Day of the angel Irina. Church calendar. When Irina's name day is celebrated according to the church Orthodox calendar

The name Irina is translated as peace, tranquility. Independence and determination are the main qualities in the character of Ira. The owners of this name are very decent, homely and calm. Since childhood, Irishki love the company of their father more than their mother.

Often Ira is an excellent student. She will not give her parents any trouble, because Ira respects them very much and is attached to them.

Despite such love for her parents, Irina really appreciates independence and independence. She tries to live separately from her parents as early as possible and provide for herself. She soberly looks at life and realistically assesses her strength. If Ira wants something, she will definitely achieve it.

These girls are always very smiling and cheerful. No one will know what is really going on in her soul if Ira herself does not want it.

Irina is very responsible in her work and is always considered quite a valuable asset. Can easily stay at work until the task is completed. Always helps colleagues in solving work and personal issues. Very responsive and great finds mutual language even with strangers. The male society prefers the female one. She is not interested in gossip, so she has a rather difficult time in the women's team.

Irina is quite amorous, but always maintains her composure. In love, Ira maintains a sober mind and always tries to protect her independence. Her chosen one is unlikely to be the center of her life, Ira will still follow her goals. Irishka will choose her husband very seriously, since most often this is the chosen one for life. If the husband does not make her feel important in his life and does not show her value, then it is likely that such a marriage will fall apart. But on the other hand, Irina's patience and calmness can help keep the relationship.

Ira is very jealous and will not tolerate competition. Irishka easily wins the status of a leader in the family and work team. Often, because of the determination and desire for independence, Irina has conflicts with her mother-in-law.

This is a very good hostess and wife. Ira will keep the house in order, raise children, cook, and will never forget about her parents.

The owner of this name endures all troubles and always finds a way out of any situation. Behind her, her husband, children and parents will be like behind a stone wall.

Ira will never be a housewife. Even if she gets married after school, she will definitely get higher education and get a job.

Outwardly, one might think that Ira is very tough, because she does not talk about trifles, but this is absolutely not the case. Irina is very kind, gentle, sympathetic and will help anyone who needs her help.

Irina's Angel Day according to the church calendar

After being baptized, each person is given a guardian angel who accompanies them all their lives. Each person must know the day of his angel. Previously, the day of the Angel was much more important than the birthday and celebrated it.

Finding out when an Angel's day is for a particular person is quite simple, you need to know his name and date of birth. The closest name day to the date of birth is considered the day of the angel, for example, for the January Irochka, this number will be January 12.

All name days

Irina's name day is almost every month on the calendar. But you only need to celebrate the one closest to your date of birth.

January 12, January 16, February 25, March 7, April 29, May 18, May 26, August 10, August 17, August 22, September 30, October 1, November 2.

All these are numbers of celebration name day of patroness Irina.

For example,

What to give Irina for a birthday

On the day of the angel, as on a birthday, it is customary to congratulate the birthday girl. It is best to give on this day:

  • icon with the image of the patroness Irina,
  • spiritual book
  • a beautiful candle
  • calendar with orthodox holidays.

Everyone should know that according to the rules of Orthodoxy, a birthday should be on the same day as the day of the Angel. Unfortunately, now this is rarely observed when children are given names, so name days are celebrated on the date closest to the birthday.

On this day you need to pray and address their patron saint. Prayer can be read from a prayer book or you can say words of gratitude in your own words.

After the baptism of Russia, from ancient times, there was a tradition of honoring the memorable days of the patron saints of the human race, whose names are still celebrated in Orthodoxy.

Among the variety of holy holidays, there is also the name day of Irina, in whose honor the girl was named after the birth. This provided the child with lifelong protection of the saint, from enemy misfortunes.

When is Irina's name day in Orthodoxy

Name days are personal, spiritual in nature. On the day of the saint, whose name was received at baptism, you should visit the temple, ask or thank your patroness Irina with pious prayers.

