Gaft Valentin wives and children. Interesting facts about Valentin Gafta. Tragic death of daughter

Valentin Gaft is a talented, bright and charismatic actor who has undeniable merits to Soviet cinema. The actor is no longer young, but, nevertheless, he continues to delight his audience with the fact that films with his participation can be watched again and again. His acting abilities helped him conquer cinema, become popular, and arouse the sympathy of the audience. But where did it all begin? How in the world was this man able to start acting in films, what roads did he have to go through? Did he succeed thanks to his connections or did he achieve everything on his own? Let's look at all this carefully, starting with his childhood.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valentin Gaft

As mentioned above, Valentin Gaft is no longer young. But this does not mean that he has lost his natural charm and acting talent. Today, this good actor is already 81 years old, his height is 187 centimeters, and his weight is 75 kilograms. That is, despite his age, the man looks very decent. The actor himself said that, despite the fact that he is already aged, he still needs to continue to take care of himself and do everything possible to look good. And he does it very well, and it’s not even that he really takes care of himself, but also that he always tried to smile and be in good mood. The man always tried to be positive, realizing that he was charging with his example positive emotions spectators. Therefore, answering the questions height, weight, age. How old is Valentin Gaft, we can say that everything is fine with him. True, in his old age he fell ill with a very unpleasant disease, but we will talk about this later.

Biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft. Actor's illness

The biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft, the actor’s illness, all this deserves special attention, because in his life there were many twists, tragedies and everything else that could only temper the actor, make him stronger, learn to withstand life’s adversities. And all this allowed him not only to be strong in life, but also to conquer cinema. What other people couldn't do, this one did. strong man. Although at this moment there is information that Valentin Gaft is sick with Parkinson's disease, he is still not going to give up and move on with his life. In fact, his love for theater began in the fourth grade, when he took part in school plays.

After school, the actor managed to enter the theater school, after which he very successfully began to appear on stage. But he wanted to play in films too, so without hesitation he began to storm the cinema and go to castings. His first role was in a silent version in the film “Murder on Dante Street”. After that, he managed to appear in other films, and in each role he managed to distinguish himself, to show himself at his best. the best side. And although, initially, young man there were no significant roles, then the situation improved, because the directors saw the potential of the talented guy, and as a result he began working with Ryazanov himself. As for the actor’s personal life, it had its own problems, ups and downs. Rumors about the actor’s illness can hardly be called true, but maybe they have a place.

Family and children of Valentin Gaft

It must be said that family has always played a huge role in Gaft’s life. At one time he was married to Inna Eliseeva, they had common daughter. For some reason, the couple separated, and this led to great tragedy. The fact is that his daughter Olga eventually committed suicide, blaming her mother for it in a note. After this, Inna also did not live long; a few months later she died of stomach cancer. Today, the actor lives with a woman, Olga Ostroumova, and a son, Misha, a boy whom he adopted. Only these people helped the actor come to his senses after he closed himself off for a whole year from the grief that overtook him. Valentin Gaft's family and children are the most precious thing he has.

Son of Valentin Gaft - Mikhail

Valentin Gaft's son Mikhail, in fact, is not his biological son. The fact is that in the life of the actor, the boy appeared after Gaft got along with Olga Ostroumova, for him it turned out to be his second marriage. After what happened in Gaft's life terrible tragedy, Olga and Mikhail did everything possible to support him. As a result, Valentin was able to come to his senses again, return to work and normal life. Today, Mikhail is already an adult, but it’s difficult to say exactly what he does. The actor himself says that it is very important for him that people close to him are close to him.

Daughter Valentina Gaft - Olga

Valentin Gaft's daughter Olga was born from her first marriage to Inna Eliseeva. But this story is very sad, because it entailed a great tragedy. The fact is that after her parents decided to divorce, it became a huge blow for the girl. True, it cannot be said that it was the divorce of her parents that caused the girl’s suicide, but she blamed her mother for everything, writing about it in a note. After the death of his daughter, as well as after the death of his first wife, the actor for a long time, didn’t want to communicate with anyone at all, didn’t want to give interviews. Only after a long time, thanks to his current family, he was able to return to life again.

Wives of Valentin Gaft - Inna Eliseeva, Olga Ostroumova

Valentin Gaft's wives Inna Eliseeva and Olga Ostroumova were his chosen ones, who played a fairly large role in the actor's life. His first marriage was very unhappy, because first of all, they got divorced, then she committed suicide. The first wife did not survive her daughter for long and died of stomach cancer a few months later. Because of this tragedy, the actor could not come to his senses for a long time, and only thanks to the presence of his second wife Olga and her son Misha, they helped the actor return to a full life again. Today, the actor is happy with his family and tries to enjoy every day he lives. And although there are rumors that Valentin Gaft and Olga Ostroumova broke up, there is no reliable information about this.

Wikipedia Valentina Gaft

Wikipedia Valentin Gaft will help viewers and fans become better acquainted with the life of the actor. If you want to know more about him, go to personal page on Wikipedia (,_Valentin_Iosifovich), where they are collected general facts, about his childhood, personal life, creative career. In addition to the Wikipedia page, you can use various sites, but this particular source is the most popular and will always be at hand. Valentin Gaft - a man who lived long life, in which there was a lot of good and bad, but he always tried to cope with everything that happened to him. Go to the Internet, choose the information that will be interesting to you.

Next year family relations two national artists Valentin Gaft and his wife Olga Ostroumova will turn 20 years old. People close to this couple call their marriage ideal, noting the exceptional role that Olga plays in the family. Considering that this is a family of two actors, their whole life consists of roles: theater, film, concert. But Olga Mikhailovna’s main role, by her own admission, is that of a wife and mother. In her interviews, the wonderful actress has repeatedly said that she would never sacrifice her family for work.

