How to decorate a cake with protein buttercream. Protein-butter cream - a simple and quick recipe

Today we will tell you how to make protein-butter cream. Its dense structure does a great job of holding its shape when decorating cakes, and its delicate taste is an appropriate addition to cakes.

Custard protein-butter cream for cake decoration - recipe


  • butter – 420 g;
  • egg whites – 5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar– 150-200 g;
  • vanilla - to taste;
  • filtered water – 45 ml;
  • – 1/3 pinch.


Combine the egg whites with granulated sugar and citric acid and, stirring, heat to a temperature of 71 degrees, monitoring it with a thermometer. Then beat the mixture with a mixer until stiff peaks form, let cool, add a little soft butter and beat until a smooth, fluffy cream is obtained.

Custard protein-butter cream can also be obtained in another way.

To do this, place the whites and a third of a pinch of citric acid in a perfectly clean and dry container and beat until an airy and dense mass is obtained. Then add thirty grams of granulated sugar in small portions and continue whisking until it is completely dissolved and a thick foam is obtained.

At the same time prepare the syrup. Mix water with granulated sugar and heat on high fire up to a temperature of 120 degrees. If you do not have a thermometer, you can check the readiness of the syrup in this case as follows. IN cold water place a drop of syrup and if you can roll a plastic ball from it, then you can remove the dishes from the heat.

Continuing the procedure of beating the whites, pour in the hot syrup in a thin stream and beat for a few more minutes.

Let the mass cool, add soft butter in small portions and beat again until the mass becomes completely homogeneous and smooth. At the end of the process, add vanilla or other flavoring of your choice.

This protein-butter cream is perfect not only for decorating cakes, but also for eclairs, pastries and other desserts.

Protein-butter cream - a simple and quick recipe



Cut the butter into cubes up to one centimeter in size and let soften at room temperature. Place the whites in a perfectly clean and dry bowl and beat with a mixer until a dense and thick foam is obtained. Without stopping the whisking procedure, add powdered sugar in small portions and add vanilla. Next, add one cube of soft butter at a time and beat until smooth each time. When all the oil has been added and the consistency of the cream becomes smooth and homogeneous, it is ready for further use.

Today I have for you new recipe pastry cream - prepare custard protein-butter cream. This is for real perfect option for those who love butter-based cream and those who like the airiness of meringue. Absolutely smooth and homogeneous, silky, tender, moderately sweet and not cloying, while the airy protein-butter cream is a godsend for pastry chefs.

You can decorate cupcakes and muffins with this cream (you’ll get cupcakes that are so fashionable these days). In addition, this custard protein cream with the addition of butter works well as a layer for sponge cakes, as well as for decorating them, leveling the sides and tops of mastic preparations. This cream can be safely colored with food coloring, added chocolate, and then piped using a pastry bag.

The basis for this airy dessert is a protein cream, which is prepared using the custard method - Swiss or Italian meringue. In my recipe, I propose the first option - heat the egg whites with sugar in a water bath, and then beat them into a strong foam. And still very important point: butter for this cream must be of high quality, with a fat content of at least 82%.

This cream can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, and when frozen it can wait almost 2 months. I should note that protein-butter cream develops its taste and texture best at room temperature. That is why it is important to take the finished products out of the refrigerator in advance and let them rest for some time on the table.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

To prepare protein-butter cream, we need only three ingredients: butter, egg whites and granulated sugar. If desired, you can flavor this delicate and airy cream with vanilla or other flavors, and also use food coloring. In addition, sometimes the composition of the Swiss meringue, on the basis of which we will prepare the cream, contains salt and lemon juice, which are added in minute quantities, but you can do without them just fine.

The first step is to take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance and leave it on the table to soften. For convenience, I advise you to cut the butter into small pieces - this way it will become soft sooner, and it will be much more convenient to introduce it into the meringue. Butter at a temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees is considered ideal for work (by the way, I read that it’s even 20 degrees, but I didn’t check it).

Pour raw egg whites into a small, clean, dry saucepan or saucepan and pour in all the granulated sugar at once. I have 2 squirrels weighing 70 grams. Mix everything with a spoon, fork or whisk. Just mix - no need to beat anything yet.

