Address of Mikhalkov's dacha on Nikolina Gora. “Mikhalkov had freedom here for hooliganism! The age of supermodels is over

Nikita Mikhalkov is a People's Artist, actor, director, producer and screenwriter. IN last years actively engaged in entrepreneurship.

Born in October 1945 in Moscow in the family of a popular writer and famous writer. Studied for three years at music school at the conservatory and during the same period attended the studio named after. Stanislavsky.

Began studying at the school named after. Shchukin, but in his fourth year he was expelled for participating in filming, after which he entered the second year of VGIK, majoring in film director, successfully completed training in 1971, and a year later volunteered to serve in the navy.

His debut as an actor occurred at the age of fourteen. But his directorial debut was the film “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own,” filmed in 1974. After which, every year until 1984, new films by the eminent director were released on screens, many of which received awards and received public recognition.

In the early 80s he created the TriTe association. In 1993 he was elected chairman of the Cultural Foundation. In 1998, he took the post of chairman of the Union of Cinematographers.

Personal life

The filmmaker's ancestors were artists, poets and writers. Older brother Andrey and nephew Yegor also chose the profession of film director.

He first married Anastasia Vertinskaya in 1966, and his son Stepan was born in the same year, but five years later the couple separated.

Two years after the divorce, he married Tatyana Mikhalkova for the second time. From this union, a daughter, Anna, was born in 1974, a year later a son, Artem, and in 1986, a second daughter, Nadezhda. Nikita Sergeevich has nine grandchildren.

Nikita Mikhalkov's apartment

The director's apartment is located in one of historical places Patriarch's Ponds, in a house on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane, 4. The house was built in 1904. Previously it housed the Ladies' Trust for the Poor, and now the Moscow Kinospektakl theater.

The city apartment has not had a major renovation for many years, but according to the owner, the interior still looks fresh and modern. Mikhalkov is a greater supporter and open spaces, so the living room is spacious, without unnecessary furniture. The only antiques here are a table and armchairs from the 16th century, brought from China.

One of the key ideas was to install an antique fireplace in the apartment. Unfortunately, the house plans did not provide for such construction, so the owners had to build an additional air duct and go through many authorities to legitimize the installation.

Nearby, in the residential complex “At the Patriarchs”, there is Mikhalkov’s studio “TRITE”. The seven-story complex appeared on the site of old historical buildings that were demolished under the TRITE project, which caused a scandal in the press in 2010.

According to CIAN, apartments on Maly Kozikhinsky Lane cost from 37 to 300 million rubles.

House of Nikita and Tatyana Mikhalkov

The house on Nikolina Gora is a favorite place people's artist, he lives here all his life and after work he always strives to return from the city. Previously, there was an old building on this site, which over time became completely dilapidated and the owner had to completely rebuild it.

During construction, with the help of modern materials, he tried to revive the interiors of his childhood, so the kitchen is made in the style of post-war times, and the overall style is determined by the 70s. There is no single interior in the house; each room is individual.

The facade is made of brick and stone using marble, but the interior is completely decorated with wood. The living room with a white fireplace has a design with a second light that is popular today. There are many icons hanging on the walls, and next to the fireplace there is a snow-white grand piano.

Kitchen made from wood valuable species, is connected to the dining area, which has a long oval-shaped table and antique cupboards.

From the front door you enter the office and winter garden. There is also a staircase from which you can go to a balcony decorated with animal skins.

The mansion is located on a vast area of ​​several hectares. Not far from the main mansion there are guest buildings, and Andrei Konchalovsky's cottage was built on the neighboring plot.

According to CIAN, houses in the village of Nikolina Gora cost from 40 to 990 million rubles, depending on location and size.

From birth he was given more than many - through efforts more famous ancestors. He manages to live without wasting anything and never losing. With or without reason, on a whim and without any desire on his part - the excitement is inevitable, as is a careless triumph, after which - solitude on Nikolina Gora, in the dacha, where the view from the windows of the turn of the century, where being a landowner is as natural as in Moscow - an official.

