How to choose a name for a child: tips for future parents. What name to give the child

Choosing a name for a baby after birth seems like a simple task for many parents and does not cause problems. But in fact, which one you decide to choose for your baby, in the future may affect his fate. Therefore, to ensure a happy future for your child, read important tips and selection rules.

Basic rules for choosing a name

To choose the right name for your unborn child, you need to pay attention to some subtleties.

  1. Before naming a son or daughter, check the consonance together with the initials of the surname and patronymic. When compiling them, obscene or funny words should not appear.
  2. Look for one that, together with the surname, will sound nice. Avoid rhyming combinations.
  3. It is recommended to avoid those combinations of first name, patronymic and last name that lead to complex spelling.
  4. When choosing, discard those that are popular this year or month. Often this leads to a situation where there are, for example, five Sergeevs in the class.
  5. The name should not be such that one can make a teaser out of it.
  6. Think about those that, both in childhood and at an older age, will sound harmonious.
  7. Don't choose the ones that you associate with people who evoke bad memories.
  8. Psychogenealogy does not recommend naming children after grandparents.

If your loved ones are arguing about the problem of choosing a particular option, you should filter out relatives who impose their opinion. After you have already decided for yourself what you will call the child, a conversation with relatives can be held, and their advice is taken into account.

Do not listen to the opinions of others about how to name the baby. It's just a parent's concern. Previously, on Russian soil, there were 6 rules that guided the selection process. Now there are much more such recommendations, and each parent must decide for himself which of them to use.

We name the child, based on the patronymic

It becomes a difficult task for parents to choose a name for newborns, taking into account the name of the father. After all, I want it to be not only beautiful, but also well combined with the patronymic in the future.

We choose the name of the girl by patronymic

Here are some helpful rules:

  1. choose fashionable woman's name, which is an analogue of the male for a girl, for example, Alexander, Stanislav, Bogdan is only needed together with soft patronymics (Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna). You should not form a firm and quarrelsome character in your daughter.
  2. It is better to refuse foreign options if the father is not a resident of another country. It will sound very strange, for example, Cleopatra Ivanovna.
  3. It is advisable to choose those options for girls in which no more than one letter "P" will be present. They are combined with almost all middle names.
  4. For soft patronymics, you need to choose solid female names.
  5. If the patronymic begins with a vowel, then it is desirable that the name ends with a consonant, and vice versa.
  6. With a long middle name, call the girl short.

Choosing a male name by patronymic

You should not call the boy the same as his father's name. There are other recommendations for choosing a name:

  • note that at the junction of these two elements there is not a large cluster of consonants, for example, Eduard Dmitrievich. It leads to difficult handling in the future to such a person;
  • if you are going to settle on a newfangled name, then do not allow it, together with the patronymic, to sound funny or stupid. For example, Ivan Sergeevich sounds much better than Genrikh Sergeevich;
  • for a boy, those who will give his future descendants a beautiful middle name are suitable.

How to choose a name for a child by date of birth

Very often, numerology and the time of year help parents in their search. This method gives the baby the energy of a certain season.

  • winter. People born at this time of the year have iron willpower and are very talented. They work hard, are not lazy, and rarely complain about their unfinished future. Relying on winter month, stop at those versions that will soften his manners and character, and also relieve him of excessive severity a little. For example: Vasily, Natalia, Lyudmila, Elena, Svetlana, Eugene, Danil, Peter;
  • spring. People, born in spring, selfish and indecisive. To get fighting qualities, consider rather tough names: Dina, Zhanna, Dmitry, Sofia, Pavel, Ruslan, Maria, Daria, Yulia, Kirill;
  • summer. This category of people is distinguished by purposefulness and pride. They are also very active and at the same time gentle people, you can call them whatever you like. But the best options can be considered such as: Igor, Valery, Roman, Irina, Tamara, Valeria, Vyacheslav, Alla, Anatoly, Anna, Alexander;
  • autumn. People born in autumn are very talented and smart, and also grasp everything on the fly. In order to slightly reduce their nervousness, you need to choose more romantic and softer ones: Olga, Nikita, Vera, Raisa, Sergey, Artem, Maria, Natalya, Anatoly, Maxim, Anna.

