What happens if you drink beer every day?! Drinking Beer Every Day: Impact and Consequences

Beer can be beneficial if consumed in reasonable portions ( daily norm is 500 ml for women and 700 ml for men) and not every day. Under these conditions, a foamy drink based on hops, saturated with biologically active components, can have a calming and analgesic effect on the body. But the beneficial benefits of this type of alcohol end when the sad consequences of its abuse begin, among which one of the most dangerous is the so-called beer alcoholism, so main question not whether it is possible to drink beer, but whether it is harmful to drink it too often and too much.

A few words about the positive

A person who prefers beer to other alcoholic drinks partially justifies his actions: “I drink beer because it is healthy.” We must immediately make a reservation: statements about the benefits are true only in relation to a natural, unfiltered product, in which vitamins (B1, B2, B6, PP and more), microelements (iron, magnesium, copper, phosphorus) and amino acids are concentrated as much as possible. All these components contribute to:

  • activation of metabolism;
  • support of the heart and blood vessels;
  • provoking the secretion of gastric juice and improving digestion;
  • filling the body with the optimal amount of nutrients;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis, heart attack, tuberculosis, cancer and a host of other diseases.

To achieve all these goals, you can drink beer, but only within the permitted limits - a maximum of 1 liter of drink with 3-5% ethanol content per day, which approximately corresponds to 40 grams. dose of pure ethyl alcohol or 1 glass of vodka. Experts call this portion the maximum permissible, but if possible, you should not reach it, limiting yourself to half the dose, since if you drink beer in the maximum amount every day, beer alcoholism may develop.

Let's move on to the sad

Beer, in comparison with other alcoholic drinks, is less harmful - they talk about this a lot and often, motivating this statement by the fact that it contains a smaller amount of ethyl alcohol. Thanks to this explanation, a person says to himself: “I don’t drink vodka, so it’s impossible to say that I have alcoholism.” The consequences of this misconception are dangerous, since people, reassured by information about minimal “alcohol content,” forget about the need to clarify whether they can drink a lot of beer, more than 500-700 ml per day. The answer to this question is no, since excessive consumption of this drink will be harmful to everyone without exception. internal organs and body systems:

    • liver;

  • hearts;
  • brain;
  • vascular, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, nervous, endocrine systems;

Far from it full list those problems that can develop if you drink beer every day for a long time (and even more so if a person drinks it excessively):

  • “beer belly” – abdominal (in the abdomen and waist) obesity, in its advanced form leading to heart failure, heart attacks and strokes;
  • hypertension - increased arterial pressure“, developing against the background of excessive load on the urinary system, which is caused by beer abuse”;
  • “beer” or “bull” heart is a disease in which the heart muscle dilates and thickens, which occurs due to dilation of blood vessels, an abundant flow of blood that overwhelms the bloodstream and wears out the heart;
  • problems with the digestive system - the components in beer themselves corrode the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and, what is even more harmful, stimulate increased production of hydrochloric acid, due to which the stomach will digest itself in the absence of food;
  • allergic reactions – there are so many different additives and preservatives in store-bought beer that the health of a person susceptible to food allergies can be seriously endangered;
  • hormonal imbalances in men - beer stimulates an increase in the volume of the female hormone estrogen in the blood, which causes the formation of a “female” body type with voluminous hips, a rounded belly, enlarged and sagging breasts, as well as a decrease in libido and impaired reproductive function;
  • “poisoning” with estrogen in women - excess of the normal volume of the hormone in female body leads to an increased likelihood of developing cancer, reproductive failure and teratogenic abnormalities in the development of future children.

The worst thing is beer alcoholism

No matter how beneficial beer is in small doses, the consequences of its excessive consumption can be catastrophic. And a person will not be able to say: “I don’t drink strong alcohol, I drink a low-alcohol drink, so I’m not an alcoholic.” The development of a disease called alcoholism is provoked by the actual consumption of alcohol, and not by the consumption of any particular type of drink, so beer alcoholism is also such a disease.

