Extraction of weakly magnetic minerals using a high-intensity magnetic separator from ores of non-ferrous, rare earth and noble metals using the example of JSC Irgiredmet, Kovdor Mining and Processing Plant. Tungsten ore beneficiation technology Business plan for tungsten ore beneficiation

The main tungsten minerals are scheelite, hübnerite and wolframite. Depending on the type of minerals, ores can be divided into two types; scheelite and wolframite (huebnerite).
Scheelite ores in Russia, as well as in some cases abroad, are enriched by flotation. In Russia, the process of flotation of scheelite ores on an industrial scale was carried out before the Second World War at the Tyrn-Auz factory. This plant processes very complex molybdenum-scheelite ores containing a number of calcium minerals (calcite, fluorite, apatite). Calcium minerals, like scheelite, float with oleic acid; the depression of calcite and fluorite is produced by stirring in a liquid glass solution without heating (long-term contact) or with heating, as at the Tyrn-Auz factory. Instead of oleic acid, fractions of tall oil are used, as well as acids from vegetable oils (reagents 708, 710, etc.) alone or in a mixture with oleic acid.

A typical flotation scheme for scheelite ore is shown in Fig. 38. Using this scheme, it is possible to remove calcite and fluorite and obtain tungsten trioxide-standard concentrates. However, apatite still remains in such quantity that the phosphorus content in the concentrate is higher than standard. Excess phosphorus is removed by dissolving apatite in weak hydrochloric acid. Acid consumption depends on the calcium carbonate content in the concentrate and is 0.5-5 g of acid per ton of WO3.
When leaching with acid, part of the scheelite, as well as powellite, is dissolved and then precipitated out of solution in the form of CaWO4 + CaMoO4 and other impurities. The resulting dirty sludge is then processed according to the I.N. method. Maslenitsky.
Due to the difficulty of obtaining quality tungsten concentrate, many factories abroad produce two products: a rich concentrate and a poor one for hydrometallurgical processing into calcium tungstate using the method developed in Mekhanobra I.N. Maslenitsky, - leaching with soda in an autoclave under pressure with transfer into solution in the form of CaWO4, followed by purification of the solution and precipitation of CaWO4. In some cases, with coarsely disseminated scheelite, finishing of flotation concentrates is carried out on tables.
From ores containing a significant amount of CaF2, extraction of scheelite by flotation has not been developed abroad. Such ores, for example in Sweden, are enriched on tables. Scheelite, entrained with fluorite in the flotation concentrate, is then separated from this concentrate on the table.
In Russian factories, scheelite ores are enriched by flotation, obtaining quality concentrates.
At the Tyrn-Auz plant, concentrates containing 6% WO3 are produced from ore containing 0.2% WO3 with a recovery of 82%. At the Chorukh-Dairon plant, with ore of the same VVO3 content, 72% WO3 is obtained in concentrates with an extraction of 78.4%; at the Koytash plant, with ore with 0.46% WO3 in concentrate, 72.6% WO3 is obtained with a WO3 recovery of 85.2%; at the Lyangarsky plant in ore 0.124%, in concentrates - 72% with extraction of 81.3% WO3. Additional recovery of poor products is possible by reducing losses in tailings. In all cases, if sulfides are present in the ore, they are separated before scheelite flotation.
The consumption of materials and energy is illustrated by the data below, kg/t:

Wolframite (Hübnerite) ores are enriched exclusively by gravity methods. Some ores with uneven and coarse-grained dissemination, such as Bukuki ore (Transbaikalia), can be pre-enriched in heavy suspensions, releasing about 60% waste rock with a particle size of 26+3 MM with a content of no more than 0.03% WO3.
However, with a relatively low productivity of factories (no more than 1000 tons/day), the first stage of enrichment is carried out in jigging machines, usually starting with a particle size of about 10 mm for coarsely disseminated ores. In new modern schemes, in addition to jiggers and tables, Humphrey screw separators are used, replacing part of the tables with them.
Progressive enrichment scheme tungsten ores is given in Fig. 39.
The finishing of tungsten concentrates depends on their composition.

Sulfides from concentrates thinner than 2 mm are separated by flotogravity: the concentrates, after mixing with acid and flotation reagents (xanthate, oils), are sent to a concentration table; The resulting CO2 concentrate is dried and subjected to magnetic separation. The coarse concentrate is pre-crushed. Sulfides are separated from fine concentrates from slurry tables by foam flotation.
If there are a lot of sulfides, it is advisable to separate them from the discharge of hydrocyclones (or classifier) ​​before enrichment on the tables. This will improve the conditions for the release of wolframite on tables and during concentrate finishing operations.
Typically, rough concentrates before finishing contain about 30% WO3 with recovery up to 85%. For illustration in table. 86 shows some data on factories.

During the gravitational enrichment of wolframite ores (Hübnerite, ferberite) from slurries thinner than 50 microns, the recovery is very low and the losses in the slurry part are significant (10-15% of the content in the ore).
From sludges, flotation with fatty acids at pH=10 can further extract WO3 into lean products containing 7-15% WO3. These products are suitable for hydrometallurgical processing.
Wolframite (Hübnerite) ores contain a certain amount of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals. Some of them pass during gravity enrichment into gravity concentrates and are transferred to finishing tailings. From sulfide finishing tailings, as well as from sludge, molybdenum, bismuth-lead, lead-copper-silver, zinc (they contain cadmium, indium) and pyrite concentrates can be isolated by selective flotation, and the tungsten product can also be isolated.


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1 . The importance of technogenic mineral raw materials

1.1. Mineral resources mining industry in the Russian Federation and tungsten sub-industry

1.2. Technogenic mineral formations. Classification. Need for use

1.3. Technogenic mineral formation of the Dzhida VMC

1.4. Goals and objectives of the study. Research methods. Provisions for defense

2. Study of the material composition and technological properties of stale tailings from the Dzhidinsky MMC

2.1. Geological testing and evaluation of tungsten distribution

2.2. Material composition of mineral raw materials

2.3. Technological properties of mineral raw materials

2.3.1. Grading

2.3.2. Study of the possibility of radiometric separation of mineral raw materials in the original size

2.3.3. Gravity analysis

2.3.4. Magnetic analysis

3. Development of a technological scheme

3.1. Technological testing of various gravity devices for the enrichment of stale tailings of various sizes

3.2. Optimization of the general waste processing scheme

3.3. Pilot testing of the developed technological scheme for the enrichment of general waste and an industrial plant

Introduction to the work

The sciences of mineral processing are, first of all, aimed at developing the theoretical foundations of mineral separation processes and the creation of processing apparatus, at revealing the relationship between the distribution patterns of components and separation conditions in processing products in order to increase the selectivity and speed of separation, its efficiency and economy, and environmental safety.

Despite significant mineral reserves and a decline in last years resource consumption, depletion of mineral resources is one of the most important problems in Russia. Weak use of resource-saving technologies contributes to big losses minerals in the extraction and enrichment of raw materials.

An analysis of the development of equipment and technology for mineral processing over the past 10-15 years indicates significant achievements in the domestic fundamental science in the field of knowledge of the main phenomena and patterns in the separation of mineral complexes, which makes it possible to create highly efficient processes and technologies for the primary processing of ores of complex material composition and, as a result, provide the metallurgical industry with the necessary range and quality of concentrates. At the same time, in our country, in comparison with developed foreign countries, there is still a significant lag in the development of the machine-building base for the production of main and auxiliary enrichment equipment, in its quality, metal intensity, energy intensity and wear resistance.

In addition, due to the departmental affiliation of mining and processing enterprises, complex raw materials were processed only taking into account the necessary industry needs for a specific metal, which led to the irrational use of natural mineral resources and increased costs for waste storage. Currently accumulated

more than 12 billion tons of waste, the content of valuable components in which in some cases exceeds their content in natural deposits.

In addition to the above negative trends, since the 90s, the environmental situation at mining and processing enterprises has sharply worsened (in a number of regions, threatening the existence of not only biota, but also humans), there has been a progressive decline in the production of non-ferrous and ferrous metal ores, mining and chemical raw materials, deterioration in the quality of processed ores and, as a consequence, the involvement in the processing of difficult-to-process ores of complex material composition, characterized by a low content of valuable components, fine dissemination and similar technological properties of minerals. Thus, over the past 20 years, the content of non-ferrous metals in ores has decreased by 1.3-1.5 times, iron by 1.25 times, gold by 1.2 times, the share of difficult ores and coal has increased from 15% to 40% of the total mass of raw materials supplied for enrichment.

Human impact on the natural environment in the process economic activity is now acquiring global character. In terms of the scale of extracted and transported rocks, transformation of the relief, impact on the redistribution and dynamics of surface and groundwater, activation of geochemical transfer, etc. this activity is comparable to geological processes.

The unprecedented scale of extracted mineral resources leads to their rapid depletion, accumulation of large amounts of waste on the Earth’s surface, in the atmosphere and hydrosphere, and gradual degradation natural landscapes, reduction in biodiversity, reduction in the natural potential of territories and their life-supporting functions.

Ore processing waste storage facilities are objects of increased environmental hazard due to their negative impact on the air basin, ground and surface water, and soil cover over vast areas. Along with this, tailings dumps are little-studied technogenic deposits, the use of which will make it possible to obtain additional

sources of ore and mineral raw materials with a significant reduction in the scale of disturbance of the geological environment in the region.

Production of products from technogenic deposits, as a rule, is several times cheaper than from raw materials specially mined for this purpose, and is characterized by a quick return on investment. However, the complex chemical, mineralogical and granulometric composition of tailings, as well as a wide range of minerals contained in them (from main and associated components to the simplest building materials) make it difficult to calculate the total economic effect from their processing and determine individual approach to the assessment of each tailings dump.

Consequently, at the moment a number of insoluble contradictions have emerged between the change in the nature of the mineral resource base, i.e. the need to involve difficult-to-process ores and technogenic deposits in the processing, the environmentally aggravated situation in mining regions and the state of technology, technology and organization of primary processing of mineral raw materials.

The issues of using waste from the enrichment of polymetallic, gold-containing and rare metals have both economic and environmental aspects.

In achieving the current level of development of the theory and practice of processing tailings from the enrichment of non-ferrous, rare and precious metal ores, V.A. made a great contribution. Chanturia, V.Z. Kozin, V.M. Avdokhin, SB. Leonov, L.A. Barsky, A.A. Abramov, V.I. Karmazin, SI. Mitrofanov and others.

Important integral part general strategy of the ore industry, incl. tungsten, is the increased use of ore processing waste as additional sources of ore and mineral raw materials, with a significant reduction in the scale of disturbance of the geological environment in the region and the negative impact on all components environment.

In the field of using ore processing waste, the most important thing is a detailed mineralogical and technological study of each specific

an individual technogenic deposit, the results of which will allow the development of an effective and environmentally friendly technology for the industrial development of an additional source of ore and mineral raw materials.

The problems considered in the dissertation work were solved in accordance with the scientific direction of the Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Engineering of the Irkutsk State technical university on the topic “Fundamental and technological research in the field of processing of mineral and technogenic raw materials for the purpose of their integrated use, taking into account environmental problems in complex industrial systems” and x/d topic No. 118 “Research on the beneficiation of stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC.”

Goal of the work- scientifically substantiate, develop and test
rational technological methods for enriching stale

The following tasks were solved in the work:

Evaluate the distribution of tungsten throughout the entire space of the main
technogenic education of the Dzhida VMC;

study the material composition of the stale tailings of the Dzhizhinsky VMC;

study the contrast of stale tailings in the original size in terms of the content of W and S (II);

to study the gravitational enrichment of stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC in various sizes;

determine the feasibility of using magnetic enrichment to improve the quality of crude tungsten-containing concentrates;

to optimize the technological scheme for the enrichment of technogenic raw materials of the general waste treatment plant of the Dzhida VMC;

conduct pilot tests of the developed scheme for extracting W from the stale tailings of DVMC;

Develop a circuit diagram of devices for industrial processing stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC.

To carry out the research, a representative technological sample of stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC was used.

When solving the formulated problems, the following were used research methods: spectral, optical, chemical, mineralogical, phase, gravitational and magnetic methods for analyzing the material composition and technological properties of initial mineral raw materials and enrichment products.

