What does a road mean in a dream? Why do you dream about a road in a dream? Dream Interpretation: road, path

A road in a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. May appear to the dreamer as a reflection of his achievements life path in general, that's what it means specific situation in a certain matter right now.

Walking along a road in a dream that causes fear, discomfort, the road is in the dark, goes down, or into unpleasant places (caves, pits, etc.) - such a dream can most often warn that the path in life or the direction chosen is not entirely correct ; not the most chosen the best option of the possible in this situation.

Stones, holes, fences on the road in a dream are difficulties and obstacles on the way to your goal, which you will probably encounter in reality.

If in a dream the road is clean, bright, pleasant, walking along it is easy and comfortable - it was probably chosen correct solution, development direction ; the situation in an important matter is gaining momentum.

A road going up in a dream most often means that the path to success is open and quite possible. But the road up is, first of all, effort during the ascent, by applying which you can achieve what you want.

The road in a dream leading to clean water, green trees and grass is the path that leads to the symbols of life, and therefore it is the path that leads only to good things. Trees can represent people, or simply be a symbol of life.

People on the road in a dream - in reality these are those who are related to an important life situation. According to their behavior in their sleep, appearance, conversation, you can try to determine their intentions and expected results.

Example 1: Vasya dreams that he is walking along a dirty, gloomy road that leads to a ravine. Then Masha runs up, grabs Vasya by the hand and persistently pulls him back. Such a dream could mean for Vasya that he is planning something not very good, or that his lifestyle is leading Vasya to trouble. But Masha is making efforts in reality to make Vasya rethink his actions and correct his current life situation.
Example 2: Vasya dreams that he is walking along a clean, bright, beautiful road and he wants to go there, because he sees beauty and light ahead, but then Masha runs up and pulls him back by the hand. Such a dream means that Vasya most likely chose the right direction in life and is moving towards success, but Masha in reality does not really like Vasya’s success and she wants Vasya to turn away from the right path, or Masha does not want to change for the better and does not want this for Vasya, who wants to make the right decision.

Standing at a crossroads in a dream, or at a fork in the road - most often this is an upcoming difficult choice, on which the development of a future life situation depends.
The quality of the chosen road to continue your journey in a dream can mean in which direction you intend to make an important choice, the right one or the not so good one. Maybe it's not too late to change the situation?! And it can only strengthen your confidence in the right choice.


Traveling along a rocky, unfamiliar road in a dream means new things to do, activities that will bring you much more than trouble or loss of time.

A road with trees and flowers growing along the sides portends unexpected luck.
If you are accompanied by friends while walking along this road, you will be lucky in creating an ideal family home, where the children will be happy and the husband and wife will be devoted to each other.

If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to throw out of your head thoughts about happy past operations, since your business is in danger of failure. The dream encourages you to show great diligence in your work.

To dream that you are looking at a highway (autobahn) or driving along a highway is a sign that you will make a long and pleasant journey, from which you will receive great benefit. For young people, this dream promises strong and noble desires.


Seeing a crooked road in a dream is clear evidence that your thoughts and actions make you want the best. You are moving in the wrong direction in life. If you don’t come to your senses, then two paths await you: to the cemetery or to prison.

If you dreamed of a straight, wide road, then real life You are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path. After some time, you will have a stable job, a stable financial situation and a beloved family.

Walking along a deserted road in a dream is a sign that in real life you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands or loves you, but this is far from the case. Find peace by turning to God, and your life will improve.

Paving a road in a dream is evidence that, thanks to your strong character and hard work, you will achieve success in this life high altitudes, becoming a truly great man. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from your neighbors, remembering your difficult times.

If in a dream you are walking along a dusty road, this means that there are many deceitful people around you. evil people, seeking to harm you by any means, discrediting your good name in the eyes of your loved ones.

Seeing a narrow path in a dream is a prophecy that you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial situation. But everything will work out in the end.

Walking along a cobblestone road in a dream is a sign that you are walking a slow but sure path towards your goal.

