Amalia name day in Orthodoxy. Meaning and interpretation of the Muslim name Amalia

A person’s name determines the main traits of his character, predisposition to profession, creativity. What does the name Amalia mean? What is the origin and history of the name Amalia? It's worth looking into.

Meaning of the name Amalia

Amalia literally means “work” in Hebrew. A girl with this name is often hardworking and very diligent in achieving her goal. Amalia loves everything around her to be in some order.

The zodiac sign that is most suitable for a girl is Pisces. He gives her nature sophistication and romanticism. The planet that patronizes her is Mercury. Planet of thoughts and reflections. Amalia often immerses herself in her inner world and loses touch with reality.

Origin and history of the name Amalia

Historians disagree on what the name Amalia means. According to one version, it means “hardworking”, diligent and working on oneself. This is a classic interpretation of the name.

The meaning of the name Amalia, according to the second version, is “aspiration”, “expectation”. Scientists insist that the name has Arabic roots. Diminutive versions of the name Leah and Malika are independent names.

Amalia celebrates her name day twice a year - on the tenth of June and the twenty-first of November. These name days are celebrated only by Catholics, since in the Catholic tradition it is customary to honor Amalia, the patroness of Ghent, in Belgium.

The character and fate of Amalia

The number that accompanies Amalia is nine. It characterizes a person as a talented person, successful in all endeavors. The girl enjoys enormous authority among others precisely because of her wisdom and honesty.

She has wonderful leadership abilities. About Us early age is firmly confident in her position and is inferior to few people in fundamental issues. Little Amalia is not exceptionally beautiful. She attracts with her flexible character and kind hearted. Amalia is friends with almost everyone. He easily trusts people, but at an older age he no longer takes such risks and does not get close to those who have once deceived or betrayed him.

Amalia loves and honors her father more than her mother. She can spend all her holidays and weekends with him. Loves men's interests and hobbies. When Amalia grows up, she prefers the company of men precisely because there is no gossip and gossip.

Amalia is not envious, so it is difficult for her to get along in a large group of women, where it is customary to evaluate everyone, it is customary to flatter everyone’s eyes. Amalia creative person, therefore, is often the center of attention of peers. If her parents discover all her talents in time, she can grow up to be a wonderful artist and singer.

Amalia is overly demanding of herself and others. She has a rather complex character, which is almost impossible to get along with if the girl herself does not control her emotions. Amalia should learn restraint and endurance, because she can be arrogant. Because of her character, Amalia often loses important acquaintances, and even love.

It is worth noting positive features girl character:



Call of Duty;

Strength of will.

She has too keen a sense of justice and a sense of duty. That’s why she demands the almost impossible from those around her. Amalia practically cannot understand why she copes with her task wonderfully, while others do not. She loves to gather a lot of attention around herself. Sometimes she even makes scandals in order to understand what emotions a person experiences for her. By doing this, she only creates a bad reputation for herself.

Since Amalia is a creative person, she should choose the profession of a journalist, film critic, or musician. Also the girl is impressed military service, police work. Amalia will also feel comfortable in medicine and education.

In order to put things in order in Amalia's life, she needs the advice of a wise person. She needs support. Her father will become such a support and support for her in childhood. In the future, the girl will choose men who will bring harmony and wisdom into her life.

It is quite difficult for Amalia to find herself in the professional field. She is constantly in search of her calling and well-deserved self-realization. She is easy on money. It is difficult for Amalia to do business, since she is tough in management and leadership and does not allow the thought that someone might make a mistake or not follow her instructions. Conflicts at work for Amalia arise regularly.

The thing is that the girl often exceeds the powers assigned to her by management. Amalia for a long time cannot find common ground with colleagues. But when he finds them, he wins them over with his honesty and justice.

Amalia's Love

Amalia's character and destiny make her quite attractive to the opposite sex. Men line up for the chance to spend the evening with her. She attracts them with her spontaneity and independence. Amalia has refined facial features and a good figure. The girl values ​​herself and does not allow men to control her life.

