Actress Volkova about divorce and resuscitation of her little daughter. Actress Ekaterina Volkova and her husband told how a joint show on STS will strengthen their marriage. Elena Volkova's husband

In 2013, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband, dancer and architect Andrei Karpov took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars.” His partner was famous actress, star of the TV series “Kitchen” Elena Podkaminskaya. According to Catherine, this time was difficult for her - she was terribly jealous of her husband, suspecting him of being infatuated with the miniature artist.


“My husband just said: “Lena and I, Lena and I...” He was simply fixated on winning. Even in Paris, the city of our love, where Karpov once proposed to me, he, forgetting about me, flew to Lena at a rehearsal. My husband celebrated his birthday with her there. And he didn’t even talk to me properly on the phone. I was jealous. Then I saw a million photos of Lena on his tablet..." Volkova complained.

The actress, who saw Andrei and Elena flirting, was so worried that she began to feel as if she was losing her husband. “One day I told him: “Let’s get a divorce!” My husband calmly replied: “Go ahead.” And he left to rehearse with Lena. And I... In despair, I almost did something terrible,” Ekaterina Volkova is quoted as saying by “7 Days.”

Suffering pushed the actress to take a radical step, which her daughter Lisa did not allow her to take. “It was so painful that I began to think about taking a pack of pills and ending everything once and for all. Some kind of eclipse came over me. Scary night. And in the morning, such a warm and gentle Gusena came up to me and hugged me. She was then only two and a half years old. And I thought: “This is the meaning of my life. What nonsense - all these bad thoughts of mine!” – said the artist.

As a result, Catherine reconsidered her views on the situation. “Andrey is trying, he wants to win, he and Lena are a team. And Gusena and I began to come to competitions and root for him. And we were probably more happy than anyone when he and Lena won. But still, I was even more happy when the project is over. Liberation has arrived! Fortunately, everything is in the past. On this moment Lena and I, when we meet at events, say hello and communicate, but she and Andrey do not. They went in different directions,” Volkova stated.

After a while, a misfortune happened in the actress’s life. The daughter was admitted to intensive care. She was diagnosed with peritonitis. “It turned out that children now have a common mutation - the appendix is ​​bent incorrectly, towards the back. Lisa was operated on, then there was intensive care. At first Gusena slept all the time, this is called medicated sleep. Then, when she slightly came to her senses, I began to take her for a walk around intensive care unit, because even through the pain we had to walk with our legs and not lie still,” said Ekaterina. Fortunately, the girl was soon transferred to a regular ward, and then discharged altogether.

A beautiful girl Katya was born in Tomsk into the family of a doctor and an engineer. A few years after the birth of their daughter, the parents moved to Togliatti, where the future star spent her childhood and received her education.

When asked what the little girl wanted to become, she answered “Alla Pugacheva!”, and when she heard that her idol would now perform in a television concert, she ran to the screen shouting “Be silent!!” and kissed the moving picture. She learned her first lessons in dramatic art by copying the Prima Donna, but it cannot be said that she seriously dreamed of becoming an actress.

As a teenager, the girl became interested in music. She studied piano at an art school, and after school she entered a music school to study choral conducting.

However, in the mid-90s, Katya became interested in theater and entered the studio at the Yaroslavl Wheel Theater. For a whole year I treated this type of art as a hobby, and then suddenly I realized that I could very well try to connect my destiny with this profession, and I entered the Yaroslavl Theater.


While studying there, she dreamed of playing Margarita in a production based on the famous Bulgakov novel - this is exactly what a random passer-by predicted to her. And so it happened. While studying in her third year, Katya, unexpectedly for herself, transferred to the capital's GITIS, and there her classmate was directing Bulgakov!

The roles were assigned, so the girl just sat quietly in the corner and knitted a hat for the Master. She knew the entire role of Margarita by heart. She raved about the performance so much that her classmates thought that Katya was displaying a form of insanity, but the director eventually approved her for the role. Later Margarita at the Moscow Theater. Ekaterina played Stanislavsky for ten years.

She also left for Moscow because her marriage began to fall apart. It is known that Catherine’s first husband’s name was Alexei and he was involved in the criminal world. He was not a real authority and a killer; he “only” dismantled stolen cars for parts.

When his wife became interested in dramatic art, he began to throw scandals, convincing her that only women of easy virtue become actresses. The beauty was so tired of the prohibitions on personal development that she considered divorce to be the best solution.

