Freezing of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Sea of ​​Okhotsk: resources, description, features and interesting facts

Tidal phenomena in the Kuril ridge area

Tides are the dominant factor determining the dynamics of water in the straits and largely determine changes in the vertical and horizontal structure water The tides in the area of ​​the ridge, as in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, are formed mainly by tidal waves spreading from the Pacific Ocean. The proper tidal movements of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, caused by the direct influence of tidal forces, are negligible. Tidal waves in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean are predominantly progressive in nature and move in a southwestern direction along the Kuril ridge. The speed of movement of tidal waves in the ocean when approaching the Kuril ridge reaches 25-40 knots (12-20 m/s). The amplitude of tidal level fluctuations in the ridge zone does not exceed 1 m, and the speed of tidal currents is about 10-15 cm/s. In the straits, the phase speed of tidal waves decreases, and the amplitude of tidal level fluctuations increases to 1.7-2.5 m. Here, the speeds of tidal currents increase to 5 knots (2.5 m/s) or more. Due to the multiple reflection of tidal waves from the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, complex forward-standing waves occur in the straits themselves. Tidal currents in the straits have a pronounced reversible character, which is confirmed by measurements of currents at daily stations in the Bussol, Frieza, Catherine and other straits. The horizontal orbits of tidal currents, as a rule, are close in shape to straight lines oriented along the straits.

Wind waves in the Kuril region

In summer, both on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and on the ocean side of the Kuril Islands, large waves (height 5.0 m or more) occur less frequently than in 1% of cases. The frequency of waves with gradations of 3.0–4.5 m is 1-2% on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk side and 3-4% on the ocean side. For a gradation of wave heights of 2.0-2.5 m in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the frequency is 28-31%, and from the Pacific Ocean - 32-33%. For weak waves of 1.5 m or less on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk side, the repeatability is 68-70%, and on the ocean side - 63-65%. The prevailing direction of waves in the Kuril part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is from the southwest in the south of the region and the central Kuril Islands, to the northwest in the north of the region. On the ocean side of the Kuril Islands, the southwestern direction of waves predominates in the south, and in the north, northwestern and southeastern waves are observed with equal probability.

In autumn, the intensity of cyclones increases sharply, and wind speeds correspondingly increase, which generate larger waves. During this period, along the Sea of ​​Okhotsk coast of the islands, waves with a height of 5.0 m or more account for 6-7% of the total number of wave heights, and on the ocean side - 3-4%. The frequency of occurrence of north-west, north-east and south-east directions increases. Dangerous waves are produced by cyclones (typhoons) with a pressure in the center of less than 980 hPa and large gradients of baric pressure - 10-12 hPa at 1° latitude. Typically in September, typhoons enter the southern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, moving along the Kuril ridge

In winter, the intensity of passing cyclones increases. The frequency of waves with a height of 5.0 m or more at this time is 7-8% on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk side, and 5-8% on the ocean side. The prevailing direction of the waves is the north-west and the waves of the neighboring points.

In spring, the intensity of cyclones drops sharply, their depth and range of action decrease significantly. The frequency of large waves throughout the entire water area is 1% or less, and the direction of the waves changes to the southwest and northeast.

Ice conditions

In the Kuril Straits in the autumn-winter period, due to intense tidal mixing and the influx of warmer waters from the Pacific Ocean, the surface water temperature does not reach the negative values ​​necessary for the onset of ice formation. However, constant and strong northerly winds in winter are the main reason for the drift of floating ice in the study area. IN harsh winters floating ice extend far beyond their average position and reach the Kuril Straits. In January, during severe ice-covered years, individual tongues of floating ice emerge from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk into the ocean through the Catherine Strait, spreading 30 to 40 miles into the open part of the ocean. In February, off the Southern Kuril Islands, ice tongues move southwest, along the island of Hokkaido, to Cape Erimo and further south. The width of the ice mass can reach 90 miles. Significant ice masses can be observed along Onekotan Island. The width of the ice strip here can reach 60 miles or more. In March, in extremely difficult years, the ice reaches open ocean from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is carried out from the massif in the southwest of the sea through all the straits, starting from Kruzenshtern and further south. Tongues of ice emerging from the straits flow to the southwest, along the Kuril Islands, and then along the island of Hokkaido, to Cape Erimo. The width of the ice mass in various places can reach 90 miles. Off the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the width of the ice massif can reach more than 100 miles, and the massif can extend to Onekotan Island. In April, floating ice can emerge through any strait of the Kuril ridge from the Krusenstern Strait and further south, and the width of the ice tongues does not exceed 30 miles.

The influence of atmospheric circulation on water dynamics

A feature of the atmospheric processes in the Kuril region, as well as the entire Sea of ​​Okhotsk, is the monsoon nature of the atmospheric circulation (Fig. 2.3). This is the predominance of southeast winds during the summer monsoon and return directions winds - in winter. The intensity of monsoon development is determined by the development of large-scale atmospheric processes, associated with the state of the main centers of atmospheric action that regulate atmospheric circulation over the seas of the Far Eastern region. A fairly close cause-and-effect relationship has been revealed between the characteristics of atmospheric circulation and the variability of the intensity of development of one or another link in the system of currents in the Kuril Islands region, which, in turn, largely determines the formation of the temperature background of the waters of the region.

CO – “cyclones over the ocean”; OA – “Okhotsk-Aleutian” /

Characteristics of the Soya and Kuril currents in September 1988-1993. (1Св = 10 6 m 3 /s)


Water transfer in the Soya Current abeam the Catherine Strait

Position of the Soya Current boundary

Catherine Strait

Frieza Strait

Frieza Strait

Iturup Island

Iturup Island

Iturup Island

D T, o C at point

45 o 30"N, 147 o 30"E

Water transfer in the Kuril Current abeam the Bussol Strait

D T,°C at point

45°00"N, 153°00"E

The given data on the state of the Kuril currents in September for the period from 1988 to 1993. indicates interannual variability in the characteristics of the system of these currents.

In the spring period of the year, with the predominance of the Okhotsk-Aleutian type of atmospheric circulation, a significant penetration of the Soya Current into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk was noted in the subsequent summer season and, as a result, the formation of an increased temperature background in the water area in the South Kuril region. When the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation predominated in the spring, in the subsequent summer season, on the contrary, there was a slight penetration of the warm Soya Current into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, a greater development of the Kuril Current and the formation of a lower temperature background in the water area.

Main features of the structure and dynamics of waters in the Kuril region

The structural features of the waters of the Kuril region of the Pacific Ocean are associated with the Kuril Current, which is the western boundary flow in the subpolar circular circulation of the North Pacific Ocean. The current can be traced in the waters of the western modification of the subarctic structure, which has the following characteristics water masses :

1. Surface water mass(0-60 m); in spring°C=2-3°, S‰=33.0‰; in summer°С=8°, S‰=33.0‰.

2. Cold intermediate layer(60-200 m); °С min = 0.3°, S‰ = 33.3‰ with a core at a depth of 75-125 m.

3. Warm midlayer(200-800 m); °С max = 3.5°, S‰ = 34.1‰ with a core at a depth of 300-500 m.

4. Deep(800-3000 m);°С=1.7°, S‰=34.7‰.

5. Pridonnaya(more than 3000 m);°С=1.5°, S‰=34.7‰.

The Pacific waters near the northern straits of the Kuril ridge differ significantly from the waters in the area of ​​the southern straits. The waters of the Kuril Current, formed by the very cold and more desalinated waters of the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula and Pacific waters, in the zone of the straits of the Kuril ridge mix with the transformed waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Further, the waters of the Oyashio Current are formed by a mixture of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters, transformed in the straits, and the waters of the Kuril Current.

