Insta Maria Pogrebnyak. Maria Pogrebnyak before plastic surgery. Maria Wei on Instagram

Maria Pogrebnyak is an amazing woman who managed to combine the qualities of an ideal mother of three children, loving wife, successful business woman, stylish socialite and a popular blogger. Maria's fame was brought by her marriage to a football player.

Childhood and youth

Maria Shatalova (such as maiden name socialite) born November 17, 1988. Hometown girls - Moscow. Maria prefers not to talk about her own father, but she speaks about her mother with love. It is known that Pogrebnyak has an older brother who works as a microbiologist.

The girl's parents worked a lot. Maria's upbringing was mainly done by her grandmother. Maria herself admits that it was her grandmother who taught her kindness, tenderness and understanding, as well as the rules good manners and the behavior of a well-bred lady. Grandma also took little Masha to an icon painting club. Since then, drawing icons has become Pogrebnyak’s favorite hobby, which helps her forget about routine problems.

In 2006, the girl began studying at the Moscow Financial Academy, but she had to give up her studies for a while: Pavel Pogrebnyak, at that time Maria’s husband, moved to Tomsk. The girl followed her lover. However, after a few years, Maria completed her studies, becoming a certified accountant.


In 2012, in the biography of Maria Pogrebnyak, it was revealed new page: a girl and her husband moved to England. There, the bright blonde quickly became famous. The girl began designing evening dresses, and soon presented her first collection of clothes. It is noteworthy that Maria became both a designer of dresses and a model, independently demonstrating her own creations.

Designer Maria Pogrebnyak

However, Maria’s name was discussed not only due to her fashionable works, but also because of her participation in the project of the English channel “Fox” called “Meet the Russians”. This reality show about wealthy Russian people living in London quickly gained scandalous popularity.

Pogrebnyak herself was dissatisfied with her own image, which turned out on the screen. The girl admitted that of all the filmed material, only footage was aired where she goes shopping, poses in underwear and shows off her extensive wardrobe. Pogrebnyak complained that no one is interested in footage in which she appears as an ideal mother and housewife. In addition to Maria, designer Victoria Unik, fashion designer, socialite Marinika Smirnova and other Russians living in the capital of England took part in the project.

Returning to Moscow, Maria Pogrebnyak continued to work on her own clothing collections, and soon opened the Maria Shatalova brand. Maria has several sewing workshops in Moscow. The girl constantly comes up with new images, which she demonstrates on the official website of her company. Pogrebnyak also personally controls the quality of each model and selects suitable fabrics, fittings and accessories herself.

Personal life

Maria met her husband, Pavel Pogrebnyak, while still a schoolgirl. The girl was in seventh grade, and Pavel was finishing tenth. Despite the age difference, the young people fell in love with each other. Soon the friendship grew into a tender feeling, Pavel and Maria began to meet and make plans for the future.

New stage This relationship began when Maria was 17 years old. Pogrebnyak was already considered a promising football player and played for the Yaroslavl team. Masha was finishing school. To see her beloved, the girl even skipped classes. This did not take long to affect her grades, but the feeling was stronger - Maria continued to go to Yaroslavl on dates.

In 2006, Maria and Pavel got married. The wedding was held modestly; the young couple did not have money for a luxurious celebration. The couple organized a luxurious holiday eight years later, already being the parents of three children. In 2007, Maria gave her husband her first child, son Artem. The boy was born in the city of Tomsk. Two years later, the Pogrebnyak family became larger again: a son, Pavel, was born. And in 2011, in Stuttgart, Germany, Maria gave birth to her third son. The boy was named Alexey.

Maria Pogrebnyak with family

Except family life Maria Pogrebnyak, fans and ill-wishers often discuss the girl’s appearance. After her first birth, Maria gained 25 kg, but pulled herself together and managed to lose overweight. However a slim body Masha gives no rest to haters. With a height of 170 cm, the girl weighs 44 - 45 kg. Many suspect that Pogrebnyak has anorexia and even accuse the girl of taking fat burners and painkillers that cause weight loss.

Maria herself emphasizes that she likes herself in her current image. The girl admits that being thin is not easy: it is necessary regular workouts in the fitness center, as well as a strict diet. Pogrebnyak has given up fatty and sweet foods and carefully monitors her own diet. However, Maria emphasizes, the result is worth it.