If you dream that you have lost your way, this is a warning: you need to throw out of your head thoughts about happy past operations, since your business is in danger of failure. The dream encourages you to show great diligence in your work.


Walking along the road is sadness, hard work.
Crooked, with potholes - losses.
A new road means a change in business, a crisis.
The narrow road is a temptation.
Wide, straight - long-term future success.


Pavement of the road is praise.
To walk along a magnificent straight road is the support of society, good opportunities for a career.
Such a road either goes down or goes up - difficulties in life caused by reasons beyond your control, historical events.
The road twists and turns - the detour will lead to success faster.
A waypost on the road is a sign of decisive changes, a warning about the possibility of taking the wrong path.
A barely noticeable path is to become a pioneer in something and experience great difficulties from this.
An overgrown road means your unpopularity.
A very dusty road - experiencing a feeling of being lost in the crowd, suffering from the inability to stand out.
Walking on a very bad pavement means there will be difficulties and conflicts in public life.
Walking along a cobblestone street is a rough path, an opportunity to rely on someone’s help and experience.
Any obstacle on the road is usually a symbol of fear of life.

A road in a dream represents a person’s path and goals, and in many ways the meaning of the dream depends on what kind of road it was - dirty, slippery, paved, etc. You can find out why a woman dreams about a road in a dream from several authoritative sources, each of which interprets the vision in its own way.

Women's dreams

    Miller's Dream Book

    I dreamed about the road in a dream - it personifies the path that a person follows and the activities to which he devotes his time. Following an unfamiliar road means a change in sphere of activity, which will give the dreamer great troubles. The dream also indicates a connection with an unreliable person who will force a woman to do things that are atypical for her.

    Walk along a path surrounded on all sides by flowers and herbs, means unprecedented luck and success in the professional field. Walking along the road with another person means that the dreamer’s personal life will be happy.

    Getting lost on the way, losing your way indicates misdeeds committed in reality, which will bring financial difficulties and problems in communicating with people. Falling on the road predicts shame and denigration of the dreamer's reputation.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Pave your way in a dream points to a strong character women, her desire to reach heights and perseverance, but in the pursuit of success she risks losing loved ones.

    Walking along a dusty road in a dream means that in reality the dreamer is surrounded by deceitful, hypocritical people who will try to deceive her at any opportunity.

    Seeing a narrow road in a dream means that it will be difficult for a woman to find her happiness in life- to do this, she will have to go through losses, financial difficulties and a broken heart.

    Walk along a road covered with cobblestones indicates success and material well-being , but not now, but in the distant future.

    Women's dream book

    Standing at a crossroads in a dream means that in reality the dreamer cannot make a decision. There is no need to rush, because everything will soon happen by itself. Seeing a mountain path in a dream indicates the professional field, especially in the field of technology.

    Lying on the road indicates loss of job and lack of livelihood. A road covered with ice in a dream is a warning about possible risk, which can destroy the dreamer.

    Snowy winter road indicates that the dreamer will have a chance to start over, radically change your life. An asphalt road foreshadows a break in relations with your lover, a change in outlook on life and romantic relationships.

    Seeing the road to the cemetery in a dream portends serious physical illness, infectious disease.

    Family dream book

    A crooked, winding path in a dream indicates that some man is using the dreamer for his own purposes. A beautiful straight path portends success, prosperity and wealth.

    Walking along the road at night indicates a futile pursuit better life for luxury and wealth. If a young woman dreams that she is rushing along some road at night, then in reality she will receive ownership of the property of some man.

Meaning for a man

A long road in a dream is the personification of a man’s main activity, the development of this path or its fading. Walking along a rough road in a dream means following other people’s advice and doing something you don’t like. It's never too late to turn off the wrong path and start your life anew.

A long road stretching beyond the horizon indicates a long wait for the results of some action, making a profit in the distant future. For single men, the dream indicates that they will not meet their soulmate for a long time.

Walking barefoot along the road means that in reality the dreamer is freed from material problems and everyday hardships. The dream also indicates that now is the best time to start a new business or make a major purchase.

