The meaning of the name Alena for a girl born in spring. Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name Alena. Family and marriage

If you have a friend Alena, never call her Lena! It's not the same name different forms. Elena is a Greek name, and the name Alena is of Old Russian origin.

Many mistakenly believe that Elena and Alena are one and the same, but this is not so. It’s just that at baptism, Alain is often called Helen. But if in baptism she is Elena, and in life she is called Alena, then these are still different names. Let's figure out what the name Alena means, what is its origin, roots, and what features this woman is endowed with.

As already mentioned, the origin is Old Russian, Slavic. The meaning of the name Alena is dual. Firstly, the Slavs had the goddess of the dawn of the same name, giving hope, resurrecting, illuminating with light and warmth. There is also a second meaning of the name Alena - "scarlet, red, fiery." The name Alena was given to girls in the ancient Slavic tribes, valiant and brave.

A with Greek the word is translated as "torch". As you can see, the name Alena is always associated with fire, light and heat. This female name is full.

And affectionately the girl can be called Alyonushka, Alya, Alyonka, Alyusya. However, the name is not a church one, it is not in the Orthodox or Catholic calendar, since there are no saints with that name in the calendar. A child at baptism is often called Elena.

Characteristics and life path

By meaning and translation, you can already learn a lot about what character and what fate this woman has. Since childhood, this girl has a slightly reserved character, she does not really like to play in a gang of children, preferring solitude, reading and playing with dolls. She is endowed with an amazing imagination, loves to compose something, often comes up with fabulous fictional worlds and lives in them with his imaginary friends.

She has a penchant for creativity and talents, they manifest themselves with early years. Often Alena is a needlewoman, she skillfully sews, embroiders or makes something. Many peers may consider her boring and unsociable, but it only seems at first glance.

In fact, friends are important for this child, and she has them, but only real ones, with whom she will have something to talk about, who share her interests. If you talk with her closer, it becomes clear that she is cheerful, interesting girl, you won't get bored with her.

Over time, Alena will have many fans. Men love her and surround her with attention, because she is gentle, kind and very feminine, attractive and charming. Even if Alena does not have outstanding external beauty, she still carefully looks after herself, looks neat, stylish, elegant and simple at the same time. It attracts men and fascinates.

In addition, it has one main difference from all the others - Inner Light and warmth. It seems as if light, pleasant energy is pouring out of it, life force, which warms everyone around, and you want to be with her. She is amazingly supportive! If you feel bad or sad, just stay close to her, talk - and everything will pass.

The character of Alyonushka is flexible and very easy, it is easy to find mutual language, it is simple and does not play any role. Femininity in her is primordial, indigenous, she is not endowed with any masculine qualities, she knows how to be weak and defenseless, conquering men with this.

They want to protect, protect, care for her, treat her kindly and carefully. But at the same time, in fact, Alena knows how to stand up for herself and is not weak and defenseless. Strength and courage are also present in it, along with softness and femininity.

In the working field, this woman can express herself to the fullest if work is her favorite pastime. She tries to do what she likes, but she is fond of many things at the same time, so she often “sprays” and does not have time to finish one thing. often chooses creative professions or areas such as cooking, sewing, needlework.

Caring for animals or raising children is also of interest to her, she loves and knows how to take care of others. She does not seek to achieve great success, to bypass everyone; careerists are rare among Alain. Rather, she will support her husband in this, and she herself will create family comfort and keep the hearth.

In love, Alyonushka will have a happy fate, because she will not have to be lonely, and she will not choose anyone. She does not give in to the first impulse, is not too amorous, is very reasonable and understands what she is doing. Rarely makes mistakes, is not reckless, does not take risks. Therefore, she chooses her husband for a long time and carefully and will give her heart only to a worthy person, with whom her fate will be happy, and her life will be full, harmonious and stable.

In men she truly appreciates masculine qualities- courage, honesty, perseverance and hard work, but external data is also important. Honesty and sincerity are decisive: Alena will not tolerate deceit, hypocrisy or betrayal. It is very difficult for her to take offense, but she knows how to stand up for herself.

