Andrey devyatov November. Forward to the new world order. Fruitful opening idea

That's right, Gvaskov.
Can you “read” a person by their last name?
Well, that's true, half joking.
But seriously, I wrote that he says sensible things. But one Zhirinovsky and one Petrosyan are enough for us, why replicate them anymore?
He can speak normally and convey information intelligently, but his inner “artist” often crushes him. He doesn’t work on himself, he thinks - and so it will do. I have seen and heard such people. You talk to him one on one - everything is fine, but in front of people or on camera - the person changes beyond recognition. Such people think that they should be forgiven? No. They fall under the power of the inner “artist”, which means they are obsessed, i.e. not free from outside interference from the Subtle World.

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I think the information is on this moment-primary and we are not in the club of noble maidens! What is the most important thing now? The mythical temple of Solomon in Palmyra was destroyed, Mashiach (the end of the world for the goyim) does not come, the Russians did not capture Istanbul, the prediction also fails, a nuclear strike on Israel remains - New Testament - (16 then let those in Judea flee to the mountains;
17 And let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house;
18 And let him who is in the field not turn back to take his clothes.
19 Woe to them that are pregnant and to those who nurse at the breast in those days!
20 Pray that your flight will not happen in winter or on the Sabbath...)
And the last president of America. Trump is saving the United States by eliminating the Fed and the parasites that have attached themselves to it; Clinton is saving the parasites at the expense of the United States. Obama has long been trying to introduce special position in the country, saving the situation or postponing the collapse of Zion. BUT!!! We'll see soon. And their predicted DARKNESS has already been dispelled in 2012!)))) NASA: in November 2016 there will be complete darkness on earth for 15 days in a row!

November 3rd, 2016

“Comrades and brothers in chess!
The subject of my lecture is a fruitful opening idea.
What, brothers, is a debut, and what, comrades, is an idea?
The debut, brothers, is a quasi-unofantasy. Well, this is clear to everyone.
What is this idea, comrades?
An idea is a human thought, clothed in a logical chess form.
Even with insignificant forces you can master the entire board.
It all depends on each individual.
Some of you play well, others play poorly.
And no lectures will change this balance of forces.”

(classics of the genre)

Fruitful opening idea

“Political multipolarity,” which our Russian political scientists never tire of repeating as a desirable picture of a new world order, actually exists conceptual trap - because it forces the Kremlin, the Foreign Ministry and the General Staff to actually remain in the scheme of a bipolar world. And, following the one planted by Brzezinski in 1997. The concept of world order How "The Great Chessboard" cheerfully depict a session of simultaneous play on many chessboards at once, where everything is the same: white plays against black. And all living cognitive technologies begin with recognition: one’s own.

Therefore, Lavrov’s real diplomacy is a bluff of the splayed “state master” from New Vasyuki. Whereas real globalism has long replaced the great chessboard with another game.

The Chinese, pretending that they are playing chess in Russian-Chinese relations, are actually playing checkers (Go). And in “Casino Royale” there are real players (bearers of the conceptual power of world projects): the Order (“Skull and Bones”), WE or the Group (Round Table), Society (spiritual orders of the Vatican), Sufis (esotericists of Islam), Dragons (Chinese military clans) and Netocrats (the Hasidic network structure), play bridge for six.

So in reality it turns out for our current elitists that: “I didn’t win, but lost. And not in chess, but in raid checkers.”

Heavenly politicians have developed high tech incognito (without recognizing someone else). We wrote strategies for the war of meanings. But all this is not a decree for “chess players”. There is no prophet in his own Fatherland.

If political multipolarity had a physical model, then conflicts could be predicted according to the laws of physics. However, there is no intelligible physical model suitable for calculating the interactions of “multipolar” politics. And “multipolarity in politics” itself is a stratagem for simpletons. There is a plus and a minus, which in an electric motor can be stretched into three, six, or 12 phases. But there will still be two poles.

Heavenly politicians showed a humanitarian model of the Great Game at the card table of history. In this model card game in bridge, the strike of the Order (Illuminati) on the Group (Round Table) and the expected retaliatory destructive cyber-strike on the control system of the US Federal Reserve System in November 2016 works to the benefit of the “Society” (the Black Sun International of the Jesuits).

All media reported about the visit of Prince Albert II of Monaco (the oldest ruling family of Old European royals) to Moscow on October 6, 2016 on the birthday of our commander-in-chief. And all the media also reported about the visit of His Holiness Kirill on October 18, 2016 to the head of the Anglican Church, Queen Elizabeth II. All that remains is to discern the meanings. But analysts are not able to distinguish intelligence signs. They only make logical judgments from the mind.