Now we make a water bath. It’s even better to prepare it in advance - pour water into a small saucepan, but in such a volume that the dishes with egg whites and sugar do not touch the surface of the liquid. Place the saucepan on the fire, let the water boil, then turn the heat to below medium. Place a saucepan with sugar and egg whites in the lower bowl. Constantly stirring (this is important!), you need to heat the whites with sugar to a temperature of about 60 (in different sources the temperature ranges from 50 to 75) degrees. I have already acquired a culinary thermometer, but before I always relied on my tactile sensations. Simply put, you periodically dip your finger (clean, believe me) into the saucepan and try to understand how hot it is. 60 degrees is hot for me, but still tolerable. In addition, light steam will rise from the whites and sugar.

Continuously stirring, wait until all the sugar crystals are completely dissolved (just rub a drop of the mixture between your fingers - the sugar should not be felt at all), and the whites begin to become slightly cloudy. Now it's time to beat everything at low speed with a mixer. After 30 seconds we do average speed and beat the whites with sugar until smooth air mass. That is, a very gentle, not at all tight, airy protein foam is formed.

The base for the Swiss meringue has already warmed up enough, so remove the saucepan from the water bath. We need to stop cooking the proteins, so it's important to cool them quickly. To do this, place the saucepan in a filled cold water larger dishes. So how will mine continue to work? indispensable assistant(stand mixer), I simply transfer the protein foam into a bowl, which I cool in the refrigerator in advance.

Now beat the meringue at high speed with a mixer until the whites are completely cooled (this will take another 5-6 minutes). It is important that the meringue cools completely before adding the butter, otherwise the butter will begin to melt from the heat.

The finished Swiss meringue is quite dense, thick, smooth and shiny. She keeps her shape perfectly.

Now it's time to add butter to the meringue. We do this gradually, literally one teaspoon at a time (or at most a tablespoon at a time), without stopping whisking. I beat the cream in a planetary mixer at the highest fourth speed.

But how atypical, right? Usually when you come across articles about meringues, detailed description their types begin with the French - according to the principle “from simple to complex”. But for me it doesn’t work, because in reality and based on how often I use it, the easiest one for me is the Italian one. I'll start with it.

Let me remind you that Italian meringue- one of three types of meringues. The principle of its preparation is that sugar is added to whipped whites in the form of boiling syrup at a certain temperature. This meringue is the most stable of all types, and its scope of application is quite extensive. This meringue is safe from the point of view of the fact that the proteins in it are not raw, which means that you can introduce it already there, which will not be further prepared (it is made easier by creams, mousses, and so on). Habitual protein cream from Soviet shortbread baskets - this is Italian meringue. Often, protein cream is used where, say, a moist butter sponge or cake batter is used for balance and harmony. For stability, agar is additionally added to the protein cream (for example, for depositing it with nozzles), but even without this ingredient the cream behaves perfectly. Remember that protein cream does not like being adjacent to jelly layers.

If add butter to Italian meringue, it will turn out great protein-butter cream. Looking ahead a little, protein-butter cream can be prepared using both Italian and Swiss meringue, but due to my love for the first one, I use it. Protein-butter cream is good with any biscuits; it is perfect for leveling cakes under mastic, as well as for curly depositing on the surface.

There is an opinion that preparing Italian meringue is more troublesome than others. I agree when compared with the French one, but I don’t agree at all when compared with the Swiss one. Honestly, it’s much easier for me to boil sugar syrup in a small ladle and brew meringue with it than to build a bathhouse, continuously stirring the whites with sugar in it until it disperses (and sometimes this doesn’t happen due to coarse sugar), in no case do not overheat the mass, then remove everything from the bath, continuing to beat... In short, this is not my method, although I respect those for whom it is more convenient.

Let's proceed directly to preparing Italian meringue. She is also a protein cream. He's Gosha, he's Zhora, Goga, and whatever else happened in the famous film...

Italian meringue (protein cream): ingredients

3 egg whites (100 g)
1 glass of sugar (200 g)
50 grams of water
0.25 tsp citric acid
0.5 tsp agar (optional)

Pour sugar into a thick-bottomed bowl and add water. I immediately add citric acid to the syrup - it will prevent crystallization (this happened to me if I added lemon later...)

