Svetlana Bodrova year of birth. Faithful wife of Sergei Bodrov Jr. How did he live without this job

Svetlana Bodrova is the widow of Sergei Bodrov Jr., who went missing 15 years ago in the spring of 2002. On the this moment the woman works on the First TV channel as the director of the TV program “Wait for me”.

Svetlana Bodrova: biography

Bodrov's wife, Svetlana, was born in 1971 in the Moscow region. It is known that before marrying Sergei, the woman was married to policeman Mikhailov. However, the relationship did not last long, and the marriage of the young cracked. Svetlana left for the capital and entered the Moscow Geodesy and Cartography Faculty of Journalism.

Some time later, she met an influential man who helped her become the author of the Sharks of the Pen and Canon programs. When Svetlana Bodrova (the photo of the girl is indicated in the article) was 26 years old, she met Sergei Bodrov. Their meeting took place in Cuba, where the young journalist, together with the VID television company, went to cover the festival of youth and students.

Svetlana Bodrova - wife of Sergei Bodrov

Young people started dating, and a year later they got married. In the same 1998, a girl was born to Sergei and Svetlana Bodrova, who was named Olga, and a month before the disappearance of Bodrov, the couple had a boy, Sasha. Not much is known about the relationship with the spouses due to the fact that the couple preferred to keep their personal lives secret from the public.

When Sergei went missing, Svetlana was left alone with two children. The woman loved her husband very much and lived with him for 5 happy years. The death of her husband was a terrible blow for her and for Olya and Sasha.

At the moment, living long years without a strong shoulder, Svetlana Bodrova continues to raise her children on her own. The only thing is that sometimes her mother and mother-in-law help her in this.

According to close people, Bodrov's widow has a rather closed lifestyle. Despite the fact that the woman is beautiful and charming, after the death of her husband (the tragedy occurred back in 2002), she never managed to meet a man who could adequately replace Sergei Bodrov.

Memories of a dead idol

Until his death famous artist, who was remembered by millions thanks to his participation in such films as "Brother" and "Brother-2", built a solid house for his family. To this day, Svetlana and her children often come to that house, but without her beloved husband and father. Before last Svetlana lived in hope and believed that her husband was alive. But, alas, the facts say otherwise.

It is known that Sergei Bodrov thought a lot about his future wife, Svetlana Bodrova, from childhood. Russian actor claimed that he always knew how his wife should look. He thought about it a lot and was looking forward to meeting his loved one. And when this happened, Sergei recognized the girl and married her.

When young people were married, Sergei did not pay the slightest attention to his fans. Being away from his beloved wife, he sent his wife incredibly beautiful romantic letters.

Svetlana's children

In one of the interviews, journalist Svetlana Bodrova shared her memories of how happy they were with Sergei Bodrov before his death. The journalist especially noted the time when their daughter Olechka was born in their family. According to Svetlana, now, if her husband Sergei were alive, he would be very proud of the success of his daughter.

Three years ago, in 2014, the girl graduated from high school with a gold medal. Then she entered VGIK for a free department. Now Olya is mastering the specialty "actor of drama theater and cinema." As it turned out, there was a limited set of 12 people for this specialty, in addition, only 4 places were intended for the fairer sex.

It was very difficult to get into VGIK. There was a competition for up to 1000 people for one place. However, Olya did not want to speak. admission committee that she is the daughter of the idol of millions - Sergei Bodrov.

The girl "perfectly" passed the exam in Russian and did such creative tasks as developing her own script and staging an etude. Having reached the last stage, Olga had to say who her dad was, and then only after one of the examiners asked if she was a relative of Sergei Bodrov. The girl mentioned who her father was, but stated that in this regard she did not expect any concessions and wanted to achieve admission to the university thanks only to her personal talent and efforts.

Still does not leave indifferent his fans. For them, he was a symbol of freedom in the 90s, and the film "Brother" fresh air. Despite the criticism of film academics and directors, this film was liked by ordinary viewers. There was shown usual life without embellishment, even if a little primitive.