Halloween holiday

The holiday "Halloween", which dates back to the traditions of the Celts, is widely celebrated from October 31 to November 1 in the United States and other English-speaking countries on the night before the Catholic "All Saints' Day". There is no need to talk about any holiness of this holiday, since its roots go back to paganism and are openly associated with death and the supernatural. And in our time it acts as a side sign of satanic globalization.

The main themes of Halloween are: death, evil, the occult and monsters. Traditional colors are black and orange.

Now the holiday has turned into a masquerade show of all sorts of evil spirits, a rehash of the Roman Saturnalia (zombie carnivals of death). In the United States, against the backdrop of Halloween, the number of “sensational” newspaper publications increases and, in general, the “Satanic panic” intensifies.

So in 2016, on Halloween, a message appeared in the media that the head of NASA, Charles Bolden, allegedly published a report about the expected 15-29.11.2016 natural disaster - New Darkness Egyptian - an explosion on the Sun, which will increase the temperature of the star and it will be completely covered with black spots. Which will be the biblical punishment of the human race with many days of darkness. It is noteworthy that neither the Kabbalah-wise Jews nor the Chinese with the Law of Change are raising any panic, while in the United States the country has actually been prepared for possible destabilization. And well aware of what is happening in the invisible part of the political spectrum, Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth II in 2016 noted with statements about “ last days anger", "a period of irreversible upheaval" and "drums of war". It is quite obvious that the expected irreversible changes in the world order are associated with the confrontation between global models of the Western world’s exit (Order versus Group) from the systemic crisis of industrial society. Now we can almost certainly talk about the abyss of chaos that will soon cover “life over the hill.” Russia’s chance to get out of the difficult and unpleasant situation threatening the West without losses or damage is to do not participate in what is happening and resist the temptation to intervene.


On behalf of the Moscow Conceptual Group

Andrey Petrovich Devyatov, Colonel

No487bis from 03.11.16

Andrey Devyatov

No matter how much you point your finger: from theory to political practice in the multipolarity model of anticipating the development of events, there is NO, activists of this conceptual trap will still send the ball to the corner with theoretical cleverness.
If you, multidimensional, multipolar people, have a working model, then write a forecast for the current moment and prospects for a year or three or twelve.
So you CAN’T!
We need to be more careful.

Andrey Devyatov

I'm not saying that the American people won't vote for Trump. I am only pointing my finger at the oligarchy that APPOINTED Clinton as the winner of the elections. When, on 11/08/16, the electors suddenly choose Clinton, only then will the abyss open. And then the Pentagon and the NSA will have to forcefully bring down the Fed. Because Clinton will not conduct any audits of the Fed.
This is where the “drums of war” begin to sound.
And as for the brave fairy tales of the Rodnovers, there is a Bible - a very thick Testament - but the Rodnovers have neither an original “birth certificate” nor at least some kind of plan ABOUT THE FUTURE. Everyone looks back, and there is information that is in no way confirmed or verified. With such “weapons of criticism,” the “criticism with weapons” of the Bible cannot be overcome.
And the multipolars are again edifying instead of a clear IMAGE of the unfolding of processes from 11/08/2016 to 01/20/2017
The truth is always bitter

Andrey Devyatov

While still a cadet at the Military Aviation Institute, I took part in the October “War” Doomsday"1973.
I remember the beginning well Afghan war December 25, 1979 and how it ended.
So, “our patriots” - getting into a war is much easier than coming out of it as a WINNER.
The pinnacle of military art is victory WITHOUT THE USE OF WEAPONS.
I am not the one beating the “drums of war”. I spinal cord I feel the danger to my Motherland that has already been laid out by the planner for the Russian Federation “ road map" to the Battle of the End. And with all my heart and all my thoughts I try to convey to “our patriots” the ruin of their “victorious dreams”.
Geopolitics - the Nazi ideology of living space - created the Third Reich and plunged it into a war that ended in collapse.
Skypolitics - the ideology of a single time for all - offers an option to avoid being drawn into a war with weapons in the option New Horde countries and peoples of non-Western civilizations.
Geopoliticians are trumpeting about the “yellow danger,” and heavenly politicians are showing the possibility of “yellow-red harmony of the world.” Where relations between China and Russia may not be a “chess” struggle of opposites, but a family of nations built on the ethics of Genghis Khan, where China will be the patron and Rus' will be the mentor. A historical example here “our kagan” St. Vladimir gives.
Yes, I am 100% Horde. And the image of relations in the horde is given to me by Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky - let’s scold Sartak.

