The Wonderful Life of Brooke Astor. The Wonderful Life of Brooke Astor The successful heir to the Astor family neglected his elderly mother out of revenge for a ruined childhood.

It's easy to assume that the lives of fabulously rich people consist of an endless series of entertainment and pleasures. However, in reality it is not so simple. Parents could give the heroes of this article everything that money can buy, but they did not give the main thing - love. Therefore, it would be hard to call their lives happy. Even the most envious.

The heirs of the tobacco empire spent their childhood in a dirty, smelly basement

Fifteen-year-old Patterson and Georgia Inman are heirs to one of America's largest fortunes. They are the children of Walker Inman, who is the nephew of tobacco heiress Doris Duke. When the Inman twins turn 21, they will enter into inheritance rights and will be able to manage a fortune estimated at more than a billion dollars. In the meantime, brother and sister spend three months a year in psychiatric clinic, where they try to heal psychological trauma from their monstrous childhood.

The Duke family controlled almost the entire tobacco business in America. They founded the prestigious Duke University and donated millions of dollars to charity every year.

Everything was fine until the family fortune was inherited by Walker Inman, a drug addict with sadistic tendencies. The abuse of children began when the twins were only two years old and continued for ten years until the death of “dad” from an overdose.

Together with his fifth wife, Daralee (also a drug addict and alcoholic), they often locked their children in the basement, where there was a stench of feces. They came up with the most sophisticated punishments for the children - for example, they forced them to sit in a scalding hot bath. Sometimes their parents took them for a “walk”, driving in an almost insane state.

Yes, these children had a lot of things that other children cannot even dream of ( real lion as a pet, exotic travel), but they received almost no education and had almost no contact with their peers. So, when these children were finally freed from their father's care, they were left behind emotionally and intellectual development became obvious.

Both still believe in Santa Claus, both suffer from anorexia (they often had to go hungry as children) and both have suicidal tendencies.

In addition, Inman often smoked drugs in front of children, and the children had to breathe this smoke, which also affected their health. The twins were beaten and insulted constantly. One day, Inman hit his daughter at the table - so hard that the friends they were dining with filed a lawsuit, seriously fearing for the girl’s life.

Now the twins live separately from their adoptive mother (a former stripper) and are undergoing intensive therapy to correct the consequences of “upbringing” in their parents’ home.

Christina Crawford: adopted daughter and bully of a Hollywood legend

When Christina Crawford was adopted by glamorous film star Joan Crawford, she was not even a year old. It would seem that you were so lucky. However…

For Christina (one of Crawford's four adopted children), the luxury in which she grew up did not bring any happiness. According to her own recollections, outlined in the book Mommie Dearest, the actress regularly beat and insulted her. The book appeared two years after the actress's death and became a bestseller, and soon a film was made based on it, in which Faye Dunaway played the role of Joan.

Christina claims that her adoptive mother was subject to sudden mood swings and suffered from alcohol addiction, started beating and screaming at the children at the slightest provocation.

When, after the death of Joan Crawford, the will was opened, it turned out that Christina and her brother were disinherited “for reasons well known to them.”

The heir to the Astor fortune tortured his elderly mother in revenge for his joyless childhood.

Anthony Marshall - The only son Brooke Astor, famous for her charitable work as a billionaire. The Astor family has always been considered one of the richest and most respected in the United States.

Before joining the Astor family, Brooke was married twice. Her first husband was a wealthy New Jersey politician, Dryden Kooser, with whom she gave birth to a son, Anthony. Astor accused her husband of abusing herself and her child. adultery and alcoholism, after which she filed for divorce.

Brooke's second husband was Charles Marshall, and this marriage seemed extremely successful. Anthony doted on his adoptive father and, when he turned eighteen, even took his last name. After this, Anthony's own father sued Anthony, trying to force his son to pay him maintenance.

Despite material well-being, as a child, Anthony suffered from parental neglect, beatings and constant fear. After his mother married for the third time and inherited the Astor fortune, the boy began to receive even less maternal care. Even Brooke Astor herself admitted that, having become famous as a philanthropist, she was a complete fiasco as a mother.

A dull and lonely childhood bore corresponding fruits. In 2007, Anthony was accused of abusing his elderly mother and squandering her enormous fortune.

In 2006, Anthony's son Philip visited his 103-year-old grandmother and was horrified by the desolation in which the old woman had to live out her last days, after which he filed a lawsuit against his father.

Anthony was convicted of abusing his helpless mother and went to prison at the age of eighty-nine.

Actress Ariel Winter was beaten and starved by her own mother

The lovely Ariel Winter began acting as a child and immediately achieved success. She can be seen in the films “Kiss Bang Bang”, “The Dark Knight Rises”, “ Ambulance"and many others.

For a long time no one suspected that her own mother was torturing and starving the young actress.

In 2012, Eriel, with the support of her older sister Chanel Workman, 34, sued her mother for “systematic beatings and abuse over a long period of time.” Twenty years ago, Chanel was also taken from her mother, and also for cruel treatment. Now the sisters live together, although the mother does not lose hope of regaining custody of famous daughter through the court.

The film crew of the series “Modern Family,” where the young actress starred, confirm that they knew about the bullying, but could not help. They say that Eriel's mother did not give her anything to eat except egg whites and raw vegetables.

She constantly convinced her daughter that she was ugly - and her clothes fit ridiculously, and her ears were big, and a lot of other things that teenage girls perceive so painfully. Colleagues on the set felt sorry for Eriel and tried to seize the moment when the strict mother looked to the side to slip the girl some kind of sandwich.

The heiress of the Johnson & Johnson empire died alone in a cheap rented house

Casey Johnson was the daughter socialite Sale Johnson and Woody Johnson, the great-great-grandson of the founder of Johnson & Johnson. Casey grew up in luxury. She studied at the best private schools, was friends with Nikki and Paris Hilton, drove the most expensive cars and received her first Chanel handbag at age ten. But despite all this, deep down she was an unhappy child, because her drug addict mother did not care about her.

