Zbruev and Saveliev's daughter. Lyudmila Savelyeva - biography, personal life, children. What does he do in his free time

Colleagues and acquaintances of Alexander Zbruev claimed that in the "Big Break" he did not have to play his hero Grigory Ganzha. He was just himself in this role: charming, cocky, self-confident. Wisdom came over the years, he achieved success in the profession. That's just the personal happiness of Alexander Zbruev turned out to be ambiguous. He experienced disappointment in his first feelings, faced a difficult choice, and even after making it, he never ceased to doubt the correctness of the decision.

The first love

According to the actor himself, he grew up as an outspoken punk. Father, Deputy People's Commissar for Communications of the USSR, was shot a few months before the birth of his son. A mother with a baby, as members of the family of an enemy of the people, was sent to Rybinsk, where they lived for several years. After returning to Moscow, my mother got a job at an electric lamp factory, Alexander went to a regular school, was friends with the same boys from the yard, was always athletic and fit. He studied poorly, for which he twice stayed in the second year. His life changed its course only after entering the Shchukin school for the course of Vladimir Etush.

Alexander Zbruev and his friends spent a lot of time on the Arbat, where he once met his first love. Valentina Malyavina, a 17-year-old beauty with a shock of dark hair and huge black eyes, won his heart at first sight. And she herself did not remain indifferent to the charming young man.

Relatives of Alexander did not like Valentine, they tried in every possible way to resist the relationship of young people. They signed secretly and put everyone before the fact: now they are one family. Following her husband, Valentina decided to get the profession of an actress, she entered the Shchukin school.

The profession, in fact, destroyed their marriage. They began to see each other less and less, being on the set for a long time in different cities. And once Valentina confessed to her husband that she had an affair with director Pavel Arsenov. Alexander could not forgive the betrayal. The couple separated after 4 years of marriage.

Natasha Rostova

The loneliness of Alexander Zbruev did not last long. Once, in the corridors of Mosfilm, he met Lyudmila Savelyeva, a ballerina of the Kirov Opera and Ballet Theater, known for her role as Natasha Rostova in Sergei Bondarchuk's film War and Peace.

All spiritual wounds and torments simply dissolved in her bright, wide-open eyes. He was in love again and very happy. They got married in 1967, and a year later a daughter was born in the family, named after Natasha Rostova.

Natalya grew up as a creative child and at the age of 15 she played in Mikhail Kazakov's film "According to Lopotukhin". The director noted the artistic talent of the girl. She could well have become a famous actress, but as a teenager she suffered a personal tragedy that seriously crippled her health. Parents refuse to talk about this topic, protecting the fragile world of their daughter.

Love affair at work

After the drama experienced, the balance in the family was disturbed. Alexander Zbruev bitterly understood that the ardent feelings were replaced by the realization of his duty to his family.

In one of his interviews, the actor admitted that fate had put him in front of a difficult choice. On the one hand, he had a wife and daughter, whom he always cherished, and on the other, the feelings of a young actress who fell in love with him.

He met Elena Shanina at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. She was 14 years younger than him, at first she simply admired the famous actor, but then completely different feelings came. In 1992, Elena gave birth to a daughter, Tatyana Zbrueva.

But Zbruev still decided to stay with his family. He helped Elena with her daughter, took part in the upbringing of Tatyana, but the sense of duty to the family turned out to be stronger. It is possible that an affair with a young actress, which swirled him at one time, simply outlived itself. And perhaps. He simply did not dare to change something in life. The actor prefers not to share his personal experiences with anyone.

public loneliness

Alexander's older brother, actor Yevgeny Fedorov, believes that Zbruev was simply disappointed in love. He stopped believing in its power and infinity. In the first case, feelings were destroyed by betrayal, in the second - by everyday life, in the third - by duty. However, none of his women spoke ill of him. Each of them had something to thank the beloved man for.

Valentina Malyavina, who has been married several more times, has gone through several stormy romances, is today in a boarding school for the visually impaired. And he is very sorry about the impossibility of seeing Alexander. He is not going to visit her, so that in his memory his first love remains as young and beautiful as on the day of their first meeting.