Andrey Devyatov

Well, there’s no place to be more specific, but the multipolars are once again heading for DEMAGOGY.
Well, they can’t say anything SPECIFIC, but they keep puffing out their cheeks about our bipolar stupidity in assessing the current wash, as if there is no bipolarity? So, after all, multipolarists, together with transhumanists, will abolish the masculine and feminine. And then, on the new earth, there will be a kingdom of transgender people, transvestites, humanoids and cyborgs.

Andrey Devyatov

The answers are all here


Sinologist. Member of the Russian Writers' Union. Colonel of Soviet military intelligence.
I have been studying China professionally for over 40 years. He lived in the PRC for 17 years and was expelled from there for “activities incompatible with his status.” His first book was called: “Chinese Specifics, as I Understood It in Intelligence and Business.” Author of the monograph: “The Chinese: writing, language, thinking, practice.”
He has written a dozen nonfiction books. More than a hundred articles on current topics in economics, politics, and culture have been published in Russian and foreign publications. Full member Russian branch international academy future research. Permanent Deputy Director of the Institute of Russian-Chinese Strategic Cooperation.

The leading developer of the military-political doctrine of time is “skypolitics” (geopolitics is the doctrine of space). One of the founders of the Russian Academy of Heavenly Politics.

Andrey Devyatov's book "Heavenly Politics. For Those Who Make Decisions", the only one of its kind, has been translated into Chinese and published by the Academy Social Sciences China.

Russian, born in 1952 in Moscow. In 1974 he graduated with honors from the Military Institute foreign languages(VIIYA). Participant in combat operations and special reconnaissance operations. Internationalist warrior of the USSR.


People's candidateorhow to help the Administration of the President of the Russian Federationremove the rot of liberalism in Primorye and gain a nationwide rear

The bitter truth of direct elections of heads of subjects Russian Federation(governors) in September 2018 is that the natural course of things The regime itself began to collapse in the country liberalism. The people are disappointed in human rights. Party in power United Russia at a loss from the loss of resources to influence the voting process. And the federal center (AP) has ceased to play the role of maintaining that ugly state of affairs on the ground, which, by misunderstanding, is called “democratic choice.”

The historical practice of organizing power in the vastness of Eurasia is that Russia is the country of the “first person”. Therefore, expectations of urgent changes were associated with the elections of the President of the Russian Federation on March 18, 2018. Then, in contrast to the orders of the “party in power”, the example of self-nomination of a candidate was set.

And fresh forces in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (Vaino A.E. - Kiriyenko S.V.) gradually, relying on the All-Russian Popular Front(leader V.V. Putin), without affecting the foundations of liberalism in the Russian Federation, began to carry out a personnel revolution in the management system to replace corrupt bureaucrats with young technocrats.

However, in the hearts of people, the renewal of the “facade” of power did not in any way hide the strong feeling that the regime was rotten from within.

The rot of liberalism lies in the fact that the rights and freedoms of the individual, as the basis of social and economic order, killed the spirit of capitalism, namely: the need to work hard, honestly and skillfully. And when the “joys of life” (pleasures) as a reward for valiant work became not a reward, but the very goal of life, then it happened breaking the foundations of ethics godly wealth. Awareness of what should, can and cannot replace the supremacy of the letter of the written law. The letter gave rise to the hypocrisy of the equality of citizens before the state. And the state (officials) turned their administrative management functions into a source of “feeding” (corruption connections). Moreover, as a result of the bet on the “invisible hand of the market = the priority of trade over production,” there was simply nowhere to work skillfully in Russia.

Therefore, despite the obvious progress in organizing mass sporting events(Spirit of Sochi) and the construction of modern shopping, entertainment and transport infrastructure, V there was a feeling of disappointment among the masses in the practice of the regime of liberal democracy while simultaneously inflating ambitions (conceit of greatness) “Moscow is the Third Rome.”

Disappointment and disappointed expectations openly manifested themselves, first of all, in gubernatorial elections in the regions of the Far East, as the most advanced in self-reliance and open to direct economic interaction with Japan, Korea and China. As a result, the elections of the governor of the Primorsky Territory, due to administrative zeal and obvious falsifications by party members, following the recommendations of the Center, were declared not to have taken place at all. There is a crisis in the local power hierarchy of the Center.

due to administrative zeal, the elections for the governor of Primorye did not take place

What exactly should you do? in order to avoid a further aggravation of the situation, which is unpleasant in all respects and the “loss of face” of the Center in the repeat elections of the head of Primorye, which must be held no later than 12/16/18?

