Before the monkey what year. Born in the Year of the Monkey. Astrological characteristic will reveal secrets

, Fire Monkey , Earth Monkey , Metal Monkey, Water Monkey .

The metal monkey is a hard worker, he never sits idle. She does not expect help from others, does not look for easy work, does not succumb to difficulties. She does not like to waste time, she does not take on small things, she will work long and hard to achieve success and financial gain. Smart, executive, persistent, she does not like to throw money down the drain, although she loves entertainment. Attentive and good-natured to the people around, the Metal Monkey is often lonely due to such character traits as pride, a sense of superiority.

This Monkey Fighter is strong in spirit and independent. She is always very concerned about her material security. Knows how to invest money wisely. He prefers to have his own business, and if he works for someone, he usually also earns money on the side. May lose his savings by trying to get rich in risky ventures.

Under the influence of the element of Metal, the Monkey becomes especially ambitious and demonstrative in actions. Her claims are high, she longs for recognition and applause. And it's hard not to admire her, because she always strives for self-improvement.

The Metal Monkey is characterized by passion and love of life; he is a warm, positive and very persuasive person. Everything he creates is not only useful, but also aesthetic. The Metal Monkey may well be a trendsetter. At its worst, the analytical-minded Metal Monkey can be extremely self-confident and overly proud. Such a Monkey will have few supporters.

Metal Monkey Chinese Zodiac

People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey have a more headstrong character than its other counterparts. These people have great ability to resolve very difficult situations. In addition, they are thrifty, pragmatic, they know when and where to invest money profitably. They strive to occupy a high position in society. Metal monkeys are independent individuals, but have some drawbacks: they are so focused on their own self that they often do not notice what is happening around them, which is why they often do not deserve the trust of others. These Monkeys are the most cordial and express their feelings brighter than others.

The metal monkey is sure that he was born to shine in society and never spares his strength to prove it. And since her artistry is at its best, she has every chance to become famous person. People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey are able to protect their interests and take care of themselves on their own, without resorting to the help of others.

Metal Monkey Man

A sociable man easily finds contact with people, he is flattered by the attention of others. FROM early childhood has a clear understanding of its purpose. The Metal Monkey is an ambitious man, striving to stand out. He cannot be content with a modest position, he tries to occupy a high post. People of this sign make excellent leaders, they do not press with their authority, but they always achieve excellent results. In the life of the Metal Monkey, everything is going so well that many envy him and suspect him of dishonest play. Although he achieves everything solely with his diligence and intelligence, he is a hardworking and purposeful person with firm principles.

This is a creatively gifted man, he knows how to profitably present his virtues, and if necessary, play any role. Women endlessly admire the Metal Monkey, each of them would like to get him as a husband. A hardworking, responsible man is able to provide decent life. At the same time, he has a cheerful character, easily agrees with the wishes of the chosen one, practically does not make comments. A love relationship with him is a holiday that gives fireworks of emotions. Having married, does not lose his optimism, continues to please his wife with surprises. Performs with pleasure homework, loves to mess around and play with children, for them he is the best dad in the world.

Metal Monkey Woman

Among the representatives of the weaker sex there are many envious women who condemn the Metal Monkey. A beautiful, energetic, self-confident person is able to draw attention to herself, wherever she is. Many accuse her of selfishness, the desire to stand out from the background of others. The Metal Monkey is an ambitious woman who loves attention. She likes to feel her own power over the people around her. Chooses a profession that allows you to live in full prosperity. He does not like to overcome difficulties, although, if necessary, he is capable of bold deeds. This resourceful woman will be able to adapt to any conditions. Although most of all she likes to have fun and spend time in fun companies.

