What do children do when laying linnik? Irka Komarovskaya died - a permanent bar. “They have such connections!”

In March, the editorial staff of Readovka.ru went to the Pochinkovsky district to see if the truth was written in the complaints of local residents. This was due to an environmental disaster in the villages located close to the fields and Ostankino pig-breeding complexes. We have drawn a conclusion about what is happening. On March 22, an article was published that you can read Meat wars: “Ostankino” and “Miratorg” are dividing the Smolensk fields?So far, pig farms located in the Pochinkovsky district have come under fire.

Then, talking with the locals, we learned that very close, after the Ostankino fields, the Miratorg fields begin. We were told that there is the same “disgusting” there. And so we decided to go to the territory of Miratorg, a giant of the meat industry. And again we went to the Pochinkovsky district.

By the way, then, in March, the host of the TV show “Moment of Truth” Andrey Karaulov warned readers and viewers that “a monstrous provocation in the media is being prepared against the Miratorg company”. And he promised to publish an exact list of publications involved in this war very soon. However, “war” did not follow, and there are guesses about this, which will be discussed a little later.

“They have SUCH connections!”

Again we drive along broken-down roads, abandoned houses flash by every now and then, even administrative buildings are destroyed, even though “Stalker” was filmed in these places. And they managed to close the only agricultural technical school in Shantalovo, but this is a separate issue.

Poles with taut wires get in the way local residents- you can’t go into the forest, you can’t lose your cow

When communicating with the villagers, it immediately caught my eye that most people were afraid to even touch on this topic, and hid their faces from the camera. It became clear that the authorities in these villages are not village councils, not district councils, or even regional administrations, but Miratorg and high-ranking representatives of the Russian government.

After making sure that I had put the camera in my bag and promised not to include the name of their village in the article, the men and women spoke into the recorder:

- They open doors to SUCH offices with their feet! And we are with them like serfs. They fenced all the fields with poles with taut wire, and this fence is adjacent to the farms of the “aboriginals” who have lived here for decades. They moved so close that those who keep cattle have no place to graze their own cows. Look, our neighbor Ruslan has 12 cows, we buy milk from him. The way he contrives to keep the cattle fed is simply incredible! In general, people have nowhere to mow for their livestock, and there is nothing to buy it for.

— I tried to fry Miratorg pork - sole. Even the dog doesn't eat the skin. Where is their so-called marbled beef that was promised? I've never seen it. At Miratorg, bulls are slaughtered for meat, and cows are slaughtered for procreation. But I don’t like their meat, I go to Belarus for it.

“There are no jobs in our villages, and it’s almost impossible to get a job at Miratorg - they don’t hire locals on principle; they brought workers, it seems, from somewhere in the Bryansk region, where they have their main office.

“They blocked the road to the forest with their poles and wire, now the villagers can’t go pick up berries and mushrooms!”

“Their cows often die and then lie there for two days - no one takes them away until you remind them.”

So , according to the old fashioned way, almost all the villagers live

“Now they have not yet brought the cattle, which they were taking for the winter somewhere where there are warm paddocks. Here there are only fields for grazing, there are almost no buildings or sheds. True, they are going to build a farm. Workers in overalls are preparing for the arrival of the livestock; they are always doing something there. And this is 12 thousand heads!

- And it’s good that they don’t hire us there! They say that their turnover is very high, they are underpaid, they are fined for going out to smoke or go to the toilet.

“They also threatened us more than once so that we wouldn’t compromise our rights.” That’s why we don’t want to get involved with them. They have SUCH connections at the very top!

Strangers cannot enter the territory of Miratorg

“They don’t hire locals”

We're going to Torchilovka, to see a local activist Marina. On the way, our car is stopped by a young man of non-Slavic appearance. Reluctantly, but he told me what his name was Dima, he tried to get a job at Miratorg, but they didn’t take him.

- They are recruiting their own. Maybe to keep it away from prying eyes. I have seen dead animals many times, they even die at the feeders...

Marina turned out to be a cheerful, hospitable woman. She says that she has nothing and no one to be afraid of - they say, she knows the path into the forest, bypassing the fence, and the rest doesn’t bother her much.

Marina hopes that the owners of Miratorg will fix the roof at their club

— We asked Miratorg to repair the roof in our club, so they agreed, only now we need to think about what material to choose and draw up an estimate. Of course, I feel sorry for their cows - last summer they stood outside in any weather. And I feel sorry for the people who have almost no land left - their cattle are grazed right in their gardens.

In general, the story with Ostankino is repeated with Miratorg: businessmen do not want to spend money on improving roads and neighboring territories. Moreover, they are ready to take away the last inch of land. On top of everything, they use almost slave labor.

Aminat Konova really hopes for cooperation

Next we go to Stodolishche. Aminat Konova— Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, head of the regional state agricultural experimental station named after A.N. Engelhardt. She devoted her entire life to breeding, including forage grasses. The woman said:

— This is federal land, and Miratorg won the tender. By last fall, land surveying was done. Huge budget money is allocated to them. I don’t know what will happen next for them, but I really hope for cooperation - it would be beneficial for them, and it would be beneficial for us, just a penny. And their meat is delicious.

Medvedev and Linnik inspect the farm

Big meat - big money

The development of Smolensk lands by Miratorg began in March 2015. First, Khislavichsky and Roslavlsky districts, then Pochinkovsky. The government leased land in the Smolensk region to the Miratorg structure. Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev personally signed an order to lease 2 land plots in the Pochinkovsky district with a total area of ​​8598.65 hectares to the Bryansk Meat Company (part of the Miratorg agro-industrial holding) for 49 years.

Before “moving” to the Smolensk region, the president of the Miratorg Agricultural Holding Victor Linnik publicly promised that by 2017, 8 high-tech farms would be built in the Smolensk region, where about 400 jobs would be created. The promise sounded: average wage employees will be about 25 thousand rubles.

We have already heard from locals about the conditions in which workers who are constantly fined work. And nothing happened about the promised jobs - Smolensk residents have no place there. Although Linnik swore that there were no interruptions in payments at Miratorg, people say something else.

By the way, Viktor Linnik is connected with the Smolensk region by the fact that his mother was born here. Victor also has a brother Alexander Linnik, and both of them are among the largest billionaires in Russia. And their capital is only growing.