The name Irina is rich in memorable dates:

  • October 1 - the martyr Irina of Egypt is commemorated;
  • April 29 - Memorial Day of Saints Irene of Corinth and Aquileia;
  • May 18 - the memorial day of the holy martyr Irene of Macedon;
  • May 26 - St. Irene of Constantinople is commemorated;
  • August 17 - the memorial day of the martyr Irina;
  • August 10 - the memorial day of St. Irene of Cappadocia;
  • August 26 - the memorable day of the faithful queen Irina;
  • January 12 and 16 - the days of memory of the Great Martyr Irina;
  • March 7 is the memorial day of the martyr Irina Smirnova.

The meaning of the name Irina according to the church calendar

The origin of the name Irina is shrouded in secrets and legends, according to one of which, it comes from Greek name Eirene. Translated from Greek it will sound like harmony, calm and peace.

According to other legends, the name comes from the god of the ancient Slavs Yarila, which means bright, beauty, harvest and fertility. In Orthodoxy, these definitions are accepted as fundamental names, with the addition of additional qualities to them, such as modesty, piety and patience.

Venerable Irene of Cappadocia

The life of St. Irene of Cappadocia is known from the surviving church literature, which is called "Life", written after the death of the saint. The literature describes the time of the 9th - 10th centuries, and begins from the moment of the regency rule of the Byzantine Empress Theodora.

At that time, under the wife of Theodora, Emperor Theophilus, iconoclastic persecution of the holy fathers, monks and ordinary believers was carried out for decades. Upon the death of the emperor, Theodora decides to end the iconoclastic war, relying on the priests and the army, commanded by the father of Irene of Cappadocia, Filaret. When the rights of the priests were restored, and the icons regained their reverence, the empress decides to marry her heir son, Michael III, to Irina. At that time, Irina reached the age of 15.

A promising marriage pleased everyone around, but she left only Irina indifferent, because the monastic life and striving for God, and not the imperial crown, were closest to her. Her decision to take the tonsure infuriated her father, but the ensuing serious illness Irina and then recovery, allowed him to understand that his daughter's decision was final.

Thus, Filaret himself allows Irina's dream to come true and takes her to Chrysovalanta, the monastery built by St. Nicholas.

Having become the bride of Christ, Irina regularly served God, and at the age of 21 she was appointed abbess of this monastery, where she performed miracles depicted in icon painting.

So an angel appeared before her, opening before her the hearts and thoughts of confessing people. One of the miracles was witnessed by a nun who saw Irina soaring upward during her prayers. To which the saint then vetoed, forbidding anyone to talk about the miracles they had seen.

Another miracle of Irina is connected with apples from the Garden of Eden. She had a dream, in which a voice announced the arrival of a ship carrying extraordinary fruits, from which her soul would rejoice. And so it happened the next day, three apples were brought from the ship to the monastery walls for the abbess. Irina thanked God on her knees for this gift, which was for her an invitation to the kingdom of heaven.

AT great post Irina ate the first apple in small pieces, abstaining from any other food. She shared the second fruit among all the inhabitants of the monastery, and kept the third fruit until Good Friday. It was on this day that the voice of the Lord announced her imminent departure.

Before this serious event, the old woman prayed fervently and fasted. A week later, at dawn, Irina took the last communion, said goodbye to her nuns and retired to an ascetic cell, rested in peace.

Life of the Blessed Empress Irene of Macedon

On the territory of Macedonia in the 1st century, in the family of the pagan ruler Licinius, Penelope lived in her palace with servants. In order to get a better education, her father appointed a teacher and mentor Apelian to her, who, being a Christian, taught her not only science, but also talked about his faith and about Christ. Penelope renounced paganism, and secretly accepted baptism, taking the name Irina with him.

Irina really wanted to save the souls of her parents, and tried her best to convert them to her faith. But the parents were adamant. Her father even began to woo her so that she worldly affairs threw her sermons out of her head, and forced her to turn to pagan gods.

