Celebrities who gave birth after 45 years. It's never too late: stars who gave birth in adulthood. What will people think

I became a mother for the second time. There have been ongoing debates on the Internet about whether it is worth giving birth at this age. Let's talk today about celebrities who gave birth after 45 years to understand how difficult it is.

Brigitte Nielsen

In June ex-wife Sylvester Stallone gave birth to her fifth child, despite her age - 54 years. However, for her husband this child is the first-born. The daughter was named Frida, and her weight was 2.5 kg. “We are incredibly happy. Despite the long journey, it was really worth it. And now, looking back, we both understand that we have never loved each other as much as we do now.”

The actress took advantage of egg freezing services at the age of 40. Before meeting her current husband, she had no plans to give birth again. However, the pregnancy was easy, but the birth itself was difficult and the actress had to do C-section.

Halle Berry

The American actress became a mother for the second time in 2013. Berry herself admitted that the child was unplanned and she “accidentally became pregnant” at 46 years old. “Honestly, I think that fate gave me this surprise. After all, I was already on the verge of menopause. Isn’t this a miracle?”

Alas, shortly after giving birth, Hallie divorced her husband. The matter even went to court. And when the actress found out that ex-lover dyed her daughter's hair White color, she considered it racist.

Ilze Liepa

In 2010, the famous ballerina gave birth to a daughter, and at that time Liepa was 46 years old. Together with the child's father, they chose a symbolic name for the baby - Nadezhda. But a year after these happy events, the couple announced their separation. According to Ilze, the relationship began to crack a long time ago, and for 14 years now it has been maintained only by her patience.

The woman claims that at that time the divorce was the right decision, because for a child there is no more terrible picture than a mother tormented by a terrible family life. Ilze assures that after the divorce she stopped feeling exhausted and empty.

Kelly Preston

John Travolta's wife gave birth in 2010, when she was 48 years old. According to the couple, it was a real miracle. It is worth noting that about a year before the birth, the couple lost their eldest son, Jett. The guy was 16 years old. Jett was a sickly child: as a child he was diagnosed with Kawasaki syndrome. Although the disease is treatable, it can cause complications in the form of problems with the cardiovascular system or epileptic seizures.

"I always think about how miraculous it was to get pregnant at that age. We were blessed with the good fortune of having another child. Having a child in our family renewed the spirit of the house."

Geena Davis

The actress, known for the films Stuart Little and Beetlejuice, gave birth to her eldest daughter at the age of 46. And 2 years later, twins were born. At that time, she was married to a plastic surgeon and this was the fourth marriage in the actress’s experience. In May it became known that the couple was breaking up - the doctor filed for divorce. It turned out that irreconcilable differences had tormented the family for more than a year, and only now they decided to put an end to it.

Tina Malone

British star Tina Malone gave birth to her second child at the age of 50. The couple was expecting twins, but one child died during the seventh month of pregnancy. Before this, Malone was obese and had to lose about 70 kilograms before becoming pregnant. ​The couple is very for a long time I dreamed of a child and therefore spent a lot of energy on it. The girl was conceived through IVF using a donor egg.

Monica Bellucci

The Italian actress and favorite of the designer duo Dolce & Gabbana gave birth to her first daughter at almost 40 years old, and her second at 45.

H The older you get, the greater the risk for you and the child. But personally, I don’t consider myself brave, I consider myself lucky,” the actress admitted in an interview.

Celine Dion

After many attempts to become a mother, the singer became pregnant at 41 years old. As a result, at 42, Celine immediately became a double mother: twin boys were born. The babies were born a few weeks early and weighed slightly less than three kilograms each.

Halle Berry

Every year, only the prettier Halle Berry became a mother for the first time at 41 years old. Became the father of a daughter fashion model Gabriel Aubry, with whom Hallie later broke up. And the actress gave birth to her second child, a son, at the age of 47 married to French actor Olivier Martinez.

