What does it mean to be in a person’s soul. Does man have a soul? Experiments by American scientists

All world religions and practicing psychics not only do not deny the presence of a soul, but also express the bold idea that a person is a soul surrounded by the shells of a material body. Leaving its abode at the moment of physical death of the organism, the ephemeral substance continues its path, passing into subtle worlds. What happens to a person’s soul after the moment of death directly depends on what it was fed during life and what actions were performed.

Separation of the soul from the body

In this article


The soul is a vortex substance that stores energy and all the experience accumulated during each of the incarnations in physical world. Like human body, the soul is capable of growing and developing, it is multidimensional and contains several levels.

Only humans have a soul, but every living and nonliving creature on the planet has a Spirit. This is the primary divine particle, a component of the universe, which is everywhere and everywhere. The soul can be destroyed, sold, lost, but the Spirit cannot.

Let's imagine human shells in the form of a hierarchy: the physical body is controlled by the soul, the soul, in turn, is subject to the control of the Spirit, all this is surrounded by conscience, like an ocean that directs a person to the path of goodness and justice.

Multidimensional structure of soul and spirit

Peter Novochekhov will tell about the components of the soul from the point of view of the Bible, about the purpose of the Spirit:

The soul itself consists of 3 components, which are described in the following subheadings.

Animal soul

The lowest level is usually called animal - it is he who is responsible for the current embodiment in bodily form. Located in the lower Dan Tien field, the animal soul changes from incarnation to incarnation.

It manifests itself at the level of instincts and physical desires. It is not capable of giving birth to thoughts and ideas, it does not accumulate life experience. If you allow physical needs to control your life, the animal soul will begin to grow, in which case the soul is not destined to move to a higher level of development, it gets stuck in the world of illusions.

Psychic soul

It is located at the level of the solar plexus, and its second name is the emotional soul. This is a constant part that passes from one shell to another, accumulating the experience of emotions, experiences and dreams experienced during earthly life.

It is this level of the soul that is responsible for the brightness of feelings: thanks to it, a person cries and laughs, experiences rage and peace.

Learn to control emotions during the soul's earthly existence: this will help her move on new level, and not descend to a permanent stay on the animal level.

Here is the “control panel” of love: and the maturity of this feeling will depend only on the level of the soul. Young people, as a rule, reduce love to the level of animal instincts, while mature souls are capable of raising it to a qualitatively new height - making love absolute.

Rational soul

This part connects the body and Spirit, according to experts, located at the level of the heart or slightly higher. It is completely devoid of emotions and feelings: while the animal soul experiences endless needs, and the emotional soul experiences the entire spectrum of feelings, the rational part looks for ways to solve problems and comprehends what is happening.

The rational soul is located in the region of the heart

Without which there is no life

For a long time, people have been trying to understand where the human soul, existence without which is impossible. One of the students ancient Greek philosopher Democritus - Galen - assumed that its place was in the blood vessels. When dying, a person loses blood, with which the soul leaves the body. But then it is unclear what happens in the event of death not from blood loss.

The ancient Egyptians assumed that the existence of the soul is unrealistic without preserving the body, which is why rituals to preserve bodily shells acquired such great importance in culture; Egyptologists still find “houses of souls” - mummies.

It was also assumed that the soul is located in the chest area - after all, it is this that makes it possible to breathe, which is impossible in a dead state. The peoples of the north placed the soul in the area of ​​the cervical vertebra, because they knew that damage to it would lead to inevitable death.

Nowadays there is also no consensus

The results published by German psychologists from the city of Lubeck are interesting. A group of children aged 6 to 18 were methodically asked: “Where do you think the soul is?” It is striking that all the older children pointed to the entire body - from the heels to the top of the head, but the little ones unanimously pointed to a point just to the left of the heart. Perhaps they feel the soul more acutely than their older comrades and are able to accurately determine its location?

Scientists are not accustomed to relying on empirical methods and statistical data from sociological surveys: they prefer dry facts.

Is the soul part of the brain?

In the 17th century, the famous French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes put forward the opinion that the soul is component brain, located in the pineal gland - the only unpaired section of the most important human organ, discovered by Russian Nikolai Kobyzev.

Pineal gland of the brain

Followers of Descartes' theory claim that in children under 7 years of age, the pineal gland is shaped like an eye with a pronounced lens, photoreceptors and nerve endings characteristic of the standard structure of the eye. But upon reaching the youngest school age gradually begins to atrophy, since most people do not use it.