Enraged by his daughter's steadfastness, Licinius in anger pushes her under the feet of galloping horses, but the horses, without touching Irina, rush at him and trample to death. Irina, bending over her father, passionately reads a prayer, from which Licinius resurrects. The townspeople present at such an event and the family of St. Irene, together with the resurrected father, sincerely believed in Christ and renounced the pagan gods.

After these events, Irina openly begins to preach the faith of Christ, from which she is persecuted by the Macedonian authorities. Irina was tortured, tried to mutilate, thrown into the ditch to snakes that did not touch her. All attempts by the authorities were doomed to failure, the people saw the miracles taking place and renounced paganism. Thus, during her lifetime, Saint Irene converted more than 10,000 Macedonians to the faith of Christ.

Before her death, Irina heard the voice of the Lord, foreshadowing a quick death, from which she decided to retire to a distant cave, the entrance of which was thoroughly blocked with stones. A few days after that, Irina's admirers came to check on her, but found that the cave was empty. So they learned that the holy preacher Irina was taken by God to heaven.

Irina Aquileyskaya

In the middle of the 4th century, in the Italian city of Aquileia, Irina lived with her older sisters Chionia and Agapia. With early years they were orphans, and the local confessor Zinon acted as their guardian. The sisters were famous for their righteous way of life, following the spiritual instructions of Zinon, and refused the proposed marriages. The mentor of the girls had a vision in his dreams that after his death, the sisters would face martyrdom and death.

And so it happened, when Zinon died, the girls were arrested, and were transported to the court, first to the Roman emperor Diocletian, and then back to the ruler of Macedonia, Dulcetius. For the sake of saving their lives, the ruler offered the sisters to renounce the Christian faith, and demanded satisfaction of their lust. Having been refused by the young sisters, Dulcitius tried to get into the cell at night and take advantage of them, but an unknown force stopped him and frightened him.

The new judge, Sisinius, having received a refusal to renounce the faith, ordered Irina's older sisters to be executed by burning. When the fire went out, everyone saw that the bodies were not touched by it, and a calm expression was preserved on the faces of the dead girls. Left for later, Irina was again judged, and thunderstorms rained down that if she did not renounce her faith in Christ, she would be sent to serve in the prodigal house.

Irina showed resilience, and was sent with guards to a brothel, where no one dared to touch her. After all the ordeals, Irina, who retained her chastity and fidelity to the faith, was burned alive.

Righteous Irene of Constantinople, wife of St. George the Confessor

In the first quarter of the 9th century in Constantinople, where fierce iconoclastic persecution took place, the pious Christian family of George and his wife Irina lived. Despite the danger of being caught and killed for their faith and reverence for God, the couple diligently conducted services and observed all fasts. A righteous way of life, conversations with people, explaining what faith in God is, the teaching of prayers, all this turned people away from pagan worship.

Being an ardent idolater, George decided to denounce the emperor, declaring him a heretic and a great sinner, for which he was punished along with his wife. The emperor ordered the spouses to be sent into exile, depriving them of their homes and confiscating all their property.

Despite all the hardships of life, Irina of Constantinople never left her husband, and also continued to preach the Christian faith with him. So, hand in hand, they went through their life filled with disasters, and departed in one day to the Lord God.

Irina is one of the popular names. It has Greek origin and means "peace". According to some information, this name may come from the god of fertility Yarilo, who was revered by the ancient Slavs. According to the Orthodox calendar, Irina's name day is celebrated in spring, summer and autumn. Let's look at when girls named Irina have an angel's day? How is this holiday celebrated in Orthodoxy?

Translated from Greek, Irina means:

  • giving peace and tranquility;
  • fertile;
  • calm.

Despite such calm and pacifying meanings, the energy of this name is strong, bright and positive. Girls who bear this name have good character, complaisance and diligence. They are reliable, decent and moderately restrained. At school, they study well and practically do not cause any problems to their parents.