Gossiping farmers attribute the success of Miratorg to connections “at the very top.” "Look at what maiden name with the wife of our prime minister", say the heads of Bryansk agricultural enterprises and owners of larger Russian agricultural companies. Viktor Linnik has repeatedly said: “It's just a coincidence. We are not related".

Svetlana Medvedeva really nee Linnik. And, judging by the articles found on the Internet, presumably Victor and Alexander are her cousins. And if this is so, then Dmitry Medvedev can hardly ignore related interests. It’s no coincidence that he appears at all major events organized by the agricultural holding?

ABH Miratorg is a non-public structure established in Russia, judging by extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, by several offshore companies from Cyprus. The actual beneficiaries of Miratorg - the owners of the Cypriot founding companies - are unknown.

The Linnik twin brothers were just lucky

The fairytale story of the Linnikov brothers

Once upon a time there lived engineers, twin brothers born in 1967, Victor and Alexander. They lived and did not grieve. By the beginning of the 90s, when the country was in full swing, they wanted to make good money. We started by organizing excursions for Western tourists. Afterwards, they founded a company that began to import powdered milk first, and then meat. They brought pork, poultry and beef from Europe. After some time, Miratorg created its own production and built 12 pig farms in the Belgorod region.

The “pinnacle” of Miratorg’s development, according to analysts, is the Bryansk project. According to the company’s website, the beef production project in the Bryansk region is the largest in the world in terms of the scale of one-time maintenance of maternal Aberdeen Angus cattle. This is the same marbled beef - with characteristic “patterns” - streaks of fat.

But in the Bryansk region itself, the attitude towards the Miratorg project is quite complex. In particular, ex-governor Nikolai Denin local media accuse him of "in an effort to please Miratorg" By his order, he deprived 40 farms of the Bryansk region of state aid, which the administration promised them, having formalized the support, including documentation. Farmers who took out loans in anticipation of government subsidies were simply abandoned and found themselves on the brink of survival.

“Miratorg” was given the green light everywhere and always. Linniks were given loan after loan on fabulous terms, some personally sanctioned Vladimir Putin while being Prime Minister. Linniki won the largest tenders, expanded, developed more and more new lands, and as a result were included in Forbes as one of the “top” Russian billionaires.

Now think: do these gentlemen care about the interests of the residents, in particular the Pochinkovo ​​villages? Here is the answer to all their questions.

And finally: in last month In the Smolensk region, the environmental organization “Green Front” suddenly became active, and managed to appear many times in the Bryansk media. In particular, some of our neighbors and colleagues have repeatedly caught these “ecologists” in “stuffing” in favor of “Miratorg”; It is reported that almost the corpses of animals were allegedly planted on private owners in order to discredit them and force them to transfer their lands to an agro-industrial holding.

We have a “Green Front” (which, by the way, is absolutely not clear who stands behind it - there were no ecologists in the Smolensk region, but they didn’t, as if timed to coincide with the thematic year), “wets” everyone - Three burial grounds with corpses of pigs and calves were discovered in the Smolensk regionHere are the by-products of your favorite sausage - not only disgusting to look at, but also harmful to the environment, Video, photo: environmentalists found more violations at agricultural enterprises in the Smolensk regionPreviously, animal blood was drained - now green foam, but there is reason to believe that this organization will never reach Miratorg. Maybe this is the same war Karaulov promised, only from the other side?

Known to many (including me) as Kuzya or Irka Komarovskaya, the daughter of one academician and the granddaughter of another academician, a candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, a seasoned hippie, an author and much more, Bashlachev’s girlfriend, a “witch” from the “Chronicles of Russian Sannyasa” "Vlada Lebedko, cut and not cut by Fyodor Chistyakov - I saw the scar on her throat when we Sivitsky And Anna During our sentimental journey, we dropped in at Irka’s dacha in Komarovo.

I stole the photo from some stranger

In the photo is the same dacha where I saw her for the first time, and now it’s completely clear that in last time, and it was one of the most powerful psychedelic experiences of my life - just looking at her, talking to her.

At the same dacha, Irka grew hemp, which is why it was even shown on TV.

It’s a pity that I didn’t blow with her then. Why did I refuse? I don't understand.

Goodbye, Irka. Tomorrow you will be burned in the crematorium. I am sure that even in a coffin you will lie beautiful. This is the type of body you and I have.

Today in Komarovo, the apocryphal woman of the Leningrad underground, Lyalya Linnik, died. She is Irina Levshakova. A woman who had a studio in her dacha. Where Grebenshchikov recorded his music. Fedya Chistyakov and many others... Lyalya was a strange lady. But this was a man of the era.

The last time I saw her was this fall. I recognized her from the back - a thin, plastic figure, like a circus actress, she walked through a small forest to the station. I thought it was good that she didn’t see me, otherwise she would call me to drink vodka or do something else that I didn’t want and couldn’t do. God be with her. I didn't know that I wouldn't see her again.

What a beauty she was as a child! My favorite cousin was friends with her. But I was little and clearly understood that Lyalya was much more talented, beautiful and cooler than my cousin. And of course, all Lyala’s peers are jealous.

She had thin ankles and wrists, huge green eyes, black curly hair. Some kind of medieval appearance. She was a hippie. At that time this word was something terribly mysterious and abusive in the Soviet Union. Lyalya wore a long skirt and flip-flops. She spoke hoarsely, smoked, and suddenly could use a harsh obscene word. She was unusual, different, cool.

At some point, adults began to say - Lyalya reformed, she got married, gave birth to lovely twins and began to study at the university; One day we were traveling on a train and Lyalya showed me the skeleton of a small fossil lizard...

Then she began to live in Komarovo permanently. Her dacha became a refuge for rock and roll people throughout the country and Leningrad. The twins grew up on their own and one day they almost burned down the house. Lyalya received guests in a long skirt and a cloud of marijuana. Then a recording studio in this dacha. All our greats - Grebenshchikov, Bashlachev, and others, were all at this dacha. We recorded our music...Her close friend Fedya Chistyakov hits her in the chest with a knife... They ate cap mushrooms, which grew in abundance in upper Komarovo.

One tragedy after another. They call her everything. And an apocryphal woman of the Leningrad underground, and a witch. Don't know. She was an important, indispensable figure in our village. I'm very sorry that she left. And that in our cemetery there will now be another grave of a man whom I remember as young, handsome and talented.