Biologists from the American George Washington University conducted experiments to identify the functions of the pineal gland. One of them involved taking an encephalogram in patients near death. The photographs of all the dying people in the last seconds of life were strikingly similar to each other: the picture resembled a real explosion. And the scale of empirical impulses soared to the point highest performance. Scientists have suggested that this unusual brain activity is evidence of the release of a colossal energy flow. Perhaps this is nothing more than a farewell to the body and soul.

Is the heart the head of everything?

You can often hear that the heart is the true home of the soul. This fact is also confirmed by the theory of world religions about the farewell of the body to the soul on the 40th day of death, it is during this period that the cells of the human heart are completely destroyed. Coincidence or pattern?

Unfortunately, in the field of studying the soul today there are many more questions than answers. Paul Purcell, a practicing American psychiatrist, conducted his own investigation and interviewed 140 transplant survivors. The results are published in the book “The Heart Code”, and they are truly amazing. It turned out that after a heart transplant, a person’s personality changes greatly; he takes on the traits of the organ donor.

Paul Purcell and his book "The Heart Code"

The following story argues against Purcell's concept. Cheryl Johnson, 37, received a kidney from a 60-year-old donor. After the transplant, the woman began to show intolerance and incontinence, previously unusual for her. It turned out that the donor had a violent temperament, which was mysteriously passed on to Cheryl.

Can blood be a container for the soul?

Blood transfusion has long become a routine procedure, but every time doctors are impressed by the transformations in a person. Particularly striking changes can be observed if the transfusion was significant in volume. Height and weight may undergo changes, the shape of the earlobe and even the chin will transform.

A case of 3 liters of blood transfusion to Alexander Litvin, who was wounded as a result of hostilities, is described. The doctor was unable to obtain the entire required volume of a rare blood type for transfusion from one person; a group of his colleagues became donors. After being discharged from the hospital, the man was amazed by the external changes in his body: his height suddenly increased by 5 centimeters and his weight by 6 kilograms. The shape of the ear has also changed.

This case leads to the logical conclusion that blood is the home of the soul.

Even the clock stops

Let us consider the anomalous phenomena preceding fatal outcome. Professor Charles Tart and physicist Robert Monroe, as well as near-death researcher Melvin Morse, are actively working on the issue.

Scientists working on thanatology

All scientists support the theory of preservation of part of consciousness in the subcortex of the brain even after the recorded death of the organism. They are trying to confirm this theory by discovering its material basis - the particles that make up the core of the soul. They are also investigating cases of encounters with the spirits of the dead, who can be seen within a day after a person’s heart stops.

According to the records of Melvin Morse, everyone who encountered ghosts discovered a certain pattern - their wrist watch faltered or stopped altogether after such an otherworldly meeting. This unusual phenomenon gave reason to assume the presence of a strong energy field in the souls of deceased people.

Charles Tart is famous for his experience with oscilloscopes: he placed the devices in the wards of terminally ill patients and waited for their activity to show. While people were alive, the instruments were silent, but just a couple of seconds after death, oscilloscopes recorded bursts of activity, which again confirms the theory of the presence electromagnetic field souls.

Soul age

According to the Buddhist picture of the world, the soul accumulates experience during each of its earthly incarnations. However, Orthodoxy rejects this concept, speaking about the existence of Heaven or Hell.

However, experiments with hypnosis indicate the presence of past lives: many people remembered their incarnations.

Textbook of Death

In the 8th century AD, a Tibetan-born Buddhist preacher, Guru Padmasambhava, created a treatise dedicated to the art of death as a process. The book teaches the correct passage through the last test on the path of life, it is based on the ancient scrolls and is called “Bardo Thödol”, which literally translates as “Book of the Dead”.

Tibetan Book of the Dead

The book describes in detail the “bardo” - the stages of death through which every person is destined to go. Exactly 49 days pass from physical death to the next reincarnation of the soul. To successfully pass through this test, you need to know certain tantric practices, so generously and in detail described by the Tibetan guru.

According to the entries in the “Book of the Dead”, after death the soul does not lose sight and connection with the real world that it left: for some time it monitors relatives and friends, watches how farewell to its physical shell goes, and pays attention to the material side funeral rite.