Despite her attachment to her parents, Irina becomes independent early and, as a rule, begins to live separately from her relatives early. Girls with this name are often materialistic and purposeful. Thanks to the ability to realistically assess their capabilities, they always achieve their goals. There is practically no dream that Irina would not come true.

Interesting! Depending on what date the girl named Irina was born, the character of the child is formed. For example, girls who were born on the 1st will be leaders, on the 2nd - good managers and sellers, 3rd - they will be attracted more by spiritual life than by material life, etc.

Day Angel

Since childhood, the Lord has endowed each person with a Guardian Angel who helps, protects and guides his ward all his life. However, a person also has a heavenly patron, whom he receives at baptism. This is the saint after whom the man was named.

The name at baptism is often different from the name that was given at birth. Ideally, the child is named after the saint on whose day the baby was born. For example, if a girl was born on October 1, then she can be safely called Irina in honor of the martyr I. of Egypt. It is believed that such a child will live a happy and peaceful life.

Angel Day is nothing more than a day to honor your heavenly patron. As a rule, every person in a year has at least 2 such dates. When is the name day celebrated? By tradition, it is customary to honor the date of the name day, which is closest to the birthday. However, when to celebrate the day of St. Irene depends entirely on the person. You can safely celebrate all the name days of the year.

How to celebrate angel day

Irina's name day church calendar celebrated 8 times a year. As a rule, these days are associated with the death or transfer of the relics of a certain saintly person.

When is the name day Description
29.04 Holy Martyr I. Aquileia, who was born at the end of the 3rd century near the town of Aquileia (Italy). Her sisters Chionia and Agapia are also venerated on this day. All 3 sisters led a pious Christian life from a young age. Therefore, they rejected all the proposals that came from numerous suitors. The clergyman Zinon was the confessor of the sisters. In one of the visions, it was revealed to him that he would soon die, and the sisters would be tormented. After the death of the confessor, the sisters were seized and brought to the emperor Diocletian. Seeing the beauty and youth of the virgins, the emperor invited them to renounce Christianity and find them worthy husbands. The sisters answered him that they already have a fiance - Jesus Christ, for whom they can endure all the trials and torments, even if they entail a cruel death.
18.05 Great Martyr I. (Penelope) of Macedon, daughter of the pagan ruler of Mageddon (the territory of modern Macedonia). According to legend, the holy virgin was baptized by the apostle Timothy himself, who was a disciple of the pious apostle Paul. Thanks to her deep faith, Irina converted to Christianity a large number of people, including their parents. For the Christian faith, the virgin was repeatedly subjected to humiliation and various tortures. But she never betrayed Jesus Christ, continuing to preach among people and serve the Lord
26.05 Righteous I. Constantinople, who was faithful wife George the Confessor, subjected to severe tortures because of the veneration of holy icons in the city of Constantinople. George, his wife and children were sent into exile, which brought them much suffering and hardship.
10.08 Venerable I. Cappadocia, who became the first abbess of the convent of Chrysovolanta, founded by St. Nicholas the Mystic
17.08 Great Martyr Irina, who was martyred for her firm and unshakable faith in Jesus Christ
22.08 Blessed Byzantine Empress I. Athenian, who was born in the VIII century in Athens. She was the wife of the ruler of the Byzantine Empire, Leo IV Khazar. After the death of her husband, the empress took power into her own hands, but as a result of a conspiracy, she was soon overthrown from the throne.
26.08 I. Piroshka - Hungarian Empress and wife of the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire Alexei I Komnenos. When she got married, she took Orthodox faith. The empress led a quiet and pious life, helped people in need, took care of pilgrims and took part in the construction of temples. In her advanced years, she took monastic vows.
1.10 Martyr I. Egyptian, life path which was difficult and filled with many trials. The Virgin devoted her life to spreading the Christian faith among the inhabitants of Egypt. Thanks to your piety and incredible strength prayer, it led many pagans to Christianity.