Take a short survey and receive a free brochure “Drinking Culture”.

What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

This type of disease is dangerous not because beer contains high percent alcohol, which negatively affects the health of a person in general and his internal organs individually. Beer alcoholism is more harmful than other types of similar diseases, as it develops almost imperceptibly, gradually, but rapidly. A person may tell himself, “I drink, but not so much that I can’t stop,” while at the same time sinking further into addiction.

Being interested in how often you can drink beer, and receiving in response a recommendation to limit yourself to 500-700 ml per day, people still act in their own way, which is why, after a certain time, beer alcoholism enters their lives. There are several reasons for this:

  • advertising – the media have been positioning beer for several years now as an element of friendly “get-togethers”, without which no party would be truly fun;
  • ignorance - this has already been said: modern people think that due to the minimal content of ethyl alcohol in a foamy drink, you can drink it without restrictions;
  • tempting - various additives make beer taste good, other components produce a sufficient relaxing effect on the drinker without full-blown intoxication, which is why you can drink as much of it as you like;
  • poor awareness - a person does not consider his boundless attraction to beer to be a real addiction, therefore he does not seek help until alcoholism reaches serious stages;
  • invisibility – even for a specialist it is not easy to determine in the early stages whether a patient suffers from beer and alcohol addiction.

Alcoholism, which is based on a painful craving for beer, is very difficult to treat, since the attraction to it, according to many narcologists, is partly of a narcotic nature. It is necessary to fight this form of the disease not only on a medical, but also on a psychological level.

If you drink beer every day, even the legal limit, you can be preparing for long-term health problems. Of course, this drink is less dangerous than vodka, more accessible than other distilled and rectified alcohol, and more “democratic” than wine. However, the harm it causes is truly great and multifaceted. This should be remembered by every person sipping a glass of beer in front of the TV and calming himself with the thought: “As long as I don’t drink vodka, I’m not an alcoholic.”

Constant stress, nervous tension and fatigue have become constant companions of life. modern man. It is not good to accumulate negativity in yourself, so the question arises of how to get rid of the emotional burden collected during the day. And a bottle of beer comes in handy. The low-alcohol drink perfectly quenches thirst, relaxes, and lifts your spirits. And the person does not notice how strongly he becomes addicted to the malt product. Imperceptibly, a glass grows into a whole bottle, then into two, and soon the body begins to insistently demand its 2 liters every day.

Doctors state that addiction to beer occurs 3-4 times faster than to vodka. And the main danger in beer alcoholism, although not all doctors agree with this definition, is people’s refusal to recognize the problem. How can there be addiction if no one gets drunk, suffers from a hangover, or skips work? Drinkers assure their loved ones that they are absolutely adequate and control their behavior. However, the first symptoms indicate the opposite:

Beer and the gastrointestinal tract

Although the alcohol content in weak alcohol is not 40%, it is still present. Depending on the variety, the strength of the drink can reach 10-14%. And this already equates a bottle of beer to 50-100 g of vodka. If you use foam every day, then fusel oils, aldehydes, methanol and other fermentation products will irritate and poison the mucous membrane, preventing complete digestion. The result is gastritis, ulcers, heartburn and problems with stool, which can be manifested by a general weakening of the body, decreased performance, depressed mood, a metallic taste or a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, heaviness in the pit of the stomach.

If you regularly drink one bottle of beer or more every day, a person is likely to have liver problems. Using all its resources to neutralize alcohol, this organ becomes defenseless against toxic and potent substances. Therefore, those who regularly drink beer are more susceptible than others to inflammatory processes, hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. The diuretic effect of foam increases the load on the kidneys by 2-3 times. Polyuria or increased urination is familiar to everyone who drinks an intoxicating drink. The problem is that along with water, important macro- and microelements are washed out of the body, in particular potassium, vitamin C and magnesium. Their deficiency is fraught with weakness in the legs, impaired heart rate, decreased immunity, irritability and sudden mood swings. With prolonged exposure to alcohol, there is a risk of renal vascular sclerosis, renal infarction, or renal hemorrhage.