It is rare that any prominent actress manages to be in order both in her profession and at home. Numerous examples demonstrate this. Fortunately, Olga Ostroumova manages to be a consistently in demand actress and the keeper of their home with Gaft. Who taught her to live like this, where are her roots?

Olga Ostroumova's childhood

Olga Mikhailovna is one of many provincial girls who came to Moscow to “study to be an artist.” It would seem that in childhood nothing foreshadowed that the daughter school teacher physicist and housewife, in a few years she will become one of the most recognizable actresses of the Soviet, and then Russian, theater and cinema.

Olechka was born in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg region, in a large family, where, in addition to her, there were 2 older sisters and a brother. Mom didn't work, she drove household and raised children. She raised me correctly: in love and affection, in observing family traditions and in respect for people. Dad taught physics in local school, was the breadwinner of a large family.
The children learned a lot from their grandfather, a local priest: a kind, cheerful, talented man in many respects, and from their grandmother, who was strict and economical. According to the actress’s recollections, a kind and calm atmosphere reigned in the house. Here everyone loved each other and everyone cared about everyone.
A happy childhood could not but influence Olin’s character. Having already become an adult, she more than once said that in difficult moments of life, good childhood memories kept her afloat.

The life of Olga Ostroumova before she became Gaft's wife

In 1966, after finishing school in Kuibyshev, where the Ostroumov family moved, Olya decided to try her luck in Moscow. Having gone to the capital on her own, she submitted documents to GITIS and entered the acting department. And the independent adulthood. Everything happened early for Olya: her first movie role, her first love, her first family. Her husband was fellow student Borya Annaberdyev, but their marriage was short-lived: the young wife fell in love with someone else.

This other turned out to be the director of the Youth Theater Mikhail Levitin, with whom Olga’s first theatrical experiences brought her together. The second love lasted a long time; the couple lived together for almost 24 years. Children were born - a daughter and a son, to whom their parents gave their names. Now Olga Mikhailovna Levitina is an actress, like her mother, and Mikhail Mikhailovich Levitin is a student at the Higher Directing Courses. She was very nice, intelligent and Friendly family. Was. It so happened that the couple separated. Olga Ostroumova called her husband’s “unbridled love of freedom” the reason for the divorce.

The story of how Gaft and Ostroumova met

For 3 years, the actress had a hard time with the breakup, and for three years she did not pay attention to other men. She was busy with work, home and raising her son and daughter. Once, at a joint performance in one of the cafes, she met a well-known actor, a favorite of the public, tall and broad-shouldered Valentin Gaft. They first met on the set of Ryazanov’s film “Garage”. There was no talk of any love. They each played their role and went to their own theaters.

But Valentin liked the modest beauty. He did not forget her later, when he successfully and unsuccessfully arranged his personal life. By the time they met for the second time, both were free men. And Valentin decided to court Olga. Nobody forced events, love captured hearts gradually. For a long time, Valentin did not dare to tell the woman he loved that she was loved. He even took a break from their meetings for a whole 4 months. And then one day he called Olga and said that he couldn’t live without her.

Marriage of Olga Ostroumova and Valentin Gaft

Soon Olga and Valentin got married. They did not register their marriage in the registry office, where each of them had already visited more than once. It so happened that Valentin became seriously ill, was in the hospital, and an invited employee of the registry office registered the couple right at the hospital bed. No witnesses, no Mendelssohn March.
It was not easy for a new husband to join the family: at first, Olga’s children did not understand what their mother saw in this man. They always actively communicated with their father, loved him, and Valentin Iosifovich could not replace their father. But he didn't even try. Soon the guys realized that the new mom's husband doesn’t encroach on her and dad’s space, and just make friends. They are still friends today. Now they have their own children, and a big a happy family Olga Ostroumova and Valentin Gafta often gather in an apartment on Arbat, consisting of three generations, with children and grandchildren.

Valentin Iosifovich began winning the heart of his wife by demonstrating his pumped up biceps; he still loves to surprise her: he often brings home all sorts of delicacies and goodies that Olga Mikhailovna loves. He also writes poetry (not epigrams!), dedicated to his “beloved Olenka.” Valentin Iosifovich believes that his wife has greatly changed his character for the better: he has become softer, kinder, and more disciplined.

In their family life main role performed by his wife, Valentin plays “in episodes” here. Olga Mikhailovna consciously took responsibility for the household, freeing up time for her talented husband for his personal creativity. This was the case in her parents' family and in her grandparents' house. Olga Ostroumova calls her husband a big child, says that she spoiled him herself, and now she is reaping the benefits. Very much in the traditions of Russian families, isn’t it?

Valentin Gaft's wife: beautiful appearance, beautiful soul

Despite the fact that Olga Mikhailovna became a grandmother and has crossed the age limit when young ladies play the roles, she still remains a real beauty, as she was in early years(remember Zhenya Komelkova from the film “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” - you can’t take your eyes off!) Over the years, the beauty of our beloved actress has acquired mature features. But no one would dare call her an elderly woman: the same open and clear eyes, a charming smile that suits her so well, a fit figure, gorgeous well-groomed hair. She dresses modernly and tastefully.
Olga Mikhailovna’s style has always been distinguished by charm and a special mysterious femininity. She always looks impeccable - discreet, elegant and distinctly neat. She often appears in snow-white blouses with ruffles and frills, which only emphasize her charm. Olga Mikhailovna is Virgo according to her horoscope. You may not believe in horoscopes, but Olga Ostroumova has many coincidences with her astrological description.

Valentin Iosifovich was born in Moscow, into a Ukrainian family. Dad was mainly involved in prosecutorial activities, and mom was involved in housekeeping. The family was far from the theatrical environment.

