Factory for the production of bricks from waste. "Bricks from recycled materials - reliably and economically!". Building waste blocks

The use of brick as a building material has been used since ancient times. Today, brick is considered one of the most basic types of material for construction. But in construction work, they learned to use both solid bricks and broken bricks, which also gained wide popularity among many construction companies in Russia.

Application area

It is customary to call the battle of red brick the waste that results from the production of bricks. In addition, broken brick is formed as a result of the demolition of buildings and structures. Such a battle of bricks has found wide application. It is customary for them to sprinkle roads, pits, and also to use for sprinkling places intended for parking lots and paved areas. In addition, brick breakage is used as backfill in places such as marshy soils, which are further used for the construction of new houses.

The use of broken bricks is used in such cases as?

  1. The brick battle is used for sprinkling roads, in order to give it a shape. Brick breakage is used both in construction work and gardening. But basically, broken bricks have found their application for temporary road repairs in the autumn-winter period.
  2. As for road works, broken bricks, like concrete breakage, are used as the main and indispensable tool for dealing with pits and potholes on the roads.
  3. In the event that construction is planned in marshy places, then in this case the broken brick will be used as a backfill for building.
  4. In suburban areas, broken brick is used as a drainage system for the construction of reservoirs or wells.

In addition, broken brick is an excellent tool to provide heat and noise insulation. Therefore, it is very often used in construction work in the construction of walls, filling the inside of the wall with this material.

Sale of broken bricks

As for the sale of broken bricks, not only firms specializing in the production of bricks themselves are engaged in it, but also other companies that directly deal with the sale of ore materials.

The sale of broken bricks is carried out according to the approved price list. But you should always keep in mind that there are times when the cost of this building material can change, usually this is due to the volume of the order and the availability of delivery. Broken bricks are delivered to their destination by special equipment, which must have a high carrying capacity.

A hundred years ago, the word "brick" did not cause a variety of definitions. Brick was called, in a modern way, a product made of baked clay. These are the old and good building material, which is still considered the most reliable and "noble". In the 20th century, the meaning of this word expanded significantly, because a variety of bricks began to appear. For example, white silicate brick based on quartz sand and lime. In Soviet times, such material was used very widely. It did not require high temperatures for production, and therefore was cheaper. True, the consumer perceived it as a kind of "ersatz", a kind of "plebeian" replacement for normal ceramic bricks. And this is despite the fact that in low-rise construction, the new material has proven itself well. He was quite strong and reliable. But, unfortunately, "not friendly" with fire and water.

The development of modern technology has gradually led to the fact that different types of bricks began to appear as if from a cornucopia. In principle, any rectangular product that could be lifted with one hand began to be called a “brick”.

Some craftsmen manage to make "bricks" out of sand and cement - without any autoclaving. Special molds are used for this. Once - and you're done! For individual construction, this method is not so bad. You can organize such a mini-production in your yard and make such “bricks” alone. Then lay out the wall alone. A glance is simple!

But still, as we understand it, normal material should be produced at enterprises, and not in a handicraft way. And here the issues of economy are already important. Ceramic brick - with all its advantages - is still a costly material. There is no talk of mass application these days, no matter how the consumer treats it. About five years ago, calculations were made in our region, which showed that the cost of a brick house would be at the level of 40 thousand rubles per square meter. That is, no "economy class" of brick is possible. Of course, there are a variety of combined options, with the use of heaters: "layered" masonry, "well" masonry. But, as we understand, this is not the same at all. "Nobility" here is already imaginary, for appearances. And the reliability of such structures in general raises serious doubts.

Some manufacturers, meeting consumer demands, specialize in the production of porous and hollow bricks that do not require additional insulation. But even builders have complaints about such material. Its strength is less, and in addition there is a vulnerability to moisture.

From the point of view of construction, the main advantage of a brick is precisely in the reliability of such a design and the relative ease of installation, which does not require the use of any complex devices. After all, the technology of erecting brickwork has not practically changed for thousands of years, since the time of King Nebuchadnezzar. That is why it is usually attractive to individual developers, that, having mastered some skills in laying bricks on a mortar, you can lay out a wall yourself.

