 2017, the company occupied 4.4% of the Russian market and sold more than 3 million phones for 37 billion rubles.

In general, in 2018, the trade turnover between the Russian Federation and the Celestial Empire exceeded $100 billion.

For this year, the amount is projected to grow by at least 30%, which means that the prospects for business cooperation with China will only expand.

10 steps to start a business with China

Learn ten simple steps and start earning in the near future.

Step #1 – Exploring Business Models

Before you start selling goods from China, choose the best business model for you.


In other words, mediation. You can sell products now. No investment. Earnings consist in finding and attracting customers. You collect money from them, order a product from a third-party supplier, pay for it with the client's money and get a profit (from 30 to 500 percent). You don't even have to send the goods yourself. It turns out such a mini-business.

Joint purchases

This is an association of several people into a group to buy goods at wholesale prices from a manufacturer or an authorized dealer. You can earn with the help of discounts and cashback services.

Offline wholesale

This model includes three steps:

  1. Search for a reliable wholesale supplier with a minimum bill for the goods.
  2. Search for clients: shops, private entrepreneurs. You can find them on ad sites and social networks (free). Or place ads (for a fee).
  3. Prepayment. You are given money, you buy goods from a supplier and receive your percentage. The price of the product must be less than what your customer pays to his current supplier.

Retail sales

Here, as well as with wholesale goods, only you sell not to an intermediary, but to the client directly, so you set the price at your discretion.

Online store

This option requires investment. But which ones - it depends on you. You can start with a social media group and a one-pager. And you can immediately create a full-fledged store with a wide range. The second option will cost more, but you will earn more money.

Step # 2 - analysis of your own resources

Everything is simple here. Depending on the capital that you can invest in the business, choose a model. If you have the opportunity to immediately invest in the creation and promotion of an online store, you instantly reach a higher level. If not, you can start with the minimum. Trade with China is available to everyone.

Only its scale and the time spent on the development of the case depend on the chosen model.

Step #3 - what to sell

This question is asked by all beginners. To understand what to sell, you need to determine who you want to sell to. For example, a woman on maternity leave, having decided to do business with China, chooses goods for children: toys, clothes, diapers and sells them to other mothers. Benefit and income.

If you are not guided by market trends, start from your interests. Do you like mobile phones? Sell ​​them accessories. If you're a fan of online games, sell related items like t-shirts, caps, bags, action figures, and more. Well, if there are no ideas at all, do this:

  1. Open Yandex.Wordstat and see the statistics of requests for product categories. Find the most popular.
  2. When choosing a product, pay attention to the fact that it is not overly competitive.
  3. Sell ​​only quality items.
  4. When choosing a product, be sure to study it. Follow the market trends in this niche.
  5. Be an expert. If you're good at something, sell it. Then you can not only attract new customers, but also acquire permanent ones.

Never buy unfamiliar goods in large volumes. To get started, take a couple of units. Check it out, try to sell. If the products are of good quality and there is a demand for them, you can safely buy in the quantity you consider necessary.

Commodity business through China opens up great opportunities. Make the most of them.

Step #4 - Finding Suppliers

If you want to buy goods in bulk, do it directly from the manufacturer or official distributor. For small retail, mediocre sites are also suitable. To work with China, it is not necessary to travel there and look for a supplier on your own. But if you have the opportunity, do it.

More than 1,000 exhibitions are held annually in China, where you can find a manufacturer and partner who independently makes purchases and sends goods to you. Also, the visit will help to inspire new ideas and make useful contacts.

Orders can be made via the Internet. If you have a fear that you will not be able to cope with this task, delegate it to companies that will help in organizational matters and promotion of the store.

To start activities in this business (small and medium wholesale), we recommend using the following sites.