As soon as the future actor turned six, the war began. First, his father went to the front, and then little Valya’s cousin. The actor says that he didn’t remember his father’s farewell, but when he sent his brother off to war, he cried so much that he himself felt ashamed.

It seemed to the boy that the whole war would take place in his yard: on one side of the fence there would be Germans, on the other - ours, and from the window he would be able to watch how Soviet army wins. But everything turned out to be much worse. Hunger, bombing, an indescribable and unforgettable feeling left from the basement shelters, where very tiny and sleepy Valya, wrapped in a blanket, was carried in her mother’s arms at night.

At the very end of the war, my father was wounded and was taken to one of the Moscow hospitals. The future actor and his mother immediately went to him. He lay completely bandaged, not even his face was visible. And on the nightstand there was food and even apricot juice, which little Valya drank. And it seemed to him that there was no war, and it was not his father who was wounded and now lies in front of him covered in bandages.

When the news of the victory arrived on May 9, 1945, Gaft was playing in the yard. The actor says that he was terribly proud that ours won. From that day on, my mother began going to the Belorussky railway station: what if she met one of her relatives? She was from large family- 13 brothers and sisters in total. Only one returned alive from the war.


Poet (1956)

Then there was the post-war period, which Gaft met as a teenager. He considered the real stars to be the guys who sang criminal songs with a guitar in the yard and played chess with patients of a mental hospital located nearby. And one day he decided to become a musician and asked his mother to buy him a piano.

In the shop German trophies there was a large choice, but my mother certainly wanted a piano with candlesticks, but there was no such thing, and Gaft did not become a musician. But he became an artist, although the idea of ​​trying himself in this profession did not immediately come to him.

As a boy, he often went to the cinema and even had favorite actors whom he admired and whose names he called himself. strangers- if you needed to give your last name. But he first saw the play in the fourth grade and did not immediately understand that the action on stage was not happening for real.

But then I fell in love with this profession and decided to try myself in it. For starters, in school amateur performances. It was there that Gaft first heard compliments on his talent. In an interview, the artist jokes: he allegedly got bad marks in the tenth grade, so he decided to go to a place where the certificate does not play a special role.

But I prepared the program carefully. He had already completed the first round of the Moscow Art Theater School when he met Sergei Stolyarov, a famous artist and his idol, in an ordinary Moscow park. Plucking up courage, Gaft suggested listening to the fable, which “doesn’t work,” and was about to start reading. The actor stopped him and invited him to his place. At home, he carefully discussed the fable with his newly minted pupil. Subsequently, Gaft would call Stolyarov his first teacher and note that the actor’s instructions greatly helped him.


Intervention (1968)

He first got into cinema in his second year at studio school. Mikhail Romm invited young Gaft to “Murder on Dante Street.” Here his second meeting with his idols awaited him. This time they were Plyatt and Strauch. According to Valentin Iosifovich, he was taken aback at the sight of the greats, and he almost disrupted the shooting.

For another twenty years, each time he crosses the threshold of Mosfilm, Gaft will feel the same youthful uncertainty that he encountered here, on his first filming.

Having received his diploma, he entered the troupe of the Mossovet Theater, but for some reason did not last long there. Immediately after leaving, Erast Garin found him and offered to replace the drunken actor at the Satire Theater. But even there, the young actor, who mixed up his partners and ruined the set, did not stay for long. Then there was the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, but only Sovremennik became a real home for Gaft.

Talking in one of his interviews about his disastrous debut at the Satire Theater, he mentioned that his future first wife, fashion model and simply beautiful Alena Izorgina, saw his shame. He talks with admiration about how men broke their necks in the streets, but admits that he himself was too young not to be attracted to other women. In the end, the wife could not stand Gaft’s love of love. They said goodbye.


Cleared for takeoff! (1971)

A tall, handsome and athletic man, he was a famous heartthrob, although only in his early youth. Recently it suddenly turned out that Valentin Iosifovich has a son, and he lives in Brazil. The actor met Vadik’s mother for only a short time and did not know that she became pregnant. Therefore, I began to communicate with my son when he was already over forty.

A real tragedy occurred in the fate of another of his children, his daughter from his second marriage, Olenka.

“What a rich woman, I’ll live well!” - as Gaft admits, when proposing to his second wife Inna Eliseeva, he thought exactly like that. She did not work anywhere, she was the spoiled daughter of famous and wealthy parents.

In his second marriage, Olenka was born. As a child, the girl was fond of ballet and dreamed of becoming a dramatic actress. But selection committee The theater school, where the girl entered, did not find any special talent in her, and Valentin Iosifovich did not insist. The refusal coincided with unhappy love, plus pressure from her mother... The girl committed suicide, and a few months later her mother also passed away.

Another marriage attributed to Gaft was civil. The actor says that he lived with a woman named Alla, who was a cellist. She won him over not only with her talented acting, but also with the fact that she knew how to cook well. But she was very jealous of a handsome and famous man.

Valentin Iosifovich constantly had to convince his beloved that he was not cheating on her, but she found reasons for jealousy even in his work. Either she created a scandal because she worked together with Liya Akhedzhakova in the theater, or she gave a resounding slap in the face after seeing a bed scene with Irina Alferova in the film “Night Fun”. This was the last straw, after which Gaft never returned to Alla.


Seventeen Moments of Spring (1973)

He first noticed Olga Ostroumova on the joint set. But while playing in Garage, they didn’t even talk. The actor admits: even then he noted the transparent beauty of this woman, but he saw that she was married, that she was happy and did not look like those ladies who have affairs. He put the charming actress out of his mind.

But several years passed, and Gaft saw her interview on TV, from which he realized: she was lonely. I wanted to meet her and asked the organizers of the private party at which I was supposed to speak to invite Ostroumova too.

