The meaning of the Knight of Denarii tarot card on relationships. The Knight of Pentacles is the minor arcana of tarot cards. Basic meanings of the card in the upright position


Knight of Denarii in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - moving into the unknown.
With the "Mage" card - a careful start.
With the card " High Priestess" - gradual insight.
With the Empress card - slow progress.
With the “Emperor” card - strengthening discipline and power.
With the “Hierophant” card - spiritual efforts.
With the “Lovers” card - a leisurely, careful choice.
With the “Chariot” card - efforts to “move the train.”
With the “Strength” card - perseverance; stubbornness.
With the Hermit card - rely on yourself.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - gradual changes.
With the “Justice” card - a persistent search for justice.
With the Hanged Man card - stubbornness leading to a dead end.
With the “Death” card - meaningless stubbornness.
With the Temperance card, it's worth the wait.
With the “Devil” card - idleness; laziness.
With the “Tower” card, you’ll have a hard time.
With the “Star” card - choose your path.
With the Moon card - go astray; to be deceived; lose support.
With the Sun card - movement towards clarity and understanding.
With the "Court" card - relief.
With the “World” card - achieve the goal.

From other sources:
V.Sklyarova " Great book combinations".

Knight of denarii (pentacles, coins) in upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Winning against fate in Russian roulette
Priestess - Tendency to perversion
Empress - Winning. Party. Friendly service
Emperor - Business success
Priest - What is started will be completed
Priest (transl.) - The matter will not be completed
Lovers - Realist. Cost accounting. Confidence
Chariot - Cadet. Lieutenant, Suvorov soldier. Military prospects
Justice - A sober look at the circumstances
Hermit pr and per - Distortion of reality, malicious
Wheel of Fortune - Extraordinary offer
Strength - Successful bidding, trade Organization is thriving. Auctioneer
Hanged Man - Treason (in love, company, partner, homeland)
Death - A vicissitude of fortune
Moderation - Success in trading business
Devil - “Cracking at the seams”, time to patch up the holes. Gas, explosion
Tower - Lack of prospects
Star - Winning an argument
Moon - Wasting money on empty pleasures
Sun - Help in an important enterprise
Court - Inappropriate discussion, change
World - Travel abroad
Jester - Beneficence

Knight of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an upright position with the Minor Arcana

Knight of Swords - Peace, Spring
9 of Wands - Delay in promotion
Other Wands - Promotion

The meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles mainly lies not in fast, but stable movement towards the goal intended by the fortune-tellers. It can also talk about the right atmosphere in the work team and a focus on success. However, this card also has negative meaning.

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Expanded meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot card

In the Tarot, the Knight of Pentacles, when he is in a straight position, has the following meaning - reliability, adherence to given promises, successful fulfillment of obligations. This card can also speak of luck and fortune. Movement towards the goal will not be rapid. However, the card suggests that the fortuneteller is steadily moving towards what he wants and does not stop for a moment.

The Knight of Pentacles reminds us that there is no need to get hung up on the stable and uniform motion. Every person needs pleasure, relaxation, joy. Remember to enjoy every moment of life and see the positive in every daily event.

You can't complain about the lack of such useful qualities like diligence, perseverance and patience. These qualities create a certain foundation for the future. However, when a person who can boast of such character traits forgets about the need for rest, positive traits become distorted and negative. The other side of the coin is also possible - when a person overestimates the importance of entertainment and forgets that he must move towards his goal.

Flipped over The Knight of Pentacles speaks of an unfortunate combination of circumstances, bad luck. Fortune is clearly not on the fortuneteller’s side if he gets this card in an inverted position. The fortuneteller’s movement towards the goal occurs as if by inertia. There is stagnation in business, a careless attitude towards one's obligations, a lack of patience and perseverance, a tendency towards idleness and laziness.

Knight of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in readings for work and business

The meaning of the Horseman of Pentacles in the Tarot, if the alignment is for business or business, usually lies in a healthy working atmosphere in its perfect form. This is hard work, reliable business relationships, and the focus of all project participants on success. In such an atmosphere, plans are always carried out successfully.

The card can speak of good intuition, which helps to conclude a profitable deal, the ability to choose business partners, the desire to work and high level professionalism. The team wants to carry out productive work and knows how to do it.

When at work, the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot card usually promises favorable period. There will be opportunities to gain the respect of your superiors, to realize your abilities and skills. The fortuneteller is distinguished by developed intuition, which helps him in his work. In an exam, negotiation or other situation, this card promises a long-term and stable positive result.