Probably, the success of Sergei Bodrov was predetermined at the genetic level. His family was directly connected with art. Sergei's father is still one of the best film directors in the country. Growing up in such an environment, the child naturally wanted to continue the family business and become an actor.

But this decision was opposed by Sergei Bodrov Sr. He believed that cinema should be loved, they should be ill, and not just follow in the footsteps famous parents. He was able to convince his son of this, who did not have such a strong craving for art, but simply could not, at that time, decide on a future profession.

Bodrov Jr. graduated from the Faculty of History and was going to work either in a library or a museum. But, as they say, you can't escape fate. The guy received his first roles in the films of his father. Even famous actors noted his talent, and this despite the fact that the guy did not have a special education.

Encouraged by the first success, Bodrov acted as a director. His films "Brother", "Brother-2" "Sisters" were criticized by experts, but won people's love.

Unfortunately, Sergei did not have time to shoot many more films and play many more roles. He and the crew died while filming in the Caucasus. The man was only 30 at the time. It was short creative career, but even shorter was the happiness in his personal life.

Dating history

Sergei Bodrov met his future wife Svetlana on the plane. At that time, the guy worked as part of the film crew of the Vzglyad program. A girl also worked there. Young people met during a flight from Moscow to Cuba. There was plenty of time for communication and they began a leisurely conversation.

Svetlana Mikhailova recalls that after a few minutes she and Sergei were talking like old acquaintances. They talked and talked and couldn't talk. They told each other about their whole lives.

Later, Sergei wrote in one letter to Svetlana that he considers her his twin brother., with whom he was separated 30 years ago, that's how close the man was to his beloved.

Interesting Notes:

After this flight, Svetlana and Sergey no longer parted. But there were some obstacles on the way to happiness. At that time, the girl was in a relationship with music critic Otar Kushinashvili. But their relationship was far from ideal. Therefore, when Sergei Bodrov came to Otar to confess his love for Svetlana, he was not against their relationship.

Family life

In 1997, happy lovers got married. For Sergei, this was the first marriage, for Svetlana the second. Even in her youth, immediately after graduation, the girl married a guy who worked in the police. They lived in the suburbs.

But very soon the girl realized that the decision to start a family with this guy was a mistake. She offered him a divorce, and after the divorce, she went to conquer the capital.

The relationship between Sergei and Svetlana was absolutely opposite. The couple were happy together. Svetlana still remembers how even a few years after the wedding, they could talk for hours. And they could, being in the same room, just be silent for hours. But at the same time, there was a unique spiritual connection between the spouses and they were comfortable with each other.

In 1998 Svetlana and Sergey became happy parents. They had a daughter, who was named Olga. After 4 years, Svetlana found out about her pregnancy again. The son became the second child in the family. The boy was named Alexander. He was born a few weeks before tragic death Sergei Bodrov in the Caucasus.

Life after death

After the death of Sergei Bodrov, Svetlana was left alone with two children. She was simply heartbroken and still refuses to believe that her beloved husband died. because the body was never found. But it was necessary to raise the children and there was no one to help her.

Svetlana coped with a difficult task. Now the daughter is a student theater university, and upon admission, she carefully concealed her last name and did not even give her patronymic. The mystery was only revealed after she passed the final competition. Alexander is now at school.

Svetlana says that the character of her husband was completely transferred to her son, and even Sergey is guessed in the movements. She believes that if he were alive, then the man would have an ideal relationship with his son.

As for Svetlana herself, even 16 years after the tragedy, her husband lives in her heart. That is why she does not even consider options to marry again. For her, Sergei became last husband. Five years family life became the happiest for her and she is convinced that this is given only once in a lifetime.

Sergei and Svetlana Bodrov.

His life was short and bright as a flash. He managed a lot, but even more projects, plans, ideas will remain unrealized. Sergei Bodrov disappeared in the Karmadon Gorge along with the Svyaznoy film crew 15 years ago. Svetlana Bodrova has kept the memory of him all these years and does not even allow the thought of another man appearing in her life.