He courted Olga for a long time, and proposed marriage a few years after that meeting. The registry office employee and the guests were called to the hospital, where Gaft was rehabilitating after the operation. The wedding was good for him.

Later he will say that Olga seemed to have reborn him - he became a completely different person, with a new attitude to life. She cut him off from everyday problems, giving the opportunity to be more creative. And she also gave me a new one big family. He began to treat her daughter and son as if they were relatives, as well as the grandchildren they gave to this delightful creative couple.

Today, September 2, 2015, Valentin Gaft celebrates his 80th birthday. It is probably difficult to list all the films and wonderful roles for which the viewer remembers him. Each role of Valentin Gaft was unique, thanks to his performance, and it is unlikely that anyone would take on the embodiment of these images. Although now Gaft no longer needs to play so much - the audience will clap even when he appears on stage.


My pre-war childhood Valentin Gaf t spent in Moscow. In those years, nothing foreshadowed his future acting career. Father, Joseph Romanovich, was a lawyer. And his mother, Gita Davydovna, always taught her son to be organized and maintain order in everything, because at that time the family lived in a small room in a communal apartment on Matrosskaya Tishina Street.

June 21, 1941 - the day when the war began, the family was supposed to move to the City of Priluki, in Ukraine, but due to the father’s heavy workload, they decided to change tickets a day later. And this became a fatal decision in their lives. On June 22, Molotov announced the beginning of the war on the radio. Father and cousin Valentina Gafta went to war. At the end of the war, Joseph Romanovich returned as a major.

Valentin Gaft in his youth

And Valentin first became acquainted with the theater only in the fourth grade, when he was taken to the children's theater to watch Sergei Mikhalkov's play “Special Assignment.” And, at least Valentin Gaf He was very impressed by what was happening on stage, but he did not yet have the desire to become an actor. The first thoughts about choosing an acting career appeared when he first appeared on the school stage. By the way, since the school was only for boys, Valentin had the opportunity to play many female roles.

And yet, the profession of an actor was far from what those around him expected from him. Therefore, he decided to secretly apply to two universities at once - the Shchukin School and the Moscow Art Theater School. Gaft later said that before the exams he was lucky enough to meet actor Sergei Stolyarov. And then Valentin was not afraid, he asked the public idol to listen to him first and give him some advice. The actor, although he was surprised by such a request, decided to help. And, although Gaft was able to pass only one round in Shchuka, he entered the Moscow Art Theater on the first try.

His parents had mixed reactions to this. As he himself remembers Valentin Gaft, his father then said: “Valya, what kind of artist are you? Look at Misha Kozakov - he has a suit and a bow tie, but what about you? This is what an artist should be like.” Then he had no idea that his first film role was Valentina Gafta will be in the film with Kozakov. Back then everyone dreamed of getting on screen. And Gaft had his first success in this area in his final years at the institute, although these were episodic roles, almost without words, in the films “Murder on Dante Street” and “The Poet.”

First appearance on screen in the film "Murder on Dante Street"


But after graduating from the institute, they didn’t want to take Gaft to any theater. The famous reader, Dmitry Zhuravlev, helped in finding a job. Thanks to him Valentina Gafta took me to the Mossovet Theater. True, the actor did not stay there for long: during the first tour, he left the troupe because he did not like the roles offered. After some time, Erast Garin offered him a job at the Satire Theater, but he was kicked out of there after his first debut. No one knew then that a few years later on the stage of this theater Valentin Gaft will perform one of his best theatrical roles - Count Almaviva in "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro."

Valentin Gaft - actor of the Sovremennik Theater

During this period, places of work Valentina Gafta are replaced one after another. First he works at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, then with A.A. Goncharova in a small theater on Spartakovskaya Street, and in 1964 Gaft ended up with Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros at the Lenin Komsomol Theater. And, at least in last actor also did not stay long, but it was here that he gained experience that formed the basis of his subsequent career, because the theater played a lot of classical productions that helped Gaft find his talent.

Five years later, Oleg Efremov invites him to work at Sovremennik. And it was this theater that became home to him and remains so to this day. Among the best roles played on this stage are Glumov “Balalaikin and Co,” George “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”, Gorelov “Hurry to Do Good” and Rakhlin “Domestic Cat of Medium Fluffiness.”

Scene from the play "Balalaikin and K"


Film career Valentina Gafta Didn't go well either. For a long time he played only in episodes. And even when, by the end of the 60s, the actor began to appear more and more on the screen, he still did not get interesting and memorable roles. As Gaft himself said about this: “Cinema did not spoil me. Not only was I not the right type. Non-Russian, strange appearance. In those days, a hero had to be different. This is natural. In the 50-60-70 years I was not suitable for any role, with rare exceptions. Most often it was like this - they did screen tests, and it seemed that they were about to take the role, but then someone came, and it wasn’t me who was cast in the film.”

In the 70s, luck began to smile Valentin Gaft, and he played his first bright film roles: Brasset in the comedy “Hello, I’m your aunt!” and Stewart in the political drama Night at the 14th Parallel. And even then his cinematic style began to develop. intellectual game, with a deep depiction of the image.

Still from the film “Hello, I’m your aunt!”

But true popularity came to Gaft after meeting Eldar Ryazanov. It was with him that he played his classic roles. The first working together became the 1979 film "Garage", where Valentin Gaft played the role of chairman of the garage-construction cooperative Sidorkin. His performance perfectly portrayed an ironic character in the spirit of the times.