Amalia loves children, but the role of a mother becomes relevant for her after thirty years, when the girl has realized herself in her career and creativity. Amalia loves to receive guests; her house is always cozy and beautiful.

Amalia tries to create real coziness and comfort around her loved ones. She gives them gifts, knows in advance what they would like. Amalia knows how to make friends, she is an honest and sincere person, so those around her appreciate her and try not to conflict with her.

Amalia is in no hurry to get married. She chooses a wise and practical person for life. He doesn’t like to make trouble because he considers his point of view to be the only correct one. If she makes a mistake, she immediately admits it and does everything to correct what she has done. Despite his complex character, the husband madly loves his honest and decent woman. She reciprocates his feelings. Their home is always cozy and cheerful, guests are always welcome.

Linguists claim that the name Amelia is a name of German (Old Germanic) origin. It is derived from the word amal, which means “labor” or “work.” According to logic, The meaning of the name Amelia is "hardworking" or "hardworking". The name underwent certain metamorphoses during the transition to other languages. It is believed that the names Amelia, Amalia, Emmeline are different shapes the same name.

In Russian culture, the name Amalia was more common, but now the name Amelia has become more popular. The name Amelia was and remains very popular in the land of eternal fogs, in Great Britain.

The meaning of the name Amelia (Amalia) for a girl

Girls named Amelia usually grow up disciplined and obedient. At the same time, Amelia must be asked, since it is almost impossible to force her to do something. She loves to help her parents, and especially her mother. Amelia has been independent since childhood and knows how to do a lot herself, which often leads to leaving her father’s home early. If a girl is very lively in childhood, then as a teenager she becomes more shy. Amelia is an honest and very correct girl.

Amelia studies well. She has an excellent analytical mind. She digests easily new material and can even help classmates who are lagging behind. Amelia knows how to properly organize her time. She has enough time for both studying and playing. The girl is growing up talented in many directions. Amelia will be happy to participate in various clubs and sections. The girl is quite athletic and can even become seriously interested in sports.

Amelia's health is often good. Her sports hobbies also make the girl very attractive. However, Amelia needs to remember that as an adult, her chance of getting fat increases, so quit physical exercise she doesn't want it. A rather weak point in Amelia’s health are her joints. If this is not felt in youth, this does not mean at all that precautions can be neglected.

Short name Amelia

Amalya, Ama, Leah, Leah.

Diminutive pet names

Amelichka, Melichka, Amochka, Amushka.

Name Amelia in English

IN English language Amelia's name is spelled Amelia. One of the 10 most popular English names of 2009.

Name Amelia for international passport- AMALIIA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Amelia into other languages

in Arabic - أمل أميليا.
in Hungarian - Amália
in Greek - Αμαλία (read as Amalia), Αμέλια (read as Amelia).
in Spanish - Amelia or Amalia
in Italian - Amelia
in Chinese - 阿米莉雅 (transliteration)
in German - Amalia, Amalie
in Polish - Amalia
in Portuguese - Amélia, Amália
in Romanian - Amalia, Amelia
in Serbian - Amalija
in Finnish - Amalia, Amalja (read as Amalya)
in French -Amélie (read as Amelie)
in Czech - Amálie
in Swedish - Amalia, Amalie.
in Japanese - アメリア (transliteration)

Church name Amelia(V Orthodox faith) is missing - it is not church name. This means that at baptism Amelia will receive a church name different from the worldly one. IN catholic church Amalburg of Maubeuge is revered as a saint. Amalburga is a form of the name Amalia. She is considered the patroness of the Belgian city of Ghent.