General scheme water circulation The Sea of ​​Okhotsk in general is a large cyclonic circulation, which in the northeastern part of the sea is formed by surface, intermediate and deep Pacific waters entering during water exchange through the northern Kuril Straits. As a result of water exchange through the southern and central Kuril Straits, these waters partially penetrate into the Pacific Ocean and replenish the waters of the Kuril Current. The cyclonic pattern of currents characteristic of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk as a whole, caused by the prevailing cyclonic atmospheric circulation of the atmosphere over the sea, is corrected in the southern part of the sea by the complex bottom topography and local features of the water dynamics of the Kuril Straits zone. In the area of ​​the southern basin there is a stable anticyclonic gyre.

The structure of the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, defined as the Sea of ​​Okhotsk variety of the subarctic water structure, consists of the following water masses:

1. Surface water mass(0-40 m) with a temperature and salinity of about 2.5° and 32.5 in the spring and, respectively, 10-13° and 32.8 in the summer.

2. Cold intermediate water mass(40-150 m), forming in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in winter time, with core characteristics: °C min = -1.3°, S =32.9 at a depth of 100 m.

Along the Kuril Islands in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk there is a sharp “break” of the core of the cold intermediate layer with a minimum temperature below +1° at a distance of 40-60 miles from the coast of the islands. The “break” of the cold intermediate layer indicates the existence of a pronounced frontal separation of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk intermediate waters proper and transformed waters in the straits during tidal vertical mixing. The frontal section limits the spread of a patch of colder surface water in the water area along the Kuril Islands. That is, the cold intermediate layer in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is not related to that in the Kuril-Kamchatka Current and is determined by the winter temperature conditions of the area.

3. Transitional water mass(150-600 m), formed as a result of tidal transformation of the upper layer of the Pacific and Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters in the zone of the Kuril Straits (T° = 1.5°, S = 33.7).

4. Deep water mass(600-1300m), manifested in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the form of a warm intermediate layer: °C = 2.3°, S = 34.3 at a depth of 750-1000 m.

5. Water mass of the southern basin(more than 1300 m) with characteristics: °C = 1.85, S = 34.7.

In the southern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk surface water mass has three modifications. The first modification is low-salt (S<32,5‰), центральная охотоморская формируется преимущественно при таянии льда и располагается до глубины 30 м в период с апреля по октябрь. Вторая - Восточно-Сахалинского течения, наблюдается в слое 0-50 м и характеризуется низкой температурой (<7°) и низкой соленостью (<32,0‰). Третья - теплых и соленых вод течения Соя, являющегося продолжением ветви Цусимского течения, распространяющегося вдоль охотоморского побережья о.Хоккайдо (в слое 0-70 м) от пролива Лаперуза до южных Курильских островов. С марта по май имеет место “предвестник” течения Соя (Т°=4-6°, S‰ =33,8-34,2‰), а с июня по ноябрь - собственно теплое течение Соя с более высокой температурой (до 14-17°) и более высокой соленостью (до 34,5‰).

Straits of the Kuril ridge

The Kuril archipelago, approximately 1,200 km long, has 28 relatively large islands and many small ones. These islands form the Greater Kuril Ridge and the Lesser Kuril Ridge, located along the ocean side of the Greater Kuril Ridge, 60 km southwest of the latter. The total width of the Kuril Straits is about 500 km. Of the total cross-sections of the straits, 43.3% falls on the Bussol Strait (threshold depth 2318 m), 24.4% - on the Kruzenshtern Strait (threshold depth 1920 m), 9.2% - on the Frieza Strait and 8.1% - on the IV Kuril Strait. However, the depth of even the deepest of the Kuril Straits is significantly less than the maximum depth of the areas of the Okhotsk Sea (about 3000 m) and the Pacific Ocean (more than 3000 m) adjacent to the Kuril Islands. Therefore, the Kuril ridge is a natural threshold that fences off the sea depression from the ocean. At the same time, the Kuril Straits are precisely the zone in which water exchange occurs between these basins. This zone has its own characteristics of the hydrological regime, which differ from the regime of the adjacent deep-water areas of the ocean and sea. Features of the orography and topography of the bottom of this zone have a corrective effect on the formation of the water structure and the manifestation of processes such as tides, tidal mixing, currents, etc.

Based on a generalization of long-term observation data, it has been established that in the area of ​​the straits there is a more complex hydrological structure of waters than previously thought. Firstly, the transformation of waters in the straits is not clear. A transformed water structure, which has characteristic features of the Kuril variety of subarctic water structure (characterized by negative anomalies of temperature and positive anomalies of salinity on the surface in the warm half of the year, a thicker cold intermediate layer and smoother extremes of intermediate water masses, including a positive anomaly of minimum temperature), is observed mainly on the shelf of islands, where tidal mixing is more pronounced. In shallow waters, tidal transformation leads to the formation of a vertically homogeneous water structure. In the deep-water areas of the straits, well-stratified waters are observed. Secondly, the difficulty lies in the fact that the zone of the Kuril Straits is characterized by the presence of multi-scale inhomogeneities that are formed during vortex formation and frontogenesis during the contact of jets of the Kuril currents, which occurs against the background of tidal mixing. At the same time, in the structure of thermohaline fields there is a change in the position of the boundaries and extrema of the intermediate layers. In areas of vortices, as well as in areas of current cores that carry and retain their characteristics, localization of homogeneous nuclei of the minimum temperature of the cold intermediate layer is observed. Third, the structure of waters in the strait zones is adjusted by the variability of water exchange in the straits. In each of the main Kuril Straits in different years, depending on the development of one or another link in the current system of the area, either the predominant flow of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters, or the predominant supply of Pacific waters, or two-way water circulation is possible.

IV Kuril Strait

IV Kuril Strait is one of the main northern straits of the Kuril island chain. The cross-section of the strait is 17.38 km 2, which is 8.1% of the total cross-sectional area of ​​all the Kuril Straits, its depth is about 600 m. The topographical feature of the strait is its openness towards the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the presence of a threshold about 400 m deep on the side Pacific Ocean.

Thermohaline structure of the waters of the IV Kuril Strait


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)





Depth, m










Cold intermediate


core: 50-150




core: 50-150



Warm intermediate


core: 350-400



core: 350-400



> 1000


> 1000









Cold intermediate


75-100, 200-300




75-100, 200-300












Cold intermediate


core: 60-110




core: 60-110



Warm intermediate






> 1000


> 1000


Due to the complex bottom topography in the strait, the amount of water masses varies. In shallow waters, vertical mixing leads to homogenization of waters. In these cases, only surface water mass occurs. For the main part of the strait, where the depth is 500-600 m, two water masses are observed - surface and cold intermediate. At deeper stations on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk side, a warmer bottom water mass is also observed. At some stations of the strait a second minimum temperature is observed. Since there is a threshold with a depth of about 400 m in the strait from the Pacific Ocean, water exchange between the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk practically occurs to the depth of the threshold. That is, the Pacific and Sea of ​​Okhotsk water masses, located at great depths, do not have contact in the strait zone.

Krusenstern Strait

The Krusenstern Strait is one of the largest and deepest straits of the Kuril island chain. Square cross section strait - 40.84 km 2. The threshold of the strait, with depths of 200-400 m, is located on its ocean side. There is a trench in the strait with depths from 1200 m to 1990 m, through which deep water can be exchanged between the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. North-eastern part The strait occupies shallow water with depths of less than 200 m. Unlike other straits of the Kuril ridge, the system of islands and straits (Nadezhda and Golovnin straits), which are essentially part of the Krusenstern Strait, is formed by a group of small islands and rocks, bounded from the south by the island of Simushir and from the north the island of Shiashkotan.

Thermohaline structure of the waters of the Krusenstern Strait


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)








Pacific region adjacent to the strait




core: 75-100

core: 75-100


core: 250-350

core: 250-350






core: 75-150

core: 75-150



Sea of ​​Okhotsk region adjacent to the strait




core: 75-150

core: 75-150



Bussol Strait

The Bussol Strait is the deepest and widest strait of the Kuril ridge, located in its central part between the islands of Simushir and Urup. Due to its great depths, its cross-sectional area is almost half (43.3%) of the cross-sectional area of ​​all the straits of the ridge and is equal to 83.83 km 2. The underwater relief of the strait is characterized by sharp changes in depth. In the central part of the strait there is a rise of the bottom to a depth of 515 m, which is dissected by two trenches - the western, with a depth of 1334 m, and the eastern, with a depth of 2340 m. The presence of large depths in the strait creates more favorable conditions for maintaining the vertical stratification of waters and the penetration of Pacific waters into the sea at great depths.