Wealth is of little importance to her, and Alena can get by with the smallest, she is picky. Where comfort, peace, stability and order play a big role for her. She is not scandalous and not conflict, she knows how to endure and wait.

A sense of compassion is very characteristic of this woman - she is so indifferent to other people's troubles that she often spends her life on other people, sacrificing her personal interests. Out of pity for a person, she is capable of real feats.

Men and their names

With different men, this lady has relationships in different ways. Many people like her, but not everyone can find a common language with her. For example, Alexei or Igor for her - almost perfect couples, but Oleg or Bogdan - on the contrary. Let's see if it's compatible!

  • Perfect compatibility and excellent prospects: Alexey, Igor,. Great depth of feelings, kinship of souls, understanding from a half-word and, as a result, happy family for years to come!
  • Average compatibility: Taras, Konstantin, Stanislav, Zakhar. Love will be passionate and passionate, but the marriage will be strong only on the condition that both - both he and she - will work on themselves and on their relationship.
  • But with such men as Nikolai, Anatoly, Bogdan, Viktor, Oleg and Alena, relations will develop tightly. They are different - and in general they rarely even get to know each other.

But if your name is Maxim or Alexei, for example, and you want to win the heart of this girl, you should not pay attention to all this. Because the main thing is desire, sincerity and love!

Alena does not celebrate her birthday, but her whole life can become a continuous holiday, there can be many other reasons for joy in it. She is cheerful, positive, a kind person who will not only be able to create his own happiness on his own, but also generously share it with everyone who is nearby! Author: Vasilina Serova

The meaning of the name Alena. Alena, Alyonka, Alyonushka... This name often appeared in old good fairy tales, Russian artist and architect - Viktor Vasnetsov called by this name, one of his paintings. Often mentioned " Alyona" and in songs - someone blinds with beauty, someone breaks the heart, and someone gives his smile. One gets the impression that the sun itself has touched this name. This is not surprising, because the name in Greek means "sunny", from Slavic - truth and justice and from Hebrew oak. It is no coincidence that people who bear this name call themselves kind, positive and bright. Names "Alena" and "Elena" often compared, and many believe that there is no difference in them. Perhaps they think so because the name "Alyona" considered a folk non-church variant of the name "Elena". Coincidences do exist, because Alena and Elena translated from Greek, they have the same meaning - "sunny". However, this fact does not at all confirm their similarity. After all, if in character traits Helena we find: tension, restraint, isolation, then Alyona on the contrary, it can be very belligerent. Its main symbols are sword and fire. Perhaps because the nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes of Scythian-Sarmatian origin were called by a similar name. It sounded like Alans. Name "Alyona" can also mean - scarlet, fiery. Notable people born under this name are: choreographer— Alena Shoptenko; singers - Alena Apina, Alena Vinnitskaya; actress - Alena Babenko; model - Alena Vodonaeva.

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Anna Kondratieva found out about the name "Alena"

Career, business and money

The main areas of career and business that may seriously interest Alena are economics, philosophy and design. Specializing in one of the activities, Alena completely devotes herself to work - she quickly learns and gets on her feet.

But for this psychotype it is preferable that labor activity did not assume strict time schedules, then she feels like a fish in water, becoming more successful and quickly developing her business. Such mobility and love of freedom are dictated by the need to snatch time for beloved household members with their problems.

Marriage and family

Alena's chosen one is conquered by her kindness, openness and generosity. Mutual interest and the rapid rapid development of relations very quickly lead partners to the decision to link their lives together.

At the beginning family life Alena is a person of mood. Most often, this is a caring and loving wife, but sometimes misunderstandings occur in marriage due to unreasonable whims and irritability. Alena always smooths out the conflict first, believing that her chosen one is the only, most beloved husband and father in her life.