Characteristics of the name Amelia (Amalia)

If you try to characterize Amelia, then probably the first thing worth noting is her discipline and some restraint. Many people mistake Amelia's restraint for modesty, but this is not the case at all. She doesn't like to rush and still manages to do everything. Amelia knows how to plan her time perfectly and always manages to do everything. Her restraint is due precisely to the fact that she weighs everything many times before taking the next step. This allows you to avoid unnecessary mistakes, which is precisely what rushing leads to. Amelia is a kind and pleasant person to talk to. He knows how to have fun and have a good time, but usually this happens in a fairly narrow circle of people.

At work, Amelia is respected by her colleagues and appreciated by her superiors. Colleagues love Amelia for her wonderful human qualities and, of course, for Good work. Management values ​​Amelia more for her diligence and diligence. Amelia knows how to make decisions correctly and never takes on work that she cannot handle. She can take a long time to make a decision, but if the decision is made, she does everything quickly and well. Amelia also has a well-developed intuition and she uses it also for work needs.

Family ties for Amelia are a very serious step. She will never marry without love and usually searches for “the one” for a long time. Amelia is a very good housewife and a wonderful wife. She is kind, gentle and completely non-conflicting. Amelia easily gets along with her husband's relatives and they usually love her very much. She good mom and pays a lot of his attention to children. Marriage to Amelia is a quiet haven of happiness.

The secret of the name Amelia (Amalia)

Amelia's secret can be called her gullibility. She is good-natured and often falls for deceivers. Amelia needs to be careful and remember this feature of hers. And of course, her loved ones must protect her in every possible way from various crooks.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

Totem animal- Electric Stingray.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Aspen.

Plant- Barberry.

Stone- Rock crystal.

Full name: Amelia

Diminutive form – Amalya, Emmy, Mali, Malika, Liya, Lina, Meli

Synonyms – Emmeline, Kamalia, Amelis, Amalina, Amal

Letter decoding of the name

Origin of the name and its meaning

Linguists have identified several versions of the origin of the name Amelia. According to the first, this is ancient Germanic female name, which means “hardworking.” Many are inclined to believe that it has common roots with the name Emilia, which means “rival”. According to the third version, it is a derivative of the masculine Amal, which translated from Hebrew means “hardworking”, and with - “hope”, “aspiration”.

This is a very common name in culture, but it has gained great popularity full meaning- Amelia. In the UK it remains at the peak of popularity today.

What does Amelia mean according to the church calendar?

In the Christian faith there are no names Amalia or Amelia; at baptism the girl receives a different name. As a rule, they choose a saint who patronizes the birthday.

In the Catholic Church, the name Amalia is a derivative of Amalburga, who is revered as the patron saint of the city of Ghent.

The meaning of the name Amalia among Muslims

On Arabic it sounds like Kamalia, which means “perfect.” Its owners are distinguished by ambition, self-confidence, honesty, activity, and have creative inclinations. We have our own traditions regarding what to name a girl. At birth, the child is immediately given a name; as a rule, it carries not only positive energy, but also prepares the girl’s path to happiness.

Element named Kamalia

Patron planet – Saturn;

Element – ​​Earth – water;

Zodiac sign – Aquarius, Capricorn;

Color – Olive-lead, dark, black;

Patron mineral – onyx, chalcedony, obsidian;

Day – Saturday;

Patron plants – Cypress, pine, ivy, caraway.

Characteristics of the name Amalia for a girl

The owners of this name are naturally awarded the following qualities:

  • hard work;
  • modesty;
  • tolerance;
  • responsiveness;
  • kindness;
  • humility.

The girls, whose name is Amalia (Kamalia), grow up very disciplined and delight their parents with their performance at school. But it is impossible to force the baby to do anything; she needs to be asked. Amelia is a real mother's daughter, she loves her parents very much and helps around the house. This is a very independent person, he absorbs a lot, and quickly learns everything new. This independence leads to early care from parental blood. From childhood they are active and lively natures, but in their youth they are shy. One of the hallmarks is honesty. Amalia is a very honest and truth-loving person.

Amelia has an analytical mind and is able to properly plan her time. She has time to both study and relax. The girl with this name is diversified, attends clubs, and studies in various sections. Since childhood, she loves sports and is able to reach a professional level.