Place the syrup on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring. At the point of boiling, all sugar crystals should dissolve. If you are preparing the cream with agar, then simultaneously soak it in a tablespoon of water.

When the syrup boils, reduce the heat and simmer until 120 degrees (hard ball test). Be careful not to let the syrup boil too hot and start to turn a caramel color. Add agar to the syrup and mix thoroughly.

At the same time, beat the whites into a strong foam and, continuing to beat them, pour in the sugar syrup in a thin stream, brewing the whites. Since I have a simple manual mixer, it looks funny from the outside: I see that the syrup will soon be ready, I hold the thermometer in it with my left hand, and with my right hand I hold the mixer over the bowl and beat the whites. When adding syrup, the proteins will greatly increase in volume, the meringue will become shiny and glossy.

When I introduce the syrup into the meringue, I turn on the first speed of the mixer so that the syrup does not splash, but combines with the meringue, and when all the syrup has been added, the speed of the mixer can be increased and continue to beat until until the cream cools down.

As the cream cools, you will see how it becomes denser and tougher. Closer to readiness, it will even begin to sound somehow special. It is difficult to describe this sound, reminiscent of some kind of dull crunch mixed with trembling. Visually, the cream will begin to become more torn, stiffer and will collect at the rims. Beat the egg white cream until stiff peaks form, and if you need the meringue for other purposes (for example, making pasta), then follow the recipe directions.

Protein-butter cream on Italian meringue

protein cream (for 3 whites)
150-200 g softened butter (medium proportion)

Depending on what density of cream you need, you can play with the proportion of oil: for a lighter one, add 100 grams, and for a thicker one, increase the amount of oil even to 300 grams.

To make the buttercream, beat the meringue until it reaches room temperature. If it is colder, the cream will curdle.

Remove the butter for the cream from the refrigerator in advance - it should be soft, tender, and pliable. Beat the butter until fluffy.

When both meringue and butter are ready to meet, you can go three ways : add butter little by little to the meringue, whisking the cream; add the meringue to the butter, doing the same, or you can add a little meringue to the butter to lighten it, then add this mixture to the main part of the meringue and beat until smooth.

If the cream separates , this may mean that the butter was not softened enough, or the meringue is colder than the butter. So, meringue and butter should be at the same temperature. If such a problem occurs, the cream should be slightly heated in a water bath or in the microwave at low power, without allowing it to melt, but only slightly drowning it, then whisking the cream until smooth again. If at the time of coitus (sorry) there will be meringue and butter warm , the butter may begin to melt and the cream will turn out too soft. There's nothing wrong with that. In such a situation, I simply leave the cream to stand for a while at room temperature, after which I lightly beat it again, and after it cools slightly, it will become denser. In the photo above, the cream will turn out to be a little thinner than desired, but then it became as needed.

Another one an important thing (let me remind you just in case), which works with all types of oil creams: If you have already prepared the cream with the intention of spreading the cake later, then do not put it in the refrigerator. If you have set it, then when you take it out, do not start working immediately, but let the cream reach room temperature. The butter in the cream will harden in the refrigerator, and when you start stirring the cream, spreading it, etc., it will simply separate, releasing water.

This cream is very versatile (cakes, cupcakes...), and you can safely add chocolate, cocoa (mixing it in the oil part), flavor it with alcohol, and color it. Protein-butter cream is the basis for many people’s favorite sweets and “Bird’s Milk” cake.

Thank you flowerohyeh for the master class!

Protein-butter cream often used by professionals to create bright and beautiful decorations on cakes, pastries and other desserts that can decorate any festive table. The cream turns out very tasty, tender, airy and tastes like creamy vanilla ice cream. In addition, this cream is much lighter than butter cream, since its base is egg white, which is whipped until it forms peaks. Making this cream is very easy and quick.