The following are submitted for defense: basic scientific principles:

The patterns of distribution of initial technogenic mineral raw materials and tungsten by size classes have been established. The need for primary (preliminary) classification by size of 3 mm has been proven.

The quantitative characteristics of the stale ore dressing tailings of the Dzhidinsky VMC in terms of WO3 and sulfide sulfur content have been established. It has been proven that the initial mineral raw materials belong to the category of non-contrasting ores. A reliable and reliable correlation between the contents of WO3 and S (II) was revealed.

Quantitative patterns of gravitational enrichment of stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC have been established. It has been proven that for source material of any size, an effective method for extracting W is gravitational enrichment. Forecast technological indicators of gravitational enrichment of initial mineral raw materials have been determined V of various sizes.

Quantitative patterns of distribution of stale ore dressing tailings of the Dzhida VMC into fractions of different specific magnetic susceptibility have been established. The effectiveness of the sequential use of magnetic and centrifugal separation has been proven to improve the quality of rough W-containing products. The technological modes of magnetic separation have been optimized.

Material composition of mineral raw materials

When examining a secondary tailings dump (emergency discharge tailings dump (EDT)), 35 furrow samples were taken from pits and clearings along the slopes of the dumps; the total length of the furrows is 46 m. ​​The pits and clearings are located in 6 exploration lines, spaced 40-100 m from each other; the distance between pits (clearings) in exploration lines is from 30-40 to 100-150 m. All lithological varieties of sands were tested. Samples were analyzed for W03 and S(II) content. In this area, 13 samples were taken from pits with a depth of 1.0 m. The distance between the lines is about 200 m, between the workings - from 40 to 100 m (depending on the distribution of the same type of lithological layer). The results of sample analyzes for WO3 and sulfur content are given in table. 2.1. Table 2.1 - Content of WO3 and sulfide sulfur in private samples of CAS It can be seen that the content of WO3 ranges from 0.05-0.09%, with the exception of sample M-16, selected from medium-grained gray sands. In the same sample, high concentrations of S (II) were found - 4.23% and 3.67%. For individual samples (M-8, M-18), a high content of S sulfate was noted (20-30% of the total sulfur content). In the upper part of the emergency discharge tailings dump, 11 samples of various lithological varieties were taken. The content of WO3 and S (II), depending on the origin of the sands, varies over a wide range: from 0.09 to 0.29% and from 0.78 to 5.8%, respectively. Elevated WO3 contents are typical for medium-to-coarse-grained sand varieties. The S(VI) content is 80 - 82% of the total S content, but in individual samples, predominantly with low contents of tungsten trioxide and total sulfur, it decreases to 30%.

The deposit's reserves can be assessed as Pj category resources (see Table 2.2). Along the upper part, the length of the pit varies in a wide range: from 0.7 to 9.0 m, therefore the average content of controlled components is calculated taking into account the parameters of the pits. In our opinion, based on the given characteristics, taking into account the composition of stale tailings, their preservation, conditions of occurrence, contamination with household waste, WO3 content in them and the degree of sulfur oxidation, only the upper part of the emergency discharge tailings with resources of 1.0 million can be of industrial interest tons of sands and 1330 tons of WO3 with a WO3 content of 0.126%. Their location in close proximity to the designed enrichment plant (250-300 m) is favorable for their transportation. The lower part of the emergency discharge tailings dump is subject to disposal as part of the environmental rehabilitation program for the city of Zakamensk.

5 samples were taken from the deposit area. The interval between sampling points is 1000-1250 m. Samples were taken over the entire thickness of the layer and analyzed for the content of WO3, Btot and S (II) (see Table 2.3). Table 2.3 - Content of WO3 and sulfur in private ATO samples From the analysis results it is clear that the content of WO3 is low, varying from 0.04 to 0.10%. The average S(II) content is 0.12% and is of no practical interest. The work carried out does not allow us to consider the by-product alluvial tailings dump as a potential industrial facility. However, as a source of environmental pollution, these formations must be disposed of. The main tailings dump (MTD) was explored along parallel exploration lines oriented at azimuth 120 and located 160 - 180 m from each other. The exploration lines are oriented across the strike of the dam and the slurry pipeline, through which the ore tailings were discharged, deposited subparallel to the dam crest. Thus, the exploration lines were also oriented across the bedding of technogenic deposits. Along the exploration lines, a bulldozer drove trenches to a depth of 3-5 m, from which pits were drilled to a depth of 1 to 4 m. The depth of the trenches and pits was limited by the stability of the walls of the workings. The pits in the trenches were made through 20 - 50 m in the central part of the deposit and through 100 m - on the south-eastern flank, on the area of ​​​​the former settling pond (now dried up), from which water was supplied to the processing plants during the operation of the plant.

The area of ​​the OTO along the distribution boundary is 1015 thousand m (101.5 hectares); along the long axis (along the valley of the Barun-Naryn river) it extends for 1580 m, in the transverse direction (near the dam) its width is 1050 m. In this area, 78 pits were made from pre-created trenches in five main exploration lines. Consequently, one pit illuminates an area of ​​12,850 m, which is equivalent to an average network of 130x100 m. In the central part of the field, represented by sands of different grains, in the area where slurry lines are located on an area of ​​530 thousand m (52% of the TMO area), 58 pits and one well (75% all workings); The exploration network area averaged 90x100 m2. On the extreme south-eastern flank, on the site of a former settling pond in the area of ​​development of fine-grained sediments - silts, 12 pits (15% of the total number) were drilled, characterizing an area of ​​about 370 thousand m (37% of the total area of ​​the technogenic deposit); the average network area here was 310x100 m2. In the area of ​​transition from heterogeneous sands to silts, composed of silty sands, on an area of ​​about 115 thousand m (11% of the area of ​​the technogenic deposit), 8 pits were drilled (10% of the number of workings in the technogenic deposit) and the average area of ​​the exploration network was 145x100 m. The average length of the tested section at the technogenic deposit is 4.3 m, including for different-grained sands - 5.2 m, silty sands - 2.1 m, silt - 1.3 m. The absolute elevations of the modern surface relief of the technogenic deposit in the tested sections vary from 1110 - 1115 m near the top of the dam, up to 1146 - 148 m in the central part and 1130-1135 m on the southeastern flank. In total, 60 - 65% of the capacity of the technogenic deposit has been tested. Trenches, pits, strippings and burials were documented in M ​​1:50 -1:100 and tested with a furrow with a cross section of 0.1x0.05 m2 (1999) and 0.05x0.05 m2 (2000). The length of the furrow samples was 1 m, the weight was 10 - 12 kg in 1999. and 4 - 6 kg in 2000. The total length of the tested intervals in the exploration lines was 338 m, in general, taking into account the areas of detailing and individual sections outside the network - 459 m. The weight of the samples taken was 5 tons.

The samples, together with a passport (characteristics of the rock, sample number, production and performer) were packaged in plastic and then fabric bags and sent to the RAC of the Republic of Buryatia, where they were weighed, dried, analyzed for the content of W03, and S (II) according to NS AM methods. The accuracy of the analyzes is confirmed by the comparability of the results of ordinary, group (RAC analyses) and technological (TsNIGRI and VIMS analyses) samples. The results of the analysis of private technological samples taken at the OTO are given in Appendix 1. The main (OTO) and two secondary tailings dumps (KhAT and ATO) of the Dzhida VMC were statistically compared in terms of WO3 content using the Student's t test (see Appendix 2). With a confidence probability of 95% it was established: - no significant statistical difference in WO3 content between private samples of side tailings; - average results of OTO testing for WO3 content in 1999 and 2000. belong to the same general population. Consequently, the chemical composition of the main tailings pond changes insignificantly over time under the influence external influences. All general waste reserves can be processed using a single technology.; - average sampling results of the main and side tailings dumps in terms of WO3 content differ significantly from each other. Consequently, to involve mineral raw materials from side tailings, the development of local enrichment technology is required.

Technological properties of mineral raw materials

Based on their granular composition, sediments are divided into three types of sediments: heterogeneous sands; silty sands (silty); silts There are gradual transitions between these types of sediments. Clearer boundaries are observed in the thickness of the section. They are caused by the alternation of sediments of different grain compositions, different colors (from dark green to light yellow and gray) and different material compositions (quartz-feldspathic nonmetallic part and sulfide with magnetite, hematite, hydroxides of iron and manganese). The entire thickness is layered - from fine to coarsely layered; the latter is more typical for coarse-grained varieties of sediments or layers of significant sulfide mineralization. Fine-grained (silty, silt fractions, or layers composed of dark-colored materials - amphibole, hematite, goethite) usually form thin (a few cm - mm) layers. The occurrence of the entire thickness of sediments is subhorizontal with a predominant fall of 1-5 in the northern directions. Sands of different grains are located in the northwestern and central parts of the OTO, which is due to their sedimentation near the source of discharge - the pulp pipeline. The width of the strip of different-grained sands is 400-500 m; along the strike they occupy the entire width of the valley - 900-1000 m. The color of the sands is gray-yellow, yellow-green. The granular composition is variable - from fine-grained to coarse-grained varieties up to lenses of gravelstones 5-20 cm thick and up to 10-15 m long. Silty (silty) sands stand out in the form of a layer 7-10 m thick (horizontal thickness, outcrop 110-120 m ). They lie under heterogeneous sands. In cross-section they represent a layered formation of gray, greenish-gray color with alternation of fine-grained sands with layers of silt. The volume of silts in the section of silty sands increases in the southeast direction, where silts make up the main part of the section.

Silts make up the southeastern part of the OTO and are represented by finer particles of enrichment waste of dark gray, dark green, bluish-green color with layers of grayish-yellow sand. The main feature of their structure is a more uniform, more massive texture with less frequent and less clearly defined layering. The silts are underlain by silty sands and lie on the base of the bed - alluvial-deluvial deposits. The granulometric characteristics of OTO mineral raw materials with the distribution of gold, tungsten, lead, zinc, copper, fluorite (calcium and fluorine) by size class are given in Table. 2.8. According to granulometric analysis, the bulk of the OTO sample material (about 58%) has a particle size of -1 + 0.25 mm, 17% each is coarse (-3 + 1 mm) and small (-0.25 + 0.1) mm classes. The share of material with a particle size of less than 0.1 mm is about 8%, of which half (4.13%) is of the slurry class - 0.044 + 0 mm. Tungsten is characterized by a slight fluctuation in content in size classes from -3 +1 mm to -0.25+0.1 mm (0.04-0.05%) and a sharp increase (up to 0.38%) in size class -0 .1+0.044 mm. In the slurry class -0.044+0 mm, the tungsten content is reduced to 0.19%. The accumulation of hübnerite occurs only in small-sized material, that is, in the class -0.1 + 0.044 mm. Thus, 25.28% of tungsten is concentrated in the -0.1+0.044 mm class with an output of this class of about 4% and 37.58% in the -0.1+0 mm class with an output of this class of 8.37%. Differential and integral histograms of the distribution of particles of GTO mineral raw materials by size class and histograms of the absolute and relative distribution of W by size class of GTO mineral raw materials are presented in Fig. 2.2. and 2.3. In table Table 2.9 shows data on the dissemination of hübnerite and scheelite in the OTO mineral raw material of the original size and crushed to - 0.5 mm.

In the -5+3 mm class of initial mineral raw materials there are no pobnerite and scheelite grains, as well as intergrowths. In the -3+1 mm class, the content of free scheelite and hübnerite grains is quite large (37.2% and 36.1%, respectively). In the -1+0.5 mm class, both mineral forms of tungsten are present in almost equal quantities, both in the form of free grains and in the form of intergrowths. In thin classes -0.5+0.25, -0.25+0.125, -0.125+0.063, -0.063+0 mm, the content of free grains of scheelite and hübnerite is significantly higher than the content of intergrowths (the content of intergrowths varies from 11.9 to 3. 0%) The size class -1+0.5 mm is limiting and in it the content of free grains of scheelite and hübnerite and their intergrowths is almost the same. Based on the data in table. 2.9, we can conclude that it is necessary to classify delimed mineral raw materials OTO according to a particle size of 0.1 mm and separate enrichment of the resulting classes. From the large class, it is necessary to separate the free grains into a concentrate, and the tailings containing splices must be subjected to further grinding. The crushed and deslimed tailings should be combined with the deslimed class -0.1+0.044 of the initial mineral raw materials and sent to gravity operation II in order to extract fine grains of scheelite and pobnerite into the middling product.

