Journalists found the glamorous husband of ex-minister Elena Skrynnik: he lives on the Cote d'Azur and is interested in bodybuilding. Media: Elena's glamorous husband Skrynnik is showing off in France, hiding his marriage to ex-minister Dmitry Belonosov

42-year-old Dmitry Belonosov celebrated New Year 2013 in a close family circle with his wife Ekaterina and parents. Now he has returned to his former life: in December last year Dmitry again began collaborating with the pop group RevolverS. Currently, Dmitry is the owner of a recording studio, where he does his favorite thing - music production. About the years life together with ex-minister Agriculture, 51-year-old Elena Skrynnik, Dmitry does not like to spread the word. However, for StarHit columnist Olga Rodina, the musician made an exception.

– Dmitry, in the press you, Skrynnik’s third husband, were most often called gigolo by journalists...

- Olya, for recent months your colleagues didn’t write anything about us. For example, that Elena Borisovna loves young boys, that I am a corrupt beast... In fact, we got married in 2007, at that time she was not yet a minister. And before the wedding, we drew up a prenuptial agreement, which clearly stated: everything that each of us earned before marriage and will earn after marriage will remain with us. In this situation, love for money is excluded.

- It's hard to be a husband strong woman?

- Still would! After all, for her, her career has always been a priority. A year after we got married, Elena was appointed Minister of Agriculture. I have a standard psychology: a man should be the head of the family, including his position in society.

– Dmitry, they say that after becoming a minister, she transferred part of the business to you?

– I don’t see anything wrong with this. At that time, she was my wife, and they don’t warn about appointments to the Cabinet of Ministers six months in advance; it happens very quickly. According to her status as a category A official, she had no right to engage in business. Therefore, she re-registered her business to me. At that time, she was the owner of several companies. Two of them, if my memory serves me correctly, were related to leasing. They were subsequently disbanded due to lack of use. And the third company, an aesthetic medicine salon, returned to Elena Borisovna after the divorce. Although I was legally the owner, I did not receive any dividends. I'm not a businessman. I am a musician. Everyone should do what they can do well. I'm good at making music.

– So why did you get divorced in 2010?

– Ol, I don’t want to go into details. A chain of events led to this step, as a result of which we simply sat down, talked and came to a mutual decision to leave. We divorced without “African passions.” By mutual agreement. They wrote that I left Elena for another woman, but this is not true.

– How did you meet your current wife Ekaterina?

– In fact, we have known Katerina for a very long time. At one of the concerts of the RevolverS group, we exchanged contacts. We talked about work; Katerina was in the event business at that time. And six months after my divorce from Elena, Katerina and I met by chance. Now my wife works as a special correspondent for the Moscow TV channel. And two months ago her car was stolen. Now we are planning to buy a new one, we will take advantage of the New Year discounts.

– Do you communicate with your ex-wife?

– We congratulate each other on the holidays using text messages. The years of living with her were undoubtedly interesting.

Photos of my husband former minister agriculture Elena Skrynnik, which made me remember the ex-official and her activities.

— That we are all about politics. Let's talk about love. Here is a wonderful couple. This is the husband of former Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik. Lives on the Cote d'Azur while his wife works in Moscow. Now Skrynnik, a member of United Russia, runs his own institute of agrarian policy, writes Tverskoy.

And the publication Anews collected interesting facts about the couple. According to them, Dmitry Belonosov is Elena Skrynnik’s third husband. He's for 10 years younger than wife(she is 56 years old, he is 46). At one time, the man was known as the lead singer of the youth pop group “Revolvers”. In one of the interviews, Belonosov claimed that the marriage was officially dissolved back in 2010, but in March 2016 Skrynnik stated that there was no divorce, and even showed her passport to the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent: “Here is a stamp from the registry office - I had and her husband Dmitry remains. Are there any other questions?" Judging by the photographs, Dmitry is in excellent physical shape: he engages in bodybuilding and participates in competitions. True, there are photographs with Elena Skrynnik on his page in social network No. As, indeed, any other information about personal life, except for the completed column: “married.” Dmitry is still actively involved in music (under the stage name Belonosoff - the performer has his own channel on YouTube, the new video was released about a month ago).

Elena Skrynnik has headed the state company Rosagroleasing since 2001 and headed the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation from 2009 to 2012. The prosecutor's office has been interested in the activities of Rosagroleasing since 2009 - it found the transfer of funds to offshore companies and cooperation with suspicious intermediaries. The Rosagroleasing business began to actively develop only in 2012, when Skrynnik left the government. However, in a criminal case initiated in Russia, she is only a witness: the main suspect is former Deputy Minister of Agriculture Alexey Bazhanov. After the investigation began, Skrynnik moved abroad for some time. They noticed her there law enforcement agencies Switzerland: they were attracted by the receipt of $140 million into Skrynnik’s accounts, Interfax reported. Accounts worth 70 million Swiss francs were reportedly seized in the case. Skrynnik herself denied this information. In August 2017, a Swiss newspaper reported that the investigation into money laundering against Skrynnik was terminated, and the arrest of 70 million in accounts was lifted. The publication suggested that the investigation was terminated due to lack of cooperation from Russia.

