! Chadov, where is Agnia?! What role does money play in your life? How important are they to you?

Alexey Chadov won the hearts of his compatriots even with the release of the first film in which he starred, “War.” His role in the film earned him the Best Actor award at the International Film Festival. Then fame fell on Alexey, and famous directors wanted to work with him.

Since childhood, Chadov dreamed of acting career, that’s why I entered the Theater School. While still a student, Alexey began to build a film career, and today his filmography includes more than 30 films, in many of which the actor played the first roles.

Famous Russian actor Not a frequent participant in highly rated shows, interviews with him are a real rarity. But official account Alexey Chadov Instagram is kept practically like a diary, where everything is noted important events life. And those who want to get to know the actor better, see him during filming, moving, on vacation, and even in a fight, should definitely look at his page, where he has more than 120 thousand subscribers.

Instagram about the most important things

There are many photos from the history of his family on Alexey Chadov’s Instagram. Here is a post with my grandfather’s old card, with a patriotic inscription: “Thank you for the victory, grandfather!” There are photographs with mother and grandmother, with her son. Alexey is a wonderful father, this is immediately obvious. Despite his divorce from popular actress Agnia Ditkovskite, he spends a lot of time with their common son. In many of Alexey Chadov’s photographs on Instagram, the actor is with his child. What kind of real masculine activities does he not attract the boy to? Father and son fly in a helicopter, ride on the most different types transport, from scooter to ATV. The child is happy next to such a dad, they play and do many important things together. On vacation at the seaside, the little son is also nearby.

Alexey Chadov fills Instagram with pictures with his dearest and closest people. Next to him in the photo are figures of art and cinema, his friends and colleagues: Dmitry Pevtsov, director Vladimir Bortko, brother Andrei Chadov. Photos dedicated to sporting events, in which he took part not only as a famous person, but also as a fighter, as part of a team, also a sufficient number.

Followers are pleased that Alexey Chadov regularly updates Instagram. You can rarely see an idol in the print media and on TV, but new photographs appear on the blog every day and are almost always accompanied by high praise, in the form of thousands of likes and comments from fans of his work.

Alexey Chadov is not the only Chadov actor in Russia. First known as the brother of another popular actor Andrei Chadov on Instagram @andreichadov, he was born on September 2, 1981 in Solntsevo. He was drawn to acting and theater since childhood; He played his first role on stage in a children's theater group and received his first award for it. Through the theater line he received and higher education; but, while still studying at VTU. Shchepkin, he has already taken up a film career.

It is difficult to list all the notable films with the participation of Alexei Chadov. His first success was his role in the film “War” by Balabanov. Then there were “Watches” based on Lukyanenko, “The Ninth Company”, “Heat”, “Street Racers”, “Love in big city", "Viy" and many other films. Such a film career made Alexei Chadov one of the most notable Russian film actors and attracted many viewers to the ranks of his fans.

Now Alexey Chadov is married to actress Agnia Ditkovskite. They got married after for long years difficult relationships in 2012, and recently their son Fedor was born.

Why does Alexey Chadov post photos on Instagram?

Alexey is a person accustomed to cameras. However, if you always have another camera with you, why not use it? Alexey Chadov has a sense of frame: his page looks like a movie announcement with numerous screenshots and static pictures. Alexey skillfully uses filters to give the picture the right type, and selects good angles. Alexey posts new photos irregularly, about once every few days, although he can post several photos in one day.

Among the images that Alexey Chadov publishes are photos of interesting buildings, city views, self-portraits (it’s impossible to call them the fashionable word “selfie”), scenes from filming, photos with friends. Even static shots of Alexey look surprisingly cinematic, they are pleasant to look at, even if Alexey Chadov himself is not in them.

What Alexey Chadov Instagram doesn’t indulge in is his footage family life with Agnia Ditkovskite. There are no photos of their son or general family pictures on his Instagram account. Either this is superstition, or Alexey deliberately protects his loved ones from publicity on such days.

Chadov's official Instagram page is @alexeychadoff, and there are relatively few subscribers on it - just over 27 thousand. For an artist of his stature, this is a modest number; Moreover, subscription does not require confirmation. Communication in the comments is quite restrained, although in some places there is some spam.