Name Peculiarities pros Minuses
aliexpress There are wholesale (small) and retail Clients' finances are protected, you can create an unlimited number of delivery addresses It takes a lot of time to find the right product at the lowest cost
Alibaba For medium and large wholesale Prices are at least two times lower than on other sites Retail not included
Tmart Variety of goods Russian-language interface and QIWI calculations are provided Goods are expensive
Focalprice Variety of goods Can work with dropshipping The interface is not tailored for the Russian-speaking audience

Step #5 - Checking the Chinese Supplier

Before you start working closely with a supplier, check his documents. Be sure to look for real reviews from those who work with him. Better yet, meet in person. Discuss penalties on both sides for non-compliance. If you don't take precautions, you could just run into money or have a nervous breakdown. Here are some of the most common scams we've identified:

  • Supply of low quality products. Even when concluding an official contract with the manufacturer, you can get low-quality goods made in clandestine mini-workshops. Such a product is nothing more than a penny consumer goods. And you pay full price for it.
  • One-day firms. Any fictitious organization can register a domain, make a website and run an expensive advertising campaign, collect money from entrepreneurs and sink into oblivion. Be careful!
  • Computer hacking. Your personal data may fall into the hands of hackers. This can lead to the loss of money from existing accounts.

To prevent this, it is better to constantly keep your eyes open and check the suppliers. And remember, finding what to buy in China is easier than looking for options on how to sell consumer goods.

Step number 6 - delivery

All resources indicate the delivery time of the goods, but you can choose the best option for yourself. Talk to the seller and immediately indicate your position.

Step #7 - attracting customers

We will figure out how to establish business with China via the Internet and create a queue of customers. There are a lot of options here. Free attraction will require a lot of effort, time and energy from you. Paid - finance.

To find customers, you can use the possibilities of social networks: create a group, talk about your activities in thematic communities, attract friends and acquaintances to purchases. There are also many forums and message boards.

Step #8 - Profitability Calculation

Don't act hastily. Even if you don't invest money in a business, time is an even more expensive resource. To get started, make elementary calculations: if the sale gives you 50–300% of the cost of the goods, there is a reason to continue. If you get a penny, you should optimize your activities.

Step #9 - ask the manufacturer for samples

Conduct your own testing for quality and compliance with the declared characteristics. If you don't like the product, your customer won't like it.

Step #10 - launch

After all the manipulations, start selling. Look at the response. Here you can use free Google or Yandex analytics tools. Record any changes as sales grow. This is necessary in order to identify at an early stage what works and what does not. The main thing is to set a clear goal and keep the focus on it. If you decide to seriously engage in business, it is advisable to open an IP.

Business with China on the resale of popular goods with investments in 2020

You have already figured out how to organize business with China. Now let's decide what can be sold in Russia. List of the most popular products from China that sell like hot cakes.

  1. Electronics. High-quality Chinese technology is taken with great pleasure. It is both outwardly attractive and the quality is not inferior to many eminent brands.
  2. Clock. This product is also in demand. Of course, if we are talking about really high-quality products. But it is worth taking into account that such a product must be able to sell.
  3. Silk. This product is specific, but if you properly organize an advertising campaign and find customers among entrepreneurs, then this can become a gold mine for you.
  4. Jewelry and pearls. Excellent items made from precious materials sell well and bring in a high income. To implement a business in this niche, it is better to go to the Middle Kingdom on your own, visit exhibitions and purchase products from a direct manufacturer. Before that, be sure to check all documents and certificates confirming the authenticity of the goods.
  5. jade products. Fashionistas are very happy to buy jewelry to emphasize their beauty and elegance. Jade attracts the fairer sex like a magnet. And all because this material is the embodiment of femininity. Take advantage of this and start selling such jewelry.
  6. Bamboo is unlikely to be allowed to be taken out of the country, but fabrics and products from it are very much so. Bathrobes, pillowcases, pajamas, socks, towels, car covers, bed linen - all this is readily bought by Russians, because such things are of high quality, comfortable and inexpensive.
  7. Souvenir products and every little thing. Here you need to look at what is the most popular. How to do this, read above.
  8. Furniture. Often high quality and inexpensive. But don't buy it from just anyone. Because underground production in China is not asleep. It is better to go for this product on your own.
  9. Tea. It is very popular with us because it is delicious and beautifully packaged. It is often given as a gift.
  10. Clothing, shoes, sports equipment. There are no comments here. This item will always be in demand.
  11. Trivia from movies and TV shows. Various things, like the heroes of films, are very popular. Use it to grow your business.