Thermohaline structure of Bussol tide waters


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)








Pacific region adjacent to the strait










core: 50-75




core: 50-75



Warm intermediate






> 1000


> 1000









Cold intermediate


core: 100-150




core: 200-300



Warm intermediate






> 1200


> 1200


Sea of ​​Okhotsk region adjacent to the strait








Cold intermediate


core: 75-100




core: 150-250









> 1200


> 1200


Frieza Strait

The Frieza Strait is one of the main straits in the southern part of the Kuril island chain. The strait is located between the islands of Urup and Iturup. The cross-section of the strait is 17.85 km 2, which is 9.2% of the total cross-sectional area of ​​all straits. The depth of the strait is about 600 m. On the Pacific side there is a threshold with depths of about 500 m.

Thermohaline structure of the waters of the Frieza Strait


Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)








Pacific region adjacent to the strait











core: 50-75




core: 125-200











> 1000


> 1000






















Sea of ​​Okhotsk region adjacent to the strait











core: 75-100




core: 100-150









> 1000


> 1000


For a significant part of the strait, where the depth is about 500 m, only two water masses are distinguished - surface and cold intermediate. At deeper stations, where the beginnings of the upper boundary of the warm intermediate water mass are observed, due to the shallow depths of the strait (about 600 m), this water mass is bottom. The presence of a threshold from the Pacific Ocean prevents the penetration of waters from the warm intermediate layer, which is well defined in the Pacific Ocean. In this regard, the warm intermediate layer in the strait zone has smoothed characteristics - closer to the indices of the warm intermediate layer of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters. Due to the shallow depths of the strait, the deep Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Pacific water masses have virtually no contact in the strait zone.

Features of water circulation are associated with interannual variability of non-periodic currents in the area, in particular, with variability in the intensity of the Soya Current. As has now been established, the current arises in the southern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the spring, intensifies and spreads to its maximum in the summer, and weakens in the autumn. In this case, the limit of the current's distribution depends on its intensity and changes from year to year. In general, the Frieza Strait is neither purely drainage nor purely feeding, although in some years it may be so.

Catherine Strait

The strait is located between the islands of Iturup and Kunashir. The narrow width of the strait is 22 km, the threshold depth is 205 m, and the cross-sectional area is about 5 km 2. From the north, from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, a trench approaches with depths of more than 500 m, the continuation of which is the deep-water central part of the strait with depths of more than 300 m. The western part of the strait is deep, in the eastern part of the strait the depths increase more smoothly towards the center. On the approaches to the strait from the ocean, the depths do not exceed 200-250 m.

Near the Sea of ​​Okhotsk coast of Kunashir Island, the surface water mass is composed of warmer waters of the Soya Current and surface waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk of the corresponding (in this case, summer) modification. The former adhere to the northern shore of Kunashir Island, usually occupying a layer from the surface to a depth of 50-100 m. The latter are usually located seaward of the northern border of the Soya Current and, if the latter is underdeveloped, approach the Catherine Strait from the north. Their distribution in depth rarely exceeds the upper 20-30 m. Both of the above-mentioned surface water masses are supported by the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters themselves, which constitute a cold intermediate layer in the summer-autumn period of the year.

On the ocean side of the Catherine Strait, the distribution of surface and subsurface water masses is entirely determined by the Kuril Current, washing the coast of Iturup Island and the shores of the Lesser Kuril Ridge.

Thermohaline indices and vertical boundaries of water masses

in the Catherine Strait


Surface water


Cold intermediate water mass













Water Soya










During the low tide phases in the central part of the strait, the flow of water from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk into the ocean is pronounced. The ebb current enhances heat advection with the branch of the warm Soya Current. Near the coast, the current speed sharply decreases and changes direction, and in some situations a tidal countercurrent occurs near the coast. In zones sudden change flow speed and direction, the longitudinal front is usually clearly visible. The change in the phases of the tidal and ebb currents does not occur simultaneously, and therefore, at certain periods of time, zones of divergence and convergence of currents that are quite complex in configuration appear and rip strips appear.

The horizontal distribution of water temperature in the strait is characterized by a patchy structure, which is likely the result of the interaction of non-periodic currents, bottom topography and tidal movements. “Pockets of isolated water” are not stable formations and are generated by the action of unbalanced forces.

Seasonal variability of water circulation in the Kuril Straits

The results of calculations of geostrophic currents for the Kuril Ridge region, based on data from expeditionary observations, indicate the formation of a two-way pattern of currents in the straits. Since the water circulation pattern of a particular strait, along with tidal phenomena, is significantly influenced by the dynamics of the waters of adjacent areas of the sea and ocean, a change in the balance of flows in the straits is observed, and the nature of water exchange through a particular strait changes - predominantly wastewater or vice versa, up to purely wastewater or feeder. However, these estimates provide only a qualitative picture and do not allow us to judge the flow through the straits, seasonal and interannual variability of water exchange.

Using the mathematical quasi-geostrophic model of A.S. Vasiliev, a number of numerical experiments were carried out for the zone of the Kuril Straits, which includes the most dynamically active region of the Kuril Island Arc - the Frieza Strait and the Bussol Strait with adjacent water areas. Materials from expeditionary research for the years 80-90 were used as initial information. in the Kuril Straits area, as well as available archival data on temperature, salinity on the ocean surface and real fields atmospheric pressure. Calculations were carried out on a uniform grid with a step of 10¢ in latitude and longitude. Numerical calculations in the study area were carried out taking into account the prevailing types of atmospheric circulation for each of the four seasons (Fig. 2.3), for characteristic months when water circulation takes into account the influence of seasonal atmospheric effects to the maximum. As a rule, this is the last month of the season.

Winter(December- March). For the winter period, with a northwestern (NW) type of atmospheric circulation, water circulation corresponds to the direction of air mass transport (in the zone of the southern Kuril Straits, transport from the northeast). In the Bussol Strait, a two-way circulation is observed with a well-defined removal of Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters. In the Frieza Strait there is a predominant discharge of Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters. At the same time, there is a one-way movement of flows along the islands on both sides of the strait in south direction- both from the sea and from the ocean side. An assessment of the integral flow rates shows that the Frieza Strait in the winter season with a northwestern type of atmospheric circulation is a waste strait with a maximum removal of up to 1.10 Sv. With a typical atmospheric circulation of cyclones over the ocean (CO), the water circulation pattern is significantly adjusted - a two-way water circulation is formed . In the area of ​​the Bussol Strait, a “dense packing” of multidirectional vortex formations is observed.

Integral water transport in the Kuril Straits (in St.) (Positive values– influx of Pacific waters,negative – removal of Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters)

Winter (March)


Spring (June)


Summer (September)






0- bottom

Spring(April - June). With the northwestern (NW) type of atmospheric circulation in the Bussol Strait zone, there is a noticeable increase in the number of multidirectional gyres. In the area of ​​the western trench of this strait, on the Pacific side, a cyclonic gyre is clearly visible, in contact with an anticyclonic formation further in the Pacific Ocean. In the eastern trough, conditions for two-way circulation are created, more pronounced than in the winter season. In the Frieze Strait, with this type of atmospheric circulation, the predominant removal of Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters in the northwestern part of the strait is preserved and slightly increased (up to 1.80 Sv). Another type of atmospheric circulation, also characteristic of this period, is the Okhotsk-Aleutian (OA) (transfer of air masses in the area of ​​the southern Kuril Islands in the direction from the southeast), significantly changes the direction of water flows, especially in the Frieze Strait. The currents here are predominantly directed towards the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, i.e. There is a predominant supply through the strait of Pacific waters. The balance of flows through the strait shows an increase in water inflow (compared to the previous type of atmospheric circulation) - from 0.10 Sv to 1.10 Sv. In the area of ​​the Bussol Strait, a big number multidirectional gyres.