11 July 2015, 02:21

In a fit of doing nothing, I was taken to the page of a group dedicated to Alexei Chadov.

The guys were offended, which I didn’t really understand. And what are these photos from Yalta that Alexey didn’t like so much (the ones with the girls or what?! It seems like there’s nothing deadly in them, I couldn’t find anything else on Google. Maybe someone knows? :)):

The group, by the way, although not large, was updated regularly, there were a lot of fresh photos, even those that Alexey deleted from Instagram remained.

And now for those who don’t understand what we’re talking about at all: there are rumors that Chadov and Ditkovskite have broken up. What prompted fans to these thoughts? The couple has not appeared together for a long time; in recent photos, both Agnia and Alexey are without wedding rings, Chadov deleted almost all photos with Agnia from his Instagram. All this became a reason for gossip.

So, photo from Yalta, July 2015

Alexey without a ring

Rest on Chadov's Instagram:

Previously, he published photos with Agnia (from a joint vacation or walks with Fedya, now everything is relative latest photos with it removed, last year's ones remain). Agnia didn’t seem to delete the photos with her husband from Instagram.

Only the cover photo of HELLO! yes, this is from January 2015:

A couple of months ago, both of them had wedding rings visible in the photo.

Recent photos, neither Agnia nor Alexey has a ring:

And in her Instagram in recent photos Agnia:

Happy Family Day to everyone

Happy Kissing Day

Thanks Sergei Aldonin for the difficult role... "I'm working. I'm thinking. I'm looking for a premiere soon"

Relaxing with friends

Attends a party for jewelry brand Akillis in Paris

And he misses his son: “good.. But I really miss my son!”

Excerpts from recent interviews about the family:

Joint interview for HELLO!, February 2015

Agnia, did you cope with your pregnancy calmly?

Agnia. For all nine months I enjoyed my condition. Probably because I was mentally prepared for pregnancy and wasn’t worried at all. You better ask, how did Lesha cope with my pregnancy? ( Smiling) He was more nervous than me!

Alexei. These were the most intense and most beautiful nine months of my life. I am not kidding. I have never been so worried about anything. Agnia is a great guy, she didn’t have any severe toxicosis or mood swings.

Agnia. Lesha generally takes great care of me. And during this period I felt it especially acutely. When I was 6-7 months pregnant, an unpleasant article was published in one magazine, in which they wrote that I had lost the child. So, I found out about this only after I gave birth.

And you don’t complain at all about sleepless nights or fatigue?

Alexei. But Fyodor doesn’t torment us, he’s a very patient boy. I’m even sure that our son communicated with angels until he was four months old. Don't look at me like I'm crazy. ( Laughs) The child was lying, looking not at the ceiling, but somewhere past and babbling something in his own voice. Well, he wasn't talking to the lights on the chandelier. I’m telling you exactly: Fyodor saw angels. Why don't people believe this? Maybe they just don’t communicate with their children?

You are so kind to Fedor, aren’t you afraid of spoiling him?

Alexei. This is impossible in my family! Of course, we are a little obsessed with our child. He is our firstborn, and he is still so small. I know that I will always be there for him and will always take care of him. And Agnia will not always babysit him. Although now I look at her and think: she is so gentle, so caring, so loving mother. Not all mothers can give as much love as my wife.

Agnia. At the same time, I always understood that strong attachments never lead to anything good. Because when you worry about a child, you go crazy, only fuss and nervousness appear. And if you remain calm and don’t allow yourself to panic over trifles, then everything will be easier. That is, you should not smother children with your love. Otherwise, he is unlikely to become your friend when he grows up.

Alexey for Telesem, March 2015

I am a father! In our family now there is a situation where the wife works and the husband takes care of the child. Of course, we have a nanny who helps a lot, but everything happens under my close supervision. I think that since a child does not have the opportunity to communicate with his mother, he should at least see his father all the time. I am categorical on this issue. I wouldn’t want Fedya to spend the first year of his life only with a nanny.

Recently you family business organized - created and are promoting your own brand of children's clothing "Chado". Tell us how this business came into your life?