Why is it dangerous to drink beer regularly?

The ability of beer to be quickly absorbed into the blood leads to the fact that the blood vessels instantly become overfilled. If a person drinks malt hops every day for a long period, he develops varicose veins and the so-called nylon stocking or ox heart syndrome. The organ becomes flabby, overgrown with fat, resulting in increased blood pressure, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, and a significantly increased risk of developing coronary disease hearts and fatal outcome after a stroke.

But the list of reasons to stop drinking alcohol does not end there. Beer contains a plant analogue of the female hormone progesterone, obtained from hop cones. It is its presence that gives the drink its characteristic bitter taste. The systematic use of additional hormones by each person disrupts the functioning of the endocrine system. In men, the action of progesterone suppresses testosterone production. Therefore, the amount of hair on the face and body decreases, the mammary glands enlarge, and the muscle mass, fat is deposited on the hips and waist, the timbre of the voice changes. Beer directly affects the quantity and quality of sperm, causing impotence, prostatitis and infertility.

Women who regularly drink an intoxicating drink at the end of the day have a rougher voice, dark hairs above the upper lip, and often face swelling in the morning and excess weight. The development of gynecological diseases and infertility is possible. Constantly drinking large quantities of beer changes a person's character. Aggression, stupidity, anger, laziness and deceit come to the fore. Alcohol also has an extremely negative effect on the brain: coordination of movements is impaired, problems with speech arise, memory deteriorates until it is completely lost, and dementia develops.

A glass of drink occasionally will not harm your health, but if drinking beer has become a habit, the refusal of which causes significant discomfort, there is a serious beer addiction. And to preserve your own health, family and the nerves of your loved ones, you should seriously think about it every evening. In fact, to get rid of a harmful attachment, one strong-willed decision is enough. However, it will require significant sacrifices and enormous endurance from a person, because a habit developed over many days is in no hurry to lose ground. Therefore, we will focus on less radical and stressful ways to stop drinking alcohol every day.

Awareness is a prerequisite to quit drinking

  1. If you are extremely gambling, bet your loved ones a significant amount that you will stop drinking. This is a very significant motivation that will stimulate the process of weaning off beer.
  2. You can get yourself a piggy bank to put the money you usually spend on alcohol. With the money saved, and they are usually quite significant, you can treat yourself.
  3. It’s very good if you find a hobby, preferably active or even extreme. The adrenaline rush, vivid emotions and euphoria from one’s own courage far exceed the pleasure of beer. Don't forget to also add improved physical fitness and new acquaintances to the above.
  4. If the bottle was part evening ritual When watching the news, try replacing it with fruits, seeds or vegetable snacks.
  5. Don't forget to praise yourself for your perseverance and willpower.
  6. Feel free to look into your future. After all, the decision to stop drinking will save a person from many diseases, moral degradation and loneliness. A person has the right to be proud of the choice he has made.
  7. If none of the above helps, contact a specialist (narcologist or psychologist). This is a responsible and courageous act in which there is nothing shameful.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do now ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I also feel sorry for my husband, that’s how he great person when he doesn't drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

If you drink beer every day, the chance of developing pathologies and diseases will increase. Beer contributes to the development of heart disease and can cause obesity.


Does beer harm the body if consumed daily?

The foamy, low-alcohol drink contains the same harmful chemical compounds as vodka and other alcohol. Therefore, the effects of beer on the body can be similar to the consequences of consuming any alcoholic beverages. Narcology specialists have reason to claim that a reduced amount of alcohol and, accordingly, degrees does not reduce the harmfulness of consumption.

With daily consumption, the amount of alcohol consumed can increase, which is extremely harmful to the human body. This is due to addiction.