Nikita Mikhalkov has a house on Nikolina Gora that has not noticed the change of the century.

You see, Nikolina Gora, like other old villages, like Krasnaya Pakhra or Peredelkino, is a kind of village in which lived people born and raised before the 17th year, that is, there was a certain class of people who went to live not in Gorki, not to Barvikha, namely there. Although both Barvikha and Nikolina Gora arose at the same time, in the 20s. It was a piece quite far from Moscow, with a pontoon crossing, without a bridge, on ice in winter, with a country road between dachas, and it did not represent any prestigious place either in the 20s or 30s. The river flooded to the very bottom, to the mountain, Otto Schmidt built a dacha there, the Veresaevs built a dacha there, Nikulin, Mesishchev, Prokofiev, Kapitsa lived there. Even if you look at the buildings, it was not for show. Now the nouveau riche are rushing to Rublyovka, for whom this is iconic place, simply because the government always lived there - both Stalin’s dacha and Khrushchev’s dacha. They think they chose the best best places. But this is not so. I took the land near the city of Gorbatov on the Oka, where the finale of the film “The Barber of Siberia” was filmed, and this land is much more sanctified by silence, which can no longer be found on Nikolina Gora today.

What was your first impression when you arrived there?

Drifts, huge amounts of snow. I’ve been living there for 50 years now and constantly for the last 10 years; I manage to spend the night in a Moscow apartment 5 or 6 times a month.

I remember this feeling of isolation well. I lived there all year round from the age of 5 with a Spanish nanny who lived in our family, she was one of those children who were brought to Russia in 1937. Her name was Juanita, and the workers who finished building our house never said her name. And this loneliness, the emptiness around, completely winter, because no one lived there in winter. And my entire childhood is an endless wait for my parents to arrive, because they could only come on Saturday and Sunday, and then only in the winter on ice, and in the spring, during the flood, we were completely cut off from big land. Country store, village RANIS - workers of science and art.

What about friends?

Those who lived there. Pasha Frumkin, Sasha Vasiliev, Kravchenko. We studied together, five children, in a small home school, in the same dacha, because the walk to school in the village was quite far, 8 kilometers. One teacher taught several subjects. Primary school, 1st grade, we didn’t go to Moscow at all.

Did your rural landowner upbringing work out for you?

Well, not so landowner, but definitely rural.

And your little Oblomov from these memories? - Not so much from memories, but from sensations. There are still such impressions etched in my memory from the house of my grandfather, who lived in Bugry, so he really lived the life of a completely landowner. There was no electricity, and there is still no electricity there, kerosene lamps, hunting, your own world, chickens, pigs, a cow, the smell of smoked hams and Antonov apples, creaking floorboards, the constant smell of paint, grandfather - a painter. And almost all of my films, in which one way or another the action takes place on an estate, are even geographically inspired by these impressions from childhood.

It’s strange that other directors don’t have an estate like yours, but you have this theme from film to film.

Evening sitting at the piano with a kerosene lamp, when my grandfather played Mozart, recited entire pages of Pushkin by heart, and sang arias from any opera. He was, I would say, a man of Renaissance talent and interests. These swamp hunting boots are made of leather, not rubber, but filled with oats, because oats absorb moisture. When they returned with my uncle from hunting hares and ducks, these boots were immediately placed where the apples were stored and the hams hung, leather boots were filled with barley, even before the revolution, I think so.

Don’t you start a farm on Nikolina Gora?

No, I walk there, there is no such distance from the civilized center, the Bugra dacha near Obninsk. There wasn’t a village there, just a house. A house and a huge garden where you had to have everything of your own to live. And the most important thing is that my impressions today, absolutely one hundred percent, when I read, say, Chekhov’s “Name Day”, Oblomov’s - everything that concerns the estate - are instantly the geography of my grandfather’s house.