Lyudmila Savelyeva and today Zbruev's wife. She also knows about his ended romance and that the actor has an adult daughter, Tatyana. But she passed the test with dignity.

Elena Shanina continues to work in the same theater with Zbruev. Their daughter became an actress at Lenkom, and now continues her studies, deciding to also get the profession of a journalist. The actor always speaks with pride about the success of his daughter. And he admits that all his women are just wonderful.

Elena Yurievna Shanina. She was born on December 24, 1952 in Kazan. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of Russia (1997).

She had a younger brother Eugene. They are five years apart. As the actress said, she essentially raised him, and he called him mom. Subsequently, Eugene became a tanker, died at the age of 25. Elena's mother could not bear this tragedy and died three months later at the age of 49. A few years later, his father passed away.

As a child, Elena attended a drama studio. She read a lot, for which her mother even scolded her.

“For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to become an artist. Dad recalled how they called him from kindergarten: “Take your artist, she has a temperature of 40.” I loved to dance, but they didn’t let me into ballet because of a heart defect. However, I I knew that I would still be on stage," the actress recalled.

After school, she came to Leningrad, where her grandmother lived. When I went to find out the conditions for admission, I met two young people. And exactly the same situation arose as in the famous Soviet film “Come Tomorrow”: “They fooled me, one said that the director, the second - that the film director, they took me to eat ice cream, I read my poems to them. They mocked me, they said: “Ah, did you write to us“ I dream of being an artist ”?” Then they asked: “Where are you going now, baby?” - "To my grandmother." They, like two gray wolves, looked at each other and said: "Let's take her to her grandmother."

As it turned out later, they were with their friend Zhora, an employee of the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra.

And then she entered LGITMiK, on ​​the course of Igor Petrovich Vladimirov. In LGITMiK then I met Boyarsky. They laughed as they remembered the prank. And Shanina's closest friend, Larisa Luppian, later became the actor's wife. They are now family friends.

In 1974, Elena Shanina graduated from the acting department of the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography.

In 1975, she was accepted into the troupe of the famous Theater. Lenin Komsomol - "Lenkom".

In Lenkom, she ended up due to one situation, which at first developed unsuccessfully for her. invited her to star in the film "Romance of Lovers." However, in the process of preparing for filming, Konchalovsky had a mistress - and he decided to shoot her instead of Shanina. What the director of the actors Galina Babich told her in plain text: "Andron was very carried away by Lena Koreneva, she will act in film. We are all upset because we loved you very much."

And as a kind of compensation - so that the actress would not be left without work - Babich promised to plead for her in front of Mark Zakharov, who was then only appointed to Lenkom. "They are now coming on tour to Leningrad, Sasha Zbruev will come to you, he will introduce him, and you will show him," Konchalovsky's assistant told her.

“But I didn’t have to show up, Zakharov said the famous phrase: “The actress is nervous, probably good,” Shanina recalled.

Already in her first works, Elena Shanina declared herself as a brilliant actress with a great dramatic talent. Nele in the play "Til" by Charles de Coster, Mirra in the play "Not on the List" by Boris Vasilyev, Janet in the play "Choria", Beauty in the play "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta".

And then it was time for the show "Juno and Avos".

Elena Shanina in the play "Juno and Avos"

The role of Conchita in the play "Juno and Avos" brought the actress great fame.

"When I was given this role, I was sure that she would not give me anything - after "Til", after "I was not on the list", after "Khoria" ... Well, what's there - she ran, ran away ... " she recalled. But it was Conchita who made her the star of Lenkom. Later, Alena Khmelnitskaya, Inna Pivars, Anna Bolshova, Alla Yuganova played Conchitta - they are all wonderful actresses, but Elena Shanina is considered the best performer of Conchitta.

A number of performances with the participation of Elena Shanina were successfully transferred to the television screen. In the 80s, television performances were released: “In the Name of the Earth and the Sun”, “Juno” and “Avos”, “Pocket Theater”. In 1993, there was a filmed and famous "Memorial Prayer", where Elena Shanina, who played the role of Zeitl, played along with the brilliant.