Ingredients for making protein-butter cream:

  1. Chicken eggs 3 pieces
  2. Powdered sugar 150 grams
  3. Vanilla sugar to taste
  4. Butter 150 grams
  5. Freshly squeezed lemon juice for whipping egg whites

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Refrigerator, Plate, Kitchen knife, Mixer, Bowl – 2 pieces, Teaspoon

Preparation of protein-butter cream:

Step 1: Prepare the butter.

We take the butter out of the refrigerator, transfer it to a free plate and, without defrosting it to room temperature, cut the ingredient into small pieces using a kitchen knife. Then set the bowl with the oil aside so that it warms up to room temperature. Attention: Butter should not be melted over a fire or in a microwave oven.

Step 2: prepare the egg white.

To prepare the cream, we will use only protein. Therefore, first we separate the egg whites from the yolks. To do this, use a knife to break the egg and, holding the two halves of the shell side by side, connect them so that there is a small gap between them. Strain the protein through it into the mixer bowl, which should be completely dry and clean. Transfer the yolk from the other half of the eggshell into a separate bowl and set it aside. The yolk component can be used to prepare other dishes.

Step 3: prepare the protein-butter cream.

In order for the protein ingredient to churn better, add to the same container 0.5 teaspoon freshly prepared lemon juice, as it will contribute to better thickening of the protein. Turn on the mixer at low speed and beat our ingredient 3-4 minutes until you get a substance with large bubbles.

After this, gradually add powdered sugar in small portions to the container of the electrical appliance, and vanilla sugar, while increasing the speed of the mixer to medium and continue beating 2-3 minutes until the protein becomes white and fluffy.

When all the powdered sugar is in the protein mass, turn on high speed and beat the egg white until it becomes very thick and homogeneous. When solid protein peaks appear and the protein mass does not flow out of the upside-down container in which it is located, it means the protein is ready.

Then, reducing the speed of the mixer, we continue to continuously beat the protein mass, adding softened butter to it piece by piece. Beat the ingredients until you get a homogeneous fluffy cream. Then pour our cream into a free bowl.

Step 4: serve protein-butter cream.

Typically, protein-butter cream, as mentioned earlier, is used to decorate cakes and pastries, since its airy consistency is perfect for coating culinary products. The delicate and airy cream turns out so delicious that it’s very difficult to resist trying a little.

Prepare a cake or pastries with protein-butter cream, and then delight your guests and loved ones with fresh homemade sweets with light and delicate cream.
Enjoy your meal!

To prepare protein-butter cream, use good quality butter. The quality of the prepared cream depends on this ingredient.

Various food colors can be added to the cream.

The calorie content of protein-butter cream is lower than the calorie content of butter cream.

In addition to vanilla sugar, various food ingredients and baking seasonings can be added to the protein-butter cream.

You can store the finished cream in the refrigerator in a closed container for 5-6 days.

Probably every housewife has a recipe for a cake with protein-butter cream. However, many people have problems when preparing such a dessert. Protein-butter cream is usually used to decorate baked goods. It holds its shape perfectly and is easy to work with. It is used not only for cakes, but also for pastries, cupcakes and other sweets. When prepared correctly, the cream turns out airy and tender. It tastes like vanilla ice cream. After all, its base is egg white, whipped until stiff.

Classic protein-butter cream: recipe

To prepare the cream at home, you will need:

  1. White sugar powder - 150 g.
  2. Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  3. Vanilla sugar.
  4. Animal cream butter - 150 g.
  5. Freshly squeezed lemon juice.

The last component is necessary for whipping proteins. Thanks to fresh lemon juice, this process proceeds much faster.

What tools do you need?

To make a light protein-butter cream, the recipe for which is indicated above, it is necessary, in addition to the products, to prepare equipment in advance. For preparation you need:

  • teaspoon;
  • 2 deep bowls;
  • mixer or blender;
  • plate;
  • kitchen knife.

Oil preparation

So, how does the Recipe consist of several basic steps. First you need to prepare the oil. It should be removed from the cold and then cut into small pieces using a kitchen knife. In this case, the butter does not need to be softened to room temperature.

The pieces should be placed in a deep container and set aside. In this form, the oil should gradually become softer. It is not recommended to heat it in a microwave oven, over a fire or in a water bath.

