Table areas according to Feng Shui. How to properly arrange desks in the office. Correct Feng Shui for your desk space

Factor correct location desk determines the flow of light to it and the ability to sit without constraint. This is what allows you to determine the ideal place for such furniture. And even if it does not fit into the created interior, following the specialist’s recommendations is extremely important both from the standpoint of maintaining healthy vision and posture, as well as excellent overall well-being.

The basics of correct location

When selecting a place in the room for the correct placement of a desk, you need to take into account the operating mode. After all, there are one requirements for a home, but completely different ones for an office. The main difference is that in a work environment you may need more than one desk. They can be placed one after the other so as not to disturb the trajectory of daylight. Although in some office premises Due to the heavy workload, it is more ergonomic to place the tables in a circle or opposite each other.

It is a mistake to believe that the table opposite the window is perfect option. This is inconvenient because there is always a temptation to contemplate what is happening on the street. And it's distracting. Also Sun rays reflected from the table surface, creating glare. And this is an additional load on vision. A very important factor when choosing a place for a table is the flow of light. Daylight should fall from the side. Golden Rule: for right-handed people on the left, and for left-handed people on the right. The same applies to the light emitted by artificial light sources. This will allow:

  • Don't shut out your own light when writing;
  • Light up a large surface;
  • Ensure there is no eye strain.

After all, it is eye fatigue that causes rapid fatigue and irritability. It is not advisable to place a table near the door. This creates psychological discomfort and is more distracting.

A smart approach makes all the difference

It is important when choosing a place for a desk to determine its functionality. After all, for someone workplace- this is a computer or laptop. For others, it is a full-fledged desk with the ability to place books and office equipment. For others - even part of the built-in furniture, supplemented by:

  • Loft bed;
  • Shelves for books;
  • Bedside tables and chests of drawers;
  • Pencil cases and cabinets.

For parents, the latter option will be an ideal solution for a nursery in terms of saving free space. In an office interpretation, these could be shelves for books and racks for folders with documents. It’s good when the table, in addition to free leg space, also has other functional advantages such as drawers and cabinets for various accessories. And provided that you choose an ergonomic model, such additional accessories should not make the table bulky, because limited space- this is a problem for 99% of buyers.

Competent opinion

A desk should be functional. It must be used for its intended purpose plus:

  • Become a place to place a number of equipment, books and documents;
  • Fits harmoniously into the interior;
  • Feature safety and structural strength.

And only in this state of affairs is there any sense in the correct placement of furniture in the room.

In this article you will learn:

To achieve good results in the workplace, a person needs confidence and high concentration. The energy practice of Feng Shui desktop will help achieve these qualities.

Table placement rules

Unlike most techniques, in Feng Shui when arranging a workplace Special attention focuses on the location of objects relative to front door, and not according to the cardinal directions.

The main rule for the location of a desktop according to Feng Shui is that it cannot be placed so that the person sitting has his back to the entrance. This position is considered potentially dangerous in terms of the flow of Qi energy, and attracts betrayal. The danger increases if the door of the room is opened inward.

It is allowed to sit sideways in relation to the entrance; it is better to place the work desk so that you can see everyone who enters and leaves the room. Since a person’s heart is on the left, it is good if there is a wall or screen on this side - this will create additional protection and a calm environment in the workplace.

You should not sit with your back to the window, as this will make it difficult to achieve a friendly disposition. It is also forbidden to have symbols of water behind your back (fountains, aquariums, pictures with ponds, etc.) - water currents will carry you away financial well-being. It is considered favorable to place water symbols on top or in front of you.

There should not be overhanging structures above your head that impede the flow of positive energy and create an oppressive feeling of impending danger.

The optimal arrangement of furniture is called the “boss position” and in which the table stands opposite the entrance or slightly diagonally relative to it. The person is positioned facing the door, and in front of him there is as much space as possible, not blocked by foreign objects.

Setting up a workplace in the office

The main difficulty in arranging a desktop at work according to Feng Shui is the impossibility of arranging furniture at your discretion.

In most modern offices, workstations are set up in cubicles or separated by partitions, and the empty space is filled with necessary technology, which creates a feeling of lack of space. From a Feng Shui perspective, this placement is considered unfavorable, but an ancient Chinese practice will help improve the situation.

To visually expand the space, paintings with views of nature are used. You can hang a water symbol on the wall, but only in front of you or to the side.