You can learn more about popular products from our articles:

We also have interesting thematic collections of goods:

Now it's time to get into the details.

  1. Pick a niche. Trading with China for beginners is an easy process. Just follow the tips and you will be fine.
  2. Decide who your client is. Based on this, you will understand how to sell. Be one step ahead of the consumer and give him something that will satisfy his needs.
  3. Make a business plan. Reflect all the necessary points: the goal you want to achieve, the chosen business model, the budget. Analyze your options.
  4. Plan an advertising campaign. Approach the issue in a complex way - promote in social networks and with the help of paid contextual advertising.
  5. Buy a product. We have already discussed this issue above, but we recall the most important thing again - do this only at trusted official dealers or directly from manufacturers.
  6. Create a group on social networks and a selling page.
  7. Attract clients.
  8. Run analytics. This can be done with free tools to help you figure out how to build a China business from the ground up and scale it online.
  9. Get profit.

You set the margin for the goods at your discretion. If the product is of good quality, they will buy it. But even under such conditions, analyze the competitor. At least in order to find your competitive advantage, which will help you sell more.

If you are still wondering how to get started with China, read on.

How to conduct legal business with China from A to Z

Consider several ways to legally do business with China.

Method number 1. Without registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Everything is simple here. Create a group on social networks and place free ads on online boards: Avito, OLX and others.

Method number 2. To issue an IP and work as an intermediary under contracts of commission, assignment, paid services. In this case, you receive money not for the product, but for the service of buying it on Chinese sites. In fact, you have nothing to do with the product and are not responsible for it, therefore, they cannot make claims to you.

Method number 3. Register an individual entrepreneur or LLC and import goods into the territory of the Russian Federation legally according to the scheme:

  • Purchase products from a supplier with documents.
  • Clear customs according to the laws of the country and pay a fee.
  • Issue certificates.

Now let's look at how to cooperate with China if you want to create a large-scale business.

  1. Purchase goods in Russia from suppliers with documents. Large wholesalers also buy from China, but due to large volumes it is easier for them to make certificates for goods.
  2. Travel to China and conclude contracts with manufacturers directly.
  3. Order goods without IP registration, but sell them as used. Scheme of sale as in commission stores or second-hand - under a commission agreement. The contract is drawn up for each individual position in compliance with all requirements according to the description (cleaning, dry cleaning, etc.).
  4. Buy goods and acquire "left" certificates for them. This method is illegal, but it exists. According to this scheme, many transactions are made in Russia (and not only).

Once again, let's go through the tips on how to work with China legally.

  • If you see that your business is constantly growing and generating a stable income, open an IP.
  • To accept money from customers, open a current account.
  • Choose a simplified taxation regime with the "Income" base when trading via the Internet.
  • Submit tax returns for your individual entrepreneur on time.
  • Use available bookkeeping tools.
  • Certify goods.

How to open a manufacturing business with China

Another opportunity to trade goods from China is own production. This is done if you want:

  • Sell ​​fake brands. Let's say Nike announced a new sneaker model. In Russia, they are already popular, but they cost a lot of money. You can take a couple, send them to China and get a copy of them. You can sell at the price of the store or cheaper.
  • Add multiple features to an existing product on the market. To improve something, you need to describe your vision and send it to the factory. They will do everything right there. As a result, you will receive exclusive products that can be sold for good money.
  • Sell ​​existing products under your own brand. As such, there will be no production here. At the factory in China, your logo will be applied on the subject of sale.
  • Launch your own invention. This, of course, will require money, but much less than would be requested in the Russian Federation or the EU.

Instructions for the implementation of own production in China

  1. Find an intermediary in China. Of course, it must be a Chinese who understands the intricacies of business.
  2. Delegate to an intermediary the task of finding a factory to manufacture what is needed.
  3. Choose from the found options the best for yourself and request a factory check. It usually includes: site visits, documentation and performance checks, testing of production facilities and manufactured products, obtaining samples.
  4. based on ratings; rating - out of 5

Greetings! Chinese goods (cheap and not very cheap) flooded the Russian market. Everything is made in China: quadrocopters, gadgets, household appliances, clothes and shoes, green tea and products for cleansing the body, children's toys and stationery. Why not make good money off this idea of ​​“abundance”?

