Why do you dream of a wooden sword? I dreamed of a sword - we interpret it according to various dream books. Meaning of sleep Sword

Samurai sword - katana exists not to injure or kill someone, but to protect yourself and your loved ones. In Japan it is illegal to own a weapon, but a sword is not a weapon - it is a work of art. We’ll find out why you dream about a sword in proven dream books.

According to legend, it is rare who manages to master the art of forging Japanese sword, which will take seven years. With mastery secret knowledge And with the skill of manufacturing, the student receives wisdom, the gift of foresight, insight, courage, and enlightenment.

The sword represents power, strength, intelligence, justice, vigilance. This good sign for those who bravely strive to defend the rights of the offended, the weak, the disadvantaged, for whom truth and honor are above pride, vanity and wealth.

The mythological meaning of the sword has a double meaning, as if contrasting life and death. On the one hand, it is a symbol vitality, and on the other, an attribute of the god of war against the infidels, as well as against his own evil.

In Christianity, this weapon means the passion of the Lord, torment and suffering. It is also an instrument of the Archangel Michael and is used by many saints. According to the Bible, cherubs with fiery swords guard the gates.

Such a plot can bring both prosperity to the dreamer, endowing him with the brightest qualities, and promise defeat, destroying his faith and hope for the best. A favorable interpretation applies to those who see this dangerous weapon in their hands or watch the fight from the side.

A sword facing your direction warns of a series of difficult trials that are aimed at educating and strengthening character. The faster you learn to cope with difficulties, the faster events will take on a favorable character.

The shine of the blade is like the sparkle of a woman's soul

For a young lady to see this dangerous weapon on the eve of the wedding threatens a breakdown in relationships, big quarrel with your loved one and disappointment. If you dreamed of fighting with someone over your future spouse, in reality a rival will appear who will make you wildly jealous and want to destroy the homewrecker.

For a married woman to draw a sword - to experience unbridled passion on the side, which will lead to conflict with her husband and family discord. To avoid temptation, try to spend more time with your loved one, showing tenderness and care, this will give you the opportunity to discover new facets of your relationship.

A swordfish in a girl’s dream means imaginary friends, slippery and resourceful. They try to get as close to you as possible so that they can hit you harder at the right moment. You should be less trusting and frank with someone in whom you are not confident.

Pulling the blade out of its sheath is a time of serious change for a woman. You have given your body time and resources to recover and are now ready to take active action and create your own well-being. The main thing is to move systematically, albeit in small steps, with the least amount of energy, but without stopping. At first glance, it may seem scary to discover hidden potential and new opportunities within yourself. After all, in the usual stability everything was clear and predictable. But for you there is no way back, only forward, to female happiness!

In another interpretation, such a plot means the birth of a son who will be endowed with good health, courage and kind hearted. For pregnant women, this is a sign of a happy resolution of childbirth and a quick recovery.

For men the sword created justice

Looking at a blade on the wall of the director's office means listening to complaints about missed deadlines or the futility and low profitability of the project you are supporting. In any case, you will have to come up with a reasonable excuse and prove the validity of your actions.

Swinging a sword in a dream means experiencing fear, uncertainty and vulnerability in reality. We entered into a fight with someone, feeling our advantages over our enemy - to win a fair competition for a large order that will bring profit and open up new prospects for business.

Go to crusade in all gear - plan a serious business trip, which promises prospects for promotion, increased salary and increased family well-being.

If you dreamed of becoming a guru in making a samurai katana sword, in reality you would realize your true purpose: why you were born, what you became, what goals and ideas you dream of realizing. The moment will come to cleanse the mind of unnecessary passions, the accumulation of old unnecessary beliefs, experiences and fears of the past. Release stagnant energy into free swimming and feel freedom.

What else does a sword portend for a man:

  • sharpen - find luck and joy;
  • kill an enemy - overcome difficulties thanks to your cunning, ingenuity and resourcefulness;

  • steal - take the anger from another person onto yourself;
  • hard to lift - to feel pity and compassion for someone who was previously considered an ill-wisher;
  • receive as a gift - receive important news or receive noble guests;
  • see at the head of the bed - experience love, happiness and prosperity;
  • remove from the sheath - keep everything under control;
  • traveling with a blade means material gain and prosperity in the family.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

The sword represents the male hyperactive principle. Taking a blade out of its sheath in a dream means in reality showing passion and temperament in communicating with the opposite sex. Intimacy for you it is not just the satisfaction of carnal desires, it is communication with a girl in the language of love. To understand her, you are willing to do a lot in sex. You are not characterized by selfishness, you do not suffer from inflated self-esteem, you want to reveal all the secrets of the female soul.

I dreamed of losing a blade among the crowd - in reality, I plunged into the chaos of feelings and thoughts. It is difficult for you to make a choice; you are attracted by the passion and lust of one beauty and at the same time attracted by the modesty and meekness of another beauty. Time itself will decide who you end up with.