All these great martyrs proved their faith and devotion to Jesus Christ. Girls named after them should take from them an example of piety, meekness and humility.

Interesting! in the church of St. Andrei Rublev in Ramenki.

On the day of the angel, Irina can be presented with a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers and pleasant souvenirs. However, you can make this day special and filled with meaning. It is desirable that the gifts for the day of the angel be associated with the holy Pleaser.

The most suitable presentations can be:

  • nominal icons;
  • church candles;
  • biography of God's Pleasures;
  • prayer books.

Note! In order to earn attention from your heavenly patroness, it is necessary to pronounce daily in front of her icon next prayer: “Pray to the Lord for me, holy God-pleaser Irina, as I diligently turn to you, a prayer book for my soul, an early intercessor and helper. Amen".

Useful video

Summing up

Irina's Orthodox name day is celebrated several times a year. On the day of veneration of the heavenly patroness, it is necessary to visit the church and ask the holy martyr for protection and help in various life and spiritual matters. If the appeal is sincere, the patron saint will certainly help.

The list of female Orthodox names is large and varied. Some have roots in Greek mythology. For example, the name Irina. Christians know several saints who patronize this name, and Irina's name day falls on several calendar dates. Women's the name is quite common and often found in modern world. It is worn like simple people as well as famous people.

There are several legends about the origin of this name. According to one version, it came into modern use from Ancient Greece and is an interpretation of the goddess of peace and fertility, Eirene. That is why it is translated into Russian as "peace", "peace", "harmony".

According to another legend, the name Irina comes from the name of the ancient Slavic god Yarilo and means "fertility", "harvest", "beauty" and "sun". AT modern language"sexuality" can also become a synonym for these words.

Irina has several derivative forms of names. These include:

  • Irena;
  • Iraida;
  • Yarina;
  • Arina;
  • Alina;
  • Rina.

Affectionately a girl with such a beautiful and peaceful name can be called Irishka, Ira, Irusey or Rusya.

patron saints

Ira has several anniversaries in Orthodox saints. Irina's name day according to the church calendar fall on such months as:

  • January;
  • February;
  • March;
  • April;
  • August;
  • September;
  • October.

It is during these months that the saints bearing this beautiful female name are commemorated in the church calendar. In January, you can congratulate girls on the 12th and 16th. These days, the martyrs Irina are commemorated, information about which has not reached our time.

At the end of February, on the 26th, the Monk Martyr Irina Khvostova is commemorated. A woman who died for the Christian faith in 1938 was canonized only in 2003.

March 7 Orthodox Church commemorates martyr Irina Smirnova who died for her faith in 1938. The woman was listed as a saint in 2000.

In the penultimate days of April, Christians remember Saints Irene of Corinth and Aquileia. The first great martyr lived in Greece near the city of Corinth. Because at that time most of The population of the country professed paganism, Christians had to hide, and soldiers, at the behest of the rulers, constantly raided them. In one of these armed actions, the girl was captured with a group of fellow believers. She was tortured for a long time, and then killed with a sword.

Irina of Aquileia lived in Italy and was orphaned early. Together with the sisters Agapia and Chionia, who are also canonized as Orthodox saints, she professed Christianity near the city of Aquileia. She was shot with a bow while trying to hide from the military, who were persecuting believers in Christ.

May to August

AT last month spring there are several dates when they are remembered Holy Martyrs Irene of Macedon and Constantinople. The first martyr comes from a noble family of pagans - the rulers of the city of Migdonia. From an early age she became a Christian and read sermons on the streets of the country. After the power changed, persecution began on her, but neither the sword nor the arrow could harm the ardent preacher.

After an angel predicted her imminent death in a dream, she left the city for a remote cave and asked fellow believers to fill up the entrance to the tunnel with stones. After 4 days, the Orthodox converted by Irina came to visit her, but they did not find the body in the cave. They remember her on May 18.