If your office workspace is located between shelves, racks or cabinets, you need to put things in order, remove and throw away everything old and unnecessary, and make sure there is no dust. You shouldn’t store a lot of trinkets here; one or two talismans are enough to improve your work energy.

According to Feng Shui practice, a person at work needs protection, which is provided by a wall behind his back. If it is not possible to choose such a place, you can do the protection yourself by placing a screen behind or tall plant in a beautiful flower pot or tub.

A wall with a window behind is also not the best option, since the working energy will freely escape into space; in addition, glass does not provide the necessary protection. However, this problem can be solved simply - it is enough to fix thick or medium-density blinds on the windows, but at the same time you cannot deprive the room of natural light, weakening the working energy. In addition, exclusively artificial lighting is bad for health.

You need to keep your table clean and tidy, immediately remove and throw away everything unnecessary, since clutter impedes the circulation of Qi energy. If there are a lot of necessary items, it is better to systematize them and always put them in their place.

Size and color

The table should be large and roomy, since its size is directly related to status. It must be comfortable, corresponding to the person’s height, so that the hands do not become numb, interfering with blood flow and energy circulation.

People holding management positions are recommended to choose dark natural colors: brown, black, wenge. A purple or burgundy lamp will look good on such a table, which will open the flow of monetary energy. To people creative professions You should choose tables in light shades, which can be diluted with bright splashes by drawing something or adding interesting stickers.

If you can’t choose a desk at work, but you want to advance your career, install a desk at home that you imagine matches your desired position. The habit of working behind it and a feeling of comfort will soon lead to a promotion.

Desktop sectors

You can apply a Bagua grid to the table, dividing the table into sectors in accordance with it, but you do not need to activate each of them. You should pay attention only to those that are directly related to your career and finances.

It is mandatory to activate the money and wealth sector, which is located in the upper left corner. Equally important is the middle upper sector, which corresponds to fame, since fame entails wealth.

All sectors of the bottom of the table should be activated, since here the left corner is responsible for knowledge and advanced training, the middle one is for a career, and the right one will help you find assistants and patrons who will contribute to increasing your status.

If there is a need to maintain a balance between personal life and work, help will come the middle left sector, responsible for family relationships.


According to the practice of Feng Shui, it is necessary to activate the necessary sectors on the desktop with the help of appropriate talismans.

In the money and wealth sector you need to place a figurine of Hotei, which will help you easily increase financial flows. If corporate etiquette prohibits decorating the table in this way, you can place 3 small Chinese coins on the table or put indoor plant with round leaves.

The glory sector is activated with the help of a crystal pyramid, a figurine or an image of a horse, as well as any red object. It could even be a red thread.

We add images or figures of wisdom symbols to the knowledge sector. A turtle or a snake can best serve as a knowledge keeper; you can use transparent crystals. In the adjacent quarry sector you should place fish or something related to ships.

The best activator of the assistant sector is a Buddha figurine, it is best to choose a figurine in a lying position, as it will help arrange things in such a way that work will bring pleasure and joy and will become more like relaxation than hard work.

For the family sector, photographs of family and friends are well suited. If a person is just on the path to starting a family, in this sector you can place an image of those people whose family you like and whose principles you would like to apply in your own in the future. These could be teachers, scientists, artists, etc.

You should also pay attention to the interior near the workplace. Shouldn't be here large quantity wires, especially tangled ones, through them positive energy flows into space. On the wall behind you you can put portraits of people who have achieved success in areas of interest. It’s good if there are symbols of water in front of your eyes, for example, an aquarium.

What should be under the table

The space under the table is not as important as what is located on the surface. Here it is enough to follow the basic rules: cleanliness, no trash, regular cleaning. If my legs are in disarray, this energy will be transferred to my head, my thoughts will be confused, and it will become more difficult to work.

All wires, so that they do not interfere, must be put away in cable channels or tied into tight, neat bundles. If you need to place a processor or other equipment under the table, it is better to do it on the left side.


Indoor plants, being living conductors of energy, are considered important elements of office Feng Shui practice.

If there is a open space, then the wall needed for protection can be created from flowers. For this purpose, it is recommended to use upward-growing plants with bright green leaves. The pike tail is well suited for this purpose; it can be planted in a long flower pot, and you get a dense wall. Citrus trees in tubs work well: lemon, orange or tangerine.

To activate the part of the table responsible for wealth, you can use a money tree or any other plant with round thick leaves.

