Analysis of the poem “You and I are stupid people...” Nekrasov N.A. “You and I are stupid people...” N. Nekrasov

/ / / Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “You and I stupid people…»

Nikolai Nekrasov’s poem “You and I are stupid people...” can be safely attributed to the poet’s love lyrics. It was published in 1851 during the stormy romance between the author and Avdotya Panayeva.

The relationship between the two young people caused heated discussion and condemnation among acquaintances and friends. And this is not surprising, because Avdotya was a married woman. Moreover, Nekrasov moved to Panaeva’s house, where he lived under the same roof with her legal husband. The romance between Nikolai and Avdotya lasted 16 years, which resulted in the birth of a baby. Unfortunately, the child lived only a few weeks.

After the death of the baby, the relationship between the lovers began to cool and eventually stopped altogether. The main reason Nekrasov considered the atmosphere that reigned in the Panaevs’ house to be parting. Constant quarrels and scenes of jealousy ultimately took their toll. The poet describes what is happening simply: “In a minute, the flash is ready!”

What was surprising was the fact that everything that happened had no impact on the work of the trio. At this time, Nekrasov and Panaev were working on the revival of the Sovremennik magazine, and Avdotya was the owner of a literary salon, where lyrical evenings often took place and the literary flower of St. Petersburg gathered. With the participation of Panaeva, Nekrasov creates his own “Panaev cycle” of works, which included not only poetic works, but also stories of the poet and writer.

Returning to the poem “You and I are stupid people...”, it should be noted that the first notes of parting can already be traced in it. So, quarrels between lovers could break out out of the blue. Nekrasov was terribly jealous of Avdotya’s legal spouse, which led to scandals with breaking dishes.

The poet says to his beloved: “Speak when you are angry, everything that excites and torments your soul!” He believes that you don’t need to keep everything to yourself, you need to talk about it and then your soul will feel better. This is what will help you avoid ridiculous quarrels.

But, despite this, Nekrasov believes that quarrels are an inevitable phenomenon. In their absence, life will become fresh and dry. Quarrels add a certain zest to the relationship between two people, because after reconciliation, feelings of love flare up with renewed vigor.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is a prominent figure in Russian literature of the 19th century. It is he who is considered the main successor of the work of the romantics - Pushkin and Lermontov. This poet is a master of artistic expression - he masterfully mastered all lyrical genres - poetry, poems, elegies. Of course, for many inquisitive readers, Nekrasov is the author of “folk poems”, in which he masterfully conveyed the bitter fate of the peasants and universal injustice, but this is only one of the facets of his talent. He is also an unrivaled lyric poet.

“You and I are stupid people” is a stunning lyric poem by Nekrasov, written in 1851. The history of the creation of this work is closely intertwined with the author’s love story. Nikolai Alekseevich loved Panaeva, married woman, tried in every possible way to gain her favor. Secret meetings, attempts to keep the relationship in the strictest confidence were not successful, and in 1846 something unimaginable happened - the poet began to enter the Panaevs’ house as a lover, that is, Panaeva, her husband and Nekrasov himself lived in the house.

Of course, such cohabitation was actively discussed in secular society, was put up for general discussion, which could not but anger the lovers. It was in 1846 that Nikolai Nekrasov began to quarrel with Panaeva and came to the idea that to describe this phenomenon, try to explain the nature of the quarrels and their meaning.

Genre, direction and size

From the first lines it becomes clear that the poem can be safely attributed to love lyrics, because, speaking of lovers, there can be no other feeling than love. Nekrasov continues the tradition of romanticism, but also depicts shades of realism in his own lyrics, filling it with ordinary worldly sketches.

The poem is written in anapaest trimeter using cross rhyme (ABAB). Literary scholars have already agreed that the anapaest is the best of the syllabic-tonic meters, capable of conveying the lyricism and sensuality of the mood of the lyrical hero, thanks to the rather undynamic alternation of stressed syllables.

Images and symbols

The lyrical hero and his beloved are all the characters in the lyrical work. Both of them love each other, but their temper makes itself felt in outbreaks of quarrels. The author calls himself and his chosen one stupid people, giving this adjective a completely harmless meaning. He is touched by the ability of each of the lovers to instantly flare up with anger and immediately fade away.

It is also worth noting that in love lyrics there cannot but be a motive of love, a romantic feeling between a man and a woman. The motive of the quarrel is the backbone of the poem, what served as the reason for writing the work.

Themes and mood

The main theme of the poem is the passionate relationship of lovers. The writer masterfully conveys the tension between them - “the soul excites and torments.” Nekrasov does not describe the phenomenon of a quarrel very tragically; he is confident that it is inevitable, so a quarrel must be treated philosophically - as a test of the strength of a relationship.

The poem also contains another theme - the theme of reconciliation of lovers. The poet does not paint a picture have a good day for a couple, the reader can only guess how good it will be for the two of them, because the question of what might suddenly happen that the lovers will not reconcile is not even worth it.