She made her film debut in 1975 with director Ekaterina Stashevskaya in the Concerto for Two Violins - she played the circus performer Sandy. Then she starred with Leonid Bykov in his legendary film “Aty-bats, there were soldiers ...” - she played Kim.

Elena Shanina in the film "Aty-bats, there were soldiers ..."

Mark Zakharov filmed her in his film adaptation of the novel "12 Chairs" - she perfectly played the role of Ellochka Schukina (Ellochka-cannibals), who easily managed thirty words.

Elena Shanina in the film "12 chairs"

Elena Shanina in the movie "Princess of the Circus"

In the early eighties, Elena Shanina acted as a host in the children's program "Alarm Clock".

She worked in television performances "The trouble from a tender heart" by V. A. Sollogub (Nastenka), "Marriage involuntarily" by Molière (Dorimen).

In the 2000s, she played several roles in television series. However, even now she is removed a little. She played Vera Dmitrievna in Oleg Gaze's drama "Sasha, my love", an episodic role as a doctor at a blood donation point in Sergei Ashkenazy's film "Temptation", Elena Pavlovna Sanina in Alexander Borodyansky's adventure film "Shadows of Faberge".

In 2002 she was awarded the Order of Friendship.

The portrait of Elena Shanina is depicted on a 1 New Zealand dollar coin dedicated to the rock opera Juno and Avos.

Elena Shanina also served as a prototype for the monument to Ellochka the cannibal in Kharkov.

Height of Elena Shanina: 160 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Shanina:

In the 70s she was married to an actor. They were happy until Mikhail became addicted to alcohol. As a result, the marriage broke up.

“He was intelligent, subtle, smart. But it was precisely for such people that the 70s were terrible: they either went into dissidence or drank too much. I tried to help Misha. But everything is useless if the person himself does not want it. Misha did not want to. I think drunkenness is a disease of the soul," the actress said.

Mikhail Polyak - ex-husband of Elena Shanina

While working at Lenkom, the actress had an affair with a stage colleague who was married at that time.

In 1993, Elena Shanina and Alexander Zbruev had a daughter, Tatyana.

As a result, Zbruev did not dare to leave his family.

"If you love a man and wish him happiness, let him go. You meet a man, over time you understand that you cannot live without him, but there are boundaries that you cannot step over, no matter how much you love. I have never been the owner, I respect independence - both my own and another person. For me, it is more important to love yourself, "said Elena Shanina.

Alexander Zbruev helped with raising his daughter.

Filmography of Elena Shanina:

1975 - Concerto for two violins - circus performer Sandi
1976 - Aty-bats, soldiers were walking ... - Kima Velenstovich
1976 - Twelve chairs - Ellochka the cannibal
1979 - Tuning fork
1980 - According to the criminal investigation department ... - Zoya, an employee of the MUR
1981 - Our vocation - Varya Kulish, aspiring journalist
1982 - Circus Princess - Mary
1983 - Location
1983 - Juno and Avos (teleplay) - Conchita
1990 - Death in cinema
1991 - Anna Karamazoff
1991 - And the wind returns ... - Katya, Misha's wife
1993 - Memorial prayer (teleplay) - Zeitl
2002 - Everything you love - Barbara
2003 - Fifth Angel - Galina
2007 - Temptation - doctor at the blood donation point
2007 - Sasha, my love - Vera Dmitrievna
2008 - Shadows of Faberge - Elena Pavlovna Sanina
2012 - Without witnesses - Anna Nikolaevna, Lena's mother
2013 - If you love - I'm sorry - Olga Yakovlevna, Edik's mother

Colleagues and acquaintances of Alexander Zbruev claimed that in the "Big Break" he did not have to play his hero Grigory Ganzha.

He was just himself in this role: charming, cocky, self-confident. Wisdom came over the years, he achieved success in the profession. That's just the personal happiness of Alexander Zbruev turned out to be ambiguous. He experienced disappointment in his first feelings, faced a difficult choice, and even after making it, he never ceased to doubt the correctness of the decision.

The first love

Alexander Zbruev in his youth.