The need for placement of the cactus is controversial. This plant promotes energy storage and is good for saving income. However, the work requires the energy of growth and lifting, so a cactus is not the best option.

It is better to grow a flower with which career growth plans are associated. Care accumulates the necessary energy, and the successful growth of the flower will help in moving up the career ladder.

In Feng Shui, it is forbidden to use dried flowers; they carry the energy of destruction and chaos.

Photographs and paintings

Photographs and paintings in the office should serve not only an aesthetic function, but also contribute to increased income and success at work.

Paintings that depict rivers, seas and oceans will bring good luck, but this landscape should not contain mountain peaks - they symbolize difficulties and obstacles. Landscapes with harvestgreat option, they will attract the energy of abundance into life and help increase income from work. The stairs going up in the photo are a good talisman for career advancement.

You can use paintings and photographs depicting your dreams: a yacht, a house, jewelry or a car. It is recommended to duplicate these images on your computer desktop so that you can glance at them as often as possible, which helps fulfill your desires.

Images should not be used negative energy, which is brought by destruction, withering, death, dull landscapes and any dull colors.

Feng Shui wallpapers

You can use symbols as a screensaver on your computer general meaning. For example, images of cats help to attract good luck and abundance into life, and paintings with bamboo plants will improve health, which is so necessary for fruitful work.

To attract money, use images of bills or coins, precious bars and luxury items. Oranges and tangerines, which are associated with gold, wealth and optimism, are excellent for this purpose.

The article focuses on the issues of designing a place to work according to Feng Shui in such a way as to attract wealth and achieve success in any endeavor.

Feng Shui workplace in the office, in the office to attract money and talismans

The location of the workplace should be such that you can feel the rear behind your back. This could be a wall, a cabinet or a high-backed chair. It would be a good idea to hang pictures behind your back with images of banks or others that will symbolize financial well-being and stability.

Mountains and everything connected with them symbolize determination. Images associated with water, be it a waterfall or the sea, are best avoided so as not to “wash away” strength and success. Nature and calm tones will create a good atmosphere conducive to a working mood.

The energy of places near stairs, and especially under them, is not favorable for financial growth. Cabinets and shelves should be on the sides symbolizing your protection. According to Feng Shui, a clock is an unfavorable symbol.

Talismans should be chosen from those that symbolize wealth and good luck. A frog on coins, a crystal pyramid will help to grow upward.

Arrangement of furniture in the office according to Feng Shui according to the cardinal directions

You cannot sit opposite the door and with your back to the window and door. You can sit facing the door diagonally to it. The table cannot be placed in a corner. It turns out that the ideal place would be if the table is placed between the window and the door.

It is worth paying attention to such details as paintings; they should not contain anything related to water, so as not to “wash away” your efforts and success. Symbols of wealth and success can be placed in different places, on shelves or on the table. The Northeast is a great choice for a workplace.

Workplace according to fee shui painting behind the back and places for painting

The best choice for a picture behind your back would be images of money and banks. Everything related to finance will bring success to the owner of the office. The water element should be abandoned so as not to be left with nothing.

The picture can hang anywhere, but the most best place for her it will be behind her. It is there that she seems to help, instruct on the right path, and help to achieve success in material terms.

Feng Shui workplace by date of birth

The Gua number is easy to calculate, you just have to pay attention to it. You need to take your date of birth and add the last two digits. For example, 1987 8+7= 15 1+5=6

For a woman, add 5 to the resulting number 5+6=11 1+1=2

Using these numbers, you can find out from a special table the ideal location not only for your office, but also for your main home.

Workplace according to Feng Shui at home Natalya Pravdina

Great importance should be given to the chair; not only should it be convenient and comfortable, so as not to distract attention to a stiff back. So still best choice there will be one that has a high back. Thus, he will protect his master.

Feng Shui of the workplace if the door is behind and opposite the door rules, the direction of the table

Under no circumstances should you sit with your back to the door, as this could result in a knife in the back. Opposite the door is also not the best option; sitting diagonally from the door would be ideal.

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Greetings, dear readers! Most We spend our lives at work, so it is important to equip the workplace favorably for ourselves, so it is important to know how to properly arrange furniture in the office according to Feng Shui. As always, you need to start with cleanliness and order, impeccable order. No blockages so that energy can circulate freely throughout the workspace. Therefore, it is very important to know and implement the basic rules of Feng Shui in the office.