Summer(July - September). With the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the Frieze Strait, a two-way direction of water movement is formed (in contrast to previous seasons, when, with this type of atmospheric circulation, a predominant flow of Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters was observed here). Changes in water circulation are also observed in the Bussol Strait. Across the eastern trench of the strait there is a sharp frontal division between the cyclonic gyre from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the anticyclonic formation from the Pacific Ocean. At the same time, there is a predominant removal of Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters through central part Strait. Estimates of flows through the strait show a significant flow of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters - up to 9.70 Sv, and with the influx of Pacific waters - only 4.30 Sv. Another type of atmospheric circulation, characteristic of the summer season, is the Okhotsk-Aleutian type of atmospheric circulation, which somewhat corrects the water circulation pattern of the area. In the Bussol Strait, a second frontal section is formed, the orientation of the fronts changes - along the strait, the circulation pattern becomes more complicated. In the central part of the strait, a flow of Pacific waters into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk appears. The discharge of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters is divided into two flows - through the western and eastern trenches of the strait and the balance of flows through the strait is balanced (flows are about 8 Sv in both directions). In the Frieze Strait, a well-defined two-way current pattern is observed.

Autumn(October- november). The autumn period, like the spring, is a time of restructuring of atmospheric processes over northern part Pacific Ocean. The duration of action of the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation increases, and instead of the Okhotsk-Aleutian type, the “cyclones over the ocean” type becomes more developed. A significant weakening of the intensity of water circulation is noticeable. With a northwestern type of atmospheric circulation, the pattern of currents in the Frieze Strait retains a two-way direction (as in the summer with this type of atmospheric circulation). In the Bussol Strait, the water circulation pattern is represented by a two-core anticyclonic gyre stretched across the strait, which determines the two-way circulation of water in each of the strait’s trenches. With the type of atmospheric circulation “cyclones over the ocean” for the water circulation pattern in the Bussol Strait, the removal of Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters in the western trench of the strait and two-way circulation of water in the anticyclonic circulation in the eastern trench of the strait are noted.

Thus, according to the results of model calculations, a predominant removal of Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters is observed in the Frieze Strait in winter and spring with a northwestern type of atmospheric circulation, as well as in winter and autumn with a typical synoptic situation of “cyclones over the ocean.” A two-way flow pattern occurs with a northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the summer and autumn periods. The predominant influx of Pacific waters is observed during the Okhotsk-Aleutian type in the summer. In the Bussol Strait, the predominant removal of Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters is observed during the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the summer. A fairly well-defined two-way water circulation pattern in the strait is formed under the northwestern type of atmospheric circulation in the winter and spring seasons. In other typical synoptic situations, the circulation in the strait is represented by multidirectional flows caused by the “dense packing” of vortex formations of various orientations. Traceable seasonal variability intensification of water circulation in the straits. From the cold period of the half year to the warm period, the magnitude of water transfer increases by an order of magnitude.

Hydrological zoning

Study of hydrological conditions Kuril Straits zones and adjacent areas of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk revealed a number of similar features and peculiarities of the formation of the thermohaline structure of waters in each of the areas.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk and part of the Pacific Ocean near the Kuril Islands are filled with waters of a subarctic structure - more precisely, its Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Pacific and Kuril varieties. Each - in spring, summer and autumn consists of superficial water mass, cold and warm intermediate layers and deep bottom waters.

In the subarctic structure of all three varieties, the main features are: minimum temperature cold intermediate layer and the maximum temperature of the warm intermediate layer. However, each variety has its own characteristics. The cold intermediate layer is most pronounced in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters. The temperature in the core of the cold intermediate layer of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk remains negative over most of the water area throughout the entire warm period of the year. In the zone of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk coast of the Kuril Islands, there is a sharp “break” of the cold intermediate layer, contoured by the +1° isotherm, associated with the well-defined frontal division of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters proper and the transformed waters of the Kuril Straits zone. The Kuril variety of the subarctic water structure in the warm half of the year is characterized by lower temperatures and higher salinity values ​​on the surface relative to the adjacent waters of the sea and ocean, expansion of the boundaries of the cold intermediate layer and smoother temperature extremes of water masses. In Pacific waters, the intermediate layers are quite well defined. As a result, from the Pacific Ocean, along the islands, the Kuril Current, carrying waters of the Pacific subarctic structure, creates contrasts in thermohaline characteristics. Here a frontal zone is formed, well expressed in the temperature field of surface and intermediate waters.

Warm midlayer most clearly expressed in Pacific waters. In the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters and in the area of ​​the straits, this layer has smoother characteristics. This circumstance makes it possible to identify this water mass as Pacific or as Sea of ​​Okhotsk when studying water exchange through the straits.

Due to the topography of the Kuril Straits deep The Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Pacific waters have contact only in the Bussol and Krusenstern straits. At the same time, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk deep waters are colder than the Pacific ones by almost 1° and have a slightly lower salinity - by 0.02‰. The coldest water (brought by the East Sakhalin Current in a cold intermediate layer to the southern and central Kuril Straits from formation sites on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk), as well as the warmest (associated with the penetration of warm waters of the Soya Current in the surface layer into the southern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk), enters the ocean through the Catherine and Frieze Straits. In the ocean, these waters feed the Kuril Current.

Studies of the thermohaline structure of waters through the analysis of sections and maps of thermohaline fields, as well as analysis of T, S-curves taking into account the conditions that form this structure in the entire region as a whole, made it possible to clarify the previously given division of varieties of subarctic water structure in the Kuril Islands area and to identify a number of types (or varieties) of structure with the corresponding indices of the water masses composing them.

The following are highlighted types of water structure:

  • Pacific type subarctic structure - Pacific waters carried by the Kuril Current;
  • Sea of ​​Okhotsk type - Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters, characterized by particularly low minimum temperatures in the cold intermediate layer and a poorly developed warm intermediate layer;
  • type southern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters, characterized by high values ​​of thermohaline characteristics in the surface layer associated with the penetration of waters of the Soya Current into the South Sea of ​​Okhotsk region;
  • type Kuril Straits zones (Kuril variety) – transformed waters, characterized by different thermohaline characteristics in the surface layer (lower temperature values ​​and higher salinity values, relative to the adjacent waters of the sea and ocean), a vertically thicker cold intermediate layer and smoother extremes of water masses;

  • shallow water zone type - waters characterized by an almost uniform vertical distribution of thermohaline characteristics.

Typification of the thermohaline structure of waters in the Kuril Islands region

Spring (April-June)

Summer (July-September)

1.Pacific type










2. Sea of ​​Okhotsk type




core: 75-100






3.Type of the southern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk







4. Type of zone of the Kuril Straits


(IV Kuril)





(IV Kuril)






(IV Kuril)




(Kruzenshtern) (Bussol)

5.Type of shallow water zones


Designations: (c*) - abeam the IV Kuril Strait, (u*) - Bussol Strait.

The identified types of water structure are separated by frontal zones of varying intensity. The following fronts are defined:

  • coastal front of the Kuril Current - zone of interaction of the 1st and 4th types of water structure (intrastructural Kuril front);
  • Kurilsky front of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk , intermittent, associated with water exchange between the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Kuril region - an interaction zone of the 2nd and 4th types of water structure. Here a “break” of the cold intermediate layer of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk type of water structure was discovered. The front is especially clearly visible in the intermediate layers. It separates the cold waters of the cold intermediate layer of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the anomalously warm waters of the cold intermediate layer of the Kuril Straits zone;
  • Soya current front , associated with the invasion of warmer and saltier waters of the Soya Current in the surface layer, observed in the southern part of the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk in the structure of type 3 waters. The front is the contact zone of waters of the 2nd and 3rd types of water structure.
  • fronts in the Kuril Straits zones , associated with circulation around the islands, with ruptures of the 1st or 2nd Kuril fronts during the invasion of the Pacific or Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters into the strait zones and the resulting vortex formation;
  • fronts of shallow zones , arising during the formation of the 5th type of water structure (separating homogeneous shallow waters and stratified waters of the 1st, 2nd, or 4th types of structures).