Z. Yu. Kurbatova. Komarovskie antiques.

Janitor Pyotr Dmitrievich

The janitor Pyotr Dmitrievich was a former policeman. He retained his fighting bearing and ability to look menacingly from under his brows. He was dressed in his usual cap, jacket and tarpaulin boots, which were reminiscent of his connections with law enforcement agencies. And he was always ready to catch the offender. Since no violators were found, Pyotr Dmitrich was content with the little things. For example, he took a bicycle from Mitka, who was visiting Orbeli at his dacha, took it away and locked it with great pleasure in his barn. I don’t remember what Mitya did wrong.

The truly finest hour came when a stranger, on the way from the station, decided to pluck branches from our mountain ash tree. Pyotr Dmitrich even managed to run to the guardhouse for a gun, but did not use the weapon.

We were afraid of him, although one case showed the watchman in an unheroic appearance. Pyotr Dmitrievich cheated on his fat Faina Antonovna. Sometimes he put on a fresh shirt, cleaned his boots, and rode off on a moped to Verkhneye Komarovo to see a nurse. He went on a date with a completely straight face. But everything is known in the village, and they knew about his visits to Gromykhalov Street. But one day he was in a hurry, and he and his moped fell into a ditch, where Kurortnaya makes a turn. Styopa, Tolik and I imagined this fall many times.

We often went to the guardhouse, but only to the dressing room. There was always the smell of dog and offal soup, and the Finnish husky puppies Dichka were scurrying around in the box. Pyotr Dmitrich was a man not without a desire for beauty. He needed a purebred dog, not a mongrel. But where can I get one? He took a bold step. I caught a huge royal poodle that belonged to some academician from Stalin’s dacha, and locked this poodle and Dichka in his dressing room. Then the purebred dog was missed and he was released. Then the agonizing wait began. The wild girl gave birth, one of the four puppies turned out to be the son of a poodle. Pyotr Dmitrich groomed and cherished him, cutting his hair himself with a clipper, as it should be. With a tassel on the tail and mane. He named his new pet Dragon. The dragon was stupid and could not be trained, but faithfully accompanied Pyotr Dmitrievich when he delivered coal to our boiler houses.

Finnish huskies Dragon was not considered a dog. Dichka's first son was Fomushka the First. The watchman's wife had sore legs, and she decided to treat them with dog hair. No sooner said than done. Pyotr Dmitrich cut Fomushka’s hair in the style of a poodle, and his hand suited him just like that. Burn Burn. Fomushka hid in shame behind the sheds where Aunt Larisa Kondratyeva brought him food. I still remember his look, full of reproach and righteous indignation. Thomas the First was the smartest of dogs. The most cunning, who ended his life on the general's sofa. And the stupidest was the Dragon.

/ 02.23.2018 /

Go, go, you old slut!

I woke up, I was awakened by the authoritative general’s voice, which was clearly audible through the flimsy wall that separated our apartment from the neighbor’s. I looked out the window. Fomushka walked along the path that led to the neighbor’s door and wagged his tail.

Potass! - the owner greeted him.

Fomushka, precious, where have you been, I was worried... - this is the voice of General Milochka, already ringing and incredibly coquetry.

It was five in the morning White Night in Komarovo. Finnish husky Fomushka was returning from a party. He walked firmly with his short, strong paws, his mouth, outlined in black, smiled. True, the smile was crooked, one corner higher. He knew that the general’s wife would forgive everything and feed him.

At first, Fomushka was just a dog, born to the Finnish Laika Dichka in the dressing room of the watchman Pyotr Dmitrievich. Then the wheel of fortune turned, and the childless Milochka and her kind general Valery Ivanovich took him in. Fomushka especially loved riding in the general's white Volga. He leisurely approached the car and threw his heavy body onto the red seat in front. Valery Ivanovich got behind the wheel. Sometimes he took my mother and me to the city. I remember his hands, with some huge bumps on the knuckles. How could he hold the steering wheel with them, I thought...

One day, out of old habit, Fomushka was walking between our dachas. Academician Kondratyev walked towards him. Fomushka, seeing him, smiled and began wagging his tail, essentially sweeping the road. Fomushka's legs were short. Kondratiev greeted an old acquaintance with the words: “Foma, how good you look, you’ve gained weight, what wool! They say you drive a car now, and you have a general as a driver!”

Thin walls made it possible to hear every word spoken by the neighbors. During perestroika, my aunt, rounding her eyes, assured? that the general does not welcome the new time and in his bedroom, exclusively to his wife, says that the new regime will not last.

Darling was interested in clothes until the end of her life. She looked like a 1950s actress, red lipstick, curled hair. In conversation, she always rolled her eyes coquettishly, every movement was thought out. She stood surprisingly straight. Then I found out that this was a consequence of suffering from bone tuberculosis and long-term wearing of special corsets.

Valery Ivanovich not only had a wife as a general, but also a mother-in-law. Nadezhda Alekseevna, a tiny old woman, was married to General Kuznetsov, Milochka’s father. During the war the general showed adultery. Nadezhda Alekseevna did not adhere to the rule that “the war will write off everything,” she divorced and married another general, Mikhail Milovsky. At parades, I sat next to my husband and made comments: “Misha. There, three tanks somehow stood up unevenly...”. Then Nadezhda Alekseevna became a widow, very small and hunched over. Then she stopped going out on her own country cottage area and admire the roses. Through the wall I heard her raving as she lay in her bed. She remembered herself as a young lady with a luxurious braid, who at the age of 16 was kidnapped from her home by an officer. Then Nadezhda Alekseevna went to the cemetery, but not to ours, Komarovskoe, but to the city. Then Valery Ivanovich died. Aunt Larisa Kondratyeva asked: “Do you remember what his hands were like? He froze them in the winter of 1941, defending Kronstadt.”

/ 02.23.2018 /

Today in Komarovo, the apocryphal woman of the Leningrad underground, Lyalya Linnik, died. She is Irina Levshakova. A woman who had a studio in her dacha. Where Grebenshchikov recorded his music. Fedya Chistyakov and many others... Lyalya was a strange lady. But this was a man of the era.

The last time I saw her was this fall. I recognized her from the back - a thin, plastic figure, like a circus actress, she walked through a small forest to the station. I thought it was good that she didn’t see me, otherwise she would call me to drink vodka or do something else that I didn’t want and couldn’t. God be with her. I didn't know that I wouldn't see her again.