Today I want to talk about what business with China is like. Where to start, what formats are available, what to look for, how and where to look for suppliers.

The business scheme for the resale of Chinese goods comes down to three stages:

  1. Find a product in China at the lowest possible price.
  2. Deliver it to Russia.
  3. Sell ​​with a wrap to Russian buyers.

Why does this scheme work? After all, theoretically, any resident of Russia can order anything they want directly via the Internet and not overpay for the services of an intermediary.

But you, as a domestic seller, will have three "trump cards" at once:

  1. The wholesale purchase price from a Chinese supplier is always lower than the retail price. Even with your cheat, a vacuum cleaner, coffee equipment or a smartphone case will cost a Russian cheaper than when ordering them on the Alibaba website. In addition, there are not many suppliers in China that actually work with retail.
  2. The goods ordered from you are already in Russia (the exception is the drop-shopping business model). Delivery of goods will take several days or hours, not a couple of months.
  3. Buying goods from a compatriot for 90% of Russians is easier than looking for and ordering it on foreign resources. It’s more convenient, more familiar and there is no language barrier. And it’s also easier to return goods from a supplier from Russia.

Advantages of Chinese business

  1. Cheap goods. Goods from China for Russians are sold by domestic businessmen with a markup from 50% to 1000%. For comparison: work with Russian suppliers brings only 10-30% to the "dealer".
  2. Limitless range. In China, you can, without exaggeration, find anything you like: from exclusive and exotic to disposable consumer goods.
  3. High customer orientation of Chinese intermediaries and manufacturers. Competition in China is fierce, and price wars are ongoing. In order to survive, suppliers are forced to meet the needs of each client: make discounts, enable “financial protection” options, agree to the sale of small lots, offer more convenient payment and delivery terms, and much more.

Who is the business for? You should:

  • First, warmly relate to the occupation of the “bought-sold” format. Not everyone wants and can earn on a banal resale for their own benefit.
  • Secondly, it is easy and quick to find goods that are in demand (moreover, to find them both in Russia and in China).
  • Thirdly, be ready to constantly develop: expand the range, promote groups in social networks, perhaps master coaching.

If everything is OK with all three points, we proceed. How to build a business? First, decide on its format.

Choosing a business format


A dropshipping business can be opened with little or no investment. How to organize? Let's say you were ordered headphones in Russia and paid for them. You submit the application to the supplier in China, who sends the headphones to the buyer. You do not need to spend money and time on the purchase of goods, logistics and storage.

Your task is to attract the buyer and "persuade" him to buy the product from you. No one knows that you are an intermediary and not a final supplier. For attracting customers, the supplier pays the dropshipper a commission (from 30% to 500%).

Joint purchases

The bottom line: several people unite in a group (for example, on a thematic forum) and buy goods from a supplier in small or large wholesale. Joint purchases allow you to seriously save on goods from China. Firstly, at the wholesale price, and secondly, at the delivery. It's no secret that shipping from China is often more expensive than the product itself.

Joint purchases make it possible to sell goods in Russia with a good markup: through social networks, websites or online stores.


Here, too, you are essentially acting as an intermediary between a major Chinese supplier and the final buyer in Russia. But it is not an individual Vasya or Petya who acts as the final buyer, but an entrepreneur. And he will buy goods from you not at retail, but in bulk.

Usually, start-up entrepreneurs in the province work according to this scheme. It is easier for them to buy a consignment of goods from a Russian intermediary (of course, at a good price) than to look for and order the same thing in China.

Online store

This option is for more experienced businessmen. Since starting from scratch in this format will be expensive and difficult. Creating a decent online store requires a significant initial investment. But the potential profitability of such a project is higher than that of the three models that I described above.

IM promotion usually begins with a group on a social network and with the creation of a professional landing page (“landing” page).

An online store is a topic that you can devote a whole post or even a blog to. Now I will not delve into the subject. I can only say that any IM (no matter what exactly it sells) stands on three “pillars”: assortment, prices and service. And the creator of the store will have to constantly work on all three "whales".

Where to look for suppliers?

