Personalized icons. Dmitry's name day according to the church calendar

The name Dmitry, from the Greek - “relating to Demeter.” Dmitry grows up as a very sick boy, with an unbalanced nervous system. Dima inherited his appearance from his mother, but his character is his father’s. It is worth noting that with age, Dima’s health improves, and his capriciousness degenerates into stubbornness. Dmitry is a very strong-willed, intelligent, persistent, inventive man, with whom it can be quite difficult to communicate, since he can explode for any reason. He is not afraid of work, and his colleagues most of all value his sociability and ability to easily cope with failures. Thus, Dmitry easily advances in his career, and is especially successful in those professions where it is necessary to communicate with people. Also, a person with this name is not only very brave, but also charming, and at times cruel.

He often likes to rush into battle without thinking about the consequences, for which he is often punished. Almost all men bearing this name adore coziness, comfort, beautiful women and various pleasures. They are used to not denying themselves anything. Therefore, in order to create the necessary level of living comfort for Dmitry, his wife will have to rack her brains a lot. Dmitry is very amorous, but he meets his first woman quite late. A new feeling can greatly grip this person and so strongly and completely that without any special remorse he changes his sympathies. Dima also often remarries, but he always retains affection for the children from previous marriages and continues to take care of them throughout his life. This is a big grumbler who is not at all averse to drinking, but is not addicted to alcohol. The Dmitrievs' mother enjoys great authority.

Dmitry is very amorous

It happens that only at the age of forty, Dima begins to fully understand his sexual capabilities and begins to engage in intense sex life. However, it may also happen that his extraordinary temperament remains unrealized. Dmitry has no natural instinct to do anything. He will never take risks, and the unknown and uncertainty simply scare him. Dmitry strives to bring his own sexual behavior into line with generally accepted moral standards. Many Dmitrys never get married, remaining old bachelors. Dmitry is cautious about sex, and always looks for a lover with extensive experience in this. For Dmitry, who was born in winter, love and sex are inseparable. The more sensitive his partner, the more frank he is in his erotic caresses. He is familiar with violent hobbies, he does not tolerate his girlfriend’s infidelity, he is jealous and suspicious. He skillfully calculates his strength in sex and tries to avoid difficult situations.

Dmitry's name day

Dmitry celebrates his name day: January 4, January 8, January 21, February 17, February 19, February 24, March 22, March 25, March 28, March 31, April 1, April 23, April 26, May 2, May 28, June 1, 10 June, June 15, June 16, June 26, July 17, July 21, August 1, August 14, August 17, August 20, August 22, August 25, September 8, September 9, September 24, September 28, October 4, October 10, October 15, October 17, October 21, November 1, November 3, November 8, November 10, November 14, November 22, November 25, November 27, November 28, November 29, December 2, December 14, December 17 .

  • Name Dmitry according to zodiac sign: suitable for Scorpios.
  • Dmitry's talismans: lapis lazuli.
  • Patron saints of Dmitry: Saint Dmitry Donskoy, martyr Dmitry of Constantinople.
  • Compatibility of the name Dmitry: favorable relationships with the names Anna, Elena, Lesya, Lily, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalya, Polina, Svetlana, Tatyana, Yana.

The Day of Remembrance of St. Demetrius is respected by all Orthodox and Slavs. In accordance with the canon of Dmitry's name day church calendar are celebrated every month. To determine what date to celebrate Dmitry’s name day, use the date closest to his birthday.

The fate of each person is influenced by various circumstances. It also depends on the name chosen at birth.

For the owner of the name Dmitry, it is important to find out when his name day is according to the church calendar. After all, this is a day that will stay with him all his life.

On the day of the angel Dmitry, mandatory visit the temple to offer a prayer of gratitude to your saint. You can ask for help.

What date is the angel day for a person named Dmitry is quite easy to determine. The calendar marks dates for the veneration of saints. It is customary to choose the one closest to your birthday.

Dmitry's name day is celebrated every month according to the dates of the church calendar. It gives a complete picture of when and in what month there is a day of the saint named Demetrius. Each of them left a good memory of themselves and accepted great torment for the Christian faith.