In our country, where there are a lot of "handy" men, citizens on their plots would build plenty of houses and other buildings for themselves if there were plenty of this material at hand - reliable and, most importantly, inexpensive. However, here one with the other - reliability and cheapness - do not grow together in any way.

A good ceramic brick for the average Russian is expensive in any case. I would like to sometimes bungled something, but it's expensive. We have to look for a cheap replacement. And a cheap replacement, as we understand it, is not reliable.

However, progress does not stand still. In many countries, attention is now being paid to waste from industrial and energy enterprises as a source of raw materials for the production of inexpensive materials. For example, in the United States, about eight years ago, they developed a technology for the production of so-called "green" bricks from ash and ashes. In terms of its properties, it is in no way inferior to ceramic bricks - it is just as durable and reliable, it can endure both heat and cold without any problems. But at the same time - several times cheaper. In addition, the mass production of "green" bricks makes it possible to profitably dispose of industrial waste, of which 50 million tons are accumulated annually in this country.

There is nothing new here, of course. It's just that the era dictates its conditions. Manufacturers are usually conservative in such matters. The use of recycled materials is perceived as something secondary and "unclean". Digging through the waste, it seems, is not a "master's business." That is, this problem, first of all, is not technological, but psychological. Usually the waste was used as an additive for road construction. Now the question is raised about how to produce specific products on their basis. And it must be assumed that time works for this approach. After all, for the mass production of "green" bricks, you do not need to dig a quarry. On the contrary, such production makes it possible to cleanse nature of rubbish.

The same trend is observed in our country. Ashes and slags were used in road construction even in Soviet times. And materials such as cinder blocks and cinder concrete are very well known to our consumers. True, their production to this day is of a semi-handicraft character.

A "serious" producer works, as before, with the material that is extracted in quarries. But in any case, time will take its toll. In Omsk, for example, they have already begun to produce "green" bricks from the ashes and slags of the thermal power plant. A very telling precedent.

To consolidate this trend, it is necessary that science has its own weighty word on this issue. It should be noted that the Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has been eyeing industrial waste for a long time. For example, the rubble of the metallurgical enterprises of Kuzbass is generally considered by the Institute's specialists as a "Klondike" for our construction industry. In particular, samples of refractory bricks with a density of 2 G/CM3 and linear dimensions: 380X130X120 were obtained from metallurgical scrap using a silicate binder. According to Vladimir Poluboyarov, a leading specialist of the Institute, industrial waste is quite suitable for the production of inexpensive bricks and even decorative tiles (“artificial granite”).

The resulting brick is not inferior in strength to ceramic bricks and is just as reliable in operation. It will, of course, be cheaper. Savings are achieved mainly due to the fact that the production of such bricks does not require high temperatures. 300 degrees Celsius is enough to get a product with acceptable strength characteristics. While for firing ceramic bricks it is necessary to “ensure” at least 900 degrees Celsius. Note that in our time, energy costs are one of the main items of production costs. And these costs will certainly only grow. In this regard, traditional ceramic bricks should be perceived as a "relic of the past." And the fate of numerous brick enterprises, by and large, is a foregone conclusion - as energy prices rise, nothing good shines for them. A new, more progressive, in any case, will make its way. According to Vladimir Poluboyarov, if the technology proposed by the Institute were widely used, we would get a “penny” building material that is in no way inferior to “noble” brick.

It is clear that investors who have invested a lot of money in brick production (and there are already at least 15 brick factories in the NSO) would not be happy at all with such competition. At the same time, we do not think that the Russian consumer is so spoiled that he would perceive the "green" brick (we will use this term) with skepticism and distrust. Well, if in the provinces citizens build their own houses and garages from substandard (it's cheaper), then a solid inexpensive material would be received positively. There is no doubt here. Scientists are ready to contribute to this process. It's up to the manufacturers. Technically, nothing prevents the installation of automated lines in production that works with

Fired clay bricks, with their ever-increasing production, have a number of negative environmental and social impacts. Students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a brick that is 70% boiler ash and does not need to be fired.