Amalia (Kamalia) is in good health. Her passion for sports makes the girl very slim, however, with age she tends to become overweight. Weak point Amalia are joints that appear only in adulthood.

The mystery of the name

What's hidden in this rare name, what is the fate of its owner?

Study and hobbies

Amalia means a creative person. She enjoys drawing, decorating her home, embroidering and growing flowers. In the future, she is capable of becoming a talented designer, makeup artist, fashion designer. Anything suits her creative professions. Delicate taste can be seen in the manner of dressing, applying makeup, and styling hair. Amalia has good sewing skills, which allows her to always look fashionable.

Career and business

Amalia's character is very multifaceted. The choice of profession for her depends on many circumstances. As a rule, shyness does not allow her to reveal herself fully; the girl underestimates herself. Able to work in a team, shows good results thanks to hard work and tolerance. Her hobby political activity will not bear fruit in this field, it is better to give preference to business, journalism or law.

Love and relationships

In these areas Amalia is reserved. She loves compliments and expects praise from her chosen one. This is a very romantic nature, but insecure. Amalia strong personality, this quality suppresses the desire to be defenseless and weak. Men are often afraid of her and avoid the strong Amalia. Not finding reciprocity in love, she completely immerses herself in work.

Family and Children

Amalia means an impeccable housewife. She will have an excellent relationship with her mother-in-law; she is above all gossip and intrigue. But such gullibility will not bring Amalia to any good; this is often used for selfish purposes.

Family is everything for a girl! She is devoted to her chosen one and demands the same. Amalia takes on not only household chores, but also providing the family with everything they need. She gets along well with children and tries to give them a good education. The girl tries to raise strong and independent individuals who will not need for anything.

In her relationship with her husband, Amalia behaves with restraint; over the years, her demands and jealousy go away, and in return comes mutual respect. Many consider such a marriage mysterious, however, Amalia is happy in family life. Fate is favorable to her; every man dreams of such a mistress.

There are several versions of the origin of the name Amalia. According to the first option, the name is of ancient Germanic origin. It is derived from the word amal, which translates as “work” or “labor.” Therefore, the meaning of the name Amalia in this case is “hardworking.” According to the second version, the origin of the name Amalia has Latin roots and is translated as “rival” or “worthy opponent.” Another option for the origin and meaning of the name Amalia is Arabic. The name can mean “expectation”, “hope”, “aspiration”. The name Amalia may also have Jewish origins due to its similarity with the corresponding name Amal. In this case, the translation, as in the first version, will be “hardworking”.


The meaning of the name Amalia for a girl gives the owner such natural qualities as kindness, hard work, modesty, humility, tolerance and responsiveness. Little Amalia grows up to be a very obedient and disciplined child, pleasing her parents with her high performance at school. It’s almost impossible to force a girl to do something besides her will, but if you ask, she will happily agree. Amalia is growing up as her mother's daughter. She loves her parents very much and is ready to help them around the house. In general, she is very independent. She is distinguished by her curiosity, she is interested in learning something new, which she assimilates well. In the future, this independence leads to early departure from the parents’ home. Little lively Amalia turns into a shy teenager with age. The meaning of the name Amalia endowed this girl distinctive feature– honesty. Therefore, she is a truth-teller by nature and always fights for the truth.

Amalia Mordvinova (actress)

Little Amalia is a very active and even restless girl, but at the same time she is obedient, does not contradict her parents, and is charming and smiling with others. The baby does not throw hysterics to her parents and they rarely see her tears, so they are very proud of their girl. Amalia, a name for a girl, gives her the opportunity to do well in school. There she is often set as an example to other students, so since childhood she has felt her uniqueness and considers herself chosen. This often has a positive effect on her self-esteem. Parents must ensure that this does not develop into excessive pride and pride. Amalia's good performance in all subjects at school is ensured by her amazing perseverance. Usually Amalia, which means the name "rival", has a very a good relationship with peers. She gets along well with both boys and girls. The company does not seek to take a leadership position or become a ringleader.