If you do not plan to purchase large quantities of goods, then you will not need contacts of direct manufacturers or distributors - they work only with wholesalers.

There are three ways to search for suppliers from China:

  • Through personal meetings.
  • on Chinese marketplaces.
  • At exhibitions and presentations.

Personally, I prefer the third option more than others. You do not even need to apply for a visa and travel outside of Russia. Specialized exhibitions are regularly held in all major cities. There you can personally get acquainted with representatives of Chinese business, exchange contacts, discuss conditions and see the goods live. Often at such exhibitions, you can even test the product or take samples home.

Each intermediary has its pros and cons. I will write two words about the features of each.


The strengths of Aliexpress: financial protection of the buyer and the ability to buy goods at retail. The supplier receives the money only after the buyer confirms that everything is ok. At the time of purchase, the customer is assigned a unique tracking code to control the movement of goods. There is also a good selection of payment methods.

Determining a supplier on Aliexpress is easier than on other sites: the system of statuses and ratings of sellers is well thought out here. You can chat with all of them (online translator to help). The site regularly holds a lot of promotions, sales and discounts.
Minus the intermediary: a constant rise in prices (today Aliexpress is one of the most expensive sites in China). There are a lot of the same type of goods, which complicates the search. And more and more goods are sold only in lots (packs).


On Alibaba, any product can be bought 2-3 times cheaper than from other intermediaries. But here everything is sold only by medium and large wholesale (no retail). Well, there are enough scammers on the site - this is a minus. And in any case, you will have to make a 100% prepayment for the goods (and this despite the fact that few people want to use Alibaba).

But there is Russian-language support, a convenient search, detailed (and more or less honest) information about suppliers and products.


Taobao boasts the widest range of products (more than 750 million items). The site is in the TOP-100 most visited sites in the world. Here you can find something truly exclusive, and home consumer goods, and high-quality fakes of famous brands.

Taobao has very “delicious” prices, high-quality photos of any product, and excellent navigation. From fraudsters, the buyer is protected by a secure payment system.

But, unfortunately, the information on the site is presented only in Chinese. And you can buy something on Taobao only through intermediaries from China.


Tmart provides localization of the site in Russian. But this is not the main plus: the site makes it possible to work according to the dropshipping scheme. The online store specializes in electronic equipment, accessories and components. But if you want, you can find clothes, sports equipment, and jewelry here.

Separately, I note convenient site navigation, a generous bonus program and a guarantee for the goods for 180 days from the date of receipt.

Now about the "fly in the ointment". Tmart is being complained about due to interruptions in the delivery of goods and a lengthy return procedure. Well, and sometimes the declared product is simply not available.

Dino direct

Dinodirect took care of Russian-speaking clients and even provided for. Separately, it is worth noting a good choice of payment systems, generous bonuses and discounts, and the possibility of free delivery. In addition, Dinodirect warehouses are located in several countries (not only in China), which makes delivery much faster.

But the prices on the site "bite". And, in my opinion, it would be worth working on the interface: “glitches” and “freezes” happen regularly.

By the way, you should not be afraid of Chinese characters. To familiarize yourself with the product, you can use any online translator.

How to choose an intermediary to work with Chinese sites?

Your task: to choose a reliable partner on the most favorable terms for yourself.

Unfortunately, there are no less scammers in China than in Russia. You can run into a one-day company disguised as a mini-production. After payment, the company disappears along with the goods. Or choose an intermediary who cooperates with a dubious manufacturer (the product will not be of the quality you expected).

How to quickly check the supplier before starting cooperation?

  1. Make sure the legal address is correct. The "correct" supplier indicates the details of his company in full.
  2. Evaluate supplier reviews on the Web.
  3. Look for a supplier in the "black" lists and lists of scammers.
  4. Ask a future partner for a trip to the manufacturer's factory. Based on the supplier's reaction, conclusions can also be drawn.
  5. Check the details in the invoices for payment with the details of the partner indicated on the site.
  6. Examine the information about the supplier on the website of the China Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

How to establish uninterrupted supply? The classic scheme of cooperation looks like this:

  • Choose products on the site.
  • You send a list of items to an intermediary, and he compares the list with the balances in the manufacturer's warehouses.
  • The intermediary issues an invoice, and you pay it (the margin is immediately added to the price of the goods).
  • The intermediary buys the goods from the manufacturer, evaluates its quality and sends the order to Russia.
  • You pay for shipping (the amount depends on the weight of the order and the timing).