2.3.2 Study of the possibility of radiometric separation of mineral raw materials in the original size Radiometric separation is the process of large-piece separation of ores according to the content of valuable components, based on selective influence various types radiation on the properties of minerals and chemical elements. Over twenty methods of radiometric enrichment are known; the most promising of them are X-ray radiometric, X-ray luminescence, radio resonance, photometric, autoradiometric and neutron absorption. Using radiometric methods, the following technological problems are solved: preliminary enrichment with the removal of waste rock from ore; selection of technological varieties, varieties with subsequent enrichment according to separate schemes; selection of products suitable for chemical and metallurgical processing. Assessment of radiometric enrichment includes two stages: studying the properties of ores and experimental determination technological indicators enrichment. At the first stage, the following basic properties are studied: the content of valuable and harmful components, particle size distribution, single- and multi-component contrast of ore. At this stage, the fundamental possibility of using radiometric enrichment is established, the maximum separation indices are determined (at the stage of studying contrast), separation methods and characteristics are selected, their effectiveness is assessed, theoretical separation indices are determined, and a basic diagram of radiometric enrichment is developed, taking into account the features of subsequent processing technology. At the second stage, the modes and practical results separation, conduct large-scale laboratory tests of the radiometric enrichment scheme, select a rational version of the scheme based on a technical and economic comparison of the combined technology (with radiometric separation at the beginning of the process) with the basic (traditional) technology.

In each specific case, the mass, size and number of technological samples are determined depending on the properties of the ore, the structural features of the deposit and methods of its exploration. The content of valuable components and the uniformity of their distribution in the ore mass are the determining factors in the use of radiometric enrichment. The choice of radiometric enrichment method is influenced by the presence of impurity elements isomorphically associated with useful minerals and in some cases playing the role of indicators, as well as the content of harmful impurities, which can also be used for these purposes.

Optimization of the general waste processing scheme

In connection with the involvement in industrial exploitation of low-grade ores with a tungsten content of 0.3-0.4%, in recent years multi-stage combined enrichment schemes based on a combination of gravity, flotation, magnetic and electrical separation, chemical finishing of low-grade flotation concentrates, etc. have become widespread. . A special International Congress in 1982 in San Francisco was devoted to the problems of improving the technology of enrichment of low-grade ores. An analysis of the technological schemes of existing enterprises showed that during ore preparation, various methods of preliminary concentration have become widespread: photometric sorting, preliminary jigging, enrichment in heavy environments, wet and dry magnetic separation. In particular, photometric sorting is effectively used at one of the largest suppliers of tungsten products - at the Mount Corbijn plant in Australia, which processes ores with a tungsten content of 0.09% at large factories in China - Taishan and Xihuashan.

For the preliminary concentration of ore components in heavy media, highly efficient Dinavirpul devices from Sala (Sweden) are used. Using this technology, the material is classified and the +0.5 mm class is enriched in a heavy environment represented by a ferrosilicon mixture. Some factories use dry and wet magnetic separation as pre-concentration. Thus, at the Emerson plant in the USA, wet magnetic separation is used to separate the pyrrhotite and magnetite contained in the ore, and at the Uyudag plant in Turkey, class - 10 mm is subjected to dry grinding and magnetic separation in separators with low magnetic intensity to isolate magnetite, and then enriched in high tension separators to separate the garnet. Further enrichment includes table concentration, flotogravity and scheelite flotation. An example of the use of multi-stage combined schemes for the enrichment of low-grade tungsten ores, ensuring the production of high-quality concentrates, are the technological schemes used in Chinese factories. Thus, at the Taishan factory with a capacity of 3000 tons/day of ore, wolframite-scheelite material with a tungsten content of 0.25% is processed. The original ore is subjected to manual and photometric sorting with 55% of waste rock removed to the dump. Further enrichment is carried out on jigging machines and concentration tables. The resulting rough gravity concentrates are finished using flotogravity and flotation methods. Xihuashan, which processes ore with a 10:1 ratio of wolframite to scheelite, uses a similar gravity cycle. The crude gravity concentrate is sent to flotogravity and flotation, through which sulfides are removed. Next, wet magnetic separation of the chamber product is carried out to isolate wolframite and rare earth minerals. The magnetic fraction is sent to electrostatic separation and then flotation of wolframite. The non-magnetic fraction is fed to sulfide flotation, and the flotation tailings are subjected to magnetic separation to produce scheelite and cassiterite-wolframite concentrates. The total WO3 content is 65% with a recovery of 85%.

There has been an increase in the use of the flotation process in combination with chemical finishing of the resulting poor concentrates. In Canada, at the Mount Pleasant plant, flotation technology has been adopted for the beneficiation of complex tungsten-molybdenum ores, including the flotation of sulfides, molybdenite and wolframite. In the main sulfide flotation, copper, molybdenum, lead, and zinc are recovered. The concentrate is cleaned, further crushed, steamed and conditioned with sodium sulfide. The molybdenum concentrate is purified and subjected to acid leaching. Sulfide flotation tailings are treated with sodium fluoride to depress gangue minerals and wolframite is floated with organophosphorus acid, followed by leaching of the resulting wolframite concentrate with sulfuric acid. At the Kantung factory (Canada), the scheelite flotation process is complicated by the presence of talc in the ore, so a primary talc flotation cycle was introduced, then copper minerals and pyrrhotite are floated. The flotation tailings are subjected to gravity enrichment to produce two tungsten concentrates. Gravity tailings are sent to the scheelite flotation cycle, and the resulting flotation concentrate is processed hydrochloric acid. At the Ixsjöberg factory (Sweden), replacing the gravity-flotation scheme with a purely flotation scheme made it possible to obtain scheelite concentrate containing 68-70% WO3 with a recovery of 90% (according to the gravity-flotation scheme, the recovery was 50%). Much attention in Lately is focused on improving the technology for extracting tungsten minerals from sludge in two main areas: gravitational enrichment of sludge on modern multi-deck concentrators (similar to the enrichment of tin-containing sludge) with subsequent finishing of the concentrate by flotation and enrichment on wet magnetic separators with high tension magnetic field(for wolframite sludge).

An example of the use of combined technology is factories in China. The technology includes sludge thickening to 25-30% solids, sulfide flotation, tailings enrichment in centrifugal separators. The resulting rough concentrate (WO3 content 24.3% with recovery 55.8%) is sent to wolframite flotation using organophosphorus acid as a collector. Flotation concentrate containing 45% WO3 is subjected to wet magnetic separation to obtain wolframite and tin concentrates. Using this technology, wolframite concentrate containing 61.3% WO3 with a recovery of 61.6% is obtained from sludge containing 0.3-0.4% WO3. Thus, technological schemes for the enrichment of tungsten ores are aimed at increasing the complexity of the use of raw materials and separating all associated valuable components into independent types of products. Thus, at the Kuda factory (Japan), when enriching complex ores, 6 commercial products are obtained. In order to determine the possibility of additional extraction of useful components from stale enrichment tailings in the mid-90s. TsNIGRI studied a technological sample containing 0.1% tungsten trioxide. It has been established that the main valuable component in the tailings is tungsten. The content of non-ferrous metals is quite low: copper 0.01-0.03; lead - 0.09-0.2; zinc -0.06-0.15%, gold and silver were not found in the sample. Studies have shown that successful extraction of tungsten trioxide will require significant costs for regrinding tailings and at this stage involving them in processing is not promising.

A technological scheme for the enrichment of minerals, including two or more devices, embodies all the characteristic features of a complex object, and optimization of the technological scheme can apparently constitute the main task of system analysis. Almost all previously discussed modeling and optimization methods can be used to solve this problem. However, the structure of concentrator plant circuits is so complex that it is necessary to consider additional methods optimization. Indeed, for a circuit consisting of at least 10-12 devices, it is difficult to implement a conventional factorial experiment or carry out multiple nonlinear statistical processing. Currently, several ways to optimize circuits are being outlined - an evolutionary path to generalize the accumulated experience and take a step in the successful direction of changing the circuit.

Pilot testing of the developed technological scheme for the enrichment of general waste and an industrial plant

The tests were carried out in October-November 2003. During the tests, 15 tons of initial mineral raw materials were processed in 24 hours. The results of testing the developed technological scheme are presented in Fig. 3.4 and 3.5 and in table. 3.6. It can be seen that the yield of the standard concentrate is 0.14%, the content is 62.7% with a WO3 recovery of 49.875%. results spectral analysis representative sample of the resulting concentrate, shown in table. 3.7, confirm that W-concentrate III of magnetic separation is standard and complies with the KVG (T) grade of GOST 213-73 “Technical requirements (composition,%) for tungsten concentrates obtained from tungsten-containing ores.” Consequently, the developed technological scheme for the extraction of W from the stale tailings of the ore processing of the Dzhidinsky VMC can be recommended for industrial use and the stale tailings are converted into additional industrial mineral raw materials of the Dzhidinsky VMC.

For the industrial processing of stale tailings using the developed technology at Q = 400 t/h, a list of equipment has been developed, given in To carry out an enrichment operation with a particle size of +0.1 mm, it is recommended to install a KNELSON centrifugal separator with continuous unloading of the concentrate, while for centrifugal enrichment class -0.1 mm must be carried out on a KNELSON centrifugal separator with periodic unloading of the concentrate. Thus, it has been established that the most effective way to extract WO3 from HTO with a particle size of -3+0.5 mm is screw separation; from size classes -0.5+0.1 and -0.1+0 mm and primary enrichment tailings crushed to -0.1 mm - centrifugal separation. The essential features of the technology for processing stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC are as follows: 1. A narrow classification of the feed directed to primary enrichment and finishing is necessary; 2. An individual approach is required when choosing a method for primary enrichment of classes of different sizes; 3. Obtaining waste tailings is possible with the primary enrichment of the finest feed (-0.1+0.02mm); 4. Use of hydrocycloning operations to combine dewatering and size separation operations. The drain contains particles with a particle size of -0.02 mm; 5. Compact arrangement of equipment. 6. Profitability of the technological scheme (APPENDIX 4), the final product is a standard concentrate that meets the requirements of GOST 213-73.

Kiselev, Mikhail Yurievich


As a manuscript

Artemova Olesya Stanislavovna


Specialty 25.00.13- Mineral processing

dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences

Irkutsk 2004

The work was carried out at Irkutsk State Technical University.

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences,

Professor K.V. Fedotov

Official opponents: Doctor of Technical Sciences,

Professor Yu.P. Morozov

Candidate of Technical Sciences A.Ya. Mashovich

Leading organization: St. Petersburg State

Mining Institute (Technical University)

The defense will take place on December 22, 2004 at /O* hours at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.073.02 of the Irkutsk State Technical University at the address: 664074, Irkutsk, st. Lermontova, 83, room. K-301

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council, professor


Relevance of the work. Tungsten alloys are widely used in mechanical engineering, mining, metalworking industry, and in the production of electric lighting equipment. The main consumer of tungsten is metallurgy.

An increase in tungsten production is possible due to the involvement in processing of ores that are complex in composition, difficult to enrich, poor in the content of valuable components and off-balance ores, through the widespread use of gravity enrichment methods.

Involving the processing of stale ore dressing tailings from the Dzhida VMC will solve the current problem of the raw material base, increase the production of in-demand tungsten concentrate and improve the environmental situation in the Trans-Baikal region.

Purpose of the work: to scientifically substantiate, develop and test rational technological methods and modes of enrichment of stale tungsten-containing tailings from the Dzhidinsky VMC.

The idea of ​​the work: to study the relationship between the structural, material and phase compositions of the stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC with their technological properties, which makes it possible to create a technology for processing technogenic raw materials.

The following tasks were solved in the work: to assess the distribution of tungsten throughout the entire space of the main technogenic formation of the Dzhida VMC; study the material composition of the stale tailings of the Dzhizhinsky VMC; study the contrast of stale tailings in the original size in terms of W and 8 (II) content; to study the gravitational enrichment of stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC in various sizes; determine the feasibility of using magnetic enrichment to improve the quality of crude tungsten-containing concentrates; to optimize the technological scheme for the enrichment of technogenic raw materials of the general waste treatment plant of the Dzhida VMC; conduct pilot tests of the developed scheme for extracting W from the stale tailings of the DVMK.