Why do you think there is no estate life in the films of your colleagues? And only you have this atmosphere - yours, dear, absolute, reproduced from film to film: “An Unfinished Play...”, “Oblomov”, “Burnt by the Sun”...

I can’t now talk in all seriousness about why other directors don’t have this. Others have something different that I don't have. Another thing is that I can’t start filming until what I’m talking about becomes familiar, real and close to me.

Did you succeed? even in the revolutionary film "Slave of Love" to drag through aristocratic nostalgia. Is it because you are simply a nobleman in your worldview?

No, it's nice to hear that, but I can't talk about it seriously, I can't explain it. Just like at school, I couldn’t understand why I was punished not even for being late, but for telling the honest truth, that I overslept because there were guests and Richter was playing the piano so loudly, that I could not sleep, and for most people in the class this was a challenge, although I told the truth not in order to protect myself in the name of Richter, but simply because I told the truth.

You’ve been catching yourself doing this all your life now. What's for you natural life, for others - a challenge?

Maybe I didn’t understand this before, but when I realized it, I stopped talking, and I probably began to destroy myself. When you have one truth for yourself and another truth for others, it is a destructive thing.

Nikita Sergeevich, nevertheless, you do not change, no matter how time changes, no matter what new demands it makes.

Surely this is not always convenient?

I would be much more uncomfortable if I were to change my being for some rather ephemeral purpose. I’m a Russian person, I’ve come up with a formula: only a person who doesn’t have something can be Russian, but not in such a way that he definitely has it, but if he doesn’t, the hell with him. “Do you want a bottle, Kolya? - I want it. - Well, for this we need to help the neighbors unload their things. - Well, let them go... I don’t want it.”

Are Russian people a lazy person?

Not in this case. A Russian person will never work only for money without any other meaning. He not only wants to be paid well, he also wants to love those who pay him, and if he doesn’t love him, he will say: “Do you want me to work hard for your stinking money?” A Russian person can work hard like no one else, but he still needs an idea. Remember, Dostoevsky’s convicts were forced to carry logs in one direction, then in the other. When they found out that it was just to carry logs, they refused. Now, if this was done to build a guillotine for them, a prison for them, or a rack - if it made sense, they would do it. It is not enough for a Russian person to offer money, he must have an idea, otherwise he will lose strength, labor and vitality.

Is that why we won wars? We will wear felt boots and eat quinoa; we have no bottom line.

Yes, there is no edge, neither lower nor upper. We are even geographically structured in such a way that we absorb both the civilization of the West and the culture of the East without any coercion. The only education on globe, which really connects East and West, because it was only thanks to Russia, say, that Michelangelo arose and did not speak Tatar. We are who we are, and we will never live like in Holland, we can go to Holland whenever we want, but we don’t want to live like that. The West is exhausted with us, well, exhausted: everything is not happening as it should be. You wake up at a Sheraton hotel in any country in the world - and everywhere there will be continental breakfast, coffee with milk, scrambled eggs and bacon, yogurt, jam. Don't you understand that it will be convenient if we have the same plugs and sockets? It is impossible to turn a country like Russia into an intellectual McDonald's. We have folklore thinking, we were brought up on a magic carpet, out of three brothers, two of us worked smart, one lay on the stove, and he got everything. All the time there is anticipation, a feeling of miracle: MMM, "Vlastilina" and proof - not a mechanism for getting money, not a process of making money, but that someone is lucky. And this belief in miracles among Russian people keeps him on earth and saves him. In the caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra they talk about saints, about miracles, about how in the 9th century, during a drought, people prayed to God for manna from heaven, and it fell from the sky, and everyone was fed... I looked at the faces of the listeners and suddenly understood one clear thing: until we began to tempt the Lord (prove it, and then I will believe), while faith was naive and did not require proof, these miracles appeared. A Russian person, for whom faith is of enormous importance, even if he does not believe in the Lord God, still has a genetic faith in power. No other country in the world has so many sorcerers, palmists, and healers. Because there is a need for faith, but there is no culture of faith.