How did Dmitriev day appear?

A striking example of service to God and the Fatherland was the life of Dmitry Donskoy. June 1 is rightfully considered the Day of the Grand Duke. Historical information confirm that all the most important events in the life of Dmitry Ivanovich were blessed by the church.

Before each battle and on the eve of the offensive, the young prince always consulted with his spiritual mentors. Love for God and the power of faith helped to win bloody battles.

Going to battle in 1380, he received a blessing from St. Sergius. Ahead of him was a battle with Mamai. During this period, the discovery of the relics of Alexander Nevsky, the prince’s legendary great-grandfather, took place. The night before the battle was spent in fervent prayers.

When the battle came, the prince stood shoulder to shoulder with his warriors. The victory on the Kulikovo Field came at the cost of many victims. A nationwide memorial rite was performed for the victims, which later became known as Dmitrievskaya Parental Saturday.

The tests didn't end there. Was ahead bloody battle for Moscow with the hordes of Khan Tokhtamysh. Burnt cities, killed, maimed people and burned Moscow - Dmitry Ioannovich saw all this on his way. He used his own money to bury the dead and help the survivors.

As soon as the prince felt death approaching, he called Father Sergius. Having confessed, the prince died at the age of 40. Canonized Grand Duke in 1988.

Attention! It is customary to assign newborn's name using the Orthodox calendar, then the baby will immediately find a guardian angel.

Name day of Dmitry Solunsky

Orthodox Christians venerate Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica on November 8th. This holiday is personified with protection native land, military patriotism.

The warriors turned to the saint for strength and fearlessness. On this day, the wedding period ended and a long break began.

The life story of the saint is known. He belonged to the family of the Roman proconsul and grew up in a family of the first secret Christians. The parents baptized their firstborn in the house church.

Subsequently, the boy grew up and was brought up according to Christian principles. When his father died, Dmitry took over his post by order of the emperor. However, he saw his destiny in preaching Christianity and was able to convert many people to his faith.

The open Christian activity of the young official became known to the emperor, after which he ended up in prison and was executed. His body was thrown to the beasts. He was later canonized.

The grave of the great martyr became a shrine, and a church was built over it at the behest of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine. The relics of the saint were discovered during the construction of a majestic temple a century later. According to the church calendar, they commemorate the day of the angel at Dmitry and pray to the holy great martyr.

What is customary to do on Saint's Day?

The most important thing for Dmitry on Angel's Day is prayer - not a single name day is complete without it. Each person named Dmitry offers prayers to his saint and turns to him for help.

In this prayer you can ask:

  1. Provide assistance in military affairs and on the battlefield.
  2. Give courage, strength, patience.
  3. Heal sore eyes.
  4. Restore sight to the blind.

When they celebrate Dmitry's Day, they remember their departed relatives in prayer.

It is believed that on a festive night you can meet the shadow of the dead in the cemetery. Therefore, in the church they light candles and order a service.

Note! The main name days are usually celebrated on the day of veneration of the saint, which is closest to the day of birth.

Characteristics of the name

Dmitry is one of the most popular names in Christendom. It has its roots in Ancient Greece.

A boy baptized with the name Dmitry has undoubted advantages:

  • love of life,
  • persistence,
  • sociability,
  • patience,
  • ability to quickly achieve goals.

The owner of the name sets himself any, even the most difficult goals. Due to his character and great abilities, the boy easily achieves them.

He always aims to move forward and never looks back. Like any person, problems and failures can overtake him.

However, Dmitry has excellent self-control, and he does not deviate from his intended goal. Inquisitive mind, ability to exact sciences help to assimilate knowledge well and develop their abilities.

He is friendly, but will not stand aside and will respond with dignity to lies and hypocrisy.

Injustice towards oneself and others causes anger and strong emotions in the owner of this name. Efficiency and endurance help achieve high results.

Orthodox dogma prescribes that baptism is the day of the angel Dmitry. The boy receives protection in the form of a guardian angel who warns him against temptations throughout his life.