Dirty, bad road speaks of the dreamer’s connection with unreliable people who at any moment can deceive him and leave him with nothing. Crossing a dirty road is a lucky coincidence.

Run along a deserted road, run away from someone indicates that the dreamer is confused in his own life and does not know where to move next. Seeing a railway in a dream means a quick journey, which can bring both joy and sadness to the dreamer.

dirty street

A dirty and broken road in a dream indicates material losses and the risk of deception from partners or colleagues. However, if the dreamer walks along a dirty road barefoot, then he will soon receive a large sum of money.

Asphalt road in a dream associated with risk and adventure, in which the dreamer gets involved from time to time. Despite the desire for risk, luck often smiles on the dreamer.

Crossing such a road means keep abreast of all events. Seeing an asphalt road being repaired portends serious changes in life. Walking barefoot on the asphalt means that all the dreamer’s plans will easily come true.


An accident on the road in a dream promises troubles and losses, warns of the real possibility of getting into an accident or injuring yourself. Seeing smoke billowing over the hood of a car involved in an accident foreshadows trouble at work.

Get into an accident yourself indicates the dreamer's inner experiences, his fear of losing his job and respect in society.

For young girls, seeing an accident in a dream predicts meeting an attractive and wealthy man, who in reality turns out to be a deceiver and gigolo.

If you die in an accident a large number of people, then in reality, the dreamer risks becoming a participant in a mass conflict, the consequences of which he can easily avoid. Helping people injured in an accident foreshadows meeting a person who will forever change the life of the sleeper.


A slippery road covered with ice means that the dreamer risks finding himself in an awkward and disadvantageous position, becoming a laughing stock in society, so he needs to be careful and cautious. A narrow icy road indicates that the dreamer will occupy some position, but getting it will be very difficult.

Snowy road in a dream represents life" clean slate", the opportunity to start your life again. High snowdrifts near the road foreshadow a chance to solve all your problems in one fell swoop. Walking along a snowy road means following your dreams in reality.

Repairs and obstacles along the way

See in a dream renovation work on the road indicates a new period in a person’s life, a possible move due to a change in the field of activity. Seeing the construction of a new road means that the dreamer has decided to change almost everything in his life - habits, people around him, place of residence, and so on. Build it yourself new road foreshadows a fateful meeting.

Seeing potholes on the road the dreamer is driving on indicates imminent misfortunes and material losses. Seeing potholes on a country road indicates problems in personal relationships. Many small holes on the road predict minor troubles and fuss.

Obstacles on the road portends an unstable period in the dreamer’s life, his irritation and frayed nerves. Bypassing an obstacle on the way indicates some revival in business, receiving advantageous offers.


Crossing roads in a dream indicate difficult choice between two options. Standing before a fork in the road means you need to make a decision now, without delaying or feeling sorry for yourself.

For women, a dream indicates two or more admirers in her heart, of which only one must be chosen.

Road construction

Building a highway in a dream means a new beginning, the dreamer’s desire to create something of his own, without looking at others. Seeing someone else building a road means following your ideals in life without listening to other people's advice. The dream also foretells good luck and unexpected luck in business.

Building a road yourself means that the dreamer will soon make some discovery.

In any dream book you can find a detailed interpretation of dreams in which the road appears. A road in a dream is the personification of a person’s life path. But the appearance of this road, the way you move along it, some details that may seem insignificant - all this is important. It is these nuances that are worth understanding in more detail in order to understand what the subconscious is trying to “tell” a person with such a dream.

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    Along my life

    Dreams in which the road appears are some of the most understandable. They are easily perceived by people even on an intuitive level. But if they appear, then a person should think about how his life is going, whether he is on the right path and whether something needs to be changed. Any dream is a certain remark or warning that must be paid attention to.

    The road in a dream is the path of life person in real life, the path along which he walks, passing different periods existence, encountering certain difficulties or happy moments.

    To begin with, it is worth remembering what the person did. The following options are possible:

    • see the road;
    • walk along it;
    • go by car;
    • be traveling by bus;
    • travel by train;
    • sail by boat (a river or sea can also be mistaken for a road);
    • ride a horse;
    • go with someone;
    • meet someone, etc.