In the life of a Metal Monkey love relationship play important role. The absence of fans drives her into depression, she begins to lose confidence in herself. By any means he tries to attract attention to himself, this is an incorrigible coquette. The Metal Monkey is a strong-willed woman, if she likes a man, then the wedding will definitely take place. Having entered into marriage, she does not stop flirting and communicating with other men. But there are no serious grounds for suspicion and jealousy, and there cannot be. Lovingly furnishes his family nest, devotes a lot of energy to the family. Devoted to her husband and children, she tries to help them in solving any problems. She is a very kind, compassionate woman.

Let's try to characterize the year of the Monkey, so to speak, in a general way.

Since the Monkey is a lively, energetic, creative and cheerful animal, its life as a whole is breathtaking fun and variety. It is especially good for those who do not sit still, both in work and in rest, strive for movement and diversity. People born in the year of the Monkey always find a creative approach to the ideas of new projects, love entertainment and. Dizzying changes, amazing new acquaintances and sudden turns - this is what the Monkey prefers. As well as many new friends and funny surprises.

It is not difficult to characterize people born in the year of the Monkey: look at the Monkeys and “translate” to the human level.

Monkeys are very smart - Monkey people too. Monkeys are cute. Usually they behave very well in the company, it seems that they just chirp and “poison stories”, and they carefully observe everyone, analyze, draw conclusions. They are conflicting and even aggressive, but this is usually retaliatory aggression.

Monkeys do not really like to work and can take someone else's if it lies very badly, they are proud and at times unreasonably arrogant. They rarely make friends and often find it difficult to start a family. With their logical mindset, Monkeys are regrettably superficial and frivolous, expecting concessions and insensitivity from others (Monkey jokes are often very painful), but they are very creative, inquisitive and love to learn. They are also willing to compromise if they see that it did not work out to crush the partner. This is a characteristic of people born in the year of the Monkey. And if we talk specifically about the characteristics of women born in the year of the Monkey, then there are nuances.

Characteristics of the Monkey Woman

Monkey women often make scandals from scratch. They need to throw out negative energy. After a quarrel, they come to a wonderful mood. They are sweet, feminine, defenseless. But at heart they are quite prudent. It is difficult for them to save a family because of outbursts of character, and they consider it unnecessary to be faithful if they love their husband in their hearts.

Characteristics of the Monkey man

In men born in the year of the Monkey, the characteristic has much in common with the female. They also do not strive for bodily fidelity in marriage, believing that their wife is quite satisfied with their love in the soul. Monkey men are smart and ambitious, they often succeed in business. If anything interferes with them, then excessive gambling. By the way, among them there are often players who can lose a fortune in an evening.

In general, the characteristics of people born in the year of the Monkey draws a contradictory, but rather cute. The Japanese believe that the Monkey herself can get rid of the bad traits of her character, and then this person is not just smart, but wise, independent in judgment, diplomatic and creative - a born politician.

The life of a Monkey is a game, fun and exciting. Therefore, the Monkey never loses optimism, and she does not take trouble seriously. A powerful dodgy mind helps her find a way out of any situation.

Monkey children are real angels: sweet, inquisitive, obedient. But teenage Monkeys are a real nightmare.

They have not yet learned to negotiate, but their love of freedom, arrogance and jokes will infuriate anyone, even the most calm person.

However, this should not be taken too seriously. Looking at the opinions of different astrologers, you can find many discrepancies in them. And this can only mean one thing: not everything is so simple ...

For a person born in the year of the Monkey, all life is big game. He is agile, quick-witted and quick, and only plays by his own rules. From the outside, he may look frivolous and even funny, but behind a harmless appearance lies an observation and a sharp, dodgy mind.

In communication, the Monkey usually has no equal: she is the soul of the company, the queen of any feasts and parties, over whose jokes it is impossible not to laugh and whose incredible stories Everyone listens with bated breath. The Monkey has a huge number of friends and acquaintances, over whom she is not averse to playing a trick, and she treats herself with a considerable amount of humor. True, the Monkey is not always “white and fluffy”: humor is not only her forte, but also its formidable weapon. Her caustic sarcasm can be merciless and, knowing this, others treat her with great care.