After the body has been buried, the soul rushes to meet the Luminous Beings, not feeling fear of them, but rejoicing at the approach of this hour. The deceased looks into a kind of mirror, in which he sees every single one of his earthly actions. At the moment of viewing, a full awareness of the meaning of life comes. After the mirror of fate, the human soul enters the Great Judgment and hovers for 49 days in anticipation of a new rebirth, the form for which was determined at the Judgment.

The Lord God is a programmer, and our souls are his programs

With the development of computer technology, an interesting theory has emerged that the soul is information about our personality, recorded in the Universe in the form of a special code. In this hypothesis, the Universe is perceived as a perfect computer, which contains everything that happens on earth and beyond. Each step of a person is predetermined and calculated by a special program embedded in the body shell with the help of the soul.

Today, scientists are experimenting with powerful quantum computers that can accommodate, calculate, and store enormous amounts of information. It was they who gave the scientist Seth Lloyd the idea of ​​​​a perfect device capable of processing all the information in the Universe.

Following the scientist’s logic, the soul is still a program akin to a computer program, but especially complex. She is capable of self-improvement and self-learning. How the largest database in the Universe is transmitted and where it is stored remains a mystery, but the theory continues to find followers.

Scientists' opinion

For the most part, scientists continue to remain skeptical about the reality of the soul. However, enthusiasts from the world of science never cease to amaze.

Pavel Guskov from Barnaul conducted an experiment with water, trying to prove that each person’s soul is as individual and capable of leaving imprints like fingertips. Five people were invited, placing a glass of water next to each for 10 minutes. After this, Guskov analyzed the samples for changes in structure. Surprisingly, it turned out that the water of each of the experiment participants acquired new properties that were different from the rest of the focus group samples.

Psychics believe that material confirmation of the reality of the soul is just a matter of time.

An investigation into the secrets of the human soul was conducted by the Unknown channel.

A Practical Exercise for Soul Search

Having taken a comfortable position, close your eyes and mentally ask your subconscious: “Where is my soul?” Hands are intuitively placed on the place where the etheric substance feels located. Then, recall in as much detail as possible any memory that evoked strong emotions, good or bad. If your hands are in right place, a picture-symbol will appear in the subconscious, which is a reflection of the human soul.

The images that have arrived indicate different stages of soul development:

  1. Crystal - the soul has accumulated enough experience and can endow a person with special qualities, making him a useful element of the universe.
  2. Flower - the soul is open to transformation, longs for change and new achievements.
  3. The bird is a mobile form of the soul, ready to realize practical goals.
  4. Humanoid form - she has many earthly reincarnations behind her.

The question of the existence of the soul never ceases to be the subject of heated debate between scientists and ordinary people, religious figures and psychics. Today the presence of a soul can only be confirmed indirectly, but the time is not far off when it will be possible to shed the light of truth on this issue.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed! by Notes of the Wild Mistress

IN last century of the second millennium, scientists, and after them all sensible people, were convinced that we do not have a soul. There is only an abstract concept that explains religious dogmas, and fascinating children's fairy tales, such as The Stag King by Carl Gozzi.

But now the third millennium has arrived. And suddenly, more and more often, reports began to appear in the press about absolutely amazing phenomena, objectively demonstrating that, despite official science, a person still has a soul.

Specialists invited by the radio station meticulously reviewed the scores of all works broadcast on the BBC. All the compositions corresponded one to one to the professional handwriting of the deceased musicians! It turned out that they were actually composed by Liszt, Chopin, Beethoven and other great composers. Moreover, the BBC management submitted the scores for examination, and it was discovered that even the recording system fully corresponded to the author's handwriting of each of the composers!

All these various musical works were transferred to the editorial office of the radio station by a housewife from London, Rosemary Brown. According to her, all the scores were dictated to her themselves... by deceased composers! And these creations of great geniuses, unknown to specialists, numbered about four hundred. The musical works received from the world of the dead were not sketches, but entire compositions, composed mostly for piano, but some of them were also written for symphony orchestra.

Unexpectedly for herself, Rosemary became a unique person through whom deceased composers began to transmit their works to the living. One day she walked up to the old piano, which she had not played for many, many years, and touched the keys with clumsy fingers.

Suddenly Rosemary felt that she was not alone in the room - someone was standing behind her. She turned around in fear. It was the great Franz Liszt! Then something completely incredible happened: it was as if he began to move the woman’s fingers, and a wonderful melody flowed from under them! The Hungarian classic disappeared as suddenly as he had appeared, and after this incident he began to come to Rosemary almost every day. And each time the woman always played a new piece at the suggestion of the ghost. As she wrote, “he used my hands like a pair of gloves.” At first, “the notes were at her fingertips,” and then she felt offended that only she could enjoy such beautiful music.