Even before the conclusion of the first transaction with an intermediary, it is necessary to agree on the following points:

  • Deal course.
  • The amount of the intermediary markup.
  • Terms of delivery of goods.

TOP goods from China

On the territory of Russia, you can resell any Chinese goods. But the TOP of the most "sold out" looks like this:

  1. Accessories. Perhaps one of the most popular categories: umbrellas, belts, bags, wallets, watches, cases for mobile devices.
  2. Household and computer equipment, as well as electronic gadgets: tablets, "readers", smartphones, iPhones.
  3. Toys and in general any little things for children (stationery, school bags).
  4. Car gadgets (navigators, video recorders).
  5. Plants' seeds.

It is desirable that the purchased product has two characteristics:

  1. Light weight and small dimensions (easy to store, no problems with delivery).
  2. It could be stored for a long time (so that it was possible to send goods throughout Russia, even by mail).

Start small and build up gradually

You can create a "test" business on goods from China with little or no money. Invest less - you will lose less if something goes wrong (they overestimated the demand for the product, let the intermediary down, received a poor quality product).

Here are examples of goods whose price does not exceed 30 cents:

  • Orchid seeds ($0.07).
  • Smiley Face Stickers ($0.09).
  • MicroUSB cable ($0.01).
  • Tapes for needlework ($0.14).
  • Tattoo decals ($0.29).

And do not rush to register an IP (although by law you are required to do this at the time of the first sale).

Evaluate competitors, product and demand in advance

The demand for a particular product is easy to estimate using the good old Wordstat (wordstat.yandex.ru). Just enter in the search bar "buy Omsk sunglasses" or "buy Sochi orchid seeds" - and you will immediately see how many potential buyers you have?

Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

How to start a business with China, starting from scratch and without investments? How to make money on the resale of Chinese goods and what is better to sell? How to find suppliers and intermediaries?

Hello dear friends! Welcome to the founder of the HeatherBober magazine, Alexander Berezhnov!

It's no secret that many people made their first million by reselling goods from China.

In this article, I will reveal all the chips about doing business with China from "A" to "Z", we will analyze the advice of experts and consider the most effective and profitable business models.

So far, this niche is relatively free: if you decide to start your own business and don’t know what to choose, it’s time to turn your attention towards the East.

Let's get it right, friends!

1. Business on goods from China - is it possible to start a business from scratch

Chinese-made products make up a significant share of the entire global market. In Russia about 60-80% light industry goods is represented by Chinese consumer goods. Modern Chinese products are no longer as handicraft and low-quality as they were 20 years ago: goods have become more functional and durable, they look much better.

Even if you have never been involved in sales and are familiar with Chinese goods only from a consumer point of view, no one and nothing can prevent you from starting a business with China and acquiring a new (and very profitable) source of income.

In this area, without making extra efforts (and without even leaving home) you can earn from 50 000 rubles every month and at the same time have time for life and rest.

Today, only the lazy do not do business with China. Business with China for resale without investments (well, or almost without them) is relatively simple and accessible to everyone with basic knowledge and business skills. You don't have to be a trade school or business school graduate to understand how the market works.

In fact, the scheme of work with China comes down to three points:

  • find goods in China as cheaply as possible;
  • deliver it to the Russian Federation;
  • sell at a premium.

Do not rush to object "but what about customs, certificates, document flow, taxes?". Below we will consider this scheme and all related issues in more detail and in detail. Exactly narrow-minded skepticism - the main obstacle to any successful entrepreneurial activity.

The second hurdle is lack of necessary knowledge . With the advent of the Internet, information has become more accessible and practically free: an example of this is the article you are reading.

Trade is the most attractive field of activity for beginner businessmen. It is much easier than production: you just need to purchase goods from wholesale suppliers and sell them at retail prices. Learning to do business with China does not take much time, especially if a person has a desire and a goal.