Of course, all these micro-themes are parts of the main theme, love. The relationship between a man and a woman is natural phenomenon, which develops dynamically, so there will always be ups and downs, quarrels and reconciliations.

main idea

The main idea of ​​the poem is that a quarrel is a natural period in a relationship loving people. To reconcile, you need to express your emotions. Although this moment can be acute, yet stronger feeling love after a quarrel.

Means of artistic expression

The poem is small in volume, so it is not replete with epithets and metaphors, but they still have a place.

“An unreasonable, harsh word” is a very figurative epithet that conveys the attitude of the lyrical hero to the nature of the quarrel. The hero is aware that conflict is a stupid and impulsive act that cannot be taken with the utmost seriousness. Quarrel is an emotion.

“Prose in love” is a popular literary metaphor that describes the dullness and everydayness, and sometimes negative aspects of love.

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Analysis of the poem “You and I are stupid people...”

You and I are stupid people:

In just a minute, the flash is ready!

Relief for a troubled chest

An unreasonable, harsh word.

Speak up when you're angry

Everything that excites and torments the soul!

Let us, my friend, be openly angry:

The world is easier and more likely to get boring.

If prose in love is inevitable,

So let's take a share of happiness from her:

After a quarrel, so full, so tender

Return of love and participation...

Poem by N.A. Nekrasov “You and I are stupid people,” first published in Sovremennik in 1851, addressed to A.Ya. Panaeva and is included in the so-called “Panaevsky cycle”. The poet was 22 years old when he met A.Ya. Panaeva. She was 24 years old. Yesterday's proletarian, literary vagabond, of course, at first he did not dare to dream of the favor of such a brilliant lady. Her husband married her when Avdotya Yakovlevna was not yet nineteen, “almost to show off beautiful wife in front of friends and go out with her to music in Pavlovsk.” It wasn’t easy for N.A. Nekrasov this woman. Out of despair, he almost rushed into the Volga, but he was not the kind of person to fall behind. This duel lasted from 1843 to 1848, when she finally became his wife. But by this time A.Ya. Panaeva and N.A. Nekrasov were already completely different people.

The poem “You and I are stupid people...” is about love, but not romantic, enthusiastic love. Key words that speak about the relationship of A.Ya. Panaeva and N.A. Nekrasova, - “a minute”, “a flash”, “the soul excites and torments”, “a share of happiness”, “the return of love”.

There are two heroes in the poem: he and she, the lyrical hero and his beloved. The poem “You and I are stupid people...” is the lyrical hero’s appeal to his beloved. ON THE. Nekrasov uses address (“my friend”) and verbs in the imperative mood (“speak”).

This lyrical work can be divided into two parts: 1) a description of life, quarrels; 2) the lyrical hero’s appeal to his beloved (request, offer of compromise).

This poem repeats the consonant sounds [sh], whistling. Alliteration helps convey the heat of a quarrel, indignation, and indignation. In addition, hissing and whistling sounds affect the sound of the poem, slowing it down and making it more drawn out. Undoubtedly, the poetic meter - anapest, conveying duration - was also not chosen by the author by chance.

ON THE. Nekrasov loved the writer A.Ya for a long time and painfully. Panaev. In his poems he glorifies deep love, mutual understanding and friendship of lovers. However, life is complex and tragic, and the poems of N.A. Nekrasova often talks about the dramatic pages of their love. The poet writes about this in the poem “You and I are stupid people...”. Very often there were difficult quarrels between them, but love won, and they made peace again. The poet here addresses Panaeva, calling both of them stupid because of frivolous quarrels that flare up like a match.

He asks her not to collect irritation, anger, resentment in herself, not to accumulate it, but to give them a way out. It’s better to shout out, express it openly, and not hide it, and then your soul will feel lighter, and there will be no secrets between them. After all, “the world is easier and more likely to get boring.” And if the prose of life exists in love, then you can extract happiness from it: after a quarrel, love flares up even stronger.

The poem “You and I are stupid people” was written in 1851 and published in Sovremennik No. 11 for 1851. Included in a collection of poems in 1856. In 1865 it was set to music.

It is dedicated to Avdotya Panaeva, the wife of Ivan Panaev and the common-law wife of Nikolai Nekrasov. Young Nekrasov met Panaeva in 1845, at which time friends Nikolai Nekrasov and Ivan Panaev bought Sovremennik, founded by Pushkin, and plunged into work. The romance between Nekrasov and Panaeva lasted about 16 years, three of their children died before they were born.

Avdotya Panaeva at the time of her acquaintance with Nekrasov was a written beauty, the owner of the salon. Many contemporaries were in love with her. She perceived Nekrasov as one of the gentlemen. For more than a year, the writer proved to his beloved the seriousness of his feelings. Nekrasov rented an apartment next to the Panayevs, and then the three of them began to live in the same house.

It was impossible for Panaev to get a church divorce; this did not bother Nekrasov. Society condemned civil marriage Nekrasova. For Ivan Panaev, this state of affairs, as they say, tripled: he was a rake. Nekrasov was jealous of Panaev’s husband. Both scandalized with gusto.

All three were excellent writers and worked fruitfully together. Panaeva was Nekrasov’s inspiration, muse (he called her his second muse), they co-wrote several novels. Panaeva worked on equal terms with men at Sovremennik and was a proofreader.

