Favorable days of October for Leo

The day is good for easy communication (chatting on the phone or Skype, correspondence, Internet surfing), as well as for reading. He encourages Aries to have ease of manners, ease of thinking, and fickleness of interests and plans. If you love nature, you can go to the forest or to the country. It's a good idea to visit neighbors or close relatives. Perhaps you will be invited to a party or called for a walk. From new meetings and casual dating don't expect too much. It is better to postpone an important conversation.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Taurus

This day does not promote dramatic changes and does not advise Taurus to show unnecessary persistence. Best Tactics- act according to circumstances. If there are no urgent matters, relax and enjoy your freedom. Enjoy unexpected meetings, unexpected impressions, fleeting conversations with random interlocutors. Don't make large purchases unless you plan ahead. Issues related to food and expenses just need to be kept under control, then everything will be in perfect order.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Gemini

An inner voice tells Gemini that the general background of their life is changing, and the previous system of rules needs to be adjusted. However, this does not mean that everything has to change overnight. Today is a good reason to take a time out and relax. Dedicate this day complete rest. Let your thoughts wander where they want. Do not program yourself for certain actions, do not take on any serious obligations. If you can’t sit idle, rely on your intuition when choosing activities.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Cancer

These days, Cancers should avoid noisy, crowded events, including virtual ones. This is a great day for immersing yourself in thought or reading educational literature. In a book that accidentally catches your eye, you may unexpectedly find the answer to your unspoken questions. Circumstances will often push you to think, remember, and compare. A short walk and conversation with a fellow traveler will help you unwind. If you have your own blog, it's time to make another entry on it.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Leo

The day is suitable for close communication in a friendly company. For typical Leos, the stars advise keeping conversations on secular topics and not touching on issues that are Lately they care deeply. Don't rush to make plans: most likely, they will turn out to be castles in the sand. Promises made on this day will most likely remain unfulfilled for one reason or another. objective reason. Don’t be surprised if some topics lose their relevance for you, and if one of your long-time interlocutors suddenly seems like a stranger in spirit.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Virgo

This day for Virgos does not promote concentration on one goal. If you were born in September, avoid being scattered and nervous. Give up big plans and live in the moment. Don't get irritated over trifles. Show flexibility and compliance in communicating with people around you (especially family members and your partner). Hasty advertising of your new ideas, as well as trying to find new supporters, will be premature. It is possible that you simply will not be heard, since everyone will be busy with their own business.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Libra

Today, Libra has the right to choose their own meeting time and communication style. A wide circle of acquaintances will allow you to stay up to date with the news and at the same time enjoy a well-deserved vacation. External and internal balance will make you welcome guests in any home, you will be welcome in any company. This is a good time to communicate with representatives of other cities and countries (as well as with people who have recently arrived from distant territories). The adventures and adventures of this day will be exciting, but will remain without consequences.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Scorpio

Today, Scorpios may have a special interest in matters related to travel, debts, loans, insurance, alimony, fines, inheritance or sex. However, the circumstances of these days are not conducive to serious conversations. Cheerful communication will lift your spirits, but will not provide answers to the most important and important questions. Instead of a thoughtful response, the interlocutor will get off with a joke or superficial reasoning. If you want to explore a topic that concerns you in all its depth, choose another day.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Sagittarius

On this day, your enthusiasm as a debater weakens. Perhaps Sagittarius will lose interest in a topic that just yesterday haunted them. This is a good time for summing up and for various final formalities. Don't start a new discussion or try to revive a recent debate; you probably won't succeed. If you didn’t have time to tell your partner something important, catch up as early as possible. All Sagittarius on this day should respect the logic of their interlocutor and take into account his train of thoughts.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Capricorn

Capricorns today will have to give up complete independence and constantly adapt to circumstances. Everyday routine will definitely cause you boredom. If possible, give preference to intellectual activities (reading, searching interesting information, easy communication, exchange of news). Don't be alone. Don't forget about the pet that needs you. A walk on the river will be beneficial for your well-being. fresh air. If this is not possible, ventilate the room more often.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Aquarius

On this calm and serene day, there is no point in looking ahead today. Spend your time the way you want. Don't look for new adventures and enjoy what you have. Like many Aquarians, at this time you tend to think about good things and not pay attention to alarm signals coming from hostile external environment. Communicate with those you love and who are interesting to you. Implement non-standard ideas in the first half of the day, since creative inspiration will gradually fade away during the day.