Casey Johnson died alone in a dingy bungalow when she was just thirty. Their last years she spent either in the company of shady individuals with alcohol and drugs, or in the hospital, where they tried to save her from addiction. Casey was bisexual, but all her desperate attempts to build serious relationship either with a man or with a woman they failed. Due to her jealous, hot-tempered nature, she often got into public fights with her “lovers,” which were often accompanied by assault. One day, during a fight in a nightclub, Casey's ex-girlfriend set fire to Casey's hair. Then the restless millionaire entered the house of another “ex” and planted a used vibrator on the bed.

Casey then became engaged to a reality TV star called Tila Tequila, who seemed more interested in the wealthy heiress's fortune than in herself. She adopted a child, but soon she became bored with the role of an exemplary mother and returned to a wild life. The abandoned baby was taken in by Sale, Casey’s mother, and at the same time deprived of her daughter’s maintenance. As a result, the heiress to a gigantic fortune spent her last days in terrible conditions, in a cheap and dirty rented house.

On December 29, she tweeted, “Sweet dreams everyone.” This is the last that was heard from her. Four days later, the girl, whom the owners sent to check if everything was in order with the house, found a lifeless body in bed. Casey died from diabetes, which she had suffered since childhood.

A rich girl whose parents didn't care about her gets addicted to drugs

Lee Horowitz is the daughter of Joe Horowitz, chief executive of fashion clothing and footwear giant Tommy Hilfiger. Lee, like the other children discussed here, had everything one could dream of - private schools, expensive toys, and exotic trips. Unfortunately, her father was always too busy to raise the girl. When he suspected that something was wrong with the girl (by that time she was already 16), she was already heavily addicted to drugs.

Lee started smoking marijuana at age eight. Then she gradually switched to cocaine, LSD and heroin. She regularly showed up at school under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and no one could influence her.

When the father finally caught his little girl drunk, he went up to her room and very quickly discovered hashish, marijuana and heroin. The next day, he told Lee they were going to a mountain resort, but instead sent her to the Idaho desert, where there was a camp for troubled teenagers.

After intensive (and quite expensive) therapy, Lee had a frank conversation with his parents. To their horror, they learned that from seven to nine years old the girl was sexually abused by a guy they knew very well, and in high school she became a victim of a rapist. No wonder she tried to drown her memories in alcohol.

In Lee's case, the therapy actually paid off. At first she hated her parents for her terrible childhood, but then she managed to forgive them, correct her life and now leads a normal life. adult life.

16-year-old jackpot winner spends winnings on parties and drugs

Kelly Rogers' childhood was, frankly, not a piece of cake. There were beatings, violence and parental indifference. As a teenager, the girl got a job - there was no money in her family. And in 2003, when Kelly was 16, fabulous wealth suddenly fell on her - a jackpot of 2,846,812 euros! This gigantic amount should have been enough for a lifetime. And Kelly promised herself that she would use the money wisely. Unfortunately, she did not succeed.

Nine years have passed, and something like two thousand remains of the millions. Most of the money was spent on parties, breast enlargement surgeries and cocaine.

“I thought winning would help me be happy and forget what he (the rapist) did to me,” she admitted in an interview with The Sun. “But as soon as the initial thrill of winning wore off, I realized that disgusting thoughts about this man were still sitting in my head.”

Kelly recently got married and began studying to become a nurse.

Actress MacKenzie Phillips was addicted to drugs and had an incestuous relationship with her father.

MacKenzie Phillips is the daughter of John Phillips, founder of the popular folk group The Mamas & the Papas, and his first wife, Susan Adams. She started acting career at the age of 12, becoming both rich and famous at this tender age.

Unfortunately, she was never able to enjoy her fame to the fullest, because she very quickly became addicted to alcohol and became addicted to drugs. McKenzie herself claims that she first tried dope with her musician dad, who injected her with her first dose of cocaine.

The girl’s entire subsequent life is full of stories about how she was kicked out of the TV series in which she starred, about attempts to start a relationship and returns to films, about arrests and the like. All this was repeated more than once, and not twice.

Moreover, in 2009, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, McKenzie admitted that she had been in a sexual relationship with her own father for ten years. It started with the fact that he raped his daughter, taking advantage of the fact that she was drunk and did not understand anything. Then these relations continued by mutual consent. For ten whole years.

It's easy to assume that the lives of fabulously rich people consist of an endless series of entertainment and pleasures. However, in reality it is not so simple. Each of the heroes of this article was born, as they say, with a silver spoon in his mouth. But it would be hard to call their lives happy or even just easy. Even the most envious.

The children of the heiress of the tobacco empire spent their childhood in a dirty, smelly basement.

Fifteen-year-old Patterson and Georgia Iman are heirs to one of America's largest fortunes. They are the children of Walker Inman, who is the nephew of tobacco heiress Doris Duke. When Iman's twins turn 21, they will inherit rights to a fortune estimated at more than a billion dollars. In the meantime, the brother and sister spend three months a year in a psychiatric clinic, where they are trying to heal the psychological trauma from their monstrous childhood.

The Duke family controlled almost the entire tobacco business in America. They founded the prestigious Duke University and donated millions of dollars to charity every year.

Everything was fine until the family fortune was inherited by Walker Inman, a drug addict with sadistic tendencies. The abuse of children began when the twins were only two years old and continued for ten years until the death of “dad” from an overdose.

Together with his fifth wife, Daralee (also a drug addict and alcoholic), they often locked their children in the basement, where there was a stench of feces. They came up with the most sophisticated punishments for the children - for example, they forced them to sit in a scalding hot bath. Sometimes their parents took them for a “walk”, driving in an almost insane state.

Yes, these children had a lot of things that other children cannot even dream of (a real lion as a pet, exotic travel), but they received almost no education and had almost no contact with their peers. So, when these children were finally freed from their father's care, their retardation in emotional and intellectual development became obvious.

Both still believe in Santa Claus, both suffer from anorexia (they often had to go hungry as children) and both have suicidal tendencies.

In addition, Inman often smoked drugs in front of his children, and the children had to breathe this smoke, which also affected their health. The twins were beaten and insulted constantly. One day, Inman hit his daughter at the table - so hard that the friends they were dining with filed a lawsuit, seriously fearing for the girl’s life.