Regardless of the physiological characteristics of the body, alcohol intoxication The slowest onset comes from drinking beer or low-alcohol drinks. If a person drinks a lot of beer, this indicates the assimilation of the body to intoxication and high risk development

How much beer can you drink without harm to your health?

Each person has their own resistance to alcohol poisoning and the body’s ability to remove toxins, therefore it will manifest itself in different ways.

The safe amount of beer for a man is 0.5 liters, and for a woman - 0.33 liters. Such dosages do not cause significant harm to the body and can be painlessly eliminated by the liver and kidneys.

Features of the effects of intoxicating drink

In addition to the general effects of alcohol on the body, there are some specific effects of beer that will differ for men and women.

On the male body

The male body is more susceptible to the harmful effects of beer. For the euphoric effect to appear, men need to drink large amounts of beer. This is provoked greater mass men's bodies compared to women's.

The main consequences of drinking beer for the male body:

  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • feminization;
  • increased risk of obesity;
  • increased risk of carcinomas.


Changes occur in a man’s body, provoked by the presence in the body of an antagonist of the male hormone - estrogen. It provokes the transformation of a man’s body into a woman’s.

The main stages of feminization of a man with frequent beer consumption:

  1. Figure and appearance Such a man also changes - the pelvis expands, fat is deposited according to the female type - on the hips and buttocks. The abdominal muscles weaken, and "" appears. Significantly increases the chance of education visceral fat. Breast enlargement is a consequence of hormonal imbalance. In advanced cases, colostrum may begin to ooze from the breasts.
  2. The pelvic bones, under the influence of the female hormone estrogen, which inhibits the male hormone testosterone, begin to expand. This leads to a change in the male body shape towards the female one.
  3. The mental stability of a man is disrupted. Hormonal imbalance due to drinking beer every day suppresses a man’s desire for active action. Self-esteem is depressed and ambitions disappear. A man will find many excuses for his inaction. Any criticism in this regard will be received with irritation.

Effect on the reproductive system

Drinking beer every day significantly reduces libido. Testosterone, the male hormone responsible for libido, is gradually inhibited and its concentration decreases. Impotence gradually develops, attraction to a woman is replaced by alcohol addiction.

This can cause diseases and abnormalities such as:

  1. Impotence. Beer can provoke abnormalities in a man’s reproductive function through hormonal imbalance. The cause of impotence can be varicose veins, which disrupts normal blood circulation and negatively affects erection.
  2. Infertility. When drinking a large amount of beer, a large amount of phystoestrogen and estrogen-containing extracts enter the body. This leads to blocking the production of enzymes responsible for sperm activity and can cause infertility.

It is worth noting that if you drink in moderation, alcohol increases the desire for opposite sex. Beer liberates a man, having a positive effect on potency.

On the female body

Addiction to beer in girls can lead to strong changes in the body. This is due physiological characteristics women.

Daily use beer affects:

  1. Hair. Under the influence of beer components, the hair will begin to thin, the hair will become thinner and fall out. Hair follicles degrade and can no longer adhere to the skin.
  2. Skin. The appearance of the skin will also suffer. Beer drink has a detrimental effect on epidermal tissue. The face becomes dry and flaky. Many wrinkles form as collagen fibers lose their elasticity. This is the fault of aggressive beer components.
  3. Weight. For women, beer entails rapid weight gain. Fat deposits will form on the arms, legs, stomach and thighs. This is a consequence of the high calorie content of the product and its rapid absorption by the body.

If beer consumption in men reduces attraction to the opposite sex, in women, on the contrary, it increases it, which introduces disharmony into the relationship. family relationships. The girl’s sexual desire is so increased that she already loses her inherent modesty and begins to play an active, dominant role, imposing herself on the guy.

Alcohol deals the main blow to the brain, killing its cells and primarily disrupting the most subtle functions of the cerebral cortex. Frequent drinking of beer can cause a stroke.