Alexei and Ekaterina’s marriage gave birth to a daughter, Valeria, whom the actress took with her to Moscow.

Second marriage

After graduating from university, Ekaterina immediately began working in enterprise performances. She participated in several serious projects at the Stanislavsky Theater and was associated with the Praktika Theater.

The actress also acted in films, and even went to present one of the films at a festival in Khanty-Mansiysk. There she met director and producer Sergei Chliyants.

He was so enchanted that he immediately invited the beauty to marry him.

The sensible woman, then already a mother, was not used to cutting from the shoulder and preferred to first get to know the director better. Therefore, they signed only a year later, and only a year later their true attitudes towards life and creativity began to be revealed.

It turned out that the spouses have different, simply polar views on some important things. Therefore, their marriage did not last long and did not bring any significant feelings or incidents for Volkova.


After her second divorce, she plunged into the world of TV series, which in our country are capable of bringing true popular love to artists. She starred first in the famous television series “Next”, and then in “KGB in a Tuxedo” and this time the audience really fell in love with her.

At the time when the second series was released and found its first fans, Catherine began to be recognized. Therefore, when at one of the vernissages she caught the fascinated gaze of a shocking politician, writer and public figure Eduard Limonov was not surprised. But “Edichka” looked so intrusively that she decided to approach him herself.

“My name is Katya Volkova,” the star introduced herself, confident that the politician was interested in her because he saw her on TV. But he surprised her with his answer:

And who are you?

This is how one of the most unexpected and vibrant novels began. modern Russia. Their age difference was more than 30 years, they truly loved each other dearly and were considered the most shocking couple in our country at the beginning of the 21st century.


Imbued with Limonov’s ideas, Ekaterina began going to rallies. The couple did not miss news from the art world, and one day Katya asked her lover to shave her head. The new look suited the beauty so well that she stayed in it for some time - until she became pregnant.

After giving birth, it suddenly became clear that the baby was interfering with the bright and direct politician and thinker. Limonov rented an apartment for himself in another place so that he could work in peace, and in response to Catherine’s hints that the family needed to be provided for, he only called her a bourgeois and reproached her for her base needs.

She will later note more than once that Edward is an extremely worthy person, but when children are born, mothers become completely uninterested in the revolution.

Catherine’s second pregnancy put an end to their relationship. The daughter of Volkova and Limonov, Sashenka, was born at the end of their relationship. Ekaterina became mother of many children, and Edward absolutely did not want to know anything about the food of his now very large family.

They did not divorce for a long time due to some bureaucratic problems related to Limonov’s registration. However, Catherine did not insist, wishing Edward success in his political affairs (he was then running for president of the country) and laughed: what if I become the first lady?

Now Volkova is involved in the filming of several projects at once. She never forbade Limonov to meet with children, and he, in turn, visited them and helped financially.

After the third divorce, there were actresses and novels in her life, but now she tries not to advertise her personal life. However, she is not shy about going out with her suitors. However, the man with whom she is seen in Lately, is far from show business.

Ekaterina Volkova was born on January 15, 1982 in Tallinn, Estonia. Catherine’s father worked as an embassy employee and was the main breadwinner of the family. Mother became a housewife to raise Katya and her younger brother Leonida.

From the early childhood The future actress demonstrated her talent; the girl often went to the hairdresser where her aunt worked and gave concerts for all visitors. In choise future profession Ekaterina thanks her grandmother, who not only supported her granddaughter’s aspirations, but also gave valuable advice.

The parents, in turn, insisted on a more serious profession for their daughter, which is why Catherine had to promise that she would receive two higher education. After graduating from school in 1997, the whole family moved to Moscow, where Volkova decided to join several theater clubs at once.

Youth years

In 1998, Ekaterina, without anyone’s help, entered the M. S. Shchepkin Theater School, from which she graduated with honors.

The bright graduate hoped for a quick rise up the career ladder, but the miracle never happened.

Deciding not to give up, Volkova began attending various screen tests and famous theaters, but only over time she realized that she needed to start small.

In 2003, Ekaterina was accepted into the State Film Actor Theater, where she performed many roles, including “Exactly at Seven”, “Broadway... Broadway...”, “Dog in the Manger”, “Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro”, “ Ideal husband” and “Lies with long legs.”

That same year, Catherine decided to fulfill her promise, given to parents. The aspiring actress entered financial academy budget and treasury of the International Financial Markets Federation, where she also received a diploma with honors as an accountant.