- People like me are called old-timers. When I found out about the pregnancy, I was shocked because I was already in premenopause,” the actress admitted on the famous Ellen DeGeneres show.

Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore gave birth to her first child, Caleb, at age 37. And when the actress was 42 years old, a girl, Liv Helen, was born.

Salma Hayek

Having dated either Edward Norton or George Lucas for a long time, Salma did not dare to marry or make other drastic changes in her life. The actress gave birth to a daughter at the age of 41 from businessman Francois-Henri Pinault, with whom she is now married.

- Ten years ago I would not have been able to give my child so much, how much am I willing to give now? My daughter is lucky, that she was born right now, when I’m over 40,” Salma said after giving birth.

Kim Basinger

In her fifties, at 41, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Ireland, from Alec Baldwin. Kim does not hide that pregnancy was not easy for her then: the actress was accompanied toxicosis, fears and hysterics.

Before giving birth, the baby turned over and was in the wrong position in the stomach, which is why I had an emergency caesarean section,” said the actress.

Eva Mendes

The actress's period of motherhood began at 40, when she gave birth to a daughter. Two years later, Eva became a mother for the second time. The actress did not advertise her first or second pregnancy, and she gave birth to her daughters secretly.

Susan Sarandon

For a long time, considered childfree by the media, Susan gave birth for the first time at the age of 39. Then, at 42 and 45, the actress’s family was replenished with two sons.

When I got pregnant, no one could understand, how it happened. I haven't used birth control for years, as the doctors said, that I was infertile,” said Susan.

Linda Evangelista

At 42, the model gave birth to her first child, a son. Augustine James. For a long time, Linda did not name the baby's father. But a few years later, information appeared that the boy’s biological father was billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault. current husband Salma Hayek.

We are glad to welcome you, our dear readers! How do you feel about the fact that some women become mothers at quite an adult age? For what reasons do they change their lives so radically? How they affect the body late pregnancy and childbirth? How did celebrities who gave birth after 40 years come to this event and still decided to take this serious action?

According to some studies, the state of pregnancy rejuvenates organism. This may be due to the fact that before giving birth to a child at this age, parents usually try to improve their health. Another important factor is the material wealth that appears by this age.

Often women first strive to make a career, reach certain heights, and only then decide to give life to a new person. Such parents approach the birth of their baby more consciously. They perceive their child completely differently from boys and girls who themselves have not yet fully emerged from childhood.

If earlier headlines often appeared in the press talking about some popular Western celebrity who decided to give birth after forty years, now more and more often you can see similar publications about ours, Russian stars pop, cinema, theater.

Moreover, some of them decided to become mothers for the first time on the threshold of their fortieth birthday, and some even later.

So, Russian celebrities who gave birth after forty.

Svetlana Permyakova

The actress, who became a celebrity thanks to KVN, lived alone for many years. For six years she starred in the series “Interns,” playing the role of nurse Lyuba. Svetlana always worked hard, but as she approached forty, she increasingly began to think about offspring. She gave birth to her wonderful daughter Varenka, as they say, “for herself.”

The celebrity does not hide the fact that the girl’s father is a twenty-one-year-old director of the actress. Svetlana deliberately chose a guy, believing that a young, healthy dad was the most suitable option for her unborn child. After the birth of her daughter, Permyakova was transformed, she became significantly slimmer and prettier. Despite the fact that Svetlana tries to devote as much time as possible to her daughter, the actress still works a lot. She hosts television programs, acts in films, and plays in the theater.

Ilze Liepa

It is believed that ballet stars are not given the happiness of having children. But the famous ballerina debunked this myth to smithereens. She gave birth to a daughter after 45 years. Until this age, Ilse prayed and asked God for a child. Sometimes she was even afraid that this would never happen again. But her confessor kept saying that she needed to hope and wait.