    An important aspect of decoding a dream is the view of the road itself. She may be:

    • clean, tidy;
    • covered with dust, dirt or any foreign debris;
    • snow-covered or flooded with water after rain;
    • presented in the form of railway tracks;
    • straight or curved;
    • an absolutely flat, new highway or one riddled with holes and potholes;
    • deserted and abandoned;
    • noisy and busy, with constant fast traffic;
    • shown as an intersection.

    There are other details that play almost a decisive role. These are various roadside poles, people standing by the road or walking along it, some absurd objects like flashes of light or a UFO overhead. Someone makes their way in a dream, someone gets lost in a dense forest along an endless path, someone meets enemies or dead relatives, someone does not see this very road, but so needs it. Every detail is a symbol of what is important to a person this moment time, an aspect of life that is worth paying attention to.

    Chinese civilization has achieved great success in dream interpretation. "Dream book Yellow Emperor"examines the symbol of the road extremely philosophically, but interprets it in two ways. In this work, it is represented by opposite phenomena, but eternally accompanying a person, like the famous Chinese “yin - yang”. These are his active actions and state of mind, this is the space that surrounds the dreamer, and his path in this space. How a person relates to this path is an assessment of his lifestyle and characterizes every action he commits.

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    Dream in the smallest detail

    Eastern dream book claims that the wide road is a symbol of the right path that the dreamer follows. For a woman, especially a married woman, this means the right approach to housework, happiness in the family and a successful birth. The narrow path is also the right path, but now in matters of a smaller scale, in personal life. A dream in which the dreamer’s path is long and winding has a slightly different interpretation. This indicates possible difficulties and failures.

    But the road can be presented in any form. Sometimes even in a dream it is not there as such, but a clear feeling of the path traveled remains.

    The road - what it is like

    Seeing a long highway is a great sign. A smooth asphalt road speaks for itself of something innovative. To be more precise, this is a guarantee of the embodiment of any ideas, success in a new business, even in the case when no one takes the dreamer seriously.

    A dream with an uneven and unclean road takes on completely different shades of meaning. A dirty path is a symbol of possible failures. The dreamer should be on guard and in the near future pay attention to his every action, because it may turn out to be incorrect. Sometimes you will need to abandon ideas that were previously considered a possible breakthrough, and postpone the implementation of some major project because it will end in the greatest failure.

    Interesting image- the road is smooth, but curved. The dream suggests that it is time for a person to take a different look at his life path: it seems right to him, but everything is not as it should be. You should stop meandering, picking up a bunch of unnecessary difficulties along the way, and go in a straight line, bypassing any delays before happiness.

    Potholes and potholes on the road are possible difficulties. Such a dream speaks of a difficult period in life. But here you shouldn’t immediately become despondent - this streak in life will be short and will become an excellent lesson.

    If you dreamed of a path overgrown big amount herbs, then the subconscious is trying to stimulate a person. Usually this is evidence of excessive secrecy and isolation. The dreamer is “hiding in the grass,” while it’s time to show himself to the world by doing something bright and significant.

    A snowy road often promises something pleasant and happy. Snow in dreams, in any form, always evokes a pleasant awakening and a peaceful aftertaste. Seeing a snow-covered road is a symbol of happiness and good luck in personal affairs. If the dreamer walks along a road covered with fluffy snow, then this predicts a pleasant surprise in finances or in love. But when the path is snowy, you should expect failures. A road covered with melting snow is a path to temptations that will not bring happiness. You need to pay attention to this and try to prevent this in reality.

    Seeing a wet road in a dream after rain, with puddles, is a symbol of tears and disappointment. A deserted road indicates loneliness. Often such a dream emphasizes that a person feels abandoned and is seriously worried, but often does not admit this even to himself. Dust on the road speaks of the presence of treacherous and hypocritical people in the dreamer's life. He does not notice this, but soon he will see something unclean, and this can bring a lot of misfortune. Therefore, it is recommended to be on guard and expect meanness from those whom the dreamer does not know very well.