What to do with eggs

A step-by-step recipe for protein-butter cream allows you to easily prepare a mixture for making cake decorations. This product contains chicken eggs. Only proteins are required for cooking. Therefore, first you need to beat the eggs into a deep container, and then carefully separate the yolks. You can use an empty plastic bottle for this. The main thing is not to crush the yolks during the separation process.

After this, the whites should be placed in the mixer bowl. They, in turn, must be clean and dry. There is no need to throw away the yolks; they can be used in the cooking process.

Beating the whites

To prepare a protein-butter cream, the recipe of which may include liqueur, you need to properly beat the protein part. Before starting the process, you need to add ½ teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to the component. Thanks to this ingredient, the proteins will thicken much faster. To prepare the cream base, it is best to use a mixer. Don't turn it on right away higher speed. It’s better to start on a small setting and beat the ingredients for no more than 4 minutes. The result should be a substance with large bubbles.

After this, you need to gradually add vanilla sugar and powdered sugar into the mixture. In this case, the mixer speed should be increased to medium. Beat the mixture for 3 minutes. As a result, the protein should become fluffy and white.

When the powdered sugar is mixed with the whites, turn on high speed. You need to beat the components until the mass becomes denser and more homogeneous. You can determine the readiness of the protein by turning the container over. If the mass does not flow out of it, and white peaks appear during whipping, then you can proceed to the next stage of preparation.

Combine proteins and butter

When the whites are ready, you need to reduce the beating speed and gradually add pieces of previously softened butter into the mixture. The product should be added in small portions. You need to beat the ingredients without interruptions until you get a fluffy and homogeneous protein-butter cream. Anyone can master this recipe. The most important thing is to follow all the rules.

Now you know how to prepare a classic protein-butter cream. The recipe described above has some features. Therefore, when preparing the cream, you should take into account some nuances:

  1. To make a good protein-butter cream, it is recommended to use butter only best quality. The splendor and uniformity of the finished mass depends on this component.
  2. If necessary, you can add any food coloring to the protein-butter cream. It should be added to the mixture during the cooking process. This is the only way to make the color of the cream more uniform.
  3. If necessary, protein-butter cream can be prepared not only with vanilla sugar. If necessary, you can add any aromatic spice that is used for baking to the mixture.
  4. It is recommended to store the finished cream in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container for no more than 6 days.

For many, sweet pastries are taboo. After all, creams themselves are quite high in calories. However, if you choose between oil and protein-oil, then the latter option is preferable. After all, its calorie content is much lower.

Recipe for butter protein cream for flowers with liqueur

  1. 2 chicken eggs.
  2. 150 g regular sugar.
  3. 100 g butter based on animal cream.
  4. 2 tbsp. spoons of liqueur.

What you will need from your inventory:

  • a small container for softening the butter;
  • kitchen knife;
  • mixer;
  • container for whipping egg whites;
  • utensils for creating a steam bath.

Food preparation

Which is listed above, takes no longer to prepare than the classic one. First you need to prepare the main components. It is recommended to remove the cream-based butter from the cold in advance, cut it into small pieces and leave it at room temperature. The product should become softer.

When the butter melts, you need to gently grind it and beat it until it becomes homogeneous, reminiscent of thick sour cream. Only after this can you begin to prepare the proteins. First you need to separate the yolk. For this you can use an empty plastic bottle. The container with the whites must be placed in a steam bath and gradually whisked until a thick but at the same time fluffy mass is formed. In general it takes no more than 10 minutes. This largely depends on the power of the mixer.

Connecting components

When the whites are ready, they need to be removed from the steam bath and cooled to 50°C at room temperature. The prepared butter should be added to the resulting mass. It is recommended to add the product in small portions, while continuously whisking the cream.

Finally, pour the liqueur into the mixture and mix well. That's all. The cream for creating jewelry is ready. All that remains is to cool it down. If desired, you can add dye to the cream. This will allow you to create not only beautiful flowers, but also leaves and ornaments.

In conclusion

As a rule, protein-butter cream is often used to create decorations for pastries and cakes. After all, such a mass has an airy consistency. From it you can make original compositions that will retain their shape for a long time. If you follow all the rules during the cooking process, the result is an airy and delicate cream.

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