Changes in hormonal levels

The female body works more complexly and more gracefully than the male, in it every month hormonal background changes significantly. Invading this thin mechanism administration of phytoestrogens or other hormonal drugs threatens serious consequences up to infertility.

In a normal situation, when the body is not influenced by external factors, the woman’s body produces strictly necessary this moment amount of hormone. With active consumption of beer or hop-containing drinks, a large amount of phytoestrogen enters the body, which disrupts the hormonal balance.

Long-term effects on a woman’s body increased amount estrogen may lead to:

  1. Enlarged uterus. The body perceives the amount of estrogen in the body as a signal for an increased need for childbearing. Therefore, the uterine tissue becomes more elastic and stretches outside of pregnancy, which can lead to uterocele - prolapse of the uterus.
  2. Proliferation of vaginal tissue. An imbalanced hormonal balance leads to abnormal cell proliferation and, as a consequence, the risk of neoplasms and tumors.
  3. Release of large amounts of fluid in the fallopian tubes. This can lead to obstruction of the fallopian tubes and be the root cause of infertility. This is a consequence of the presence of a large amount of estrogen in the body and the long-term destructive influence of alcohol.
  4. Menstrual irregularities. Women who drink beer every day provoke the body's production of the male hormone testosterone, which will suppress excess female hormones. This entails violations in menstrual cycle or lack thereof.
  5. Infertility. When drinking beer or alcoholic beverages and hormonal imbalance, the woman is putting her supply of eggs at significant risk. Ethyl alcohol, contained in all alcoholic products, is a solvent and negatively affects the outer shell of the egg. By liquefying its structures, alcohol blocks the possibility of fertilization. Hormonal imbalance leads to a high probability of miscarriage or the inability to fertilize the egg.

In the video from the Alcohol Stop channel you can see how beer affects a woman’s body

Consequences of beer addiction

The first to be hit is the stomach and the whole digestive system. Beer is a powerful diuretic; its regular use simply “washes” microelements important for health from the body. Alcohol is a fat solvent and has a destructive effect on the gastric mucosa. Metabolism and digestion are often disrupted.

With constant exposure to alcohol on the stomach, the following symptoms appear:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • violation of the frequency and composition of stool;
  • initial manifestations of gastritis;
  • metallic taste in mouth.

The remaining most common consequences of beer addiction:

  1. The heart increases significantly in size as it is forced to pump excess fluid every day. The cardiac walls undergo degradation and become thinner and flabby. The outer side of the muscle becomes overgrown with fat deposits, significantly increasing the risk of a heart attack. Blood pressure increases. The body stops coping with severe physical activity due to a degraded muscular system.
  2. A large amount of fibrous and dysfunctional tissue forms in the lungs, which prevents them from coping with gas exchange, resulting in shortness of breath. The chance of contracting tuberculosis and bronchitis increases. Capillaries, oppressed by the destructive effects of alcohol and cholesterol formed in the blood, begin to become overgrown with fatty deposits and die. This can lead to blockage of blood vessels, stroke of the alveoli and oxygen starvation. Hypoxia caused by disruption of the lungs leads to disruption of the brain.
  3. Death of brain cells. There is one thing in beer chemical compound– cadaverine. This substance is harmful to brain cells and provokes the development of dementia.
  4. Constant consumption of alcohol or low-alcohol products is dangerous for nervous system. A depressed central nervous system can malfunction and misinterpret brain signals.
  5. Availability large quantities carbon dioxide and cobalt also negatively affects the functioning of the heart. Myocardial cells (the muscle layer of the heart) suffer. Gradually, the myocardium enlarges and weakens, which leads to heart failure.
  6. If

In this article I will present a concrete plan. Let's avoid common phrases. I will give step by step instructions– what exactly needs to be done to stop drinking beer once and for all.

Let me make a reservation right away, the article gives it personally my opinion, and personally my beliefs on this topic. And they may disagree with the opinion of the majority, but this does not mean at all that these beliefs are not true.