The picture of the hydrological zoning of the water area of ​​the Kuril Straits with the adjacent zones of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean, as well as the distribution of the identified types of water structure and the position of frontal sections, is quasi-stationary. The complex dynamics of waters in the area of ​​the Kuril Islands, due to the variability of the intensity of development and the nature of the interaction of the Kuril currents, determines the evolution of the frontal sections. The fronts become unstable, which manifests itself in the form of the formation of meanders, vortices and other inhomogeneities.

For the subarctic structure of waters in the Pacific Ocean, the vertical distribution of sound speed is monotonic in winter and non-monotonic in summer. During the warm period of the year, a thermal type of sound channel with pronounced asymmetry is formed. Top part channel is due to the presence of a seasonal thermocline. The position of the axis is the minimum temperature in the cold intermediate layer. A further increase in the speed of sound with depth is associated with an increase in temperature in the warm intermediate layer and an increase in hydrostatic pressure. In this case, the formation of a so-called plane-layered waveguide occurs.

Sound speed field in waters Pacific structures are heterogeneous. In the zone of minimum sound speed values ​​along the coast of the islands, there is an area characterized by particularly low sound speed values ​​(up to 1450 m/s). This area is connected to the flow of the Kuril Current. Analysis of vertical sections of the sound speed and temperature fields shows that the axis of the sound channel, corresponding to the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer, coincides with the flow core. On sections of the sound speed field intersecting the current flow, lens-shaped regions are observed, outlined by isotachs of the minimum speed of sound (as well as on temperature sections - lens-shaped regions of minimum temperature in the core of the cold intermediate layer). When crossing the Coastal Front of the Kuril Current, where temperature changes can reach up to 5° at a distance of several hundred meters, the differences in sound speed are 10 m/s.

IN Sea of ​​Okhotsk In the water structure, the negative minimum temperature values ​​characteristic of the cold intermediate layer cause the appearance of a pronounced underwater sound channel. In this case, just as for the cold intermediate layer, a “break” of the plane-layered waveguide is observed in the sound speed field when crossing the Kuril front of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The spatial distribution of the speed of sound is very heterogeneous. In the distribution of sound speed on the surface, a decrease in its values ​​is observed towards the shelf of the islands. The spatial picture of the sound speed field here becomes more complicated due to the presence of multi-scale inhomogeneities of thermohaline fields associated with the observed constant vortex formation. Here there are lens-shaped areas with lower values ​​(with a difference of up to 5 m/s) compared to the surrounding waters.

In structure South Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters formed during the invasion of warm, saltier waters of the Soya Current in the surface layer of water, the sound speed profiles differ both in the magnitude of the sound speed values ​​and in the shape of the vertical distribution curves and the positions of the extrema. The shape of the vertical sound speed curve here is determined not only by the temperature profile, but also by the non-monotonic vertical distribution of salinity, which characterizes the structure of the Soya Current water flows penetrating into the South Sea of ​​Okhotsk region. The vertical distribution of salinity in the surface layer has a maximum, which prevents a decrease in the speed of sound. In this regard, the position of the axis of the sound channel is observed somewhat deeper than the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer. Consequently, in this region the type of sound channel ceases to be purely thermal. For the South Sea of ​​Okhotsk type of water structure, there is a maximum range of changes in the speed of sound (from 1490-1500 m/s on the surface, to 1449-1450 m/s on the axis of the sound channel).

IN straits area and on both sides of the Kuril ridge, as a result of tidal mixing, a significant number of frontal sections of various scales are formed. During frontogenesis and vortex formation, the depth of the position of the seasonal thermocline and, accordingly, the tachocline change (sometimes before it reaches the surface), the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer, its boundaries and, accordingly, the axis of the sound channel and its boundaries change. Most striking features sound speed field structures were found in the core current zones in the straits area (as well as in areas adjacent to the islands). Localization of homogeneous nuclei of minimum temperature is observed in the cold intermediate layer, coinciding with the zone of maximum current velocities. In the planes of transverse thermohaline sections, these zones correspond to areas bounded by closed isotherms. A similar picture is observed in the sound speed field - these zones correspond to regions bounded by closed isotachs. Similar, but more pronounced areas were discovered earlier in the study of such mesoscale inhomogeneities as vortex formations, frontal and interfrontal zones in the areas of the Kuroshio - Oyashio current and the California Current. In this regard, the existence of a special type of sound channel in the ocean, which is a three-dimensional acoustic waveguide, was revealed. In contrast to the known plane-layered waveguide, here there are zones of not only increased vertical, but also horizontal gradients of sound speed, limiting this region on the left and right. In the plane of cross sections, these are areas bounded by closed isotachs. In the area of ​​the Kuril Straits, a faint resemblance to three-dimensional acoustic waveguides is observed. Expedition data from POI FEB RAS show the constant existence of such waveguides in the study area.

Thus, in the area of ​​the Kuril Islands the following features of the hydroacoustic structure of waters are observed:

  • relatively low values ​​of sound speed on the sea surface in the shelf zone of the Kuril ridge;
  • blurring the axis of the sound channel and increasing the speed of sound propagation in it towards the islands;
  • destruction of the sound channel in the shallow waters of the islands, up to its complete disappearance;
  • Along with the plane-layered waveguide, three-dimensional acoustic waveguides are formed.

Thus, the formation of the hydroacoustic structure of waters in the study area is generally determined by the characteristics of the hydrological structure of waters. Each region - the zone of the Kuril Straits, the adjacent areas of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - is characterized by both certain types of thermohaline structure of waters and certain features of the structure of the sound speed field. Each region has its own types of vertical sound speed distribution curves with corresponding numerical indices of extrema and types of sound channels.

Structure of the sound speed field in the Kuril Islands area

warm half of the year

Speed ​​of sound, m/s

Depth, m




sound channel axis

Sea of ​​Okhotsk type of hydrological structure



sound channel axis

South Sea of ​​Okhotsk type of hydrological structure



sound channel axis

Zones of the Kuril Straits



sound channel axis

Shallow water zones


For Pacific Subarctic structure of waters, the formation of the sound speed field is largely associated with the Kuril Current, where the axis of the sound channel, as studies have shown, coincides with the core of the current and the zone of minimum temperature of the cold intermediate layer. The type of sound waveguides being formed is thermal.

IN Sea of ​​Okhotsk In the water structure, negative values ​​of the minimum water temperature in the cold intermediate layer determine the formation of a pronounced underwater sound channel. It was discovered that in the sound speed field here, as for the core of the cold intermediate layer, a “break” of the plane-layered waveguide is observed when crossing the Kuril front of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

In structure South Sea of ​​Okhotsk water, the shape of the vertical sound speed curve is determined not only by the vertical temperature profile, but also by the non-monotonic distribution of the salinity profile due to the invasion of warm, more saline waters of the Soya Current. In this regard, the position of the axis of the sound channel is observed somewhat deeper than the position of the core of the cold intermediate layer. The type of sound channel is no longer purely thermal. A feature of the structure of the sound speed field in this area is also the maximum range of changes in the value of the speed of sound from the surface to the axis of the sound channel, compared to other areas considered here.

For water structure Kuril Straits zones Characterized by relatively low values ​​of the speed of sound on the surface, smoothed extrema of the curve of the vertical profile of the speed of sound, and blurring of the axis of the sound channel.

In homogenized waters shallow water zones destruction of the sound channel is observed until it disappears. In the zone of the Kuril Straits and adjacent areas - both from the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk - along with plane-layered waveguides, there are weakly defined three-dimensional acoustic waveguides.