According to the actor himself, he grew up as an outspoken punk. Father, Deputy People's Commissar for Communications of the USSR, was shot a few months before the birth of his son. A mother with a baby, as members of the family of an enemy of the people, was sent to Rybinsk, where they lived for several years. After returning to Moscow, my mother got a job at an electric lamp factory, Alexander went to a regular school, was friends with the same boys from the yard, was always athletic and fit. He studied poorly, for which he twice stayed in the second year. His life changed its course only after entering the Shchukin school for the course of Vladimir Etush.

Alexander Zbruev.

Alexander Zbruev and his friends spent a lot of time on the Arbat, where he once met his first love. Valentina Malyavina, a 17-year-old beauty with a shock of dark hair and huge black eyes, won his heart at first sight. And she herself did not remain indifferent to the charming young man.

Valentina Malyavina.

Relatives of Alexander did not like Valentine, they tried in every possible way to resist the relationship of young people. They signed secretly and put everyone before the fact: now they are one family. Following her husband, Valentina decided to get the profession of an actress, she entered the Shchukin school.

Alexander Zbruev and Valentina Malyavina.
The profession, in fact, destroyed their marriage. They began to see each other less and less, being on the set for a long time in different cities. And once Valentina confessed to her husband that she had an affair with director Pavel Arsenov. Alexander could not forgive the betrayal. The couple separated after 4 years of marriage.

Natasha Rostova

Lyudmila Savelyeva as Natasha Rostova.

The loneliness of Alexander Zbruev did not last long. Once, in the corridors of Mosfilm, he met Lyudmila Savelyeva, a ballerina of the Kirov Opera and Ballet Theater, known for her role as Natasha Rostova in Sergei Bondarchuk's film War and Peace.

Alexander Zbruev and Lyudmila Savelyeva.

All spiritual wounds and torments simply dissolved in her bright, wide-open eyes. He was in love again and very happy. They got married in 1967, and a year later a daughter was born in the family, named after Natasha Rostova.

Natalya Zbrueva, a shot from the film "According to Lopotukhin".

Natalya grew up as a creative child and at the age of 15 she played in Mikhail Kazakov's film "According to Lopotukhin". The director noted the artistic talent of the girl. She could well have become a famous actress, but as a teenager she suffered a personal tragedy that seriously crippled her health. Parents refuse to talk about this topic, protecting the fragile world of their daughter.

Love affair at work

Alexander Zbruev.

After the drama experienced, the balance in the family was disturbed. Alexander Zbruev bitterly understood that the ardent feelings were replaced by the realization of his duty to his family.
In one of his interviews, the actor admitted that fate had put him in front of a difficult choice. On the one hand, he had a wife and daughter, whom he always cherished, and on the other, the feelings of a young actress who fell in love with him.

Elena Shanina.

He met Elena Shanina at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. She was 14 years younger than him, at first she simply admired the famous actor, but then completely different feelings came. In 1992, Elena gave birth to a daughter, Tatyana Zbrueva.

Alexander Zbruev and Elena Shanina.

But Zbruev still decided to stay with his family. He helped Elena with her daughter, took part in the upbringing of Tatyana, but the sense of duty to the family turned out to be stronger. It is possible that an affair with a young actress, which swirled him at one time, simply outlived itself. And perhaps. He simply did not dare to change something in life. The actor prefers not to share his personal experiences with anyone.

public loneliness

Alexander Zbruev.

Alexander's older brother, actor Yevgeny Fedorov, believes that Zbruev was simply disappointed in love. He stopped believing in its power and infinity. In the first case, feelings were destroyed by betrayal, in the second - by everyday life, in the third - by duty. However, none of his women spoke ill of him. Each of them had something to thank the beloved man for.
Valentina Malyavina, who has been married several more times, has gone through several stormy romances, is today in a boarding school for the visually impaired. And he is very sorry about the impossibility of seeing Alexander. He is not going to visit her, so that in his memory his first love remains as young and beautiful as on the day of their first meeting.

Alexander Zbruev with his daughter Tatyana.

Lyudmila Savelyeva and today Zbruev's wife. She also knows about his ended romance and that the actor has an adult daughter, Tatyana. But she passed the test with dignity.
Elena Shanina continues to work in the same theater with Zbruev. Their daughter became an actress at Lenkom, and now continues her studies, deciding to also get the profession of a journalist. The actor always speaks with pride about the success of his daughter. And he admits that all his women are just wonderful.