She asked Liszt to translate the pieces of music into sheet music and write them down on paper with her hands. So Rosemary began to transmit the musical works of Liszt, composed by him after his death. One day Liszt came to Rosemary with a pale-faced man with soft features and introduced him: “My friend Frederic Chopin.” A little time passed, and Chopin also began to play the piano with the help of Rosemary and record previously unheard works with her hands... As Rosemary claimed, Liszt began to bring other composers to her. Most of them became her true friends, others, like Mozart, for some reason did not stay with her for long.

Now let’s listen to the opinion of these works of deceased composers, professional musician, pianist Yehudi Menuhin, received from the world of spirits: “I look at these manuscripts with the greatest respect. Each piece is definitely in the composer’s style.” British composer Richard Rodney Bennett shares the same opinion: “Many people can improvise, but such music cannot be faked without many years of practice. Personally, I wouldn’t be able to fake something like Beethoven.”


It turns out that a person has a soul, and it is truly immortal. But two questions immediately arise: what is the soul and where does it reside after the death of the physical body?

At the Institute of Semiconductors of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Natural Sciences Eugenius Kugis conducted a unique series of studies. Accurate measurements made by the scientist showed that when a person dies, he loses from 3 to 7 grams of weight. Kugis suggested that this is the weight of the soul leaving the body. In his opinion, every person has a soul. And not in a figurative sense, but literally: “The soul is a bunch of weak energies, the so-called astral body, capable of very strongly influencing the physical body and even material objects.”

Here is information about another interesting discovery made at Princeton University in the USA. It turned out that the soul can not only be weighed, but also felt. The following experiments were carried out in which psychics took part. A psychic was seated under a specially designed installation from which light balls poured out. When the psychic did not think about the balls, they fell and formed a hill of the correct shape. But as soon as he concentrated his attention on the balls, the shape of the slide changed according to his mental order. According to researchers, the shape of the slide was influenced by the human soul, or, as it is now called, the astral body.

Now let's return to Lithuania again. Here, researchers Lolita and Darius Zhukasov created equipment that allows them to see changes in the color of the soul. The person lowered his hand onto a palm-shaped device with sensors. Then a video camera was turned on, aimed at the person, and his head appeared on the monitor screen, surrounded by the outline of his soul, painted in all sorts of colors depending on the mood, thoughts and health of the person.

Interesting results were obtained in Russia by a group of St. Petersburg scientists under the leadership of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Konstantin Korotkov. In their research, they used special equipment that made it possible to record changes in the glow of various substances in an intense magnetic field. According to the professor, by the glow of the fingers on the hands of the dead, one could observe the process of a gradual exodus from the body of a certain substance - the “soul” of a person, which has an energy basis. True, such research was not always safe. In cases where experiments were carried out with recently deceased young people, the energy field of the latter somehow affected the scientists, and they experienced unpleasant sensations.

The professor supplemented the research on the outcome of the soul with a study of the “disappearance of the biological field” - the soul in psychics. The screen of his device reflects the human biological field. And suddenly it disappears. What is happening: there is a body, but there is no biofield? Instead of an evenly glowing silhouette of a person, reflecting the parameters of his biofield, rapidly flashing and extinguishing impulses appear on the screen. According to K. Korotkov, the experiments carried out made it possible to obtain “a picture of the human soul in special condition" This made it possible to create a method for objectively assessing the real abilities of psychics. After all, they can conduct their sessions and help those suffering only in a special state of their soul.

According to K. Korotkov, the experiments carried out convinced him “of the existence of what is called human soul... Belief in the immortality of the soul is changing to a certain extent. Strictly speaking, one can, in my opinion, say that there is no death. There is a rotation, an eternal dance of transformations and metamorphoses.”

Research by scientists at the turn of the millennium showed that the human soul has weight, shape and color. But they did not answer the question of what, after all, the soul is from the point of view of modern science.


I have repeatedly had the opportunity to talk with the oldest ufologist in Russia, the leading scientific expert of the Association of the Unknown, Yu.A. Fomin. Yuri Alexandrovich is a man of encyclopedic knowledge - it’s not for nothing that one of his books is called “Encyclopedia anomalous phenomena" In his monograph, Yuri Fomin talked about the peculiarities of the perception of the world, the multidimensionality of space and time, the nature of some anomalous phenomena, the prospects for the evolution of humanity and the problems associated with unknown flying objects.