If it falls out flipped over Knight of Pentacles, the meaning of the card is reversed. Instead of a stable result, failure is expected, the team is laziness and unwillingness to work off fees, and it is almost impossible to organize a work process in this situation.

Knight of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in relationships mainly lies in the reliability and stability of the relationship. We are talking about a union that is almost impossible to break. The relationship you are predicting will be long-lasting. Distinctive features This couple means loyalty and constancy.

There is no monotony in such relationships. Sensuality and passion will be constant companions of this couple throughout for long years. The Knight of the Pentacles suit in a relationship indicates that the couple’s priority is their relationship, while work, friends and everything else take less attention. If the fortuneteller is lonely, in the scenario for his personal life, the Horseman of Pentacles means the appearance of a future life partner on the horizon. If a strong and stable union is for you, do not miss your chance. The prospects for such an acquaintance are extremely likely.

Inverted the card indicates that one of the partners is tired of the relationship in which he is at this moment. They seem too boring and monotonous to him. The only thing the fortuneteller gets from family life- this is apathy and depression. Marriage does not allow him to enjoy life, it weighs him down and interferes with his future plans.

Knight of Pentacles and Tarot combinations

Combinations play a big role in the Tarot, and the Knight of Pentacles is no exception. Dropping out near certain cards, it can completely change the meaning and interpretation of the entire layout. So, for example, the 7 of Wands and the Knight of Pentacles talk about the progress of the matter for which you are fortune-telling. There is a promise of positive dynamics in the treatment of the patient, progress towards the goal, improvement of relationships, and an end to troubles.

Along with the map this map symbolizes movement into the unknown. The person for whom the layout is being made is accustomed to living one day at a time. Perhaps the fact is that you do not know everything about the situation you are guessing at. With the World card, the Knight of the Pentacles suit means achieving a goal or fulfilling a desire.

If such a Knight falls together with the Two of Wands, this indicates confusion and stopping. You will have to pause to understand the situation. Now you are not sufficiently informed, and perhaps circumstances will change so much that you will have to make a stop on the way to your goal. Together with the Four of Wands, this card speaks of heroism.

Horseman of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in personality characteristics

The people represented by the Horseman of Pentacles are young, intelligent and practical. When choosing a profession, they usually choose something related to finance, sales or industry. These are mechanics, financiers, accountants, engineers, mathematicians. They can also engage in real estate, as well as the extraction of natural resources.

If we're talking about about the map in a straight position, before you is a person who is distinguished by hard work, professionalism, and friendliness. He is pleasant to talk to, reliable and patient. Such people are responsible and you can rely on them. Despite their diligence, they prefer not to make extra efforts; as a rule, they prefer to optimize daily work. It's methodical and serious man who is ready to go towards his goal. He is faithful in marriage and loved by his other half.

If the person you are fortune-telling represents flipped over Horseman of Pentacles, it is better to get rid of him by ceasing communication. This is a person who is associated with fraud and dishonest financial transactions. He also prefers finance-related professions, but they rarely benefit people. In addition, a person does not know how to spend money, he is a spendthrift and a spendthrift. In a team, he prefers to shift his responsibilities to others. This is a greedy and evil person who wants to have an income, but does not want to work.

Such people are irresponsible even in communication. Friends and acquaintances often find themselves in debt because of such individuals. They are not inclined, it is better not to lend money to them and try not to do business with the inverted Knight of Pentacles. He may turn out to be a calculating cunning man who wants to make money from the fortuneteller. Such people behave in a similar way in relationships. It is impossible to count on a stable marriage with them. Such a husband can leave behind many financial problems.

Knight of Pentacles - card of the day

If the Knight of this suit appears as the card of the day, you should forget about unnecessary thoughts and get to work. If you suffer from stress, you should rest and put your thoughts in order. Stick to the golden mean. Don't give too much attention to work, but indulging in laziness is also not a good idea.

There are four suits in the Tarot deck. Pentacles are a material suit, responsible for all earthly problems of a person: affairs, property, business. The Minor Arcana are a symbol of ordinary everyday situations that a person faces.

Personality assessment

A knight is a middle-aged man, responsible, methodical, sometimes even a pedant. A very organized person, laxity is completely unusual for him. He is very demanding of himself and hardworking. When faced with problems, he demonstrates simply inhuman efficiency, patience, endurance and perseverance.

The knight is very circumspect, his mind is in complete harmony with earthly activities and material needs, so he never gets down to business without weighing all the circumstances and calculating all the moves, and he chooses only realistic ones.