What a beauty she was as a child. My favorite cousin was friends with her. But I was little and clearly understood that Lyalya was much more talented, beautiful and cooler than my cousin. And of course, all Lyala’s peers are jealous.

She had thin ankles and wrists, huge green eyes, and black curly hair. Some kind of medieval appearance. She was a hippie. Then this word was something terribly mysteriously abusive in the Soviet Union. Lyalya wore a long skirt and flip-flops. She spoke hoarsely, smoked, and suddenly could use a harsh obscene word. She was unusual, different, cool.

At some point, the adults began to say - Lyalya reformed, she got married, gave birth to lovely twins and began to study at the university, one day we were traveling on a train and Lyalya showed me the skeleton of a small fossil lizard...

Then she began to live in Komarovo permanently. Her dacha became a refuge for rock and roll people throughout the country and Leningrad. The twins grew up on their own and one day they almost burned down the house. Lyalya received guests in a long skirt and a cloud of marijuana. Then a recording studio in this dacha. All our greats - Grebenshchikov, Bashlachev, and others, were all at this dacha. They recorded their music... Her close friend Fedya Chistyakov stabs her in the chest with a knife... They used cap mushrooms, which grew in abundance in the upper Komarovo.

One tragedy after another. They call her everything. And an apocryphal woman of the Leningrad underground and a witch. Don't know. She was an important, indispensable figure in our village. I'm very sorry that she left. And that in our cemetery there will now be another grave of a man whom I remember as young, handsome and talented.

"Funeral in Ornans"

Komarovo was an exceptional place. On the one hand - academicians' dachas, bon-ton walks, croquet. From every window of the BBC, reading prohibited literature in the evenings. On the other hand, there is a village, half-Russian - half-Finnish. And we, like every village, had eternal characters, antiques, guardians of these places.

There was a Finnish woman, Alexandra Yanovna, who sold flowers and currants. Grandfather loved to go to her, spend a long time choosing seedlings, and talk about what Komarovo was like before Winter War. The Finnish woman was married to a Russian, which is why she remained in her native place after the border was pushed beyond Vyborg and these places became Soviet. She had a bad ending. The Finnish woman's house burned down along with her disabled husband. Firefighters were driving from a nearby street, but did not make it in time.

Antonina Kharitonova, nicknamed Tonka Cemetery. For forty years she worked at the Komarovsky churchyard as a watchman. I buried all the academicians, starting with Shishmarev. Then she buried her son - he drowned in the Gulf of Finland. During the day, Tonka sat on her son’s grave, vigilantly watching those who came. Who cleans the graves and how, what flowers she brings - nothing escaped her. She sat and made comments: “Your father almost never comes to see your mother, he could come more often and put up richer roses.” Tonka lived in a house next to the cemetery. Every year she had new husband with whom she was drinking. One day I went to her house. I knock and a tall old man comes out. I was so dumbfounded. Abram Tertz... no, of course, just a man who looks like a writer. Then Tonka drove him away. Anything happened in her house. One day, the son of a professor disappeared. They searched and searched. No and no. We decided to go to the cemetery. The professor's son often came to his father's grave. I drank alone at the granite stele. We went to the churchyard, then to Tonya’s house. Tonka greeted me with a cry: “I have your...professor lying there. He’s drunk. He’s pissing all over my sofa, take it.” This is how the intellectuals and the people united.

And the quietest Vladimir Alexandrovich sat at the post office. Blonde with a moth on his cheek. Calm, unperturbed. He was also his own, rustic, but he even looked intelligent. One day, already an adult, I arrived in Komarovo and went to the post office to pay for gas. The door of the blue house was locked, and there was an inscription on it: “Vladimir Alexandrovich will be brought in at 2 p.m.” I understood everything..., I waited an hour until a modest hearse stopped in front of the post office doors. The coffin was placed on trestles in front of the post house to say goodbye. A small crowd gathered around. Mostly old women. The rosy-cheeked Tonka Kladbischenskaya stood out in a bright blue jacket with a fleece. Seeing me, she began to say in a loud whisper: “He married a young woman, and then got sick. He had a tumor, they said. There’s no need for surgery. But he did. Well, he died right away. Now the young woman has gotten it”... He was warm September, the trees were yellow, there was a smell of old rotten grass. The picture was reminiscent of the classic "Funeral at Ornans".

And then Tonka survived from the graveyard. Some businessman bought her an apartment in Zelenogorsk, demolished her house and built a villa in its place. Is it happiness to live in a graveyard? And the last antique left Komarovo.

Uncle Gleb

Everyone in Komarovo loved Uncle Gleb, the son of a famous academician. He was loved by his colleagues and students at the university where he taught. Loved by neighbors and childhood friends. The common people loved it. He was witty, friendly, well educated. He knew painting and music, played tennis, and was a champion mushroom picker. He did everything thoroughly and tastefully. He was absolutely unambitious. He, like many Russian alcoholic men, had incredible charm. He had huge, childishly naive Blue eyes and a naturally crooked nose.

He talked to us children just as seriously as to adults. And it seemed to us good friend. One day he invited me, ten years old, to play tennis. I happily agreed and won. I run to my mother - “Mom! I won against Uncle Gleb! The count is six three...!” Mom smiled sadly: “Uncle Gleb was drunk...”. The only thing is that Uncle Gleb was afraid of his wife, Aunt Natasha. She did not scold him publicly, but who knows what was happening in the depths of the huge academic dacha given by Stalin to his father. Uncle Gleb tried to live in the country all year round- away from your wife. He had a dog named Typhoon, a mongrel with a crooked butt. Uncle Gleb went to the University by train, then returned to Komarovo. Faithful Typhoon met at the gate. Next comes the best part. Heat the stove, go to the store for a scale... Uncle Gleb walked around Komarov in a burnt gray padded jacket, felt boots and a moth-eaten crimson ski cap, model 1955.

Evil times came under Andropov, they began to fight parasites and drunkards. One day, Uncle Gleb, wearing his usual quilted jacket, walked into a wine shop on Morskaya. The saleswoman pointed him to a poster - “Visitors in work clothes are not served!”... Uncle Gleb looked at her fatherly: “Dear young lady! My work clothes are a suit and a white shirt.” Uncle Gleb was also a Komarov antique, he lived here since childhood, knew all the paths, mushroom places, all neighbors. His thin figure on the snow-covered Komarov road is an indispensable part of our landscape.