The rapid growth of construction in developing countries leads to an increase in the production of bricks, as one of the most affordable materials for building construction. This in turn creates 2 problems:

  • and environmental pollution during firing
  • the extraction of clay for this brick leads to the processing of fertile soil, or rather to its destruction on a large scale

"Clay bricks are fired at 1,000 degrees Celsius," says Michael Laracy, a graduate student who worked on the project. “They consume a huge amount of energy from coal, in addition to the fact that these bricks are produced entirely from the topsoil, so they deplete the amount of land suitable for farming.”

So Michael proposed to solve both problems by recycling industrial waste into building materials.
Eco BLAC brick consists of 70% boiler ash from paper mills mixed with sodium hydroxide, lime and a small amount of clay. It is produced at room temperature using "Alkaline Activation Technology" to ensure its durability.

“Currently, this ash has no practical use due to the variability of its physical and chemical properties, and it is very costly to send it to landfills, both for the environment and for breeders. For this reason, we see an opportunity in creating a robust design that can account for these variability through alkaline-activation technology.”

Ash brick turned out to be a very practical and scalable solution for the whole of India, where, in fact, this experiment was carried out.
Eco-BLAC was awarded a $100,000 grant as a finalist in the MIT 2015 competition and was named one of the best innovations of 2015 by Mashable.

More than 80 billion tons of solid waste have accumulated in Russia.

Waste is money, not a problem

We are accustomed to living, mindlessly believing that the air will always be clean, and the water in the tap will always be drinkable without harm to health. We take out the garbage in containers or just throw it on the sidewalks (and sometimes on the lawns), naively believing that all this plastic, glass, paper, metals, rags - all this will disappear somewhere by itself.

Indeed, many household waste - wood, textiles, grass, leaves - are recycled by microorganisms. However, man in the course of his development has created many synthetic chemicals that are not found in nature and, therefore, are not capable of undergoing natural decomposition. Plastic, for example, currently accounts for up to 8% by weight and 30% by volume of packaging materials. At the same time, the absolute amount of plastic waste in developed countries is doubling every ten years. In addition to plastic, more than 10 thousand new chemicals are synthesized every year in the world, and most of them, after they are no longer needed, can have an adverse effect on nature for many years. Unfortunately, manufacturers, having created a new product, are not responsible for what will happen to it after it has served its time (V. Bylinsky. Garbage catastrophe / World of news. - January, 2005. No. 2 (576)).

If we talk about Russia as a whole, then every year about 7 billion tons of all types of waste are generated in the country. By now, about 80 billion tons of municipal solid waste have already been accumulated. And according to experts, in 2.5 years the volume of garbage generated in large cities can double.

Of the total waste mass, about 9 million tons of waste paper, 1.5 million tons of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, 2 million tons of polymer materials, 10 million tons of food waste, 0.5 million tons of glass are buried annually in the country ... In other words, waste is destroyed , which are potential secondary raw materials (paper, glass, metal, polymers, textiles, etc.) In this sense, the garbage heap can and should be considered as a kind of "gold mine", because waste is a unique resource in its multicomponent composition, continuity and stability of reproduction . The owners of this resource (megacities, cities with a small population, urban-type settlements, etc.) have the right to dispose of it at their discretion: either, if possible, make a profit, or incur losses from inept management.

And you can use this resource in different ways. For example, the zealous Japanese not only recycle up to 80% of the generated waste, but also the “tails” (non-recyclable part of the waste) remaining after processing also find useful use. In order to win back the much-needed land from the ocean, Japan uses compacted garbage to build dams. So, Odaiba is actually a "garbage" island. The second (less famous, but no less beautiful) of the "garbage" islands is Tennozu. By the way, if Odaiba is known in Japan as a place for romantic dates, then Tennozu is the place of residence of the wealthy metropolitan public.