General value

In the upright position, the Knight of Pentacles card speaks of responsibility, willpower, diligence, and efficiency. She directly points out that success is achieved only through hard work.

In other words, the person asking is faced with a specific task that must be completed on time. The card speaks of stable finances and positive resolution of affairs, which could not be decided for a long time.

Knight of Pentacles in reading may mean the appearance of a person who can do you a great service, which will contribute to your profit or winnings.

The inverted card of the Knight of Pentacles means slowdown in business, lack of profit in business. And this is usually associated with greed, careless attitude towards one’s responsibilities, lack of patience, and carelessness. Perhaps it’s just a loss of interest in the matter, fatigue from the routine.

Sometimes a card may indicate that there is an idle person in your environment who is not able to be responsible for his work who doesn't want to take responsibility for it.

For a more accurate interpretation of the layout, it is necessary to pay attention to the adjacent ones.

In readings for love and relationships

The appearance of a direct card of the Knight of Pentacles in such a scenario speaks of reliability, constancy and mutual support. The card also speaks of sensuality: physical attraction is an important component in this couple.

The card may mean the decision to have a baby, the opportunity to meet your “half”.

If we are talking about relationships in civil marriage, then the constancy characteristic of this lasso can be colored negatively: marriage proposals may not follow for a very long time.

The inverted Knight card can also indicate fatigue from each other, apathy, boredom, when one of the couples relationships seem dull and monotonous, they no longer bring joy.

To your health

If the card falls upright, then this indicates strength and endurance. Health is good, but the person is suspicious, so even a slight illness seems to him to be a serious illness. Possible diseases typical of workaholics: gastritis, ulcers gastrointestinal tract, migraine.

If we are talking about a patient, then nothing particularly threatens his health - he will gradually improve.

Reversed card speaks of deteriorating health, chronic fatigue, possible problems with the heart and blood vessels. Often the cause of such ailment is harmful excesses and low mobility.

To work and business

The direct position in this fortune telling is a good card. Its basic values ​​are love of work, the talent to sense profitable deals and choose worthy partners, and the ability to work in a team.

Arcanum hints that a very successful period for business is coming., additional profit is possible.

If a specific person in a team is considered, then the card indicates his hard work, honesty and high efficiency.

If a person is looking for work, then a direct card promises a job with a high income, in return you will need business acumen and professionalism.

The inverted Knight card speaks of a difficult period. This could be an unbearable business atmosphere in the team, dishonest deals, or financial difficulties.

If a specific person is meant, then the Knight indicates his dishonest financial transactions and fraud. At the household level, it predicts low wages.

To the situation

If a straight Knight card appears in the layout, then you don’t have to worry too much, because the situation has stabilized and will not get worse. You just need to direct your efforts in the right direction, and the situation will resolve itself. It is possible that a middle-aged man with a background in commerce will help with this.

This card may indicate a large amount money or a major purchase.

If you are going on a trip, it will be calm and successful, but it is better to choose ground transport.

The Knight of Pentacles in an inverted position indicates that the person is no longer in control of the situation, and its outcome is likely to be negative. He himself is to blame for this if he was inactive and lazy, or some man from close circle, which is characterized by meanness and deceit.

Arkan can warn about the loss of money and about any damaged relationships.

The Knight of Pentacles advises you to streamline your life, not to be suspicious and not worry about empty things, but to calmly and methodically conduct things to your advantage.

Combination with other cards

To make the interpretation clear, it is necessary to analyze the combination of the Knight of Pentacles card with the major Arcana. Combinations can be both positive and negative.

Knight of Pentacles – hardworking, organized realist.