The selection according to the holy calendar is again relevant or church calendar. In Islam, the child is named after the Koran. Having chosen a name from the book, the baby is given it at baptism. Despite the fact that a lot of outdated types are proposed there, you can also find quite interesting sonorous versions.

To pick the right orthodox name for your child on the calendar, you need to take his date of birth and choose the appropriate one from the list of those offered on that day. If this is not the case, then you can look at those offered the day before or after the birthday.

The hardest thing about anything is the beginning. And it is very important that it be good. " Good start- half the battle pumped out "- says folk wisdom. For us, this beginning will be a conversation about the name. After all, it gives rise to life.

The most important

There is such a children's riddle: What can a person not live without? Whatever you offer in response, all your logical and quite demonstrative assumptions will be overturned by the answer - no name.

From this children's wisdom, we will draw an important conclusion for parents: giving a child a name is something more than choosing a word you like. Therefore, we will talk about proper handling of the name. If you were surprised or did not even believe that the choice of a name and attitude towards it can be illiterate, it is in vain. Literacy is not only the ability to read and write. It's about about other literacy - about having sufficient knowledge in the proposed field of activity. Any work must be done with skill, and such as choosing a name - even more so.

A name is not just a word, it is something more - a personal name of a person. It accompanies him throughout his life. A person always builds a very personal relationship with his name. This is his second self, after all. And the most paradoxical thing is that it is I who chooses a person not himself, but his parents.

A person has three main emotions (with various variations) about his name: like, dislike, indifferent. This means that the parental choice of name was either successful or not. Let's see how the choice of a name is made, or, scientifically speaking, naming, and what difficulties await parents here. How not to make mistakes with your linguistic ignorance.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than giving a name to your child - take the one you like - and no problems. So, according to surveys, the vast majority of parents do. However, the catch lies in this very “liked”. It is not at all obvious that your tastes will coincide with the taste of your child, of course, when he grows up and can say so.

Popularity Secret

What do people usually like about this or that name?

Firstly, its popularity, that is, the fashion for a certain circle of names. It seems to parents that, say, Anastasia, Daria, Nikita, Danila sound beautiful and the parent does not want to think anything else. For example, that the frequency of the name is already off scale, that it has outgrown reasonable limits.

Secondly, another fashion influences the choice of a name no less often - the rarity of the name. Then the parents, on the contrary, do not go along with the “public taste”, but begin to look for something ancient from various sources. Here, parents can seriously overdo it. And along with Matvey, Arseniy, Rostislav, Svyatoslav, Valery, Kira, Vasilisa, Foka, Thomas, Makar, Samson, Mechislav, Ratibor, Agafya, Efrosinya, Melania appear. In the latter case, parents should understand that living with a rare name that falls out of the modern language situation is an additional burden on the psyche and emotions of your child. Have you prepared him for this?

Even "beautiful" parents seem to be exotic names that have experienced "Western" or literary influence. There are, of course, very extreme cases when a Russian child is called Julia, Anna-Maria, Richard, Askold, Ken. But most often, parents limit themselves to choosing foreign-sounding names that fit into the Russian language: Edward, Artur, Angelina, Alina, Aelita.

Sometimes there is a "birth" of a new name, when parents insist on one form or another of it. For example, Lina (although this is a shortened form of the names Kapitolina or the western Magdalena, Carolina), or Alina (taken from Pushkin's poem, it is also not full name from Adelina or Angelina, then popular names), or Arina (home-style name of Pushkin's nanny, whose full name is Irina). As a rule, registry office employees register such names: parents have the right to insist on their choice of name, even if this form of name is not entirely complete from a linguistic point of view.

All the above reasons explain the choice of a "beautiful" name without any additional parental explanations. It would be unfair if not to say that there are reasons for conscious parental choice.

When asked about choosing a name for a child, the answer “in honor of someone” is in second place. These can be relatives (the closest and very distant ones), beloved friends and girlfriends, celebrities (most often singers and film actors), literary, cartoon and movie heroes and ... guardian angels. In recent decades, parents are increasingly checking their choice with whether this name is in the church tradition in order to give the child the protection of a heavenly patron.