Personal life and hobbies

Ekaterina does not want to talk about her personal life before marriage, so all the relationships that the actress had before 2009 are under seven locks. Volkova met her future husband after a performance at the State Film Actor Theater.

The talented dancer Andrei Karpov managed to impress the actress and a whirlwind romance began between the young people. At the beginning of 2010, the couple went on a trip to Paris, where Andrei proposed to his beloved. A few months later, the wedding took place; the modest ceremony was attended exclusively by family and friends.

On March 16, 2011, Ekaterina gave birth to a daughter, who was named Elizaveta. Currently, there is complete mutual understanding in the young family, although not so long ago the actress had to get pretty nervous due to suspicions of an affair between her husband and her partner in the “Dancing with the Stars” project, Elena Podkaminskaya.

Catherine's main hobby is her work. The actress never ceases to develop, appearing in more and more new projects. In 2015, Volkova fulfilled her long-time dream and took part in the popular project “Dancing with the Stars,” where she demonstrated not only the jury, but also all her fans incredible flexibility and plasticity. In her free time from work, the actress prefers to relax with her family, read books, bake cupcakes and play with her daughter.

Interesting notes:

Professional life

Ekaterina's acting career began in 2005 with commercial products "Galina Blanca". The talented girl was noticed and invited to play episodic roles in such TV series as “Kulagin and Partners”, “Who’s the Boss?” and “Love is like love.” In 2007, the actress received her first main role in the series “Alibi Agency”, but real popularity came to Volkova in 2009 with the release of the comedy family series “Voronins”.

Since 2011, Ekaterina decided to try herself as a presenter.. The actress has two shows - “Long time no see!” and “Mom for 5+”.

Volkova also appeared in such TV series as “Moms 3” (2014), “I Believe Not Believe” (2015) and “Survival Lessons” (2016). At one time, the actress was invited to film in various television projects, including “Let Them Talk” , “Guess the Melody”, “The Smartest”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” and Fort Boyard.

The actress’s last work was the 19th season of the popular TV series “Voronin”.

Currently, Ekaterina continues to play in the theater and is looking for another successful project that will make her even more popular.

The leading lady of Vera Voronina, actress Ekaterina Volkova, spoke about how to maintain a balance between personal life and work.

Ekaterina Volkova came to Volgograd to present new season STS. Coincidentally, on the eve of the actress’s arrival, the beloved series “Voronin”, to the delight of all fans, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. After all, this is the longest adapted series, 455 episodes have already been released.

Woman’s Day congratulated the leading actress Vera Voronina, actress Ekaterina Volkova, on this event, and talked with her about filming, family and how to maintain a balance between personal life and work.

- How many hours a day do you spend filming the series “Voronin”?

Now we have a lot of touring and traveling, so our schedules have changed a little. But when we filmed in a tighter mode, with live broadcasts, we spent six days a week filming, and sometimes we worked without days off at all.

- It turns out that your family only sees you at night?

It happens that they don’t even see at night! If I'm not on set, I'm going on tour, constantly flying in and out, packing my bags. It even happens that there is no time to go home. Then I call my husband straight from the airport and ask him to bring me my things.

Ekaterina with her TV husband

- Is your husband jealous of your colleagues?

This stage has already passed. But at first he was wildly jealous of Dronov (Georgy Dronov, who plays Kostya Voronin, Catherine’s serial “husband” - editor’s note)! We were not married at that time. And Andrei was very “lucky”: no matter how he arrived on the set, we were lying in bed with Dronov. Now we are all friends and communicate as families. But it’s good that my husband was jealous. It's good for relationships.

With husband Andrei Karpov

Photo: Press service of Ekaterina Volkova

- Does being jealous mean loving?

I think yes. He doesn’t hit, but he’s jealous! This means she is not indifferent. I’m jealous of him too and I think that’s right. If you treat a person with disregard, indifference, you don’t care where he is or with whom, the relationship is over. This means that people simply exist together. And if something hurts, that’s good.

- How do you manage to combine work and a happy family life?

We must remember that we are all different people. My husband and I (Andrey Karpov, architect and professional dancer, married since 2010 - editor's note) both creative people and we put a lot of effort into our work. When our schedules coincide and we are together at home for two or three days, this is happiness. But then we realize that we interfere with each other, and everyone needs some kind of personal space. It seems to me that our marriage rests on the fact that we love spending time together at home, but at any moment we can go on tour and have time to get bored. And when we come home, we simply don’t have time for quarrels and resentments. I want to be in comfort and warmth, and not waste time sorting things out. Although they do exist.