    The railway is also a good sign. Rails are also the path of life along which the dreamer is actively moving. An important detail in such dreams is the presence of a train. Whether he is driving or just standing - this is a sign of support, this means that friends and relatives are nearby, you don’t have to “walk” - slowly and tiringly.

    If the dreamer’s road passes through a cemetery, then one should expect a very calm and peaceful life. You should not classify such dreams as something bad that foreshadows the irreparable.

    A crossroads is a harbinger of an important choice. It's worth preparing for it. If the dreamer also saw a pillar with signs near this intersection, then the subconscious mind says that before making a decision you should not rely on the advice of others. The answer is already in his head, he just needs to look at this sign. A sharp turn in a dream is an event that will dramatically change your life.

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    Actions along the way

    Dreams acquire special shades of meaning when a person is not just an observer or a pedestrian, but performs some actions: driving a vehicle, looking for something, meeting an acquaintance, etc.

    Thus, a trip on a bus symbolizes a person’s connection with society. If the road is smooth, the dreamer drives along it, and the trip goes well - the society surrounding the person recognizes him, respects him, he has friends and the opportunity to trust. But a different meaning appears when interpreting dreams in which the bus is not a means of transportation, but the dreamer bypasses it. These are broken stereotypes, the ability to go against society, opposition to society.

    A train ride, like a railway, is a good sign, although it can have several meanings. The first is a long journey that will end with important achievements or changes for life. The second is success in your endeavors.

    A ride in a car can symbolize completely different things. Here it is worth remembering every detail, because it is the little things that will become the key to deciphering the dream. So, driving a car means success in business, the ability to independently achieve something important. But being a passenger means a certain dependence on a third party, without whom it will not be possible to implement your plans. A taxi ride predicts significant help from someone, but you will definitely have to pay a certain price for this help. Such dreams stimulate attentiveness.

    In a dream, you can also ride a horse along the road. This means that a person will accumulate a large amount of knowledge, gain enormous experience and will be able to withstand any difficulties. Such dreams very often acquire different interpretations, because the color of the horse and the sensations of the rider himself play an important role in them. White horse always promises a bright and easy future, black - certain difficulties that accumulated experience will help solve, strength, which is symbolized by a horse in any dream.

    If a person lays, builds or participates in the repair of a road, this promises him praise and recognition from others, but this will require a lot of effort, although the result is worth it.

    If a person does not see this road in front of him, he is lost, then there is no need to worry. Such dreams foreshadow something profitable, the appearance in the hands of big money. But there is a certain catch here: finding the road in dreams also means that the dreamer cannot rely on someone else’s help. You should expect a difficult but rewarding project that will be implemented alone. Getting lost in the forest means quarrels or failures at work. But if a person calls someone at this time, you should expect good news.

    Finding something on the road is also a great sign. It promises unexpected luck or profit. Walking down the road with a person is a strong bond. If this person is familiar to the dreamer, then one can expect strengthening of relationships or unexpected rapprochement. If the journey takes place with a stranger, then a very good friend or even strong love.

    An accident in a dream foreshadows difficulties, but there is no need to be afraid of this. After all, just as you can recover from any accident, any difficulties will be overcome. If the accident was massive, then this is a sign that the dreamer needs to prepare for great responsibility; all the difficulties that arise may entail consequences and will have an impact on the lives of other people. This is a warning and a signal that you should prepare for a difficult period in life.


    Any road necessarily leads somewhere, and this fact has great value in dreams. It is the place to which the dreamer came that is often decisive. It says what it will lead to similar way in real life. Therefore, it is necessary to remember what the destination in the dream world was.

    If a person in a dream went on a trip and as a result visited all the places he had planned, or returned home, then this indicates that he will soon achieve his goal, the appearance in life of something that the dreamer has always dreamed of and desired. But if the road suddenly leads to nowhere, you shouldn’t expect all your dreams to come true.