Alexander Zbruev is rightfully considered a legend of Russian cinema. There were many achievements in his creative biography. He worked with the best Soviet and Russian directors. His partners on the set were the most beautiful actresses. Fans did not give him a pass, but the personal life of Alexander Zbruev has always remained a secret behind seven locks.

The first wife of Alexander Zbruev Valentina Malyavina

The young man met his future first wife Valentina Malyavina while studying at the theater school. The 17-year-old girl had a piercing gaze and huge eyes. An inexperienced student instantly fell in love with her. In the evenings, the couple walked along the Arbat. After the news about the pregnancy of his beloved, Zbruev invited her to marry him. Without telling anything to their families and friends, the young people got married. Close people learned about their marriage later.

The first wife of Alexander Zbruev lost a child, which was a real tragedy for the couple. Malyavina at that time studied at the theater school, where she met director Pavel Arsenov and decided to divorce her first husband, with whom she lived together for four years.

Zbruev after the divorce decided to pursue his acting career. He constantly disappeared at rehearsals and filming.
The next period in his biography is associated with Lyudmila Savelyeva, with whom Alexander fell in love when the beauty played Natasha Rostova in Sergei Bondarchuk's War and Peace. In 1967, young people got married. Savelyeva's name at that time thundered all over the world. The Western press compared her to the legendary Audrey Hepburn.

Lyudmila did not receive a classical acting education. She graduated from a ballet school, from where she got to the set of War and Peace.

According to Savelyeva's friend, actress Natalya Kustinskaya, when Lyudmila appeared on the screen in the image of Natasha Rostova, she immediately won worldwide fame and an army of fans who were crazy about her. But Savelyeva did not pay attention to any of them, because she had a beloved husband, Alexander Zbruev.

In 1968, Lyudmila gave birth to a girl. She was given the name of the screen heroine Natasha Rostova, who glorified Saveliev all over the world.

family tragedy

From childhood, Zbruev's daughter shone with talents and dreamed of following in the footsteps of her parents. The creative biography of the young actress began with a small role in the film "According to Lopotukhin." But subsequent events in the life of her family played a cruel joke on her and prevented her cherished dream from coming true. The girl had an acute nervous attack, with which she ended up in the hospital.

Rumor has it that Natasha lost her nerve after the girl was told that her father cheated on her mother. The young and beautiful mistress of Zbruev was called Elena Shanina.

Natasha's parents themselves claimed that their daughter hit her head hard on the floor during an accidental fall at home.

Elena Shanina - common-law wife of Zbruev

As a result, rumors about the appearance of a young mistress in the life of a popular Soviet actor turned out to be true. Elena Shanina gave birth to a girl Zbrueva, who was named Tatyana. Now she, along with her father, serves as an actress in the Lenkom Theater. Alexander never married her mother. At the same time, Zbruev’s relationship with Shanina remained good.

Between two families

The legal wife of the actor decided not to divorce him, and he had to live in two families. They say that this story became the basis for writing the script for the famous "Autumn Marathon" about a soft-bodied man who cannot choose his wife or mistress.

Alexander Zbruev, in communication with journalists, does not like to talk about the details of his personal life. At the same time, he treats his two daughters with equal care. The wives and children of Alexander Zbruev are an important part of his life, about which he tries not to talk too much. It is worth saying that the daughters of the actor do not communicate with each other.

Colleagues in the theater treat this state of affairs in Alexander's personal life with understanding. They don't condemn him. Zbruev remains a noble man for them.

Rumor has it that he did not divorce Savelyeva because of a mentally ill daughter who needs constant care. After the incident, Lyudmila abandoned her acting profession and, despite her talent, practically did not act in films, paying all her attention to a sick child.

Now she is a housewife who rarely appears in society and almost never gives interviews. She forgave her husband for cheating with another woman and, judging by the recently published family photos of Savelyeva and Zbruev, a good relationship has now been established between them.

nothing about personal

The actor continues to be a closed person to the press. At the same time, he always speaks warmly and tenderly about his official wife. True, according to Zbruev, he and his wife are completely different people. Despite this, Alexander continues to take care of his family and is not going to leave it.