Photo 1. "Garbage" islands of Japan.

In Russia, against the backdrop of a generally undeveloped waste management system, the Moscow waste management system is perhaps one of the best today. It is difficult to name any technology known in the world for working with solid waste, which would not be used in one form or another in the capital. But it is especially pleasing that today the city government is confidently heading for the systematic industrial processing of municipal waste.

However, the trend of a forced sharp decrease in the resource of landfill waste was determined. In this regard, technologies are of particular relevance, as a result of which it becomes possible to significantly reduce the load on landfills, and moreover, to make them environmentally friendly. Modern technical solutions also allow to solve this problem.

Technological principles of waste management

All used modern integrated municipal waste management systems traditionally consist of the following main blocks that perform the following main functions:

  • waste collection (mainly container sites);
  • transportation of waste to sorting sites (traditional garbage trucks);
  • sorting with the separation of useful fractions (secondary material resources) and their subsequent direction for industrial processing;
  • neutralization of useless residues ("tails") and their burial in landfills or incineration in waste incineration plants with subsequent burial of slag and ash.

In accordance with the concept of waste management being implemented, for example, in Moscow, in principle, only that which cannot (or is currently unprofitable) to be recycled is subject to incineration. Burying at landfills should only be that which cannot be burned.

The proposed integrated municipal waste management system (see SDW No. 9, 10, 2007, No. 1, 2008) involves the use of investment-attractive technological and organizational solutions. At the same time, the use of efficient technologies makes it possible to actually organize the selective collection of household waste, adapted to Russian conditions. The sample of secondary resources reaches 50% of the volume of all MSW produced in the served area, the volume of "tails" removed for disposal is several times reduced.

The use of the principle of waste sorting in close proximity to the source of their formation also makes it possible to receive and send, including for incineration, waste with a given morphological composition. This will optimize the operation of waste incinerators.

An additional effect may be the use of a new technology for processing the remaining "tails" into environmentally friendly (for example, building) materials. A similar technology and technical means for its implementation were developed by City Waste Technology (Germany) and are used in the city of Manila (Philippines).

To implement this process in the traditional scheme of a waste sorting plant, three new blocks should be used instead of the final section for pressing "tails" for disposal in landfills. These blocks provide their mechanical processing (grinding), chemical processing and production of final products.

In the mechanical processing unit, preliminary and secondary grinding of the “tails” of MSW, KGM and construction waste takes place.

When such a technological process is provided at a waste sorting plant with a capacity of, for example, 100 tons per day, preliminary shredding of waste occurs using a low-speed shredder with a rotation speed of 23 rpm with a throughput of about 12.5 t/h. At the output, materials with a size of about 250 mm are obtained. Subsequent secondary grinding makes it possible to obtain fractions of 15-20 mm in size. For this, a high-speed shredder with a rotation speed of 240 rpm is used. with a throughput of about 6.5 t/h. Crushing of construction waste is carried out by a crusher with a capacity of 100-350 t/h. The fine organic fraction is separated using a drum sieve (capacity approx. 6.5 t/h).

Photo 2. Treatment of crushed waste in the reactor

Chemical treatment of the obtained material allows its neutralization, disinfection (destruction of bacteria, fungi, etc.), neutralization and immobilization of heavy metals. The process itself takes place in a special step-type reactor (capacity - 3,000 l / step) using a vortex-type planetary mixer. In the reactor, the crushed material to be processed is mixed with special chemical ingredients, as a result of which it is chemically processed. The chemical ingredients are supplied to the reactor from a compact unit, where the mixing, storage and dosing of reagents is carried out.

Photo 3. Neutralized "tails" of MSW - aggregate for concrete

Completely neutralized in this way, the material already as a raw material for the production of building materials enters the production unit, where it is mixed with cement and various inert additives. As the main components of the block, a loading unit with a bucket lift, radial and planetary mixers can be used. After molding, building materials are obtained.