And finally, the so-called "exceptional situations" of choosing a name: the girl was born in May (Maya), in July (Julia); mother looked at the picture where there were funny cubs (Mikhail); the girl is beautiful like a flower (Rose, Lily); the child was expected for a long time (Bogdan) and many other individual stories, which sometimes surprise with their whimsical logic of choosing a name.

Here are three main paths, one of which parents choose when their unique child is born. The child, of course, is unique, but the name will be chosen from the existing ones. How to guess the right one? How to decorate, and not spoil the life of a child with a parental choice?

I'll give you three tips. They do not concern the rules for choosing a name. This was discussed in a veiled form above. Advice will relate to teaching parents to handle the chosen name in such a way that the child will be pleased with the parental choice, so that the child feels comfortable with the name, so that he likes it.

Council the first. It is necessary to tell the "history of naming". With such a high style, I called your obligatory story about why you chose this name.

A familiar girl, Alice, once reproachfully asked her parents: “Do people call people by my name?” The girl often saw her name in the names of various institutions: a veterinary clinic, shops ( wedding dresses and toys), a bank, etc. But she didn’t meet other Alice at that time. If the girl had been told earlier why she was chosen this name, then the reproach would not have arisen. As, by the way, they did in another family, where daughter Alice, together with her mother, are passionate about Lewis Carroll's fabulous dilogy about the English girl Alice Liddell.

Another acquaintance, already an adult woman, still does not understand the reasons that prompted her parents to give her the name Lada. The name does not seem beautiful to her (“That’s just how cars are called,” she says), and her parents cannot clarify and name the reasons for their choice. Maybe an explanation would help that Lada is the name of the ancient Russian goddess of the hearth and love, from the word lad - consent.

Tip two. You should know that the name usually means something. If it is of non-Russian origin, it has a translation from Greek, Latin, Hebrew (we borrowed the bulk of the names from these languages ​​​​of Christian culture), Scandinavian, German, English and other languages.

The meaning of a name is nothing more than a meaning, you should not insist on the influence of a name on fate - this is undignified and unprovable. However, to know what the name means knowing its cultural (historical) meaning is very useful. Therefore, get acquainted with the origin of the name yourself, and be sure to tell the child.

The sound of the name can be very attractive, but its meaning can be overwhelming: Vadim - "troublemaker, disputer", from the Old Russian verb "vaditi" - "sow confusion, disputes"; Barbara - Greek "savage", Jacob - Hebrew. "heel", i.e. "the second born, appeared on the heels of the first." But even in this case, you can beat the name you like so that the child accepts your interpretation.

The origin of the name can also help in another case: if the child actively dislikes the name. It happens that, having learned the meaning of the name, the child begins to treat him differently. For example, Zinaida - Greek. "from the family of Zeus", Ivan - Hebrew. "God's grace", Kuzma - Greek. "decoration".

Tip three. Be sure to form various options on behalf of - do word formation at home. Can you see more than two forms in your child's name? Usually children at home are called either by the full name (Dmitry, Anastasia) or by the incomplete name (Dima, Nastya). From incomplete names are easily formed affectionate names. Or unusual options for home use: Marina Tsvetaeva was called Musya at home, Tatami was called Natasha and Tatyan.

We have the right to home names: to call Asya and Alexandra, and Anastasia, and Natalya. Or Lucy - Lyudmila and Larisa. Alya is the home name of Alla, Albina and Alevtina. There are no hard limits here.

The ability to diversify the name forms linguistic taste and tolerance. And this result will also be included in the piggy bank of your parental achievements.

Alevtina Nikolaevna Speranskaya, linguist, candidate of philological sciences, lecturer at the Department of the Russian Language, Siberian Federal University

The value of a name for a person is difficult to overestimate. A good choice largely determines in life.

In ancient Slavic culture, it was customary to give a person not one, but several names. At the same time, the present was carefully hidden until a certain age. It was believed that this would help protect the baby from unwanted influences.

