Andrei Livanov, the son of Irina Bezrukova, was found dead. The true cause of the death of Bezrukova’s son Igor Livanov about the death of his son

Today Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov said goodbye to their son, 25-year-old Andrei Livanov. Andrei's famous stepfather, actor Sergei Bezrukov, who raised the young man from the age of 11, did not come to the funeral. The grief-stricken mother of the deceased, Irina Bezrukova, arrived at the crematorium first.

Trouble came to Sergei Bezrukov’s house last weekend. People from all over the country and abroad offer condolences to Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov, their family and friends. The life of Andrei Livanov, the 25-year-old son of theater and film artists, was tragically cut short last weekend; his body was discovered by police in a Moscow apartment.

The young man, who died on March 14, was cremated by his relatives. Timoshka (Igor's youngest and now only son) is at the funeral, although he was not there. disgusting creatures, but we believe. like stupid children. Here good lesson... Among family and friends young man there was no famous stepfather, Sergei Bezrukov. Irina Bezrukova cremated her son in the crematorium of the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery.

Sergei Bezrukov’s website published an appeal to the press and individuals with a request not to collect information about what happened: “Death is grief, not a reason for news. What happened is a personal tragedy for the Bezrukov family. However, on her Instagram page, Irina Bezrukova, after her son’s funeral, published a photo of him and signed it: “The love of my life...

Let us remind you that the son of Irina Bezrukova was found dead at home on March 14. There were no signs of violent death on the body. In turn, Sergei Bezrukov still decided not to cancel the performances scheduled for March 16 and 17, despite the tragedy.

Sergei Bezrukov did not come to the funeral of his stepson

As it became known, just before his death, Sergei Bezrukov’s 25-year-old stepson Andrei Livanov himself called the emergency service 112 and asked doctors for help. As Andrei’s father Igor Livanov says, his son, who lived with his mother Irina Bezrukova and stepfather Sergei Bezrukov, could not be left alone.

He doesn’t live with me, my son reassured all my questions like this: “Dad, everything is fine, don’t worry!” Igor Livanov told law enforcement officers. The essay states that Irina felt unwell back in Vietnam.

The funeral director took the deceased from the morgue. Throughout the farewell ceremony, Igor Livanov sat on a chair and cried. Rescuers found the body of a young man in the apartment without external signs violent death. Let us remind you that the son of actress Irina Bezrukova and stepson of actor Sergei Bezrukov died on the evening of March 14 in his apartment in the south-east of Moscow. Russian actress Irina Bezrukova, who buried her only son Andrei Livanov, wrote a farewell message to her child on Facebook.

My friend. My best friend. Love you. Ma,” wrote Bezrukova. On March 15, it became known that the son of actress Irina Bezrukova and actor Igor Livanov died. Stepfather Sergei Bezrukov, who is currently filming on Lake Baikal, was unable to attend. Irina Bezrukova arrived at the crematorium first, followed by Igor Livanov and his youngest son Timothy.

Everything was obvious. The media called different reasons death of a 25-year-old boy: severe diabetes, drugs, heart failure... Nina Livanova. The son of Irina Bezrukova, whose funeral took place the day before, on March 18, died on March 14, 2014. According to the preliminary version, the cause of his death was acute heart failure.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that Andrei Livanov could have died from an infection contracted in Vietnam. According to theater workers, today it is known that the production of “Pushkin” on the stage of the Zagursky Musical Theater with Bezrukov in leading role will take place as scheduled. On March 14 at 19:47, Andrei Livanov himself dialed the emergency number 112 and managed to complain of severe malaise.

Andrey's correspondence with his friend, created in the best traditions of literary travel notes, indirectly confirms the words of Igor Livanov. Irina published Andrei’s story on her Facebook page a few days before the tragedy. In addition, no insulin syringes were found at Livanov’s home after his death. According to Nina Livanova, he died as a result of an accident.