There is also a chapter in the book that is directly related to the problem of life and death of a person and to his soul - “Extracellular information structures.” Yuri Fomin drew attention to the discrepancy in the amount of information that can be contained in a single cell that gives rise to a person, and the minimum volume necessary for the construction and functioning of the human body. According to experts, the information capabilities of a living cell do not exceed 5.8 x 109 bits, and the minimum amount of information necessary to perform all the functions inherent in the cell and, especially, to program the development of a new organism from this cell must be no less than 1023-25 bit. In order to have an idea of ​​the comparability of these values, the ufologist gave the following example. If we conventionally accept the information capacity of a cell as 10 bits per millimeter, then the value of 1023-25 ​​bits will be equal to seven distances from the Earth to the Sun.

Where is this colossal amount of information necessary for the development and functioning of the cell stored? According to Yu. Fomin, the carrier of hereditary information is not the cell nucleus, but the information distribution structure. It is a kind of multidimensional formation surrounding the cell and the entire organism as a whole. It is this structure that forms what is commonly called the essence of a person, his “soul.” And you human body- this is just a biological machine that the “soul” uses.


What happens when a person dies? Let’s let Yuri Fomin himself answer this question: “Death leads to the destruction of the biological structure. But what happens then to the information distribution structure? It is preserved after death, carrying all the information about the subject, and even has its independence. For some time it still has some activity due to the stored energy, which can manifest itself during spiritualistic contacts.” By the way, Yuri Fomin long years studied such contacts, and in his apartment there are several cabinets filled with protocols of such sessions.

As a result of centuries of experience, humanity has identified certain patterns of loss of such activity of information-distribution structures (soul) and established some critical moments of its occurrence. This is how the well-known terms appeared and came into use: “nine days” and “forty days” after death, during which a person is remembered by his relatives and friends.

Thus, death should not be considered as a complete disappearance of a personality, but only as a transition to a different qualitative state in which it continues to exist, and in some cases may even manifest itself in the world we perceive.

The assumption that “once created information is stored and somehow displayed in the Universe” is now increasingly developing into a certainty. This is greatly facilitated by the works of Russian scientists and their discoveries in the field of bioenergy informatics. Physicist G. Shipov put forward a hypothesis that at the level of physical vacuum, an information display of all things is possible. It, like a giant computer with endless memory in conditions of unlimited time, contains information about everything and everyone, and sometimes this “computer” can be accessed by a person, the human brain. There are only a few such people, but they have always been and are.

A major role in understanding what happens to a person after death was played by the famous Russian biologist, founder of the new scientific direction- wave genetics - Pyotr Garyaev. “When we die,” says the scientist, “we do not disappear. We persist at the personal level.” A person, in his view, is the information and energy content of a genetic molecule, a convolution of a person’s material and energetic body, his physical body and soul. Each person, as it were, marks the room where he was, the air he breathed, the things he touched, on everything he leaves the imprint of his personality... And the questions about whether we remember ourselves after death, whether our thin body, - this is outside the experiment. Although people have accumulated a lot of empirical evidence, which suggests that yes, we remember.”

All teachings and evidence, obtained both through mystical or religious insights, and through scientific experimentation, boil down to the fact that the soul can leave the body, exist outside of it, see other worlds, and then return to the body and continue its earthly existence.

Summing up the results of research by scientists conducted at the turn of the millennium, the experience of mankind and the information and distribution structure developed by Yuri Fomin, which explains many of the mysterious properties of our consciousness, we can say with confidence: people have a soul, and it is immortal.

Various spiritual teachings proceed from the fact that man has an immortal essence - a soul. When our body dies, the soul goes to the afterlife or moves on to the next physical incarnation. This is confirmed by the stories of people who experienced clinical death. I wonder if there are any purely scientific facts, supporting this theory?

Does consciousness live outside the brain?

It is generally accepted that the thinking process takes place in our brain. In this case, death or brain damage should lead to the destruction of consciousness, and therefore to the death of the soul. But at the same time, there are many facts that cast doubt on this statement.