Nowadays, the tradition of changing the name has been preserved, for example, during initiation into new faith, clergy etc. New name means new life stage. An adult is able to make his choice consciously.Choosing a name for a childlies entirely with parental responsibility. The baby will simply accept what you give him.

That's why it's so importantchoose the right name for your baby.

The child's name must matchits psychophysical characteristics, fit into the socio-cultural context, be in tune with family values and traditions.

What are they usually guided by when choosing a name for a child:

  • Church calendar;
  • Names of relatives;
  • Names of close friends, favorite heroes, musicians, politicians;
  • Astrological and other techniques.
  • Fire: Alexander, Andrey, Arkady, Marina, Maria, Arina, Regina (voiced vowels, open consonants);
  • Earth: Sophia, Stepan, Mikhail, Timothy (deaf consonants, obsolete names);
  • Air: Semyon, Dmitry, Alexei, Lydia, Elena (voiced consonants, double vowels);
  • Water: Ilya, Olga, Julia, Tatyana (softness of sound).

However, the most interesting and exciting way to choose a name is asteroids.It is about them that we will discuss further. Asteroids receive undeservedly little attention. Although many of them have an obvious influence on our characters and destinies.

What are asteroids?

These are small bodies of the solar system, which were formed in its inner region. Translated from Greek, asteroid means “star-like”.

Asteroids are extremely numerous. In our solar system there are more than a million of them. At the same time, more than 17,000 have official names.

The main asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Such their location gave rise to the hypothesis of the planet Phaethon that died at this place. The period of revolution around the Sun for most asteroids is from 3.5 to 6 years.

Ceres, Pallas, Vesta and Hygiea are the largest objects. They are well studied and used by some astrologers. The rest of the asteroids elude our direct attention.

How to choose a name for a child?

Many asteroids are named after people. Since there are quite a lot of such objects in the sky, the possible choice of names is also large. We will be primarily interested in asteroids:

  • In conjunction with the natal Sun or Moon.
  • Conjunct Ascendant, 1st house planets, 1st lord;
  • Having other major aspects with the specified points.

Selection example

Let's say you need to choose a name for a child born on August 20, 2016 at 17:36, St. Petersburg.

The natal Sun is located in the 28th degree of Leo, the Moon is in the 28th degree of Pisces, the Ascendant is in the 22nd Sagittarius, the ruler of the Ascendant Jupiter is in the 26th degree of Virgo.

We need to see which asteroids were located in the specified degrees at the time of birth. Many astrological programs provide such an opportunity. As a rule, for this you need to go to a special directory and select the desired objects.

Display on natal chart all asteroids is impossible, because for each chosen degree of the Zodiac there will be several of them. Indeed, let's see what we got. We will try to choose only those names that are obviously associated with the names of people.

We see that already by the Sun you can make a preliminary choice: Inna, Ada. According to the Almuten of the first house, Nadia is read, according to the Ascendant - Sophia.

It is interesting to select names by association. In the Ascendant column is the name of the asteroid - Simonov. Let's ask who it is.

We ask Yandex and find out that this is the same writer and poet Konstantin Simonov. Remember “Wait for me and I'll be back…”? Therefore, we consider the name Constantine.

You can also start from the map of the parents. For example, to see which asteroids interact with the cusp and the ruler of the fifth house of the child's mother.

Orbis should be taken small, up to one and a half degrees. Consider only major aspects, giving preference to the connection.

Playing asteroids can be extremely educational and exciting. Try to match the elements of your first house with the asteroids. The coincidences are sometimes amazing.

For example, in my natal chart, an asteroid with my child's name makes an exact trine to the cusp of my fifth house. It would be too bold to talk about rectification with the help of asteroids. However, it is possible to use asteroids as confirmation of the map's accuracy.


I wish you new discoveries in your own natal chart and the charts of your loved ones!

Well, if you are interested in learning astrology and want to plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

Choosing a name for a child is one of the most difficult tasks that new parents face. However, most of them often think about its beauty and unusual sound, and not about its fateful significance.