Photo 4. The production process of "garbage concrete"

This technology makes it possible to obtain up to 800 tons of building materials from 1,000 tons of waste, the range of which can include up to 200 items (building blocks, panels, paving slabs, bricks, concrete pipes, tiles, etc.).

The type and quality of concrete products depend on:

  • morphological composition of the waste (in this case, "tails");
  • type and quantity of inert additives (sand, gravel, recycled building materials);
  • type of cement, its quantity and quality;
  • cement additives (plasticizers, accelerators, hardeners);
  • used production equipment, machinery and equipment.

Photo 5. Building materials obtained as a result of MSW processing

At present, the first samples of building materials made according to the technology described above have been received and tested in Moscow. Specifications for solid waste aggregates and specific types of products using them, as well as technological regulations for the manufacture of building materials and products using solid waste aggregates, have been developed and are being developed.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare issued positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusions (No. d.) for compliance with state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations of the following project documentation and products:

  • TU 5712-072-00369171-06 "Fillers from municipal solid waste for concrete";
  • TU 5742-073-00369171-06 "Concrete on aggregate from municipal solid waste";
  • aggregates from municipal solid waste for concrete, made according to TU 5712-072-00369171-06;
  • concrete on aggregate from municipal solid waste, made according to TU 5742-073-00369171-06.

Photo 6. Russian-made concrete with solid waste aggregates.

As a result of the introduction of the entire technological complex under consideration, almost 100% processing of the flow of all waste generated in the service area is ensured into secondary raw materials and building materials - environmentally safe liquid goods.

The resulting materials are suitable not only for construction work, but also for the reclamation of old landfills. The release of filtrate entering wastewater is reduced, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced. When the resulting concrete blocks are removed (with the maximum use of household waste as fillers) to new landfills, the emission of landfill gas is generally reduced to zero. Accordingly, the use of all recycled “tailings” in construction can generally be reduced to zero, which will lead to a significant improvement in the environmental situation in our country.

The project is characterized by financial efficiency and relatively low (compared to other waste treatment technologies) level of required investments.

The use of coal mine waste as a raw material for the production of ceramic bricks.

B.S. BATALII, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences, Professor, TA. BELOZEROVA, Senior Lecturer, S.E. MAXOBER M.F. Gaidai, -: Perm National Research Polytechnic University (PNRPU).
The article presents experimental data on the use of waste from the coal industry. It has been established that waste heaps can be used to produce ceramic products with high performance characteristics.

Rock dumps of coal mines are currently considered as man-made deposits containing a number of useful components suitable for use. There is a need to create enterprises for their integrated development, which will solve a number of problems of mining cities and regions: reduce environmental pollution, return the land currently under waste heaps to circulation, obtain valuable products that are in demand on the market, and solve a number of social problems.

Significant volumes of mine rocks and waste can be used in the construction industry. However, the instability of the composition and properties is one of the main factors hindering their use. But with the observance of certain methods of preparation and processing, high-quality products can be obtained, the production of which is quite feasible for a small enterprise.

It is known from the literature [1] that construction materials of different composition and purpose can be obtained on the basis of waste heaps from different coal deposits, incl. ceramic materials - products of building and artistic ceramics, refractories.

Our studies have shown the following: since these waste heaps contain flaky grains and grains of weak rocks in an amount exceeding the tolerances established by regulatory documents, their use as aggregates for concrete is inappropriate.

Activated binders can be obtained either of low quality or requiring mandatory heat and moisture treatment when used in mortars or concretes. Experiments have shown that the most realistic way of waste heap processing can be carried out only with the use of high-temperature technological processes.

Due to the fact that in Russia the production of serial equipment for the production of building ceramics by the “dry” method has been established (ASSTROM association, Rostov-on-Don), a real opportunity has arisen to process waste heaps into building ceramics.

The purpose of the work described in this article is to study the possibility of obtaining ceramic products for construction purposes, in particular ceramic bricks, from the waste heaps of the Kizelovsky basin.
Waste pits are represented by two varieties of waste rocks: "black" - carbonaceous shales and mudstones; "red" - the so-called burnt rocks, subjected to firing as a result of spontaneous combustion of shale and mudstone.