At the age of 46, she waited until her daughter Nadya was born. Having become a mother, the celebrity did not stop performing; literally three months after giving birth, she again appeared on stage. The ballerina admits that she stopped thinking about how old she was after she gave birth to her daughter. The girl grows up in a creative atmosphere, when her mother rehearses at home, Nadyusha also takes part in the training, dances with pleasure, repeating her mother’s movements. Unfortunately, after the birth of her daughter, the ballerina’s marriage broke up.

Olga Drozdova

But there are different situations in life, sometimes everything seems to work out just fine - happy marriage, financial position, health is also fine, but for some reason God does not give a child. And then suddenly, when the couple is already despairing and stops even dreaming about the patter of children’s feet around the apartment, at one fine moment it turns out that the woman has become pregnant.

This is exactly how it all happened for Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov; they lived in a legal marriage for almost 13 years when their son Elisha was born. Olga was already 42 years old at that time; they stopped even hoping for the birth of a child. The actress says that she and Pevtsov had a son after the celebrities got married. Having become a mother, Olga seemed to “get to know” her husband again, her relationships with others changed, she suddenly saw people around her that she had not paid attention to before. Now Olga is over 50, but she looks great, does kickboxing, and works a lot.

Marina Mogilevskaya

The actress dreamed of becoming a mother for many years. Only when Marina turned 41 did her dream come true; she gave birth to a girl, whom she named Maria. During pregnancy, Marina, according to her, seemed to wrap herself in a cocoon of her condition, enjoying it. But, only two months passed after giving birth, the actress returned to work again.

The celebrity does not regret at all that she gave birth to her daughter at forty-one, and not at twenty, believing that by this age she had become less ambitious and had lost the desire to prove something to anyone. She finally realized for herself what she could and wanted to give to her child.

Kristina Orbakaite

Fortunately, not all Russian celebrities drag out the process of having their first child for so long. Some of them, who have already given birth before, become mothers for the second or even third time, such as Kristina Orbakaite.

The famous singer, actress and dancer gave birth to a little sister Claudia for her sons Denis and Nikita when she was forty years old.

Orbakaite looks simply amazing, I can’t even believe that this thin, flexible and graceful girl gave birth to three children. And it would be hard to call her a late-birther.

Olga Kabo

The famous film and theater actress gave birth to her second child when she was 44 years old. July 2012 gave her and her husband Nikolai Razgulyaev a son, Victor.

The celebrity, who is currently the only stunt actress in Russia, is enthusiastically raising her son, eldest daughter Tanya became the main assistant for her star mom. Olga no longer performs dangerous stunts, but still loves active sports; after giving birth and breastfeeding Vitya, she quickly returned to excellent shape.

Olga Medvedtseva

But among the celebrities who gave birth as adults are not only actresses and singers. For example, Russian biathlon star Olga Medvedtseva gave birth to a daughter, Olenka, in 2014.

She and her husband already have three children, Olenka is the fourth. The family received the news that she would have another child with joy. Perhaps this event was the reason that the athlete stated in one of her interviews that she wanted to leave big-time sports and was ready to become an office employee.

Famous fathers after 50

Keep up with famous women male actors who sometimes become fathers in quite mature age.

  • Andrey Konchalovsky. The famous director has two children growing up from his marriage to Yulia Vysotskaya - a daughter and a son. Maria and Peter. Mashenka was born when Konchalovsky was 62 years old, and Petya was born when his dad was 66 years old.
  • Alexander Gradsky. On the singer’s 65th birthday, his wife Marina Kotashenko gave him a wonderful gift - she gave birth to a son, Sasha.
  • Dmitry Dibrov. According to the famous presenter, he experienced family happiness only in his fourth marriage with his young wife Polina Nagradova. She “rewarded” Dmitry with two children - sons Sasha and Fedor, and the youngest was born when Dibrov was 54 years old.
  • Alexander Tsekalo. Alexander's young wife Victoria Galushka gave birth to his son in 2012. At the age of 51, Alexander became a father for the second time.