Examples of interpretation

  • Jester in the upright position - new things; inverted - a pointless waste of energy. The combination of these arcana means moving into the unknown.
  • Mage in the upright position – skill, will, creative energy; inverted - indecision. The combination of two lassos means a cautious beginning.
  • Emperor in the upright position – ambition, success, authority; inverted - ignoring order. In combination with the organized Knight of Pentacles, the alignment can mean strengthening power and order.
  • Hermit in a straight position symbolizes deepening into oneself; inverted - suspicion. The combination of two Arcana means that a person can only rely on himself.
  • Star in a direct position means success in various endeavors, overcoming the insurmountable; inverted - pessimism. The combination means choosing your own path.
  • Tower– a very negative card. Even in a direct position it means disaster, sad circumstances, chaos; inverted - situations that a person cannot change. The combination of these two cards predicts that a person may simply overstrain himself.
  • High Priestess in an upright position symbolizes spiritual powers, mysteries and secrets, continued education; inverted - self-indulgence, superficiality. The combination speaks of slow insight.
  • Empress in an upright position means harmony and prospects for prosperity in all matters; inverted - waste of energy on empty things. The combination with the Empress indicates slow progress.
  • Lovers in the upright position means an important choice in life, consideration of all possible options; inverted - wrong choice or refusal to make a choice at all. The combination of cards speaks of a leisurely choice.
  • Force V direct meaning means self-confidence, perseverance; inverted - self-doubt, timidity, fanaticism, even despotism. The combination of these two cards speaks of perseverance or stubbornness.
  • Wheel of Fortune in the upright position portends big changes, constant development and growth; inverted - stagnation, obstacles that arise unexpectedly. The combination of cards means gradual changes.
  • Sun(direct position) means insight, the end of some stage, new ideas; inverted - an unclear future, failure, minor problems. The combination of two cards indicates a movement towards clarity.
  • Court in an upright position it will mean changes in work, good completion of affairs, pleasant events, inspiration; inverted – self-pity, negative emotions, indecision. The combination of these cards indicates the relief that a person will experience.
  • World in the upright position it means the fulfillment of a desire, a true calling, joy from the work done; inverted - expectation of success, stagnation in business, frustration of plans. The combination of cards gives us the achievement of the goal.
  • Hierophant(upright position) means the search for meaning, a wise mentor, a test of morality; the inverted position of the card means limited thinking, stubbornness, dogmatism. The combination of cards speaks of mental effort.
  • Chariot in an upright position indicates success, a leap forward, a clear goal; inverted - to rash actions, incorrect use of talent. The combination of these cards speaks of efforts to “shift the composition.”
  • Justice in the upright position it speaks of honesty, the need to follow the rules of the game, and the restored order; inverted - about legal difficulties, injustice, conflicts. The combination of cards indicates a persistent search for justice.
  • Hanged in the upright position it means an opposite view of things, a crisis in consciousness, a dead end; inverted - apathy, melancholy, selfishness, victim complex. The combination of cards directly indicates stubbornness, leading to a dead end.
  • Death in the upright position means change, a natural end, gaining strength, leaving home; inverted - stagnation, stubbornness, inertia, depression. The combination of cards speaks of senseless stubbornness.
  • Moderation in the upright position means balance, the end of one life stage and the beginning of another; inverted - emotional instability, frivolity, refusal to compromise. The combination of cards is interpreted as a worthwhile expectation.
  • Devil in the upright position means a person’s tendency to temptation, a victim of his own vanity, greed, unethical behavior; inverted - ambition, abuse of power, perversion, indecision. The combination directly indicates a person’s idleness and laziness.
  • Moon in the upright position it means fear, self-doubt, dreams, escape from reality, disturbing images; inverted - insanity, misunderstanding, having your head in the clouds, illusions. The combination of cards warns that you can go astray, be deceived, or lose support.

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Brief description of the card

As usual, Waite is extremely sparing in his descriptions of the Court Cards, and the Knight of Pentacles is no exception. All that Waite felt it necessary to say about the drawing of this card fits into two sentences: “He rides a slow, hardy draft horse, corresponding to his own build. He displays his symbol, but does not look at it himself.” Not a word about the arable land in the background. Winter or spring crops, barley or wheat - forever remained a mystery to Tarot researchers.

The details of the armor are poorly visible, but the helmet is clearly visible. And now you can “catch on” to the helmet and draw some conclusions. On the rider’s head is a “salad” type helmet. They were fashionable from the late 14th to early 16th centuries. This type of helmet, by the way, was very popular in Germany, despite the fact that it originated in Italy. And it was the German models of salads that became the prototypes of the famous German helmet.


  • Deception
  • Trade
  • Practicality
  • Self-interest
  • Profit

Key Ideas

  • Present tense (now)
  • Zeal
  • Selfishness
  • Business trip (trip)

Basic meaning

The meanings of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles (Coins), also called the Knight of Denarii, Waite today seem superficial and shallow. This is how Waite understands this card: “Utility, convenience, interest, responsibility and directness.” And he adds a very strange note: “The same at the everyday and social level.” Somehow I can hardly imagine the combination of responsibility and convenience.

For an inverted card, the set of meanings is just as boring and inexpressive. “Inertia, idleness, idleness; also tranquility, despondency, carelessness.” It seems that the author did not think deeply about the meaning of the “horseman” in the picture, a complex and interesting map.