The question is, when are name days celebrated by Dmitry? Orthodox calendar, is solved very simply. The Saint's Memorial Day is the date on which Dmitry's name day is celebrated.

When parents call their child a name that they simply liked, then during baptism the second name is given - according to the calendar. As a result, the child will have two names: the spiritual one, which he received at baptism, and the secular one, given by his parents.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

Saints named Dmitry made for Orthodox faith a lot - they strengthened it. Those who have chosen one of them as their patron can rely on his help in everything.

On the day of the saint's name, thank him for his support and ask your patron to pray for you. With him the person will pass throughout life, and when the time comes, he will appear before God.

When is Dmitry's name day according to the church calendar?: June 1 - Demetrius Donskoy, prince, November 8 - Demetrius of Thessalonica, myrrh-streaming, great martyr; May 28, June 5, June 16 – Dmitry of Uglich and Moscow, prince.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Dmitry:

From the ancient Greek language - belonging to Demeter, the goddess of the earth. Demeter is one of the most revered deities of the Olympic pantheon. Literal meaning: mother earth, symbol of fertility, vitality. Dmitry's name day summer, spring and autumn.

Dmitry is smart, resourceful, hardworking, sociable, easily endures and overcomes any difficult moments in life. He is a good leader, lawyer, teacher, manager, doctor, etc., therefore he achieves good success both in life and in his career. He is most successful in those professions that involve the art of convincing people of something. Dmitry loves homeliness, comfort, beautiful women...

He is very amorous and changes his sympathies without remorse, which leads to repeated marriages. However, in these cases, he does not leave his children without personal care and financial assistance. Treats mother touchingly and respectfully.

IN early childhood suffers from laryngitis, tonsillitis. Very charming at this age - small, plump. They become adults early and get fat. Strong-willed, explosive nature. He is very good to work with and difficult to compete with.

Flexibility, speed, agility and accuracy give him the opportunity to make unmistakable choices in business, marriage, sex - the romantic attraction to women does not leave him until old age.

He is passionate, and his passions are not superficial attractions and hobbies, without which it is quite easy to imagine this or that person, but deep ones, rooted in layers of his personality unknown to him, from where they find their way into consciousness as completely ready and unconditional . However, despite passion, from which in the ordinary consciousness fiery and this or that brilliance are inseparable, the fiery principle is extremely alien to Dmitry, and if we talk about the burning of his desires, then it is dark heat, without flame and light, a kind of black fire, destructive, but seemingly blacker than the surrounding darkness.

Congratulations on Dmitry's name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Dmitry's name day and congratulate Dmitry on Angel's Day.

Dimon, your run is cool and bold,

You have succeeded everywhere in life,

I was wildly successful in everything,

And he was the luckiest of all.

May the Angel brighten your path

Fun, dashing joy,

With enthusiasm, brilliance, mischief,

May you always be a great guy!

Dmitry is not an easy name, but it sounds so proud!

On his name day we will set the table and congratulate him!

As Donskoy, we wish you every victory

And we shoot with champagne, driving away a lot of troubles!

Always be brave, be brave, be strong in spite of your enemies,

Don’t forget that in life it is important that you are always lucky!

If everything doesn’t go smoothly, remember – we are always with you!

There is no better gift than reliable friends!

Congratulations on your name day, Dmitry,

And with all our hearts we sincerely wish you,

We have good luck and victories, no matter what happens,

So that your heart only shines with your kindness.

So that reliable friends are only with you,

So that love will forever be true and great.

Congratulations to Dima,

After all, it’s Dima’s name day!

We are ready to congratulate

Glorify Dima's name.

Dima means “mother earth”

This is your strength!

You are generous, Dima, with your creations

And you don't expect any reward.

At least work for three,

At least love for four -

You have enough strength for everything:

Apparently the name helps.

You are dear to us, we love you -

May you be an angel!

We wish you well

And hearty congratulations!