The legendary actor for many Soviet and Russian viewers has become the personification of a charming and courageous man. His romantic smile won hundreds of women's hearts. Colleagues appreciate Zbruev for his talent and diligence, and loved ones for warmth and tenderness.

Lyudmila Savelieva was born in a very difficult time. Year of birth of the actress - 1942 when the famine was at its height. The fact that Lyudmila survived after such a horror is a real miracle. It is not surprising that the childhood of the future actress was not easy.

After the end of the war, all people returned to their everyday lives, but now they look at this very “life” with completely different eyes. After the end of hostilities, she began to attend an educational institution.

Parents noticed that their child is not indifferent to art. A girl from school loved to read and was interested in ballet. Mom took her to ballet school. All teachers admired the young talent.


After graduating from school, Lyudmila entered the choreographer, where she continued to develop the skills of a ballerina. After graduating from university, she began working in the theater. The first production with the participation of Savelyeva - "Giselle". One of the performances was even shown on television. This changed the life of a young girl.

In 1964 Bondarchuk began to shoot the picture "War and Peace". But they still couldn't find the right actress for the role. Natasha Rostova. One of Bondarchuk's employees offered to take the role of Rostova Saveliev. The girl was seen on television.

At first, the director did not pay attention to Lyudmila. But still, she hooked him with something, and he decided to give her a chance. Lyudmila was made up to look like Rostov. Going to audition in this form, Lyudmila was approved for the role.

But Savelyeva simply did not have the strength to work as a ballerina and an actress at the same time. young girl began to lose consciousness right on the stage. Lyudmila admits that she doesn’t even know how she could have preferred cinema, because all her adult life she aspired to be a ballerina.

But she made the right choice. One role gave Savelyeva such popularity that they can only dream of. The shooting of the film lasted four long years.

At the film festival in the capital, the girl received the main award. In 1966 it was recognized the best actress, according to moviegoers. Outside the Soviet Union, the girl was no less popular.

After such a role, it was not easy to find something of equal value. The girl did not want to exchange for small roles after Natasha Rostova.

In 1970, Savelyeva was offered the role of Seraphim in the film "Run". The shooting location is Sevastopol. Many viewers cried when they saw Savelyeva on the screen, is this not praise for the actress?

In the same year, Savelyev was invited to shoot in the film "The Seagull".

In 1983, Savelyeva played the role of Nadezhda Moroz in the film “It was the fourth year of the war”. In the same film, her husband played a role.

After 1990, she filmed much less. In 1999, the actress was invited to star in the film "White Dog's Dream".

In 2009, Savelyeva played a role in the film "Anna Karenina".

Personal life

Lyudmila met her current husband after graduating from university, exactly when she played in the film “War and Peace”. Alexander Zbruev- Lyudmila's husband, while meeting Savelyeva, he was already a famous artist in the Soviet Union. The girl, after watching films with the participation of Alexander, was simply in love with him.

Lyudmila and Alexander met in a Moscow restaurant. Alexander did not delay the marriage and invited Lyudmila to become his legal wife. The actor already had one divorce behind him.

For a long time, the young lovers lived happily ever after. Ludmila gave birth to a daughter from a beloved husband and named her Natasha. A few years later, Lyudmila learns that the missus began to walk to the left. His chosen one was a young, promising actress.

The mistress gave birth to a daughter from Alexander out of wedlock. Everything suited Alexander, he continued to live in two families. Strange as it may seem, Savelyeva also did not want to part with Alexander, despite the betrayal and the fact that he continued to go to the girl who gave birth to his illegitimate daughter. Maybe that's why Savelyeva does not like to talk about her personal life.

Lyudmila says almost nothing about her child. The daughter followed in the footsteps of her parents and also began her career as an actress. In 2012, Natalia had a stroke. The girl starred in several films, after which there was a lull in her career.

How is the actress today?

At the moment, Savelyeva does not act in films. The woman preferred family comfort, children and grandchildren.

As Lyudmila herself declares, the cinema in her life was more than enough, it's time to live for yourself. Lyudmila still lives with her only husband to this day, most likely the actress is satisfied with this.

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