Today's understanding of the map is associated with different ways making a profit. To a lesser extent it is production. And much more - trade. Moreover, trade, which initially involves not the most honest methods: speculation, fraud, deception, fierce competition. The hero of the picture is an individualist and easily turns into an egoist. Lives by the principle “Everything is bought and everything is sold.” Everything has its price. Not only things and objects, but also feelings and relationships.

Video: Tarot card meaning - Knight of Pentacles

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

Tarot meaning Knight of Pentacles (Denariev) in relationships, like all knights - open card. His behavior model is that of a seller, and a seller cannot exist without a buyer.

Relationship intensity

While remaining cold-blooded and calculating, the Knight of Pentacles seeks to increase the intensity of relationships with his partners in order to make them easier to manipulate.

Map as a scenario for relationships: love, family, relatives, work

Let's consider the meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in love and other relationships. Any action must bring profit. Any relationship should be beneficial. Necessarily useful for the Knight of Pentacles and not necessarily for the second partner. Moral prohibitions for the Knight of Pentacles are something ephemeral. Therefore, he fully tolerates fraud, deception and other socially disapproved behavior patterns.

The Knight of Pentacles is a provider. And only the upbringing he received in childhood determines whether he will mine for his group or exclusively for himself. He lives in the belief that the cost and value of the spoils are the same. And that relationships have a material equivalent. The amount of money he allocates to his beloved exactly corresponds to the degree of his sympathy. For the Knight of Pentacles, it is obvious that if he gives money to someone, then he loves this person. How much money I gave you, that’s how much I love you. Moreover, both in absolute numbers (10,000 rubles) and in relative numbers (30% of income).

He has perfectly grasped the idea of ​​competition and does not understand the concept of cooperation at all.

  • in combination with a card: The transaction must be fair
  • in combination with the card: Trade in Wisdom
  • in combination with card: Bad deal

Psychological condition

The Knight of Pentacles is very gambling, it is very important for him to be a winner, to receive an advantage, especially expressed in material forms (bonuses, discounts, two for the price of one). He is ready to take risks, but at the same time he does not shy away from monotonous daily work aimed at future results.

Knight of Pentacles - very active card. He is not afraid of failures, he is not afraid to show aggression. And even more so, he is not afraid to enjoy the results of his victories.

  • in combination with: Beginning of development of new territories.
  • in combination with: Fierce competition.
  • in combination with: Be careful, they are trying to deceive you.

Importance in health matters

The meaning of the Tarot card Knight of Pentacles speaks of overwork and accumulated fatigue. But they don’t recognize the problem and don’t like to be treated. Currently the Knight is in great shape, he has excellent health, but often the Knights of Pentacles invent fashionable diseases for themselves.

  • Knight of Pentacles in combination with a Tarot card: A complete egoist.
  • Knight of Pentacles combined with Tarot card: Profit on friends
  • Knight of Pentacles in combination with a Tarot card: Big profits.

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

The meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot in matters of work is impulse. Reaction. Kings and queens create situations, and knights react to them. Often instantaneous, but precise. Knights are able to manage the situation, but they are not able to control it. Everything is very unstable. Rare case.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

A knight is a stream, a queen is a river, a king is river system with the delta and all its tributaries. The most active, restless ones are stream-knights; working with them, you work to increase your income. Strike while the iron is hot, be quick. Quick deals - quick money. Knights are individualists, much more prone to competition than cooperation, unlike ladies.

Everyone is good in their role. Knight of Pentacles - money-commodity-money. For him, resale is normal, not production. Nothing personal just business.

General state of finances and trends of changes

The Knight of Pentacles is directly related to profit. He is focused on it both now and in the future. Overall the situation is good.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The main problems of the knight are also his advantages, but taken to the point of absurdity. Impulsivity prevents you from focusing on the problem as a whole, from seeing and evaluating all aspects as a whole. Individualism leads to overestimation of one's own strengths, and reaction speed leads to rapid burnout and loss of interest. A sprinter, not a stayer.

Consider the Meaning of the Knight of Pentacles Tarot as a Card of the Day and a Warning.

A good day for profitable deals.

Card of the day Caution

Money is not the main objective in life.

  • in combination with the card: Successful teamwork.
  • in combination with the card: Skill will bring profit.
  • in combination with a card: to act even better, you should learn.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • What new territories are you exploring? For what?
  • Where do you see your profit?
  • What are you willing to do for money?
  • What are you buying and what are you selling?

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