The first to put forward the hypothesis that the brain is only a “receiver” for thoughts was Nobel laureate John Eccles. The famous Russian neurophysiologist Natalya Bekhtereva believed that the generally accepted theory of the brain is not able to explain how, for example, the creative process occurs. Research conducted at the St. Petersburg Brain Institute has shown that this organ is capable of generating only thoughts regarding the simplest and most common actions that we perform every day... In addition, there are known facts when a tomograph recorded brain activity in patients who were in a coma or hypnotic trance.

Shocking examples

Back in the 20s of the last century, biologist Carl Lashley discovered that conditioned reflexes in rats do not disappear after removal of various parts of the brain. There are many cases where people with brain damage retained mental capacity in full.

Thus, American Carlos Rodriguez lives without the frontal lobes of the brain, that is, he is missing as much as 60 percent of this organ. Dr. Robinson of the Paris Academy of Sciences described a case in which a man died at about 60 years of age and died a month after receiving a head injury. During the autopsy, it turned out that instead of a brain he had only a thin shell of brain matter... Despite this, until the injury, the man led a completely normal life.

The German scientist Hufland encountered a similar episode. In the skull of a patient who died shortly after being paralyzed, instead of a brain, 300 grams of liquid floated. However, before the paralysis, the patient functioned quite normally...

In 1976, at the age of 55, the famous Dutch watchmaker Jan Geerling died. His skull was also filled with fluid instead of brain...

One of the latest such cases was recorded in Sheffield (Scotland). X-rays revealed that the student, whose IQ was 126, which is above average, has a completely absent brain... Even if we assume that healthy parts of the brain are able to take over the functions of damaged ones, how can water inside the skull replace the brain? Or just emptiness?

Rather, one can believe that there is some immaterial entity, including consciousness, that temporarily “inhabits” us. And the body is just a shell within which the soul functions.

Phantom effect

People who have amputated limbs often feel so-called phantom pain - the missing arm or leg ache or itch, so that sometimes it causes unbearable suffering... It seems that the “aura” of the missing body parts remains, and it causes similar sensations.

Eat famous photograph, which depicts a tree that has lost part of its trunk and crown after a lightning strike. But in a photo taken with special radiation, the tree looks intact: the missing branches, trunk and even foliage are clearly visible. Because the “aura” of the tree, its “soul”, has been preserved...

Receiver for the soul

But why does the soul need a body? According to most religions, the soul does not appear at the very moment of conception, but later, when the embryo develops a brain. “The human brain in this case is a kind of receiver that receives information from the personality-consciousness-soul,” says Ruslan Madatov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, teacher at the Department of Religious Studies at one of the Prague universities. “It’s not for nothing that the neurons of the brain are very similar to a transceiver device, even in appearance! Any biologist familiar with physical science will tell you this. electrical diagrams"Probably, a “reverse” process can also occur, when with the help of the brain we emit information into the surrounding space. This is what can explain such “parascientific” phenomena as telepathy or clairvoyance.

All this means that it is possible to influence the brain from the outside, activating its cells, for example, in medicinal purposes by electromagnetic stimulation method. Although we are still far from understanding the mechanism of interaction between the soul and the body. And is it possible today? official science explain this?

The human body has been studied far and wide, and yet there remains an unexplored area about which one can only speculate and speculate. For many centuries people have been asking the question: what is the soul? If it cannot be seen, does it mean that it does not exist at all?

What is the soul and where is it located?

From the perspective of religion, the concept is understood as “something” located in a person, which enters the body at the beginning of life and leaves with the onset of death. What is the human soul in a general sense? This is human consciousness, thoughts, images and visions, character traits. But the place where the invisible entity is, different peoples are defined differently:

  1. In Babylon they reserved a place for it in the ears.
  2. The ancient Jews reasoned that the carrier was blood.
  3. The Eskimos believe that the soul is located in the cervical vertebrae, as the most vital organ.
  4. But the most common belief is that it lives in the parts of the body involved in breathing. This is the chest, stomach, head.

What is the soul from a scientific point of view?

It is still unknown what the soul consists of, how much it weighs and in what part of the body it is located. However, attempts have been made repeatedly to get to the bottom of the truth. In 1915, American physician Mac Dougall measured a person's weight before and immediately after death. The vibrations amounted to only 22 grams - this is the weight assigned to the “soul”. Other doctors conducted similar experiments, but the data were not confirmed. One thing is certain: at the moment of departure to another world and even during sleep, the human body becomes lighter. Near-death researchers have recorded abnormal movements and unclear bursts of energy.

What is the soul in psychology?