Research methods: spectral, optical, optical-geometric, chemical, mineralogical, phase, gravitational and magnetic methods for analyzing the material composition and technological properties of initial mineral raw materials and enrichment products.

The reliability and validity of scientific statements and conclusions are ensured by a representative volume of laboratory research; confirmed by satisfactory convergence of calculated and experimentally obtained enrichment results, compliance with the results of laboratory and pilot tests.


Scientific novelty:

1. It has been established that technogenic tungsten-containing raw materials of the Dzhida VMC in any size are effectively enriched by the gravitational method.

2. Using generalized gravity concentration curves, the limiting technological indicators for processing stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC of various sizes using the gravity method were determined and the conditions for obtaining waste tailings with minimal tungsten losses were identified.

3. New patterns of separation processes have been established that determine the gravitational enrichment of tungsten-containing technogenic raw materials in a particle size of +0.1 mm.

4. For the stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC, a reliable and significant correlation between the contents of WO3 and S(II) was revealed.

Practical significance: a technology has been developed for the enrichment of stale tailings from the Dzhidinsky VMC, which ensures the effective extraction of tungsten and makes it possible to obtain a standard tungsten concentrate.

Approbation of the work: the main content of the dissertation work and its individual provisions were presented at the annual scientific and technical conferences of the Irkutsk State Technical University (Irkutsk, 2001-2004), the All-Russian school-seminar of young scientists “Leonov Readings - 2004” (Irkutsk , 2004), scientific symposium “Miner’s Week - 2001” (Moscow, 2001), All-Russian scientific and practical conference “New technologies in metallurgy, chemistry, enrichment and ecology” (St. Petersburg, 2004 .), Plaksinsky readings - 2004. The dissertation work was presented in full at the Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Engineering at ISTU, 2004 and at the Department of Mineral Processing at SPGGI (TU), 2004.

Publications. 8 printed publications have been published on the topic of the dissertation work.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion, 104 bibliographic sources and contains 139 pages, including 14 figures, 27 tables and 3 appendices.

The author expresses deep gratitude to the scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. K.V. Fedotov for professional and friendly leadership; prof. HE. Belkova - for valuable advice and useful critical comments expressed during the discussion of the dissertation work; G.A. Badenikova - for consulting on the calculation of the technological scheme. The author sincerely thanks the department staff for their comprehensive assistance and support provided during the preparation of the dissertation.

The objective prerequisites for the involvement of man-made formations in production turnover are:

The inevitability of preserving natural resource potential. This is achieved by reducing the extraction of primary mineral resources and reducing the amount of damage caused to the environment;

The need to replace primary resources with secondary ones. Determined by the needs of production for material and raw materials, including those industries whose natural resource base is practically exhausted;

The possibility of using technogenic waste is ensured by the introduction of scientific and technological progress.

Production of products from technogenic deposits, as a rule, is several times cheaper than from raw materials specially mined for this purpose, and is characterized by a quick return on investment.

Ore processing waste storage facilities are objects of increased environmental hazard due to their negative impact on the air basin, ground and surface water, and soil cover over vast areas.

Payments for pollution are a form of compensation for economic damage from emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, as well as for the disposal of waste on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Dzhida ore field belongs to the high-temperature deep hydrothermal quartz-wolframite (or quartz-gübnerite) type of deposits, playing vital role in tungsten mining. The main ore mineral is wolframite, the composition of which ranges from ferberite to pobnerite with all intermediate members of the series. Scheelite is a less common tungstate.

Wolframite ores are enriched mainly by gravity; Gravity methods of wet enrichment are usually used on jigging machines, hydrocyclones and concentration tables. To obtain quality concentrates, magnetic separation is used.

Until 1976, ores at the Dzhida VMC factory were processed according to a two-stage gravity scheme, including heavy-medium concentration in hydrocyclones, two-stage concentration of narrowly classified ore materials on three-deck tables of the SK-22 type, additional grinding and enrichment of industrial products in a separate cycle. The sludge was enriched according to a separate gravitational scheme using domestic and foreign sludge concentration tables.

From 1974 to 1996 Only tungsten ore enrichment tailings were stored. In 1985-86, ores were processed using a gravity-flotation technological scheme. Therefore, gravity enrichment tailings and sulfide flotogravity product were dumped into the main tailings pond. Since the mid-80s, due to the increased flow of ore supplied from the Inkursky mine, the share of large waste has increased

classes, up to 1-3 mm. After the Dzhidinsky GOK was shut down in 1996, the settling pond self-destructed due to evaporation and filtration.

In 2000, the “emergency discharge tailings storage facility” (EDT) was identified as an independent object due to its rather significant difference from the main tailings storage facility in terms of the conditions of occurrence, the scale of reserves, the quality and degree of safety of technogenic sands. Another secondary tailings storage facility is alluvial technogenic sediments (ATS), which include redeposited molybdenum ore flotation tailings in the area of ​​the river valley. Modoncul.

The basic standards for payment for waste disposal within the established limits for the Dzhida VMC are 90,620,000 rubles. Annual environmental damage from land degradation due to the disposal of stale ore processing tailings is estimated at 20,990,200 rubles.

Thus, the involvement of stale ore dressing tailings of the Dzhida VMC in the processing will allow: 1) to solve the problem of the enterprise’s raw material base; 2) increase the production of the sought-after "-concentrate" and 3) improve the environmental situation in the Trans-Baikal region.

Material composition and technological properties of technogenic mineral formation of the Dzhida VMC

Geological sampling of the stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC was carried out. During the inspection of the secondary tailings dump (emergency discharge tailings dump (EDT)), 13 samples were taken. 5 samples were taken from the ATO deposit area. The sampling area of ​​the main tailings dump (MTD) was 1015 thousand m2 (101.5 hectares), 385 private samples were taken. The weight of the selected samples is 5 tons. All selected samples were analyzed for the content of "03 and 8 (I).

OTO, CHAT and ATO were statistically compared in terms of "03" content using the Student's t test. With a confidence level of 95%, it was established: 1) the absence of a significant statistical difference in "03" content between private samples of side tailings; 2) the average results of testing the general waste dumps in terms of content "03 in 1999 and 2000 refer to the same general population; 3) the average results of testing the main and side tailings dumps in terms of content "03 significantly differ from each other and the mineral raw materials of all tailings dumps cannot be processed according to the same technology.

The subject of our research is general relativity.

The material composition of the mineral raw materials of the OTO of the Dzhida VMC was established based on the analysis of ordinary and group technological samples, as well as the products of their processing. Random samples were analyzed for the content of "03 and 8(11). Group samples were used for mineralogical, chemical, phase and sieve analyses.

According to the spectral semi-quantitative analysis of a representative analytical sample, the main useful component - "and minor ones - Pb, Iu, Cu, Au and Content "03 in the form of scheelite were identified

quite stable in all size classes of various sand varieties and averages 0.042-0.044%. The content of WO3 in the form of hübnerite varies in various classes size. High contents of WO3 in the form of hübnerite were observed in particles of +1 mm size (from 0.067 to 0.145%) and especially in the -0.08+0 mm class (from 0.210 to 0.273%). This feature is typical for light and dark sands and is preserved for the average sample.

The results of spectral, chemical, mineralogical and phase analyzes confirm that the properties of hübnerite, as the main mineral form of \UOz, will determine the technology of enrichment of mineral raw materials of the OTO of the Dzhida VMC.

The granulometric characteristics of OTO raw materials with the distribution of tungsten by size class are shown in Fig. 1.2.

It can be seen that the bulk of the OTO sample material (~58%) has a particle size of -1+0.25 mm, 17% each falls on the large (-3+1 mm) and small (-0.25+0.1 mm) classes . The share of material with a particle size of -0.1 mm is about 8%, of which half (4.13%) is of the slurry class -0.044+0 mm.

Tungsten is characterized by a slight fluctuation (0.04-0.05%) in the content in size classes from -3 +1 mm to -0.25+0.1 mm and a sharp increase (up to 0.38%) in the size class -0 .1+0.044 mm. In the slurry class -0.044+0 mm, the tungsten content is reduced to 0.19%. That is, 25.28% of tungsten is concentrated in the -0.1+0.044 mm class with an output of this class of about 4% and 37.58% in the -0.1+0 mm class with an output of this class of 8.37%.

As a result of the analysis of data on the dissemination of hübnerite and scheelite in the OTO mineral raw material of the original size and crushed to - 0.5 mm (see Table 1).

Table 1 - Distribution of grains and intergrowths of pobnerite and scheelite by size class of initial and crushed mineral raw materials _

Size classes, mm Distribution, %

Huebnerite Scheelite

Free grains | Splices Free grains | Splices

OTO material in original size (- 5 +0 mm)

3+1 36,1 63,9 37,2 62,8

1+0,5 53,6 46,4 56,8 43,2

0,5+0,25 79,2 20,8 79,2 20,8

0,25+0,125 88,1 11,9 90,1 9,9

0,125+0,063 93,6 6,4 93,0 7,0

0,063+0 96,0 4,0 97,0 3,0

Amount 62.8 37.2 64.5 35.5

OTO material, crushed to - 0.5 +0 mm

0,5+0,25 71,5 28,5 67,1 32,9

0,25+0,125 75,3 24,7 77,9 22,1

0,125+0,063 89,8 10,2 86,1 13,9

0,063+0 90,4 9,6 99,3 6,7

Amount 80.1 19.9 78.5 21.5

It was concluded that it is necessary to classify deslimed mineral raw materials OTO according to a particle size of 0.1 mm and separate enrichment of the resulting classes. From the large class it is necessary: ​​1) to separate free grains into a rough concentrate, 2) tailings containing intergrowths are subjected to additional grinding, desliming, combining with the desliming class -0.1+0 mm of the original mineral raw material and gravity enrichment to extract fine grains of scheelite and pobnerite into industrial products.

To assess the contrast of OTO mineral raw materials, a technological sample was used, which is a combination of 385 individual samples. The results of fractionation of individual samples according to the content of WO3 and sulfide sulfur are shown in Fig. 3, 4.

0 Y OS 0.2 "l M o l O 2 SS * _ " 8

S(kk|Yupytetr "oknsmm" fr**m.% Contained gulfkshoy

Rice. 3 Conditional contrast curves of the original Fig. 4 Conditional contrast curves of the original

mineral raw materials OTO by content Ch/O) mineral raw materials OTO by content 8 (II)

It was found that the contrast indices for the content of WO3 and S (II) are equal to 0.44 and 0.48, respectively. Taking into account the classification of ores by contrast, the studied mineral raw materials in terms of WO3 and S (II) content belong to the category of non-contrast ores. Radiometric enrichment is not

suitable for extracting tungsten from small-sized stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC.

The results of the correlation analysis, with the help of which a mathematical relationship was revealed between the concentrations of \\Sos and 8 (II) (Stoz = 0»0232 + 0.038C5(u)And r = 0.827; the correlation is valid and reliable), confirm the conclusions about the inappropriateness of using radiometric separation.

The results of the analysis of the separation of OTO mineral grains in heavy liquids prepared on the basis of selenium bromide were used to calculate and construct gravity enrichment curves (Fig. 5), from the form of which, especially the curve, it follows that the OTO of the Dzhida VMC in any size is suitable for mineral raw materials gravity enrichment method.

Taking into account the shortcomings in the use of gravity concentration curves, especially the curve for determining the metal content in floating fractions with a given yield or recovery, generalized gravity concentration curves were constructed (Figure 6), the results of the analysis of which are given in Table. 2.

Table 2 - Forecast technological indicators of enrichment of different size classes of stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC using the gravity method_

g Size class, mm Maximum losses \U with tailings, % Tailings yield, % XV content, %

in the tails at the end

3+1 0,0400 25 82,5 0,207 0,1

3+0,5 0,0400 25 84 0,19 0,18

3+0,25 0,0440 25 90 0,15 0,28

3+0,1 0,0416 25 84,5 0,07 0,175

3+0,044 0,0483 25 87 0,064 0,27

1+0,5 0,04 25 84,5 0,16 0,2

1+0,044 0,0500 25 87 0,038 0,29

0,5+0,25 0,05 25 92,5 0,04 0,45

0,5+0,044 0,0552 25 88 0,025 0,365

0,25+0,1 0,03 25 79 0,0108 0,1

0,25+0,044 0,0633 15 78 0,02 0,3

0,1+0,044 0,193 7 82,5 0,018 1,017

In terms of gravity washability, the classes -0.25+0.044 and -0.1+0.044 mm are significantly different from materials of other sizes. The best technological indicators of gravitational enrichment of mineral raw materials are predicted for the size class -0.1+0.044 mm: ^ |*0M4=82.5%, =0.018% and e* =7%.