The chemical composition of waste heaps is given in Table. 1. Both types of waste heaps are present in the form of large rubble and sand.

As can be seen from Table. 1, the chemical composition of waste heaps of both types approximately corresponds to the composition of brick clays. At the same time, black shale contains clay minerals such as kaolinite and illite, as well as feldspars, chlorites and sericite. In addition, they contain quartz, corundum, magnetite, hematite, sulfates, carbonates, sulfides and native sulfur.

The black color of these rocks is associated with the presence of dispersed carbon in them. At the same time, black shales do not swell in water and have a layered structure, low mechanical strength, but at the same time they are viscous (slightly brittle).

Red (burnt) shale contains products of thermal transformation of black shale minerals. With such a transformation, the chemical composition of shale changes little, while the mineral composition undergoes significant changes. Clay shale becomes analogous to fireclay in composition. Layered addition becomes more massive, mechanical strength increases, but at the same time, fragility increases.

Thus, in terms of chemical and mineralogical composition, both slates, taken in a ratio of 1:1, are similar to the prepared ceramic mass, which includes burnable (coal) and lean (red slate) additives. In order for the mass of such a composition, crushed to the state of a fine powder, to have the formability necessary to obtain a brick, a binder must be introduced into it. Clay can play the role of a ligament. The amount of clay is necessary to ensure good formability in dry (semi-dry) pressing. Clay from one of the deposits in the Perm region was used as a binder. The chemical composition of clay is given in table. 2.

An important role in obtaining high-quality ceramics is played by the degree of grinding of the initial waste heaps and the ratio of "black" and "red" in the composition of the raw mixture. In the course of the research, it was found that if the waste heaps are crushed to the state of a sandy fraction of 0-5 mm, then the samples are obtained with low strength, with defects on the surface. The influence of the degree of crushing waste heaps on the formability of the mass and the properties of raw material and shards was studied. For this purpose, grinding and mechanical classification of the rock was used until it completely passed through 2.5, 1.25 and 0.63 sieves.

As a result of this work, it was concluded that the optimal degree of grinding occurs during crushing and subsequent grinding until complete passage through a 0.63 sieve. In this case, after firing, a uniformly fired shard without defects is obtained.

The water, molding, drying and fire properties of mixtures from waste heaps of both types were determined.

Molding humidity was determined as follows: 100 g samples of mixtures were weighed. Samples are divided by 20 g into 5 equal parts. Each sample was moistened with water in the following amounts: wt. %: 5; 7.5; ten; 12.5; 15. From each moistened mixture, one sample-cylinder was formed in a mold with a diameter of 20 mm at a load of 200 kgf. The molded samples were immediately tested for compression.

The test results are presented in table. 3.

Table 1. Chemical composition of waste heaps

No. pp Si0 2 TiO2 A1 2 O 3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO Cao K2O5 P2O
1A 50,85 1,277 17,16 5,31 0,009 0,11 0,38 2,35 0,092
2A 51.04 1,449 21.75 14.16 0,019 0,00 1.60 2,25 0,114
BEHIND 30,05 1,152 15,18 4,56 0.007 0,00 0,19 2,55 0,056
4A 45,22 1,295 17,11 9,65 0,007 0.11 0,16 2,43 0,076
1B 47,48 1,032 14.78 5,99 0,007 0,02 0,16 1,88 0,093
2B 52,99 1,383 19,88 14,31 0,020 0,00 1.92 2,07 0,105
SW 45,15 1,130 15,29 4,61 0,007 0,09 0.14 2,20 0,096
4V 58,67 1,192 16,57 8,34 0,013 0,24 0,13 2,29 0,095

Note: 1A-4A black waste heaps; 1B-4B red heaps

Table 2. Chemical composition of clay

RFP SiO, A1.0 TYu, FeA Cao MgO S0 3 K,0 Na 2 0
6,75 63,48 12,87 0,74 4,76 5,57 1,84 0,02 2,02 1,75