There are also rumors on the Internet about plastic surgery, which Maria allegedly resorted to. According to the community, the girl changed the shape of her lips, nose, and breasts. Pogrebnyak denies these speculations, claiming that her beauty is a gift of nature, not plastic surgery.

Maria Pogrebnyak now

Now Maria Pogrebnyak continues to release new clothing collections. The girl is also developing her own account in social network "Instagram", where she posts photos of new outfits from the “Maria Shatalova” brand, as well as touching shots of family life. In addition, in a mini-blog, Pogrebnyak shares with his fans the secrets of an impeccable appearance, relationships with spouse, management household and raising children.

Recently, the star blonde managed to surprise her fans again: at a party dedicated to her 30th birthday, the girl presented her debut song called “Anesthesia.” Who knows, perhaps Pogrebnyak will soon introduce the public to his first music album. Maria’s no less stellar friends, and other eminent beauties of Russian show business, came to congratulate the socialite.

Maria Pogrebnyak (née Shatalova). Born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow. Russian media personality, designer, wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.

Maria Shatalova, who became widely known under the name of her husband Pogrebnyak, was born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow into an intelligent family.

Her mother graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute; Maria often published her photos on social networks. But she doesn’t talk about her father.

Has an older brother, he is a microbiologist, between them a big difference aged - Maria is a late child.

Since her parents were very busy with work, her grandmother raised her. “From my grandmother I learned kindness and tenderness, affection and love! She gave me advice on how to grow up as a real girl, not a tomboy, she taught me the rules of good manners and manners,” said Maria.

From the age of seven she attended an icon painting club, to which her grandmother took her. According to Maria, she “sat painting icons for five hours a day, it was impossible to tear me away from the easel and take me home.” She painted icons until she was 13 years old.

In fact, from the 7th grade, when she began dating her future husband, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak, her life was subordinated to the interests of an athlete’s career.

In 2006, Maria entered the Moscow financial academy, but since Pavel moved to Tomsk to play for the Tom team, she postponed her studies and left after him. Later she finally finished Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and received a diploma in accounting.

In 2012, Maria and her husband moved to England, where Pavel played for the Fulham and then Reading teams. It was there that she became widely known. In England, she began to design - first evening dresses, then economy class clothes and, parallel to the line of VIP models, to present her collections. At the same time, Maria acted both as a designer and as a model.

Glorified Maria and her participation in the show "Meet the Russians"(“The Russians are responding”). Maria herself was indignant that the interview filmed with her was edited and only footage was left that created the image of a poorly educated socialite, mired in luxury.

After returning to Moscow, he continues to produce clothes under the brand Maria Shatalova. Maria has several sewing workshops in Moscow. She takes care of them herself: “I spend the whole day traveling to warehouses, shops, and clothing factories.” “I always check the quality of purchased fabrics and accessories myself,” she said.

Maria Pogrebnyak - "London is ours!"

Maria Pogrebnyak's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak:

Married. Spouse: Pavel Pogrebnyak, famous Russian football player.

Pavel and Maria Pogrebnyak met at school - then Maria was in the seventh grade, and the future football player was in the tenth. She said: “We studied in the same sports school not far from here, in Sokolniki. Although he is four years older than me, we often met in the dining room when we were running for buns. I remember we met by chance in the subway, then we saw each other more than once in the park, where Pasha walked with his boys, and I walked with the girls. They began to communicate, but in a friendly way,” she recalled.

Serious relationship started when she was 17 years old. Pavel then played in Yaroslavl. And Maria began to go to him instead of lessons, skipping school. “Fs started pouring in, and I learned to gloss over the grades in my diary - in my senior year... I barely received a certificate. But I still continued to wander to Pasha. It’s not surprising that at some point love broke out,” she said she.

We got married on October 23, 2006. But they got married only many years after the marriage was registered - on May 20, 2014 in Moscow, when three children had already been born into the family.

The first son, Artem (born 2007), appeared in Tomsk. The second - Pavel (born 2009) - was born in St. Petersburg. The third - Alexey (born 2011) - in Stuttgart (Germany).