May 26 in the holy calendar is considered the day of memory of Irina of Constantinople. The woman was the wife of the Orthodox confessor George in Constantinople. The couple vehemently believed in Christ and for this was exiled to exile by the ruler Theophilus.

The last month of summer also has several days for honoring the memory of the holy martyrs with famous name. On August 10, a prayer service is served for Irina of Cappadocia, on August 17 - for the martyr Irina, and on the 26th, the Orthodox world puts candles for Queen Irina.

The Cappadocian saint lived in the 9th century in Asia Minor and was the abbess of the Khrisovalan convent. Information about her namesake, remembered on the 17th, is also not preserved, it is only known that she died for her faith in Christ.

But about Queen Irina, revered at the end of summer, it is known that the woman was born in Athens and was the wife of the Emperor Leo of Byzantium. After the death of her husband and son, the widow was sent into exile in an Orthodox monastery, which she had previously founded. The saint died on the island of Lesvos, while under the supervision of the guards.

Memorable dates of autumn

September 30 is the date of memory of the New Martyr Irina Frolova. The woman, canonized in 2004, was a novice of the Spaso-Borodino Monastery and was arrested under the Soviet regime. She died in the prison hospital from a lung disease.

October 1 are lit in Orthodox churches candles in honor of Irina of Egypt. Little is known about this holy martyr who suffered at the hands of King Aurelian. There is evidence that she carried the grain of true faith to the people of Egypt, for which she was beheaded with a sword.

On the second day of November, the namesake of the Egyptian Great Martyr is commemorated in Orthodoxy. There is practically no information about her, it is only known that she actively preached Christianity, for which she suffered.

It is worth choosing the right date on which the name day or angel's day falls. This is usually the closest number to the person's birthday. If, for example, you were born at the end of March, then the date of your angel day falls either on March 7, if you were born after 2000, or on April 29.

A reservation to the date of birth - after 2000 - takes place in the case of several new martyrs Irina, canonized in the millennium and later, so dates such as February 26, March 7 and September 30 are suitable for girls born already in the 21st century.

Mystery of the name

The day of the angel and the patron saint is celebrated only by those people who have gone through the rite of baptism. It is at this moment that heaven sends a guardian angel to a person who helps him throughout his life. According to the Orthodox calendar, Irina celebrates the holy name day on the day that is closest to her date of birth. The Church considers the day of the angel to be a more significant holiday than the very date of birth of a person.

By nature, Irina, whose name day is celebrated in various cycles and seasons of the year, is endowed with spiritual and external beauty. With early age such a girl is very attached to her parents, but she trusts her father more than her mother. Her character is:

  • amorousness;
  • living fantasy;
  • responsibility;
  • independence;
  • cheerfulness;
  • activity;
  • purposefulness.

From an early age, the baby loves to solve her problems herself and does not dedicate her parents to them. Irishka is a sociable child who is constantly passionate about something. Favorite activities for the girl are dancing, sports and reading fairy tales.

As a teenager, Ira does pretty well in school, if she's interested. Sociable, but prefers to be friends more with boys than with classmates. This is due to the fact that stronger sex she trusts more and it is easier for her to communicate with him. In women's society, he is always bored and often loses interest in conversation.

Girls with this name are diverse personalities, they can choose how to creative profession and devote his life to politics. Living examples of representatives of this name are singer Irina Allegrova, politician Irina Khakamada, actress Irina Muravyova.

Relationships with the stronger sex

Though the days of an angel for the bearers of this beautiful female name and in different dates, but their relationship with the male sex is unequivocal. When choosing a partner, girls are guided not only by feelings, but also by logic. In the family, such women become real keepers of the hearth and caring wives.

They are attentive and affectionate to their husbands, but they demand the same attitude towards themselves. Having learned when Irina's name day is, what date it is worth congratulating her, it is imperative to prepare for this day. Firstly, the beloved will be pleased, and secondly, the man will show how important this woman is to him.