In the family, she can be a leader, but if she understands that there is a strong and self-sufficient man nearby, she easily concedes this position. Alena is a wonderful wife if there is no place for boredom and monotony in family life. And when there are children, she becomes a model loving wife and mother.

Sex and love

A woman is erotic and sexy, belongs to the category of conquerors of men's hearts. Playful and temperamental, possessing an irrepressible fantasy, she chooses a sex partner who can embody all her ideas.

In love, Alena does not tolerate violence, she is impressed by freedom. Therefore, living with a partner in the same territory, sometimes he seeks to leave it for a while in order to “get bored”. According to the woman, in such a situation, relationships only grow stronger, and sex brings new and unique sensations.

Even in ordinary life Alena is independent, in sex she always yields to her partner, weighing his strength and temperament in advance. Not being in a close relationship with a man she likes, a woman subconsciously understands whether he will suit her in bed.


At a young age, girls with this name may have minor problems with overweight. But the task of losing weight is always solvable for them, because this is the type of people who simply cannot imagine their life without active rest and sports.

Already becoming a woman, Alena, due to her vulnerability and concern for loved ones, can be prone to nervous breakdowns and depression. In such cases, it comes to the rescue a strong character, which allows you to quickly and independently recover. Among chronic diseases pulmonary pathologies, diseases of the genitourinary system can be noted.

Interests and hobbies

Alena is a person who quickly gets carried away and cools down just as quickly. In addition to outdoor activities and sports, only creativity can captivate her. Since a woman is always “in character” in life, her hobbies can be cinema or theater, art or computer graphics, drawing.

Alena does not have permanent hobbies - she quickly learns something new and immediately moves away from it, looking for other hobbies. The only truly lasting hobby for a woman can be the creation of a cozy homely atmosphere in the apartment, the embodiment of creative design and its continuous improvement.

Most people associate the name Alyona with the image of a young red-cheeked lady from the wrapper of a well-known chocolate bar. But what is the real representative of this name? What character does it have, does it have Russian roots?

origin of the name Alena

The origin of the name is connected with the ancient Slavic tribes Alens or Alons living in the south-west of Russia. Fearless and strong warriors chose "flame" and "sword" as their emblem. If you stick to this version, then the meaning of the name sounds like "scarlet", "fiery". However, the story offers other variations, for example:

  • in translation from Greek it means "torch", "torch";
  • from Hebrew - "oak";
  • Indigenous Yakuts interpret it as “rain making noise on the river” and call the Lena River Alena.

For a long period of time, everyone was convinced that Alena was a variation of the more popular one. But in modern world most scientists agree that these are two different names each with its own history and meaning.

The name Alena originates from the 17th century, because it was at that time that Alena Arzamasskaya, a militant Cossack woman who organized an uprising of peasants in support of Stepan Razin, first appeared in those days. For disrespect of the boyars and dignitaries, the girl was burned in a log house, and her name was deleted from the calendar. Even mentioning the name of a recalcitrant Cossack woman was considered a terrible sin. Thus, the boyars hoped that the people would forget about their heroine and erase her from memory. That's why long time it was believed that such a name does not exist and there are only variations of the name Elena.

The first mention of the name Alena refers to Alena Arzamasskaya, a militant Cossack woman who organized an uprising of peasants in support of Stepan Razin

Forms of the name Alena

Name variations: Alyonushka, Alchik, Alyonka, Lyolya, Lyoka, Alik, Elya, Lesya, Olya.

Alyonochka - affectionate treatment to a girl named Alena

church name

Alena does not have her own name day, because it is not included in the list church calendars. However, due to the fact that earlier it was considered a derivative from the name of Elena, it is customary to consider the same saints as patrons: Queen Equal to the Apostles Elena, Venerable Elena of Diveevskaya, Venerable Queen Elena of Serbia. That is why Alena celebrates her name day at the same time when Elena:

  • August 10;
  • June 3;
  • July 24;
  • September 17;
  • March 19;
  • November 12th.