"... The ideal woman - Izh - I met on July 27, 1997 ..."

Svetlana Bodrova.

Svetlana Mikhailova first saw Sergei Bodrov during the editing of the next issue of Vzglyad, but the actor did not impress the girl. She just got nervous that her colleagues were delaying the control room while she needed to mount Muzoboz.

Sergei Bodrov.

The real acquaintance took place in 1997. Svetlana, one of the best employees of the TV company, was promised a vacation anywhere the globe. She chose Nice, but flew to Cuba, where the Vzglyad journalists were supposed to work. The management of the TV company combined a working trip with Svetlana's vacation. Naturally, Svetlana was upset and already at the stage of boarding the plane she was very unfriendly towards the "vzglyadovtsy" Sergey Kushnarev and Sergey Bodrov.

Sergey Kushnerev.

Kushnarev turned out to be rare interesting interlocutor, Svetlana spoke to him long time. During the flight, the pilots received a message about the death of Kushnarev's father, he flew to Moscow on the very first flight.

Sergei and Svetlana Bodrov.

His friend Sergei Bodrov remained in Cuba. In the Hemingway house, they suddenly started talking. And then they talked all the time, infinitely simply. About him and her, about their hobbies and plans, about television and life. They couldn't talk at all. Later, Bodrov would write to Svetlana: "You and I are like two twin brothers who were separated thirty years ago."

“I think all the time about how we will live ...”

Sergei and Svetlana Bodrov.

It was difficult for them to part even for short term. But as soon as they arrived from Havana, Sergey went on a long-planned fishing trip to the Don. There was no connection there, Svetlana was desperately bored. And suddenly she received a very warm message from him on her pager. It turned out that one of the comrades left earlier, and Bodrov handed him a text that he should write to Sveta.

In general, each of their separation was the occasion for long letters, telephone conversations and endless longing for each other. Sergey, very modest in everything that concerned himself, constantly boasted of his Svetlana, tried to introduce her to all his friends, tirelessly drawing everyone's attention to her beauty.

Two halves

Wedding of Sergei and Svetlana Bodrov.

Each of them had a very complex character. At first there were misunderstandings and quarrels. But they couldn't part. And, no matter how Svetlana did not convince herself that she would never have a family and children, she nevertheless became his wife. And in July 1997 their daughter Olenka was born.

Sergei and Svetlana Bodrov.

Sergey Kushnarev was best friend Bodrov, and now he bore the proud title of family friend, became godfather daughter, and then the son of the Bodrovs. Two Sergeys simply gushed with ideas, they could discuss their new projects all night long, and at first Kushnarev was jealous of a friend for his young wife. But in fact, she turned out to be as addicted to nature as they themselves. Now she joined their gatherings at the dacha in Valentinovka, and soon she was already working with Kushnarev in the Wait for Me program.

Sergei and Svetlana Bodrov.

She was generally ready to support any undertaking of her husband. And she never tired of being surprised at how talented and deep a person her husband is. She liked everything he did. When he defended his dissertation on the topic "Architecture in Venetian Renaissance Painting", she said: "I'm proud of you, as my homeland, Seryoga!", And the members of the commission were amazed at the way she looked at him.

They could talk for hours and also, for hours, be silent, continuing the silent dialogue.

"... He flew into my life, like a bird, and flew away."

Sergei Bodrov takes his son from the hospital.

On August 27, 2002, their son Alexander was born. Sergey took his wife from the hospital, they spent two weeks at home, and after that Bodrov took the family to the dacha. He was leaving for North Ossetia for the shooting of his film "The Messenger". On September 19, 2002, he and Svetlana spoke for a long time on the phone, and in parting, he asked his wife to take care of the children.

Sergei Bodrov.

On September 20, 2002, another episode of the film was filmed in the Karmadon Gorge. The glacier came down in the evening. Until now, 127 people are considered missing. Among them is Sergei Bodrov.
She couldn't accept the fact that he was no more. Svetlana flew to North Ossetia every Saturday, she herself participated in the search operation. Konstantin Ernst gave her invaluable help then. Through his own channels, he ensured the arrival of equipment and the continuation of the search. They officially stopped looking for people only two years later, in 2004.