Only once did Uncle Gleb show himself to be a not entirely meek person. He went to have a drink with his friend, Alexei Stepanovich. He also had dogs. And furious ones. Aunt Natasha wanted to stop the attempt to drink, and approached Stepanovich’s house too close. The dogs ran out and began to bite her. she fought back, the dress was torn and the old woman’s black panties were visible. Uncle Gleb and Stepanovich watched the scene from the porch, spreading their arms. My dad put the dogs away...

Faithful Typhoon died, then Gleb had a stroke. But he was still cheerful, although he was no longer teaching at the University. The illness made him dependent on Natasha, crushed. I no longer wanted to live. And one day a new grave appeared at the Komarovsky churchyard.

Lyudmila Semenovna

Zina, come here!

Lyudmila Semyonovna was sitting on the veranda of her dacha, she was dressed in a lilac dress and shawl. It was already difficult for her to walk, she vigilantly looked out for everyone who passed by her dacha and called some to her. And so on for half a day, if the day was sunny.

Zina, we need to do something with our eyebrows, pluck them, shape them. Dye your hair honey color. And you have to dress up and show off your figure!

Lyudmila Semyonovna asked to buy milk and the same food from the shop at the station. boiled sausage. But most of all she wanted to talk. It was especially difficult for her on rainy days; she then sat in the dining room of her lonely dacha and looked out the window. The old lilacs obscured the sun, which doesn’t happen in Komarovo anyway. But it was impossible to cut down the lilac; it was planted by her late professor husband. This was when my daughter was little and they had just bought a dacha. She recalled her noisy house, Osya Brodsky reading poetry. A friend, Neya Zorkaya, who was visiting from Moscow, the literary critic Manoilov, about whom everyone joked and came up with the nickname “cucumber”. She recalled her early youth, when she was amazingly beautiful. And on the exam at the University, the old academician gave an “A” “for complexion.” How one day, in a yellow bathrobe with her black hair flowing, she opened the door of a communal apartment to a young Pushkin literary scholar who was walking to the neighbors. And how the world turned upside down, and the Pushkin scholar left the famous poetess for her sake. She worked on television, but above all she was a professional woman. Looking at little Vera and Nastya, she said thoughtfully: “Your Vera has a straight back, it’s beautiful, you need to support it... and this is Nastya, Galya’s granddaughter? Her eyes are beautiful...”

I was given exams.
- Were you in his apartment? in the garçoniere? were there any traces of the woman?
- Lyudmila Semyonovna, how is this a trace of a woman?
- Teach everything. Well, cosmetics in the bathroom, for example...

She treated everyone well and saw the positive in everyone. All her men were worthy of attention. One day we went to the cemetery together. We are visiting our mother, she is visiting her Pushkin scholar husband. My Igor was not interested in the Komarov necropolis, he had stocked up on two bottles of beer ahead of time..., I was embarrassed, and Lyudmila Semyonovna told me the next day: “If my daughter were unmarried, I would say - go marry an artist. Like yours drank beer , throwing back his head, ah..."

The years passed. She was still sitting on the terrace. Her hair is dyed with ink and her lipstick is bright purple. There is a shawl on my shoulders... And one day the dacha was empty. I often come to her grave in Komarovo, where she lies next to her dear Pushkin scholar. And I say: “Lyudmila Semyonovna, I dyed my hair honey color, I always mechanically look in other people’s apartments to see if there are ladies’ cosmetics in the bathroom... You would be pleased with me.”

Baba Tanya

I was lucky to meet her as a child, and then, in my youth, to even become friends, despite the age difference. The dacha of my grandfather, Academician Likhachev, in Komarov was a stone's throw from Tatyana Shishmareva's house. My first memory is of an elderly lady walking along our main street, Kurortnaya, in the evenings. She is dressed simply, even ascetically. A sweater, for some reason always short trousers, simple shoes. The only decoration is beads. Tatyana Vladimirovna preferred a certain range of clothes - gray and bluish colors. Sometimes, rarely - that shade of greenish-brown, which is known among painters as “Leningrad umber”. She looked incredibly stylish at the same time. She stood straight, her silver hair pulled back into a heavy bun. The indestructible breed was felt in every movement. When greeting, she abruptly threw her hand forward to shake and looked carefully into the eyes. She always talked to me, when I was still a girl, as if I were an adult.

Actually, our relationship began after “Baba Tanya,” as she was called in the family, drew my portrait. At the age of 14, I was the favorite “type” of the artist Shishmareva. She liked to draw tall girls, with long arms, long neck. I liked the hair braided. While she was working, we talked. T.V. said: “During the NEP, haircuts came into fashion. I was sorry to part with my hair, and I limited myself to cutting my bangs.” I already knew what she looked like in her youth - I saw a reproduction of her portrait painted by Vladimir Lebedev in 1935.

She painted me in the studio on the second floor. The window was open, cheerful voices were heard in the garden. “It’s our Galya who laughs like that,” commented T.V. Galya is the daughter-in-law, wife of Boris’s son.

A little later I brought her my watercolors. She asked me to look and tell me whether I should become an artist - whether I have the ability. Baba Tanya looked at my pitiful works and said thoughtfully: “Once my father showed my drawings to Dobuzhinsky and asked the same question. Dobuzhinsky replied that time will tell everything. We have to work.”

Shishmareva was against studying at the Academy of Arts, saying that they kill individuality there. Oddly enough, her son Boris Vlasov graduated from the Academy of Arts, Faculty of Graphics.

Then I read in her notes about herself and Baba Tanya’s parents:

“I was born on February 4/17, 1905 on the 2nd line of Vasilievsky Island in St. Petersburg. I was faithful to the island all my life, only the lines changed - the second, third, first, eleventh. I could not decide to move to another area, to a dirty and uninhabited Kupchino, when the house on Solovyovsky Lane went for major renovations (I lived in it for 40 years.)

I was born into the family of St. Petersburg University professor Vladimir Fedorovich Shishmarev and his wife Anna Mikhailovna Usova, a singer. So science and art have surrounded me all my life.