Nekrasov and Panaeva often quarreled; their life was an alternation of quarrels and reconciliations, partings and meetings. They had difficult characters. After a quarrel, Nekrasov often wrote poetry to Avdotya. They are combined into the so-called “Panaev cycle”. One of them is “You and I are stupid people.”

Literary direction, genre

Poem “You and I are stupid people” - best example love lyrics Nekrasova. This is not romantic admiration for the perfections of the beloved. The lyrical hero addresses an earthly woman. Not only is she not without flaws, but she is absurd, but that makes her even more loved!

Theme, main idea and composition

The poem consists of three stanzas. The first stanza is a picture, a description of the internal state of those who quarreled. It is static, completely devoid of actions (there are no verbs in it). This is a frozen state that requires change.

The second stanza, on the contrary, is filled with verbs. This is an appeal to a beloved (who, first of all, is a friend). The lyrical hero, using imperative verbs, encourages her to talk about everything that worries and torments her, to be angry openly. The lyrical hero believes that it is easier to make peace this way. The remark that in this case the quarrel “is more likely to get boring” suggests that the scandal gives the heroine pleasure, this is her usual activity.

The third stanza is again static. This state is waiting for the arrival of peace, the return of love. The only verb in the phrase “let's take a share of happiness” does not imply active action. This is a kind of “philosophy for those who quarrel.” The lyrical hero calls conflicts the prose of love, but believes that it is thanks to them that love flares up brighter.

The theme of the poem is the quarrel and reconciliation of lovers.

The main idea: a quarrel is a natural period in relationships between loving people. To reconcile, you need to express your emotions. Although this moment can be acute, the feeling of love after a quarrel is even stronger.

Paths and images

In the first stanza, the state of the quarreling lovers is described using epithets: stupid People, excited breast, unreasonable, harsh word. Synonyms stupidunreasonable enhance the awareness of the lyrical hero’s guilt in the quarrel.

The entire poem is built on metaphors that convey the feelings of the characters: the outbreak is ready, the relief of an agitated chest, the soul worries and torments, to be angry openly, the world is easier, prose in love, a share of happiness, the return of love and participation.

Nekrasov uses such a sound writing technique as alliteration. An abundance of hissing and whistling sounds ( s, z, h, st) conveys the sounds of a quarrel, sonorous sounds make the narration smoother and more measured, dampen emotions.

Meter and rhyme

The poem is written in trimeter anapest. Feminine rhyme. The smoothness and melodiousness of the poem emphasize its rational nature, a look at the quarrel as if from the outside, after what happened. A poetic confession is the result of a quarrel and an attempt at reconciliation.

  • “It’s stuffy! Without happiness and will...", analysis of Nekrasov’s poem
  • “Farewell”, analysis of Nekrasov’s poem
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Nekrasov’s personal life was condemned by many of his acquaintances. The thing is that the aspiring writer not only fell in love with a married woman, but also moved to live in her house, sharing shelter with her legal spouse. The crazy and outrageous romance with Avdotya Panaeva lasted almost 16 years, and its culmination was the birth common child, who lived only a few weeks. After his death, the relationship between the lovers began to deteriorate, and they soon separated.

Nekrasov himself considered one of the reasons for the breakup to be the unbearable atmosphere that reigned in the Panayevs’ house. He was jealous of his beloved for his legal spouse, and she periodically made ugly scenes with swearing and breaking dishes. It is noteworthy that this did not at all prevent this unusual trio from getting along well when it came to work. During this period, Panaev and Nekrasov revived the Sovremennik magazine, and Avdotya was the owner of a literary salon, where meetings with young writers and poets regularly took place. By the way, in the network of Avdotya Panayeva, who at that time was considered one of the most attractive women Petersburg, pleased many writers, including Fyodor Dostoevsky. However, she reciprocated only with Nekrasov, becoming not only his mistress, but also a like-minded person. It was with her participation that the so-called “Panaev cycle” of works was created, which included not only poems, but also stories by Nekrasov. The author dedicated some of his creations to his chosen one, and among them is the poem “You and I are stupid people...”, written in 1851. At this time, the poet’s romance with Avdotya Panaeva was in full swing, but the first signs of the impending separation were already making themselves felt. They were expressed in constant quarrels between lovers, and Nekrasov characterizes these difficult relationships with one succinct phrase: “Any minute, the flash is ready!” Indeed, one thoughtless word or an insufficiently gentle glance could provoke a quarrel. Therefore, turning to his chosen one, Nekrasov asks: “Say, when you are angry, everything that excites and torments your soul!” The author believes that if you do not restrain your irritation from the very beginning and allow it to spill out, then the outbursts of anger will be less violent. And he himself will be able to stop in time, without bringing the situation to a scandal.

At the same time, Nekrasov sees a special charm in such everyday quarrels, which he considers inevitable, but at the same time believes that they can also bring a special piquancy to the relationship between two people in love. “After a quarrel, the return of love and participation is so complete, so tender...”, the poet believes.

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Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “You and I are stupid people”

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