This was reported by the head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, Sergei Donskoy. Famous Soviet and Russian actor Mikhail Svetin, who died on the morning of August 30, will be buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery. Carry out in last way 25-year-old Andrei, who died on March 14 from cardiac arrest, was attended by his parents, close friends and colleagues from the Moscow Provincial Theater.

About the autopsy: they took tests of his body fluids for poisons and drugs and all that, as expected, but the autopsy itself was unnecessary due to the obviousness of the situation. The whole Internet is about “heart failure”, “drugs”, “why there was no autopsy, dark matter”... The guy’s father told the police that the young man had diabetes. It is known that the young man suffered from diabetes and had recently returned from a trip to Vietnam, where he was vacationing with his mother.

This is what Nina wrote on her Facebook page #‎brother_andryusha (the author's spelling and punctuation are preserved. TVNET. All rights reserved. It is known that shortly before his death Andrei took an insulin injection - the young man suffered from diabetes. It later turned out that before his death he called the rescue service asking for help, but the doctors were unable to get to the patient’s apartment in time. Earlier it became known that the employees law enforcement And medical workers consider his serious illness as one of the main reasons for the death of Andrei Livanov.

Irina Bezrukova, having learned about the death of her son, interrupted the tour on which she was flying with her husband and urgently flew to Moscow. Finally, after all the crazy days, after Andryushka’s death, I managed to contact the mother of my deceased brother, Ira Bezrukova, she answered. The death of her son was a serious loss for Irina Bezrukova. Only close friends of Andrei’s family and his colleagues from work at the Moscow Provincial Theater, where the young man served as an administrator, arrived at the crematorium at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery.

Recently, Irina Bezrukova took part in one of the television programs on a Russian channel. The famous guest shared with the host of the program Dmitry Borisov latest news from your life. The topic of the death of her son Andrei was also touched upon. Irina told the true cause of her son’s death and officially put everything in its place.

Tragic death

The tragic news became known three years ago. Then in 2015, Irina Bezrukova’s son Andrei was found in his Moscow apartment. The official cause of death of the son of Irina Bezrukov and Igor Livanov was named heart failure. According to press reports, it was possible to find out that syringes were found next to the body. This gave rise to a lot of rumors and speculation about the true cause of the death of Irina’s son.

Irina Bezrukova with her son

Then different versions of what actually happened were put forward. It was said that the day before Andrei had a high fever, triggered by a virus that Andrei picked up during a trip to Vietnam.

It was also said that he even called ambulance and called his blood father Igor Livanov. But he advised his son to rest well. It was reliably known that the day before tragic death Irina and her son were vacationing in Vietnam.

Igor Livanov with his son

Official truth

On the program, Irina told everything as it really was, although she admitted that this topic is still difficult for her. Here's what the actress said:

  1. On the eve of the tragedy, Irina actually returned with her son after traveling in Vietnam. She also fell ill there. Andrey called a doctor and was constantly by her side. After the actress felt relief, she and her son still managed to see the planned places.
  2. According to the actress, after arriving Andrei felt unwell. The tragedy occurred when Irina was away from home, she was on tour. Bezrukova mentioned that she personally measured her son’s temperature before her departure: it was not high (37.2) and did not warrant sounding the alarm.
  3. Irina constantly maintained contact with her son. But after he stopped answering calls and SMS for 12 hours, Irina sounded the alarm. She called Moscow and asked her friend, who was their family doctor, for help. She was the first to get into the apartment and discover Andrei’s body. Doctors and investigative authorities were present with her. Doctors found no signs of violent death.
  4. According to Bezrukova, it was an accident. Andrey just went to the toilet and slipped. As a result, he hit his head on the tile. The blow turned out to be fatal. So a banal accident caused the death of the son of Irina Bezrukova and Igor Livanov.

It is known that last years Andrey suffered from diabetes. But Irina said that his health allowed him to live longer long years. But it happened. According to Bezrukova, some events in life are predetermined and cannot be influenced.