Now the twins live separately from their adoptive mother (a former stripper) and are undergoing intensive therapy to correct the consequences of “upbringing” in their parents’ home.

Christina Crawford: adopted daughter and bully of a Hollywood legend

When Christina Crawford was adopted by glamorous film star Joan Crawford, she was not even a year old. It would seem that you were so lucky. However…

For Christina (one of Crawford's four adopted children), the luxury in which she grew up did not bring any happiness. According to her own recollections, outlined in the book “Mommy Dearest,” the actress regularly beat and insulted her. The book appeared two years after the actress's death and became a bestseller, and soon a film was made based on it, in which Faye Dunaway played the role of Joan.

Christina claims that her adoptive mother was subject to sudden mood swings and suffered from alcohol addiction, and began to beat and scream at the children at the slightest provocation.

When, after the death of Joan Crawford, the will was opened, it turned out that Christina and her brother were disinherited “for reasons well known to them.”

The heir to the Astor fortune tortured his elderly mother in revenge for his joyless childhood.

Anthony Marshall is the only son of Brooke Astor, who became famous for her charitable work as a billionaire. The Astor family has always been considered one of the richest and most respected in the United States.

Before joining the Astor family, Brooke was married twice. Her first husband was a wealthy New Jersey politician, Dryden Kooser, with whom she gave birth to a son, Anthony. Astor accused her husband of abuse of herself and her child, adultery and alcoholism, and then filed for divorce.

Brooke's second husband was Charles Marshall, and this marriage seemed extremely successful. Anthony doted on his adoptive father and, when he turned eighteen, even took his last name. After this, Anthony's own father sued Anthony, trying to force his son to pay him maintenance.

Despite his financial well-being, as a child Anthony suffered from parental neglect, beatings and constant fear. After his mother married for the third time and inherited the Astor fortune, the boy began to receive even less maternal care. Even Brooke Astor herself admitted that, having become famous as a philanthropist, she was a complete fiasco as a mother.

A dull and lonely childhood bore corresponding fruits. In 2007, Anthony was accused of abusing his elderly mother and squandering her enormous fortune.

In 2006, Anthony's son Philip visited his 103-year-old grandmother and was horrified by the desolation in which the old woman had to live out her last days, after which he filed a lawsuit against his father.

Anthony was convicted of abusing his helpless mother and went to prison at the age of eighty-nine.

Actress Ariel Winter was beaten and starved by her own mother

The lovely Ariel Winter began acting as a child and immediately achieved success. She can be seen in the films “Kiss Bang Bang”, ” The Dark Knight: Revival of a legend”, “Emergency” and many others.

For a long time no one suspected that her own mother was torturing and starving the young actress.

In 2012, Ariel, with the support of her older sister Chanel Workman, 34, sued her mother for “systematic beatings and insults over a long period of time.” Twenty years ago, Chanel was also taken from her mother, and also for cruel treatment. Now the sisters live together, although the mother does not lose hope of regaining custody of her famous daughter through the courts.

The film crew of the series “Modern Family,” where the young actress starred, confirm that they knew about the bullying, but could not help. They say that Eriel's mother did not give her anything to eat except egg whites and raw vegetables.

She constantly convinced her daughter that she was ugly - and her clothes fit ridiculously, and her ears were big, and a lot of other things that teenage girls perceive so painfully. Colleagues on the set felt sorry for Eriel and tried to seize the moment when the strict mother looked to the side to slip the girl some kind of sandwich.

Casey Johnson was the daughter of socialite Sale Johnson and Woody Johnson, the great-great-grandson of the founder of Johnson & Johnson. Casey grew up in luxury. She studied at the best private schools, was friends with Nikki and Paris Hilton, drove the most expensive cars and received her first Chanel handbag at age ten. But despite all this, deep down she was an unhappy child, because her drug addict mother did not care about her.

Casey Johnson died alone in a dingy bungalow when she was just thirty. She spent her last years either in the company of shady individuals with alcohol and drugs, or in the hospital, where they tried to save her from addiction. Casey was bisexual, but all her desperate attempts to build a serious relationship with either a man or a woman failed. Due to her jealous, hot-tempered nature, she often got into public fights with her “lovers,” which were often accompanied by assault. One day, during a fight in a nightclub, Casey's ex-girlfriend set fire to Casey's hair. Then the restless millionaire entered the house of another “ex” and planted a used vibrator on the bed.

Casey then became engaged to a reality TV star called Tila Tequila, who seemed more interested in the wealthy heiress's fortune than in herself. She adopted a child, but soon she became bored with the role of an exemplary mother and returned to a wild life. The abandoned baby was taken in by Sale, Casey’s mother, and at the same time deprived of her daughter’s maintenance. As a result, the heiress to a gigantic fortune spent her last days in terrible conditions, in a cheap and dirty rented house.

On December 29, she tweeted “Sweet dreams everyone.” This is the last that was heard from her. Four days later, the girl, whom the owners sent to check if everything was in order with the house, found a lifeless body in bed. Casey died from diabetes, which she had suffered since childhood.

Lee Horowitz is the daughter of Joe Horowitz, chief executive of fashion clothing and footwear giant Tommy Hilfiger. Lee, like the other children discussed here, had everything one could dream of - private schools, expensive toys, and exotic trips. Unfortunately, her father was always too busy to raise the girl. When he suspected that something was wrong with the girl (by that time she was already 16), she was already heavily addicted to drugs.

Lee started smoking marijuana at age eight. Then she gradually switched to cocaine, LSD and heroin. She regularly showed up at school drunk or on drugs, and no one could influence her.

When the father finally caught his little girl drunk, he went up to her room and very quickly discovered hashish, marijuana and heroin. The next day, he told Lee they were going to a mountain resort, but instead sent her to the Idaho desert, where there was a camp for troubled teenagers.

After intensive (and quite expensive) therapy, Lee had a frank conversation with his parents. To their horror, they learned that from seven to nine years old the girl was sexually abused by a guy they knew very well, and in high school she became a victim of a rapist. No wonder she tried to drown her memories in alcohol.