The results of electromagnetic fractionation of heavy fractions (HF), gravitational analysis using the Sochnev S-5 universal magnet and magnetic separation of HF showed that the total yield of highly magnetic and non-magnetic fractions is 21.47% and the losses in them are 4.5%. Minimum losses "with a non-magnetic fraction and the maximum content" in the combined weakly magnetic product are predicted provided that the separation power in a strong magnetic field has a particle size of -0.1+0 mm.

Rice. 5 Gravity enrichment curves for stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC

e) class -0.1+0.044 mm

Rice. 6 Generalized gravity concentration curves for various size classes of mineral raw materials GTO

Development of a technological scheme for the enrichment of stale ore dressing tailings of the Dzhidinsky VM K

Technological testing results in various ways gravitational enrichment of stale tailings from the OTO of the Dzhida VMC are presented in Table. 3.

Table 3 - Results of testing gravity devices

Comparable technological indicators were obtained for the extraction of WO3 into rough concentrate during the enrichment of unclassified stale tailings using both screw separation and centrifugal separation. Minimal losses of WO3 with tailings were detected during enrichment in a centrifugal concentrator of class -0.1+0 mm.

In table Figure 4 shows the granulometric composition of the rough W-concentrate with a particle size of -0.1+0 mm.

Table 4 - Granulometric composition of rough W-concentrate

Size class, mm Yield of classes, % Content Distribution of AUOz

Absolute Relative, %

1+0,071 13,97 0,11 1,5345 2,046

0,071+0,044 33,64 0,13 4,332 5,831

0,044+0,020 29,26 2,14 62,6164 83,488

0,020+0 23,13 0,28 6,4764 8,635

Total 100.00 0.75 75.0005 100.0

In the concentrate, the main amount of WO3 is in the class -0.044+0.020 mm.

According to mineralogical analysis, compared to the source material, the concentrate contains a higher mass fraction of pobnerite (1.7%) and ore sulfide minerals, especially pyrite (16.33%). The content of rock-forming materials is 76.9%. The quality of rough W-concentrate can be increased by the sequential use of magnetic and centrifugal separation.

The results of testing gravitational devices for extracting >V03 from the tailings of the primary gravitational enrichment of mineral raw materials OTO in a particle size of +0.1 mm (Table 5) have proven that the most effective device is the KKEL80No concentrator

Table 5 - Results of testing gravity devices

Product G,% ßwo>, % rßwo> st">, %

screw separator

Concentrate 19.25 0.12 2.3345 29.55

Tails 80.75 0.07 5.5656 70.45

Initial sample 100.00 0.079 7.9001 100.00

wing gateway

Concentrate 15.75 0.17 2.6750 33.90

Tails 84.25 0.06 5.2880 66.10

Initial sample 100.00 0.08 7.9630 100.00

concentration table

Concentrate 23.73 0.15 3.56 44.50

Tails 76.27 0.06 4.44 55.50

Initial sample 100.00 0.08 8.00 100.00

centrifugal concentrator KC-MD3

Concentrate 39.25 0.175 6.885 85.00

Tails 60.75 0.020 1.215 15.00

Initial sample 100.00 0.081 8.100 100.00

When optimizing the technological scheme for the beneficiation of mineral raw materials of the OTO of the Dzhida VMC, the following were taken into account: 1) technological schemes for processing finely disseminated wolframite ores from domestic and foreign enrichment plants; 2) specifications modern equipment used and its dimensions; 3) the possibility of using the same equipment for simultaneous implementation of two operations, for example, separation of minerals by size and dehydration; 4) economic costs for the hardware design of the technological scheme; 5) the results presented in Chapter 2; 6) GOST requirements for the quality of tungsten concentrates.

During semi-industrial testing of the developed technology (Figure 7-8 and Table 6), 15 tons of initial mineral raw materials were processed in 24 hours.

The results of spectral analysis of a representative sample of the obtained concentrate confirm that the W-concentrate III of magnetic separation is standard and corresponds to the KVG (T) grade of GOST 213-73.

Fig. 8 Results of technological testing of the scheme for finishing rough concentrates and middling products from the stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC

Table 6 - Results of testing the technological scheme


Conditioned concentrate 0.14 62.700 8.778 49.875

Dump tailings 99.86 0.088 8.822 50.125

Initial ore 100.00 0.176 17.600 100.000


The work provides a solution to a pressing scientific and production problem: scientifically substantiated, developed and, to a certain extent, implemented effective technological methods for extracting tungsten from the stale ore dressing tailings of the Dzhida VMC.

The main results of the research, development and their practical implementation are as follows:

The main useful component is tungsten, the content of which stale tailings are a non-contrasting ore, represented mainly by hübnerite, which determines the technological properties of technogenic raw materials. Tungsten is unevenly distributed among size classes and its main amount is concentrated in the size

It has been proven that the only effective method for enriching W-containing stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC is gravity. Based on the analysis of generalized gravity enrichment curves for stale W-containing tailings, it was established that dump tailings with minimal tungsten losses are a distinctive feature of the enrichment of technogenic raw materials in a size of -0.1+Ohm. New patterns of separation processes have been established that determine the technological indicators of gravitational enrichment of stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC in a size of +0.1 mm.

It has been proven that among the gravitational devices used in the mining industry for the beneficiation of W-containing ores, the screw separator and the centrifugal concentrator KKEL80N are suitable for maximum extraction of tungsten from the technogenic raw materials of the Dzhida VMC into rough W-concentrates. The effectiveness of using the KKEL80K concentrator has also been confirmed for additional extraction of tungsten from tailings of primary enrichment of technogenic W-containing raw materials in size - 0.1 mm.

3. An optimized technological scheme for extracting tungsten from the stale ore dressing tailings of the Dzhidinsky VMC made it possible to obtain a standard W-concentrate, solve the problem of depletion of the mineral resources of the Dzhidinsky VMC and reduce the negative impact of the enterprise’s production activities on the environment.

Preferred use of gravity equipment. During semi-industrial testing of the developed technology for extracting tungsten from the stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC, a standard “-concentrate” was obtained with a “03 content of 62.7% with an extraction of 49.9%. The payback period for the processing plant for processing stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC in order to extract tungsten was 0.55 years.

The main provisions of the dissertation work were published in the following works:

1. Fedotov K.V., Artemova O.S., Polinskina I.V. Assessment of the possibility of processing stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC, Ore dressing: Sat. scientific works - Irkutsk: ISTU Publishing House, 2002. - 204 pp., pp. 74-78.

2. Fedotov K.V., Senchenko A.E., Artemova O.S., Polinkina I.V. The use of a centrifugal separator with continuous unloading of concentrate for the extraction of tungsten and gold from the tailings of the Dzhida VMC, Environmental problems and new technologies for complex processing of mineral raw materials: Proceedings of the International Meeting “Plaksin Readings - 2002”. - M.: P99, Publishing House PKTs "Altex", 2002 - 130 p., P.96-97.

3. Zelinskaya E.V., Artemova O.S. Possibility of regulating the selectivity of the action of the collector during flotation of tungsten-containing ores from stale tailings, Directional change physical and chemical properties minerals in mineral processing processes (Plaksinsky readings), materials of the international meeting. - M.: Altex, 2003. -145 p., pp. 67-68.

4. Fedotov K.V., Artemova O.S. Problems of processing stale tungsten-containing products Modern methods processing of mineral raw materials: Conference materials. Irkutsk: Irk. State Those. Univ., 2004 - 86 s.

5. Artemova O. S., Gaiduk A. A. Extraction of tungsten from stale tailings of the Dzhida tungsten-molybdenum plant. Prospects for the development of technology, ecology and automation of chemical, food and metallurgical industries: Materials of a scientific and practical conference. - Irkutsk: ISTU Publishing House. - 2004 - 100 p.

6. Artemova O.S. Assessment of the uneven distribution of tungsten in the Dzhida tailings dump. Modern methods for assessing the technological properties of mineral raw materials of precious metals and diamonds and advanced technologies for their processing (Plaksin Readings): Proceedings of the international meeting. Irkutsk, September 13-17, 2004 - M.: Altex, 2004. - 232 s.

7. Artemova O.S., Fedotov K.V., Belkova O.N. Prospects for the use of the technogenic deposit of the Dzhidinsky VMC. All-Russian scientific-practical conference“New technologies in metallurgy, chemistry, enrichment and ecology”, St. Petersburg, 2004.

Signed for publication on November 12, 2004. Format 60x84 1/16. Printing paper. Offset printing. Conditional oven l. Academician-ed.l. 125. Circulation 400 copies. Law 460.

ID No. 06506 dated December 26, 2001 Irkutsk State Technical University 664074, Irkutsk, st. Lermontova, 83

RNB Russian Fund


1.1. Mineral resources of the ore industry in the Russian Federation and the tungsten sub-industry

1.2. Technogenic mineral formations. Classification. Need for use

1.3. Technogenic mineral formation of the Dzhida VMC

1.4. Goals and objectives of the study. Research methods. Provisions for defense


2.1. Geological testing and evaluation of tungsten distribution

2.2. Material composition of mineral raw materials

2.3. Technological properties of mineral raw materials

2.3.1. Grading

2.3.2. Study of the possibility of radiometric separation of mineral raw materials in the original size

2.3.3. Gravity analysis

2.3.4. Magnetic analysis


3.1. Technological testing of various gravity devices for the enrichment of stale tailings of various sizes

3.2. Optimization of the general waste processing scheme

3.3. Pilot testing of the developed technological scheme for the enrichment of general waste and an industrial plant

Introduction Dissertation on geosciences, on the topic "Development of technology for extracting tungsten from the stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC"

The sciences of mineral processing are, first of all, aimed at developing the theoretical foundations of mineral separation processes and the creation of processing apparatus, at revealing the relationship between the distribution patterns of components and separation conditions in processing products in order to increase the selectivity and speed of separation, its efficiency and economy, and environmental safety.

Despite significant mineral reserves and a reduction in resource consumption in recent years, the depletion of mineral resources is one of the most important problems in Russia. Poor use of resource-saving technologies contributes to large losses of minerals during the extraction and enrichment of raw materials.

An analysis of the development of equipment and technology for mineral processing over the past 10-15 years indicates significant achievements of domestic fundamental science in the field of knowledge of the basic phenomena and patterns in the separation of mineral complexes, which makes it possible to create highly efficient processes and technologies for the primary processing of ores of complex composition and, as Consequently, to provide the metallurgical industry with the necessary range and quality of concentrates. At the same time, in our country, in comparison with developed foreign countries, there is still a significant lag in the development of the machine-building base for the production of main and auxiliary enrichment equipment, in its quality, metal intensity, energy intensity and wear resistance.

In addition, due to the departmental affiliation of mining and processing enterprises, complex raw materials were processed only taking into account the necessary industry needs for a specific metal, which led to the irrational use of natural mineral resources and increased costs for waste storage. Currently, more than 12 billion tons of waste have been accumulated, the content of valuable components in which in some cases exceeds their content in natural deposits.

In addition to the above negative trends, since the 90s, the environmental situation at mining and processing enterprises has sharply worsened (in a number of regions, threatening the existence of not only biota, but also humans), there has been a progressive decline in the production of non-ferrous and ferrous metal ores, mining and chemical raw materials, deterioration in the quality of processed ores and, as a consequence, the involvement in the processing of difficult-to-process ores of complex material composition, characterized by a low content of valuable components, fine dissemination and similar technological properties of minerals. Thus, over the past 20 years, the content of non-ferrous metals in ores has decreased by 1.3-1.5 times, iron by 1.25 times, gold by 1.2 times, the share of difficult ores and coal has increased from 15% to 40% of the total mass of raw materials supplied for enrichment.

The human impact on the natural environment in the process of economic activity is now becoming global in nature. In terms of the scale of extracted and transported rocks, transformation of relief, impact on the redistribution and dynamics of surface and groundwater, activation of geochemical transfer, etc. this activity is comparable to geological processes.