Irina recalled that Andrei was wise beyond his years and was not like his peers. He did not smoke, did not drink alcohol and was not attracted to party life.

He expressed philosophical thoughts that life is lethal, and sometimes it happens suddenly, when nothing portends trouble. Bezrukova said that her son supported her very much during the period of failures in her personal life.

Did you know about past life Irina Bezrukova?

22 October 2015, 19:07

The spring of 2015 became a truly difficult period in my life. Irina Bezrukova(50). In just a few months, the actress lost two close people at once: her 25-year-old son died last March Andrey, and just two months later it became known that Sergey Bezrukov(42) left the family. Not everyone could survive such a tragedy.

Of course, journalists were interested in what caused Andrei’s death. Irina replied: “It’s not easy for me to philosophize on this topic, but again I repeat - probably nothing is accidental. That is, some moments depend to a certain extent on our choice, but basically everything is not in our will. Health allowed Andryusha to live long life, but... There is probably something that is a foregone conclusion. He felt a little sick, was weak, had a runny nose and a slight fever. He went to the bathroom, and there, apparently, he slipped and fell and hit his temple. They stated: instant death. In fact, it was an accident. The first to enter the apartment and see Andryusha was my closest friend Lena - she is our family doctor. With her were two more doctors, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and a local police officer. I was worried because my son didn’t answer calls or text messages for a day. It was decided to open the apartment... At that time I was on tour with my husband in Irkutsk. Andrey and I last time We saw each other two days before what happened - we returned from Vietnam, where the two of us spent ten days.”

Journalists also asked what the relationship was between Andrei and Sergei. “They communicated as equals,” said Irina. - I would call them friendly. But Sergei was busy all the time, and Andryusha chuckled and said: “I won’t see him in the evening, because by the time I go to bed, he will not come yet, and in the morning, when I get up, we will not meet, since he will already leave.” " So Sergei’s presence at home was somewhat conditional for his son. And for the last two years, our life has generally moved to the theater; we actually only came home to sleep. But in the theater everyone communicated closely, and Andrei managed to help both Sergei himself and the cause in many ways. He was repeatedly offered a higher status position, with a better salary, even some kind of deputy, but he laughed and refused. Joked: "I don't fit in job responsibilities" They offered to learn. But working in the theater administration was not his goal. Andrei was not vain and did not like to be the center of attention. Never drank or smoked. And I didn’t like so-called parties - big, noisy, stupid, with loud music.”

Ira, let me ask you a question on a topic that everyone is now discussing in one way or another. Did you and Sergei get divorced after all or not?

We broke up.

How long have you felt that your relationship with your husband has changed?

No. For me it all happened suddenly.

- How many years did your union last?

We got married in 2000, and got married in 2003. That is why for me our marriage was not unfounded. For fifteen years, Sergei was my only man with whom I thought of living my whole life - both in joy and in sorrow. It was my conscious choice, and I don’t regret it.

- Andrey knew about your breakup with your husband?

No. I even have a doubt: he would have left if he had known...

- How do you communicate with Sergei now?

We are trying to continue working together. We have joint projects, theater, people... Business should not suffer.

-Have you already experienced this situation within yourself?

Not an easy question. I never imagined that I would ever have to deal with this. (After a long pause.) I have great respect for your magazine, but do not misunderstand me: I would not like to discuss this topic further ...

Young actor, budding rising star musicals and cinema, Andrei Livanov was born and raised in a family of famous artists. Ahead, perhaps, was waiting for him successful career, but fate decreed otherwise. In the spring of 2015, Andrei’s life was tragically cut short.


Actor Andrei Livanov was born in 1989, on December 6. His parents are Igor Livanov and Irina Bakhtura (who used to be Igor's student).