Firstly, we must recognize what happened in the Far East, as it should be on cosmic grounds, Dawn of a New Order. Meet this Dawn of Light from the East follows with a sober understanding that where it appears Light bitter Truth, the darkness of hypocrisy, the digital dope of social networks and illusions mass media dissipates itself.

Secondly, we must rely not on some proven party member, but on self-nominated- candidate for governor of the region from the people. This candidate must have diverse experience in government and business. Personal ability to take reasonable risks and skills to lead people. Have non-state security cover (security) and independent funding. He must obtain funds for the election campaign himself. Possibly from the bankers of the House of Rothschild interested in the reindustrialization of the countries of Northeast Asia. Probably, on the security of a business plan for gold mining together (not as a loan, but as an equity participation).

Thirdly, it is necessary to call a candidate from the people to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and there take an oath of allegiance to the Kremlin from him in advance: in the event fair victory not to fall into administrative separatism and parochial extremism in relations with China, Japan and Korea. But learn management technologies and set an example of world harmony for the entire country to the far West.

According to heavenly politicians, there is such a candidate for receiving both legal power in elections from the people and sacred power from Heaven in Primorye. By all indications of personal suitability, this is

Mamoshin Alexander Sergeevich born in 1961: well-known social and political figure and businessman in the region, deputy Legislative Assembly Territory of the third convocation, colonel of the Ussuri Cossack army, plenipotentiary representative of the Union of Cossack troops of Russia and Abroad in the Far Eastern Federal District, coordinator trusted by the society interethnic relations in the region.

Born August 10, 1961. Graduated from high school special school police in Orel; branch of the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Vladivostok. From 1981 to 1992 he served in the internal affairs bodies, his last position being commander of a special forces company. Since 1993 – individual private entrepreneur. One of the prominent militia commanders in Donbass, call sign “Samurai”. Leader of the self-organization forces of Primorye.

Political beliefs: “No one will give us anything in life until you earn it yourself.” “I would like to see Russia as a powerful, prosperous country.” Mottos for life: “Truth, order, duty, justice, family, care, housekeeping, responsibility.”

For and on behalf of Partnerships Prophetic Oleg reasonable from the people

Based on the results of a military field trip to Far East

Executed Andrey Devyatov

No647 from 09/24/2018

The word chaos is understood as a state of disorder. The ancient Greeks gave this name to the gaping abyss of the primary state of the Universe. The opposite meaning of order in the world is conveyed by the word cosmos. For Jewish Kabbalists, the cosmic order is the Law of the Universe. In a doctrinal sense, the manifestation of the Law of the Universe correlates with the Will of Heaven. And in the scientific sense we're talking about about the influence of cosmic energies on the earth and man.

Part I, which can be safely crossed out

Considering priestly games in the context of managing the mass of energy that is released from the “World Cup fans” ( energy donors), the competition between two schools is striking, the traditional (old European) and the conventionally “remake” called NOOSCOP, which was created and mastered by the head of the Russian Presidential Administration Anton Vaino with a group of co-authors.

The trained eye of the order's intelligence distinguishes the management of events at a subtle level. Shouts about the fact that today's football is no longer a sport, but big business– this is only part of the truth.

The other part is esoteric. It lies in the fact that the meaning of all “games” is not only sporting, but conceptually managerial. Where the action of teams on the field is a tool for resolving political issues.

Total. Looking at what is happening from the level of signs and symbols for controlling people’s behavior, the following picture emerges.

The black international represented by the Croatian national team (even the color of their uniform indicates this) reaches the final with the “French”, who will defend the ideas of the founders of global liberalism - “freedom, equality, fraternity”. That is, we see a drama (originally in the “Greek” sense), where the outgoing blue-white-red (tricolor) liberalism and the resurgent Nazi world project under the Black Sun of the “Jesuit brothers” compete for access to the first roles in the world management system.

Before his departure, Obama named Merkel as his “successor” as the main defender of the liberal values ​​of those forces that were forced to move under the wing of Germany due to the growth of “Make America Great Egan” sentiment in the City on the Hill that Trump undertook to build.

So the attack on the stronghold of liberalism - old Europe - is being carried out from two sides at once. Both on the football field - the site of battles of spiritual orders - and on the political battlefields, namely: the NATO summit in Brussels 11-12.07. World Cup final 15.07. Trump\Putin meeting 16.07. BRICS Summit 25-27.07.18

The bottom line. Despite the fact that the AP sometimes reveres the heresy of heavenly politicians about the cosmic foundations of history, the main emphasis in its management work is on “technical” methods - the same nooscope that showed its impact during the 2018 World Cup.