The term “psychology” can be translated as “the science of the soul.” Although this concept is abstract, has neither form nor proof, it plays a role in psychology vital role and is the main subject of study. For several centuries, theologians and philosophers have been trying to answer the question “What is the human soul?” One of the founders of psychology, Aristotle, denied the idea of ​​it as a substance, but saw it as separated from matter. He called the main function of the entity the implementation of the biological existence of the organism. Another famous philosopher, Plato, distinguishes three principles of the soul:

  • the lower, unreasonable - makes humans related to animals and plants;
  • rational - counteracting the aspirations of the first, dominating him;
  • “fierce spirit” is what a person fights with the whole world for, his aspirations.

What is the human soul in Orthodoxy?

Only the church does not pose the question: . Holy Bible calls it one of the two components of every person, along with the body. What is the soul in Orthodoxy? This is the basis of life, an incorporeal essence, an immortal, unshakable principle created by the Lord. The body can be killed, but the soul cannot. She is invisible by nature, but endowed with intelligence, and the intelligence belongs to her.

Restless soul - what does it mean?

People go through their path in this world, measured out to them from above. Believers believe that there is such a thing as the soul leaving the body after death and going on a further journey to another world. But sometimes the essence does not find peace if a person’s affairs on earth are not completed. What does a restless soul mean? She is attached to a place, people, events, and cannot let go of the body and the world of the living. According to beliefs, suicides, those who died tragically, or those who are “not let go” by their relatives cannot find peace. They seem to hang between worlds and sometimes appear alive in the form of ghosts.

Spirit and soul - what is the difference?

The soul is a step from consciousness to reality, helping to adapt to the world. The human “I” is determined in this world by spirit, personality. From the point of view of philosophy, these concepts are inseparable from each other, and both are in the body, but still differ. And the question remains open: what is spirit and soul?

  1. Soul- the intangible essence of personality, the engine of life for a person. Every journey of life begins with her from conception. The area of ​​feelings and desires is subject to her.
  2. Spirit- the highest degree of every essence that leads to God. Thanks to the spirit, people stand out from the animal world and become one step higher. Spirit is self-knowledge, the realm of will and knowledge, and is formed in childhood.

My soul hurts - what to do?

Let me see the inner spiritual world impossible, but it can be felt, especially felt. This occurs when a person experiences strong emotions of a negative nature, for example, suffering after the death of a close person or a difficult breakup. People have not come to a consensus on what to do if the soul hurts from love or grief. There is no medicine to relieve suffering (unlike physical pain). Only time is the most reliable healer. Support from loved ones will help you cope with the pain. They will help at the right moment, give advice, and distract you from sad thoughts.

Proof that there is a soul

Skeptics do not give a clear answer to the question: what is the soul, because it cannot be seen, measured and touched. However, there is evidence that the soul exists, and more than one. They all belong to different areas of life.

  1. Historical and religious evidence is that the idea of ​​spirituality is inherent in all world religions.
  2. From a physiological point of view, the soul exists because it can be weighed. This is what many scientists from all over the world have tried to do.
  3. The human soul also manifests itself as bioenergy, and its image is an invisible aura, which is determined by special devices.
  4. Bekhterov's proof is in the idea of ​​the materiality of thoughts and their transformation into energy. When a person dies, the bearer of the thought remains alive.

What does the soul do after death?

There is no consensus regarding the journey of a spiritual entity after death. All knowledge about this is dictated by the Bible. When life processes stop and the brain stops working, thought leaves the body. But this cannot be measured and can only be taken on faith. According to the Bible, the soul after death goes through several stages of purification:

  • on the third day the etheric body dies;
  • on the ninth - the astral dies;
  • the mental and casual bodies leave a person on the fortieth day, and the soul is cleansed.

According to ancient scriptures, the spiritual entity is reborn and finds a new body. But the Bible says that after death a person (that is, the soul) goes to heaven or hell. Proof of this is the testimony of people who experienced clinical death. They all talked about strange place, in which they stayed. For some it was bright and easy (heaven), for others it was dark, scary, filled with unpleasant images (hell). It continues to remain one of the main mysteries of humanity.

There are even more interesting stories about the exit of the soul from the body - during sleep and not only. Even special practices are used with which you can separate the astral principle from the physical and go on a journey through fragile matter. It is likely that all people, without exception, are capable of supernatural things, but have not yet thoroughly studied the science of life and death.