Agnia and I came up with all this and are implementing it. Although in fact everything happened thanks to our son Fedya - when he was born, we started looking for good and high-quality clothes. And we were faced with the fact that it is very difficult to choose warm clothes for the baby from high-quality natural materials. Children's clothing is more of a hobby of mine and Agnia, in which we realize ourselves.

The brand has its own Instagram, but it has not been updated for a long time. This is the last photo

What is important for you to teach Fedya as he grows up? How will you raise your son to be a real man?

First of all, it is important that he learns from childhood, as he matures, to solve his own small difficulties and problems. For example, if the wheel of a car breaks down, the child should understand how to put it back, and not ask for a new car. For some reason the sound in the toy doesn’t work, which means I have to figure out that the batteries are dead, go ask my dad for new ones and install them. And with age, having frozen in nature, he should be able to light a fire, having guessed to gather dry firewood. And the father must teach all this. In general, to be a man, you need to be a little “wild”.

You and your wife had a very long and complicated story relationships. Can you now, after a while, explain why she captivated you so much, what is there about her that other women don’t have? It’s clear that she’s beautiful, but that’s not what a family is built on...

Agnia is my person, comfortable. It’s good for me to do everything with her and be everywhere, think, relax, work, be sad, be happy. Of course, some difficulties and disagreements may arise, but all this has nothing to do with the basic, chemical – physical mutual attraction and agreement. This is the main criterion and basis. A person can be beautiful, talented, for which one can also love him. But if this basis is not present, then it will be difficult further. Agnia has many wonderful traits that characterize her, but the main ones are that she is kind and sincere and she is bright!

Agnia is currently participating in “Dancing with the Stars.” Are you worried about your wife?

I’m worried, although I sent her there myself, I said: “Go, you need it!” It's great!" This program - good school overcoming. Whenever possible, I try to suggest something to Agnia and help her, since I myself have been seriously involved in dancing and choreography since the age of ten. But I will never go to any show, my job is to act in films, so I spend my energy only on my profession. Time doesn’t just pass, it’s there today, it’s gone tomorrow, it’s on your face. Now you have chosen how to live a year, and then you won’t be able to change anything. I want to set my priorities correctly, especially since I know exactly what I want.

Agnia on the project "Dancing with the Stars":

Alexey supported his wife participating in the project. Now all these photos have been deleted:

By the way, the couple got married in August 2012. Photos from the wedding:

Agnia in childhood:

With mother Tatyana Lyutaeva

With father Oleg Ditkovskis

Alexey in childhood:

Alexey in his mother's arms

Andrey and Alexey

This is such a meaningless post about Chadov and Ditkovskite:)

The crime comedy "B/W" is being shown in cinemas, where the actor played main role. He considers the profession his calling, but free time spends with his son Fedor. “I passed the active phase of my youth as an external student with excellent marks and am no longer looking for adventure. By the age of 27–28, I advise everyone to seriously think about starting a family,” Chadov smiles.

Alexey, it took us so long to choose a day to meet with you, several weeks... Share, why is there such a catastrophic lack of time that it eats up?

I am a father! In our family now there is a situation where the wife works and the husband takes care of the child. Of course, we have a nanny who helps a lot, but everything happens under my close supervision. I think that since a child does not have the opportunity to communicate with his mother, he should at least see his father all the time. I am categorical on this issue. I wouldn’t want Fedya to spend the first year of his life only with a nanny.

You have said more than once that you grew up with your brother in Solntsevo in the most gangster times. Did this help you in working on your role in B&W? After all, one way or another, the main character Yaroslav - a young nationalist - should be understandable to you.

When working on a role, all life experience helps, all the overcomings and difficulties that you have gone through. And of course difficult life in the 90s, it formed in me fortitude, enterprise and the ability to survive. I remember that in Solntsevo, during my youth, the skinhead movement developed, and when I was working on my role in “B&W,” I immediately remembered that time. Some young people, like my hero, have a pronounced need to fight. But when they grow up, it goes away. So my hero is warmer and more humane. Yes, he is reflective, emotional, able to firmly protect himself and his loved ones, but at the same time he is not a killer. Just a confused guy.

My son was born and I stopped taking risks

It seems to me that you are a fairly brave person, even desperate. Have you often had to take risks in your life?