    For the rest, you will need to turn to other pages of the dream book. So, if the road led to a cliff, then we should expect significant financial losses, expensive purchases, unprofitable investments. The road home is a symbol of a return to spiritual values, the road to church is right choice, and in the registry office - for an imminent wedding.

    A few more interesting dreams

    There are also dreams that are difficult to categorize, but the feeling that this is some kind of important road, steadfastly does not leave in the morning.

    If suddenly a person is looking for a way in the dark, but never finds it, then this is a sign of the subconscious: it’s time to collect your thoughts, pull yourself together, come up with a plan and start acting without relying on someone. A labyrinth in a dream is a certain exciting question. Whether the dreamer finds a way out of it or not determines whether he can answer this question. I often dream of a cemetery to which a person comes, but gets lost and cannot find a way out. This indicates the onset of difficult times and a lack of support during this time. For a lover - the wrong choice of his soul mate.

    Freedom-loving people dream of walking along the road barefoot. This is the ability to distance yourself from difficulties, not pay attention to them and live happily.

    The upcoming competition is indicated by a dream in which the dreamer walks along a highway, and cars rush past him at great speed. And if the road is pavement, then such a dream foreshadows a situation in which desires will not correspond to possibilities. Life's obstacles are foreshadowed by the wind that blows in the face while a person walks. Traces on the road - to an important choice that will be predetermining in life.

    The dreamer’s feelings are also important. He walks quickly - he will soon solve all the difficulties in reality, the road is difficult - and life in reality will seem difficult, but success will not be long in coming. A long and tedious road - payback for something in reality, confident and cheerful - to quick recognition and discoveries. If suddenly in a dream while on the road a person feels pain in his legs, then this is a sign of decline vitality, to passivity and useless activities in society.


    Dreams in which there is a road are always useful and can become a guide to life. Every obstacle on the road, every discovery is a sign that something will change in reality and you need to be prepared. By listening to your dreams, you can prepare for literally anything, avoid problems and achieve great success.

    You should not be afraid of dreams, because sometimes even a dreamed catastrophe promises good luck and success. But you also need to be prepared for them, not miss anything and extract as much benefit as possible from the fortunate opportunity that the dream predicted.

Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in dreams - the intricate plots, twists and turns and lines of events are sometimes so complicated that the next morning you don’t know what to expect in reality.

In real life everything is clearer and clearer, but the paths and paths can be unknown, unpredictable and present many surprises.

Each of us, as they say, has our own path. For some, the path is straight and smooth, while for others long years meanders along winding and bumpy paths, overcoming difficulties day after day.

We never know where the road will turn next minute. But dreams can help us determine this - after all, they often show us possible options for the development of life events, give hints and signs, we just need to decipher and understand them correctly.

The road is an incredibly bright, deep symbol, and very understandable at first glance. It is not so difficult to understand what the road is meant for in a dream - it symbolizes the path of life, the path along which we walk.

Even intuitively, at the level of associations, you can feel and understand that a straight, smooth road is a harbinger of a good and successful path. And the winding, winding paths symbolize a difficult path, but interesting and full of surprises.

However, there are many nuances that only a dream book will make clear - the road can portend joy or surprise, new events or meetings. Walking or driving, on a bus or car, an accident or a train - all this can mean something important.

In order to accurately interpret what the road is in a dream about, it is necessary to remember all the details: what exactly it was like, what the dreamer did, what events and scenery were present in the dreams. The meaning of a dream can vary enormously depending on these nuances. For example, scenarios could look like:

  • You dream of an empty, big road.
  • You saw a brand new wide road in a dream.
  • Or in the dream she was dirty, bad;
  • You dreamed of a broken road, full of holes and potholes.
  • You saw a roadside waypoint.
  • The path in the dream was overgrown with grass.
  • Dusty road.
  • I had such a dream - a railroad, rails, trains, you happened to see a train or ride.
  • You saw a train or locomotive in your dreams.
  • Someone gets on the train.
  • A path with flowers and trees along the sides.
  • A familiar person is walking towards you along the road.
  • You are paving or building a road.
  • You happened to walk or drive along a new road.
  • I had to walk up and down the road.
  • Walk or drive along cobblestone streets.
  • Ride a bus.
  • You dreamed of an accident in which you were involved.
  • You found something on the road.
  • You are walking with someone.
  • You have lost your way.