Table: name Alyona in different languages

Name transliteration

Alena's name for a passport or bank card: Alena.

Autumn Alena is scrupulous about any business

What middle name harmonizes with the name Alena

The name Alena is combined with many middle names, but it sounds most beautiful:

  • Alena Alexandrovna;
  • Alena Sergeevna;
  • Alena Yurievna;
  • Alena Pavlovna;
  • Alena Viktorovna.

The only exception is the patronymic Andreevna, since it affects our heroine Negative influence and she is not very formed good qualities. Alena Andreevna is characterized by greed, quarrelsomeness, laziness, consumer attitude towards other people.

Video: Slavic "Alyonushka"

Characteristics and influence of the name

Even in ancient times, people were sure that the name and fate of its owner were secretly connected. At the same time, it was believed that knowing only one name, one can easily damage a person. That is why babies have always been given two names: one - for people, the other - secret, for the soul. Since that time, there have been rumors that if you want to change your fate, change your name. Some modern scholars are of the same opinion. For example, the well-known professor of psychology Boris Khigir, knowing the name (and ideally also the middle name and year of birth), could talk about a person unfamiliar to him as best friend who trusted him with the most intimate secrets.

Scientist Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky supports his colleague and also assures that the name of a person and his character are interconnected. On this subject, he even wrote research work, published in 1988 in the journal Sociological Research.

Shortly before this, Chicago experts became interested in the topic, who found out that the name greatly affects the fate and health of its owner. If it is capable of causing ridicule, then a person from childhood has to take a defensive position, to fight for a normal attitude towards himself, which is imprinted on his psyche, health and character. They also told the story of original parents who named their children: Meningitis, Laryngitis and Appendicitis, as a result of which they greatly ruined their lives.

The French theologian Pierre Rouget published the book "The Influence of the Name on the Life of a Man", in which he wrote about the "music of the name." He believed that each letter is a source of a certain vibration that affects the character of a person.

Rhymes to the name: Alena - worthy of the throne; Alena - charming, like Madonna; Alena - at ease; Alena is a serious and intelligent person.

Among strangers little Alena keeps apart

How the name Alena affects the character of the child

Little Alyonushka cannot be called an overly sociable and open child. On the contrary, among strangers, the girl will try to keep apart, not imposing her society on anyone and living only in her own. inner world. However, in a familiar environment, she is transformed, becomes cheerful and cheerful.

The girl grows up kind, honest, sympathetic to the grief of others, which is often used by her peers. The only negative is the lack of firmness in character. For example, Alyonushka can bring a street kitten home, bathe it, warm it, feed it, and even cry over its bitter fate, but if the parents turn the animal out of the house, the girl will not say a word in his defense. Despite this, it is impossible to call Alyonka a “cute, fluffy bunny” who never shows his teeth. If she understands that she is in even the slightest danger, she almost instantly turns into a cunning and dodgy tigress who can hurt anyone who tries to encroach on her peace of mind.

As a child, Alyonka loves fairy tales very much and, thanks to her good memory, knows many of them by heart. However, she is generally an ideal child: the girl is smart, hardworking, assiduous, which helps her to master reading, mathematics, and sometimes foreign languages. That is why, sending the baby to the first grade, parents are confident in her success. However, laziness and unwillingness to focus on sciences that are not interesting for her do not allow Alena to be an excellent student - the girl is studying averagely.

Natural laziness does not allow Alena to study perfectly

How the name Alena affects the character and fate of an adult

As she grows older, Alena's character also changes. From a timid, calm child, she turns into a purposeful girl, ready to achieve her goal at any cost. Alyona - creative person so she has mood swings. Perhaps it is because of this that she often takes on several cases at the same time, but her quickly fading interest does not allow her to finish at least something to the end.

The disadvantage of Alena's character can be called excessive impulsiveness and emotionality - qualities that she adopted from her father. Because of them, the girl cannot soberly assess the situation and quickly make the right decisions. For this reason, Alena sometimes gets into unpleasant stories that “sober up” her, acting like a tub cold water poured directly on a hot head.

