We make delicious fried kefir pies. Thin fried pies with potatoes on kefir

It’s much easier and faster to make with kefir than with a yeast base. That is why we decided to devote this article entirely to this topic.

Making a quick kefir dough for fried pies

There are many cooking options, but the fastest and easiest is the one that involves the use of kefir. However, it should be noted that this base is more suitable for fried products. If you need to bake, we suggest making the base using yeast.

So, we need:

  • light sifted flour - from 3 glasses.

Knead the base

The fried dough is easy and simple to make. First you need to pour the fermented milk drink into a bowl and heat it a little over very low heat. After this, the dishes need to be removed from the stove and placed in it baking soda. Mix the ingredients vigorously with a large spoon until the kefir stops foaming. Next, you need to add salt and sugar to it, and also pour in without flavor. At the end of the process, you need to put light flour, previously sifted in a sieve, into the base.

As a result, you should get a very soft dough for fried kefir pies that slightly sticks to your palms, which should be covered with a thick napkin and left warm for ¼ hour.

How to make pies?

The dough lends itself very well to modeling. To form the products, it should be pinched off from the common base, and then rolled into a not very thick, but not thin cake. In the future, you need to place any filling in its center. After this, the edges of the base must be firmly pinched with your fingers.

Fry in a frying pan

Delicious dough for fried kefir pies is prepared very quickly on the stove. Moreover, after heat treatment it becomes fluffy, soft, rosy and very tasty.

Before you start frying the pies, you need to pour a sufficient amount of fat (vegetable) into the frying pan. Ideal option will be if the oil covers the bottom of the dish by 1 or 1.5 centimeters. After the frying pan has sufficiently warmed up, all the kefir-based pies should be placed in it one by one.

After frying one side of the products, they need to be turned over and cooked in exactly the same way. It should be noted that this dough does not absorb a lot of oil, and therefore the pies are not very greasy.

Preparing dough for fried pies using kefir and yeast

Now you know how kefir dough for fried pies is made. However, it should be noted that it can be prepared in another way. In this case, you will need a bag. Using this ingredient, you will get a more fluffy and tender dough, which will make the pies more beautiful, tasty and satisfying.

So, the ingredients:

  • store-bought kefir with a fat content of 2.5% - 2 full glasses;
  • sunflower oil without aroma - ½ cup;
  • medium-sized white sugar - a large spoon;
  • dry yeast - a small bag;
  • iodized salt - dessert spoon;
  • lightly sifted flour - from three glasses.

Knead kefir-yeast base

Before kneading the dough for fried pies, you need to prepare the dough. To do this, pour the fermented milk drink into an iron saucepan and heat it a little over low heat. Next, you should completely dissolve white sugar in kefir, add the entire packet of dry yeast and add a couple of large spoons of flour. After mixing all the ingredients with a spoon, cover them with a towel and leave them near the hot radiators for half an hour. After this time, you should have a fluffy and airy dough into which you should pour sunflower oil without aroma, and gradually add salt and the rest of the flour.

As a result of mixing the ingredients, you should get a soft dough that sticks a little to your hands. For it to reach the desired state, it must be covered with a lid or some kind of rag, and then left in a warm room for 40 minutes. After the specified time, the dough will rise well and become completely suitable for making pies.

How to shape products and fry them in oil?

Make pies from a kefir-yeast base in exactly the same way as in the previous recipe.

The prepared semi-finished products must be placed in boiling vegetable oil and fried on both sides until browned. As a result, you will get very fluffy and tasty pies, which should be immediately served to family members along with a cup of sweet tea.

Making batter for pies

Have you ever made batter for fried kefir pies in a bread maker? The recipe for such a base will be presented to your attention right now.

So, we need the following products:

  • store-bought kefir with a fat content of 2.5% - a full glass;
  • fresh small eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • iodized salt - ½ dessert spoon;
  • medium-sized white sugar - a small spoon;
  • table soda - a small incomplete spoon;
  • lightly sifted flour - 2 cups.

Kneading process

A bread maker is a very useful device for housewives, in which you can not only bake delicious homebaked bread, but also prepare any dough. To use it to make a base for pies, you need to put all of the above ingredients in a bowl, and then set the kneading program for the time you require.

After the specified period, the dough will become homogeneous and have the consistency that you need. After this, you can safely use it to make pies.

How to fry?