The unprecedented scale of extracted mineral resources leads to their rapid depletion, the accumulation of large amounts of waste on the Earth’s surface, in the atmosphere and hydrosphere, the gradual degradation of natural landscapes, a reduction in biodiversity, and a decrease in the natural potential of territories and their life-supporting functions.

Ore processing waste storage facilities are objects of increased environmental hazard due to their negative impact on the air basin, ground and surface water, and soil cover over vast areas. Along with this, tailings dumps are little-studied technogenic deposits, the use of which will make it possible to obtain additional sources of ore and mineral raw materials while significantly reducing the scale of disturbance of the geological environment in the region.

Production of products from technogenic deposits, as a rule, is several times cheaper than from raw materials specially mined for this purpose, and is characterized by a quick return on investment. However, the complex chemical, mineralogical and granulometric composition of tailings, as well as the wide range of minerals they contain (from main and associated components to the simplest building materials) make it difficult to calculate the total economic effect of their processing and determine an individual approach to the assessment of each tailings.

Consequently, at the moment a number of insoluble contradictions have emerged between the change in the nature of the mineral resource base, i.e. the need to involve difficult-to-process ores and technogenic deposits in the processing, the environmentally aggravated situation in mining regions and the state of technology, technology and organization of primary processing of mineral raw materials.

The issues of using waste from the enrichment of polymetallic, gold-containing and rare metals have both economic and environmental aspects.

In achieving the current level of development of the theory and practice of processing tailings from the enrichment of non-ferrous, rare and precious metal ores, V.A. made a great contribution. Chanturia, V.Z. Kozin, V.M. Avdokhin, S.B. Leonov, J.I.A. Barsky, A.A. Abramov, V.I. Karmazin, S.I. Mitrofanov and others.

An important component of the overall strategy of the ore industry, incl. tungsten, is the increased use of ore processing waste as additional sources of ore and mineral raw materials, with a significant reduction in the scale of disturbance of the geological environment in the region and the negative impact on all components of the environment.

In the field of using ore processing waste, the most important thing is a detailed mineralogical and technological study of each specific, individual technogenic deposit, the results of which will make it possible to develop an effective and environmentally friendly technology for the industrial development of an additional source of ore and mineral raw materials.

The problems considered in the dissertation work were solved in accordance with the scientific direction of the Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Engineering of Irkutsk State Technical University on the topic “Fundamental and technological research in the field of processing of mineral and technogenic raw materials for the purpose of their integrated use, taking into account environmental problems in complex industrial systems " and paper topic No. 118 "Study on the enrichment of stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC."

The purpose of the work is to scientifically substantiate, develop and test rational technological methods for the enrichment of stale tungsten-containing tailings from the Dzhida VMC.

The following tasks were solved in the work:

Assess the distribution of tungsten throughout the entire space of the main technogenic formation of the Dzhida VMC;

To study the material composition of the stale tailings of the Dzhizhinsky MMC;

Investigate the contrast of stale tailings in the original size according to the content of W and S (II); to study the gravitational enrichment of stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC in various sizes;

To determine the feasibility of using magnetic enrichment to improve the quality of rough tungsten-containing concentrates;

Optimize the technological scheme for the enrichment of technogenic raw materials of the OTO of the Dzhida VMC; conduct pilot tests of the developed scheme for extracting W from the stale tailings of DVMC;

To develop a circuit diagram of devices for the industrial processing of stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC.

To carry out the research, a representative technological sample of stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC was used.

When solving the formulated problems, the following research methods were used: spectral, optical, chemical, mineralogical, phase, gravitational and magnetic methods for analyzing the material composition and technological properties of the initial mineral raw materials and enrichment products.

The following basic scientific provisions are submitted for defense: The patterns of distribution of initial technogenic mineral raw materials and tungsten by size classes have been established. The need for primary (preliminary) classification by size of 3 mm has been proven.

The quantitative characteristics of the stale ore dressing tailings of the Dzhidinsky VMC in terms of WO3 and sulfide sulfur content have been established. It has been proven that the initial mineral raw materials belong to the category of non-contrasting ores. A reliable and reliable correlation between the contents of WO3 and S (II) was revealed.

Quantitative patterns of gravitational enrichment of stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC have been established. It has been proven that for source material of any size, an effective method for extracting W is gravitational enrichment. Forecast technological indicators of gravitational enrichment of initial mineral raw materials in various sizes have been determined.

Quantitative patterns of distribution of stale ore dressing tailings of the Dzhida VMC into fractions of different specific magnetic susceptibility have been established. The effectiveness of the sequential use of magnetic and centrifugal separation has been proven to improve the quality of rough W-containing products. The technological modes of magnetic separation have been optimized.

Conclusion Dissertation on the topic "Beneficiation of mineral resources", Artemova, Olesya Stanislavovna

The main results of the research, development and their practical implementation are as follows:

1. An analysis of the current situation in the Russian Federation with mineral resources of the ore industry, in particular tungsten, was carried out. Using the example of the Dzhidinsky VMC, it is shown that the problem of involving stale ore dressing tailings in the processing is relevant, having technological, economic and environmental significance.

2. The material composition and technological properties of the main W-containing technogenic formation of the Dzhida VMC have been established.

The main useful component is tungsten, the content of which stale tailings are a non-contrasting ore, represented mainly by hübnerite, which determines the technological properties of technogenic raw materials. Tungsten is unevenly distributed across size classes and its main amount is concentrated in sizes -0.5+0.1 and -0.1+0.02 mm.

It has been proven that the only effective method for enriching W-containing stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC is gravity. Based on the analysis of generalized gravity enrichment curves of stale W-containing tailings, it was established that dump tailings with minimal tungsten losses are a distinctive feature of the enrichment of technogenic raw materials in a size of -0.1+0 mm. New patterns of separation processes have been established that determine the technological indicators of gravitational enrichment of stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC in a size of +0.1 mm.

It has been proven that among the gravitational devices used in the mining industry for the enrichment of W-containing ores, a screw separator and a KNELSON centrifugal concentrator are suitable for maximum extraction of tungsten from the technogenic raw materials of the Dzhida VMC into rough W-concentrates. The effectiveness of using the KNELSON concentrator has also been confirmed for the additional extraction of tungsten from the tailings of the primary enrichment of technogenic W-containing raw materials in a particle size of 0.1 mm.

3. An optimized technological scheme for extracting tungsten from the stale ore dressing tailings of the Dzhidinsky VMC made it possible to obtain a standard W-concentrate, solve the problem of depletion of mineral resources of the Dzhidinsky VMC and reduce the negative impact of the enterprise’s production activities on the environment.

The essential features of the developed technology for extracting tungsten from the stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC are:

Narrow classification by feed size of primary enrichment operations;

Preferred use of gravity equipment.

During semi-industrial testing of the developed technology for extracting tungsten from the stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC, a standard W-concentrate was obtained with a WO3 content of 62.7% with an extraction of 49.9%. The payback period for the processing plant for processing stale tailings from the Dzhida VMC in order to extract tungsten was 0.55 years.

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99. Fedotov K.V., Artemova O.S., Polinskina I.V. Assessment of the possibility of processing stale tailings of the Dzhida VMC, Ore dressing: Sat. scientific works Irkutsk: ISTU Publishing House, 2002. - 204 pp., pp. 74-78.

100. Fedotov K.V., Artemova O.S. Problems of processing stale tungsten-containing products Modern methods of processing mineral raw materials: Conference materials. Irkutsk: Irk. State Those. Univ., 2004 86 p.

101. Artemova O.S., Fedotov K.V., Belkova O.N. Prospects for the use of the technogenic deposit of the Dzhidinsky VMC. All-Russian scientific and practical conference “New technologies in metallurgy, chemistry, enrichment and ecology”, St. Petersburg, 2004.

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Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Plant

Navoi State Mining Institute

"Chemical and Metallurgical" Faculty"

Department of Metallurgy

Explanatory note

for final qualifying work

on the topic of: “Selection, justification and calculation of tungsten-molybdenum ore processing technology”

Graduate: K. Sayfiddinov

  • Introduction
  • 1. General information about methods of beneficiation of tungsten ores
  • 2. Enrichment of molybdenum-tungsten ores
  • 2. Technological section
  • 2.1 Calculation of crushing scheme with equipment selection
  • 2.2 Calculation of the grinding scheme
  • 2.3 Selection and calculation of semi-autogenous grinding mills
  • List of used literature


Minerals are the basis National economy, and there is not a single industry where minerals or their processed products are not used.

Significant mineral reserves in many deposits of Uzbekistan make it possible to build large, highly mechanized mining, processing and metallurgical enterprises that extract and process many hundreds of millions of tons of minerals with high technical and economic indicators.

The mining industry deals with solid minerals from which, with modern technology, it is advisable to extract metals or other minerals. The main conditions for the development of mineral deposits are increasing their extraction from the subsoil and integrated use. This is due to:

- significant material and labor costs during exploration and industrial development of new deposits;

- the growing need of various sectors of the national economy for almost all mineral components that make up the ore;

- the need to create waste-free technology and thereby preventing environmental pollution from production waste.

For these reasons, the possibility of industrial use of a deposit is determined not only by the value and content of the mineral, its reserves, geographical location, mining and transportation conditions, and other economic and political factors, but also by the availability of effective technology for processing the mined ores.

1. General information about methods of beneficiation of tungsten ores

Tungsten ores are enriched, as a rule, in two stages - primary gravity enrichment and finishing of rough concentrates using various methods, which is explained by the low tungsten content in the processed ores (0.2 - 0.8% WO3) and high requirements for the quality of standard concentrates (55 - 65% WO3), The total enrichment degree is approximately 300 - 600.

Wolframite (huebnerite and ferberite) bedrock ores and placers usually contain a number of other heavy minerals, therefore, during the primary gravity enrichment of ores, they strive to isolate collective concentrates, which can contain from 5 to 20% WO3, as well as cassiterite, tantalite-columbite, magnetite, sulfides, etc. When finishing collective concentrates, it is necessary to obtain conditioned monomineral concentrates, for which flotation or flotogravity of sulfides, magnetic separation of magnetite in a weak magnetic field, and wolframite in a stronger one can be used. It is possible to use electric separation, gravitational enrichment on tables, flotation of gangue minerals and other processes to separate minerals so that the finished concentrates meet the requirements of GOSTs and technical specifications not only for the content of the base metal, but also for the content of harmful impurities.

Considering the high density of tungsten minerals (6 - 7.5 g/cm 3), during enrichment gravitational enrichment methods can be successfully used on jigging machines, concentration tables, sluices, jet and screw separators, etc. For fine dissemination of valuable minerals, flotation or a combination is used gravitational processes with flotation. Considering the possibility of wolframite sludge during gravitational enrichment, flotation is used as an auxiliary process even when enriching coarsely disseminated wolframite ores for more complete extraction of tungsten from sludge.

If there are large tungsten-rich ore pieces or large pieces of waste rock in the ore, sorting of ore with a particle size of 150 + 50 mm on belt conveyors can be used to separate the rich large-lump concentrate or pieces of rock that dilute the ore supplied for enrichment.

When beneficiating scheelite ores, gravity is also used, but most often a combination of gravity methods with flotation and flotation gravity, or flotation alone.

When sorting scheelite ores, luminescent installations are used. Scheelitis when irradiated ultraviolet rays glows a bright blue light, allowing you to separate pieces of scheelite or pieces of gangue.

Scheelite is an easily floated mineral characterized by high sludge properties. The extraction of scheelite increases significantly with flotation enrichment compared to gravity, therefore, in the enrichment of scheelite ores in the CIS countries, flotation has now begun to be used in all factories.

During the flotation of tungsten ores, a number of difficult technological problems arise that require the correct solution depending on the material composition and association of individual minerals. In the process of flotation of wolframite, hübnerite and ferberite, it is difficult to separate from them iron oxides and hydroxides, tourmaline and other minerals containing neutralize their flotation properties with tungsten minerals.

Flotation of scheelite from ores with calcium-containing minerals (calcite, fluorite, apatite, etc.) is carried out by anionic fatty acid collectors, ensuring their good flotation with calcium cations of scheelite and other calcium-containing minerals. Separation of scheelite from calcium-containing minerals is possible only with the use of such regulators as liquid glass, sodium fluorosilicone, soda, etc.