In Lee's case, the therapy actually paid off. At first she hated her parents for her terrible childhood, but then she managed to forgive them, correct her life and now leads a normal adult life.

16-year-old jackpot winner spends winnings on parties and drugs

Kelly Rogers' childhood was, frankly, not a piece of cake. There were beatings, violence and parental indifference. As a teenager, the girl got a job - there was no money in her family. And in 2003, when Kelly was 16, fabulous wealth suddenly fell on her - a jackpot of 2,846,812 euros! This gigantic amount should have been enough for a lifetime. And Kelly promised herself that she would use the money wisely. Unfortunately, she did not succeed.

Nine years have passed, and something like two thousand remains of the millions. Most of the money was spent on parties, breast enlargement surgeries and cocaine.

“I thought winning would help me be happy and forget what he (the rapist) did to me,” she admitted in an interview with The Sun. “But as soon as the initial thrill of winning wore off, I realized that disgusting thoughts about this man were still sitting in my head.”

Kelly recently got married and began studying to become a nurse.

Actress MacKenzie Phillips was addicted to drugs and had an incestuous relationship with her father.

MacKenzie Phillips is the daughter of John Phillips, founder of the popular folk group The Mamas & the Papas, and his first wife, Susan Adams. She began her acting career at the age of 12, becoming both rich and famous at this tender age.

Unfortunately, she was never able to enjoy her fame to the fullest, because she very quickly became addicted to alcohol and became addicted to drugs. McKenzie herself claims that she first tried dope with her musician dad, who injected her with her first dose of cocaine.

The girl’s entire subsequent life is full of stories about how she was kicked out of the TV series in which she starred, about attempts to start a relationship and returns to films, about arrests and the like. All this was repeated more than once, and not twice.

Little of. In a 2009 interview with Oprah Winfrey, McKenzie admitted that she had been in a sexual relationship with her own father for ten years. It started with the fact that he raped his daughter, taking advantage of the fact that she was drunk and did not understand anything. Then these relations continued by mutual consent. For ten whole years.

In general, if a child is born with a silver spoon in his mouth, this is far from a guarantee of a happy childhood. Sometimes it's even the other way around.

Most people are confident that their lives would be much better if they had monetary wealth, however, money cannot buy happiness, we will try to convince you of this using life examples, some individuals, to your attention. These rich people were born into wealth and luxury, but they all suffered from physical and emotional problems, abuse and addiction, which made them unhappy as a result.

1. Doris Duke, heiress to the tobacco empire, passed on a huge fortune to her nephew, but his children lived in a meager basement. The twins of one of the most famous tycoons in the United States, Walker Patterson and his wife Georgia Iman, lived completely unhappily. Their inheritance would have been $1 billion by the time they were 21, but the teenagers had recently been treated at a psychiatric hospital to cope with childhood trauma. Previously, the Duke family controlled the entire tobacco industry in the United States. They became the founders of Duke University and a charitable foundation. But Walker Inman was addicted to drugs, he abused and humiliated his children. Together with his 5th wife, Darel Inman, an alcoholic and drug addict, Walker constantly locked the children in a squalid basement, which was completely smeared with excrement, and forced them to bathe in hot water, planted excrement in their beds, threatened their lives. Some rich people are unhappy, like these twins, who spent most of their childhood in captivity, barely went to school, and are now severely retarded emotionally and intellectually. Now Inman's children live with a foster mother and are undergoing intensive therapy.

2. Joanna Crawford (Hollywood legend) adopted one-year-old baby Christina. The girl was 4 m adopted child, in this family, grew up in wealth and luxury. However, Christina claims that she was a victim of mental and physical abuse, which she resorted to foster mother. After Joan's death, her daughter published her memoirs, which were based on the film Mommie Dearest. Christina said that her mother suffered from alcoholism and sudden mood swings, so she resorted to physical punishment for any mistake made by her children. After Joan's death, Christina and her brother learned that their mother had not mentioned them in her will. Later, my sister and brother filed statement of claim to his sister Kathy and her husband Jerome. Accusing them of taking advantage of the mother's mental instability, and convincing her not to include her other children in the will. Now Christina famous writer and actress.

3. Why are rich people unhappy? Let's look at the example of the heir to the Astor family. Anthony Marshall - son famous woman, who is involved in charity work for Brooke Astor. In the USA this family is very respected and rich. Alas, the family also became famous for its cruelty towards its children. Before entering into a marriage with one of the Astors, Brooke was married 2 more times. Dryden Kaser is Brooke's first husband, with whom she gave birth to a son, Anthony. The first husband was addicted to alcohol, and often raised his hand against the boy and his wife. Soon Brooke could not stand the humiliation and divorced. Charles Marshall is Brooke's second husband, whom she loved madly. Anthony also respected his stepfather and treated him warmly. When Brooke married Vincent Astor, almost no one paid attention to Anthony; the boy grew up on his own. Perhaps Anthony's lonely childhood contributed to his conviction in 2007 for abusing his own mother. Subsequently, Anthony had a son, Philip, who sued his father for maintaining his elderly mother in terrible conditions and not providing her with adequate medical treatment. Anthony Marshall is currently in prison.

4. Actress Ariel Winter became known to the world thanks to the series “Modern Family”. Many people were shocked to learn that their idol was being treated so cruelly by Crystal Walkman's own mother. She took food away from her daughter and only allowed her to eat raw vegetables and egg whites. Made sarcastic remarks about Ariel's appearance (not beautiful figure, long ears). The film crew felt sorry for the 14-year-old girl, and secretly from her mother, brought some food into the dressing room. In 2012, Ariel filed a lawsuit with the support of her older sister, Chanel Walkman. The essence of the statement was that young Ariel was subjected to constant emotional and mental abuse by her mother. Now the actress lives with her sister.

5. Johnson & Johnson heiress Casey Johnson died alone and in poverty. As a child, her friends were Paris and Nicky Hilton, she drove expensive cars, and at the age of 10 she received her first bag from the famous Chanel brand. But why are such rich people unhappy? The girl did not need her mother at all; she did not give her love and tenderness. To cope with similar problem, Casey began taking hard drugs at the age of 12. Casey died at 30, completely alone in dirty apartment. She constantly visited entertainment venues, where alcohol and drugs flowed like a river. Being bisexual, the woman could not find a life partner. Constantly rushed from women to men, and vice versa. Ultimately, her mother “froze” all of Casey’s bank accounts, and she lived on pennies and rented a squalid apartment, where she died from complications caused by diabetes.