Every believer at least once in his life thinks about what the human soul is. Why is it given to man to think, to sympathize, to feel? Why can a person create?

What “part” of our body is “responsible” for these abilities? Is the soul a reality or a poetic symbol? Is she there or not?

Does man have a soul?

This question was seriously asked by medieval philosophers and materialist scientists. For Orthodox Christian the answer is obvious. Of course have!

But no one can say exactly what she looks like. Because the soul is the incorporeal part of the human essence, which distinguishes the human race from other creatures living on earth.

Human soul - definition

Description of the soul: created by God, the Creator of all things, a rational, free and immortal substance that is not part of the body, but only resides in it for the duration of earthly life.

Theophan the Recluse presents the concept of the soul as the source of phenomena that emanate from it. The saint says that the soul is not a manifestation of the will and power of some being.

Soul - main strength a person, which gives him the ability to know Divine Love, to understand and behold the greatness of our Lord. It is wide and thin at the same time.

Interesting fact: in Greek the etymology of the words “soul” and “breath” is similar; they both come from the word “breath.”

The only danger for the incorporeal, invisible and eternally existing soul is ignorance of the Lord. Grounded, deprived of the wings of Divine Grace, the soul dies, being “nominally” alive - it becomes black. For the Scripture says: “Whoever sins, let him die” (Ezek. 18:20).

What is the soul and spirit of a person

Just as the soul gives a person the ability to feel, so the spirit gives him the power to know God. The Holy Fathers call the spirit the highest, innermost “soul of the soul.” It is through the spirit that Divine grace and the power of Love penetrate the soul. The spirit knows everything about the soul, just as the brain knows everything about the body.

The human spirit, every second of its existence, strives to grow, to penetrate into unknown regions, to climb higher and higher on the ladder of understanding and spiritual growth. The power of the spirit attracts a person to the knowledge of the invisible, eternal, Divine, as opposed to simple earthly joys and tangible things, objects and concepts.

The spirit makes a person related to the Angels, just as the body is related to the creatures of the earth. People whose minds are completely focused on pressing problems and issues weaken their spirit, drown out its voice - but even so they cannot destroy it.

Does the soul exist scientifically?

Scientists have long tried to ignore the question of whether the human soul exists. As it turned out relatively recently - only to confirm its existence and study its properties!

Today, the presence of a human soul is confirmed by the results of many studies. For example, a group of German psychologists and doctors, having collected material about the near-death experiences of approximately 1000 people of different religions, gender, age, views on the world and life, confirmed the existence of life after death.

All subjects, with the exception of some minor details, told the same thing: at the threshold of death, they felt themselves leaving the body and floating through a white tunnel towards a warm and kind light.

When a person has a soul

The soul does not have a pre-eternal incarnation. It originates at the moment of conception of the child, grows and develops along with his growing body.

After the birth of a baby, his soul gets acquainted with the world, grows, develops, learns to create and... destroy.

And then the soul makes a choice: to strive for the light, for God - or not. And he follows it for the rest of his life. After the death of the physical body, the soul does not pass on to another, but appears at the Judgment of God, where it receives reward and punishment according to its deeds.

After all of the above, the soul is sent to Heaven or Hell for the rest of the history of this world.

What is a restless soul

Such words have become firmly established in our vocabulary. Restless soul - what does this mean? A soul that is doomed to eternal existence without prayerful intercession, the soul is restless and suffers from confusion.

These are the souls of people who died and did not have time to various reasons accept the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. Restless souls poke at the closed doors and shutters of heavenly dwellings, there is no place for them there, they are like homeless people, without roof and shelter.

What kind of soul does a person have?

The Holy Fathers assure that the human soul consists of three forces: reason, feelings and will. The mind, that is, the part responsible for cognition, thinking and expressing in words its opinion on various issues, is the main part of the soul.

The “mission” of the mind, which it successfully copes with in an unclouded state, is to distinguish good from evil, to understand the world - and to indicate to the power of desire (will) in what direction to act, who to consider as friends, whose opinion to listen to.

Emotions are the most difficult part of the soul to control, which only does what spoils the “relationship” between the will and the mind, making spiritual growth difficult. This is why it is so important to monitor your emotions and keep them under control.


Man is a being, united in his duality. Its two halves, body and soul, although they are essentially autonomous entities, are fused together by the will of God.

Unlike other God's creations, man is an illustration of the law of balance on which the visible, tangible material world rests.

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