Few people can boast that they know the true goals and intentions of the Monkey. Although at first glance it may seem superficial and rustic, in reality it is far from being the case. Even being in the thick of the crowd, in the very epicenter of events, the Monkey is always on its own, takes the position of an observer. Her sharp mind is used to grasping on the fly and memorizing any information that may someday be useful to her, and it often turns out that the Monkey knows the smallest details about what is happening around, while even her relatives know practically nothing about her affairs.

The Monkey knows how to deftly use the information received at the right time, using them to his advantage. Some Monkeys are no strangers to conspiracies and intrigues, they know how to come up with cunning plans and masterfully implement them in order to achieve their goals or destroy the enemy. However, most often the Monkey uses his talents much more harmlessly. Usually it is enough for her to simply feel in control of the situation, and the information she has collected perfectly allows this to be achieved. If, for some reason, she fails to be the master of the situation, then even the most difficult problems are not able to make the energetic Monkey give up. She is resourceful and able to quickly find a way out even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

In business, the Monkey lacks patience and perseverance, but thanks to her sociability, intelligence, gift of words and virtuoso ability to use hidden levers, she can make an excellent career and achieve fame, especially in areas related to politics, show business, commerce, journalism. Although she does not know how to purposefully accumulate capital, she usually does not need money.

Bright and witty, sociable and dexterous, the Monkey boldly challenges Fate. Life is difficult for her, but interesting game, the rules in which she is well aware and in which she knows how to play and win.

Nata Karlin July 25, 2018, 23:30

A person born in the year of the Monkey sees life as a big playground. He dexterous, agile, fast and always plays by his own rules. From the outside, his behavior resembles the antics of a funny baby, but the first impression is far from reality. Behind the harmless appearance is an observant, quirky, cunning and insightful person.

Monkey Man sociable, talkative, knows how and knows how to captivate the interlocutor an incredibly interesting story on the verge of reality. He always has a lot of friends, acquaintances and just those with whom you can chat.

He loves practical jokes and jokes, but they are not always harmless. His caustic, sarcastic remarks can hurt more than a slap in the face.

Few people know the true goals and thoughts of the Monkey, even being in the thick of things, she always has an opinion on everything. Her tenacious mind is used to grabbing information on the fly, immediately interpreting it and remembering the smallest details that may be important in the future. Very often, as a result, it turns out that the Monkey knows absolutely everything, while its environment is in complete misunderstanding and ignorance of the situations in which it was present together.

Sociable and talkative person born in the year of the Monkey

Most of the information accumulated in the head, the Monkey puts into play at the first opportunity to benefit. She is knows how to plot, weave intrigues and fraudulently gain authority and trust. However, she does not need all this, because the main thing is to realize that the situation is under control. The monkey is inventive, it is very easy for her to find a way out of any situation, and even the most big problems won't make her lay down her arms.

What is the year of birth of the Monkey

When the year of the Monkey comes, the element of metal comes into force and the year begins under the influence of masculine"yang". According to legend, the Buddha called all the animals in the world to him, and those of them who arrived first were awarded power over a certain period. In addition, in the East it is considered that everything in the world is made up of 5 substances:

  • water;
  • tree;
  • fire;
  • land;
  • metal.

Therefore, each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a certain substance and is endowed with its basic properties.

A monkey:Year of birthCharacteristic
earthy1908, 1968 Contemplation, the ability to achieve balance, cunning, sociability, artistry, loyalty
metal1920, 1980 Immodesty, selfishness, boastfulness, pretense, sexuality, high performance
Water1932, 1992 Rationality, friendliness, disinterestedness, openness, passion, high leadership qualities
Wooden1956, 2004 Originality, openness, charm, irritability, logic and consistency
fiery1956, 2016 Inconstancy, outstanding leadership qualities, sociability, success, fearlessness

The next 2028 will be held under the auspices of the Earth Monkey

Characteristics of the Monkey man according to the Chinese horoscope

Pretty Monkey Guy active, fully satisfied with one's life, appearance, environment and everything that fate gave him. He always knows what he is doing and why he needs it. It is simply impossible to confuse the Monkey man, dynamic and easy-going, he always follows the intended path to the cherished goal.