So age is not a hindrance for children; moreover, after forty, having children becomes an absolutely conscious act for their parents. Russian celebrities Those who have found the happiness of motherhood or fatherhood after forty years, almost all agree on one thing: the birth of a child is happiness at any age.

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The famous model Elle Macpherson, who turned 51, recently said that her age is not at all an obstacle to having another child. See our famous mothers who gave birth after 40 years.


1. Salma Hayek - the Hollywood actress was 40 years old when she gave birth to her daughter Valentina Paloma Pino. The girl's father is French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault. (Photo: Francois Durand/Getty Images)
2. Halle Berry gave birth to her second child, a boy named Maceo, at the age of 47. “It was the biggest surprise of my life,” she told CNN. (Photo: John Shearer/AP Images) 3. Julianne Moore gave birth to her second child, daughter Liv, when she was 41 years old. (Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images)
4. Nicole Kidman gave birth to her first child, daughter Sunday Rose, at the age of 41. (Photo: Sipa Press/Rex Features)
5. Mira Sorvino and her husband Chris Backus have four children. Mira gave birth to the youngest of them, daughter Lucia (pictured), at the age of 44. (Photo: AP Photo/Mattel, Diane Bondareff).
6. Marcia Cross, an actress known for the TV series Desperate Housewives, gave birth to twins, Eden and Savannah, at almost 45 years old. (Photo: Beverly News/Rex Features) 7. Madonna gave birth to her son Rocco a few days before her 42nd birthday. (Photo: REX Features)
8. Gwen Stefani gave birth to her son Apollo at the age of 44. (Photo: Paul Hiffmeyer/Disneyland).
9. Actress Kelly Preston, wife of John Travolta, gave birth to son Ben at the age of 48. (Photo: Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)
10. Actress Geena Davis, at the age of 46, gave birth to a daughter, Alizeh, and two years later, twins, Kiana and Kaiisa. (Photo: Omar Vega/Invision/AP).
11. Celine Dion. The singer gave birth to twins Eddie and Nelson at the age of 42. (Photo: STEVE MARCUS/Newscom/Reuters). 12. Annette Bening her youngest daughter Ella gave birth at the age of 42. (Photo: Francis Specker/Bloomberg News)
13. Kim Basinger gave birth to daughter Ireland Eliesse at 41. (Photo: AP Photo/Matt Sayles)
14. Marcia Gay Harden was 44 years old when she gave birth to twins. (Photo: David Livingston/Getty Images) 15. Singer Mariah Carey gave birth to twins in 2001, when she was 41 years old. (Photo: Angela Weiss/WireImag) 16. Uma Thurman, star of the film Kill Bill, gave birth to her third child at the age of 42. (Photo: Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images) 17. Helen Hunt gave birth to her daughter Makeny Lei Gordon Canahan at the age of 40. (Photo: REX Features)
18. Cherie Blair, the wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, became a mother for the fourth time at the age of 45. (Photo: REX/Alex Lentati/Associated Ne).
19. Jennifer Connelly gave birth to daughter Agnes Lark at the age of 40. (Photo: Startraks Photo/REX).
20. English actress Thandie Newton, known for the film “Mission: Impossible 2,” gave birth to her third child at the age of 41. (Photo: MARIO ANZUONI/Newscom/Reuters).
21. Eva Mendes gave birth to her first child at the age of 40. (Photo: Sonia Recchia/Getty Images).
22. Susan Sarandon gave birth to son Jack Henry at the age of 42, and son Miles Guthrie at the age of 45. (Photo: Evan Agostini/Getty Images) 23. Brooke Shields gave birth to daughter Grier at the age of 41. (Photo: Sonia Moskowitz/Getty Images)
24. Meryl Streep gave birth to her fourth child at the age of almost 42. (Photo: Bryan Bedder/Getty Images) 25. Courteney Cox, star of the series Friends, gave birth to her first child at 41. (Photo: REX Features)
26. Beverly D'Angelo, at 49, gave birth to twins Anton and Olivia Pacino, whose father is her ex-partner- Al Pacino. (Photo: KEVORK DJANSEZIAN/Newscom/Reuters).
27. Jane Seymour gave birth to twins, John Stacy Keach and Christopher Stephen Keach, when she was 44 years old. (Photo: Jim Smeal/BEI/Rex Features)
28. Emma Thompson gave birth to a daughter named Gaia Romilly Wise at the age of 40. (Photo: Matt Sayles/Invision/AP)
29. Actress Amanda Peet gave birth to her third child at the age of 42. (Photo: Danny Moloshok/AP Images)
30. Famous model Elle Macpherson, who has two children from a previous marriage ( youngest son she gave birth at the age of 39) and remarried in 2013. She is now 51 years old, and she and her husband, businessman Jeffrey Sofer, are planning to have a child. (Photo: REX Features; Steve Mitchell/USA TODAY Sports)