Have you ever told fortunes or scattered cards?

No. I believe Tolstoy, who said: “Do what you must, and let it be what will be.”

Don't you want to know your future?

Who can tell me about it?

Do you only believe in yourself?

No, I believe in God.

But you know that you are a person who always succeeds in everything?

I just never had desires that did not coincide with my capabilities. Human tragedies happen when a person thinks that he can only because he wants to. In this sense, two things saved me: these abilities from my mother and father and the energy aimed at creation. It’s interesting to create and uninteresting to enjoy victories. It's no fun to shoot a picture, sit on it and wait for fame. Perhaps this is why the Lord sent me the opportunity to experience this glory. With the onset of change, a huge number of my colleagues said: “But now we will tell you the truth.” But this is not true, and there is nothing, they abandoned themselves, and they were forgotten about. My studio, which is 10 years old, is today the only studio in the country that is not ashamed. There are reasons to grieve about other mistakes in my life, but we are not ashamed of what we did.

We didn’t run, we didn’t catch up, we didn’t jump from one track to another, we didn’t run to demonstrations, we didn’t declare anything, we just followed the traditions that were inherent in us.

What they tried to do to me in the press for “The Barber of Siberia”, pull me off the saddle and drag me into a general brawl. I live according to the Cossack principle, my ancestors were Yaik Cossacks. They said: as long as the dogs bark at me, it means I’m still in the saddle. I've never done anything that didn't resonate with me - without a single false note. I didn’t shoot for money, not for fame, because I don’t care about all that. This is what's annoying - here. Beyond the ring road, I am sure that in any house, in any house, they will welcome me, give me tea and put me to bed.


Photo - Pavel SHELKOV

2011 -3-16 21:55


Alexander Tsekalo suffers from gigantomania, and Vladimir Solovyov is surrounded by many enemies

When building a dream house, the owner tries to realize all his ideas in it and make it as comfortable as possible for himself and his family. Our stars are no exception. Sometimes the dachas of celebrities are distinguished by their wildest fantasies. With the help of the famous private realtor Maxim CHEPURA, we compiled a rating of celebrity mansions, calculating approximately how much the artists would earn if they put their buildings up for sale right now. And psychologist Natalya VARSKAYA tried to characterize the personalities of their owners using the facades of houses. For the purity of the experiment, we did not tell our experts who exactly owned which house.

Maksim Galkin

Realtor: I recognize Galkin’s “chambers”, spread out over a hectare of land. True, it is not clear why Maxim needed such a castle, but even if he ever decides to sell it, he will not be able to find a buyer. If only not his devoted billionaire admirer. Such a house will always be associated with the first owner. In the future, such a building can only be repurposed into a hotel or holiday home. According to the most conservative estimates, the interior decoration and decoration of a house can cost three times more than the object itself.
Psychologist: Everything is simple to the point of banality: the owner loves to impress people and be the center of attention. He enjoys great authority in certain circles. And Vladimir Solovyov is surrounded by many enemies

Yuri Bashmet

Psychologist: The owner of this house probably had a poor childhood. Pronounced ambition and desire to manage. Doesn't like to let strangers into his life. Maybe he even has some kind of Bluebeard secret.
Realtor: It will be almost impossible to sell such a huge territory. Most likely, the owner will not do this - the house will be inherited. The big minus is that the mansion is located next to the highway. The noise from cars makes life unbearable for household members.

Andrey Konchalovsky

Psychologist: A person lives here who is distrustful and not very positive. For him, the main thing is that those around him listen and obey. He can be cruel at times. This may be due to the fact that he believes that goals are more important than people.

Nikita Mikhalkov

Psychologist: Master at heart. It can be different, but more often - a kind person with an open heart. We are vulnerable, but easy-going, although we never forgive major insults.
Realtor: The place is legendary and prestigious, and the prices here are among the highest. One hundred square meters here costs about $110 thousand. Such estates are similar to real family estates, which, in fact, have no price. On the one hand, it is strange and unusual for modern man that on the vast territory (about a hectare) there are almost no additional buildings. On the other hand, I know from experience that it is precisely this kind of space and silence that every city resident dreams of.