Area - 1603 thousand km². Average depth - 821 m, maximum depth- 3916 m. The western part of the sea is located above the gentle continuation of the continent and has shallow depth. In the center of the sea are the Deryugin depression (in the south) and the TINRO depression. In the eastern part there is the Kuril Basin, where the depth is maximum. From October to May - June, the northern part of the sea is covered with ice. The southeastern part practically does not freeze. The coast in the north is heavily indented; in the northeast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk its largest bay is located - Shelikhov Bay. Of the smaller bays in the northern part, the most famous are the Eirine Bay and the bays of Sheltinga, Zabiyaka, Babushkina, and Kekurny. In the east, the coastline of the Kamchatka Peninsula is practically devoid of bays. In the west, the coastline is heavily indented, forming the Sakhalin Bay and the Shantar Sea. In the south, the largest are Aniva and Terpeniya bays, Odessa Bay on the island of Iturup. The rivers Amur, Okhota, and Kukhtui flow into it. The Amur River brings about 370 billion cubic meters of water per year, which is 65% of the flow of all rivers flowing into the sea.

Most of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk waters outside the territorial waters of Russia and Japan belong to the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) of Russia, with the exception of a small part adjacent to the island of Hokkaido and belonging to the EEZ of Japan, as well as a narrow enclave in the central part of the sea, which is located at a distance of more than than 200 nautical miles from all coasts. The specified enclave, completely surrounded by the EEZ of the Russian Federation, according to the application of Russia and the subsequent decision of the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf dated March 14, 2014, is classified as the continental shelf of Russia, thanks to which the Russian Federation has exclusive rights to subsoil resources and the seabed in this part (but not on the covering waters and the airspace above them); There are sometimes erroneous statements in the media that the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is entirely internal waters of Russia.


The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is named after the Okhota River, which in turn comes from Evensk. okat - “river”. Previously it was called Lamsky (from Evensk. Lam - “sea”), as well as the Kamchatka Sea. The Japanese traditionally called this sea Hokkai (北海), literally "North Sea". But since now this name refers to the North Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, they changed the name of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to Ohotsuku-kai (オホーツク海), which is an adaptation of the Russian name to the norms of Japanese phonetics.

Legal regime

Western sector of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk from an altitude of 5100 m, from An-26-100, flight Khabarovsk - Okhotsk

The water area of ​​the Sea of ​​Okhotsk consists of internal waters, territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone of two coastal states - Russia and Japan. In terms of its international legal status, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is closest to a semi-enclosed sea (Article 122 of the UN Convention on maritime law), since it is surrounded by two or more states and mainly consists of territorial sea and the exclusive economic zone of two states, but it is not one, since it is connected to the rest of the world's oceans not by a single narrow passage, but by a series of passages. In the central part of the sea at a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baselines in the area with coordinates 50°42′ N. w. - 55°42′ N. w. and 148°30′E. d. - 150°44′ E. d. there is an area elongated in the meridional direction, traditionally called Peanut Hole in English-language literature, which is not included in the exclusive economic zone and is the open sea outside the jurisdiction of Russia; in particular, any country in the world has the right here to fish and conduct other activities permitted by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, excluding activities on the shelf. Since this region is an important element for the reproduction of the population of some species commercial fish, the governments of some countries directly prohibit their vessels from fishing in this area of ​​the sea.

On November 13-14, 2013, a subcommittee created within the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf agreed with the arguments of the Russian delegation as part of the consideration of the Russian Federation’s application to recognize the bottom of the above-mentioned area open sea continuation of the Russian continental shelf. On March 15, 2014, the 33rd session of the Commission in 2014 adopted a positive decision on the Russian application, first submitted in 2001, and filed in new edition in early 2013, and the central part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk outside the Russian Federation's exclusive economic zone was recognized as the Russian continental shelf. Consequently, in the central part, other states are prohibited from mining “sedentary” biological resources(e.g. crab, shellfish) and mining. The fishing of other biological resources, such as fish, is not subject to restrictions on the continental shelf. Consideration of the application on its merits became possible thanks to the position of Japan, which, with an official note dated May 23, 2013, confirmed its consent to the Commission’s consideration of the essence of the application, regardless of the resolution of the issue of the Kuril Islands.

Temperature and salinity

During the cold season, more than half of the sea surface is covered with ice for 6-7 months. In winter, the water temperature at the sea surface ranges from −1.8 to 2.0 °C; in summer, the temperature rises to 10-18 °C.

Below the surface layer, at depths of about 50-150 meters, there is an intermediate cold layer of water, the temperature of which does not change throughout the year and is about −1.7 °C.

The waters of the Pacific Ocean entering the sea through the Kuril Straits form deep water masses with a temperature of 2.5-2.7 °C (at the very bottom - 1.5-1.8 °C). In coastal areas with significant river flow, the water temperature in winter is about 0 °C, in summer - 8-15 °C.

15 ships carrying about 700 people were captured by ice.

The operation was carried out by an icebreaker flotilla: the icebreakers “Admiral Makarov” and “Krasin”, the icebreaker “Magadan” and the tanker “Victoria” worked as auxiliary vessels. The coordination headquarters of the rescue operation was located in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the work was carried out under the leadership of the Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Viktor Olersky.

Most of the ships got out on their own, icebreakers rescued four ships: the trawler “Cape Elizabeth”, the research vessel “Professor Kiesewetter” (first half of January, “Admiral Makarov”), the refrigerator “Coast of Hope” and the floating base “Commonwealth”.

The second ship to be released was the Professor Kiesewetter, whose captain, as a result of the investigation, was deprived of his diploma for six months.

In the area of ​​January 14, icebreakers brought together the remaining ships in distress, after which the icebreakers escorted both ships of the caravan in a coupled manner.

After the “mustache” of the “Commonwealth” was broken, it was decided to first carry out heavy ice refrigerator

Wiring was suspended around January 20 due to weather conditions, but on January 24 it was possible to bring the “Bereg Nadezhdy” refrigerator to clean water.

On January 26, the towing “whiskers” broke again, and we had to lose time to deliver new ones by helicopter.

On January 31, the floating base "Commonwealth" was also removed from ice captivity, the operation ended at 11:00 Vladivostok time.

In culture

  • Two-part Australian documentary"Russia's Wild Sea" (eng. Russia's Wild Sea) is dedicated to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.


  1. Old maps of Russian cities - from ancient times to the present day (undefined) . Retrieved January 15, 2016.
  2. Dobrovolsky A. D., Zalogin B. S. Seas of the USSR. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1982. Ill., 192 p.
  3. A.I. Alekseev, V.A. Nizovtsev, E.V. Kim, G.Ya. Lisenkova, V.I. Sirotin. Geography of Russia. Economy and geographical areas. 9th grade. / A.I. Alekseev. - 15th, stereotypical. - Moscow: Bustard, 2014. - P. 254-255.
  4. Revised partial submission by the Russian Federation to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf regarding the continental shelf in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Part 1. Summary. 2013.
  5. The UN commission included the enclave in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk as part of the Russian continental shelf. UN News. March 14, 2014.
  6. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is our everything (undefined) . // Retrieved November 22, 2015.
  7. FAO: World review of highly migratory species and straddling stocks…
  8. Peanut Hole Diagram
  10. ESIMO (undefined) . Retrieved February 6, 2011. Archived August 22, 2011.
  11. Bondarenko, Anna.

1. Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

2. The sea enters the Pacific Ocean basin.

3. Located in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, separated from the ocean by the Kamchatka Peninsula, Kuril Islands and the island of Hokkaido.

4. Located between 43° and 62° parallels north latitude.

5. The position of the sea is between 135° and 165° meridians of eastern longitude.

6. Length of the sea in directions in degrees and kilometers:

The length of the sea from south to north is 19° degrees, i.e. approximately 2100 km;

The length of the sea from east to west is 20° degrees, 1575 km.