There are so many options - and they are all unique, meaning something special, and often very important. A dream book will help you interpret what the road is about in your dreams, but you will have to draw your own conclusions.

Just see

Suppose you had the following dream: a road, straight or winding, new or dirty, but only seen from the outside. Such dreams are significant; they always contain important messages. Which?

1.An empty, free road in a dream is a sign that you can easily implement absolutely any plans. The path is open, so hurry up and act boldly!

2. A large, new highway, recently paved, means new beginnings, opportunities, prospects, and most importantly, a guarantee of complete success. You can take on any task without fear or doubt!

3. But a dirty road seen in a dream is a warning. You may be at risk of doing the wrong thing. Think when choosing a path - don’t make a mistake, because you will have to regret it and correct it later.

4. A path with holes and potholes is a sign of difficulties along the way. But this is only a short period, and you can overcome difficulties if you stick to the intended path.

5. If you see a waypost with signs, this means that in reality you are (or you are about to be) on the verge of a decisive choice that can seriously change something. Be decisive in your choice - and listen to the voice of reason.

6. I wonder why you dream of a road overgrown with grass - this dream hints that you are not particularly popular in society, and you should be more active, express yourself in order to achieve greater success.

7. A dusty road in a dream is a sign that you feel somewhat lost in the crowd, and you should think about how to stand out. Show off your strengths to show off yourself so that more attention will be paid to you.

8. Frequently asked question Why do you dream about a railroad? This is a frequent and interesting dream. Many people dream of a railway, but in each case the dream means something different.

The rails themselves are, like a simple road, a symbol of the path through life, only the rails show a more active, rapid and inevitable path. As the dream book says, a railway can mean the path to oneself, the search for truths and answers, insight.

On the contrary, overgrown or broken rails are a symbol of internal stagnation. A hint that you should think about the meaning of your existence, about where you are going.

To explain what a railway means in a dream, remember whether there was a train in the dream - it itself can mean the support of others, friends and loved ones. If you see a train or locomotive from the side, rest assured, you are not alone, you should rely on your surroundings.

9. As the dream book indicates, the railway on which other people travel is a wonderful symbol. If they get on the train, or you are seeing someone off, meeting someone, or just watching people in the carriages, you will find great luck in reality. In general, the railway good sign, and this dream is a harbinger of many good things in your life.

10. If you dreamed of a railway or any other accident, do not be alarmed, this means change. Significant events that cannot be ignored, but nothing bad will happen.

11. If flowers, bushes, and trees grow along the sides of the road in a dream, this is a sign of unexpected luck.

12. And to see a loved one or friend heading towards you on the road in your dreams - expect good news, an offer, or just a pleasant meeting from this person.

Heading somewhere...

It’s another matter if in your dreams you yourself happened to be walking or driving, on foot or on a bus, or if there was an accident with your participation. What does this mean?

1. If you paved or built a road, or participated in this process, expect praise, recognition, and maybe even a very lucrative offer in reality. In the work process and any undertakings, success, change, and growth await you. But be prepared to work hard.

2. Walking or riding in a bus or car on a good, flat road is essentially a sign that you have reliable support, you have nothing to be afraid of, because you are not alone. Colleagues or loved ones will not let you get lost in difficulties.

3. If you had to go up and down, this is a hint of difficulties and external circumstances. On an uneven path, sometimes confusing - but around any turn, moreover, great luck and pleasant surprises can await you.

4. Walking along a winding, confusing path in a dream is a hint that a detour will be more successful. Think about how to get around obstacles, don’t go ahead, find workarounds.

5. An accident in a dream can be frightening, but rest assured that the dream book does not foretell anything terrible. An accident may indicate difficulties in business, but you yourself will overcome them.