6. Lee Horowitz is the daughter of Joel Horowitz, director of fashion giant Tommy Hilfiger. Her parents didn’t need her at all, so she started taking drugs at the age of 8. Lee grew up among luxury, was educated in best schools and spent weekends in various exotic countries. Alas, her father devoted a lot of time to work, and did not notice at all how his 16-year-old daughter became a real drug addict, addicted to heroin, LSD and cocaine. One day, a father found his daughter completely unconscious from drugs; he searched the girl’s apartment and found a huge amount of heroin and marijuana. The next morning, Lee was already undergoing treatment at an expensive rehabilitation clinic. Doctors found out that the young woman lost her virginity at the age of 9, and was also raped several times. However, the girl found strength in herself and changed her life for the better.

7. 16 summer girl won a large amount money in the lottery and lost everything because of my past. In 2003, Kelly Rogers worked in a regular company and received an average salary. However, happiness smiled on her. And she won the jackpot of 1.875 million euros (United Kingdom lottery). Soon Kelly began to simply “throw money away.” She became the mother of 2 beautiful children, but spent the lion's share of the winnings on parties, plastic surgery and cocaine. When the girl had only $2 thousand left, she turned for help to a center that helps get rid of drug addiction and waste. It turned out that the reason for Kelly's behavior lies in the abuse the girl was subjected to in early age. A young woman recently got married and is now trying to get a nursing education. Her husband and she work to provide for their 3 children.

8. Mackenzie Phillips became an actress at age 12, the daughter of famous parents, John Phillips, a musician, and Susan Adams. Having achieved success professionally and financially, she began to take drugs and alcohol. According to her, it was the father who first helped his 11-year-old daughter try cocaine. And in 2009, at one of the famous shows, she announced the fact that 10 years ago she entered into voluntary sexual relations with his father. Afterwards, she continued to use drugs, was often involved in various arrests, and to this day continues a sexual relationship with her father.

As you can see from the example 8 very rich unhappy people, money is not always a guarantee of happiness, sometimes the most expensive things are very close, these are your children, parents, love and mutual understanding of others, be happy!

Translator GusenaLapchataya

It's easy to imagine that our lives would be pretty easy if we had unlimited wealth, but money can't buy happiness. All of the people listed below were born with a silver spoon in their mouths, but they all suffered emotional and physical turmoil, addictions and abuse that made their lives miserable.

1. The heirs of Doris Duke's multi-million dollar tobacco business were kept in an abandoned basement.

In Rolling Stone's August 2013 article, "The Poorest Rich Kids," Sabrina Rubin Erdely revealed horrific details about two teenagers who are heirs to one of the United States' largest family fortunes. Patterson and Georgia Inman, fifteen, are the children of Walker Inman, nephew of tobacco heiress Doris Duke. The Inman twins are set to inherit a $1 million fortune when they turn 21, but both teenagers recently spent three months in a mental hospital to cope with the effects of a horrific childhood trauma.

The Duke family once controlled the entire US tobacco industry. They founded the prestigious Duke University, and their Charitable organization donates millions of dollars every year. However, the heir to the fortune, Walker Inman, became addicted to drugs when his children were 2 years old, and died of an overdose of meth when they were 12. Along with his fifth wife, drug addict and alcoholic Daralee Inman, Walker routinely locked the children in an excrement-filled basement, forced them to bathe in scalding hot water and put their lives in danger while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

While children were sometimes allowed extravagant luxuries, such as a lion as a pet or holidays exotic islands, their training has been rather meager and their lives secluded, so that they are emotionally and intellectually underdeveloped. They still believe in Santa Claus, are suicidal and suffer from anorexia due to poor nutrition as children.

Walker Inman often exposed children to chemical fumes by preparing drugs in front of them. His abuse was both physical and chemical; he was once arrested after punching Georgia hard in the face, and witnesses supported the prosecution because they feared for the girl's life.

The Inman twins now live with their mother and are undergoing intensive therapy to overcome the consequences of a terrible childhood.

2. Christina Crawford: adopted and abused by a Hollywood star.

Christina Crawford was less than a year old when she was adopted by the charming movie star and actress Joan Crawford. One of four adopted children, Christina grew up in luxury, but she claims to have been the victim of psychological and physical abuse at the hands of her mother. most own life. Her autobiography, Mommy Dearest, was published two years after her mother's death. A film was later made where Faye Dunaway played Joan Crawford and Diana Scarwid played Christina.

Christina claims her mother suffered from mood swings and alcoholism, which caused her to hit and yell at her children over the smallest things. When the book came out, the issue of rich people mistreating their children came to the forefront, and now Christina is the poster child for "poor little rich girl."

After Joan Crawford's death, Christina and her brother learned that they had been excluded from the will "for reasons best known to them." They later sued another sister, Katie Lallonde, and her husband, Jerome, alleging they exploited their aging mother's mental problems to woo her and increase their fortune. Christina now has virtually no contact with her sister, but continues to be an actress and writer, as well as an example of child abuse.

3. The heir to the Astor fortune allegedly neglects his elderly mother in retaliation for his childhood.

Anthony Marshall is the only son of famous socialite and philanthropist Brooke Astor. The Astor family is one of the wealthiest and most respected aristocratic families in the United States. Unfortunately, their family story of neglect and abuse still sends shockwaves through high society throughout New York.

Brooke was married twice before marrying Astor. Her first husband, J. Dryden Kuser, was a wealthy New Jersey politician, with whom she had her only son, Anthony. Astor claims her first husband abused her and her son for years before she finally divorced him. She also claims that her husband physically abused her and Anthony, was verbally abusive, was an unfaithful husband, and suffered from alcoholism. According to a biography of the socialite written by Frances Kiernan in 2007, Brooke was 6 months pregnant when Kuzr broke her jaw.