From the article you will learn:

Next, activate the necessary corners with mascot-figurines: a three-toed toad. The bigger the better. But you can’t keep more than 9 pieces in the office. Place her back to the front door and her back to the windows so she doesn't take money out of the office. You will also be helped by three Chinese coins tied with a scarlet ribbon, elephants, scrolls with auspicious hieroglyphs, a crystal pyramid and money trees, both plants and talismans. It is important to choose flowers for the office according to Feng Shui, but first things first.

Office arrangement

The office itself should be in light colors; it is better to avoid red and blue as much as possible. White and light shades of green, beige, brown and yellow are best.

Hang diplomas and certificates on the walls, use closed shelves (with glass doors) on the walls for awards. This will stimulate the company’s achievements and its desire to reach the top.

As in “home” Feng Shui, the office should have four corners, no round walls and sloping ceilings. If you are still in such an office, furniture and all kinds of partitions will help you to create favorable energy. If the ceiling is sloping, you can hang two flutes. There should be plenty of light in the office. Do not choose an office opposite the stairs or escalator.

Study room according to feng shui scheme

  1. There should be as much space as possible in front of the desk; favorable energy accumulates there.
  2. The table should not be located opposite the door.
  3. The office should not be a walk-through room.
  4. You need to sit with your back to the wall. If that doesn’t work, visually enlarge the spaces in front of you as much as possible with the help of a painting. Read on to find out which painting to choose.
  5. Don't sit in front of the window.
  6. The lighting should be bright, but don't sit directly under it.
  7. Keep your work area clean and tidy.

The entrance door should be large, not glass, and open outward, in the direction gua numbers head of the company. There should be no protruding corners.

How to arrange furniture in your office?

Employees should not sit too tightly. Otherwise, they will not have enough energy to work. There is no need to sit them with their backs to the door or window, or facing each other.

Metal, including computers, should be placed in the west and northwest, this will activate good luck and meeting influential people.

Painting for the manager's office

It is better not to use pictures with waterfalls; water falling down represents the same movement to the bottom of the entire office. Mountains and high-rise buildings in the paintings symbolize difficulties. It is better to hang a flying plane, a bird, a sailboat, a staircase leading upward, or a road, as well as a calm clean water, horizon or trees, but not drying up, no autumn or falling leaves.

Mirrors have a good effect on the office. The main thing is that the doors do not reflect in the mirrors and they do not reflect each other, and they should also be the same size full height of people. Don’t forget about the southeast corner: it’s best to place a fountain, aquarium or pond there.

Feng Shui cardinal directions in the office

Important zones for an office are the wealth zone. Don't forget to place paintings with wooden frames in the southeast. If there are designers in the office, activating the creative zone with metal will help them. Wood products in the south side of the office will bring fame to the company.

The office in the southwest is best avoided. The North will help with career growth. North West will improve leadership skills. You will become more responsible. The Northeast will help with learning and wisdom.

Feng Shui flowers for the office

In the area where clients are usually located, the reception or hall, it is better to place flowering plants, they attract the eye and symbolize the flourishing of business. In other areas it is better to place plants with round leaves, such as Money Tree or violets.

It is better to avoid cacti. If the windows in the office are very large, they will interfere with concentrating on work, in which case, put flowers on the window sills, or you can get by with blinds.

Plants for the office according to feng shui

In the room where employees sit, you should place fatsia - it will help fight obstacles, ficus - it will help in the career, and syngonium, it has leaves in the shape of hearts, which will add peace to the office atmosphere.

Scheffler and ficus will add positivity and improve the air; it is better to place them next to equipment such as a printer. The Chinese rose will inspire lazy people and slobs.

Japanese kinkan should be added to the arrangement of the meeting room; it will provide protection, Montezuma pine and cypress will give wealth, and sorrel and hoya will give good luck.

It is better to fill the rest room with liana-like, hanging plants, and mask the corners with them as much as possible. According to Feng Shui, it is better to choose red-orange flowers for the office.

Flowers in the manager's office

Croton. If the leader is hot-tempered, this plant will help. Improves charisma, improves health, and increases stamina. Croton will inspire and improve character in terms of determination.

Cyclamen will promote self-organization and add positivity, eliminating the feeling of loneliness. Dieffenbachia will help those who rarely get out from behind the desk.

feng shui office number

  1. victory and independence;
  2. diplomacy and love;
  3. growth and creativity;
  4. the number four in the east symbolizes “death”, so it is better to refuse an office with a number where there is a four;
  5. heavy changes, diversity;
  6. financial well-being, home, family relationships;
  7. spiritual development, wisdom and knowledge;
  8. prosperity, wealth and money;
  9. long life and love.