After giving birth to her first son, Maria gained 25 kilograms, after which she began to carefully monitor her figure. And she achieved significant results - she became so slim that some even accused the girl of being anorexic.

Every day from nine to ten in the morning she trains in the fitness center. With a height of 168 centimeters, she maintains her weight at 44-45 kg.

Maria made several plastic surgery almost completely changing the face - shape, nose, lips.

With her lips, as she herself admitted, she overdid it. She didn't like the way she looked with big lips, so Maria decided to have surgery and try to restore their natural shape. “The beauty that nature provides must be appreciated and protected. It’s a pity that I didn’t understand this 11 years ago,” she said.

Maria is known not only for being the wife of a famous football player, but also for her courage. In 2011, she became famous when she was able to protect her home from burglars. In the middle of the night she heard a noise and was not afraid to check what was the matter. Maria scared off the attackers, saved herself, her little son and home.

Account: mariapoga_

Occupation: designer, TV star

Maria Pogrebnyak's Instagram is very eventful. And even though there are only two hundred thousand subscribers so far, Masha still posts a lot of photos per day. The girl is completely different from an ordinary socialite party girl; she is literate and educated. Maria soberly assesses her capabilities, strives for perfection and tries to remain attractive and interesting to her husband.

Photos of Maria Pogrebnyak on Instagram are mainly dedicated to her and her activities. There are a lot of interesting selfies, the girl focuses on her favorite accessories and brags about her design achievements. Most often these are work moments, new things or cosmetics. But she tries not to deprive her family of attention in the feed - her husband, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak and three sons.

In addition, the designer has lost significant weight and now posts her progress after or during workouts. And recently, Maria Shatalova simply surprised her Instagram and followers with an unusual hobby - icon painting, which she has been doing since childhood.

Life and interests of Maria Pogrebnyak

  • Maria had known footballer Pavel Pogrebnyak since school; they had met before he successful career, at 19, the girl became a mother for the first time.
  • Now Maria has three sons, only in 2014 the couple officially registered their marriage.
  • In 2014, with the participation of Maria, it was released scandalous video about shopping in England with her friends, but the girl competently withstood criticism in her direction and believes that she did not lose her head from money.
  • Because of her husband student years conflicted with her parents, even ran to Pavel in another city during studies and exams, because of this she did not graduate from the university.
  • Most of all, Maria likes living in St. Petersburg.
  • Of the football players' wives, he is most friends with the spouses of Roman Shirokov and Konstantin Zyryanov.

More than seven hundred thousand users have subscribed to Maria Pogrebnyak’s microblog. Followers like to look gorgeous photos celebrities she brags about perfect figure And beautiful life. Now Maria and her family are vacationing in the Maldives. Of course, the girl couldn’t help but arrange a photo shoot on the ocean. But this time she decided to show everything that was left behind the scenes.

Maria Pogrebnyak showed her followers how she does it beautiful pictures, which she so often shares on Instagram. Fans were absolutely delighted with the behind-the-scenes video and asked to share similar footage more often.

“Instagram is about the pictures we want to show. And here is reality" - Maria commented meaningfully on the video.

The video shows Maria Pogrebnyak and her sons dragging a sun lounger away from the water. Just a minute ago, the celebrity was photographed on this sun lounger, looking languid. Many subscribers admitted that they did not expect such a turn of events. It always seemed to them that such things at celebrity photo shoots were done by almost specially trained people, and not by Maria herself and her children.

The wife of the famous Russian football player Pavel Pogrebnyak. Maria was born in 1988. The girl has known her husband since school. On this moment their family has three children. However, it was only in 2014 that the famous couple decided to formalize their relationship. The girl tries not to turn into a housewife and studies own business which is related to fashion design. Most recently, she released her first clothing line. Maria Pogrebnyak also has an Instagram, in which the star constantly posts her successes in work, family photos and much more. Let's take a closer look at her profile.

What can you find on the star’s Instagram account?

You can watch new photos of Maria Pogrebnyak on Instagram, or on our information portal dedicated to this service. Here you will find the latest news and announcements that relate to your idols. In Pogrebnyak's profile you will find:

  • photos with unique works;
  • footage of children and family;
  • leisure stars in London;
  • as well as various announcements of sales and discounts.

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