After their divorce, Astor married Charles H. Marshall, whom she loved dearly. Her son Anthony respected his stepfather so much that he even took his last name when he turned eighteen, which helped avoid being sued for benefits by his biological father.

Surrounded by wealth, Anthony's childhood was filled with fear, parental neglect and humiliation. After his mother married Vincent Astor, heir to the Astor fortune, Anthony was completely forgotten. Even Brooke Astor herself said that although she was a philanthropist, she was a "lousy mother."

Perhaps Anthony's sad, lonely childhood is the reason he was convicted in 2007 of elder abuse and mismanagement of his mother's vast fortune. In 2006, the New York Daily News ran a front-page story about the feud between Anthony and his son Philip Marshall. When Philip Marshall visited his 103-year-old grandmother, he discovered that Brooke was living in terrible conditions, both mentally and mentally. physical condition she is unable to help herself. Philip sued his father to stop elder abuse, and just as the investigation began, Anthony's embezzlement was also discovered.

Marshall was convicted of taking advantage of his mother's poor health and stealing millions of dollars. Brooke was eventually assigned new guardians who ensured her comfort until she passed away in 2007 at the age of one hundred and five.

Anthony was sentenced in 2009 and went to prison in 2013 at the age of eighty-nine. He has since returned approximately twelve million dollars that he stole from his ailing mother over several years.

4. The Modern Family actress was abused and starved by her mother.

Fans of ABC's "Modern Family" were shocked to learn that 14-year-old actress Ariel Winter, who plays middle child Alexa Daphne, was secretly abused and brutalized by her mother Crystal Workman.

In 2012, Ariel filed a lawsuit with the help of her older sister, 34-year-old Chanel Workman. Ariel claims in court documents that her mother subjected her to "constant physical (hitting, pushing) and emotional abuse (vile humiliations, personal insults, comments about weight, food deprivation, etc.) over an extended period of time."

Although Crystal Workman denies all charges against her, her eldest daughter Chanel was removed from her family by Child Services and Family Services twenty years ago, when she was the same age as Ariel is now. Chanel lived in foster care for several years until she was old enough to live on her own.

Ariel has now been allowed to live with Chanel, but both her mother and her estranged father are filing petitions to have their daughter returned to them. The investigation revealed that the "Modern Family" crew knew about Ariel's humiliation, but did nothing to help her. They testified that Krystal gave her daughter nothing to eat except egg whites and raw vegetables. She often told Ariel that her clothes didn't suit her, that she had too much big ears and other unpleasant and offensive remarks.

5. The Johnson & Johnson heiress died alone in poverty.

Casey Johnson is the daughter of socialite Sale Johnson and Woody Johnson, owner of the New York Jets and great-grandson of the founder of Johnson & Johnson. Casey grew up surrounded by luxury and wealth. She attended top private schools, was friends with Nikki and Paris Hilton, drove expensive cars, and received her first Chanel handbag at age ten. Yet, despite all this wealth, she was a very sad child, her mother ignored her, and she began using hard drugs while still in her teens.

By all accounts, Casey Johnson's life was tragic even before she died alone in a filthy barn at age thirty. She was a hardcore drug addict, addicted to cocaine and alcohol, and she miraculously avoided dying from an overdose more times than she could remember. Being bisexual, Casey was never able to find love with either a man or a woman, and her failures often led her to commit shocking acts in public. She once set her ex-girlfriend’s hair on fire right in a nightclub. Another time, she snuck into her ex's house and left a used vibrator on the bed.

During last days Casey was in a relationship with reality TV star Tila Tequila, who seemed more interested in how much money Casey had than what kind of person she was. Casey adopted the baby, but after friends reported that she was leaving the child unattended while she went out to party, Casey's mother Sale became the child's guardian. Sale also stopped giving Casey money, forcing her to live in disgusting conditions in a low-rent house.

On December 29th, the heiress published her last Tweet “Sweet dreams everyone.” Four days later, a girl who was sent to check the house discovered Casey's body in the bed. She had died a few days earlier from complications of her diabetes, which she had had since she was a child.

6. The rich girl started taking drugs at age eight due to an unhappy childhood.

Lee Horowitz is the daughter of a fashion giant and general director by Tommy Hilfiger and Joel Horowitz. Lee grew up surrounded by wealth, attending posh private schools and vacationing at expensive resorts. Unfortunately, her father worked and traveled a lot, so by the time she was only sixteen years old, Lee was heavily addicted to drugs.

She started smoking weed when she was just eight years old. Then she became addicted to harder drugs: cocaine, LSD and heroin. She was constantly getting into trouble at school due to the fact that she was constantly under the influence of alcohol or drugs, she seemed to be sucked into a whirlpool and no one could help her.

After her father found her drunk and on drugs at a friend's party on Thanksgiving night, he went to her room where he found hashish, marijuana and heroin. The next morning he deceived her by saying they were going on a skiing trip, but instead she was sent to Ascent, a clinic for troubled children in Idaho. During extensive (and extremely expensive) therapy, Lee's parents were shocked to learn that from the ages of seven to nine she had been abused by a teenager she knew, and that she had also been raped at high school. Both of these terrible events contributed to her addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Therapy saved Lee's life and, although she hated her parents while she was undergoing it, she was able to cleanse and calm down and went on to mend her relationship with her parents and lead a normal adult life.

7. A girl won the lottery at sixteen, but lost everything due to problems from an abusive past.

In 2003, Callie Rogers was just sixteen years old and earning minimum wage when she won the UK's major lottery for £1,875,000 (approximately $2,846,812). Although the girl vowed that she would behave responsibly, she soon began spending money frivolously.

Just nine years later, Callie was a mother of two who had wasted most of her lottery winnings on breast augmentation surgery and £250,000 (approximately $380,000) on cocaine. All but about $2,000 of the money was gone. After seeking help for her drug addiction, Callie realized she had relapsed due to her dysfunctional childhood in which she was sexually abused.

She told the Sun: “I thought winning the Lottery would make me so happy that I would forget what he did to me. But once the buzz of victory died down after a few weeks, I realized that I was still being harmed by the disgusting thoughts of what that person had done to me.”