Horoscope for October 6, 2017 Pisces

Today, Pisces will benefit from returning to conversations, reading or thinking in a familiar home environment. The main content of the day may be the continuation of an important conversation. This is the right time to deal with family archive(photos, old documents, home videos). The focus may be on household details, contacts with compatriots, and the nuances of family relationships. If you are away from home, be sure to call your parents or write them a letter.

Lunar calendar for October 6, 2017

-17 lunar day
Waning Moon in Aries
A good day for active activities that require a lot of energy, for communicating with nature and building creative ideas. You should not live according to plan: fate can bring unexpected surprises. You can ask bold questions - there is a chance that you will receive honest, sincere answers.
A haircut is undesirable and can negatively affect your mood.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - trim your nails, this will give you confidence in yourself and your ideas, which will have a positive effect on your work and relationship with people.
Facial care - you can use scrub, peeling.
Body care - removed body hair will grow back slowly.

Name day October 6

Andrey, Antonin, Ivan, Innocent, Iraida, Xanthippe (Xanthippe), Nikolai, Peter, Polyxenia, Rebekah.

Folk calendar October 6

Iriad Controversial.
Iraidin day. Charm of stove coal.
On Iraidin day, liqueurs were baked: potatoes were pounded, flavored with egg and milk, poured onto rye flatbread, and the edges of the flatbread were slightly wrapped.

Signs October 6

The more distant the horizon appears, the closer the rain.
A halo around the moon means a change in weather.
Red clouds at sunset - before cloudy and rainy weather.
On a cloudy day, the sun was not visible, but before sunset it illuminated the clouds from behind - indicating rain.

Born in zodiac sign Leo in October 2017 can count on quality support from their heavenly patrons- Sun and Pluto. Both planets will be, so to speak, in a good mood, so in a critical situation you will have someone to rely on. In general, the second month of autumn will be quite dynamic for your sign, although perhaps not to the extent you expected. You will definitely have to reconsider your plans, there is no doubt about it, the need will take place, you will feel it already in the first ten days. But there is nothing terrible here; moreover, you will quickly understand that you really needed it, and as a result you will only benefit from a radical change in vectors. In terms of business, ambiguous situations are likely to arise, which, however, will not be to your detriment. And the “love front” will generally delight you with unexpected but pleasant events. In any case, each situation will have an option for a positive outcome, you just need to identify and implement this option. Although in certain situations, the unfavorable placement of Uranus can significantly affect your plans, and, of course, this influence will not be positive. So it makes sense to double-check your every step, try to look a little further than usual. Myopia and connivance will now become your worst enemies, which will easily negate your achievements.

In terms of work direction, October 2017 for Leo, as already noted, will be an unusual, but definitely successful time. The dynamics of the period will be more characterized by some internal processes. At the same time, it makes sense to pay close attention to your colleagues or subordinates if you work for yourself. For those Leos who have their own business, the stars recommend acting a little more carefully. Look around more often and don’t think that your decision can be the only correct one, no matter how ideal it may seem to you personally. Those who do not have their own business must act in accordance with the circumstances. That is here we're talking about about flexibility and multitasking, you will have to often change your position and learn to use new techniques. But there is nothing complicated or negative about this, everything will proceed within your capabilities, you won’t even need help at any stage. The main thing is not to doubt the correctness of the decisions you make. They need to be assessed objectively, and self-doubt is a sure way to failure. More precisely, to strengthening the position of Uranus. Narrow-mindedness and a formulaic approach will also not lead to a favorable result, so be careful.

The “love front” in October 2017 will be for Leo the area of ​​life on which all the funniest moments will be concentrated. Yes, that’s right – funny! That is, you can immediately prepare for the fact that at the zenith of the autumn season you will have to smile a lot. You will probably be pleased not only by your loved ones, but also by your friends and acquaintances. By the way, it is friends who now need to be given Special attention. No, it’s unlikely that any of them will need your help, but some joint actions, even frankly adventurous ones, will come in very handy. This is not an area of ​​your life where it makes sense to try to figure everything out in advance. Just act, do what you like (without forgetting, of course, the comfort of those around you). Single Leos may meet someone who will change their life. Or they may not, it all depends on the combination of your desires and probabilities. But you will definitely be able to strengthen family ties, you can be sure of that. Just don't try to take an overtly superior position. Now even a hint of selfish tendencies will strengthen the position of Uranus. Also, you should not focus on cunning, creating ambiguous situations. This will lead to adverse consequences.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for October 2017 for the zodiac sign Leo, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such an astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Leo. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Leo sign: Personal horoscopes for the Leo sign:

In October 2017, Leo promises a tailwind to fill his sails, and therefore - full speed ahead!
According to the Leo horoscope, October 2017 can rightfully be called one of best months this year. From the point of view of social implementation, and simply even, peaceful life. No sudden crisis events are foreseen, of course, unless they are planned in your personal horoscope. But, in general, everything is more or less calm in the sky. It is possible that due to your duty, you will have to travel frequently on business trips this month. Or your brother or sister, who lives in a neighboring city, will need attention, where they will also have to go. If all this is not about you, then I advise you not to wait until you are sent somewhere, but to go of your own free will: to advanced training courses, to a training, master class or seminar on a topic that interests you. Don't sit still, because life is movement and development.
In October, according to the 2017 horoscope, Leo will be able to adapt to his interlocutor and feel what, when and how to say in order to achieve his goal. Considering yourself smart and fair, you will be inclined to give advice. However, a conversation that is too loud or overly emotional will be very annoying; in such a situation, you would prefer to delicately interrupt the conversation rather than prove that you are right. You will be extremely sensitive to what others say about you. But even if someone’s words hurt you painfully, you will prefer not to show it and continue to engage in small talk.
Regardless of the place and environment, Leo will be able to produce good impression. You will be pleasant to look at, pleasant to listen to, and pleasant to do business with, which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your income and career. You will be ready to learn, but only in an environment that is harmonious and meets your aesthetic requirements will learning be most effective.
In October 2017, Leo will be interested in everything that is transcendental, extraordinary, and has a dual meaning. And for the sake of knowing this, you will be willing to take risks. It is possible to read information subtle world, which will help avoid dangerous situations. However, 10, 11, 14-16 and 26-31 will increase the likelihood of making a mistake and getting into extreme situation, so try not to take risks these days.

Favorable days in October 2017: 5, 13, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24
Unfavorable days in October 2017: 8, 19, 21, 27.

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo - Love, family
According to the Leo horoscope for October 2017, everything will be calm on the love front. If you have had quarrels, then a truce will come. If there was indifference, then you can calmly end the relationship without quarrels and emotional battles.
Romantic relationships of Leo in October according to the 2017 horoscope are very closely intertwined with work. An unexpected crush on a colleague is possible, the beginning office romance. All this is not bad and even at first can stimulate you to work hard. However, it is unlikely that the infatuation will last long; the love tension may fade away as quickly as it flared up. However, now there is no need to look into the future, let everything go as it goes. For some, the stars may give a chance to continue the relationship.
Many Leos in October 2017 will be concerned with housing issues. On the agenda are repairs, exchange or purchase of housing. These activities will keep you busy for a long time, and eventually you will achieve your goal.
Those who are looking for their life partner are advised to be attentive to detail in the first half of October 2017, making sure that every detail in your image or outfit looks organic and harmonious. Short-term trips for personal matters and to meet friends are possible. You will be romantically inclined and inclined to flirt when traveling. And in the second half of the month, in order to conquer the object of your admiration, become an example of delicacy, good manners and aesthetics.
In the second half of October 2017, Leo will have to take care of home and family matters. good time to visit parents and take care of them. You will try to improve family relationships, revive traditions and unite the family. There may be family events that you will be happy to attend.
Contacts with close relatives, neighbors, and classmates will be important to you. You may be united general plans and goals. Your presence will help resolve conflicts. If there was a disagreement with one of your relatives or friends, in October 2017 Leo will have great opportunity improve relationships.

Leo horoscope for October 2017 - Health
According to the horoscope for October 2017, Leo is healthy, active, energetic, but the stars strongly advise you to be more careful when traveling and driving. Difficult days- 14, 15, 19, 20, 27, 28 October.
In October 2017, take care of your kidneys, adrenal glands and lower back. Dress warmly to autumn winds did not bring you lower back pain or common colds.
For healthy skin, use natural masks and nourishing creams. A variety of cosmetic procedures can be performed. But remember, beauty starts from within, so it is very advisable to drink enough at the same time. clean water and eat right.