Dmitry is a very common Russian name, having Greek origin. This name is popular throughout Western Europe, since it has antique roots. The ancient Greeks believed that the name Dmitry means "dedicated to the goddess Demeter". As you know, the beautiful Demeter is the ancient Greek goddess of earth and fertility. Due to this Another popular meaning of the name Dmitry is considered to be “farmer”.

The meaning of the name Dmitry for a child

Little Dima is usually more like his mother, but with age this becomes less noticeable. He is a good kid and gets along easily with his peers. The boy is growing up sociable and completely conflict-free. Dislike for conflict situations will be noticeable throughout Dmitry’s life. We can also say that Dima is an active and lively child who loves to run and jump. Remember that when choosing a name for a child, you should not rely only on full name. Rarely will anyone call little boy Dmitriy. Think in advance what you will call him at home. See phonosemantic analysis of the name Dmitry in a separate article.

Dima usually studies well, but not in all areas. Usually he is interested in a couple of subjects in which he becomes the best. He often studies the remaining subjects on a residual basis, although his grades in them are decent. The boy has an excellent analytical mind, which is noticeable already at an early age. school age. He usually loves technical sciences, and also loves to design. This may become his profession in the future.

Many Dimas have problems with the respiratory tract and often suffer from respiratory diseases. He can be capricious beyond measure and have an unstable mood, which, however, is easily neutralized by the care of loved ones and correct mode day. With age, when little Dima becomes an adult, health problems usually disappear, and his character is strengthened.

Short name Dmitry

Dima, Dimka, Dimon, Mitya, Mityai.

Diminutive names for Dmitry

Dimochka, Dimushka, Dimchik, Dimonchik, Dimulya, Dimulka, Dimusya, Dimuska.

Patronymic name of Dmitry's children

Dmitrievna and Dmitrievich. Some people also say Mitrich and Mitrivna, but this depends on socio-cultural habits.

Name Dmitry in English

Demetrius - this is how the name is written in English.

Name Dmitry for international passport- DMITRII, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation and spelling of the name Dmitry into other languages

in Belarusian - Dzmitry and Zmitrok
in Bulgarian - Dimitar
in Hungarian - Dumitru
in Greek - Δημήτριος
in Georgian - დიმიტრი
in Spanish - Dmitrio
in Italian - Demetrio
in Chinese - 德米特里
in Korean - Demetriu
in Polish - Demetriusz and Dymitr
in Romanian - Dumitru
in Slovak - Demeter
in Ukrainian - Dmitro, Mitko
in Finnish - Metri, Dmitri (Drimtry)
in French - Dimitri
in Czech - Dimitrij (Dimitri)
in Chuvash - Metri
in Estonian - Dimitri
in Japanese - ドミトリー

Church name Dmitry remains unchanged or Dimitri. There are saints at Christmas time c different shapes name. Like most popular names now, the name Dmitry entered the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristics of the name Dmitry

A man named Dmitry will amaze you with his perseverance, ingenuity and original mindset. At the same time, his craving for freedom leads to the fact that Dmitry can hardly tolerate any restrictions. These character combinations make Dmitry interesting and attractive to other people. His persistence is easily conveyed to others, and the originality of his solutions makes him even more popular. Dmitry is reliable and good friend. He loves to spend time in good company and is not averse to drinking. But Dmitry does not suffer from an addiction to alcohol.

Dmitry is an excellent worker, and his analytical mind and ingenuity often make him simply irreplaceable. Perhaps this is what helps Dmitry quickly advance in his career. At the same time, Dmitry himself does not particularly strive for career advancement, but rather various circumstances push him towards this. Dmitry knows how to produce good impression, which gives him another competitive advantage in life.

He is unusually charming, which helps him attract the fair sex. Its reliability and thoroughness make it good husband And loving father. At the same time, his falling in love may interfere with saving the marriage, although the older Dmitry gets, the more strongly he desires to settle down.

The secret of the name Dmitry

If little Dima causes others a lot of trouble with his capriciousness, then as an adult he turns into an extremely stubborn and strong-willed person. Despite his apparent calmness, it is difficult to communicate with him - he can explode easily and unexpectedly.