Yuri Antonov

Psychologist: There is definitely greed in the owner. A man of the “kurkul” type, as people say.
Realtor: This three-story mansion looks like a real Russian noble estate and a Soviet Palace of Culture at the same time. Apparently intended for big family. Cozy and tasteful. A house like this, put up for sale, will go down the drain.

Joseph Kobzon

Psychologist: Either the ancestors of the owner of this house knew what a good life, or a person has dreamed of being like such people since childhood.
Realtor: The estate consists of several houses, all of them made of high quality building materials. The interior decoration is also probably not cheap, so the cost of finishing can be as much as the mansion itself with a plot in addition.

Alla Pugacheva

Psychologist: It seems that the house was built as a mini-hotel. Either the owner planned to rent out the premises, or he likes to invite family and friends. But he certainly doesn’t lack an entrepreneurial spirit.
Realtor: A big plus is that the house is located away from others. In addition, there is a forest all around, and a pond nearby automatically equates this place to a dream cottage. The mansion was built using high-quality building materials in a classic style. This one will last for 100 years and will always be valuable. In my understanding, this is exactly how it should be Vacation home: quiet, green, fresh and no one around.

Valentin Yudashkin

Psychologist: For the person who built such a house, punctuality is most important. He got used to a certain routine. Likes to manage people and processes.
Realtor: Minskoe Highway occupies third position in the list of priority destinations near Moscow, and Bakovka is one of the most expensive places. But today buying real estate here is unfashionable and unprofitable. Complex transport accessibility and overly inflated prices can scare away buyers. The mansion is very archaic. You can look for buyers for this for a long time.

Alexander Tsekalo

Psychologist: Strange house. You don't need to be a psychologist to understand: his owner is trying to realize all his hidden fantasies in him. Gigantomania is clearly visible here. Perhaps the reason is some serious complex. And, most likely, coming from childhood.
Realtor: If we take into account the cost including finishing, the price can reach more than half a billion rubles. Now the house is under construction, and it is difficult to imagine what else the owner will think of to build on the site. A house made in high-tech style will certainly be the most noticeable in the village. An unusual facade, exclusive design, elite building materials - selling the property will be problematic.

Alexander Malinin

Psychologist: This person can be different: for some he is gentle and faithful, for others he is cruel and narcissistic. His goal in life is the desire to embrace the immensity.
Realtor: A very nice house both in terms of architectural design and color scheme, which is important. All existing buildings are made with extreme care and in the same style, successfully harmonizing. Made with taste and love. An ideal home for a happy large family.

Masha Rasputina

Psychologist: From his youth, a person tries to prove to others that he is no worse than others, and sometimes even much better. Childish and slightly unsure of himself.
Realtor: The house is fabulous, even like a toy. It’s immediately obvious: the owner is a woman; a man, I think, would not allow himself such an abundance of pink shades. Successful landscape design. But the project is too individual and therefore not attractive for sale.

Ivan Urgant

Psychologist: Perceives only himself and his point of view. Clearly egocentric. He strives by any means to occupy people's attention with himself.
Realtor: An extremely unusual shape of the mansion. Against the backdrop of classic dachas it looks like something cosmic. There are too many outbuildings: one gets the impression that what is in front of one’s eyes is a factory, not a home for a family. The owner is clearly building to last! Subsequently, such a domina will be of interest to few buyers.

Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya

Psychologist: A supporter of everything Western. He wants to be valued not in the narrow context of his family, but far beyond its borders.

Alexander Lazarev

Psychologist: It seems to me that he is a very open and sociable person. There are no people who wouldn't like him. Honest, trusting, prone to compassion.
Realtor: Both houses look very modern - classic and Mediterranean style. But they require cosmetic repairs. This may reduce the price somewhat, but not significantly. Moreover, I am sure that the new owners will not rush into restructuring.