- I thought you had an ideal family...

What do you! We ordinary people and we also quarrel over trifles. But these moments when we can be alone after long separation- they are priceless.

With daughter Lisa

- Do you manage to plan weekends with your family?

I look at my parents: my mother is a housewife, and my father worked from Monday to Friday all his life. They always spent Saturday and Sunday together. It would be hard for me. Although now I look at couples who have this stability, who know that they devote their weekends to their family. With us everything is different. Lisa (daughter of Ekaterina and Andrei - editor's note) says: “Mom, I want to go to the theater!” OK, when? On Saturday? So, I have filming on Saturday. Come on, you and daddy go. And immediately in response: “Mom, I want to be with you.” And I’m faced with the fact that I need to be on set in the morning, then I need to go to the theater for a play with Lisa, and in the evening there’s the premiere of the musical “Ghost,” which I’m going to with my husband. How can you plan anything with such a schedule?

- Aren’t you tormented by remorse that you don’t “add” something to your family?

Happens. Of course, I try to somehow compensate for this time. I take my daughter with me to performances. Someone will say that this is wrong, that such behavior violates the child’s routine. But she's so happy! And that makes me happy. Lisa helps me. She also really loves coming to the set, because she grew up watching the series “Voronin”. Everyone knows her, and she knows everyone. Sometimes we can act out and not go to class. We prepare breakfast together: cheesecakes, omelettes, and set the table. Of course, like many working mothers, I buy her toys. Although she is already quite old, she herself understands that she has a lot of toys. Now we take puzzles and books.

- Does your daughter like to read?

Lisa already reads herself and loves this activity very much. Recently she read Mary Poppins aloud to me while I was cooking dinner. She herself chose such a serious book. First I watched our film, found the book, and started reading. True, the chapters in the books confused her, because in the movies there is no division. But I explained everything to her, and everything fell into place.

- Who takes care of the child when you are on the road?

We entrust this important task to our grandparents. But now, since we have moved and live far from them, we are looking for a good nanny. School is ahead, and it is important that a professional takes care of Lisa. We are looking for a woman with a pedagogical education. How to choose? My friends, of course, advise. But this is a difficult decision for me.

- It is known that you have three dogs in your house. How did you decide to do this?

It wasn't really our choice. At first we only had a cat, he has been with us since 2007. But Lisa really wanted a puppy! We chose a Spitz - he is small, cute and domestic. Then my husband got the idea to get another dog. And so luckily I saw an ad on Facebook for the sale of an Akita Inu dog. Andrey was delighted with her! Then Lizochka and I gave dad a gift. And the third puppy appeared recently, when we had already moved into the house. Bo (an Akita Inu dog) found him and took “patronage” over him. The foundling was named Ru, full name– Runet, because the whole world chose its name.

- By the way, about the house. All the fans on your Instagram are following the renovation. How is it going?

We already live in the house, but renovations are still in progress. Small touches are being completed. I want to do everything as well as possible. This is our first home together, we have been looking for it for a very long time. In the beginning there was only a box, which we transform at our discretion. There is a school nearby, it’s not a long drive to the city, we are very lucky with our neighbors. And most importantly, how everything coincided in one place, although we dreamed of our own vein for a very long time. But it’s not for nothing that they say: everything has its time.

- Did you and your husband argue during the renovation?

We're still fighting! We are an ordinary family. We argue about wallpaper, about furniture, where things should stand. Although my husband controls the entire process, I only make minor changes. However, Andrei cannot always be there; he has many other projects (Ekaterina’s husband is also an architect - editor’s note). Therefore, I have to manage the workers. And they keep dragging on. Sometimes it seems to me that I live with them different worlds. I want all this to end as soon as possible.

- Do you have matriarchy, patriarchy or democracy in your family?

What matriarchy or patriarchy, what are you talking about? It won’t work with me, and even more so with Andrey. We try to find compromises. It won’t work with your husband to act directly, head-on. His great-grandmother was a gypsy. Can you imagine the blood in it? So I do what most women do: I said yes and did it my way.

Full name: Ekaterina Yurievna Volkova

Age: 44 years old

Zodiac sign: ♓ Fish

Place of Birth: Russia, Tomsk

Nationality: Russian

Height: 166 cm

Family status: not married (ex-husband – Eduard Limonov)

Activity: actress, singer, model

Biography of Ekaterina Volkova

Russian model, singer and actress Ekaterina Volkova won the love of the audience with her works in cinema and theater. In an interview, Ekaterina admitted that as a child she never dreamed of being an actress. The fact that I ended up in this profession is called “coincidence, fate, non-random chance.”