The debate about the ideal age for childbearing is an eternal topic. Some believe that it is better to “shoot yourself” in youth, while the body is young, others believe that a child should be born after 30, when the parents have solid ground under their feet. But the heroines of our selection went further and became mothers after forty. Not so long ago this seemed like something out of the ordinary, but modern medicine allows you to bear a child even at this age..

Kristina Orbakaite

When Kristina Orbakaite married Mikhail Zemtsov in 2005, she did not think about children: she had enough worries with 14-year-old Nikita Presnyakov and 8-year-old Denis Baysarov. But time passed, the sons grew up, and the singer began to realize that she was missing something. “Although I was 40, all I had to do was wish it, and everything worked out,” says Christina, who in 2012 gave birth to a daughter, Claudia (and for American acquaintances, Claudia).

Svetlana Permyakova

The story of Svetlana Permyakova reminds soap opera. The actress wanted to become a mother at the age of 25, but could not meet a man on whom she could rely. At 35, she met the director of the art club, Evgeniy Bodrov, and married him, but the hasty marriage lasted a month. All this time, the husband sat at home, “hanged out” on the Internet and drank.

Then Svetlana, through social networks, met Maxim Scriabin, a responsible young man who happily became the actress’s director. They became close, and, despite the 19-year age difference, Svetlana became pregnant young man. So at the age of 40, Permyakova became the mother of her daughter Varya. The actress had been on friendly terms with Maxim for a long time, but in January 2018 she admitted that she wanted to get married.

Marina Mogilevskaya

Marina Mogilevskaya became a mother in 2011, at 41 years old. The name of the child's father was not published. Although the baby was born a little ahead of schedule, all indicators were normal - weight 3.5 kg, height 54 cm. Like her mother, Maria is brown-haired and a lioness by zodiac sign. “I’m learning softness and compliance from her,” the actress says lovingly.

Marina Zudina

In April 2006 acting dynasty The Tabakov family was replenished with the newborn Maria Olegovna, the daughter of 71-year-old Oleg Tabakov and 41-year-old Marina Zudina. WITH early years the girl dreamed of becoming an actress, like her parents and older brother Pavel.

Olga Drozdova

Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov, one of the strongest “acting” couples, were married for 13 years before fate rewarded their wait and sent them a son, Elisha, in 2007. The boy’s parents are still confident that his birth was a real miracle, because at some point they completely despaired of hearing children’s laughter at home, gave up on their dreams, bought and furnished an apartment for two, leaving no room for a nursery. So the news about Olga’s pregnancy came as a complete surprise to both. Dmitry recalled that he even burst into tears of happiness when he saw the test results.

Maria Poroshina

At 42, Maria Poroshina gave birth to her fourth child, daughter Glafira. From her common-law husband Ilya Drevnova, she already raised Agrafena and Seraphima, and from her first marriage with Gosha Kutsenko, her daughter Polina. And in the fall of 2018, the actress stunned fans with the news - she was pregnant for the fifth time, but not from Drevnov. Rumors spread that the father of the child is Poroshina’s theater partner Yaroslav Boyko. Maria denied this information, but did not disclose the name of her real father.