This was followed by more than one role in Ryazanov’s films: the father-commander in the tragicomedy “Say a word for the poor hussar...”, Odinokov in the film “Forgotten Melody for the Flute”, the leader of the homeless named “President” in the tragicomedy “Promised Heaven”. Each of these roles was completely different from the previous one, and it was with Ryazanov that Gaft was able to show that he was capable of playing completely different characters. In each of these films, the actor created a unique and memorable image for a long time.

Still from the movie "Garage"

After that to Valentin Gaft popularity came. In the 80s he was lucky to play many interesting roles. Among them are the roles of repeat offender Alexei Dedushkin, nicknamed Baton, in Alexander Muratov’s detective story “Vertical Racing” and a role in the detective series “Visit to the Minotaur.” Also famous were the roles of Valentin Gaft in the following films: “Sorcerers”, “Along the Main Street with an Orchestra”, “A Lady’s Visit” and “Anchor, More Anchor!” And in 1994, Gaft played Woland in the film adaptation of “The Master and Margarita” directed by Yuri Kara, but the film was never released on wide screens.

Still from the film “The Master and Margarita”


But Valentin Gaft rich not only in his acting talent. One day, unexpectedly for himself, he began to compose epigrams. And then Oleg Efremov invited him to compose several such epigrams about famous actors. They were ironic and sometimes very caustic, but their goal was not to insult their colleagues, but simply to have a cheerful look at their work. Many of them were often quoted. Here are some of them.


There are much fewer Armenians on earth,

Than the films where Dzhigarkhanyan played.

Irina Alferova:

You won't be successful

After all, you, beauty, are not Piekha.

Make your success in bed -

Doing this on stage is a sin!

And among the most intimate pleasures

Irina is better than everyone else.

Stop walking through torment,

Play with art you separation.

Mikhail Boyarsky:

Why are you yelling like that?

Like a robbed Jew?

Don't bother D'Artagnan,

He is a nobleman, not a plebeian.

By the way, already at that stage Valentin Gaft they began to attribute some lines that were not written or spoken to him. After that with epigrams Valentin Gaft quickly finished, but decided to improve his poetic abilities. So today there are even several collections of lyric poems Valentina Gafta. In addition to poetry, there are other books by Gaft dedicated to the theater and his life.


Personal life Valentina Gafta the ball was much more eventful than one can imagine now, because in his youth he was considered quite interesting man. The actor married three times, and his chosen ones were very attractive women. First wife Valentina Gafta became fashion model Elena Izorgina. The second is ballerina Inna Eliseeva. And although the couple had a daughter, Olga, they divorced in the 80s.

One of the biggest tragedies in the actor’s life is associated with this marriage. After their divorce, the daughter took her mother’s surname and stayed with her, but nevertheless maintained a warm relationship with her father. But the older Olga got, the more her relationship with her mother deteriorated. In September 2002, the girl unexpectedly committed suicide, blaming her mother for her suicide note. Inna Eliseeva, however, did not outlive Olga much, dying on January 31, 2003 from stomach cancer.

Valentin Gaft with his daughter

But with his third wife, actress Olga Ostroumova, he is happy to this day. But their relationship was not so simple. They first met on the set of the film “Garage”, and although Olga immediately liked Valentin Gaft, at that time she was married, and Valentin Iosifovich decided not to even try. “I felt so bad,” said the actor. “I realized that I was tired of lying, I was tired of hearing lies from others, I was tired of the contradictions in which I was entangled. And suddenly Olya appeared on the screen - I just stared at the image, could not take my eyes off her marvelous face.” But soon Olga Mikhailovna separated from her husband, and then the path to their happiness was open.

Valentin Gaft and Olga Ostroumova

In filmography Valentina Gafta Today there are more than a hundred roles, many of which have become classics. But despite this, he always considered himself primarily a theater actor. For more than 40 years he has been faithful to his temple, the Sovremennik Theater, on the stage of which he played countless wonderful roles. At 80 Valentin Gaft is still actively working. Soon the actor plans to stage his own play, in which he has invested everything that he would like to pass on to subsequent generations. As the actor himself says: “I think that every generation lives for the next. Life gives a person happiness and rewards him for remaining human despite all the difficulties of life.”

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft. Born on September 2, 1935 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. National artist RSFSR (1984).

Valentin Gaft was born on September 2, 1935 in Moscow, in Jewish family immigrants from the Poltava province (Priluki).

Father - Joseph Ruvimovich Gaft (1907-1969), participant of the Great Patriotic War, worked as a lawyer in the Legal Advice on Leningradsky Prospekt.

Mother - Gita Davydovna Gaft (1908-1993), was a housewife.

While still at school, Valentin began to participate in amateur performances and played in school plays. I decided to enter the theater school secretly and applied immediately to the Shchukin School and the Moscow Art Theater School. By chance, two days before the exams, Gaft met on the street famous actor Sergei Stolyarov and asked to “listen” to him. Although Stolyarov was surprised, he did not refuse and even helped with advice.

At the Shchukin School, Valentin Gaft passed the first round, but did not pass the second. However, he entered the Moscow Art Theater School on the first try, passing the exam with excellent marks.

In 1957 he graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, workshop of V. O. Toporkov. He made his debut on the stage of the Mossovet Theater, having received recommendations from D.N. Zhuravlev, among his works: The Second Detective (introduction) - “Lizzie McKay” based on the play by J.-P. Sartre's "The Virtuous Whore"; "King Lear" by William Shakespeare; Son - “Cornelia” based on the play by M. Chorciolini; Bunny - “The Profitable Groom” based on the play by the Tur brothers.

In 1958 he played on the stage of the Satire Theater: Scientist - “Shadow” based on the play of the same name by E. Schwartz.

Then he served at the Moscow Drama Theater, playing in the plays: “Love’s Labour’s Lost”; “The Third Head” based on the play by Marcel Aimé; Tom - “Barba” based on the play by J. Masevich; Goga - “The Argonauts” based on the play by Y. Edlis; “A Man Lives” by V. E. Maksimov; “The Lady's Visit” by F. Dürrenmatt.