Table 3. Indicators of the molding strength of mixtures


Molding strength, kg / cm 2 at humidity,%

"black" terrikonic "red" terrikonic



The optimal composition of the mixture obtained by experiments, at which the best quality crock is obtained, wt. %: "black" waste heap - 45; "red" waste heap - 45; clay - 10; water - 7. Optimum pressing pressure 400-500 kg/cm2. The rest of the experiments were carried out on pressed cylinder samples of optimal composition with a height and diameter of 50 mm, obtained at optimal pressure.
The sintering interval, set experimentally by the value of water absorption, is 950-1100°C.

The optimum sintering temperature is 1050°C. Sintering time in a laboratory muffle furnace is 6-8 hours. After firing, the properties of the obtained samples were determined: strength, density, softening coefficient, water absorption and frost resistance.

The following results are obtained. With a compressive strength of 156 kg/cm2, the samples have a density of 1510 kg/m3, water absorption of 10.1%, and a softening factor of 0.97. When tested for frost resistance, the samples withstood 50 cycles without weight loss.

Previously, we found that the addition of cleaved oligopeptides in the form of BG-20 concentrate, used as a foaming agent, increases the strength of a ceramic shard obtained by slip casting and plastic molding. A hypothesis was put forward about the reason for the increase in the strength of the shard when using such an additive. The hypothesis suggests that during the firing of a ceramic mass containing oligopeptides, nanostructural elements are synthesized, which then serve as centers of crystallization of the melt formed during sintering. According to the accepted classification, such a material can be considered a nanocomposite.

Rice. 1. Dependence of the compressive strength of the sample on the amount of foaming agent in the composition of the raw mixture

Fig2. The dependence of the density of the samples on the amount of foaming agent in the composition of the raw mixture

If the hypothesis is justified, then the effect of increasing the strength of the shard should not depend on the method of molding products. To test this assumption, we carried out experiments in which we used the compositions of the ceramic mixture, including 2, 4, and 6% by weight of BG-20. After adding more than 6% foaming agent, the strength practically does not change, and after 12% it drops sharply. Therefore, in order to avoid overexpenditure of the foaming agent, 4-6% is taken as the optimal amount. The amount of water was reduced by the same values. All other experimental conditions were maintained as described above. The test results are shown in fig. 1. An interesting fact is that the density practically does not change in this case, which is shown in Fig. 2.

Thus, as a result of the work carried out, it was experimentally shown that a mixture of black and red rocks can be used to obtain nanocomposite red-burning ceramics for building purposes. Recipes and technological regimes for the production of lightweight ceramic bricks by dry pressing were developed.

Experiments have shown that when dry pressing is used, waste from the coal industry - Kizelovskie waste heaps - can be used to produce ceramic brick grades 75-250 according to GOST 580-2007.

Based on the work done, it can be concluded that the waste heaps of the Kizel basin are suitable for producing ceramic bricks and artistic ceramics, provided that both types of waste heaps are crushed to a fraction of 0.63, 10-12% clay is introduced into the mixture and used as a hardening additive protein foaming agent BG-20 in the amount of 4-6%.

Bibliographic list
1. Buravchuk N.I. Perspective directions of utilization of wastes of extraction and burning of coals. Institute of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. THEM. Vorovich of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don.
2. GOST’8267-93. Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work. Specifications: Mezhgos. standard. — Enter. 01/01/95.
3. Maksimovich N.G. Crystal growth and other processes in gel-like media with chemical contamination of soils // Mineralogy of technogenesis - 2007. - Miass, 2007. - P. 189-212.
4. Batalin B.S. Nanotechnology and building materials. // Technologies of concrete, 2009, No. 7-8. pp. 78-79.
5. Birkholz M., Albers U. and Jung T. Nanocomposite layers of ceramic oxides and metals prepared by reactive gas-flow sputtering, 179, pp. 279-285 (2004).

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