Fortunately, even these sudden trips of fate do not break the girl. Alena again pulls herself together and systematically moves towards the designated goal. It should be said that the owners of this name often achieve high altitudes However, in the process, they lose true friends.

Alena is an attractive girl who does not lack attention from the opposite sex

Poems dedicated to the Alyons: I. Bunin "Alyonushka", A. Barto "The Mysterious Question", E. Martynov "Alyonushka".

Professions, business and career

Alena is very witty and does not accept hard physical labor. Therefore, he chooses professions in which it is necessary to think with his head. Often she becomes a teacher, doctor, social worker, economist or accountant.

But it is advisable for Alena not to meddle in commerce. The girl quickly gets tired of regular trips, meetings with partners, intrigues of competitors, as a result of which she stops developing her offspring and investing money in it. Alena will stay afloat only if a more experienced person starts pushing her.


Thanks to her mobile lifestyle, Alena's immunity is well developed, so she rarely gets sick. The only thing vulnerable spot for a girl, this is her back, but if she initially manages to find a good specialist who will determine the problem, she will get rid of the pain once and for all.

Alena's only weak point is her back, so she should find a good specialist in this area

Love, sexuality, marriage

A love relationship for Alena is not easy intimacy. This is selfless devotion, mercy, bordering on pity. As a result, you should not be surprised if a girl, instead of an accomplished, self-confident guy, gives preference to a loser hovering in the clouds. The girl's feelings are always sincere, pure, real, bordering on self-sacrifice. Alena is of little interest in the financial side. The main thing is that the chosen one loves, respects and appreciates her as a person.

natural charisma, pleasant appearance, sensuality - all this does not escape the male gaze, so Alena never feels a lack of fans. However, the girl herself prefers not to waste time on trifles and remain faithful to one chosen one, unless, of course, he meets her requirements. The sexual side of the relationship is very important for Alena, so she will demand full dedication from her companion, otherwise she will quickly find a replacement for him.

Alena is far from being an exemplary hostess, although she tries to keep the house clean and takes care of her family. Her house is always clean and has tasty food, however, the girl does this out of necessity, without enthusiasm. Among the domestic Alena always tries to take a leading position, which she often succeeds. The opinion of the girl is never discussed and is accepted by the household in its original form.

Alena doesn't like housework too much

Table: Alena's compatibility with other names

The fateful years of Alena's life

In the life of Alena there are periods that play a huge role in her fate:

  • 21 years old - it is at this age that a girl will accept important decision, which will turn her life 180º;
  • 27 years - serious things will happen internal changes both moral, psychological and physical;
  • 32 years - a period that determines what to be and what to leave;
  • 35 years is the time of final determination in life in terms of profession and family. A second marriage is possible;
  • 42 years old is another crisis that can affect both family life and health;
  • 63 years old - reassessment of values.

There are periods in Alena's life that play a huge role in her destiny.

Astrology and talismans named after Alyona

Each name has its own talismans, Alena also has them:

  • planet - Sun, Pluto;
  • Zodiac sign - Gemini, Libra, Pisces;
  • element - fire;
  • number - 5, 7;
  • color - red, orange, scarlet;
  • totem animal - scarab, lion;
  • season - spring;
  • tree - Chinese cherry;
  • plant - garden rose, lavender;
  • metal - gold;
  • mineral - aventurine, chalcedony and onyx;
  • lucky day - tuesday, sunday.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Alena

Each letter in the word carries a special semantic and emotional load. Knowing the meaning of the letters in the name, you can feel all its depth, suggest what effect it will have on fate:

  • A - the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort, the desire to create and reach new heights;
  • L - sophistication, artistry, constant search for oneself and one's purpose in life, the desire to be useful to everyone;
  • Yo - increased emotionality, sexuality, easy adaptability to any situation;
  • N - the presence of an internal "iron" rod, wit, the ability to criticize one's actions, diligence.