The length in km was calculated based on the distance between parallels and meridians on a map with a scale of 1:35,000,000.

7. Washes the shores of Russia and Japan: Kamchatka Peninsula, Kuril Islands, o. Hokkaido, o. Sakhalin, Shantar Islands.

8. Neighboring seas: the La Perouse Strait and the Tatar Strait (via the Amur Estuary) connect the Sea of ​​Okhotsk with the Sea of ​​Japan.

Neighboring Ocean: The First Kuril Strait and a number of straits in the Kuril Island chain, such as the Fourth Kuril Strait, Krusenstern Strait, Bussol and Frieza Straits connect the Sea of ​​Okhotsk with the Pacific Ocean.

9. Type of sea: marginal sea.

10. In winter, the water temperature at the sea surface ranges from −1.8° to 2.0° C; in summer, surface waters warm up to 10° C and higher.

11. Maximum sea depth: 3521 m (in the Kuril Basin), some sources indicate a depth of 3916 m, but I did not find this figure on the map, so you can use it if it is in your textbook.

12. Distribution of depths The shelf zone (0–200 m) occupies about 20% of the sea area, the continental slope (200–2000 m), on which individual underwater hills, depressions and islands are distinguished by a sharp change in depth, and the deep-sea basin occupies about 65%, and the deepest basin (more than 2500 m), located in the southern part of the sea - 8% of the sea area.

13. Distribution of water salinity: according to the map of the average annual salinity of surface waters of the World Ocean, in the northern and eastern parts of the sea the salinity of surface waters is up to 32 ppm, and in the central, western and southern parts of the sea the salinity of surface waters is up to 33 ppm.

14. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is located in a temperate climatic zone, while its eastern part (in the region of the Kuril Islands) is located in the maritime region of a temperate climate, and the rest in the monsoon region of a temperate climate.

15. Features of the bottom structure:

The bottom is a wide range of different underwater rises, depressions and trenches. The northern part of the sea is located on the continental shallows. In the western part of the sea there is a sandbank of Sakhalin, located near the island. In the east of the sea there is a continental shelf of Kamchatka. As noted in paragraph 12, most of the water expanses are located on the continental slope. The southern edge of the sea is the deepest zone; this part of the sea is a bed that is located along the Kuril Islands. The southwestern part of the sea is characterized by deep depressions and slopes. In the central zone of the sea there are two hills: the Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Oceanology, they divide the underwater sea space into 3 basins: the northeastern depression of TINRO (small depth of about 850 m, flat terrain), which is located west of Kamchatka. The second basin is the Deryugin depression, located east of Sakhalin, the water depth here reaches 1700 m, the bottom is a plain, the edges of which are somewhat elevated. The third basin, the Kuril Basin, is the deepest (about 3300 m) of these three.

16. Features of the organic world.

The flora and fauna, on the one hand, are distinguished by great diversity, and on the other hand, by the uneven distribution of this diversity. If in the southern, warmer part the number of fish species is about 300, then in the northern, colder part, the number of species is more than half that, only about 123 species. Nevertheless, the sea ranks first in the world in terms of commercial crab reserves. Salmon fish are of great value: chum salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, and sockeye salmon as a source of red caviar. There is also intensive fishing for herring, pollock, flounder, cod, navaga, capelin, etc. The sea is inhabited by whales, seals, sea lions, seals. A huge amount of green, brown and red medicinal algae stands out from the flora.

Separated by conventional boundaries. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is a fairly large and deep sea in our country. Its area is about 1603 thousand km2, the volume of water is 1318 thousand km3. The average depth of this sea is 821 m, the maximum depth is 3916 m. According to its characteristics, this sea is a marginal sea of ​​a mixed continental-marginal type.

There are few islands in the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, among which the largest is. The Kuril ridge consists of 30 different in size. Their location is seismically active. There are over 30 active and 70 extinct ones here. Zones of seismic activity can be located both on islands and under water. If the epicenter is under water, then huge ones rise.

Coastline The Sea of ​​Okhotsk, despite its considerable extent, is quite equal. There are many large bays along the coastline: Aniva, Terpeniya, Sakhalinsky, Academy, Tugursky, Ayan and Shelikhova. There are also several lips: Tauiskaya, Gizhiginskaya and Penzhinskaya.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk

The bottom represents a wide range of different underwater elevations. The northern part of the sea is located on a continental shelf, which is a continuation of the land. In the western zone of the sea there is a sandbank of Sakhalin, located near the island. In the east of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is Kamchatka. Only a small part is located in the shelf zone. A significant part of the water expanses is located on the continental slope. The sea depth here varies from 200 m to 1500 m.

The southern edge of the sea is the deepest zone, the maximum depth here is more than 2500 m. This part of the sea is a kind of bed, which is located along the Kuril Islands. The southwestern part of the sea is characterized by deep depressions and slopes, which is not typical for the northeastern part.

In the central zone of the sea there are two hills: the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and the Institute of Oceanology. These hills divide the underwater sea space into 3 basins. The first basin is the northeastern depression of TINRO, which is located west of Kamchatka. This depression is characterized by shallow depths, about 850 m. The bottom has. The second basin is the Deryugin depression, located east of Sakhalin, the water depth here reaches 1700 m. The bottom is a plain, the edges of which are slightly raised. The third basin is the Kuril basin. It is the deepest (about 3300 m). is a plain that extends for 120 miles in the western part, and 600 miles in the northeastern part.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is influenced monsoon climate. The main source of cold air is located in the west. This is due to the fact that the western part of the sea is strongly cut into the mainland and is located not far from the Asian pole of cold. From the east, the relatively high mountain ranges of Kamchatka impede the advance of warm Pacific waves. Largest quantity heat comes from the waters of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of ​​Japan through the southern and southeastern borders. But the influence of cold air masses dominates over warm ones air masses, therefore, in general, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is quite harsh. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is the coldest compared to the Sea of ​​Japan.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk

IN cold period(which lasts from October to April) the Siberian and Aleutian lows have a significant influence on the sea. As a result, winds from the northern and northwestern directions predominate in the vastness of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The power of these winds often reaches storm force. Especially strong winds observed in January and February. Their average speed is about 10 – 11 m/s.

In winter, the cold Asian monsoon contributes to a strong decrease in the northern and northwestern parts of the sea. In January, when the temperature reaches its minimum limit, on average the air cools to – 20 – 25 °C in the northwestern part of the sea, to – 10 – 15 °C in the central part and to –5 – 6 °C in the southeastern part. The last zone is influenced by warm Pacific air.

In autumn and winter, the sea is influenced by continental influences. This leads to increased winds and, in some cases, colder temperatures. In general, it can be characterized as clear with reduced. On those climatic features influenced by cold Asian air. In April–May, the Siberian anticyclone ceases to operate, and the impact of the Honolulu maximum intensifies. In this regard, during the warm period, small southeast winds are observed, the speed of which rarely exceeds 6 - 7 m/s.

IN summer time Different temperatures are observed depending on . In August, the highest temperature is recorded in the southern part of the sea, it is +18°C. In the central part of the sea the temperature drops to 12 – 14°C. The northeast has the coldest summer, average temperature does not exceed 10–10.5°С. During this period, the southern part of the sea is subject to numerous oceanic cyclones, due to which the wind strength increases, and storms rage for 5–8 days.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk

A large number of rivers carry their waters into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, but they are all mostly small. In this regard, it is small, it is about 600 km 3 during the year. , Penzhina, Okhota, Bolshaya - the largest ones flowing into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Fresh waters have little impact on the sea. The waters of the Sea of ​​Japan and the Pacific Ocean have great importance for the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk (from the name of the river Okhota)

Lama Sea (from Evenki lama - sea), Kamchatka Sea, semi-enclosed sea in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean, limited east coast mainland Asia from Cape Lazarev to the mouth of the Penzhina River, the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kuril Islands, Hokkaido and Sakhalin. It washes the coasts of the USSR and Japan (Hokkaido Island). It is connected to the Pacific Ocean through the Kuril Straits, and to the Sea of ​​Japan through the Nevelskoy and La Perouse Straits. Length from north to south 2445 km, maximum width 1407 km. Area 1583 thousand. km 2, average water volume 1365 thousand. km 3, average depth 177 m, largest - 3372 m(Kuril Basin).