In 1965-1966 - actor of the Theater. Lenin Komsomol: Evdokimov (input) - “104 pages about love” based on the play by E. Radzinsky; Marquis d’Orsigny - “Molière” based on the play by M. Bulgakov.

After some time, he moved to the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, among his works: Solyony Vasily Vasilyevich, staff captain - “Three Sisters” based on the play by A.P. Chekhov; Kolobashkin - “The Seducer Kolobashkin” based on the play by E. Radzinsky.

Since 1969 - actor at the Sovremennik Theater.

Works by Valentin Gaft at the Sovremennik Theater:

1970 - Aduev Sr. (introduction to the role of M. Kozakov) - “ An ordinary story", dramatization by V. Rozov based on the novel by I. A. Goncharov, director Galina Volchek;
1970 - Steklov-Nakhamkes (introduction to the role of M. Kozakov) - “Bolsheviks”, based on the play by M. Shatrov, directors Oleg Efremov, Galina Volchek;
1971 - Martin - “Own Island”, based on the play by R. Kaugver, directed by Galina Volchek;
1971 - Gusev - “Valentin and Valentina”, based on the play by M. Roshchin, directed by Valery Fokin;
1973 - Glumov - “Balalaikin and Co.,” a play by S. V. Mikhalkov based on the novel “Modern Idyll” by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, directed by Georgy Tovstonogov;
1973 - Zhgenti - “Weather for Tomorrow”, based on the play by M. Shatrov, directors Galina Volchek, I. Raikhelgauz, Valery Fokin;
1974 - Lopatin - “From Lopatin’s Notes”, based on the play by K. Simonov, directed by I. Raikhelgauz (there is a TV version of the play);
1976 - Firs - “The Cherry Orchard”, based on the play of the same name by A.P. Chekhov, director Galina Volchek;
1977 - Kukharenko - “ Feedback", based on the play by A. Gelman, directors Galina Volchek, M. Ali-Hussein;
1978 - Henry IV - “Henry IV”, based on the play by L. Pirandello, directed by Liliya Tolmacheva;
1980 - Gorelov - “Hurry to Do Good,” based on the play by M. Roshchin, directed by Galina Volchek;
1981 - Louis XIV - “The Cabal of the Holy One”, based on the play by M. Bulgakov, directed by Igor Kvasha;
1982 - Vershinin - “Three Sisters”, based on the play by A. P. Chekhov, directed by Galina Volchek;
1983 - Mayor - “The Inspector General”, based on the play by N.V. Gogol, directed by Valery Fokin;
1984 - George - “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”, based on the play by E. Albee, directed by Valery Fokin (there is a TV version of the play in 1992);
1986 - “Amateurs” - author’s evening of theater artists;
1988 - Boston - “The Scaffold”, based on the novel by Ch. Aitmatov, directed by Galina Volchek;
1989 - Rakhlin - “Domestic cat of medium fluffiness”, based on the play by V. Voinovich and G. Gorin, directed by Igor Kvasha;
1992 - Leiser - “Difficult People”, based on the play by Y. Bar-Yosef, directed by Galina Volchek;
1992 - Miranda - “Death and the Maiden”, based on the play by A. Dorfman, directed by Galina Volchek;
1994 - Higgins - “Pygmalion”, based on the play by B. Shaw, directed by Galina Volchek;
1998 - Kukin - “The Accompanist”, based on the play by A. Galin, directed by Alexander Galin;
2000 - Valentin - “Go away, go away”, based on the play by N. Kolyada, directed by Nikolai Kolyada;
2001 - Glumov - “Balalaikin and Co.,” a play by S. V. Mikhalkov based on the novel “Modern Idyll” by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (2nd edition), directors V. Gaft, Igor Kvasha, Alexander Nazarov;
2007 - He - “Hare love story", based on the play by N. Kolyada, director Galina Volchek;
2009 - Stalin - “Gaft’s Dream, Retold by Viktyuk”, based on the play by V. Gaft, directed by Roman Viktyuk;
2013 - Weller Martin - “The Gin Game”, based on the play by Donald L. Coburn, directed by Galina Volchek.

In 2001, Gaft made his directorial debut on the stage of Sovremennik. Together with I. Kvasha and A. Nazarov, he resumed the play “Balalaikin and Co,” based on the novel by M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, where again, like a quarter of a century ago, he performed in the role of Glumov.

He made his film debut in 1956 in the film “Murder on Dante Street” (in the role of one of the episodic murderers).

Success came to Valentin Gaft thanks to collaboration with the director. The actor was called one of Ryazanov’s most favorite artists. In 1979, the comedy “Garage” was released, in which Gaft played the chairman of the garage-construction cooperative Sidorkin, and the phrases of his hero became popular.

Valentin Gaft in the film "Garage"

In 1980, Ryazanov’s vaudeville “Say a Word for the Poor Hussar” was released, where Valentin Iosifovich played Colonel Pokrovsky.

Valentin Gaft in the film "Say a word for the poor hussar"

In 1987, the wonderful melodrama-comedy “Forgotten Melody for the Flute” appeared, where Gaft brilliantly portrayed the official Odinkov. In the early 1990s, viewers saw Valentin Iosifovich as the president of homeless intellectuals in the parable film “Promised Heaven.” In the late 1990s, the actor played a general in Ryazanov’s tragicomedy “Old Nags.”

Valentin Gaft in the film "Promised Heaven"

Among other notable works are the role of footman Brasset in Titov’s comedy “Hello, I am your aunt!”, Apollo Mitrofanovich Sataneev in the comedy “Sorcerers”, in New Year's fairy tale“The Orphan of Kazan” by Vladimir Mashkov, in Pyotr Todorovsky’s film “Anchor, more anchor!”, where he played Colonel Vinogradov.