Mom was an unrestrained and nervous person. My father was surprisingly reserved and gentle in his relationships with people. I never heard him raise his voice or yell at anyone. He was amazingly kind to people. Both his friends and students knew this and he was loved very much; everyone respected him for his decency and truthfulness. He was the epitome of a professor, very intelligent, educated, with a wide range of interests.

My father knew many languages. He was both a linguist and a literary critic.

I remember his office, lined with bookcases and shelves, the dark green sofa where he told his stories, the desk at which he wrote. I also remember the days of exams at the Higher Women's Courses, when many women and girls came. One of them came up to me and said: “Your father is such a wonderful person!”

It so happened that in the summer of 1988 I lived with Tatyana Vladimirovna at the dacha with my little daughter. I had a difficult family situation, and Shishmareva invited me to her place. This summer in Komarov was probably the best of my life. T.V. She sheltered me and taught me to draw. And what interesting conversations there were!

I somehow didn’t hesitate to ask her a variety of things.

She asked why she divorced her husband Vasily Vlasov, also an artist and student of Lebedev. “We worked a lot together, carried out the same orders and began to interfere with each other’s work,” said T.V. She also told me some bitter moments of her personal life, without judging anyone. V.A. Vlasov with his new wife and daughter lived for a long time at Shishmareva’s dacha.

In the mornings Tatyana Vladimirovna cooked steep buckwheat porridge. We drank "Kuban drink" - a type of acorn coffee. Asceticism in everything. But there were always tablecloths and good cups on the table, usually white and blue. She didn't let me cook. She grumbled angrily, as if under her breath: “He can’t do anything, he didn’t teach me anything,” about me. She herself was proud of the fact that she could do everything, and in the difficult post-revolutionary years, on the Kostroma estate, where they lived with the whole family, she even milked cows.

She treated me great. I was just trying to put on a stern look. She once asked me that summer: “How old are you? Twenty-two? Quite a bit...” It sounded a little threatening. At twenty-two, a person must be responsible for his actions. Don't depend on anyone and know what he wants in life...

Evgeny Schwartz in his notes spoke of Shishmareva as a kind of cracker. Well, it’s a pity, but he did not understand anything about this wonderful woman, a person of incredible kindness and breadth. How many of her works she donated to the Russian Museum - more than a hundred, and how many she gave away to art critics she knew! How many friends lived at her dacha, dining and feeding those whom she affectionately called “foundlings.” You can't list everything. And a strict tone, always a straight back, no emotions in public - all these are the main ones features good upbringing.

I remember Tatyana Vladimirovna at her funeral only son Boris in 1981. Not a tear, not a tremble in my voice. On the night he died, she drew a terrible picture - the black interior of her apartment.

She lived for art. In 1988, she was already 83. Every day after breakfast she sat down to draw. It was so interesting for me to see that she attached a sheet of paper to the board with buttons. It doesn’t stick, as we were taught at the Academy of Arts. There are no easels, he works while sitting, leaning his tablet against the back of a chair. He draws with a pencil or charcoal, removing unnecessary parts with a hare's foot.

That summer Baba Tanya staged still lifes for us, my granddaughter Tanya and me. That was the first time I heard about the “Lapshin principle”. That production was all warm, yellowish and brown tones. And only a small mug - bright cobalt. “Kolya Lapshin believed that in a still life everything should be in a certain range, and only one object should be of the opposite color. If everything is in warm colors, then this object is cold.”

As the years passed, it became increasingly difficult for her to draw. I tried to visit her - both in Komarovo and on Vasilyevsky Island, where she lived in an apartment on the 11th line.

She once told me: “I can’t draw anymore. I write memories - it’s my duty.”

A few years later, when I came to visit, she said, just as directly and harshly, as if we were talking about everyday things: “I did everything. I wrote about my friends. I put my work and the deceased’s work in order and put it in folders.” son. Now it's over."

We said goodbye to Tatyana Shishmareva at the dacha. The coffin stood on the veranda, on the table at which we drank tea so many times, where we painted still lifes. It was November, a transparent gray sky, dry branches in the garden.

/ Z. Yu. Kurbatova, 2013-2018 Last update: March 23, 2018 The story “Baba Tanya” is published based on material from a historical and cultural magazine

In 2016, Irina Linnik (Irina Yuryevna Kuznetsova, married to Levshakov), the muse of the Leningrad rock club, died.

She was 56 years old.

The cause of death was cardiac arrest.

From May 1 to May 6, a festival of groups that were part of the Leningrad rock club will be held in St. Petersburg at the Back Stage club.

On May 7, the musicians plan to gather to fulfill Irina’s last wish - to scatter one part of her ashes over Lake Pike, and leave the second at her son’s grave. On May 6 she would have turned 57 years old.

Irina Linnik - candidate of sciences, geologist, granddaughter of academician Vladimir Linnik.

Parents - Yuri Ivanovich Kuznetsov, head of the drawing sector, specialist in Dutch art. Mother - Irina Vladimirovna Linnik - senior Researcher, specialist in Dutch art, author of several attributions of paintings by Hals and Rembrandt.

Since the late 1980s. her grandfather's dacha in Komarov was "a country branch of the Leningrad rock club."

Five days before his suicide, Alexander Bashlachev came there, Konstantin Kinchev, Boris Grebenshchikov, Vsevolod Gakkel, Svyatoslav Zaderiy were there, and Fyodor Chistyakov filmed a video here about a real Indian.

At the dacha, Fyodor Chistyakov in 1992 attempted to kill Irina, considering her a witch. For this he was sent for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric hospital.

In 2010, at her site in Komarov, drug police destroyed the largest marijuana plantation in the North-West - 1,247 bushes, 600 g of already dried “product” and a large amount of hemp that was still drying.

She was given a suspended sentence of 5 years.

Linnik was a talented artist. Her watercolors are exhibited in the Oslo Museum.

Zero. Song About a Real Indian (video):

Irina Linnik - owner of a marijuana plantation (video):


In the studio of Yan Rozov, hello! Sergei Starovoitov, lawyer...


Good afternoon


And Alexander Linnikov, lawyer.




The topic of the broadcast is the reform of the Federal Penitentiary Service. As far as I understand, this reform was launched back in 2009. And it should end - sort of, we should take stock - in 2022.


We'll let you down in 2022. Now let's try to sum up the intermediate results.


Nevertheless, significant progress has already been achieved. It’s somehow not customary for us to speak well about the activities of the state and officials, but in reality, great improvements are noticeable in the penitentiary sphere. Today, the Federal Penitentiary Service largely provides itself with everything it needs: food...