Russian actress Ekaterina Yurievna Volkova

Ekaterina Yuryevna Volkova was born in the city of Tomsk on March 16, 1974. She was still a little girl when the family moved to Tolyatti. Here she spent her childhood and teenage years.

Volkova family

Catherine's dad worked as an engineer and knew how to play the button accordion well. Mom, Galina Petrovna, a physician by training, was in charge of the emergency laboratory. She had a very a strong character, which the father could not stand and left the family.

Father and mother of Ekaterina Volkova

Katya loved her dad very much, but she was forbidden to see him. Now actress Volkova communicates with her father. The family had two children. Ekaterina has a brother, he followed in his mother’s footsteps, choosing to become a doctor.

Ekaterina Volkova in childhood

As a child, when asked what she wanted to become, little Katya answered: “Alla Pugacheva.” I programmed this scale for myself at the age of five. The prima donna was an idol for Volkova; it was from her that the girl took her first acting lessons through the TV screen.

Ekaterina Volkova in her childhood

The little girl sat through the entire concert to the end to wait for her favorite singer to appear and see what she would sing and how she would be dressed. Thanks to Pugacheva, Katya became seriously interested in music, studied at the Kalinka choir studio and at music school in piano class.

Career of Ekaterina Volkova: cinema and theater

After school, Ekaterina graduated from music school with a degree in choral conducting. It was necessary to decide on the further choice of an educational institution, but Katya was in no hurry to completely connect her life with music.

1994-1999: GITIS and first roles in the theater

In 1994, Volkova was accepted into the studio at the Wheel Theater in Yaroslavl, and for about a year she appeared on stage as an amateur. The times were difficult, and in order to earn a living, the girl sang in restaurants in the evenings.

"The Actress Who Sings"

In 1995, she became a student at the Yaroslavl Theater School, studying with teacher Vyacheslav Shalamov. Already in her first year she played on the stage of the oldest Yaroslavl Drama Theater named after Volkov in Russia. She had the role of Nastenka in the play “The Village of Stepanchikovo” based on the work of F. M. Dostoevsky.

Ekaterina Volkova in her youth

But still, Katya wanted greater prospects and opportunities. The provincial theater was not the limit of her dreams, and in 1997 Volkova went to Moscow. She applied to several educational institutions, but by transfer she was only accepted into GITIS (immediately into the third year).

Ekaterina Volkova and Alexander Abdulov

She studied on a course with Mark Zakharov, director and artistic director of Lenkom. In the same theater she studied choreography. Here Katya met famous actor Alexander Abdulov. Despite big difference At the age, a real strong friendship began between them, which lasted until his death.

2000-2017: stage and cinema

Even in the student production of “The Master and Margarita,” Volkova played the main role, for which Mark Zakharov himself approved her. After graduating educational institution, Katya continued to appear on stage in the role of Margarita, but at the Stanislavsky Theater. Here she was also involved in the production of “Orpheus and Eurydice”. She also collaborated with the Praktika theater and performed in enterprise performances.

Ekaterina Volkova, “The Master and Margarita”

Thanks to her friendly relations with Abdulov, Volkova’s film career also began successfully. He recommended the young actress to directors, she starred with Yuri Grymov in “The Collector”, with Oleg Fomin in “Next 2” and “Next 3”, with Sergei Solovyov in the film “About Love”. The success of all these films gave Katya a chance to get the main role in the series “KGB in a Tuxedo.”

Ekaterina Volkova in the films “2-Assa-2”, “Next 3”

From 2006 to 2010, the actress refused to act in TV series; she preferred to play in feature films (“Alive,” “2-Assa-2,” “Anna Karenina”). But when difficult times came in her personal life, she had to feed and teach the children herself, Katya moved away from her principles.

Ekaterina Volkova on the set of “Emergency”

Viewers are familiar with her roles in the films: “Retribution”; " Short course happy life"; "Women in Love"; "Fartsa"; "Spider". Volkova pleased fans with her performance in the multi-part projects “Londongrad. Know ours!”; "The Law of the Concrete Jungle"; "Ambulance".

Personal life of Ekaterina Volkova

Unlike creative biography, the personal life of Ekaterina Volkova was not so successful. Every time she got married, she hoped that now she had definitely found a strong man’s shoulder, reliability and protection.