Recently, Callie got married again and went to study to become a nurse. She and her husband both work to support their three children.

8. Actress Mackenzie Phillips became addicted to drugs and was involved in incestuous relationships.

Mackenzie Phillips is the daughter of John Phillips of The Mamas & the Papas and his first wife Susan Adams. Mackenzie's career began when she was just twelve years old when she landed a role in American Graffiti, which led to a role in the hit One Day At A Time. Although she achieved financial and professional success at a very young age, she was unable to appreciate her fame due to her addiction to drugs and alcohol. She claims that she tried drugs with her musician father when she was just eleven years old, and that her father actually helped her take cocaine when she tried it for the first time as a child.

Mackenzie's entire life consisted of drug abuse and arrests. To make matters worse, in a 2009 interview with Oprah Winfrey, she claimed that she and her father had been in a sexual relationship for ten years. This relationship began when she passed out while drunk at the age of eighteen and woke up to find that her father had sex with her. She continued to take drugs and had a sexual relationship with him for many years.

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Don't be as stupid as those rich kids, if you want a party, buy a Halloween costume, fangs and have a party. You don’t have to drink, and don’t even think about drugs. Organize a costume carnival. It's really fun...

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Is this what you were looking for? Perhaps this is something you couldn’t find for so long?

Many people believe that life would be much better if we had unlimited monetary wealth, but in reality, money cannot buy happiness. The people we want to tell you about were born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but they all suffered from emotional and physical problems, addictions and abuse, which ultimately made them unhappy.

1. The heirs of the Doris Duke tobacco empire received billions of dollars, but lived in a squalid basement.

The children of one of the largest tycoons in the United States, Walker Inman Patterson and Georgia Inman, 15-year-old twins, did not live as happily as one might expect. Their father was the nephew of tobacco heiress Doris Duke and the Inman twins are set to receive $1 billion when they turn 21, yet the teenagers recently had to spend three months in a mental hospital to cope with horrific childhood trauma. The Duke family previously controlled the entire tobacco industry in the United States. They founded the prestigious Duke University, and their charitable foundation donates millions annually. However, Walker Inman was a drug addict, he abused his children until his death from an overdose - at that time the twins were 12 years old. Along with his fifth wife, Darelie Inman, a drug addict and alcoholic, Walker regularly locked children in a basement smeared with excrement, planted excrement in their bedrooms, forced them to bathe in boiling water, and threatened their lives by being around them while drunk. Sometimes rich children allow themselves extravagant luxuries - getting a lion as a pet or going on vacation to exotic countries. But these twins led a completely different life: they were in captivity most of the time, they hardly attended school, and now they are lagging behind in their development, both intellectual and emotional. For example, they still believe in Santa Claus and suffer from suicidal thoughts and anorexia because they were malnourished throughout their childhood. Walker Inman often forced his children to inhale harmful chemical fumes by smoking drugs around them. He humiliated them both mentally and physically - once he was arrested for beating Georgia, and the servants were forced to press charges because they seriously feared for the girl's life. The Inman twins now live with their adoptive mother, a former stripper, and are undergoing... intensive care to cope with the effects of their traumatic upbringing.

2. Christina Crawford was adopted by an abusive Hollywood legend.

Christina Crawford was less than a year old when she was adopted by glamorous movie star Joan Crawford. Christina was one of four adopted children, and although she grew up in luxury, she claims to have been the victim of physical and mental abuse at the hands of her mother for most of her life. Christina's memoirs, Mommie Dearest, were published two years after Joan's death. Later, a film of the same name was made based on it, starring Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford and Diana Scarwid as Christina. Christina claims that her adoptive mother suffered from severe mood swings and alcoholism, and it was common for her to hit and yell at her children if they did even the smallest thing wrong. When the book was published, the issue of parental abuse by wealthy parents became the focus of public attention, and Christina became the poster child for the “poor little rich girl.” After Joan Crawford's death, Christina and her brother discovered that they were not mentioned in the will "for reasons best known to them." The siblings later filed a lawsuit alleging that their other sister, Kathy LaLonde, and her husband, Jerome, took advantage of their mother's mental instability to ingratiate themselves with her and thus enrich themselves after her death. Now Christina has virtually no contact with her sister, but has managed to build her destiny and career herself: she famous actress and a writer who helps abused children around the world.

3. The successful heir of the Astor family neglected his elderly mother out of revenge for a ruined childhood.

Anthony Marshall is the only son of famous socialite and charitable philanthropist Brooke Astor. The Astor family is one of the richest and most respected blue blood families in the United States. Unfortunately, she is also known for cruelty and neglect of children by parents, and this story is still discussed in New York high society. Brooke Astor Brooke was married twice before marrying one of the Astors. Her first husband, J. Dryden Kaser, was a wealthy politician in New Jersey, and with him Brooke had a son, Anthony. Brooke claims her first husband was an alcoholic and she and their son put up with it for years before she finally divorced him. According to Brooke, Kaser physically and verbally abused her and Anthony, cheated on her and drank too much throughout their marriage. According to Francis Kiernan's 2007 biography of Brooke, Brooke was six months pregnant when Kaser broke her jaw. After the divorce, Brooke married Charles Marshall, whom she loved very much. Her son respected his stepfather so much that he even took his last name when he turned 18, which was the reason for his biological father to deny him any parental support. Although Anthony did not need any material goods, he suffered from lack of parental care, abuse and fear. After his mother married Vincent Astor, heir to the entire Astor family fortune, Anthony began to receive even less attention. Even Brooke Astor, who considers herself a philanthropist, admitted that she was a "lousy mother." Anthony's sad, lonely childhood may have been the reason he was convicted in 2007 of abusing his elderly mother and mismanaging the fortune she inherited. In 2006, the New York Daily News published an article about the feud between Anthony and his son Philip Marshall. When Philip visited his 103-year-old grandmother, he discovered that she was living in terrible conditions and was so mentally and physically ill that she was not even able to help herself. Philip sued his father to stop his abuse of the elderly woman, and during the investigation, Anthony's guilt was proven. Marshall was found guilty of taking advantage of his mother's deteriorating health to steal millions of dollars from her. Ultimately, Brooke was assigned new guardians to ensure that she lacked for nothing until her death. She died at the age of 105 years. Anthony was sentenced to prison in 2009 and went to prison in 2013 at the age of 89. Since then, he has been paying back the $12 million he stole from his mother over the years.