During the search for the film crew of Sergei Bodrov in the Karmadon Gorge.

It has been 15 years since he disappeared. She raises children, is proud of their successes, sees in them a continuation of her beloved. And still bored. Despite all the speculation and newspaper articles, she was never able to come to terms with the loss. Sergei Bodrov became her last man.

His life was short and bright as a flash. He managed a lot, but even more projects, plans, ideas will remain unrealized. Sergei Bodrov disappeared in the Karmadon Gorge along with the Svyaznoy film crew 15 years ago. Svetlana Bodrova has kept the memory of him all these years and does not even allow the thought of another man appearing in her life.

"... The ideal woman - Izh - I met on July 27, 1997 ..."

Svetlana Mikhailova first saw Sergei Bodrov during the editing of the next issue of Vzglyad, but the actor did not impress the girl. She just got nervous that her colleagues were delaying the control room while she needed to mount Muzoboz.

The real acquaintance took place in 1997. Svetlana, one of the best employees of the TV company, was promised a vacation anywhere in the world. She chose Nice, but flew to Cuba, where the Vzglyad journalists were supposed to work. The management of the TV company combined a working trip with Svetlana's vacation. Naturally, Svetlana was upset and already at the stage of boarding the plane she was very unfriendly towards the "vzglyadovtsy" Sergey Kushnarev and Sergey Bodrov.

Kushnarev turned out to be an extremely interesting interlocutor, Svetlana talked with him for a long time. During the flight, the pilots received a message about the death of Kushnarev's father, he flew to Moscow on the very first flight.

His friend Sergei Bodrov remained in Cuba. In the Hemingway house, they suddenly started talking. And then they talked all the time, infinitely simply. About him and her, about their hobbies and plans, about television and life. They couldn't talk at all. Later, Bodrov would write to Svetlana: "You and I are like two twin brothers who were separated thirty years ago."

“I think all the time about how we will live ...”

It was difficult for them to leave even for a short time. But as soon as they arrived from Havana, Sergey went on a long-planned fishing trip to the Don. There was no connection there, Svetlana was desperately bored. And suddenly she received a very warm message from him on her pager. It turned out that one of the comrades left earlier, and Bodrov handed him a text that he should write to Sveta.

In general, each of their separation was an occasion for long letters, telephone conversations and endless longing for each other. Sergey, very modest in everything that concerned himself, constantly boasted of his Svetlana, tried to introduce her to all his friends, tirelessly drawing everyone's attention to her beauty.

Two halves

Each of them had a very complex character. At first there were misunderstandings and quarrels. But they couldn't part. And, no matter how Svetlana did not convince herself that she would never have a family and children, she nevertheless became his wife. And in July 1997 their daughter Olenka was born.

Sergei Kushnarev was Bodrov's best friend, and now he bore the proud title of family friend, became the godfather of his daughter, and then the son of the Bodrovs. Two Sergeys simply gushed with ideas, they could discuss their new projects all night long, and at first Kushnarev was jealous of a friend for his young wife. But in fact, she turned out to be as addicted to nature as they themselves. Now she joined their gatherings at the dacha in Valentinovka, and soon she was already working with Kushnarev in the Wait for Me program.

She was generally ready to support any undertaking of her husband. And she never tired of being surprised at how talented and deep a person her husband is. She liked everything he did. When he defended his dissertation on the topic "Architecture in Venetian Renaissance Painting", she said: "I'm proud of you, as my homeland, Seryoga!", And the members of the commission were amazed at the way she looked at him.

They could talk for hours and also, for hours, be silent, continuing the silent dialogue.

"... He flew into my life, like a bird, and flew away."

On August 27, 2002, their son Alexander was born. Sergey took his wife from the hospital, they spent two weeks at home, and after that Bodrov took the family to the dacha. He was leaving for North Ossetia to shoot his film The Messenger. On September 19, 2002, he and Svetlana spoke for a long time on the phone, and in parting, he asked his wife to take care of the children.