Catherine's first husband - Alexey

The first husband Alexey was seven years older than Katya. He earned a criminal record for an illegal activity - assembling and disassembling stolen cars. This marriage was early; at the age of eighteen, Catherine gave birth to a daughter, Valeria. Her mother helped raise the baby so that Katya could graduate from music school.

Ekaterina Volkova with her first daughter Valeria

Volkova wanted to develop further, but her husband was categorically against it acting. When Ekaterina finally started studying at theater studio, there was an incident involving assault by Alexey, Volkova was hospitalized for several weeks. After this, Katya decided to divorce. WITH ex-husband She never met again; her own father did not maintain any relationship with his daughter Valeria.

Romance with Eduard Boyakov

The actress had a second serious romance in Moscow with theater director and producer Eduard Boyakov. He was married. But for Katya it didn’t matter; the most exciting thing flared up in her life. great love, she was ready to wait as long as she wanted. Their civil relationship lasted four years.

Ekaterina Volkova and Eduard Boyakov

Edward finally divorced his wife, and Katya already considered herself an official bride. But unexpectedly the truth about his novels surfaced, and under pressure from Boyakov, Ekaterina decided to have an abortion. She could not forgive the betrayal, abruptly broke off the relationship and married another man who was in love with her.

Second husband – Sergey Chliants

Ekaterina’s second husband is film producer and screenwriter Sergei Chliants. The couple met in Khanty-Mansiysk at a festival. Sergei immediately really liked Ekaterina, but at that time she had a civil relationship with Boyakov.

Ekaterina Volkova and Sergey Chliyants

A year later, Chliyants waited for the woman he loved, and they officially registered their marriage. But the union did not last long; the couple separated by mutual consent, realizing that they had completely different views on life.

Ekaterina Volkova's husband - Eduard Limonov

Volkova was thirty years old when she met the writer and publicist Eduard Limonov. His charisma and beautiful speeches drove the actress crazy, she fell in love, went to rallies with him, even changed her image - she shaved her head.

Ekaterina Volkova and Eduard Limonov

The lovers formalized their marriage, despite the thirty-year age difference. But when his son was born, Edward was not ready to raise him. After three years of marital relationship, the couple separated, although an official divorce was not filed. Katya was just pregnant with her daughter.

Ekaterina Volkova with Limonov, their son and daughter Valeria

To help ex-wife Eduard could not financially, he needed to study political activity. So Catherine had to grab any job to support herself and her three children.

Ekaterina Volkova and Vasily Dyuzhev

After breaking up with Limonov, she had a long four-year affair with businessman Vasily Dyuzhev. But now the actress is alone again, she doesn’t want to change anything yet, she has enough passions in cinema.

Catherine's children: Valeria, Bogdan and Alexandra

The actress has three children. Valeria’s daughter from her first marriage is now an adult, lives and studies in Germany at the University of Marburg. So far I have connected my life with pedagogy and sociology. Her mother helps her financially, providing her with a modest student life; Lera earns more herself (as a bartender and nanny).

Three children of Ekaterina Volkova

Son Bogdan (father Eduard Limonov), born on November 7, 2006, studies at a school with in-depth study in English, plays chess very well. Daughter Alexandra, born in the same marriage, was born on July 17, 2008. Bogdan and Alexandra bear the surname of their father - Savenko ( real name Limonov).

Bogdan and Alexandra Savenko

Catherine calls the children that driving force, which helps her go through life. Raising three people at once is very difficult. But she has good helpers - her mother and nanny Olesya (a girl from Ukraine, a fan of Volkova’s work).

Ekaterina Volkova now: news

At the end of 2018, Ekaterina completed renovations in a new Moscow apartment, where she is in a hurry to move with her children before New Year's holidays. In an interview with the TV program “Once Upon a Time,” Katya shared that it’s hard to deal with renovations, moving, and raising children alone, but her soul is light and free, and the actress really likes this state.

Ekaterina Volkova, 2018

In addition to filming films, Volkova devotes a lot of time to charitable foundations and a personal line for the production of fashionable clothing, and also sings in Vladimir Agafonnikov’s jazz group “Agafonnikov-Band”.

Ekaterina Volkova and “Agafonnikov-Band”

Catherine never complains and knows how to forgive those who hurt her. Volkova is helped in this by the philosophy of yoga and vegetarianism. An accomplished actress and singer lives with love for her children - the main asset of her life.

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