Vladimir Pozner

Psychologist: Definitely very creative person. The traditions of his ancestors are overly important to him.
Realtor: The house was built a long time ago and without any frills. The latter is a big plus when selling. But, even despite the proximity of the airport, this place is considered elite, which is why the dachas here are not cheap.

Alexander Gradsky

Psychologist: The owner of the house is a pedant and values ​​stability. He is surrounded by many people, he is constantly in contact with someone. But he often gets tired of communication, so he often needs personal space, to which outsiders are not allowed to enter.
Realtor: This is one of the oldest summer cottages, houses here have always been valued. The proximity of the airport does not bother buyers. Even during the “hot” season, several super-expensive mansions are sold here. The house with columns and spacious balconies was built in a classical style, I would even say in the Soviet style. In my opinion, such an object may be of interest to older people; young people today prefer something more whimsical.

Leonid Yarmolnik

Psychologist: The owner is a great visionary, a dreamer and the owner of an artistic gift. As a child, I probably loved fairy tales, adventure stories and mischief.
Realtor: Simplicity and nothing superfluous. The pool on site is always popular. But there is a feeling that the house was built quite a long time ago, and it is clear that it needs repairs. You can't sell it for too much! A good option for those who want to buy a dacha in a prestigious location for a reasonable price. I'm just afraid that the repairs might cost more.

Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva

Psychologist: It is felt that the owner has experienced little real happiness and joy in life. Often feels misunderstanding. He treats his own appearance without fanaticism.
Realtor: A classic country house, nothing remarkable or interesting. He has no personality. There are a lot of them on the market. The picture is spoiled by a dubious wooden shed in the corner and a dump of building materials. If I were the owners, I would at least paint the house some fun colors. It wouldn't hurt for him to make a mess. Boring option.

Vladimir Soloviev

Psychologist: A nervous person, sometimes it comes to the point of bile. Has many enemies. Maybe that's where the irritation comes from. Open only with those closest to you.
Realtor: Two pretty good houses - a three-story mansion and a house with a veranda. A very modest plot of land by today's standards. In my opinion, there is not enough space for a large family or friendly gatherings.

Alexander Domogarov

Psychologist: There is clearly an inquisitive and sociable person living here. I would say that the owner of this house has an easy, flexible character. A huge number of ideas swarm in his head, but not global ones.
Realtor: In this elite village closed type there are about
20 housing developments located in forest area. The home in the photo looks quite simple, but thanks to the rather large area land plot and a convenient location to communications, it looks quite cozy. The territory is spacious, there are no unnecessary objects or pretentious buildings. As they say, everything you need for quiet happiness. I think the house would attract many buyers.

Think about it!
Today, most country houses near Moscow are built in the classical style. The average area of ​​land is 10 - 12 acres, and the average area of ​​cottages is from 500 to two thousand square meters. meters. But there are also objects of six to eight thousand square meters. meters. The average price level for such mansions in elite locations is $8 million. For comparison: a similar building in Marbella (Spain) will cost a maximum of 1.5 million euros.

By the way
The mansion of Briton Stuart Hughes in Switzerland is considered the most expensive house in the world. The cost of an object with an area of ​​725 sq. m is estimated at 7.5 billion euros. 200 tons of gold and platinum were used during construction.

Stepan Mikhalkov settled with his wife in the elite village of Zhukovka, not far from his star relatives, father and uncle Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Konchalovsky. His house always smells of bread and fresh apples, one gets the impression of being transported back to childhood. Something in the interior is reminiscent of the arrangement of the parents. The same connection with the origins, the feeling of homeland. We can say that both houses are made in the spirit of classicism. But the father is in, and the son is in Belgian minimalism. Today on the pages of our magazine we will take a short tour of unusual house Stepan Mikhalkov and we will tell you about all the features of its arrangement. Enjoy watching!