Dmitry simply adores beautiful women, comfort and coziness. He tries to get the most out of life, which can lead him into quite difficult situations. He often experiences a state of falling in love and tends to frequently change his partners. At the same time, she continues to take care of children from her first marriages with extraordinary warmth and attention.

Planet- Saturn.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Patron name- Walrus.

Color- Purple.

Tree- Rowan.

Plant- Chrysanthemum.

Stone- Lapis lazuli.

Dmitry is a strong defender,
Dmitry means "grace".
So that everything works out in life -
Here's what we want to wish for.

So that troubles and adversity
They avoided it.
And so that all worries are a joy -
Those associated with family.

Let him protect his family,
Let the big one build a house.
Let the wealth not decrease
The heart is filled with fire.

Dmitry is a winner
Patron of lovely women.
He is very brave and courageous,
Yes, and outwardly coolly coordinated.

He always moves forward
He takes what he likes.
And not a coward, and not a scoundrel,
In general, Dima is a great guy.

Congratulations, Dimochka. I wish you always to be as energetic and cheerful, optimistic and beautiful, lively and dexterous, smart and quick-witted, charming and attentive, magnificent and irresistible. May you be lucky, may your loved ones surround you with love, may your happiness always be near. Good luck and health to you!

Our good, glorious Dima,
What do you need?
Laughter, smiles, entertainment,
Friendly respect.

Power, glory and prosperity,
There is order in my thoughts and soul,
Independence and will
So that grief does not happen.

Adventures and miracles,
To have an interest in life,
Learn a lot of new things
And the desire to understand everything.

Believing in yourself
To fight to the end,
May all your dreams come true.
And may you be happy!

I wish you, Dima:
Let troubles pass by
They fly by without looking back
Sadness, sadness and misunderstandings,
Let them drive without stopping
Laziness and deceitful tricks,
Let depression not get to you,
Envy won't knock on the door,
Grief does not come to visit
And there will be no anger in life!

So that luck is nearby,
Happiness did not go away,
Joy rained down like hail,
Have fun in life.

More bright colors in life,
Mutual feelings forever,
Fate is smooth and not capricious.
Let your dream come true.

Congratulations, Dima!
Don't be sick, don't be sad,
Live brightly, positively.
No sorrow, no misfortune at all.

Happy birthday

Nowadays a clattering fly
I went to the market in the morning...
It’s your birthday, Dimka!
Eh, it’s not time for us to drink tea!

I’ll hasten to “get rid of you”
And heartily wish you,
May all the stars be happy
They poured light into your bed.

So that the wife loves passionately,
Well, your pulse was racing
To her from explosive feelings,
And let there be agreement.

Money is like cockroaches
Let them swarm in your house.
Be happy forever
At night, Dimochka, and during the day!

We, Dmitry, congratulate you!
Today we wish you
Be strong in spirit, don't grow old
Soul and body, do not get sick.

Live in contentment and prosperity,
Let victory await in every battle,
May there be happiness in your life,
And the troubles will be forgotten.

I always wish you success
I wish you joy and laughter.
I wish you to live, not to lose heart
And don't forget about me.

I, Dmitry, congratulate you!
I wish you love and happiness!
Good health, success,
More joy and laughter!

More bills in your wallet,
Stylish clothes - haute couture,
Large, stable salary
Next to me is a beautiful, stylish lady!

In family - more days happy,
Children - both smart and beautiful,
There is harmony and peace in the soul.
And if something happens, we are with you!

May your health be strong,
Strength and will are indestructible.
I wish you prosperity
And great happiness, Dima.

Let everything go well at work,
All ideas succeed
Let there be excitement, desire
Bring ideas to life.

I wish you passionate love,
What pushes you to heroic deeds,
Let passion be in a warm heart
Never fades.

You are open and sociable
Cute and simple
So have significant success,
Our dear Dimulya!

Reach heights quickly
Be on horseback all the time
Act, Dima, judiciously
And be completely happy!

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