Can we say that it is already self-sufficient?


Well, we can’t say that it’s self-sufficiency, but it’s close to it. Moreover, active measures are being taken to ensure that the FSIN system provides for itself and is less dependent on the market - in such a way as to minimize the corruption component and exist, if possible, at its own expense.


That is, this was the task of the reform?


This was the task of the reform, this is the task of the team of Gennady Aleksandrovich Kornienko, who now heads the Federal Penitentiary Service. And I repeat: this team has now achieved great success. For example, the Federal Penitentiary Service has launched food production. There are enterprises - canning plants, fish processing plants, and factories for the production of semi-finished products. The FSIN produces special equipment. The FSIN supplies almost our entire army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs with clothing and footwear. And in addition, the Federal Penitentiary Service is also reducing the costs of maintaining prisoners and food supplies. Suffice it to say that over the past few years, savings on food alone have amounted to at least 6 billion rubles. And this - I draw your attention - while maintaining the level of food quality, this is against the background of the market, against the background of rising prices, against the background of inflation, against the background of the crisis. Quality is maintained, volumes are maintained, and less money is spent. Moreover: over the last 2 or 3 years, significant work has been done to reduce the number of market contracts. For example, the only supplier of medicines and medical equipment The state corporation Rostec was appointed for the needs of the Federal Penitentiary Service. A government resolution has been adopted: Rostec provides the Federal Penitentiary Service. Market bidding has been excluded, corruption schemes for the supply of medicines and medical equipment have been excluded.

Significant work has also been carried out, and since 2017, the Federal Penitentiary Service has been purchasing sugar from Rosrezerv directly at a fixed price. Rosrezerv's reserves, as you know, are being updated. And when the deadline for the release of food products from Rosrezerv approaches, the FSIN takes them away at a favorable price.

Also, over the past 2-3 years, Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Oleg Korshunov has been trying to ensure that the largest suppliers of fuel and fuels and lubricants are appointed as the only suppliers to individual federal districts. oil companies. But, unfortunately, this could not be achieved, because the trading conditions were simply unfavorable. Companies do not apply for gasoline supplies to the Federal Penitentiary Service because the logistics are very complex: 3,250 fuel supply points, if I’m not mistaken. And that's why even those large companies, like Rosneft, Gazpromneft and Bashneft, are not able to cover this entire volume. But, nevertheless, such work was carried out. The FSIN involved the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Meetings were held to find out why large oil companies did not want to go to auction.

It was Oleg Adolfovich Korshunov who put a lot of effort into this, who sought to reduce commercial contracts in the market so that the state could provide for itself at the minimum price, at the most favorable conditions. And for me this is a big mystery: why is one of the organizers of the FSIN reform, one of the people who did a lot to reduce government spending and get rid of unnecessary intermediaries, now under arrest?


He is not only under arrest, but as I understand it, he is in prison in Lefortovo.


He is being held in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center. This is, of course, an overly cruel, unjustified preventive measure - especially compared to other people who were arrested on charges of crimes of comparable gravity. Suffice it to recall ex-minister Ulyukaev or director Serebrennikov. They are under house arrest, Oleg Adolfovich Korshunov for some reason is sitting in Lefortovo. Why? Is it because someone needs to isolate him? What do you think, Sergey?


No, I think that everything here is explained quite simply - both regarding the persons of interest in the possible events of all these events, and, of course, regarding why Korshunov is in the pre-trial detention center.

The fact is that our small investigation of the events related to the initiation of the case against Korshunov and the events related to the clarification of the circumstances for which he was brought in as an accused shows that, by and large, a very large number of people who including those associated with various commercial operations - precisely those that, in general, Korshunov partly suppressed in his activities, introducing a system of receiving products, products and various goods under government orders - some turned out to be completely thrown out of this business, others significantly reduced their " profits" in quotation marks, which went beyond those stipulated by the contracts. And of course, as I understand it, they partly directly, partly indirectly, through some of their capabilities, tried to convey, including to law enforcement agencies, negative information that all financial and economic power was partly concentrated - on government contracts, in particular , on the management of state unitary enterprises - from Korshunov. They didn’t add fuel to the fire, but distorted the situation with the development of this relationship, of course, as in the famous cartoon about Mowgli, they conveyed information in the vein that “he called you yellow earthworms.”


You used a wonderful word, very appropriate: distortion. In general, this whole thing, as we believe, consists of large quantity distortions, fabrications and manipulations of facts.


Maybe you can remind me what position he held and what case he was charged with?


Oleg Adolfovich Korshunov is an active state councilor of the 2nd class. He held the position of Deputy Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service. His responsibilities included overseeing the financial and production activities of the Federal Penitentiary Service, which he did successfully. I have already talked about his achievements.

And now, paradoxically, Korshunov is accused of embezzlement of public funds along with his alleged accomplices. The choice of accomplices, in our opinion, is also paradoxical for Korshunov. Because he was accused of embezzlement along with ordinary employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service and middle managers, with whom he, by and large, was not familiar, and with an entrepreneur with whom his relations were far from friendly, comradely and friendly. This, in our opinion, indicates practically complete failure operational work preceding the arrest of Korshunov, because those people who prepared this accusation did not bother to study the true nature of the relationship between the people they planned to arrest.

And if we talk about the accusation of embezzlement, then it, too, in our opinion, is absolutely far-fetched and absurd, because no one bothered to study the real circumstances of the preparation for the conclusion of these contracts. Korshunov is accused of inflating the purchase price of sugar. Well, let's start with the fact that it is simply impossible, either independently or together with alleged accomplices, to organize the conclusion of a contract on previously known conditions - this is absurd. A very complex procedure of multi-stage checks precedes the conclusion of each contract. This is the first thing. And secondly, pricing when concluding a contract is influenced by many factors. For example, sugar, as you probably know, is a commodity commodity and its price is volatile and subject to fluctuations. Secondly, the Federal Penitentiary Service, like many other federal bodies, does not pay advances, but pays for the goods delivered at the end of the financial year. Thirdly, FSIN institutions are scattered throughout our vast country and are sometimes located in very inaccessible places. This means that delivering goods to the colonies is very difficult and expensive.