A correctly chosen name can not only fill the life of a new person with colors, but also make him happier, more successful and healthy, and an erroneous, ill-conceived one will subsequently play a cruel joke with the baby and doom him to failure and loneliness.

So how do you choose good name for a baby? What mistakes should not be made in this case? Is it possible to find a wonderful name if you rely on the advice of astrologers? Finally, is it worth looking for help when naming a toddler in the church calendar?

Do names influence fate?

They say that the fate, character and name of a person are connected with each other by strong and indestructible bonds. Our great-grandfathers also knew about this and, by naming the baby, they tried in a certain way to influence his fate and life.

For example, in Rome, it was believed that the future of a baby could be changed by just writing his name upside down. And in Russia, until the 17th century, until baptism, they carefully hid it from everyone, thereby trying to deceive evil spirits so that they could not harm the baby.

Basic principles for choosing a name

Combination of first name with patronymic

First and most important rule: when choosing a name, be guided by the patronymic of the baby. Try to exclude combinations that will sound bad between. Judge for yourself how hard it will be to call the baby Yulia Yuryevna when she becomes an adult: the language will continually try to change the letters in places and call her Yury Yulyevna.

The dissonance of the name and patronymic may also arise when the components of the full name differ in national or cultural grounds, and also differ in the time the name was born. A good "bad" example: Madison Petrovna - the name and patronymic of this imaginary girl sound rather inharmonious, as they belong to different cultures.

Quite often, parents name the child after the patronymic of the father. Here, too, you need to be careful, because Alexander Alexandrovich sounds, perhaps, well, but for a very long time.

Gradation of patronymics

Also, when choosing a name, it is worth considering the “rigidity” of the middle name in terms of sound.

On this basis, patronymics are divided into:

  • hard: Igorevich, Anatolyevich, Rostislavovich, Albertovich;
  • soft: Mikhailovich, Ilyich, Viktorovich;
  • neutral: Kirillovich, Pavlovich, Artemovich.

Therefore, we will give you advice: name the baby so that his name is approximately in the same "sound" plane with his patronymic. For example: Oleg Mikhailovich, Artem Igorevich, Elena Pavlovna.

Surname combination

A person is met not only by name, but also by last name, right? Therefore, in the same way as in the case of a patronymic, when choosing a name, you need to pay attention to the absence of dissonance with the surname.

So, you should not give a baby with an ordinary surname an overly intricate “name”. For example, Ivanova is called Juliet, and Nikolaev is called Marilyn.

"Reduce" and "caress"

Any name, no matter how majestic it may be, will certainly be “diminished” by other people from time to time. Therefore, already in the kindergarten, Ivans become Vankas, Iras - Irks, and Glebs - Glebushki.

And the most important thing here is to choose such names that will sound good in a diminutive version.

Pay attention to the initials

Of course, this is not a fundamental characteristic, but it is better to take it into account when choosing a name. The fact is that sometimes the full name, that is, the initials of a person, add up to bizarre and even abusive words.

A good example is Borisova Lidia Yaroslavovna. Comments are unnecessary here, of course, but this “Lida” will obviously not be delighted with how she will be teased at school.

National aspect

When naming a baby with a name that reflects belonging to a particular nationality or culture, it is worth considering where exactly the child will have to live with him. So, Gali's boy Tatar school it will not get out of the sound and semantic series, but in Russian it will definitely run into a whole series of ridicule and “reversals”.

But if you still want to support your roots, give preference to "international" names - those that will be familiar to both Europeans and representatives of the Eastern people.

Moreover, it is worth doing this if you are in an interethnic or intercultural marriage: Petrov Ulpan Nikitich does not even sound ugly, but rather strange.

Is it worth chasing fashion?

Certainly not, because today the names Plato and Agafya are at the peak of popularity, and tomorrow they will be replaced by others: Nicholas and Voldemar. As a result, it will turn out that three Auroras will go to kindergarten at once, and five Berlioz will go to school.

The same applies to choosing a name according to the original principle: sometimes especially “creative” parents call their children so that it becomes scary to pronounce their names: Cucucapol or Viagra. Is it necessary to talk about what the child will tell them when they grow up?