Business and career

Amalia, the meaning of the name for a girl lies in the inability to find a suitable profession for herself that matches her interests and talents. So that she does not make a mistake with her choice, she needs an experienced close person, whom she trusts. He must act as a mentor.

Endowed with a soft, flexible character, she can easily find mutual language with colleagues. Innate perseverance, optimism, responsibility and diligence help to achieve high success and achieve goals, which contributes to rapid career advancement. The habit of doing only what she considers necessary can hinder her career fulfillment. Since childhood, she was not used to doing what she was forced to do. Therefore, colleagues will have to come to terms with this trait.

It is important to know what the name Amalia means - a close connection with the creative sphere. This girl can become a successful writer, artist, musician, actress, and clothing designer. The road to teaching or sports is open. If desired, she can be an excellent doctor. The fate of the name Amalia does not work out in the sphere of trade or commerce. Technical professions are very difficult for her, with the exception of the radio electronics industry.

Personal life

The name Amalia, the meaning of the name and the girl’s destiny lies in individuality, lightness and restraint. Amalia's naturally romantic and emotional nature is hidden behind a mask of rationality. This girl loves with her ears, it is important for her to be constantly praised and given compliments. I really like making an impression. She is distinguished by her insecurity due to the fact that inside she fluctuates between which image suits her best - a strong independent woman or a weak and defenseless one. Preference is given to men of the “macho” type. But usually such men do not choose Amalia for themselves. They don't like her. If she fails to find mutual feelings, then she directs all her energy to work.

In her youth, Amalia was not susceptible to casual relationships. She is always ready to search until the last the right person. In family life she finds true woman's happiness. And it is late marriage that helps her realize this, appreciate and feel the beauty of family relationships.

Amalia has been looking for a man for a very long time to get married. She does not seek to start a family early or marry for convenience. It is important for her to find exactly “her” man whom she can trust unconditionally. He will love such a chosen one with all his heart and will never cheat on him.

When children appear in the family, Amalia takes upon herself not only household, which she really likes, but also the responsibility for raising children and providing for her family. Such a wife has an easy-going character that everyone takes advantage of. She is absolutely trouble-free. I am ready to do everything possible and impossible for children so that they get a good education, work, material support, as well as respect in society. Later, she and her husband developed a partnership. The jealousy and increased demands inherent in youth disappear, leaving behind endless respect. Such a family will seem mysterious to others, arousing interest and a desire to learn more about them.

Character of the name

The meaning of the name Amalia is largely determined by the time of year when the girl was born. Winter Amalia is a disciplined and honest girl who never lies and does not tolerate lies from others. Vesennaya is an energetic, generous girl with an optimistic character. She is always full of ideas. To implement them, he tries to attract other people. Summer girls have excellent manners. These are intelligent women, it is always easy and pleasant to communicate with them, they attract others. The autumn bearer of the name has an analytical mind. This girl has well-developed intuition and natural charm. I always want to turn to her for useful advice.

The mystery of the name

The secret of the name Amalia is that she will inherit internal qualities from her mother, and appearance from her father. This parents' favorite can grow up to be a real ideal woman.

Amethyst talisman

The following astrological compatibility is considered the secret of the name Amalia:

  • zodiac constellation – Aquarius, Capricorn;
  • patron planet – Saturn;
  • favorable plants - aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage;
  • totem animal – electric stingray;
  • lucky color is purple;
  • talisman stone – rhinestone, amethyst;
  • Favorable day is Saturday.

Name compatibility

Amalia - the meaning of the name for a girl suggests its favorable compatibility with such male names, like Alexander, Maxim, Ivan, Vladimir, Nikolay, Georgy, Grigory, Peter, Igor, Vadim, Leonid, Victor, Makar, Semyon, Roman, Sergey, Denis. It is possible to build strong relationships with these men and create a lasting alliance.