Since 2016, Elena Skrynnik has headed the International Independent Institute of Agrarian Policy, which she created, which is developing the “Strategy for the Development of Russian Agriculture until 2050.”

Photos from Dmitry Belonosov's page were used

", which describes the family and corruption ties of Russian officials. There are a lot of wonderful things there, you can’t describe them in words, you have to sing them. But, of course, I couldn’t pass by this:

This is our minister Agriculture. Skrynnik Elena Borisovna. In addition to the hectic business activities described here, the personal life of Madam Minister deserves special attention:

First husband Sergei Vasilyevich Skrynnik, former official. Elena Novitskaya played a wedding back in student years. Subsequently, Skrynnik held the position of head of the public procurement department of the main department of material resources of the Chelyabinsk region.

In January 2010 . Chelyabinsk Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported to initiate a criminal case against ex-spouse the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and “other unidentified officials” suspected of “receiving bribes on a large scale” (paragraphs “a”, “d”, part 4 of article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Bycase materials , in September 2009. Skrynnik received about 300 thousand rubles. from representatives of Zavod Dizet LLC. For this, the official promised to accept the application for participation in the competition in violation of the deadline and eliminate competitors during its holding. In addition, in December, the general director of Medservice-Region CJSC Elena Selishcheva transferred 1.3 million rubles to Skrynnik. for organizing victory at the supply auction medical equipment. The transfer of money was recorded by a hidden video camera installed on the ceiling above Srynnik’s desk. He was detained and then released on bail of 1 million rubles.

In November 2010 . By mutual agreement of the prosecutor and Skrynnik, an “express trial” began - by admitting the fact of the bribe and returning part of the money, the accused expected to remain free. However, the state prosecutor asked for 7 years in a maximum security colony and a fine of 1 million rubles for the defendant. In response, Sergei Skrynnik renounced his testimony and demanded that the case be considered in the usual manner. In February 2011 . the court was adjourned due to hospitalization Skrynnik, who needed a planned operation.

Second husband, Yuri Nikolaevich Kukota, businessman. He was the husband of Elena Skrynnik with2004 to 2007 . Subsequently accused ex-wife in death threats(Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). From Kukota's statements to the police , published in the media mass media It follows that Elena Skrynnik, due to hostile relations, did not allow him to see the children and, in order to resolve this issue, the ex-spouses agreed to meet on May 23 2007. on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, near the Ukraina Hotel. During the conversation, Skrynik, according to Kukota, stated that if he continued to put forward his demands, he would be killed. Kukota took this threat seriously, as he believed that the ex-wife’s entourage had sufficient capabilities to physically eliminate the person. According to the businessman, by that time Elena Skrynnik’s people were already conducting surveillance and tapping his phone numbers.

While acknowledging the fact of the conversation, the current Minister of Agriculture did not agree with the description of its details. According to Skrynnik’s testimony, his ex-husband allegedly asked him to forgive him and restore marital relations. In response, she promised to think about it, but did not threaten anyone. No criminal case was initiated.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Yuri Kukota is the owner of Grand Ducal Stud LLC, as well as MB-Service-Elevator LLC. Previously this company was a member Russian Association leasing companies (“Rosleasing”), which is now heads Elena Skrynnik.

IN 2006 . Yuri Kukota collected his money at his own expense build a temple in his native village of Novy Yegorlyk, Salsky district Rostov region. The work was not completed, and 2008 . rector of St. Nicholas parish of the village of Yegorlykskaya announced on raising new funds to complete construction. Now the temple is still not completed .

And now dessert! Rememberin the late 90sthere was this creepy pop group called"Revolvers"?

These are her soloists. So, the boy on the right is now the current ministerial husband.

Third husband, Dmitry Valerievich Belonosov, pop star. Before meeting Elena, Skrynnik was known as the lead singer of the boy group Revolvers. The Minister of Agriculture transferred personal property to her new husband - Rusmedinvest-M LLC, Russian Medical Company LLC (both were liquidated at the beginning of2011 .) and Swiss Perfection Aesthetic Center LLC. "Rusmedinvest-M", according to SPARK-Interfax as of July 1 2009 ., owned 90% of the shares of OJSC Medical Leasing Company Medlizing. Behind 2008 . Dmitry Belonosov earned over 22 million rubles; he had no real estate or cars. IN 2009 . declared only 3 million 697 thousand rubles, Hyundai Accent and BMW-X5 cars. IN 2010. businessman Belonosov earned almost nothing, indicating an income of 103 thousand 400 rubles.