Handsome and laid-back Monkey guy

The Monkey Man knows how to express his opinion on any issue so naturally and easily that a person can immediately consider this point of view as his own. If you communicate with a man of this sign for longer, then you can get used to a similar manner of expressing thoughts and understand that, Basically, he's always right..

Participation in any scams, frauds and dirty deeds of Monkey men does not frighten at all. However, they will not participate in them for the simple reason that they can earn money in an honest way. Under this zodiac sign a lot of very successful men were born, each of whom made himself and at the same time remained a good person.

The Monkey Man is absolutely sure that he was born to help people and do special things in life that no one else can do

Next to such a man a woman's wishes will be fulfilled by magic. However, if the lady is used to dominating in a pair, then it is better for her to leave this gentleman right away. There will be no gender equality in this case.

Characteristics of the Monkey woman according to the Eastern calendar

Charming and funny Monkey girl

The Monkey Girl is talkative, but not stupid. She is very charming, always has her own opinion to any question, prefers to work and do important things in splendid isolation, despite the fact that he loves society.

Monkey Woman is successful in everything, for which it is only taken. It can be implemented in any field of activity, but especially where it comes to trade or the provision of any kind of service. She hates narrow-minded and stupid people and will never tolerate such a neighborhood in his own office. Thanks to her well-developed sense of humor, she will quickly put a presumptuous debater or an arrogant snob in her place with a sparkling sarcastic remark.

The character of the Monkey woman is a real mystery for many men. One side she values ​​her own independence, on the other hand, she simply needs support and a strong male shoulder.

Emotionally, the lady of this sign is fickle, however, having become attached to a partner, she becomes the most faithful, devoted and sexually liberated

In the house, the Monkey woman is an excellent hostess and beautiful mother. The appearance of a woman born under the sign of the Monkey is very attractive. She attracts men's eyes and is far from a mediocre lady. In order for her to show all her abilities, it is enough to let her know that they trust her and know that she will definitely cope with the task. To feel absolutely happy next to the Monkey woman, a man must show patience and a bit of indulgence.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Monkey

Compatibility in love of people-Monkeys

Despite the seeming openness and sociability, the Monkey very carefully chooses partners for himself. So, an alliance with the Rat is just perfect for the Monkey. This is one of the best combinations. Eastern horoscope. Mutual understanding is possible with the Rabbit and a strong family, but only if the Monkey has "worked up" from his youth and is now ready to create a strong family.

The sublimity and theatricality of the Goat will amuse the Monkey somewhat, but the delight will not last long. The dog simply cannot stand the changeable and in some cases deceitful Monkey. The latter needs to become a little warmer and more attentive to the partner, perhaps something will work out in love.

Two Monkeys in marriage is an extravaganza! Quite an interesting union from any point of view. It cannot be otherwise if there are two smart, emotional and bright personalities in a pair. With a calm and formidable Tiger, jokes are bad, so the Monkey, in order to maintain at least a visible balance, will have to restrain all his emotions.

The restless and active Monkey will find material and moral support from the solid and faithful Rooster. An alliance with the Bull is possible only if the Monkey really needs it.

Perfect Compatibility Monkey Man and Rat Woman

The naive and wise Pig will endure the antics of the Monkey all his life. zn, because the competition in wit and wit does not attract him. The marriage of Monkey and Horse is initially doomed to failure. The latter is accustomed to treating relatives with trepidation and trust, and it is simply impossible to entrust such a role to the Monkey.

Things are going great in the union of the Monkey and the Dragon, because the Monkey is always looking for his own benefit, and an authoritative partner will be an excellent springboard for a further successful life. With the Snake, the marriage union is doomed from the very beginning. More cunning and insidious, she will play with her partner's feelings, letting him in and moving him away at her own will.