2. Chinese manufacturers are more profitable than any other

The interest of Russian business in Chinese goods is growing steadily. In China, they produce everything without which it is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person: clothes, cosmetics, accessories, household appliances, gadgets. Surely your apartment is full of things marked "Made in China".

Even 15-20 years ago, plastic Chinese products crumbled in the hands of the buyer, now the quality of goods from China is quite satisfactory, and sometimes excellent. The stereotype “Chinese means short-lived and miserable” has almost lost its relevance. Even iPhones and other expensive brands are now made in Chinese factories, as it is inexpensive due to cheaper labor.

This graph reflects the growth of trade relations between China and Russia in 2017-2018:

As you can see, the turnover is not small and it increases over time.

The quality of Chinese products is constantly growing, but prices (at least wholesale prices) are still low.

What conclusion can be drawn from these facts? Correctly: you can make good money on buying and reselling goods from the “Celestial Empire”.

Wholesale deliveries from China can become a reliable and constant source of profit.

The initial costs will be minimal if modern information technologies (meaning the Internet) are involved in the business. There are already hundreds of companies on the market that act as intermediaries in the delivery of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer: why not join the ranks of successful businessmen who receive stable incomes using a simple and understandable commercial scheme.

Benefits of doing business with China

We list the main advantages of working with China:

  1. Low prices. When working with local (domestic) suppliers, the margin is usually 10-20% (in the most successful cases - 50%). Buying goods in China and selling them will bring you from 50% to 1000% markup. Cheap labor reduces the cost of production to a minimum.
  2. Huge selection of goods. The range of Chinese goods is almost endless and limited only by your imagination. You can find absolutely everything in China, so you can fill your market niche with any kind of goods - say, an exclusive that has no analogues in the local market.
  3. The focus of Chinese sellers is exclusively on sale. Due to competition and dumping, the Chinese value every client. They are in touch 24/7, you can start working with them with minimal lots, bargain, request free samples and models, photos and descriptions, and set favorable delivery terms. An experienced buyer knows how to reduce the purchase price to a minimum and conclude the most profitable contract.
  4. Opportunity to purchase exclusive goods. As your business progresses, you can move on to bigger and more profitable deals. It is not necessary to work with intermediaries: you can establish direct contacts with the manufacturer and purchase goods of a specific brand that is poorly represented on the market.

Why is business with China profitable?

  • First of all due to the modern pace of life. The buyer today values ​​his time: he will not spend it on ordering and delivering goods from China, it is easier for him to place an order with you.
  • Secondly, not everyone will understand the variety of sites offering goods from China.

To understand the functionality, check the integrity of the seller, calculate the cost of the goods, taking into account the delivery, you need skills and knowledge. Most people will prefer to turn to domestic intermediaries operating through sites with simple and understandable terms of cooperation.

It is much easier for an ordinary buyer to choose a product on a Russian-language site: they always have the opportunity to call the seller or discuss the terms of interaction and delivery.

3. How to start a business with China - 10 easy steps from A to Z

Let's move on to practice and learn how to start a business with China from the first step.

Step 1. We study business models on goods from China

There are several proven and effective business models that you can use in the early stages of your entrepreneurial career:

  • dropshipping;
  • Joint purchases;
  • wholesale sales offline;
  • retail sales;
  • work through the online store.

Now more about each business model.

1) Dropshipping

Dropshipping- a method that allows you to start a business with virtually no investment. The essence of this model is extremely simple: you receive money from buyers, and then transfer the request for this product to a third-party supplier, who sends it to the buyer.

You get a percentage for mediation. At the same time, the client does not even realize that he is purchasing goods from someone else.

Your goal is to attract buyers, to convince them to buy goods from you. Intermediary commissions with this business model range from 30 to 500%. Agree, not the lowest profit in the absence of initial costs. At the same time, you do not need to worry that the goods you bought will lie in the warehouse for months - you redeem it only when you receive a specific order from the client, paying with his own money.

2) Joint purchases

Joint purchases- this is when several people join a group and buy goods from an official supplier.

The commercial idea of ​​this event is to save money through bulk purchases. Another advantage of this option is the reduction in shipping costs. Usually the cost of transporting goods from China is much higher than the price of the product itself.

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