Stepan acquired the land a long time ago, but did not immediately begin building the house. It was quite difficult to decide on. He reviewed many options in different styles, but neither modern modernism, nor post-Soviet vintage, nor European castles or rustic style impressed him, although it was close to the customers. As a result, the Mikhalkov couple settled on the Flemish direction.

Stepan is a long-time fan of Belgium. In addition, he is one of the partners in the Moscow representative office of the famous furniture brand Flamant. Therefore, no one was surprised that he turned to the Belgian architect Stefan Boyens for the design of his nest.

To coordinate the details and further interior design, the couple read a lot of thematic literature on Belgian urban minimalism. The main trends are no different from the generally accepted ones: natural materials, simple shapes. But it is in this style that the design looks very patriarchal.

House design by Stepan Mikhalkov

Just a few kilometers from the Moscow highway, a Northern European house, made of red, has risen. A well-groomed, perfectly trimmed lawn stretched out in front of him. There are also several built in the backyard, on which the wife grows herbs and vegetables for salad. There is also a garden with fruit-bearing varieties of fruit trees.

First floor layout

Initially, Stepan planned to fill the entire house with designer furniture. But the wife insisted on maintaining minimalism inside the house. Therefore, all items took their place without a feeling of clutter. Light oak was chosen for finishing the ceilings. To maintain a feeling of spaciousness and freedom in white.

On the ground floor, according to tradition, there is a kitchen in which Stepan’s wife is the full-fledged mistress. There is also a dining room and a library. The location of the fireplace in the dining room is noteworthy. According to the architect's idea, it was raised above the floor level, and now it resembles an old kitchen fireplace.

Since Stepan is a co-owner of the Moscow representative office of designer furniture Flagman, it is not surprising that this particular brand has decorated.

Living room design

In the main living room on the ground floor, only three details were used key role in the perception of the interior:

  • oak from France for the floor;
  • domestic oak for the ceiling;
  • a fireplace made by professionals based on an individual design.

Wicker ones are successfully combined with soft upholstery, decorated with a carriage screed. To diversify the color scheme, the shade for the chair and pouf was chosen in a muted blue range. The soft zone, together with the working area, resembles the interior of an old European house.

Decorating a living room-library

On the ground floor there is another spacious room, which doubles as a living room. The decor is minimal, one might even say a little ascetic. And only the upholstery made of genuine leather, modern windows with handles made by French craftsmen, and interesting ones speak of the maximum thoughtfulness of every detail.

Made in the spirit of rustic baroque and artificially aged by professionals. At first glance, you won’t understand that this is a modern product. Next to the fireplace they placed a fireplace made from antique boards. He further reinforced the impression that the whole situation was old house who remembers the times of peaceful life a hundred years ago.

In the background is located, which leads to the personal rooms of the owners, located on the second floor.

Kitchen design features

Doesn't get out of general design, the interior seems so simple, with a bit of folklore. All details, even nondescript ones, are executed elegantly and discreetly. Special attention deserves, which was made to order in France.

Decoration of the second floor

The staircase from the living room-library leads to the second floor in. Along the way, you can admire the portrait of Elizabeth hanging on the wall. The entire design supports the modest and simple style of the first floor and is done in white and brown tones. As an accent, the owners decided to dilute it with blue details.

Favorite place to relax: a bathhouse with a sauna

Stepan Mikhalkov and his wife look after their appearance and support healthy image life. In this regard, a real one was built with a spacious dressing room for relaxation.

Garden plot

WITH reverse side, perpendicular to the house, an extension with wood cladding was erected. Since its material differs from the main structure, outwardly it is initially perceived as a spacious barn. Over time, the owners converted it into living quarters.

It is not noticeable from the street, so it cannot spoil the austere facade in the Flemish style. There is a small orchard next to it, which does not interfere with the flow of sunlight to the rooms. Land was also allocated for and a greenhouse was installed. The decor in the back is more reminiscent of a Russian dacha than a European estate.

1 out of 10

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