How to choose names according to the time of year?

If you are just trying on the names for the future baby and do not know which one to give preference to and whose advice to use, you can take into service the “tips” of mother nature.

After all, your goal is to choose the name that will be ideally combined with the energy of a new person born in one of the four seasons. So that it can not only smooth out the "sharp corners" of the child's character, but also enhance the positive qualities.


Consider children born in winter: these babies are usually talented and have great willpower. Thinking contradictory personalities, they do not allow themselves to be lazy, they work hard, but in their personal lives they are always disappointed.

In order to harmonize the personality of the “winter” child, it is necessary to name him in such a way that not only does not aggravate his severity, but also soften his character and manners: Natalya, Svetlana, Vasily.


Children born in the spring are often distinguished by selfishness and indecision. They have a certain amount of talent, which they are always afraid to apply in reality.

And often such kids simply do not have enough fighting qualities necessary to achieve the goal. They can be put into character with the help of a “hard” name: Dmitry, Zhanna, Dina.


Children of summer differ from others in their pride and purposefulness. Them life position active and priorities clear and precise. However, spiritual softness is also present in them, and that is why they call summer babies you can use any names without fear of changing their inner world.


Children born in autumn grasp everything on the fly and make decisions very quickly. Their practicality and some emotional stinginess can be corrected with romantic names, calling Vladislav, Nikita or Olga.

How to choose names according to the saints?

Some parents name their children according to the church calendar. Contrary to the opinion of many, it contains a great variety of not only obsolete, but also quite relevant and sonorous names.

To do this correctly, you need to take as a basis the date of birth of the child. As a rule, every day the church celebrates the memory of 2-5 saints at once, you can easily choose from among the names of which.

Don't like these options? Would you like a different one for your child? Well, the saints allow the baby to be named after the saint, whose memory will be celebrated both on the 8th and 40th day after his birth.

How to choose names according to the horoscope?

For help in choosing the right name, parents also resort to astrology, since this ancient teaching helps to shade the relationship of a person with the outside world. Experienced astrologers, as a rule, first restore the moment of the birth of a baby from the tables of planetary motion, thereby determining the sides of his character.

Astrology also believes that the wrong name can weaken positive sides the character of the baby, pushing his talent or ability into a dark corner. It also happens that it negatively affects the whole fate little man, and not on some hotel part of it.

Selection principle

All names are divided into 12 groups corresponding to the signs of the zodiac (which in turn can be determined by the date of birth of the crumbs). Therefore, according to the advice of astrologers, good names for children according to the sign of the zodiac will be those that are in a related star group and in one of the four elements.

As examples, consider the four zodiac elements:

  1. If your baby was born Capricorn (this is the element of the Earth), it would be better to choose names such as Nazar, Robert or Emma for him so that they are not afraid to take risks, but also do not go far in their emotions.

  1. If the child was born, for example, Leo (the element of Fire), it is worth calling him Valera, Oleg or Oksana - so the baby will be more practical, but at the same time they will come to the rescue in difficult times.
  2. Names for Libra (the element of Air) should be sonorous, light, with such letters as “e”, “i” or “s”: Elena, Alexey. Thanks to this, it will be easy for these children to communicate with other people.
  3. Fish or Cancers (Element of Water) require softness on behalf of: Ulyana, Ilya, Julia, so that their vulnerability and kindness do not interfere with achieving what they want.

Combination by zodiac group

It is also worth taking a closer look at the names from other zodiac groups, the main thing is that they blend well. So Aries gets along well with the group names Leo and Sagittarius, Taurus harmonizes with Cancers, Pisces and Libra, Gemini makes friends with the group names Leo, Aquarius and Virgo and so on.

To understand these nuances in detail, you need to look at the table personal qualities where they are clearly shown. This will help you achieve harmony with the energies of the planets under which your beloved children were born.

How not to name the baby?