Frying pies from batter is quite easy. First, place a large spoonful of the base in a hot frying pan with oil and spread it into a flat cake. Next, you need to place the filling on it and cover it with dough again. After frying the bottom part of the products, they should be turned over and cooked in the same way.

Fried pies made with kefir they always turn out tender and tasty. It should be noted that this base is quite popular among those who really appreciate and love home-made fast food. After all, kefir dough is made quite quickly and easily. With it, there is no need to wait several hours for the base to rise. In addition, kefir should not be subjected to long-term heat treatment (for example, in the oven). So, you only need a few minutes to prepare them.

Step-by-step recipe for fried kefir pies

There are several options for preparing kefir base for homemade pies. We will present you the simplest and most affordable of them.

So, we need:

  • fresh kefir with a fat content of 2.5% - exactly 2 cups;
  • fine granulated sugar - a small spoon;
  • fresh egg - 1 pc.
  • sifted flour - as much as the dough absorbs.

Kneading the base

Fried kefir pies made according to the presented recipe turn out very soft and tasty. After all the ingredients have been purchased, you can safely start kneading the dough. To do this, you need to pour the fermented milk drink into a metal container and then heat it a little over the fire. Next, add table soda to fresh kefir and stir with a spoon so that it is well quenched.

After the fermented milk drink foams, add salt, granulated sugar and break a fresh egg. After mixing the ingredients, you need to add sifted flour to them and replace the thick dough. The kefir base should be of such a consistency that it does not stick to your hands.

Product formation

Fried kefir pies can be made with absolutely any filling. For example, we decided to cook them with green onions and an egg.

After the filling has been processed, you should begin to form the pies. To do this, you need to pinch off a piece of kefir dough and roll it into a flat cake with a diameter of up to 8 centimeters. Next, you need to place a large full spoon of filling in the middle of the product, and then firmly pinch the edges of the base.

Frying process

Kefir pies fried with eggs and green onions turn out very tasty. To cook them, you need to pour vegetable fat into a frying pan and heat it very hot. Next, you need to place the previously formed products one by one into the boiling oil. They should be fried on both sides until reddened.

We present it correctly to guests

As you can see, the one presented on kefir does not require large quantity products, and also does not take much time. After all the products are browned, they must be removed from the oil, placed on a plate, and then immediately presented to friends along with sweet tea.

Cooking fried pies at home

Kefir dough can be thick or liquid. We described above how to do the first option. As for the second, we decided to describe it right now.

So, we need:

  • fresh kefir with a fat content of 2.5% - exactly 2 cups;
  • refined oil - used for frying;
  • table soda - ½ small spoon;
  • sea ​​salt - use to taste;
  • fresh egg - 2 pcs.
  • sifted flour - 1.5-2 cups.

Making the base

These fried kefir pies turn out to be very tender and soft. This is due to the fact that the products are prepared on the basis of liquid dough. We’ll tell you exactly how to knead it right now.

So, fresh kefir should be poured into a metal container and heated a little. After this, you need to add table soda to it and, intensively mixing the ingredients, achieve foaming of the milk drink. Next, you need to beat in a separate bowl fresh eggs. Finally, they should be added to kefir along with After mixing the components until smooth, you need to gradually add sifted flour to them. This product must be added until the base becomes viscous (as for pancakes).

Forming and frying products

Delicious fried kefir pies should be made with cabbage or meat filling. To do this, you need to heat the oil in a frying pan and then add the liquid base. The filling must be immediately placed on the resulting cake. After this, it should be covered with another large spoon of dough and cooked until the bottom of the pies is browned. After some time, the product must be turned over with a spatula and heat treatment continued in the same way.

After both sides of the pies are browned, remove them from the pan and place on a plate. Subsequently, the next batch of products should be placed in the frying pan, forming them in a similar way.

Serve it right for lunch

After frying all the pies made on a liquid kefir base, they can be safely presented for dinner. It is recommended to do this while hot. In addition to such products, you can serve some sauce, as well as sweet and strong tea.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, making pies with kefir dough is not as difficult as it seems. It should also be noted that they can be made with completely different fillings. So, homemade pies turn out very tasty together with mashed potatoes, liver, as well as rice and minced meat. You can try all the products presented only if you use the recipes presented above. Enjoy your meal!

Fried kefir pies can have completely different fillings, but in any case they turn out very tasty.