Compatibility table of the Monkey and other signs of the eastern horoscope:

Maximum Compatibility Moderate Compatibility Not compatible
Snake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Ox, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger
Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Ox
Tiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Ox, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
Ox, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
Rat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
Boar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeA monkey
Dog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Ox, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
Monkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
Goat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
Horse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull

What zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Monkey?

Monkey Element - Metal, the colors of luck are white and silver, the talisman stone is garnet. Exquisite Monkey is very fond of the combination of gold and garnet inclusions. If you are going to give a person of this zodiac sign an expensive gift, best idea just can't be found. Lucky number zodiac sign - 10. According to the western horoscope The monkey corresponds to the sign of Leo.

Children born in the Year of the Monkey

The Monkey Child is witty, active, cheerful, charming and very sweet. Boys and girls of this sign always live full life , they have a lot of interests, they try to be in time everywhere and get as much as possible more knowledge and information. In relations with parents, this kid is naughty, but all his disobedience can be discounted, given that he is an incorrigible optimist who is always full of ideas and far from the stereotypes of behavior accepted in society.

In the East, children born this year have always been considered geniuses, who from birth have the ability to solve all life's questions and difficulties on their own.

These are magnetic personalities. who are not just sociable, but know how to use their surroundings and popularity for the benefit of their beloved.

Thanks to innate insight, the Monkey child is very easy to find weak spots any adult and knows how to manipulate. Very soon, the elders realize with horror that they are not the main ones in the house, but little tyrant and despot, who somehow mysteriously subjugated everyone else.

Very often, Monkey children behave this way unconsciously, so carefully monitor the situation and try to you raised the baby, not he you. Be sure to instill in the child of this sign discipline, responsibility and the basic qualities of a decent person.

Child-Monkey according to the eastern horoscope

Celebrities-Monkeys according to the eastern horoscope

Whom the Monkey-man will work for, it does not matter. The main thing is the ability to manage. For a person of this sign, it is simply necessary to always be aware of all events and have power over them and people. He quickly makes a career in those areas of activity that are associated with communication with people. It can be trade, politics, journalism, commerce, show business, etc.

The monkey will never be left without a livelihood, because he knows how to earn money and knows how to do it.

Among the men born in the year of the Monkey and who have achieved success and recognition, it is worth noting:

  • Jack London,
  • Paul Gauguin,
  • Anton Chekhov,
  • Harry Houdini,
  • Igor Kio,
  • Federico Fellini,
  • Gianni Rodari.

Monkey women who have achieved recognition in society include:

  • Elizabeth Taylor,
  • Anna Magnani,
  • Marina Ladynina,
  • Valeria,
  • Miley Cyrus,
  • Ekaterina Strizhenova, etc.

In conclusion, it must be said that people of this zodiac sign really extraordinary and bright personalities. They combine in their character ingenuity, ingenuity, openness, deceit and cunning, and many more contradictory qualities that are not characteristic of other signs. eastern zodiac. Monkeys know how and want to love and be loved, you just need to understand these funny and calling people and let them be who they really are.

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Monkey: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

The monkey is distinguished by cunning and optimism. People born in the year of the Monkey have an original mindset, and they are often able to give good advice, although they themselves do not seek help. The monkey is characterized by a sense of humor, erudition and careerism. Often becomes a celebrity.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Monkey

In the year of the Monkey, the most enterprising and resourceful people are born. They will be accompanied by both the joy of creativity and bitter disappointment.

And in order to avoid the latter, the Japanese say, one must rise from one's ashes like a Phoenix bird, but at the same time dispel all shortcomings and bad habits in the wind.

In the East, the Monkey symbolizes quickness and ingenuity, insight and cunning. She is considered the most able sign eastern horoscope, best adapted to the world.