Victoria Makarskaya

Victoria and Anton Makarsky dreamed of a child for 13 years, but to no avail. Finally, at 38, Victoria became the mother of the long-awaited daughter Masha, and 4 years later a son, Ivan, appeared in the family. The singer calls her children “prayed” and admits that she wants to decide on another pregnancy before she turns 50.

Anna Banshchikova

Star of the series “Bhound” Anna Banshchikova – mother of many children. In 2017, daughter Masha was added to sons Misha (2007) and Sasha (2009). The actress was not afraid to give birth: “If the Lord sent me a baby, what doubts can there be?” The older children acted like real men and helped their mother as much as they could, so she didn’t have to worry about her work schedule.

Evelina Bledans

Syoma, as Evelina Bledans affectionately calls her son, was born on April 1, 2012, and 4 days later his mother turned 43. The baby was diagnosed with Down syndrome. The boy's father is producer Alexander Semin, with whom the actress no longer lives. The birth of a “special” child pushed Evelina to help her parents who found themselves in the same situation.

Syoma had his own website, where the couple posted thematic seminars on raising “sunny” children, and the boy also had pages on Instagram and Twitter. The main message that Evelina is trying to convey to others is that the birth of a child with Down syndrome is not as scary as it may seem from the outside.

Olga Kabo

In 2009, Olga Kabo married businessman Nikolai Razgulyaev, and three years later their common son, Vitya, was born. This is Olga’s second child - she has a daughter, Tanya (born in 1998), from businessman Eduard Vasilishin. But the first experience had already been forgotten, so the 44-year-old mother went through the growing up of her baby as if for the first time. As the actress admitted, her son brought the family closer together - now she and her husband try to leave all the negativity outside the house.

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya

The fourth child (and first daughter) was difficult for actress Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, 44 years old at that time. Last months Before giving birth, she could hardly stand up, she was afraid to move again. “They say that childbirth rejuvenates you. Nonsense! This is a powerful stress for the body,” says Evgenia. During pregnancy, she gained weight, which caused her vertebrae to become misaligned. Baby Nastya, who was born, also had problems with her spine. Fortunately, next to Dobrovolskaya there was loving husband, who shared all the difficulties with the new mother, found an excellent massage therapist for Nastya, who at the same time improved Evgenia’s health.

Inga Oboldina

In March 2013, actress Inga Oboldina became a mother for the first time. The 44-year-old woman gave birth to a daughter, who was named Claudia. Of course, Inga admitted, she was scared - her loved ones frightened her with stories about the consequences of pregnancy at such a late age. But the actress took the risk, and not in vain - the girl was born healthy and, according to the actress, completely turned her life around. It’s interesting that Inga found out about her pregnancy shortly after signing a contract to star in the TV series “Mom Detective,” and she finished filming 3 weeks before giving birth.

Lera Kudryavtseva

The name of Lera Kudryavtseva did not leave the pages of the press throughout 2018. The conservative public was shocked: not only had the TV presenter been happily married to hockey player Igor Makarov for several years, who is not much older than her son from her first marriage, but she also became pregnant at 46 years old. This is where there was scope for the bile comments of envious people. But, not paying attention to the insults, in August Lera became the mother of baby Maria, quickly got into shape and went out into the world again.

Tatiana Navka. “...a charming child with huge blue eyes and pigtails. And at that moment I was suddenly overcome by an absolute understanding that I could no longer live without the same little girl,” Anastasia recalled. The actress gave birth herself, without the help of a surrogate mother, in an elite clinic in the Moscow region.

Well, if you basically don’t see yourself in the role of a mother, either at 20 or at 40, don’t be upset - you’re not alone. We invite you to find out which of the great women Soviet era I would agree with your point of view.
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