In other words, for the functioning of the control mechanism called nooscope, large amounts of energy are needed (formation of powerful egregors) which modern society consumption while cooling feelings towards traditional religions can only be achieved through the organization of mass “sporting” events.

The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics gave energy to the return of Crimea to Russia (Anschluss) and pushed for the reformatting of the Middle East under the biblical name “Battle of the End”.

The 2018 World Cup is fraught with the reformatting of Europe, first of all, as the last stronghold of the globalists of the liberal wing of the world elite with the impending demolition of the dollar system as an instrument of neo-colonial taxation, through which the global liberal project was signed.

As for the cosmic foundations of history, they are present in the cryptogram of the mouthpiece of the World planner in 2018 on the cover of the London Economist magazine.

We are talking about the entry of planet Earth into space process with the name “eclipse corridor”: from July 13 to August 11, 2018.

During this period of time, a change in the Code of Fate is laid - a shift in the vectors of the Earth's development to a new zodiacal axis - the foundations for changes in the verticals of the energies of the cosmos are born - everything that formed the foundation and content of the realities of life and everything that, based on this foundation, people strived for in outside world. The “painful stability” of the post-war “Yalta peace” will collapse. And the window of opportunity 2018-2020 will open in what is called the New World Order (novus ordo seclorum).

Part II, about what to do specifically

To understand the role and place of Russia in the completeness and integrity of the processes of global transformation, we use images from Vasnetsov’s painting “The Knight at the Crossroads” to assess the situation.

The interpretation of the images is as follows:

The Knight is Putin, facing a crafty choice of political line in what the world behind the scenes calls the Great Game.

The stumbling block is a point of no return, the transition of which does not bode well for real politics in 2018.

Raven is a scout of the future, looking into the future.

Three paths: right, straight, left - these are the theaters of Russian military operations in Ukraine, Syria and Central Asia in the Battle of the End.

Let's consider the options for the crafty choice of the real policy of the Russian Federation:

Drawing the Russian Federation into an ambush in Ukraine set by NATO politicians is beneficial, first of all, to London, which plans with the help of the Russian Federation to push the disintegration of Ukraine into parts with the formation of a “New Khazaria” in the south, around the statehood of the Republic of Crimea.

A change in the role of the Russian Federation in Syria will play into the hands of, first of all, the United States, because it will provoke an escalation of the military confrontation between the World of Islam and the state of Israel. A big war will create conditions for reformatting the US economy to a new technological structure.

Drawing the Russian Federation into an ambush in Central Asia is beneficial, first of all, to China, because it will allow Beijing to gradually take forceful control of the countries of the New Economic Belt Silk Road, leading to the realization of the Chinese Dream of Dominance.

Any of these options for Russia’s actions leads to hardships and deprivations for the people with the prospect of strategic defeat.

But there is a fourth option - Russian inaction. After all, you can avoid the evil choice without crossing the “zero point” of the stumbling block. Then the “partners” Big Game will fight with each other and will themselves come to Russia as a third force capable of transforming the confrontation into harmony.

On Peter's Day, 07/12/18 (in Christian symbolism, the Apostle Peter holds the keys to Heaven) those who are not indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland, first in Public Chamber Russia, and then in Lermontov’s estate “Serednikovo” near Moscow, in the presence of a Chinese delegation of representatives of the “Spirit of Revolutionaries of the Older Generation and the Red Culture of the People’s Republic of China”, they proclaimed the formation of the Partnership of Reasonable People (TRON). The conceptual basis of which is the original doctrine of heavenly politics, and the immediate task is to create the Museum of Designing the Future: “Sail of Hope”, “Beacon of Victory”, “Tuning Fork of Will”.

It is quite obvious that at the turn of the cosmic epochs, what will be laid at the foundation of the new order will affect the lives of generations. People have gone through the process of solving the relevant problems with varying degrees of efficiency so far, and are living through the transition period with varying degrees of awareness and control.

Moreover, perhaps in the most unfavorable scenarios, the authorities are already ready to lay the same mistakes, destructive programs, negative experiences into the foundation of our future, from which new life projects will grow.

The audacity of the intelligent people is reinforced by the fact that over the 15 years of the existence of heavenly politics, as a home-grown doctrine of the Spirit of Time in the Russian Federation, activists have developed and published methodologies for exploring consciousness and time, and most importantly: they have created technologies for constructing the future - that which is called “Keys to Heaven.”


Andrey Petrovich Devyatov, Colonel

What else to read