  • the name of the father, mother, sister, brother - those people who died recently;
  • the same rule applies to naming a child by the name of a deceased baby, so that he does not repeat his unfortunate fate;
  • it is better not to call children by the names of their parents - it is believed that mother and daughter or son and father will often quarrel and will not be able to live together;
  • no need to give babies male names: this automatically makes them rude;
  • under no circumstances should three people be called by the same name at once: (for example, grandfather, son and grandson): our ancestors firmly believed that the first one who died of them would definitely take the last one;
  • you should not name the baby until he has passed the rite of baptism: so no one can jinx the little one.

Summing up

Many parents believe that the most important rule when choosing a name for a child is its noble sound or the absence of bad associations. But this is far from full list priorities that should be followed when naming, because names are the identification of people with themselves and the sound expression of their holistic personality.

Names are also the way we go, and it is very important that it be truly happy and long. And if the right ones are able to help children achieve harmony and prosperity, then why not approach the choice of names with all responsibility?

And finally we'll give you one good advice: on the day the child is named (name day), be sure to break something from the dishes in the house. They say that thanks to this, the child will really be truly happy!

Name sounds.

FROM early childhood throughout life, we do not hear a single word as often as given name. It consists of a set of sounds of various pitches that excite certain parts of the brain, thus affecting its wearer, as well as the people around him.

Some names sound firmly, hard: Igor, Dmitry, Anatoly, Zhanna, Dina, Ekaterina, Daria etc. Under the influence of a sound stimulus, a persistent, stubborn character is formed in children with such names. They are independent and determined.

Owners soft sounding names: Svetlana, Irina, Vera, Natalya, Mikhail, Sergey, Alexey, Ilya, Vasily etc. - usually have a calm, docile nature.

There is neutral, as if intermediate between hard and soft, names: Artem, Arkady, Andrey, Alexander, Valentin, Vitaly, Roman, Pavel, Olga, Anna, Anastasia, Zoya, Lyudmila, Lyubov etc. As a rule, such people are balanced, reasonable, moderately persistent.

The name must be chosen so that it is easy to pronounce, well pronounced both by itself and together with the patronymic.

If the name ends with a consonant sound, and the patronymic begins with it, and even in the name-patronymic itself there are many consonants - Alexander Dmitrievich, Eduard Dmitrievich - the sound is difficult. Either the first name or the patronymic is often distorted, and the person anxiously waits for what they will call him this time.

You should not name children by the names of deceased relatives, especially those who died tragically.

No need to give names in honor of grandparents. The child receives an inheritance characteristic features, but, as you know, the bad is transmitted more easily.

Do not call children difficult-to-pronounce names or in honor of any significant events and people ( Revolution, Aurora, Stalin etc.), so as not to complicate their lives in the future.

Do not give children the names of the heroes of their favorite television series, famous writers or prominent scientists - especially if the patronymic and surname are the same. Imagine that in the family of engineer Nikolai Tolstoy, their son was named Leo in honor of the writer. At school, the boy was not given literature and the Russian language, and he became the object of ridicule from his peers. As a result, the child received a serious psychological trauma and stopped going to school. Parents hardly managed to correct the situation by transferring him to another class.

Sons should not be named after their father: Nikolai Nikolaevich, etc. - the owners of such names grow unbalanced, nervous, irritable, capricious. The girl should not be called by her mother's name either - it will be difficult for them to find mutual language.

Influence of patronymic.

The middle name carries genetic information - something that is inherent in nature itself and is passed down from generation to generation. It corrects the image that has developed under the influence of the name, without changing it radically, but softening or, conversely, sharpening some features.

"Rigid"patronymic is Nikolaevich, Anatolyevich, Dmitrievich, Igorevich, Stanislavovich, Adolfovich, Vissarionovich, Vitoldovich, Veniaminovich, Valdemarovich, Vladlenovich, Rostislavovich, Emmanuilovich, Albertovich, Samuilovich, Yulianovich .

"Soft" - Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Efimovich, Ilyich, Ignatievich, Vladimirovich, Petrovich, Viktorovich .

"Neutral" -Pavlovich, Vadimovich, Natanovich, Kirillovich, Makarovich, Mironovich, Yakovlevich, Leontievich, Vitalievich, Velentinovich, Artemovich, Tara sovic...