2. Enrichment of molybdenum-tungsten ores

On Tyrnyauzskaya The factory enriches the molybdenum-tungsten ores of the Tyrnyauz deposit, which are complex in the material composition of not only valuable minerals with very fine dissemination, but also associated gangue minerals. Ore minerals - scheelite (tenths of a percent), molybdenite (hundredths of a percent), powellite, partially ferrimolybdite, chalcopyrite, bismuthite, pyrrhotite, pyrite, arsenopyrite. Nonmetallic minerals - skarns (50-70%), hornfels (21-48%), granite (1 - 12%), marble (0.4-2%), quartz, fluorite, calcite, apatite (3-10%) and etc.

In the upper part of the deposit, 50-60% of molybdenum is represented by powellite and ferrimolybdite, in the lower part their content decreases to 10-20%. Molybdenum is present in scheelite as an isomorphic impurity. Part of the molybdenite, oxidized from the surface, is covered with a film of powellite. Part of the molybdenum grows very finely with molybdoscheelite.

More than 50% of oxidized molybdenum is associated with scheelite in the form of powellite inclusions - a decomposition product of the Ca(W, Mo)O 4 solid solution. Such forms of tungsten and molybdenum can only be isolated into a collective concentrate with subsequent separation by hydrometallurgical methods.

Since 1978, the ore preparation scheme at the factory has been completely reconstructed. Previously, ore, after large crushing at the mine, was transported to the factory in trolleys via an overhead cableway. In the crushing department of the factory, the ore was crushed to - 12 mm, unloaded into bunkers and then crushed in one stage in ball mills operating in a closed cycle with double-spiral classifiers, up to 60% of the class - 0.074 mm.

A new ore preparation technology was developed jointly by the Mekhanobr Institute and the plant and put into operation in August 1978.

The ore preparation scheme provides for coarse crushing of the original ore up to -350 mm, screening according to the 74 mm class, separate storage of each class in bunkers for the purpose of more precise regulation feeding large and small classes of ore into the autogenous grinding mill.

Self-grinding of coarse ore (-350 mm) is carried out in Cascade type mills with a diameter of 7 m (MMC-70X X23) with additional grinding of the coarse-grained fraction to 62% class -0.074 mm in MSHR-3600X5000 mills operating in a closed cycle with single-spiral classifiers 1KSN-3 and located in a new building on the mountainside at an elevation of about 2000 m above sea level between the mine and the operating factory.

The finished product is supplied from the autogenous vessel to flotation by hydraulic transport. The hydraulic transport route is a unique engineering structure that ensures the transportation of pulp with a height difference of more than 600 m. It consists of two pipelines with a diameter of 630 mm, a length of 1750 m, equipped with stilling wells with a diameter of 1620 mm and a height of 5 m (126 wells for each pipeline).

The use of a hydraulic transport system made it possible to eliminate the cargo ropeway workshop, the medium and fine crushing building, and the MShR-3200X2100 mills at the processing plant. In the main building of the factory, two main flotation sections, new scheelite and molybdenum finishing departments, a liquid glass melting shop, and recycling water supply systems were built and put into operation. The thickening front for rough flotation concentrates and middlings has been significantly expanded due to the installation of thickeners with a diameter of 30 m, which reduces losses from thickening discharges.

The newly commissioned facilities are equipped with modern automated process control systems and local automation systems. Thus, in the autogenous building the automatic control system operates in direct control mode based on M-6000 computers. In the main building, a system for centralized control of the material composition of the pulp was introduced using X-ray spectral analyzers KRF-17 and KRF-18 in combination with an M-6000 computer. An automated system for sampling and delivery of samples (by pneumatic mail) to the express laboratory, controlled by the KM-2101 computer complex and issuing analyzes by teletype, has been mastered.

One of the most complex processing processes - finishing rough scheelite concentrates according to the method of N. S. Petrov - is equipped with an automatic monitoring and control system, which can work either in the “advisor” mode to the flotation operator, or in the mode of direct control of the process, regulating the flow rate of the suppressor (liquid glass), pulp level in cleaning operations and other process parameters.

The sulfide minerals flotation cycle is equipped with automatic control and dosing systems for collector (butyl xanthate) and suppressor (sodium sulfide) in the copper-molybdenum flotation cycle. The systems operate using ion-selective electrodes as sensors.

Due to the increase in production volume, the factory switched to processing new varieties of ores, characterized by a lower content of certain metals and a higher degree of oxidation. This required improvement of the reagent regime for flotation of sulfide-oxidized ores. In particular, a progressive technological solution was used in the sulfide cycle - a combination of two foaming agents of active and selective types. Reagents containing terpene alcohols are used as an active foaming agent, and a new reagent LV, developed for the enrichment of multicomponent ores, primarily Tyrnyauz ores, is used as a selective agent.

In the flotation cycle of oxidized minerals by fatty acid collectors, intensifying additives of a modifier reagent based on low molecular weight carboxylic acids are used. To improve the flotation properties of circulating industrial products pulp, regulation of their ionic composition has been introduced. Methods of chemical finishing of concentrates have found wider application.

From the autogenous grinding mill, the ore is sent to screening. Class +4 mm is further ground in a ball mill. Mill overflow and under-screen product (--4 mm) are subject to I and II classifications.

690 g/t soda and 5 g/t transformer oil are fed into the ball mill. The classifier discharge goes to the main molybdenum flotation, where 0.5 g/t xanthate and 46 g/t terpineol are fed. After I and II cleaning flotations, the molybdenum concentrate (1.2-1.5% Mo) is subjected to steaming with liquid glass (12 g/t) at 50-70°C, III cleaning flotation and further grinding to 95-98% class --0.074 mm with a supply of 3 g/t sodium cyanide and 6 g/t liquid glass.

The finished molybdenum concentrate contains about 48% Mo, 0.1% Cu and 0.5% WO 3 with a Mo extraction of 50%. The control flotation tailings of the III and IV cleaning operations are thickened and sent to copper-molybdenum flotation with a supply of 0.2 g/t xanthate and 2 g/t kerosene. The twice purified copper-molybdenum concentrate, after steaming with sodium sulfide, is sent to selective flotation, where a copper concentrate containing 8-10% Cu (with an extraction of about 45%), 0.2% Mo, 0.8% Bi is isolated.

The tailings of the control molybdenum flotation, containing up to 0 2% WO 3, are sent to scheelite flotation, which is carried out according to a very branched and complex scheme. After mixing with liquid glass (350 g/t), basic scheelite flotation is carried out with sodium oleate (40 g/t). After the first cleaning flotation and thickening to 60% solid, the scheelite concentrate is steamed with liquid glass (1600 g/t) at 80--90 °C. Next, the concentrate is cleaned twice more and again goes to steaming at 90--95 ° C with liquid glass (280 g/t) and is cleaned again three times.

2. Technological section

2.1 Calculation of crushing scheme with equipment selection

The designed concentration plant is intended for processing molybdenum-containing tungsten ores.

Medium-sized ore (f = 12 ± 14 units on Professor Protodyakonov’s scale) is characterized by a density c = 2.7 t/m 3 and is supplied to the factory with a moisture content of 1.5%. Maximum piece d=1000 mm.

In terms of productivity, the enrichment plant belongs to the category of medium productivity (Table 4/2/), according to the international classification - to group C.

To the factory ore D max. =1000 mm is supplied from open-pit mining.

1. Let's determine the productivity of the coarse crushing shop. We calculate productivity according to Razumov K.A. 1, pp. 39-40. The project adopted the delivery of ore 259 days a year, in 2 shifts of 7 hours, 5 days a week.

Ore strength factor /2/

where: Q c. etc. - daily productivity of the crushing shop, t/day

Coefficient taking into account the uneven properties of raw materials /2/

where: Q h..t. dr - hourly productivity of the crushing shop, t/h

k n - coefficient taking into account the uneven properties of raw materials,

n days - estimated number of working days per year,

n cm - number of shifts per day,

t cm - shift duration,

k" - coefficient for accounting for ore strength,

Calculation of annual working hours:

C = (n day n cm t cm) = 259 2 5 = 2590 (3)

Time utilization rate:

k in = 2590/8760 = 0.29 units = 29%

2. Calculation of crushing scheme. We carry out the calculation according to pp. 68-78 2.

According to the instructions, the moisture content of the initial ore is 1.5%, i.e. e.

Calculation procedure:

1. Determine the degree of fragmentation

2. Let us accept the degree of fragmentation.

3. Let’s determine the maximum size of products after crushing:

4. Let's determine the width of the crusher's discharge slots, taking the typical characteristics Z - coarsening of the crushed product relative to the size of the discharge slot.

5. Let’s check the compliance of the selected crushing scheme with the manufactured equipment.

The requirements that crushers must satisfy are listed in Table 1.

Table 1

In terms of the width of the receiving opening and the range of adjustment of the discharge slot, crushers of the ShchDP 12X15 brand are suitable.

Let's calculate the productivity of the crusher using the formula (109/2/):

Q cat. = m 3 / h

Q fraction. = Q cat. · with n · k f · k cr. · k ow. · k c, m 3 / h (7)

where c n is the bulk density of ore = 1.6 t/m 3,

Q cat. - passport capacity of the crusher, m 3 / h

k f . , k ow. , kcr, kc - correction factors for strength (crushingability), bulk density, ore size and moisture content.

The value of the coefficients is found from the table k f =1.6; k cr =1.05; k ow. =1%;

Q cat. = S pr. / S n · Q n = 125 / 155 · 310 ? 250 m 3 /h

Let's find the actual productivity of the crusher for the conditions defined by the project:

Q fraction. = 250 · 1.6 · 1.00 · 1.05 · 1 · 1 = 420 t/h

Based on the calculation results, we determine the number of crushers:

We accept 12 x 15 boards for installation - 1 pc.

2.2 Calculation of the grinding scheme

The grinding scheme chosen in the project is a type of VA Razumov K.A. page 86.

Calculation procedure:

1. Determining the hourly productivity of the grinding shop , which is actually the hourly productivity of the entire factory, since the grinding shop is the main ore preparation building:

where 343 is the number of working days in a year

24 - continuous work week 3 shifts of 8 hours (3x8=24 hours)

Kv - equipment utilization factor

Kn - coefficient taking into account the uneven properties of raw materials

We accept: K in =0.9 K n =1.0

The coarse ore warehouse provides a two-day supply of ore:

V= 48,127.89 / 2.7 = 2398.22

We accept the initial data

Let's ask ourselves about liquefaction in plums and sands classification:

R 10 =3 R 11 =0.28

(R 13 is based on row 2 p. 262 depending on the size of the drain)

in 1 -0.074 =10% - class content - 0.074 mm in crushed ore

in 10 -0.074 =80% - class content - 0.074 mm in the classification plum.

We accept the optimal circulation load With opt = 200%.

Calculation procedure:

Grinding stages I and II are represented by a type VA scheme, page 86 fig. 23.

The calculation of scheme B comes down to determining the weights of products 2 and 5 (the yields of products are found according to the general formula r n = Q n: Q 1)

Q 7 = Q 1 C opt = 134.9 · 2 = 269.8 t/h;

Q 4 = Q 5 = Q 3 + Q 7 = 404.7 t/h;

g 4 = g 5 = 300%;

g 3 = g 6 = 100%

The calculation is carried out according to Razumov K.A. 1 pp. 107-108.

1. Calculation of scheme A

Q 8 = Q 10 ; Q 11 = Q 12 ;

Q 9 = Q 8 + Q 12 = 134.88 + 89.26 = 224.14 t/h

g 1 = 100%; g 8 = g 10 = 99.987%;

g 11 = g 12 =Q 12: Q 1 = 89.26: 134.88 = 66.2%;

g 9 = Q 9: Q 1 = 224.14: 134.88 = 166.17%

Process flow diagramschleniyamolybdenum-tungsten ores.

CalculationByqualitative-quantitative scheme.

Initial data for calculating qualitative-quantitative schemess.