Valentin Gaft in the film "Anchor, more anchor!"

Valentin Gaft is a master of epigrams.

Gaft's autoepigram:

Gaft has beaten a lot of people
And in epigrams he ate him alive.
He got his hand in this matter,
And we'll fill the rest.

Epigrams about Valentin Gaft:

Gaft doesn't have an ounce of intelligence,
He spent all his time writing epigrams. ( Mikhail Roshchin)

Gaft is not a device or a figure,
Not a town in the remote taiga.
Gaft is an abbreviation:
In short, something that is on Ge... ( Mikhail Roshchin)

To Gaft? An epigram?
Well, I do not!
After all, you can’t hide from him anywhere.
And Gaft, even though he is an actor and not a poet,
It will seal it so much that you won’t be able to wash it off... ( Alexander Ivanov)

Socio-political position of Valentin Gaft

In January 2010, Valentin Gaft joined the group of famous Russian figures culture, among whom were also Elena Kamburova, Sergei Yursky, Inna Churikova and Andrei Makarevich, who approached the authorities with a proposal to introduce the post of Commissioner for Animal Rights.

In 2015, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine included Gaft in the so-called “ White list» artists who « support territorial integrity and the sovereignty of the country." The actor connected this fact with the publication on the Internet in his name of poems critical of the Russian authorities, the authorship of which he denied. Later in an interview, Valentin Gaft called himself a “Putinist.” He stated that he trusts Russian television and the state, considers the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine unfair and places responsibility for the war in Donbass on Kyiv. After this, the artist was included in the list of persons creating a threat national security Ukraine.

“It’s just insulting and disgusting, because this is not a way to fight. Ukraine needs to be smarter and not ban films, no matter who made them. They found something there that they were ashamed of, some kind of truth about themselves,” Gaft said in response.

Valentin Gaft in the program "Temporarily Available"

Valentin Gaft's height: 187 centimeters.

Personal life of Valentin Gaft:

Was married three times.

The first wife is fashion model and artist Elena Izorgina. The marriage quickly fell apart - Izorgina fell in love with film expert Dal Orlov.

The second wife is ballerina Inna Eliseeva. According to the artist, while married to him, Inna was a housewife; her parents belonged to the party elite. Gaft divorced Eliseeva in the early 1980s. They had his only daughter Olga - she committed suicide in 2002, which was a huge shock for the actor.

The third wife is an actress. We met on the set of Ryazanov’s comedy “Garage,” but the relationship began much later. Married since 1996. From the age of 10, Valentin Gaft raised the actress’s son from a previous marriage, Mikhail. Under the influence of his wife, he was baptized into Orthodoxy.

Valentin Gaft and Olga Ostroumova

The actor has illegitimate son Vadim. He first saw him on a talk show on Channel One in October 2014. He was born by Moscow artist Elena Nikitina. They met when he was not yet a superstar at one of the theater evenings. We liked each other and started dating. But when Elena became pregnant, Gaft left and disappeared from her life. And three years later they met by chance on the street. Elena said that she gave birth to a son, whom she named Vadim. Valentin Iosifovich asked for a photograph of the boy, hid it in the inner pocket of his jacket... And a year later, Elena, her little son and mother flew to Brazil, where her sister, who had married a foreigner, settled.

Vadim, who followed in Gaft’s footsteps and works as an actor in the Brazilian theater. At the same time, Vadim said that Gaft has a grandson, Valentin, who was born on the same day.

Filmography of Valentin Gaft:

1956 - Murder on Dante Street - Rouge
1958 - Oleko Dundic - Serbian soldier
1960 - Russian souvenir - Claude Gerard, French composer
1960 - Normandy-Niemen - Millet
1961 - Submarine - Jim Temple
1965 - We, the Russian people - Boyer
1966 - Two years above the abyss - an officer in a restaurant
1967 - First courier - gendarmerie officer
1968 - Intervention - Long, French soldier
1968 - New Girl - Konstantin Fedorovich, national team coach
1968 - Caliph the Stork - Kashnur, the wizard
1969 - Wait for me, Anna - clown
1969 - Family Happiness (film almanac, short story “The Avenger”) - clerk in a weapons store
1970 - Amazing Boy - Dr. Capa
1970 - Road to Rübetzal - Apanasenko
1970 - About love - Nikolai Nikolaevich, Vera’s husband
1971 - Night on the 14th parallel - Dmitry Stepanov
1971 - Allow takeoff! - Azancheev
1971 - The Man on the Other Side - Andrei Izvolsky
1971 - Conspiracy - Casey
1973 - Seventeen Moments of Spring - Gevernitz, Dulles employee
1973 - Cement - Dmitry Ivagin
1974 - Tanya - German Nikolaevich Balashov
1974 - Lot - Innokenty Zhiltsov
1974 - Ivan da Marya - treasurer
1974 - Moscow, my love - choreographer
1974 - Miracle with pigtails - interlocutor
1975 - Olga Sergeevna - Troyankin
1975 - Hello, I'm your aunt! - Brasset, butler
1975 - For the rest of my life - Kramin, paralyzed junior lieutenant
1975 - From Lopatin's notes - Lopatin
1976 - Crazy Gold - Horace Logan
1976 - Day Train - Igor
1976 - The Tale of an Unknown Actor - Roman Semyonovich Znamensky, director
1977 - Girl, do you want to act in films? - Pavel, director
1977 - Almost funny story- fellow traveler on the train, supplier
1977 - Fight in a Blizzard - repeat offender Robber Stranger
1978 - Centaurs - Andres, the conspirator
1978 - Kings and Cabbage - Frank Goodwin, "Baby"
1978 - Players - Stepan Ivanovich Consoling
1979 - Garage - Valentin Mikhailovich Sidorin, chairman of the board of the garage cooperative, veterinarian
1979 - Men and Women - George
1979 - Today and tomorrow - Rassolov
1979 - Morning round - Alik
1979 - Circus Man - Georges
1980 - Say a word about the poor hussar - Colonel Ivan Antonovich Pokrovsky, commander of the cavalry regiment
1980 - Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants- Desforges, French Teacher / King
1980 - Three years - Yartsev
1982 - If the enemy does not surrender... - Stemmermann, German general
1982 - The Adventures of Count Nevzorov - text from the author behind the scenes
1982 - Saturday and Sunday (film) - psychologist
1982 - Customs - Vladimir Nikolaevich Nikitin, head of the inspection group
1982 - Sorcerers - Apollon Mitrofanovich Sataneev, deputy director of the NUINU Institute
1983 - Vertical racing - Lyokha Dedushkin, a repeat offender nicknamed “Baton”
1984 - Eight days of hope - Igor Artemyevich Belokon, director of the mine
1985 - Contract of the Century - Smith, CIA agent
1985 - About a cat... - Ogre
1986 - Year of the Calf - Valerian Sergeevich
1986 - My dearly beloved detective - Lester, Inspector
1986 - Along the main street with an orchestra - Konstantin Mikhailovich Vinogradov, musical arranger
1986 - Fouette - Poet
1987 - Forgotten melody for flute - Odinokov
1987 - The Journey of Monsieur Perrichon - Major Mathieu
1987 - Visit to the Minotaur - Pavel Petrovich Ikonnikov, serpentarium employee
1987 - Time to Fly - Victor
1987 - The Life of Klim Samgin - Valery Nikolaevich Trifonov, drunkard officer
1988 - Thieves in law - “authority” Arthur
1988 - Aelita, don’t pester men - Vasily Ivanovich Skameikin
1988 - Expensive pleasure - William Ter-Ivanov
1989 - Feasts of Belshazzar, or Night with Stalin - Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria
1989 - A Lady's Visit - Alfred Ill, a bankrupt shopkeeper
1990 - Suicide - entertainer
1990 - Football player - Norov
1991 - Promised Heaven - Dmitry Loginov, leader of the homeless beggars, nicknamed “President”
1991 - Lost in Siberia - Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria
1991 - Night fun - Mikhail Fedorovich Ezepov, Anna’s lover, Silin’s boss
1991 - Terrorist - Victor
1992 - Anchor, more anchor! - Fedor Vasilievich Vinogradov, Colonel
1993 - I want to go to America - Epstein
1994 - The Master and Margarita - Woland
1994 - I’m free, I’m nobody’s - Chesnokov
1996 - Career of Arturo Ui. A new version- Actor
1997 - Kazan Orphan - Pavel Ottovich Brumel, magician
1999 - The sky in diamonds - Deputy Minister
2000 - Old nags - Dubovitsky, general
2000 - House for the Rich - Roman Petrovich
2000 - Tender Age - Saledon Sr.
2001 - Clock without hands
2002 - On the other side of the wolves - Igor Alekseevich Goloshchekov, doctor
2003 - Days of an Angel - Victor Zuev
2003 - Everyone will ascend to Golgotha ​​- Uncle Sasha
2004 - Snowy love, or a winter night's dream - Oleg Konstantinovich, vice-grandfather
2004 - It all starts with love
2005 - Nine unknowns - Viktor Sevidov, billionaire
2005 - Swan Paradise - Grishin
2005 - The Master and Margarita - the high priest of Caif; man in jacket
2006 - Carnival night 2, or 50 years later - Boris Glebovich Perlovsky, political strategist
2007 - 12 - 4th juror
2007 - Leningrad - theater director
2009 - Autumn Flowers - Alfred
2009 - Attraction - Alexander Nikolaevich
2009 - Book of Masters - Magic Mirror
2010 - Burnt by the Sun 2: Imminence - Jew, prisoner Pimen
2010 - Family house - Vasily Petrovich Shvets, neighbor of the Sokolovs
2011 - Marines - Lazar Semyonovich Goldman, gynecologist
2011 - The Life and Adventures of Mishka Jap - Mendel Gersh
2013 - Studio 17 - Andrei Ivanovich Dorokhov, Soviet director
2013 - Yolki 3 - Nikolai Petrovich, lonely pensioner
2013 - The path of a leader. Fire river. Iron Mountain - Arkady Iosifovich Preobrazhensky
2014 - The story of an old woman - Gavriil Moiseevich Fishman
2014 - Breaking the vicious circle - Arkady Iosifovich Preobrazhensky, professor at Karaganda University
2015 - Milky Way

Voice-over of cartoons by Valentin Gaft:

1973 - Like a cat and a dog
1977 - Holiday of Disobedience
1978 - Postman's Tale
1981 - Dog in Boots - Noble
1982 - Birth of Hercules
1987 - Magic Bells - King
1987 - White Heron
2008 - New adventures of Grandma Yozhka - Raven
2012 - From the screw - Experienced - Il-2 attack aircraft

Literary creativity Valentina Gafta:

Verse and Epigram (1989)
Valentin Gaft (1996, together with artist N. Safronov)
I'm gradually learning (1997)
Life is a theater (1998, co-authored with Leonid Filatov)
The Garden of Forgotten Memories (1999)
Poems, memories, epigrams (2000)
Shadows on the Water (2001)
Poems. Epigrams (2003)
Red Lanterns (2008)

A song was written based on the lyric poems “Me and You” (music by Brandon Stone), performed by Sati Casanova

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