People born in the year of the Monkey are extremely inquisitive, they are interested in literally everything, and they follow the surrounding reality very carefully. Nothing leaves them indifferent, everything attracts attention. They always have a wide variety of hobbies, they are attracted by diversity and novelty. Hence their lack of concentration and lack of perseverance, the inability to concentrate on one thing.

The monkey adapts to new conditions with amazing ease, and does not tolerate monotony and stereotypes. The Monkey begins to show its independence from the people around it already in childhood. Child - Monkey is perhaps the most obedient child who is always busy with his own business and does not bother his parents. But in adolescence, problems begin. That's really who it is difficult to "put a bridle" on - they prefer personal freedom and individualism to the recognition of the environment. In fact, people born in the Year of the Monkey never grow up. All their lives they amaze those around them with their amazing combination: the disarming naivety of a child and the wisdom of an old man rich in life experience.

Monkeys usually achieve great success in their careers. And in love, they are not so simple. They are more often than other representatives of the eastern horoscope are lonely. But if they do marry, then in the most conscientious way they fulfill their marital obligations. They love children very much and see a source of great joy in their upbringing.

The Monkey has the most eccentric character of all signs. Often the Monkey acts as the queen of feasts and parties. She always has a lot in stock. interesting stories that people around listen with bated breath. She is sociable and gives the impression that she gets along with all people. But this is a misleading impression. The monkey is selfish and conceited. She has a great sense of humor and often plays pranks on her friends and acquaintances, as well as herself. True, the Monkey's humor often acts as a formidable weapon. Her caustic sarcasm can be merciless and, knowing this, those around her treat her with great caution.

Being a very good diplomat, the Monkey can always get out of the most difficult situations. The monkey is independent and it is simply impossible for her to impose or inspire something. She has her own version of everything and a way to solve a particular problem. A monkey can do dishonest things if he is sure that he will not be punished.

People born in the year of the Monkey are smart and optimistic. They often find themselves in unusual situations, their noses easily find a way out of them. The monkey rarely asks for help, although she easily gives good advice, thanks to its extraordinary thinking. The monkey is affable and friendly, knows how to please other people. If he sets a goal, he can easily become a celebrity. Strives to obtain benefits and uses all his abilities and talents for this. She is characterized by a sense of humor, erudition and careerism.

We can say that for the Monkey, all life is a big and interesting game in which she knows the rules very well and is used to winning. The monkey is agile, quick-witted, quick, and only plays by its own rules. From the outside, it may look frivolous, however, behind a harmless appearance, observation and a sharp, dodgy mind are hidden.

Few people are able to boast that they know the true goals and intentions of the Monkey. At first glance, the Monkey seems superficial and rustic. But in reality this is far from the case. Even being in the thick of the crowd, in the very epicenter of events, the Monkey is always on its own, takes the position of an observer. Her sharp mind grasps everything on the fly and remembers any information that may someday be useful to her. The Monkey knows how to deftly use the information received at the right time, using them to his advantage. But, often, the Monkey uses his knowledge only to control the situation and feel safe. People born in the year of the Monkey are used to feeling like they are in charge, but even when they are not, nothing can make the energetic Monkey give up. She is resourceful and able to quickly find a way out even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

The Year of the Monkey corresponds in Western classical astrology.

Metal Monkey: 1980s

People born in the year of the Metal Monkey are very strong will. Accustomed to achieving goals and very purposeful. They prefer to work alone rather than in a team. The Metal Monkey is vain, wise and self-confident. In addition, she is not afraid of any work, neither dirty nor hard, and is considered an expert in financial affairs. He knows how to manage his savings profitably. Despite its independence and some isolation from society, the Metal Monkey loves parties and mass events.

Water Monkey: 1932, 1992

People born in the year of the Water Monkey are very disciplined and used to working to achieve their goals. They are not sprayed on trifles and are completely focused on the main thing. The Water Monkey is very sensitive to criticism, but understands human weaknesses, treats them condescendingly and always maintains good relationships with people. She is not used to sharing her plans with anyone, but thanks to her ability to convince, she easily finds allies for herself, without even devoting them to her affairs.