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo - Money, finance
Financially, October 2017 is very good for Leo. Money will arrive regularly, and its quantity will increase noticeably. The approximate dates for receipt of the most significant amounts are October 3, 7, 8, 15-17, 24-26.
There are few expenses, and they are mostly related to family or love issues.
In the first half of October good time for purchasing clothes, jewelry, everyday items and personal care. To improve your health, you can start visiting a fitness club. It is possible to spend money on a tourist trip, studying at an institute or continuing education courses.

Horoscope for October 2017 Leo - Work, business
According to the horoscope, the entire month of October 2017 will be characterized by Leo high efficiency in almost any matter. Leo entrepreneurs and bosses can count on successful deals and good profits from work done in the past. The employee will also perform well and earn good money.
However, life is structured in such a way that problems cannot be avoided. In the first ten days of October 2017, serious changes at work or at home can throw you off track. During this time, you will have the opportunity or need to take work home. Home work or family business at this time they can become a source of income. In October 2017 most of Leo's troubles may be associated with partners living in another city or another country. There may be several reasons for this: partners may not agree with how the work process itself is progressing; on the way to cooperation you will have to face legal problems, and, finally, it will become more complicated international situation or some force majeure circumstances arise.
However, you should not give up; continue to make efforts to achieve your goals - their realization is just around the corner. Jupiter's move on October 10 will force you to take a closer look at organizational issues, construction, real estate transactions. This new stage your work, more stable and calm than the entire previous period.
A Leo employee may encounter intrigues from colleagues and think about changing jobs, but this should not be done, since the search for a new place may take several months. It seems more logical to go into a family business or engage in some kind of individual work.
At work in October 2017, Leo should under no circumstances initiate conflicts or create provocations, otherwise only you will be worse off. On the contrary, with colleagues or subordinates, be an example of friendliness and respect. And if conflicts do arise, make efforts to reconcile opponents.
Based on materials from Pavel Globa and Tatyana Borsch

October is the golden month of 2017. Leos will be able to live it quietly, calmly, without crises and falls. Many will be lucky in social or creative fulfillment. Family relationships will delight you with harmony. The Leo horoscope for October 2017 recommends making the most productive use of favorable period for self-development and advancement.

In mid-autumn, representatives of the sign expect frequent trips. This may be due to work or the need to visit relatives. If all this is not expected, Leos can organize the trip themselves. In October, it is important not to sit in one place, but to be active and move. Taking training courses, attending seminars and exhibitions will be of great benefit.

Love horoscope Leo for October 2017

There is a lull in the love sphere in October 2017. If before this Leo had a tense relationship with their significant other, then the period of scandals is over. A temporary, and perhaps final, truce has been concluded. If the relationship has become neutral, perhaps it is time to go in different directions without quarrels and mutual reproaches.

Free Leos going hunting should pay attention to little things in the first half of the month. To conquer your chosen one, you need to choose elegant outfits and look brand new. In the second half of October, it is advisable to focus on sophistication of manners. Delicate behavior will attract attention and arouse interest in the Leo person.

Favorable days for love in October 2017 for Leo: October 6, 7, 8, 14, 17, 18, 23, 24, 27, 28.

Leo financial horoscope for October 2017

Friendliness, respectful attitude, quick response to requests from colleagues - all this will help Leos maintain excellent relationships with others in October. Under no circumstances should you initiate or participate in conflicts. If a quarrel occurs between colleagues, it is worth making every effort to reconcile them. The Leo horoscope for October 2017 recommends agreeing to business trips, because they will bring positive changes. This could be a promotion, business expansion. On trips you can meet like-minded people and true friends, and this is a tangible bonus presented by fate.

Favorable days for money in October 2017 for Leo: October 1, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 20, 30, 31.

Health horoscope for the sign Leo for October 2017

In October 2017, Leos should be wary of cold and drafts. It is recommended to take care of the adrenal glands, kidneys, and lower back. It is advisable to dress warmly and take more natural vitamins to avoid catching a seasonal cold. The skin will be grateful for masks and nourishing creams. Cosmetic procedures will also not be superfluous. Leos need not to forget about internal cleansing. It's good to drink a lot of water and eat right.

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