Well, that’s how it is in life – first you take risks, and then you realize it. When you live alone, you are not afraid to take risks. This, by and large, is freedom. A man needs to get enough of this period when you are not responsible for anyone, and you are not afraid for yourself. This is a super state when you can touch the whole world and no one can prohibit anything. Youth is a period of absolute freedom in life, and then you begin to depend on everything: on a hangover, on your mood, on your loved ones. But now, after I had a child, I don’t take risks at all, I don’t look for adventures like before. Now I even suggest that all men by the age of 27–28 seriously think about starting a family. This is the right choice. And the sooner you do it, the more pleasure you will get.

It should be noted that you have changed a lot after becoming a father!

Yes, I myself have not changed internally, rather I have opened up. Previously, there was thirst, lack of adrenaline. You come, say, to Thailand and start climbing everywhere in search of adventure. But now there is no such thing: I took a book, it’s a good movie, and while Fedya is sleeping, you calmly read or watch. And the soul does not rush about, does not rush anywhere, everything is harmonious. This happens when you have fully passed the active phase of youth. And I not only passed it, but passed it as an external student with excellent marks.

What role does money play in your life? How important are they to you?

I need money to provide for my family, buy housing, a vehicle and everything else I need. That is, not for himself. I don't have any hobbies that I spend a lot on. My only passion is cars, this is what warms my soul as a man. I also love to travel, it’s simply necessary. And travel, as you know, also requires money. Although in reality I can do without cars when traveling, the main thing for me is the well-being of the family, so that everyone is warm, fed, clothed, satisfied and happy. And I can walk around in ordinary shorts and drive a “nine”, if necessary, in which case it will not be a tragedy for me.

Is a car a way for you to release adrenaline?

For many, a car is associated with a thirst for speed, but for me it’s different. I am more of a “chopper” driver, from the word “chopper” (a certain model of motorcycle). For example, my Dodge (the car is 50 years old) does not reach a speed of more than 140–160 km. And I don’t like to drive fast, I like a calm and high-quality ride. Indifferent to sports cars and motorcycles. My adrenaline is riding an ATV outside the city, enjoying nature, overcoming obstacles, getting from point A to point B exhausted. Here are my best impressions as a man: stuck somewhere in the forest, a wheel fell off, the task is to somehow get out of this forest when you are in the middle of nowhere. I like this much more than rushing between cars in Moscow traffic jams.

Children's clothing is our hobby with Agnia

In the film, your hero finds not only a guardian angel, but also a true friend. What is friendship for you and who are your friends today?

I love and respect my friends. Among them there are very mature and very wealthy and accomplished people. They are not from the world of cinema, but they are absolute authorities in my life. I am grateful to fate for bringing me together with such people. Of course, among my friends there are peers, one even remains a friend from school, there are producers and directors whom I respect madly. I find it more interesting with them, I understand what I need to move towards and what to focus on, what to strive for. Mature friendship, it is completely different - not a formal party boy. When you are a 20-year-old fool and everyone around you is the same, it’s cool for you to experience everything together. And now it’s a little difficult with peers, and besides, I honestly admit, when a family appears, everything else fades into the background.

You recently organized a family business - you created and are promoting your own brand of children's clothing, “Chado”. Tell us how this business came into your life?

Agnia and I came up with all this and are implementing it. Although in fact everything happened thanks to our son Fedya - when he was born, we started looking for good and high-quality clothes. And we were faced with the fact that it is very difficult to choose warm clothes for the baby from high-quality natural materials. And then a relative of Agnia (the wife of her father Indra) knitted a wonderful suit for Fedya and sent us. We tried it on and realized that this was what we needed. This suit can be worn on naked body child, it is very comfortable and made from environmentally friendly raw materials. Agnia and I already want such clothes for ourselves, and next we plan to launch a line for dads and moms. I think there is a very correct message in this. We try to eat and drink environmentally friendly products, but with clothes we somehow miss this point. In general, we have gradually established production, we are reaching some level, Agnia and her relative are engaged in design, and I periodically express my wishes and suggestions. Basically, I am responsible for the administrative and organizational part. For now we are producing clothes for babies from birth to three years old, and over time we want to move away from unisex and come up with a “boyish” collection for boys and a feminine one for girls. Both real men's clothes and princess outfits look great on little children. We want to further develop in this direction. If only there was enough time for everything. Children's clothing is more of a hobby of mine and Agnia, in which we realize ourselves.