Wood Monkey: 1944

People born in the year of the Wood Monkey are valued in the team as skilled and responsible workers. This is a very progressive Monkey, she tries to always be aware of all events, to know last news and is constantly acquiring new knowledge. This Monkey has excellent learning abilities and an amazing imagination. She can achieve a lot, but if suddenly something does not work out, she quickly loses interest in this matter. However, she soon finds a new job and takes on it with even greater enthusiasm. The Wood Monkey loves to travel very much, and among colleagues and friends he enjoys trust and respect.

Fire Monkey: 1896, 1956

People born in the years of the Fire Monkey are curious, energetic and cheerful. This Monkey knows everything about everyone and is in a hurry to participate everywhere. She has many absolutely versatile interests, however, they distract her from more profitable and necessary things. Fire Monkey is smart, full vitality and easily wins the respect of others. True, she likes to argue, and can be stubborn if everything does not go as she planned. Without difficulty, she can suppress someone who does not have such a strong will as she does.

Despite the fact that she is very popular with the opposite sex, she is devoted and faithful to her chosen one.

Earth Monkey: 1908, 1968

The Earth Monkey is distinguished by high moral qualities, intelligence and erudition. Prefers quiet life and work hard in finance. Many of the Earth Monkeys manage to get rich. The Earth Monkey is not as sociable as other Monkeys, she has high moral principles, caring character, great generosity towards the unfortunate. The Earth Monkey enjoys universal love and respect.

Year of the Monkey - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the personality of the Monkey

People born in the year of the Monkey have a great desire for knowledge. The monkey is an intellectual, she has good memory and she knows a lot about the world. As a rule, Monkeys have a good education and easily move up the career ladder. They have a good memory and remember the smallest details of what they saw or read.

Negative aspects of the personality of the Monkey

To negative traits Monkey's personality can be attributed to vanity, deceit, the desire to embellish everything, lack of scrupulousness, straightforwardness. She can be unscrupulous and lie when it is necessary for her cause. It is easy for her to commit a dishonest act if she is sure of impunity. Many of the thieves and liars were born in the Year of the Monkey. The flexible mind and the dodgy mind of the Monkey lead to these vices. But, of course, not all Monkeys are thieves and liars. In addition, the Monkey is very attractive and knows how to please people, so no matter what happens, they don’t get angry with her for too long.

Monkey career and money

People born in the Year of the Monkey. As a rule, it is very easy to move up the career ladder. Moreover, it is worth noting that her true status is much higher than officially occupied. She may be a simple secretary, but at the same time, the only person trusted by the boss. In addition, the Monkey does not care at all what her position is called, but what is important is what real influence lies behind it. The monkey does not like monotonous work and achieves success thanks to its dexterity, foresight, penetrating mind, charisma and numerous talents.

The monkey is very dexterous for large-scale enterprises, cunning in financial transactions, an excellent worker in all areas that require quick wit and awareness. She can succeed in politics, diplomacy, commerce. She is easy to learn, so she can take on almost any business. If she finds her way, her destiny, she will easily become famous.

People born in the year of the Monkey simply hate boredom, and if they encounter something that they really liked, they completely devote themselves to this activity, regardless of costs and time. Also, the Monkey needs to feel that she is doing what is really necessary and important matter. The monkey knows how to organize his time, knows how to combine several things at the same time, and each one performs well and without apparent effort.

People born in the year of the Monkey know how not only to spend money wisely, but also to earn it. They rarely deny themselves anything, and always know a couple of ways to make money quickly if they are suddenly needed.

Life periods of the Monkey

The first life span The monkeys will be happy. The second period is vague, sometimes stormy, and life plans will often collapse.

The third period will be relatively calm, but lonely old age awaits many Monkeys.

Stones: hyacinth, opal.

Plants: cedar, elderberry, sandalwood.

Time of day: from 3 to 5 p.m.

Season: summer.

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