Unsuccessful compatibility with Arkady, Arseny, Dmitry, Moses, Gabriel, Klim.

Full name: Amalia (Amelia)

Similar names: Amelina, Emmeline, Amela, Amela, Amelis, Amelio, Amalie, Amali, Emeline, Amal

Church name: -

Meaning: hardworking, rival, worthy opponent

The meaning of the name Amalia - interpretation

There are several versions of the origin of the name Amalia. According to one hypothesis, it has ancient Germanic roots and means “labor” or “work.” The name is often interpreted as “hardworking.”

Another hypothesis connects the origin of the name Amalia with Arab culture. According to this version, it means “aspiration” or “expectation.” Abbreviated forms of the name are Lina, Emma, ​​Leah, Malika, Ama. Some of them act as independent names.

Astrology named after Amalia

Favorable day: Saturday

Years later

Amalia is growing up as a restless and very active child. She becomes independent early and strives to help her parents in everything. The girl is smiling, charming, obedient. He obeys his parents unquestioningly. They don’t see tears or hysterics from Ama. Parents are often proud of their baby.

The girl is loved at school and is constantly set as an example for other children. Already in childhood, Amalia feels chosen and unique, which cannot but affect her self-esteem in a very favorable way. But it is very important not to allow the girl to become proud and begin to consider herself to be herself.

The little girl studies diligently and gets good grades. Her peculiarity is amazing perseverance, but all subjects are given to Ama without any particular effort.

In her youth, Amalia develops those character traits that will accompany her in life. adult life. These include organization, femininity, discipline, cheerfulness and generosity - an excellent set for a full-fledged personality.

Young Malika considers self-development important, but does not forget to monitor her appearance. Surrounds himself big amount friends, many of whom may remain close enough to her for life.

People are drawn to her, highly appreciating the girl’s responsiveness, kindness and cheerful attitude. She loves her good friends very much, rightly believing that without them happiness will never be complete and genuine.

Adult Amalia is distinguished by a flexible mind, practicality, and the ability to set rational goals and achieve them. As in her youth, she is characterized by naivety and idealism. She believes in people and does not tolerate pettiness in words and actions.

Amalia does not tolerate discussion when the person is not around. Does not allow gossip and slander. Doesn't like it when people put pressure on her or try to take her out of her mind peace of mind– in such cases, abstracts from the situation and switches to other topics.

The woman is gullible and naive. This trait is often exploited by scammers and crooks whose stories she takes at face value. However, he knows how to learn from his own mistakes and, as a rule, draws the right conclusions.

Amalia's character

Self-control and decency are Amalia's main virtues. The woman understands people very well. She knows how to set them up very positively towards herself, which is facilitated by her natural humility.

There is not even a hint of deceit in Amalia. She is distinguished by strong-willed qualities and a heightened sense of duty. She is able to solve assigned tasks without outside help. Although he will not mind sincere and selfless help from those he trusts..

The negative side of Amalia's character is frantic desire always be right and win. Such a desire can push her to tricks, intrigues and adventures from which one should not expect good.

He loves to argue and can give hundreds of arguments and reasons to prove that he is right by hook or by crook. In some cases, he simply withdraws into himself and cannot get out of this strange state for a long time.

Amalia's fate

Amalia has wisdom and inner strength. She is human and vulnerable. Ready to give love and tenderness, but expects the same in return. Despite her phenomenal intuition, not everything in her life always turns out smoothly and beautifully. Often does not receive family support and devotes himself completely to work.

The name is often associated with sacrifice and asceticism. If Amalia succumbs to the desire to devote herself entirely to her career, forgetting about spirituality, she will face serious problems.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Women named beautiful name, usually know what they need from life. They find the use of their talents and abilities quickly and correctly. They can successfully work in the field of radio electronics.

Amalia can become an excellent doctor or a talented teacher. Some owners of the name become professional athletes. A career in commerce and trade does not work out well.

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