Soft pronounced first names: Mikhail Ivanovich, Andrei Vladimirovich, Sergei Mikhailovich, Mikhail Sergeevich etc. - belong to people who are kind, accommodating, able to find a common language with others. Alexandrovich- Usually a person is impulsive, sharp. Igorevichi more often than others stubborn, tough. Nikolaevichi they often behave rudely, sometimes unpredictably, it is difficult to find a common language with them. This patronymic gives a person increased emotionality, instability.

Research suggests that the owners of " tough"patronymics in life have a harder time than their namesakes with soft, calm middle names. Therefore, it is better to give children "soft" names to "hard" patronymics, and vice versa. For example, Nikolaevich, Dmitrievich, Anatolyevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Veniaminovich should be called Sergey, Mikhail, Peter, Ilya, Vasily, Evgeny, Victor, Irina, Natalya, Polina, Vera; Sergeevich , Alekseevich, Vasilyevich - Nikolai, Dmitry, Anatoly, Denis, Stanislav, Marina, Lydia, Evgenia, Alexandra, Victoria .

TO " neutral"patronymics are more suitable" soft"names: Sergey, Mikhail, Victor, Alexey . They can also be given solid names, but only if the children were born in spring or summer.

The seasons and the formation of personality.

Talented, strong-willed, purposeful, thinking individuals are born in winter, but in family life they experience difficulties because of their quarrelsomeness, intransigence, the need to argue over trifles and be sure to win. Many have a tough temper, tough, domineering. These qualities are most pronounced in those born in December, weaker in February, " January"Children are more balanced." Winter"Women most often have a masculine character, gravitate towards the exact or natural sciences. Therefore, we advise you to give winter children "soft" melodic names so as not to aggravate some of the character traits inherent in nature.

spring people are vulnerable physically and mentally. They are indecisive, touchy, windy, selfish. Many of them are very talented, but not self-confident, so they cannot be leaders. They have a subtle sense of humor good memory and they catch on quickly. March men pay great attention to their appearance, often look in the mirror. They make good diplomats and orators. Women do not get married for a long time - they are afraid of the upcoming changes. Spring children need to be given "firmly" sounding names to resist the unstable nervous system and psyche.

"Summer"children are kind, but often cowardly and spineless. Easily influenced, emotional and impressionable, they love risk, proud, persistent, courageous. They love children, treat nature and animals with care, are well versed in art. " summer"Children should be given 'hard' names to protect them from unwanted adversity.

"autumn"People are universal. They are reasonable, serious, comprehensively gifted, value the accumulated experience and never repeat mistakes. They do everything slowly and deliberately, good diplomats, have a clear mind, easy temper. "autumn"Children can be given any names, since nothing can affect their natural character.

Why is it needed.

Knowing the natural coloring of the name and patronymic and the date of birth, you can choose the right name and successfully develop the qualities that your child lacked from birth, or, conversely, muffle unwanted ones.

It is very useful to consider the characteristics of the name when raising a child:

Alexei(especially "summer" or "spring") - a coward, a crybaby. If you scold and punish him for it all the time, the child will grow up irritable, selfish, embittered.

Alexander- a merry fellow, naughty, a liar, but has an innate sense of justice. Once undeservedly punishing him, you risk losing your authority forever.

Nicholas- quick-tempered, unbalanced, proud. You should not hurt his pride, try to instill respect for others.

Natalya(especially "winter") - ambitious, leaders by nature. They are spurred on by rewards for some kind of success. However, they do not tolerate flattery, they perfectly feel insincerity, lies.

Olga- Fair, hard to compromise.

Lyudmila- ambitious, vain, striving for universal recognition, often experiencing bitter disappointment.

Irina- natures are easily carried away, amorous. No matter how they were brought up, personal life, heart affairs will always be in the foreground.

If you decide to change the name of the child and choose one that could protect him and change his character for the better, this must be done before the age of five. The main thing is that the name corresponds to the internal state of the person, then discomfort will disappear and complete harmony will gradually be established.

Read about the meaning of all names from A to Z

Magazine "Motherhood", April 1999

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