We wish Dmitry Valerievich have good health and a long life in freedom, otherwise the competitors are growing up.

Dmitry Belonosov is a musician, guitarist, and song arranger who began his career in the group "Revolvers". young man filled with various interesting ups and downs, transitions from one sphere of activity to another, exciting and varied events that allowed his name to shine in the arena of domestic show business and not go unnoticed among the many talented musicians who were not lucky enough to make it to the light.

The youth of a guitarist

Dmitry Belonosov was born on September 10, 1971 in the city of Novokuibyshevsk Samara region. The musician’s childhood and youth were not particularly remarkable; the boy grew up inquisitive and sociable, graduated from school, received a secondary education technical education, was always drawn to music. Dmitry Belonosov was able to make a fairly successful start in his career as a musician thanks to his friendship with Andrei Potekhin.

The young man was the brother of Alexei Potekhin, a member of the popular youth group “Hands Up!” It was thanks to the help of the guys from the group - Alexei Potekhin and Sergei Zhukov, that young aspiring musicians were able to move from Novokuibyshevsk to Moscow and not get lost in the crowd conquering the capital, but begin to seriously engage in music. With the support of "Hands Up!" the guys created a rock band called "Revolvers-45". The style of performing the songs was a little different at first, but the group’s producer convinced the performers to perform in the direction of pop music, which brought the guys resounding success.

The success of musicians in show business

Andrey Potekhin and Dmitry Belonosov were the first members of the created group, over the years the composition changed, Andrey left the group, but before this event a casting was held to select a new soloist. The final word remained with Dmitry as the composer and arranger of the group. He chose Alexei Elistratov. After accepting a new soloist, the success of Revolvers skyrocketed. Fans attacked the guys.

Superstars Russian show business and Alexey Elistratov and Dmitry Belonosov became idols for millions of girls, photos of the group members flashed on all the pages of magazines. In 2000, their composition “You Are the Only One for Me” became one of best songs year, for which she was awarded the Golden Gramophone award. Albums were released one after another - “We Will Get Closer”, “Super”, “Kitten” and others.

Dmitry wrote music, made arrangements, threw himself into his work and felt like a happy, successful person in his profession. My favorite job brought not only good income and recognition, but also sincere satisfaction. The musicians of the group consider one of their serious achievements to be an invitation to the filming of “Christmas Meetings” with Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. It is a well-known fact that the Prima Donna calls only a select few...

A sharp turn in career

The delightful pursuit of what he loved - music - was unexpectedly interrupted, Dmitry's life flowed into a new direction, and the reason for this was love. The musician met at life path an unusual woman, fell in love and proposed.

Music lessons had to be interrupted due to the fact that Dmitry’s chosen one was an influential businesswoman, life with whom involved breaking all old ties and changing her lifestyle. How and where Skrynnik Elena Borisovna and Dmitry Belonosov met, history is silent, or so did the heroes of this love affair want their acquaintance to remain under a veil of secrecy.

Love for all ages

A lot of gossip was caused by the musician’s relationship with an influential lady, who, moreover, was not last place in the country's politics. Dmitry Belonosov and Elena Skrynnik got married, despite the gossip of evil tongues that never tired of the lovers.

The topic of discussion was between a man and a woman, Elena is 10 years older than Dmitry. And also did not leave those who liked to gossip indifferent financial situation officials, her fortune, which she transferred to her husband.

Talk about money

After a woman took the post of Minister of Agriculture, she automatically lost the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, Skrynnik’s husband Dmitry Belonosov became the owner of several companies that previously belonged to his wife. All assets and shares were assigned to him only by documents, on paper, and at the time of marriage, the newlyweds signed a prenuptial agreement, which stated that in the event of a divorce, each spouse would remain with his own.


The legal marriage of Dmitry Belonosov and Elena Skrynnik lasted for about three years. These years were filled with intense, interesting life, even though the musician had to leave his job for the sake of love. He spent a lot of time with his wife's children, lived the life that is implied in influential people, but which he chose himself for the sake of the woman he loved. Dmitry’s beliefs and his views on the role of a husband in the family caused a crack in the relationship between the spouses. Elena was used to being in charge always and in everything: such was her fate and such was her character. Therefore, it was very difficult for Dmitry to come to terms with this state of affairs. Since childhood, he had seen other examples in his environment, where the man was always in charge. This is where the chain of events began that led to the dissolution of the marriage.

Return to music

After the divorce between Skrynnik and Belonosova, there was a lot of talk in the press about the fortune that Dmitry allegedly inherited from his influential wife. In fact, everyone remained in their own interests, as indicated in the marriage contract concluded by the prudent businesswoman. Not about any millions received ex-husband, there was no talk. True friend I gladly accepted a “prodigal” friend into the team, and today Dmitry Valerievich Belonosov is again writing music as part of the Revolvers group, the musician’s photo still appears in the press.