Extraction of tungsten into the final concentrate - e tungsten 17 = 68%

Extraction of tungsten into collective concentrate - e tungsten 15 =86%

Extraction of tungsten into molybdenum concentrate - e tungsten 21 = 4%

Extraction of molybdenum into the final concentrate - e Mo 21 = 77%

Extraction of molybdenum into tungsten flotation tailings - e Mo 18 =98%

Extraction of molybdenum into control flotation concentrate - eMo 19 =18%

Extraction of molybdenum into collective concentrate - e Mo 15 = 104%

Yield of collective concentrate - g 15 = 36%

Yield of tungsten concentrate - g 17 = 14%

Yield of molybdenum concentrate - g 21 = 15%

Yield of control flotation concentrate - g 19 =28%

Determining the yield of enrichment products

G 18 = g 15 - G 17 =36-14=22%

G 22 = g 18 - G 21 =22-15=7%

G 14 = g 13 + g 19 + g 22 =100+28+7=135%

G 16 = g 14 - G 15 =135-36=99%

G 20 = g 16 - G 19 =99-28=71%

Determining the masses of enrichment products

Q 13 = 127.89t/h.

Q 1 4 = Q 13 XG 14 = 127.89x1.35=172.6 t/h

Q 1 5 = Q 13 XG 15 = 127.89x0.36=46.0 t/h

Q 1 6 = Q 13 XG 16 = 127.89x0.99=126.6t/h

Q 1 7 = Q 13 XG 17 = 127.89x0.14=17.9 t/h

Q 1 8 = Q 13 XG 18 = 127.89x0.22=28.1 t/h

Q 1 9 = Q 13 XG 19 = 127.89x0.28=35.8 t/h

Q 20 = Q 13 XG 20 = 127.89x0.71=90.8 t/h

Q 21 = Q 13 XG 21 = 127.89x0.15=19.1 t/h

Q 22 = Q 13 XG 22 = 127.89x0.07=8.9 t/h

Determining the recovery of enrichment products

For tungsten

e tungsten 13 =100 %

e tungsten 18 = e tungsten 15 - e tungsten 17 =86-68=28 %

e tungsten 22 = e tungsten 18 - e tungsten 21 =28-14=14 %

e tungsten 14 = e tungsten 13 + e tungsten 22 + e tungsten 19 =100+14+10=124 %

e tungsten 16 = e tungsten 14 - e tungsten 15 =124-86=38%

e tungsten 20 = e tungsten 13 - e tungsten 17 + e tungsten 21 =100 - 68+4=28%

e tungsten 19 = e tungsten 16 - e tungsten 20 =38-28=10 %

for molybdenum

e Mo 13 =100%

e Mo 22 = e Mo 18 - e Mo 21 =98-77=11 %

e Mo 14 = e Mo 13 + e Mo 22 + e Mo 19 =100+11+18=129 %

e Mo 16 = e Mo 14 - e Mo 15 =129-94=35 %

e Mo 17 = e Mo 15 - e Mo 18 =104-98=6%

e Mo 20 = e Mo 13 - e Mo 17 + e Mo 21 =100 - 6+77=17%

e Mo 19 = e Mo 16 - e Mo 20 =35-17=18%

Determining the amount of metals in the product Oh enrichment

For tungsten

14 =124 x0.5 / 135=0.46%

15 =86x0.5 / 36=1.19%

16 =38 x0.5 / 99=0.19%

17 =68 x0.5 / 14=2.43%

18 =28 x0.5 / 22=0.64%

19 =10 x0.5 / 28=0.18%

20 =28 x0.5 / 71=0.2%

21 =14 x0.5 / 15=0.46%

22 =14 x0.5 / 7=1%

For molybdenum

14 =129 x0.04/ 135=0.04%

15 =94x0.04/ 36=0.1%

16 =35 x0.04 / 99=0.01%

17 =6 x0.04 / 14=0.017%

18 =98 x0.04 / 22=0.18%

19 =18 x0.04 / 28=0.025%

20 =17 x0.04 / 71=0.009%

21 =77 x0.04 / 15=0.2%

22 =11 x0.04 / 7=0.06%

Table 3. Table of qualitative-quantitative enrichment scheme

Operation no. cont.

Q, t/h

, %

copper , %

copper , %

zinc , %

zinc , %


Grinding stage I


crushed ore

comes out

crushed ore




CrushedbChennsth product IArt. grinding

CrushedbChennsth product II st .grinding

comes out




Grinding I I stage


Sands classification

comes out

Shreddedsth product



Wo 3 -Mo flotation


Drain classification

TailsMo flotationAnd

comes out




Control flotation


Tailcollective flotation

comes out




Tungsten flotation


Concentratecollective flotation

comes out



Mo flotation


Tails Wo 3 flotation

comes out



Calculation of water-sludge scheme .

The purpose of calculating the water-sludge scheme is to: ensure optimal liquid: solid ratios in the operations of the scheme; determining the amount of water added to operations or, conversely, released from products during dehydration operations; determination of L:T ratios in the products of the scheme; determination of the total water requirement and specific water consumption per ton of processed ore.

To obtain high technological indicators of ore processing, each operation of the technological scheme must be carried out at optimal values ​​of the L:T ratio. These values ​​are established based on data from ore dressing tests and the operating practices of existing processing plants.

The relatively low specific water consumption per ton of processed ore is explained by the presence of intra-factory water circulation at the designed plant, since the thickener drains are fed into the grinding - classification cycle. Water consumption for flushing floors, washing equipment and for other purposes is 10-15% of the total consumption.

Table 3. Table of qualitative-quantitative enrichment scheme.

Opera no.walkie-talkies cont.

Name of operations and products

Q, t/h

, %




Grinding stage I


crushed ore

0 , 0 25

comes out

crushed ore




CrushedbChennsth product IArt. grinding

CrushedbChennsth product II st .grinding

comes out




Grinding I I stage


Sands classification

comes out

Shreddedsth product



Wo 3 -Mo flotation


Drain classification

Control flotation concentrate

Tails Mo flotationAnd

comes out




Control flotation


Tailcollective flotation

comes out




Tungsten flotation


Concentratecollective flotation

It turns out



Mo flotation


Tails tungstenflotation

It turns out



Crusher selection and calculation.

The choice of crusher type and size depends on the physical properties of the ore, the required crusher capacity, the size of the crushed product and the hardness of the ore.

Tungsten-molybdenum ore by strength category is an ore of medium strength.

The maximum size of a piece of ore entering the crushing operation is 1000 mm.

To crush the ore coming from the mine, I install a jaw crusher with a simple swing jaw ShchDP 12x15. *

Crusher productivity, Q is equal to:

Q =q*L*i, t/h,

where q - specific productivity of the jaw crusher per 1 cm 2 of the discharge slot area, t/(cm 2 * h);

L is the length of the discharge slot of the neck crusher, cm;

i - width of the unloading slot, see /4/

According to the practice of operating the crushing department of the processing plant, the specific productivity of the jaw crusher is 0.13 t/cm 2 * hour.

The productivity of a jaw crusher will be determined by:

Q= 0.13*150*15.5 = 302.25 t/h.

The crusher accepted for installation provides the specified ore productivity.

The maximum size of a piece in the crusher feed will be:

120*0.8 = 96 cm.

Selection and calculation of grate screen

A grate screen with a hole size of 95 cm (950 mm) is installed in front of the crusher.

The required screening area is determined by the formula:

where Q* - productivity, t/h;

a is a coefficient equal to the width of the gap between the grates, mm. /5/ According to the layout conditions, the width of the grate screen is taken to be 2.7 m, length 4.5 m.

The practice of the crushing department of the factory shows that the ore delivered from the quarry contains about 4.5% of pieces with a particle size of more than 950 mm. Pieces of this size are delivered by a front-end loader to the ore yard, where they are crushed and again fed by the loader to the grate screen.

2.3 Selection and calculation of semi-autogenous grinding mills

Recently, when processing gold ores in world and domestic practice, semi-autogenous grinding mills followed by cyanidation are becoming more common in the first stage of grinding. In this case, the loss of gold from iron scrap and crumbs is eliminated, the consumption of cyanide during cyanidation is reduced, and the sanitary conditions of working on quartz silicate ores are improved. Therefore, I accept a semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mill for installation in the first stage of grinding.

1. Find the specific productivity for the newly formed class of the operating SSI mill, t/(m 3 * h):

where Q is the productivity of the operating mill, t/h;

- class content -0.074 mm in the mill discharge, %;

- class content -0.074 mm in the original product,%;

D is the diameter of the operating mill, m;

L is the length of the operating mill, m.

2. We determine the specific productivity of the designed mill according to the newly formed class:

where q 1 is the specific productivity of a working mill in the same class;

K and is a coefficient that takes into account differences in the grindability of the ore designed for processing and the ore being processed (Ki = 1);

K k - coefficient taking into account the difference in the size of the initial and final grinding products at the existing and designed factories (K k = 1);

K D is a coefficient that takes into account the difference in the diameters of the drums of the designed and operating mills:

K D = ,

where D and D 1 respectively, the nominal diameters of the drums of the mills being designed for installation and those in operation. (K D =1.1);

Kt is a coefficient that takes into account differences in the type of designed and operating mills (Kt=1).

q = 0.77*1*1*1.1*1 =0.85 t/(m 3 * h).

I accept for installation an autogenous grinding mill "Cascade" with a diameter of 7 m and a length of 2.3 m with a working volume of 81.05 m3

3. We determine the productivity of the mills for ore using the formula:

where V is the working volume of the mill. /4/

4. Determine the estimated number of mills:

n- 101/125.72 = 0.8;

then the accepted one will be equal to 1. The Cascade mill provides the specified productivity.

Screen selection and calculation II screening stage .

Draining of semi-autogenous mills using pumps...

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There are several ways to obtain it; the first stage is ore enrichment, separating valuable components from the main mass - waste rock. Enrichment methods are common for heavy ores and metals: grinding and flotation with subsequent operations - magnetic separation (for tungsten ores) and oxidative roasting.

The resulting concentrate is most often sintered with an excess of soda to convert tungsten into a soluble compound - sodium wolframite. Another method of obtaining this substance is leaching; tungsten is extracted with a soda solution under pressure and at elevated temperatures (the process takes place in an autoclave), followed by neutralization and precipitation in the form of artificial scheelite, i.e. calcium tungstate. The desire to obtain tungstate is explained by the fact that it is relatively simple to produce, in just two stages:

CaWO4 → H2WO4 or (NH4)2WO4 → WO3,

tungsten oxide, purified from most of the impurities, can be isolated.

Let's look at another way to obtain tungsten oxide - through chlorides. Tungsten concentrate is treated with chlorine gas at elevated temperatures. The resulting tungsten chlorides are quite easily separated from the chlorides of other metals by sublimation, using the temperature difference at which these substances transform into a vapor state. The resulting tungsten chlorides can be converted into oxide, or they can be processed directly into elemental metal.

Converting oxides or chlorides into metal is the next stage in tungsten production. The best reducing agent for tungsten oxide is hydrogen. Reduction with hydrogen produces the purest tungsten metal. The reduction process takes place in tube furnaces, heated in such a way that as it moves through the tube, the WO3 “boat” passes through several temperature zones. A stream of dry hydrogen comes towards it. Recovery occurs in both “cold” (450...600°C) and “hot” (750...1100°C) zones; in “cold” ones - to the lower oxide WO2, then to the elemental metal. Depending on the temperature and duration of the reaction in the “hot” zone, the purity and grain size of the powdered tungsten released on the walls of the “boat” change.

Reduction can occur not only under the influence of hydrogen. In practice, coal is often used. The use of a solid reducing agent somewhat simplifies production, but in this case a higher temperature is required - up to 1300...1400°C. In addition, coal and the impurities it always contains react with tungsten to form carbides and other compounds. This leads to metal contamination. Meanwhile, electrical engineering needs very pure tungsten. Just 0.1% iron makes tungsten brittle and unsuitable for making the finest wire.

The production of tungsten from chlorides is based on the process of pyrolysis. Tungsten forms several compounds with chlorine. With the help of excess chlorine, all of them can be converted into a higher chloride - WCl6, which decomposes into tungsten and chlorine at 1600°C. In the presence of hydrogen, this process occurs already at 1000°C.

This is how metal tungsten is obtained, but not compact, but in the form of a powder, which is then pressed in a stream of hydrogen at high temperature. At the first stage of pressing (when heated to 1100...1300°C), a porous, brittle ingot is formed. Pressing continues at an even higher temperature, almost reaching the melting point of tungsten at the end. Under these conditions, the metal gradually becomes solid, acquires a fibrous structure, and with it ductility and malleability. Further...

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