The first letter is considered the most significant, especially if it is repeated several times in the name.

"A" is considered the most significant letter name, since it comes at the beginning and is repeated twice

Characteristics of the name in accordance with the time of year

Of great importance is the time of year in which a person was born:

  • Alena, who was born in the winter, is a persistent and principled person who always achieves what she wants. It is very important for her to have all the best, so she is too picky even in the choice of friends and life partner. Purposefulness and pedantry help Alena to turn all her ideas into reality;
  • spring Alena loves comfort and material wealth. She is smart, ambitious, stubborn and prudent. The girl enters into marriage late, because she devotes her best years to her career;
  • summer Alena loves intrigues and often becomes their main character herself. A significant flaw in her character is envy. Perhaps that is why the summer Alena does not have close friends. She gives care, tenderness and attention only to her family;
  • autumn Alyona is prudent and cautious, demanding and a little picky in any business. The girl is used to dominating, so it is not easy for those close to her. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that Alena's instructions are often not without meaning.

Photo gallery: famous people in history named Alyona

Alena Apina - Russian pop singer, composer and poet, Honored Artist of Russia (2002), ex-soloist of the Combination group Alena Vodonaeva - a media personality who gained fame as the most scandalous participant in the Dom-2 television set Alena Shishkova - successful model, second vice-miss Russia 2012 Alena Sviridova - Russian singer, songwriter, composer, actress, TV presenter Alena Yakovleva - Russian actress Moscow Theater of Satire, which received in 2008 the title People's Artist Russia Alena Khmelnitskaya - Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter Alena Venum - a successful blogger who has gathered a million audience over the year of her channel's existence

Songs about Alyona: V. Gorbunov "Dear Alyonushka", gr. Nancy "Alyonushka", Mr. Credo "Alyonushka".

Alena's horoscope

The sign of the Zodiac also affects the meaning of the name and the character of its owner:

  • Aries - a girl is overly authoritarian, which manifests itself both in relationships with household members and in communication with colleagues. However, if relatives are ready to forgive Alena, then colleagues break all contacts with her, as they do not intend to tolerate her excessive emotionality and impulsiveness;
  • Taurus is a principled and self-confident person who is used to manipulating people and this is how he achieves goals. However, in relations with her chosen one, Alena-Taurus changes dramatically, becomes a helpless, weak woman who is ready for anything for the sake of her feelings;
  • Gemini is a charming and attractive girl, optimistic about everything around her. Has many admirers and easily overcomes all life's obstacles;
  • Cancer - a girl rarely achieves her goals, since her dominant qualities are restlessness and excessive fussiness. In addition, the lady is convinced that she is never guilty of anything and that the villainous fate turned her back on her. Alena also shows dissatisfaction with her loved ones, believing that household members do not take part in her life and do not help her in any way;
  • Leo - a constant desire to be the center of the Universe, excessive self-confidence and importunity play bad jokes with Alena - others try to avoid her, because the girl simply annoys them with her assertiveness. Alena often treats her husband like furniture, believing that he must unconditionally recognize her authority and never try to challenge her decisions;
  • Virgo - a girl lives according to a strictly planned plan, so it is very difficult for her to find a partner. As a rule, her chosen one is a person who can easily go through life, not paying attention to the excessive self-organization of his companion;
  • Libra - Alena, born under this sign, is often the soul of the company. A cheerful talker and laughter easily goes through life and always achieves what she wants. He does not lack partners, but he will choose only his complete opposite as a wife - serious man standing firmly on his feet;
  • Scorpio is a real creative person, which is characterized by inattention, irascibility, impressionability. She always acts in a fit of feelings, which she often regrets afterwards. A girl cannot control her emotions even with a loved one, which is the reason for frequent quarrels between lovers;
  • Sagittarius - Alena's characteristic inconstancy and desire not to depend on anyone lead to the fact that the girl cannot achieve harmony either in the family or in relations with colleagues. She is too windy, loves new relationships and acquaintances. Therefore, for a long time he cannot decide on the candidacy of a life partner;
  • Capricorn is a sensible and generous woman who is demanding both of herself and of others. He does not like pettiness and falsehood, he immediately deletes such people from his life;
  • Aquarius - the main quality of this person is intelligence. She will never allow herself to judge the actions of other people or interfere in their lives. She will marry only that person who will not try to control her and encroach on her freedom;
  • Pisces - the girl is very delicate, sensitive and good-natured. She will never impose her company or try to help unless she is asked to. He does not lack fans, he believes in love at first sight.