And finally, the last circumstance that simply hammers the nail into the coffin of the prosecution is that (a very curious circumstance) the Federal Penitentiary Service borrowed the procedure for financing contracts from the Federal Security Service. As FSIN employees told us at one of the meetings, they learned to do exactly this: not pay advances, but pay at the end. And all these circumstances lead to an increase in the price of supplied sugar. And if you do not pay advances, but pay at the end of the year, then the price increases further by the cost of a bank loan, which is necessary for the company to receive working capital to purchase this product in order to supply it to everyone.


Well, I would like to add a few phrases by way of comment, in particular on the sugar episode. This is just a classic example of what has been discussed many times in the media on various other issues. government agencies where such contracts are concluded. The bottom line is that theft is the difference between the cost at which the goods were purchased by the supplier and the cost at which it was purchased by the customer. Law enforcement agencies simply arithmetically subtract this difference and say that this difference is the amount of theft. At the same time, of course, for some reason - either out of ignorance, or lack of education - they forget to take away from this amount at least the obvious money, which consists of the supplier’s costs, taxes and other issues related to the fact that the execution of the contract requires actually pay some money for a whole year, and then only, after that, receive a refund for the goods delivered.

On the situation with sugar and on the episode with Korshunov law enforcement agencies They went even simpler: they actually took the cost of sugar at the time of purchase, the minimum, and declared it the market price. And the price at which this sugar was purchased was declared finite and inflated. Not counting absolutely none of the parameters I talked about. But main question lies not even in this, but in the approach itself - how the investigation approached this episode.


Yes, the approach is very important. The case file contains a document called “Examination of the circumstances of the supply of fuel to the Federal Penitentiary Service.” According to authoritative experts, this document is not an examination at all, since it does not meet the requirements of the criminal procedural law - but oh well, let’s leave that out of the picture. The investigation's approach is interesting. The investigation poses a question to the Investigative Committee's own forensic institution experts with a question that contains an answer in advance: how much was the overstatement of the initial, minimum contract price?

It means that? That the investigation did not set itself the task of figuring out whether there was an overstatement or not? The investigator is sure, as we can see, that this was an overstatement, and only wants to figure out what kind of overstatement it could be. That is, he had already formed his belief in advance, without thinking about those market factors that really influence price formation.


That is, the task was most likely assigned to him, to the investigator?


We assume that the investigation has been given a specific task in relation to a specific person. A person who, for many businessmen who previously supplied goods to the Federal Penitentiary Service, for those who were involved, for example, in organizing trade in pre-trial detention centers, is evil personified.


That is, Korshunov interfered with the businessmen, right?


The one who represents the loss of business, the loss of money.


Well, there's one more thing to note here. important point: about the fact that in fact the general public became aware only after the arrest of Korshunov, about the events associated with him - that is, in September 2017. But in fact, at a minimum, attempts to find some kind of crime or compromising evidence against Korshunov began at the beginning of 2016. And they also happened very in a peculiar way. This image consisted in the fact that representatives of the operational structures of the “M” division of the FSB of Russia were actually checking certain facts of Korshunov’s abuses in this way: they invited businessmen, and the conversation was structured according to the simple mechanism “Tell us about what bribes you offered or gave to Korshunov.” It turned out that if people did not know Korshunov, then the businessmen were released.


As far as I know, the question was even posed differently: “Tell me anything about any leaders of the FSIN.” Apparently, the work there was not initially aimed specifically at Korshunov, himself vulnerable person on the team, but on the service itself. For the entire team that brought order to the FSIN contracting system.


But then the question immediately arises: why, when talking about reform, do we consider the Korshunov case in such detail?


Because in fact, this, in my opinion, is the most striking example of how those people who are trying to carry out these reforms are very difficult and difficult to achieve individual elements to the end, while some continue to promote, they find themselves primarily under attack from precisely those very services that, let’s say, uphold the law and see them as one of the enemies who allegedly do not carry out these reforms and interfere with the implementation of reforms.

I just mentioned a few words, but I would like to drive the point home. After all, in fact, the first case concerning Korshunov appeared in the spring of 2016 - and exactly according to the same scheme. One of the directors of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Federal Penitentiary Service, a certain Belikov, was detained precisely under the condition that he must testify against the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Moreover, the uniqueness of this situation lies in the fact that he was actually kept for two days in a hotel at his own expense - in the city of Saratov, and for two days his operational employees convinced him to tell the truth about the bribes.

When he finally gave the explanations that they wanted to hear from him - and this all happened, of course, without the participation of a lawyer - he was arrested. And the case for which he was arrested - the theft he allegedly committed at a federal state unitary enterprise - ended 10 months later with the termination of this criminal case for lack of corpus delicti. But since it was necessary to explain what he was doing there for 10 months, two more episodes of theft were found that he was charged with. Therefore, he remained in custody, and currently the case against him has been sent to court, according to the information we have.


Another curious circumstance: the material regarding Belikov’s alleged, fictitious bribes to Korshunov was allocated for a separate audit. And for about 10 months - Sergey, if I’m not mistaken - there was supposedly an inspection, during which Korshunov was not even questioned.


Yes, more than 15 months.


And you know that this check ended with a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case for giving a bribe to Korshunov. And the decision to refuse to initiate the case was issued at 22:00 on September 14, 2017 - the day of Korshunov’s arrest, immediately after the court hearing on the selection of a preventive measure. It turns out that we have played one card, and we throw the other one out of the deck as unnecessary.


Unfortunately, we only have a minute and a half left.


I would like to mention a few more words, which in my opinion are some of the most important. They consist in the fact that Oleg Korshunov, having analyzed all the events related to his arrest and his criminal case, prepared with our participation a written statement, which he sent to the Prosecutor General of Russia, the chairman of the Investigative Committee, the director of the FSB and his former immediate superior- the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, where he outlined his thoughts on the reason for his criminal case, and on how he believes that the charge brought against him, at a minimum, does not correspond to both reality and factual circumstances.

And we hope that these documents will be reviewed by these departments in the near future. And we want to hope that what he indicated will be confirmed. Because, in our opinion, many of these facts have already been verified earlier and were confirmed during inspections by both the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee.


That is, he has not resigned himself and the struggle continues.


Of course, definitely.


And it is quite possible that the reform will continue.


I want to believe it.


Thank you! Lawyers Sergei Starovoitov and Alexander Linnikov were in the Echo studio.

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