On the contrary, thanks to these principles, I myself stopped drinking beer every day. And at the moment I haven’t drunk for more than 3 years, although I’ve been pouring beer with a bang for more than 10 years almost every day.

I think this fact deserves you to read the article to the end and try to glean valuable information for yourself.

I also wrote about how to stop drinking beer in my other articles:

So, let's get straight to the point.

Is beer a weak alcohol?

Many people justify their drinking by thinking that beer is a weak drink.

The fact that you drink beer and not vodka, for example, or cognac, does not in any way justify or protect you.

If beer - low alcohol drink, does not mean that you cannot develop a strong one!

And the main reason why it is difficult to stop drinking beer every day is precisely because beer is considered to be a light drink. There is a false assumption that we cannot become dependent on beer.

Guys, beer really destroys the psyche. And your denial of this fact only makes it easier for this destruction to continue.

I discussed this issue in detail in another article. I recommend reading it at your leisure.

Volume of beer consumed

Answer honestly: Personally, can you drink a glass of beer and stop?

Can you limit yourself to one bottle of beer and tell yourself “stop”?

I think the answer is no. I couldn't either.

It's all about quantity. We drink much more beer than other drinks: we drink liters of it. Therefore, beer can compete with any alcoholic drink in terms of developing addiction.

A person who sees 4% in beer and 40% in vodka forgets to multiply this by the volume of drink. I won’t do the arithmetic, do the math yourself, but I think the meaning is clear. The final figures will be comparable.

And 5 bottles of beer or 5 glasses of wine will be equivalent to half a bottle of vodka.

Awareness this fact make you think that it’s time to stop drinking beer every day.

Master of excuses. Why do I drink beer?

There are many other excuses that prevent us from quitting beer every day.

If at one time there was a nomination “ Master of Beer Excuses 2016“, I would definitely take first place on it.

How do you justify drinking beer every day?

Make your list of excuses " why do I drink beer” and kill every excuse in your own head.

As long as there is at least one false benefit in your brain that you think you are getting from pouring a foamy drink, you will not be able to stop drinking beer every day.

This is what my list of excuses looked like.

TOP excuses. Why do I drink beer?

  1. Beer helps me relax
  2. Beer relaxes me and makes me happier
  3. Beer helps relieve stress after a working day,
  4. Have a fun time with friends with beer,
  5. The beer is delicious
  6. Beer is a very weak alcohol and cannot become addictive,
  7. I drink beer, not vodka, so I can’t have any problems,
  8. Beer makes me happy.

I gradually destroyed these excuses. This was not easy to do because they seem so righteous that it seems absurd to question them.

They seem bold pluses, giving up which, it seems that your life may become meaningless. But this is a mirage that creates fear in which we continue to believe.

Your own excuses for why you can't stop drinking beer every day serve powerful weapon which is used by alcohol against yourself.

While you're saying " It's not about me. I have no problem with beer", alcohol continues to successfully take over your psyche abroad, cooler than Hitler with his Barbarossa plan. You and only you voluntarily open the doors to your fortress for him.

If you have moved at least one brick in your own beliefs, then continue reading. Then even more discoveries will come.

If not, it’s better to close the site; in your case, self-deception turned out to be much stronger than I expected.

  1. The addiction control center is within us

Now you don’t choose how much and when you drink beer.

Addiction itself chooses when and in what quantity you drink beer. The psyche has long been controlled not by you, but by addiction.

I know it sounds crazy, but it's true.

The longer you deny your underlying problems caused by drinking beer, the harder it is to stop drinking beer.

You notice that in sobriety:

  • the colors of life are darkening,
  • there is an inexplicable constant fear,
  • feeling of anxiety,
  • it hinders your life activity.

The truth is not always pleasant, but it resonates with your soul. You understand that this is the fucking way it is. And maybe this is what made you look for the answer to the question, what’s going on with me? And how can you finally stop drinking beer every day?