Video: meaning and interpretation of the name Alena

The meaning of the name helps to recognize the character of a person and makes it possible to slightly open the veil of the mystery of the future. If the parents decide to name their daughter Alena, then they can be sure that this girl will have unusually bright external data, artistry and determination.

Alena is one of the oldest names Greek origin. It translates as "bright", "shining", "beautiful". In Russia, this name appeared after baptism.

Many namologists believe that the name Alyona was derived from Elena, but this is only one of the versions, and far from the most reasoned. In Ukraine and some other countries Alena is written through "O" - Olena. The Europeanized version of this name is Alana.

The fate of the name

A girl with the name Alena is revealed not in the exact sciences, but in psychology and philosophy. Alena loves to look at the world through the prism of experience, not only personal, but also someone else's. She likes to analyze everything, so she works in the relevant areas. It is not difficult for her to talk about something, so girls with that name often become teachers, teachers. It is very easy to communicate with her, because there is no negativity in her.

Alena is well versed in people, so it is very easy to get to the highest rungs of the career ladder. She is a manipulator, but not a dictator. Her weapon is diplomacy and the ability to insert her word at the right time or, conversely, remain silent. She is well aware of her strengths and weak sides, therefore, does not aspire to those areas where it does not belong. But where she is a pro, she has no equal.

Alena, unfortunately, has one drawback that most people suffer from. She does not know how to live "on two fronts." She always chooses either work or family. However, if the owner of this name learns to quickly switch, she will be able to maintain harmony between these areas.

Alena chooses her husband very carefully and devotes a lot of time to the period of the acquaintance itself, because she does not accept mistakes. She almost always gets married only once.

The character of a girl named Alena

Since childhood, Alena loves to ask questions. She needs to know everything and always. That is why she grows up very early and begins to understand the world around her. Her opinion on any occasion is formed smoothly, so there are no problems with communication.

She has her own special view of the world, but she is in no hurry to share it with other people. She knows that this is only her look, so she never imposes it on anyone. Since childhood, Alena does not like numbers and mathematics. You almost never meet Alena, who decided to connect her life with exact sciences. Scolding your daughter for this is not worth it, because it is very difficult for her to look at the world through the prism of strict rules.

As for Alena's mood, it can often change with Alena, although both adult and little Alena as a whole can be described as a cheerful and incredibly positive person. However, she always feels bad when someone feels pain, despair, loneliness, weakness. If someone offends her, she is in no hurry to turn the other cheek or take revenge. She just fades. It is very difficult for her to get out of this state. Trying to cheer up the sad Alena is useless.

Alena loves a change of scenery, so she likes to travel somewhere, visit unfamiliar places and work on business trips. Best holiday for her - a change of activity.

Alena always has good self-esteem. She is an incredibly simple and understandable person. This plays into her hands, despite the fact that unscrupulous, evil and callous people like to use her kindness.

Name compatibility

Alena will suit men with simple but sonorous names: Anton, Nikita, Dmitry, Artem, Taras, Andrey, Denis, Igor, Yuri.

Numerology of the female name Alena

One, the number of the name Alena, speaks volumes. Alena is a born leader, able to lead people. Nature endowed her with such rare qualities as determination, straightforwardness and perseverance. She is capable of any task that at first glance may seem impossible ... More details numerological analysis name is possible.

All names in alphabetical order:

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