My wife is my person

What is important for you to teach Fedya as he grows up? How will you raise your son to be a real man?

First of all, it is important that he learns from childhood, as he matures, to solve his own small difficulties and problems. For example, if the wheel of a car breaks down, the child should understand how to put it back, and not ask for a new car. For some reason the sound in the toy doesn’t work, which means I have to figure out that the batteries are dead, go ask my dad for new ones and install them. And with age, having frozen in nature, he should be able to light a fire, having guessed to gather dry firewood. And the father must teach all this. In general, to be a man, you need to be a little “wild”. What I like about our country is that we Russians are civilized people, but at the same time we are still a little wild. I can go into the forest, break wood, light a fire, catch game, cook food on the fire. Can I go to cool car, all sleek, well-groomed, with a manicure-pedicure, for a social event. I really like this combination of wildness and civilization in a man. I know that London dandies get ready for three hours before leaving the house. Believe me, sometimes I need more if it’s an important meeting or event (laughs). Agnia and I can spend the whole day getting ready to go out.

You and your wife had a very long and difficult relationship history. Can you now, after a while, explain why she captivated you so much, what is there about her that other women don’t have? It’s clear that she’s beautiful, but that’s not what a family is built on...

Agnia is my person, comfortable. It’s good for me to do everything with her and be everywhere, think, relax, work, be sad, be happy. Of course, some difficulties and disagreements may arise, but all this has nothing to do with the basic, chemical – physical mutual attraction and agreement. This is the main criterion and basis. A person can be beautiful, talented, for which one can also love him. But if this basis is not present, then it will be difficult further. Agnia has many wonderful traits that characterize her, but the main ones are that she is kind and sincere and she is bright!

Your wife is from the Baltic states, Lithuanian, and you can immediately feel it - mentality, upbringing. You are the complete opposite in temperament, at least it seems so from the outside. Do you think this is a plus or a minus for relationships?

Agnia is half Lithuanian, and she is also quite lively in character. And that’s exactly what I really like about her. She can be very calm, just like me at times. If I lived somewhere on a paradise island, I would be the calmest person in the world. But since I have to get everything, like a primitive hunter, and solve a lot of problems, I, of course, cannot call myself too balanced. I am more of a reflective person, I can be harsh and intolerant at some points, this is my minus. But this doesn’t even depend so much on character as on nerves frayed over time. And Agnia in this sense is more healthy man(laughs).

Your mother-in-law Tatyana Borisovna Lyutaeva just recently turned 50 years old. How is your relationship going? And what do you say about the statement “If you want to see what your wife will be like after 20-30 years, look at your mother-in-law.”

Tanyusha is a wonderful person, we have a wonderful, warm relationship. She has her own secret dreams, and I wish her their speedy realization and support her in every possible way! As for the statement about the wife and mother-in-law, I confirm that this statement is 100% correct! And, by the way, I also paid attention to this when choosing the woman I loved.

In general, how is it customary in your family - to give useful, thoughtful gifts, maybe money, or to arrange surprises?

There are different ones, some are useful, some are just flowers and attention, we don’t have templates. For me, the main gift in life is my son, everything else is secondary. Material things can make you happy, but no more, any car, yacht, sooner or later you will get tired of it, you will buy another one. The soul should rejoice, but real, priceless, deep joy is only your family, children.

Have you started communicating with your brother Andrey less often? He still remains a bachelor, and now you probably have fewer common topics to talk about?

On the contrary, we have now begun to communicate more and closer. Andrey comes to visit us more often. Although, of course, the difference between single life and fatherhood – colossal. But in our personal relationship with my brother, this moment is absolutely not present. Andrey is still looking for his other half. In general, he is now in the period when a man after 30 is just starting to live. He now has a moment of freedom, a certain irresponsibility in relationships. I think he should survive this, the main thing is not to delay it. I try to give as much as possible good advice. Of course, I want my brother to settle down soon, find his other half, and get married. He will be 35 years old this year, so it’s about time.

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