On September 20, 2002, another episode of the film was filmed in the Karmadon Gorge. The glacier came down in the evening. Until now, 127 people are considered missing. Among them is Sergei Bodrov.
She couldn't accept the fact that he was no more. Svetlana flew to North Ossetia every Saturday, she herself participated in the search operation. Konstantin Ernst gave her invaluable help then. Through his own channels, he ensured the arrival of equipment and the continuation of the search. They officially stopped looking for people only two years later, in 2004.

It has been 15 years since he disappeared. She raises children, is proud of their successes, sees in them a continuation of her beloved. And still bored. Despite all the speculation and newspaper articles, she was never able to come to terms with the loss. Sergei Bodrov became her last man.

Still remain a mystery and his film crew in the Karmadon Gorge.

Svetlana Mikhailova-Bodrova - widow of a missing person sixteen years ago talented actor and director Sergei Bodrov Jr. The woman graduated from the faculty of journalism, worked on television. In 1997 she married famous actor and the director, who starred in the films "Brother", "Brother-2", "Sisters", "Bear Kiss" and others. The couple had two children. However, family happiness was short. Sergei's body was never found under the mudslide.

Currently, Svetlana Bodrova is raising two children alone, working in the editorial office of the program on Channel One "Wait for me". Her biography, the history of her acquaintance with Sergei Bodrov, life after the tragedy will be discussed in this article.

The beginning of the way

The future wife of Bodrov, Svetlana Mikhailova, was born in 1971 in the Moscow region. In the current 2018, she turned 47 years old. Before meeting the actor, she had already managed to be married to a policeman bearing the surname Mikhailov. The marriage was short-lived. As soon as the young began to live together, they felt that they were in a hurry. After the divorce, the woman left for Moscow, entered the University of Geodesy and Cartography at the Faculty of Journalism.

After graduating from high school, she worked in her specialty. A lucky chance brought Svetlana Mikhailova with an influential man who was engaged in the protection of his ward. He helped a talented journalist become part of the team preparing the Shark of the Pen and Canon programs for the airing.

Acquaintance with Sergei Bodrov

At the age of 26, the girl went to Cuba, where she was supposed to cover events related to the celebration of Youth and Students Day as a journalist. The delegation of the TV channel "VID" could not but attract attention. Sergei initiated an acquaintance with a pretty girl.

A romance began, which gradually became something more - the lovers understood that now they would not be able to live without each other. Upon returning to Moscow, Svetlana and Sergey filed an application with the registry office.

Family life

In 1998, the marriage ceremony took place, in the same period the newlyweds became parents - their daughter Olga was born. And in 2002, a month before the death of Sergei, the son Alexander was born. The couple preferred not to talk about the details of their personal lives. The press did not know until the last moment that the family was replenished. If not for the tragedy... In 2002, on the set of the film "The Messenger", which was organized by Sergey himself, a disaster occurred - on the evening of September 20, after the end of the working day, the group led by the actor went missing. It is known that this event was preceded by the descent of a landslide avalanche from the mountain.

After the disappearance of her husband, Svetlana Mikhailova was left alone with two children. Olga was four years old, Sasha even less - he barely had time to be born. The couple lived in marriage for five years. It all ended abruptly and extremely tragically. After the death of Bodrov, the woman completely ceased to be a media person, she fell into a depressive state and tried not to appear in public and not give interviews about what had happened, while the paparazzi continually did not give the widow a pass.

Life after tragedy

Currently, a woman works on Channel One as an editor of one of the programs. The tragedy with her husband happened sixteen years ago, but it is impossible to forget it. Despite her young age and external attractiveness, Svetlana no longer began to tie the knot with anyone. Rumor has it that there were enough applicants. However, no one will ever be able to replace a loving and sensitive spouse who passed away early, according to the woman.

The work and support of relatives - her parents and Sergey's parents - helped to cope with depression. Children gave a stimulus to life, forced to learn to appreciate what is in it.

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