If the accident occurred with the participation of many people, and there were fellow travelers with you, it means that the state of not only your affairs, but also someone else’s, will depend on your actions. This is a sign - be responsible and decisive, you will fix everything yourself.

6. If you were traveling on a bus, this is a symbol of social life. Were you cramped on the bus? This means that you are cramped in society. If the bus was traveling smoothly and quickly, in social life you are active and everything is fine.

7. If you were driving along railway, this could mean two things. Or a distant one awaits you important path which will bring joy and good changes, or you will soon succeed in your affairs. In any case, a wonderful sign.

8. If you are driving along the road, but at every meter you encounter certain obstacles, this does not mean that difficulties await you, it only indicates your fear of these very difficulties. You should not be afraid - but act, think not about problems, but about success and how to achieve it.

9. Finding something on the road in a dream, whatever it turns out to be, is a very good sign. Feel free to expect unexpected profits, prosperity and prosperity in the near future.

10. If you were walking along the road with someone, this promisesthe appearance of a new companion in your life who will be nearby - and for a long time.

Roads are different. Wide and narrow, straight and not so straight, they all lead somewhere, and how will go the way– unknown. What awaits around every turn on the path of life, where to turn at the fork, at what speed to move - there are so many questions, and so much unknown in the fate of each of us.

The future is unknown, and dreams only hint to us about possible events and turns - but do not at all indicate exactly how fate will unfold. You should walk confidently, not be afraid of difficulties, expect pleasant surprises - and rejoice in the fact that every path is so interesting, full of surprises and new turns.

After all, great happiness can await behind each of them... Author: Vasilina Serova

  • I once heard about this dangerous road. Today I’m driving along it alone.
  • Bo Juyi (772-846)
  • Primary elements - earth, wood.
  • Elements - wind, humidity.
  • Emotions - anxiety, composure, fear, calm, anger.
  • Organs - spleen, kidneys, liver.
  • Planets - Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter.
  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Understanding the road is twofold - it is both action and mental condition, this is both a static space (a symbol of yin - peace), indifferent to everything that happens, and a path - the movement of a person actively overcoming this space (a symbol of yang energy - movement), that is, determining the emotions, desires and passions that overcome him. A person’s attitude towards the path he follows will determine the assessment of all events occurring during this time. The path is a symbol of time: slowing it down (if the path is a symbol of violence against oneself, becoming painful and endlessly long, bringing fatigue and disappointment) or speeding it up (if the path, despite the abundance of events and trials, creates conditions for a more complete and comprehensive understanding past and what is happening now). The path is a way of combining your past discoveries and the opportunity to test them now, a chance to reconsider your established opinions about events, people and the emotions that control you. Everything indicates that a path or road is a very important symbol for sleep. The road is yin, the opportunities offered by life, walking along the road is yang action (internal choice of one of external opportunities). Seeing a road in a dream, walking along it, knowing exactly where and why is an attempt to reconsider your attitude to the current situation, an intuitive understanding that, despite possible difficulties, the intended goal is actually achievable.
  • To get lost in a dream without a road, to be afraid, to go unknown where and to experience fear of the road is a symbol of constant mistakes, denial of suitability for the business you are doing; to get lost is a symbol of the daily accumulation of negative emotions, inconsistency own desires and opportunities, prohibitions and failure. Going without knowing where or why, but with a clear desire to achieve something is a search for a goal and the necessary information. Half the path to success has been completed. All that remains is to endure until the end: the goal becomes completely clear in the process of movement. Seeing a beckoning road stretching into the distance is an anticipation of a long, fruitful and interesting life. In Eastern philosophy there is the concept of Tao - a symbol of the path of life. A person, a flower, a stone, a nation, a country, a planet - everyone has their own Tao. Tao is the correct flow of life between Earth and Heaven, which means health, happiness, fullness of creative powers, longevity, and so on. Everyone has only their own personal Tao (what is good for one may be bad for another); The Tao of stone is to lie down, preserving the memory of the past, The Tao of man is to continuously move forward spiritually. For all the people of the world, the road has always been a symbol of life and movement, which is why it plays a big role in dreams.

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