If the number has a two-digit or more meaning, for example 78, then look at what numbers go from left to right - through spiritual development, wisdom and knowledge you will achieve wealth and prosperity.

Furniture arrangement in the office according to Feng Shui

Furniture should have straight lines. Workers should not sit with their backs to the door. It is advisable to place them facing the entrance, and have a wall behind them, this allows them to feel safe and supported. How to arrange furniture in an office according to Feng Shui?

It is better not to place huge cabinets near the doors; it will be difficult for energy to squeeze into the office. It is better to place all massive furniture along blank walls.

Feng Shui workplace in the office

When employees have little personal space, they may feel uncomfortable and this can cause their productivity to drop. It is important that the employee sits in a direction that is favorable to him.

The approach to the table should be free, not narrow. And it’s better from several sides, which means choosing different options.

The workplace should be clean, wires should not interfere with the legs, for freedom of thought. Don’t forget to wipe away dust, all sorts of figurines and various kinds of “dust collectors” that are not related to Feng Shui or your work, it is better to remove them.

Feng Shui of the manager's office

The north-west is the “owner’s sector”, this is where the manager’s desk should be located. This will help him to be fair, wise and not make mistakes in decisions. The larger the manager’s desk, the better, and place it so that it is at the maximum distance from the entrance.

It is better to use gold, silver and white colors in the management office. You can keep a photo of your family on the table: this way they will be closer, and photos of children will inspire creative approaches to problems and achieving new heights.

The chair is also important. Choose a chair worthy of being called a throne. Expensive, comfortable, with armrests and a high back.

Good luck in your business and career growth!

After a table for a first-grader has been selected and purchased, a reasonable question arises, where is the best place to put the school table? Where will the child be most comfortable doing his homework?

In order to understand how to set up a desk for a first-grader, we will designate places where there should not be a desk for a schoolchild.

  • A desk in the kitchen - it happens that there seems to be absolutely nowhere to put furniture for a schoolchild, but the kitchen is large and a computer desk for a schoolchild is placed in the kitchen, which in some apartments is more spacious than the rooms. The kitchen is the most inconvenient place for lessons. Firstly, people often come into the kitchen, which can greatly distract from your studies, and secondly, there is food nearby, and food and textbooks are incompatible things.
  • You should not place a first-grader’s desk near the door, and especially with his back to the door - such an arrangement creates psychological discomfort.
  • A schoolchild's desk by the window. It seemed like an ideal place. But a schoolchild’s desk placed by the window, where there are no thick curtains to protect from the sun, will definitely not add comfort to an older student who does part of his homework at the computer. As you know, the screen glares from the sun. Therefore, if you are going to place a table by the window, then only where the window has not yet begun and there is a little wall, in the corner.
  • A table for a first grader under a bunk bed is a good way to save meters and is very bad way do homework. When something hangs over a person during exercise, it causes discomfort. And even if the child is comfortable in such a place, the parent will not be able to help him do his homework - he will have to bend over backwards to come up and see the result or move away from the table.
  • The desk is against the wall, but in the middle of the room. On the one hand, the location is very convenient, you can quickly approach, you can immediately see what the baby is doing. But the child will be much more comfortable in a corner where he is not immediately visible from the door - after all, your task is to create a comfortable feeling while spending time at home, and not vice versa.

How to set up a children's desk correctly

A sense of personal space is the first and most important point in setting up a desk for a schoolchild in an apartment. In order for the child to feel comfortable doing his homework and just want to sit and draw, the table for a first grader should be in the opposite corner from the door, so that the child can see the door, and those entering do not immediately see what he is doing. Both adults and children will feel more confident if there is a wall behind them rather than a window or empty space.

Often it is impossible to place furniture in a room in this way, in which case, another option for a comfortable placement of a desk for a student is along the wall where the door is, so that the person sitting can turn his head towards the door.

They often place a table near the window, on the right or left (for a right-handed person the window should be on the left hand, for a left-handed person - on the right), so that daylight falls on the table - this is not a bad location, but you should make sure that you can hide from the sun's rays. And it's better if there is a wall behind. But if this is not possible, position the table so that the door is on the side and not on the child’s back..

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