In 2000, when Andrei was 10 years old, the Livanov family broke up, and the boy himself remained to live with his mother. Soon Irina married actor Sergei Bezrukov, who became Andrey’s stepfather.

Despite the separation from his father, Andrei Livanov continued to maintain warm relations with him. They loved spending time together and traveled a lot. In a word, Igor Livanov tried to be for Andrey and give him a proper education.

Even when Andrei grew up, they still went out somewhere on the weekend to have fun. They both loved going to the bowling alley and shooting range.

Andrey also developed friendly relations with his stepfather, Sergei Bezrukov. You can even say that it was Andrei, in some situations, who was the force that kept the Bezrukov family together.


Andrei Livanov received his secondary education while studying at an elite private institution called “ Golden ratio" in Moscow. This school uses in its program individual approach and focuses on the abilities of its students.

Sergei Bezrukov prophesied to his stepson diplomatic career and offered to go to study at MGIMO, but Andrei chose to follow in the footsteps of his parents and become an actor. His first choice was the Moscow Art Theater School, where he enrolled in training courses.

Later it turned out that the guy was simply not interested in the courses, and he almost did not attend them. Realizing that he had made a mistake in his choice, Andrei took the documents and was going to radically change his profession - this time he was attracted to the Institute of Oriental Studies. But even here the young man did not last more than a year.

In the end, Andrey settled on the linguistic direction and received a diploma from the Moscow State Open University. The actor's father, Igor Livanov, explains Andrei's throwing by the fact that he was simply not attracted to studies.


Andrei Livanov’s acting biography began at the age of 11, when he played one of the roles in Yuri Kara’s film “I Am a Doll.” However, this first film work remained the most famous.

While studying at school, Andrei played in the musical “Nord-Ost” and showed promise as talented actor. At the age of 17, he played in the adventure film “The Rescuers. Eclipse".

Andrey also starred in the film “The Irony of Fate of Sergei Bezrukov” - documentary project, dedicated to his stepfather. This was the end of his cinematic career. Perhaps Andrei could become an orientalist and go to work in Japan, but he soon realized that he had little chance of succeeding among the children of diplomats, for whom employment was practically guaranteed. Then he nevertheless decided to connect his life with what was familiar and close to him from childhood - cinema and theater.

In 2014-2015, Andrei Livanov served as an administrator at the Moscow Provincial Theater.

Cause of death

In mid-March 2015, Andrei Livanov’s life was tragically cut short. They began to worry about him after the guy did not show up for work for several days. Phone calls also did not give results.

Sergei and Irina Bezrukov were on a business trip at the time.

Premature death young actor gave rise to many rumors and speculation about the reasons for his death. The investigation dismissed the murder version almost immediately, since nothing confirmed this possibility.

According to Andrei’s colleagues, shortly before his death he called them and talked about feeling unwell. Later he called an ambulance, but no one opened the door for the doctors. Only half an hour later, with the help of rescuers, they entered the apartment. By that time, Andrei was already dead.

They found a guy in the bathroom with syringes on the floor. This gave rise to the theory that he died of a drug overdose. However, Andrei's parents deny this possibility. The fact is that he had been sick with diabetes for three years, and drugs would have killed him instantly.

He said that shortly before his death, Andrei visited Vietnam, which could have had a detrimental effect on his health and caused acute heart failure. This is confirmed by the fact that, upon returning from the trip, Andrei began to complain of fever and poor health.

The real cause of Andrei’s death was a banal accident: the actor fell unsuccessfully, slipped and hit his temple.

Andrei Livanov's body was cremated at the request of his parents.

After Andrey's death

Andrei Livanov’s mother speaks with amazing warmth about deceased son and calls him the light of his life and best friend. She posted a photo of Andrei Livanov with warm words on her Instagram page. The woman took his loss hard and decided to start living from scratch.

For Sergei Bezrukov, Andrei seemed to be the only reason to stay with Irina. Soon after the death of his stepson, the actor divorced his wife.