The surprise that awaits you after you stop drinking beer every day

The second step is to learn to recognize the symptoms that drinking beer causes. They make you drink again and again.

These symptoms begin to act with particular force only after 4-7 days after you stop drinking beer. This delayed effect prevents you from seeing a direct connection between your bad mood and the fact that you drank beer 7 days ago.

The existence of such explains why a person who drinks beer cannot abstain for more than one or two weeks.

Even if, with incredible difficulty, you manage to hold out longer than this period, your psyche will still sooner or later force you to go to the store and buy beer again.

I wrote more in a separate article about. This is a kind of instruction on how to remove withdrawal symptoms.


  1. Try not drinking beer for a while;
  2. Soon you will see how your own psyche will force you to drink beer;
  3. You will be overtaken by a negative state of incredible strength;
  4. Drinking beer seems like the best solution;
  5. You will find a good reason to justify yourself and drink.

Only then, having convinced yourself of this, be sure to come back to find out what to do.

Recognizing the problem is an important step to stop drinking beer every day

Admit it, comrade, that you have lost control. Admit to yourself that addiction is controlling you. This is a necessary step towards further cleansing.

This is the only option that will help you stop drinking beer every day.

Having done this, you will see the enemy in the face.

  • Distinguish and recognize how addiction causes you to drink beer,
  • Recognize the inappropriate feelings that lead to drinking beer.

It sounds simple, but 96% of people attribute symptoms caused by addiction to external reasons and circumstances. By making a fatal mistake, they continually return to their addiction again and again.

  1. Arm yourself with knowledge.

The next step to quit drinking beer every day is that you need to arm yourself with knowledge.

Don't downplay the enemy.

You need to gain a whole arsenal of knowledge that will be your weapon in the fight against alcohol.

You must understand how alcohol addiction deceives you and does not allow you to stop drinking beer.

You must have your own effective techniques and know how to fight.

  1. Quitting drinking beer every day is the easiest thing to do

And in general the very formulation of the question “ How to stop drinking beer every day" is a little incorrect.

Because anyone can stop drinking beer.

But what's the point if, for example, you stop drinking beer for 1-2 weeks, and then relapse again? Why such ostentatious heroism without results?

The focus should be shifted to the goal “How not to start drinking beer after you quit?”

And for this you need:

  • learn to avoid relapse, ( )
  • learn to stay sober ( )
  1. How much beer can you drink per day? Is there a norm?

No - there is no acceptable norm for drinking beer. If there is, then it is equal to zero.

  • zero liters of beer a day,
  • zero liters per month,
  • zero liters of beer in my entire life.


I don’t want to destroy now fictitious legends like “ Doctors say a glass of beer a day is good for you" If you are accustomed to believing the prejudices of society, fables and gossip, driven like a granite stone into the opinions of the majority, we are not on the same path. I still hope your IQ level is high enough to independently distinguish folk fiction from the truth.

Therefore, you need to understand that you need to stop drinking beer every day completely and irrevocably.

Brief abstract of the article

How to stop drinking beer every day

For those who have forgotten 90% of the information you just read, here is a short list of the main points of the article:

  1. Get rid of the main excuse that beer is a low-alcohol drink. Understand that beer can be more addictive than vodka.
  2. Destroy your other excuses and reasons why you drink beer every day. They are the ones who prevent you from taking even a step in the direction of sobriety.
  3. You need to distinguish between the inappropriate feelings that make you drink again and again. If a person does not recognize the symptoms caused by withdrawal from beer, he is doomed to relapse.
  4. Understand that you cannot drink beer in moderation. The only norm is zero!
  5. Before you stop drinking beer, prepare and educate yourself about your addiction. Don't downplay the enemy's strength.
  6. Find out the mechanism for maintaining sobriety for life in the video training Arsenal of Sobriety ( 32 votes, rating: 4,25 out of 5)
    Arseny Kaisarov

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