The coastline is slightly indented, its length is 10460 km. The largest bays are: Shelikhova (with the Gizhiginskaya and Penzhinskaya bays), Sakhalinsky, Udskaya bay, Tauyskaya bay, Academy, etc. On the southeastern coast of the island. Sakhalin - Aniva and Terpeniya bays. Most of the northern, northwestern and northeastern coasts are elevated and rocky. In the mouth areas of large rivers, as well as in western Kamchatka, in the northern part of Sakhalin and Hokkaido, the banks are predominantly low-lying. Almost all the islands: Shantarskie, Zavyalova, Spafareva, Yamskie and others are located off the coast, and only the Iona islands are in the open sea. They flow into O. m. large rivers: Cupid, Uda, Hunting, Gizhiga, Penzhina.

Relief and geology of the bottom. O. m. is located in the zone of transition of the continent to the ocean floor. The sea basin is divided into two parts: northern and southern. The first is immersed (up to 1000 m) continental shelf; within its boundaries there are: the hills of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Oceanology, occupying the central part of the sea, the Deryugin depression (near Sakhalin) and Tinro (near Kamchatka). The southern part of the Ocean Ocean is occupied by the deep-sea Kuril Basin, which is separated from the ocean by the Kuril island ridge. Coastal sediments are terrigenous, coarse-grained, in the central part of the sea - diatomaceous silts. The earth's crust under the ocean is represented by continental and subcontinental types in the northern part and suboceanic type in the southern part. The formation of the Omsk basin in the northern part occurred in Anthropogenic times, as a result of the subsidence of large blocks of continental crust. The deep-sea Kuril Basin is much more ancient; it was formed either as a result of the subsidence of a continental block, or as a result of the separation of part of the ocean floor.

Climate. O. M. lies in the monsoon climate zone of temperate latitudes. Most Every year, cold, dry winds blow from the mainland, cooling the northern half of the sea. From October to April, negative air temperatures and stable ice cover are observed here. On the north-east average monthly air temperatures in January - February from - 14 to - 20 ° C, in the north and west from - 20 to - 24 ° C, in the southern and eastern parts of the sea from - 5 to - 7 ° C; average monthly temperatures in July and August, respectively, are 10-12° C, 11-14° C, 11-18° C. Annual precipitation is from 300-500 mm in the north up to 600-800 mm in the west, in the southern and southeastern parts of the sea - over 1000 mm. IN northern half In the sea, cloudiness is less than in the south, increasing from west to east.

In the water balance of the ocean, surface runoff, precipitation, and evaporation play an insignificant role; its main part is formed by the inflow and outflow of Pacific water and the influx of water from the Sea of ​​Japan through the La Perouse Strait. Pacific deep water enters through the straits of the Kuril Islands below 1000-1300 m. Its temperature (about 1.8-2.3 ° C) and salinity (about 34.4-34.7 ‰) change little throughout the year. Surface water of Okhotsk occupies a layer with a depth of up to 300-500 m and with the exception of the coastal zone, it is observed throughout the entire sea. Its temperature in winter is from - 1.8 to 2 ° C, in summer from - 1.5 to 15 ° C, salinity is from 32.8 to 33.8 ‰. As a result of winter convection, an intermediate layer of water with a thickness of 150-900 is formed between the lower boundary of surface water and the upper boundary of deep Pacific water. m with temperatures throughout the year from - 1.7 to 2.2 ° C and salinity from 33.2 to 34.5 ‰. In the Omsk region there is a pronounced, although with numerous local deviations, cyclonic system of currents with small (up to 2-10 cm/sec) speeds away from the coast. In narrow places and straits strong tidal currents (up to 3.5 m/sec in the Kuril Straits and in the area of ​​the Shantar Islands). In the ocean, tides of mixed type, predominantly irregular diurnal, predominate. Maximum tide (12.9 m) is observed in Penzhinskaya Bay, minimal (0.8 m) - near the southeastern part of Sakhalin. In November, the northern part of the sea is covered with ice, while the middle and southern parts, exposed to incoming cyclones and occasionally typhoons, become the site of severe storms that often do not subside from 7 to 10 days. Water transparency Om. far from the shores is 10-17 m, near the coast it decreases to 6-8 m and less. O. m. is characterized by the phenomenon of glow of water and ice.

Vegetation and fauna. By species composition organisms living in the O. m., it has an arctic character. Species of the temperate (boreal) zone, due to the thermal effects of oceanic waters, are inhabited mainly by the southern and southeastern parts of the sea. The phytoplankton of the sea is dominated by diatoms, while the zooplankton is dominated by copepods and jellyfish, larvae of mollusks and worms. In the littoral zone (See Littoral) there are numerous settlements of mussels, littorinae and other mollusks, barnacles, sea urchins, and many crustaceans of amphinodes and crabs. At great depths of the ocean, a rich fauna of invertebrates (glass sponges, sea cucumbers, deep-sea eight-rayed corals, decapod crustaceans) and fish has been discovered. The richest and most widespread group plant organisms in the littoral zone there are brown algae. Red algae are also widespread in the Omsk region, and green algae are widespread in the northwestern part. Of the fish, the most valuable are salmon: chum salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, and sockeye salmon. Commercial concentrations of herring, pollock, flounder, cod, navaga, capelin, and smelt are known. Mammals live here - whales, seals, sea lions, fur seals. Big economic importance They have Kamchatka and blue, or flat-footed, crabs (in terms of commercial crab reserves, O. m. ranks first in the world), and salmon fish.

Important passages pass through the O. sea ​​routes, connecting Vladivostok with the northern regions Far East and the Kuril Islands. Large ports on the coast of the mainland are Magadan (in Nagaev Bay), Okhotsk, on the island of Sakhalin - Korsakov, on the Kuril Islands - Severo-Kurilsk.

O. m. was opened in the 2nd quarter of the 17th century. Russian explorers I. Yu. Moskvitin and V. D. Poyarkov. In 1733, the work of the Second Kamchatka Expedition began, whose participants photographed almost all the shores of the Sea. In 1805, I. F. Kruzenshtern conducted an inventory of the eastern coast of Sakhalin Island. During 1849-55, G. I. Nevelskoy undertook a survey of the southwestern shores of the O. m. and the mouth of the river. The Amur proved that there is a strait between Sakhalin and the mainland. The first complete summary of sea hydrology was given by S. O. Makarov (1894). From works of the early 20th century. The studies of V. K. Brazhnikov (1899-1902) and N. K. Soldatov (1907-13) are of great importance for knowledge of the fauna of the ocean. From foreign expeditions of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. It should be noted the American expeditions of Ringald, Rogers and the US Fisheries Commission on the ship "Albatross", the Japanese expedition of 1915-1917 under the leadership of H. Marukawa. After October revolution In 1917, comprehensive research work was launched at Omsk under the leadership of K. M. Deryugin and P. Yu. Shmidt. In 1932, a complex expedition of the State Hydrological Institute and the Pacific Institute worked in Omsk on the ship "Gagara" fisheries. After this expedition, systematic research in the ocean was carried out for a number of years by the Pacific Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography. Since 1947, oceanic oceans began to be studied by the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the ship “Vityaz” (1949–54), by ships of the State Oceanographic Institute, the Vladivostok Hydrometeorological Administration, and other institutions.

Lit.: Makarov S. O., “Vityaz” and the Pacific Ocean, vol. 1-2, St. Petersburg, 1894; Leonov A.K., Regional oceanography, part 1, Leningrad, 1960.

T. I. Supranovich, V. F. Kanaev.

Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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