Igor Livanov, whose daughter tragically died before Andrei’s birth, also experienced the loss of his son very hard.

Irina Bezrukova misses her only son Andrei. Irina Bezrukova attended the funeral of her son without her husband Sergei Bezrukov. What happened to the son of Bezrukova and Igor Livanov is still unknown. Andrey Livanov is the stepson of Sergei Bezrukov, the son of his wife Irina and actor Igor Livanov. At this time, Irina and Sergei Bezrukov were on tour. In 2000, Irina divorced Livanov and married Bezrukov. In fact, it was an accident,” Irina Bezrukova said about the causes of her son’s death in an interview with the Teleprogramma publication.

According to a source in medical circles, 25-year-old Andrei Livanov died of acute heart failure. On this ill-fated day, the young man’s parents were on tour in Irkutsk. His parents' marriage broke up when Andrey was 11 years old, and since then he lived with his mother and stepfather. Andrei graduated from the elite private school “Golden Section” and, while still a schoolboy, played in the musical “Nord-Ost”.

Bezrukova posted on her social network page her son’s letter to his friend, in which he describes the overseas expedition. There, in particular, the guy mentioned that Irina was ill, which is why the trip was suspended. Immediately after returning to Moscow, Irina and her husband flew off on tour to Irkutsk. Andrey was left at home alone. He complained to his real father, Igor Livanov, about his high temperature and poor health.

Andrei was supposed to go to work at the Moscow Provincial Theater of Bezrukov, where he worked as an administrator, but he never showed up there. Irina could not reach her son. The concierge did not see the young man, and he did not answer the doorbell. They found Andrey dead in the bathroom. Irina interrupted the gastoli and returned to Moscow. She is in a state of shock, as is her first husband, Andrei's father Igor Livanov. By the way, Livanov’s first child and his wife died tragically in the mid-80s in a train accident.

After 11 years life together Igor and Irina separated. Igor Livanov assures that his son was ruined by his trip to Vietnam. An examination will show the exact cause of death, but even this may not reveal the presence of a tropical infection - this is a very complex analysis. But as stepfather Sergei Bezrukov dreamed of, he did not want to go to MGIMO.

But his studies did not go well - Andrei skipped classes, and then took away his documents altogether. After which the young man studied for a year at the Institute of Oriental Studies, and realized that this was not his calling. Then Andrey submitted documents to the Moscow State Open University.

IN Lately worked at the Moscow Provincial Theater of Sergei Bezrukov. Andrey was not at all public person, - one of the employees of the Provincial Theater told us. He didn't like to be mentioned in interviews as a son famous artists. In general, he was very kind and serious beyond his years. He didn’t party, which is what young people his age usually do, he was reasonable.

The son of Irina Bezrukova died in an accident. The deceased’s half-sister Nina Livanova spoke about this.

At the theater, he was primarily concerned with the guests - he called them, checked them, met and escorted them, and took care of parking. And I remember how one of the important people personally told Sergei Vitalievich (Bezrukov. Even though he was young, he would always check everything, down to the smallest detail...

In his monologue interview with the publication “Seven Days” several years ago, Igor Livanov complained that his son lacked male attention after his divorce from Bezrukova. He remembered with skepticism how Andrei visited a doctor who corrected his biofield so that diseases could not penetrate the body. By the way, at the age of 3, Livanov Jr. almost died in front of his dad: he drank too much water on a Black Sea beach and was on the verge of death for 24 hours.

Irina Bezrukova published a photo on her page where she was photographed with her son. The actress holds a bouquet in her hands and smiles. As MK learned, Andrei and his mother Irina Bezrukova went to Vietnam in early March. Let us remind you that the son of actress Irina Bezrukova and stepson of actor Sergei Bezrukov died on the evening of March 14 in his apartment in the south-east of Moscow. In 1998, on the set of the film “Crusader 2,” Irina met the young actor Sergei Bezrukov.

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