Dmitry's personal life is going well again. After his experience with Elena Skrynnik, the musician met new love. The girl, who worked as an administrator at the TV channel, won Belonosov’s heart. Dmitry met Ekaterina Ivanova a long time ago, even during his first performances, they sometimes crossed paths at work. And after the divorce, Dmitry somehow met with Katya again and realized that he had met his destiny - a woman who could spend the rest of her life with him and give him children, which Dmitry, of course, wants to have, because he is already over 40.

Dmitry thought for a while about fateful decision and proposed to Katya. The young people got married and live happily and calmly. Their life is filled with ordinary troubles, worries and vanity, for example, once Katya’s car was stolen, and both spouses were puzzled by buying a new one. An unpleasant story, but love and mutual understanding are more important than any problems.

21 October 2017, 14:41

In RuNet, they again started talking about Elena Skrynnik, the former Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, who held this post from 2009 to 2012. The reason for this, however, was not professional activity a retired official and not even a criminal case of fraud, in which she was a witness in 2013. This time, Elena’s husband, Dmitry Belonosov, received a heated discussion.

Journalist Alexander Tverskoy published fresh photos of the man on his Facebook: “We’re all about politics. Let's talk about love. Here is a wonderful couple. This is the husband of former Minister of Agriculture Elena Skrynnik. Lives on the Cote d'Azur while his wife works in Moscow. Now Skrynnik, a member of United Russia, runs his own institute for agricultural policy.”

Dmitry Belonosov is the third husband of Elena Skrynnik. He is 10 years younger than his wife (she is 56 years old, he is 46). The man was known as the lead singer of the youth pop group “Revolvers”.

In one of the interviews, Belonosov claimed that the marriage was officially dissolved back in 2010, but in March 2016 Skrynnik stated that there was no divorce. The ex-minister even showed the correspondent “ Komsomolskaya Pravda”your passport: “So, all my children are registered here. But the stamp from the registry office - I had and still have a husband, Dmitry. Are there any other questions?" And then she presented Dmitry himself.
Judging by the photos on Facebook of Dmitry Belonosov, he is in excellent physical shape: he engages in bodybuilding and participates in competitions.

Like any competent athlete, Dmitry knows the value of rest.

He loves to travel...

Take grammatical photos...

He is still actively involved in music (under the stage name Belonosoff - the performer has his own channel on YouTube, a new video was released about a month ago).

He is no stranger to self-irony.

On camera, he is not afraid to demonstrate not only his iron muscles, but also the sensitive side of his nature.

But there are no photos with Elena Skrynnik on his page on the social network.

Madame Lising, her handbag and 70 million Swiss francs

Elena Skrynnik, who has headed the state company Rosagroleasing since 2001, received the ironic nickname Madame Leasing from journalists, Meduza says in an article about the ex-minister. In just a few years, he transferred to himself a significant part of the contracts of farmers, who received equipment worth tens of billions of rubles per year. The Accounts Chamber has complaints about the activities of Rosagroleasing.

Skrynnik has always loved social events and expensive accessories. In 2012, Ksenia Sobchak drew attention to Elena Skrynnik’s photo on Twitter: “She has a 35mm crocodile Birkin bag. The cost of this bag is 20 thousand euros. A tractor is much cheaper.”

Skrynnik led agriculture in the government of Vladimir Putin until its dissolution in 2012, Meduza continues. Meanwhile, the Prosecutor’s Office has been interested in the activities of Rosagroleasing since 2009 - it found the transfer of funds to offshore companies and cooperation with suspicious intermediaries.

The Rosagroleasing business began to actively develop only in 2012, when Skrynnik left the government. A film about the thefts at Rosagroleasing was shown in the program “Special Correspondent” by Arkady Mamontov, the name Skrynnik is mentioned several times there. But in the criminal case initiated in Russia, she is only a witness: the main suspect is the former Deputy Minister of Agriculture Alexey Bazhanov.

After the investigation began, Skrynnik moved abroad for some time. There, Swiss law enforcement agencies drew attention to her: they were attracted by the receipt of $140 million in Skrynnik’s accounts, Interfax reported. Accounts worth 70 million Swiss francs were reportedly seized in the case. Skrynnik herself denied this information.

In August 2017, the Swiss newspaper Blick reported that the investigation into money laundering against Skrynnik was terminated, and the arrest of 70 million in accounts was lifted. The publication suggested that the investigation was terminated due to lack of cooperation from Russia.

Since 2016, Elena Skrynnik has headed the International Independent Institute of Agrarian Policy, which she created, which is developing the “Strategy for the Development of Russian Agriculture until 2050.”

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