Kefir pies? It couldn’t be simpler, because all the necessary ingredients are always on hand in the refrigerator.

Classic fried kefir pies


  1. eggs - 1 pc.
  2. salt without a slide - 1 tsp.
  3. kefir or yogurt - 200 ml
  4. sugar -1 tbsp. l.
  5. vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. wheat flour - 500-550 g
  7. soda, quenched with vinegar - 0.5 tsp.


Beat the eggs with a mixer or using a whisk. Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and kefir. Stir the resulting mixture until smooth, then add baking soda, quenched with vinegar. Sift the flour and add it to the homogeneous mass gradually until the dough reaches the desired consistency for the pies. The dough should not be tight. Once the dough is mixed properly, you can start making pies with any desired filling. For sweet pies, it is advisable to add to the dough more sugar. Fry the pies in a frying pan until golden brown over moderate heat.

Fried pies with potatoes and mushrooms on kefir


for test:

  • kefir - 250 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - a pinch
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • baking powder for dough - 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • flour - 380 g + for dusting the table

  • For filling

  • large potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • champignons – 150 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg - to taste
  • vegetable oil

  • Preparation

Prepare for filling mashed potatoes. Finely chop the champignon mushrooms and onions, fry in vegetable oil until tender. Add fried vegetables to the potato mixture, salt, pepper and season everything nutmeg taste. Mix the finished filling thoroughly and cool. Now you can start preparing the dough.

Beat the egg into a clean bowl and lightly beat it with a fork, adding sugar, a pinch of salt, and then kefir and vegetable oil. Sift the flour, combine it with baking powder and gradually add it to the main mass. Knead a tight dough, and then try to divide it into approximately equal parts in the amount of 14-16 pieces. Form each piece of dough into a ball, dip it on all sides in flour and roll it out with a rolling pin to the size of a small flat cake. Place a tablespoon of filling in the center of each cake and pinch the edges to form a patty. Fry the pies over medium heat on both sides in vegetable oil in a well-heated frying pan.

The simplest fried kefir pies


  • kefir - 0.5 l
  • soda - 0.5 tsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Wheat flour
  • salt
  • vegetable oil


Add sugar, salt and soda slaked with vinegar to kefir. Sift the flour and add it to the resulting mass gradually until you get a soft dough. Form the resulting dough into flat cakes and place any filling in the center. Pinch the edges and form a pie. Fry kefir pies in a frying pan in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

Early ripening pies with kefir


  1. kefir - 0.5 l.
  2. soda - 1 tsp.
  3. salt - 0.5 tsp.
  4. sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. flour - about 2 tbsp.
  6. vegetable oil
  7. egg - 1 pc.
  8. rice with onions, cottage cheese, cabbage, potatoes, meat, mushrooms, jam, etc. - optional fillings.


Add soda, salt, egg, sugar to kefir and mix thoroughly. Sift the flour, add it to the resulting mass, stirring constantly. Knead a loose dough, somewhat thicker than for pancakes. Sprinkle the cutting board with flour. Using a tablespoon, place the dough on a cutting board sprinkled with flour and roll in flour. Roll into a ball and then form into a flat cake. Place the filling in the center of the flatbread. Brush the top of each pie with beaten egg. Fry pies on butter with the lid closed high fire. They should be fried on both sides until golden brown.

Everyone loves fried pies, but not every housewife takes pleasure in preparing them. This is due to the preparation of the dough. Not everyone succeeds in making yeast, and stretching out the cooking for several hours is also not always convenient. Kefir often does not rise and turns out dull. In general, you need a perfect and simple recipe. And I have just such a thing! The basis of the dough is kefir. The rest of the ingredients are also quite ordinary. The secret is in a special kneading method: here soda is introduced not into kefir, but into the already kneaded dough. This not only makes the dough especially fluffy, but also does not give it the taste of soda at all; it is impossible to detect it in the dough! The dough is universal, you can hide any filling in it. Frying or baking pies is also your choice, but fried pies with kefir turn out just like fluff! The recipe is without yeast, but the dough comes out tender! Very soft, porous and airy. It rolls out thinly, you can hide as much filling in it as you wish. And when fried, it grows so much that you simply can’t tell these pies from yeast pies!