To negative qualities women with the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirene include the following:

  • cold;
  • imaginary;
  • resentment.

The color of the name is blue, turquoise and all shades of green. Irina's flowers are tulips, camellias and lilies of the valley.

Astrologers are sure that this name suits such zodiac signs as Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces. It is not recommended to call your daughter that if she was born under the auspices of Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.

In whatever month of the year the girl Irina was born and no matter what date she would celebrate the day of the angel, all the same, nature endowed her with unique qualities. Do not dwell on your own shortcomings, it is better to focus on the numerous advantages.

Attention, only TODAY!

Irina - Greek Eirene - the name of the goddess of peaceful life; from eirene - world.

Irina's name day according to the church calendar:

  • January 12:Irina, mts.
  • January 16:Irina, mts.
  • April 29:Irina Akvileyskaya, mts.; Irina Korinfskaya, mts.
  • May 18:Irina Makedonskaya, Vmts.
  • 26 of May:Irina Constantinople
  • August 10:Irina Kappodakiyskaya, St.
  • August 17:Irina, mts.
  • August 22:Irina, queen
  • October 1:Irina Egyptian, mts.
  • November 2:Irina, mts.

Characteristics of the name Irina

From childhood, Irina is distinguished by independence and complaisance. She grows up as a calm girl, listens to her parents, but subtly eludes their influence. Irina is able to spend hours doing some of her own business and prefers that no one touches her. She will gladly help around the house if asked. With all her calmness, she can become stubborn if she is forced to do something, and will be able to insist on her own. Irina is not naughty and very rarely cries.

Irina studies, as a rule, well thanks to her natural abilities and perseverance. Subjects are given to her easily, she is very accurate, although somewhat slow. Irina draws and draws excellently, she has beautiful handwriting. She reads a lot and is happy to share her knowledge with others. Irina takes an active part in school life, but does not like to "exhibit". She dances beautifully, feels the music and rhythm. Irina has friendly relations with classmates, it is pleasant to communicate with her.

Irina has a critical mind and is very observant. She is extremely balanced, full of feeling dignity, even pride. Irina is looking for a creative approach to work, she is responsible, hardworking, used to bring the work she has started to the end. Irina does her job thoroughly. She knows her worth very well, sensibly assesses the environment, is reasonable and laconic. Irina maintains an even relationship with colleagues, does not strive for leadership. Irina has great taste, she understands all kinds of art, she has her own opinion on every issue. Irina can become an amazingly talented designer, fashion designer, artist, architect, theater critic. Her sharp mind and concentration allow her to choose the profession of an engineer, lawyer, accountant. Irina is able to succeed in politics or banking, be a doctor, psychologist, teacher. She will be a very wise and fair boss. In a word, Irina's abilities, her ability to calculate and calmly analyze the situation provide a wide field of activity.

Irina easily finds a common language with others, knows how to keep up the conversation, she has many girlfriends and friends. She is very reliable, does not blurt out too much, is extremely tactful and sensitive to other people's problems. Irina is able to suggest a way out of a difficult situation, because she thinks very rationally. She prefers to solve her problems on her own, although she will not refuse advice and participation.

Irina always dresses elegantly and looks attractive. She comes up with her image herself, likes to experiment, but avoids vulgarity

and petty bourgeoisie. Some incomprehensible secret is hidden in Irina, she is able to drive a man crazy with her outward inaccessibility and coldness. Irina appreciates beautiful courtship, compliments, signs of attention, but is not sentimental. She can succumb to a passion, change her life, plunge headlong into new experiences. But still, reason often takes precedence over Irina's heart. She tries to marry a wealthy, self-confident person, but at the same time romantic and tender. Irina furnishes her house with j imagination and likes to grow flowers. She cares about: raising children, trying to get to know and understand them inner world. Life next to Irina is calm and comfortable. But it's better not to piss her off. In anger, Irina becomes cruel, cold-blooded, sarcastic, she can close her heart from you forever.

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