4. The Modern Family star's mother abused and starved her daughter.

Fans of the comedy Modern Family were shocked to learn that 14-year-old actress Ariel Winter, who plays middle child Alex Dunphy, was secretly being abused by her mother, Crystal Walkman. In 2012, Ariel filed a lawsuit with the assistance of her older sister, 34-year-old Chanel Walkman. The essence of the claim was that, according to Ariel, her mother subjected her to regular physical (slapping, hitting and pushing) and emotional abuse (vile personal insults about her low weight and minority, sexual insults, deprivation of food, etc.) for a period of time. for a long time now. Although Crystal Walkman denies all the charges brought against her, she was deprived of her parental rights and guardianship over your eldest daughter Chanel by decision of the Department of Children and Family Services - Chanel was then about the same age as Ariel is now. Ariel was allowed to live with Chanel, although her mother and adoptive father filed a petition in court to regain custody. According to evidence revealed during the trial, the cast and crew of Modern Family knew about Ariel's abuse but could do nothing to help her. They witnessed Crystal taking away Ariel's food and allowing her to eat only egg whites and raw vegetables. She also often told Ariel that her clothes didn't suit her, that her ears were too big, and made other derogatory remarks. Crew members admitted that they felt so bad for Ariel that they tried to sneak food to her while her mother wasn't looking.

5. Johnson & Johnson heiress died in poverty and loneliness

Casey Johnson is the daughter of socialite Ceili Johnson and Woody Johnson, owner of the New York Jets and great-grandson of the founder of Johnson & Johnson. She attended top private schools, had Nicky and Paris Hilton as her childhood friends, drove expensive cars, and received her first Chanel bag at age ten. But despite all the wealth, she was unhappy because her mother completely ignored her. To cope with this, Casey began taking hard drugs when she was 12 years old. Apparently, Casey Johnson's life was already tragic even before she died alone in a dingy apartment at the age of 30. She was a regular partygoer, where she became addicted to cocaine and alcohol, and spent more time in rehab than she could remember. Being bisexual, Casey was never able to find love with either a man or a woman, and this often caused her to start fights in in public places, one time she set fire to a friend’s hair in a nightclub, and another time she broke into the house ex-boyfriend and left a used vibrator on his bed. In the final years of her life, she became involved with a Tila Tequila reality TV star who seemed more concerned with how much money Casey had than what kind of person she was. Casey had a baby, but after her friends reported that she was going out partying and leaving the baby unattended, Casey's mother stepped in and took custody of the baby. Saley also blocked Casey's access to all bank accounts, after which she was forced to live in disgusting conditions in a cheap house. On December 29, Casey tweeted her last message: "Sweet Dreams to all". Four days later, a maid who, at her mother's insistence, sometimes cleaned Casey's house, discovered her body in bed - Casey had died several days earlier from complications of diabetes, which doctors had diagnosed her with when she was still a child.

6. The rich girl started using drugs at age eight because her parents ignored her.

Lee Horowitz is the daughter of fashion giant Tommy Hilfiger CEO Joel Horowitz. Lee grew up surrounded by great wealth, studied at the best private schools and spent time in different countries luxurious holidays. Unfortunately, her father worked and traveled a lot, so by the time she was just 16 years old, Lee was completely addicted to drugs. She started smoking marijuana when she was just eight years old, then became addicted to hard drugs - cocaine, LSD and heroin. She always showed up at school under the influence of alcohol or drugs and seemed to be going downhill, but no one could stop it. After her father found her drunk and high at a friend's Thanksgiving party, he searched her room and discovered a huge cache of hashish, marijuana and heroin. The next morning, her father deceived her, saying that he was sending her to ski resort, but instead Lee hit rehabilitation center for troubled children in Idaho. While undergoing intensive and costly therapy, Lee's parents were horrified to learn that she had lost her virginity at age nine to a teenage friend and had been raped in high school, both of which led her to drug and alcohol abuse. The therapy saved Lee's life. And, although she hated her parents then, she found the strength to build with them a good relationship and begin to lead a normal adult life.

7. The girl won a huge amount in the lottery at the age of 16, but lost everything because of her scandalous past

In 2003, Kelly Rogers was just 16 years old, working a low-key job and earning minimum wage when she won the UK lottery jackpot for £1.875 million (about $2,846,812). Although the girl swore that she would treat money with all responsibility, she soon began to squander her fortune. Over the next nine years, Kelly became the mother of two children and spent most of her winnings on breast augmentation, partying and cocaine (the latter cost about $380 thousand). She was left with only $2,000 of her entire fortune. After seeking help for treatment for her spending habits and drug addiction, Kelly realized that she acted this way because of abuse, including sexual abuse, that she suffered as a child. She told about herself: “I prayed to win the lottery, believing that money would make me happy and I would forget what was done to me. But as soon as the joy of victory subsided, I realized that I was constantly thinking about what this man had done to me.” Kelly recently got married and is currently studying to become a nurse. She and her husband both work to provide for their three children.

8. Actress Mackenzie Phillips used drugs and had an incestuous relationship

Mackenzie Phillips is the daughter of John Phillips, a member of The Mamas & The Papas, and his first wife, Susan Adams. Mackenzie began her acting career at the age of 12, getting a role in the comedy American Graffiti, and then other equally successful roles. Although Mackenzie achieved financial and professional success at a very young age, she was unable to appreciate her achievements due to her addiction to drugs and alcohol. She claims she first tried drugs with her musician father when she was just 11, and that her dad helped her inject cocaine when she first tried it as a child. Mackenzie's whole life was marred by drugs and arrests. To make matters worse, she admitted in an interview with Oprah Winfrey in 2009 that she and her father entered into a consensual sexual relationship ten years ago. This happened when she passed out from drinking alcohol at the age of 18 and woke up to her father having sex with her. She then continued to use drugs and maintained a sexual relationship with her father for many years.

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