  • kefir (2.5-3.2%) – 1 tbsp.;
  • sour cream (15-20%) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • soda – 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l. in dough + for frying;
  • flour – 2.5-3 tbsp.
  • Filling option:
  • rice (raw) – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • egg – 2-3 pcs.;
  • green onions - a few feathers;
  • salt - to taste.

How to make fried kefir pies without yeast

The secret to a successful kefir test is 2-3 days of kefir and warm (room temperature) products. That's why we take it out necessary products from the refrigerator, and after a couple of hours you can start kneading the dough. We measure required quantity kefir, add sour cream to it.

After that, add salt to the dough, add the egg, add sugar (it will brighten up the sourness of kefir). For pie dough and sweet filling, the amount of sugar can be increased if desired. But, for my taste, 1 tbsp. l. – just right for any filling.

Mix the dough with a whisk until smooth, then pour in the oil.

Knead again and add flour to the dough. I intentionally do not write the exact amount, since it directly depends on the fat content/thickness of kefir - the fattier and thicker it is, the less flour is required. My kefir was 2.5%, and it took 2.5 tbsp of flour. I measured everything with a 250 gram glass.

The kneaded dough turns out soft, pliable, slightly sticking to your hands, so working with it may require a small amount of flour for dusting.

Now soda. In this version of the test it is entered like this. Roll out the kneaded dough into a layer about 1 cm thick. Divide the entire volume of soda into approximately three parts, and after one of the parts sprinkle the rolled out layer.

Grind the soda so that there are no lumps left and it spreads evenly. And we fold the layer: first we bend the edges to the center, then fold the layer in half.

Then we roll out the dough again into a layer and repeat the whole process twice more: sprinkle with soda, roll it up. After the third rolling, we collect the dough into a ball, round it and let it rest for 30-60 minutes.

During this time you can prepare the filling. The dough is universal; you can use absolutely any filling. I made it with rice, egg and green onions. Boil rice and eggs until cooked. Chop the eggs and onions. Mix all parts of the filling together, add salt to taste - and you're done.

Divide the rested dough into pieces the size of a medium-sized tangerine and roll each of them into a flat cake. The dough rolls out easily and, as a rule, does not need dusting after “rest”. When frying, the pies greatly increase in size, almost like yeast dough, therefore it is better to roll thinner - somewhere up to 3-4 mm.

Place the filling in the center, form pies and fry them in well-heated vegetable oil under closed lid. This is how much pies grow when fried.

The pies turn out the softest! Very lush and airy. Delicious either fresh hot or cold the next day.

Bon appetit!


Those who have not yet decided to try this option for kneading dough can add soda to kefir in the usual way: add it along with sugar and salt, and then follow the recipe. This way you will get regular kefir dough, which will also make delicious pies.

Pie recipes

We offer you recipes for fried kefir pies, which are passed down from older generations to younger ones. This not at all difficult dish will delight fried lovers!

2 hours

120 kcal

4.94/5 (18)

Very often the idea of ​​surprising your loved ones with baked goods appears spontaneously. But at the initial stage of preparing the dough, the desire to stand in the kitchen for several hours dissipates a little, and the idea of ​​making pies is postponed until the next time. We suggest considering the option of a quick test using kefir with yeast.

Kefir dough - quick and tasty!

Nuances and tips for preparing kefir dough with yeast

It is quite difficult to guess the amount of ingredients needed, even if you adhere to the recipe, so at the initial stage the dough is kneaded with a spoon and then flour is added. When the consistency becomes less liquid, you can continue kneading with your hands. Hands are pre-wetted in vegetable oil, cold water or flour.

When working on the table, sprinkle the work surface with a small layer of flour.

To make the dough rise better and faster, it must be covered. plastic film and place in a warm place.

If you use non-fast acting yeast, it must be steamed in warm water with added sugar.

Forming and preparing pies

To save time, while the dough is rising, you can start preparing the filling.

The finished dough is placed on a table sprinkled with flour. Approximately identical balls are formed from it in portions. Then the resulting ball is pressed with the palm of your hand and the filling is placed on top. An example of a classic filling for fried pies and the method of preparing it is described. The edges of the pie are connected and pressed with your fingers.

Fry the resulting pies in well-heated sunflower oil.

To surprise your loved one, just go to the kitchen and cook delicious pastries. Knowing the recipe for kefir dough with yeast, the entire cooking procedure will take a little time and effort. Try it!

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