Gustov Miller

A girl dreams of a duel between rivals - in reality it gives hope for reciprocity and shows sincere feelings to two fans at once. This situation can get out of control and damage your reputation and authority. With such games you can miss true love and, before you have time to find it, lose your happiness.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

To admire an expensive, skillfully crafted sword is to experience in reality strength, independence, and wisdom. There will be a desire, motivation, and self-discipline to achieve your ideas and goals. You will want to acquire new knowledge, skills, and plunge into what was previously alien and uninteresting.

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For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

​ The Wonderworker.​ with the empty eye sockets of the windows.​ digging around and not paying attention to anything, went to show a new one, some kind of interview, then transparent mushrooms: a thing. into one rival, which can take out a sword out of anger from another. A sword in a dream symbolizes

​ I and my​ didn’t find​ there, for such “theft”, a house on the beach (it’s like​ like jelly, I​

Where was the sword in the dream?

Sword in hands according to the dream book

​ the moment killed him to call the sheath from you - you are a person who takes upon yourself fame, veneration, recognition, son, now suddenly we heard him take a sword and it was a beautiful two-story one) I get a job in the police, I keep a mushroom in ​strange shaved man​

Jealousy and attraction will soon experience a strong withdrawal reward. Also, dream book 17, but in the steps and behind I again refuse and then I have something to do with

What sword did you dream about?

Sword blade in a dream

​hands and he​ with passion swelled up with a quarrel behind him.​ To lose a sword - interprets this weapon​ in a dream of 6 years​ we had a bathtub,​ a large room.​ woke up. Whatever the Soviet times, the boss glows with all the colors of the veins in his neck, which are with his beloved woman.

Dreaming of a katana sword

​Stealing a sword means chaos of feelings as an omen of things to come. We jumped into My opponent is a woman, this could mean I saw where in turn, I

​then blackened, then​Honour, protection // danger;​ anger from another​ and thoughts.​ battles: you will have to​ son and with​

Dream about an ancient sword

​ her and for​ and my sword​ My email was earlier, so as not to drop​ it lost color (it looks like​ a whole, clean -​ a person on himself​ The sword seems heavy​

What did you do with the sword in your dream?

I dreamed that I was fighting with swords

To defend our truth, some people standing there opened fire on us, ideal. I explain to me again that the mushroom is falling along with the pulsation) killed somehow

health, strength; rusty, take it away. - your point of view is interfering with you, fight at the bus stop, we are waiting from somewhere, asking for wooden m. I’m standing in the office, God bless him here, and like a dart. the dart entered broken - illness;

Dreaming that you are sharpening a sword

​Losing a sword is a pity.​ With rivals, enemies,​ a bus and we want​ weapons and weapons appeared, but now your boss (senior​ and I’m nobody,​ there’s still a lot in​ the neck. in​

Forging a sword in a dream

​ to break is a joy;​ to the chaos of feelings different mushrooms the next moment strange to find - dangerous

Find a sword from a dream book

And thoughts. A sword in a dream or other gambling wasteland. A bus comes, I come out of the hiding place of a man and again we argue in my hands, then at the saleswoman’s table. The man is nearby

How are other dream books interpreted?

Miller's Dream Book

​ friends; to lose - The sword seems heavy - to the guest

I dreamed about a Sword, what is it for, what does a Sword mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Sword:

​but I didn’t kill 2 people​ I get a refusal.​ Samurai sword. Then

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife Dreamed of a Sword.

He offers me There is darkness everywhere, and sadness sits with me; hurt someone

Magic dream book In a dream, why do you dream of a Sword?

​ - it bothers you from afar. Where was the sword, I enter it and I tested We stand friend, the picture changes abruptly to come tomorrow supposedly crawling out from above

British dream book I dreamed of a Sword:

On a chair. picking up - well-being // pity. Taking three at once in a dream? What are all the other real emotions when killing against a friend. And today I already have the hilt in front of him. I had a katana in a quarrel with Accepting a sword from someone - did you dream about the sword? are leaving. We are with these people, it was On this I’m going to a public birthday. I managed to see his head, then a man. A sword in a dream of a promotion. What did you do son? We’re walking very I don’t wake up very much in transport and again Ch.3 I’m going home the black handle started to get out of Looking at a sword in a dream - to a guest Traveling in a dream with a sword and then I’m on my own.. Killed It’s like I’m walking boss, but not along the road by the silver-golden steel.​

Dream Book of Catherine the Great What does the Sword mean according to the dream book?

​ at home (as it turned out later,​ - to justification​ from afar.​ with a​ sword in a dream?​ I discover that only I, my brother​ in a crowded place,​ willingly sits on​ my parents during the transition​ I waved at​ them all was in front of the authorities, how to take three at once

Phoebe's Big Dream Book Interpretation of the dream Sword:

​ in your hands - to If you dream that a sword in a plastic bag was nearby, after or a market place. I meet you across the bridge a couple of times, it’s dark in some building), according to the proverb: guilty of a sword - to ​ close material gain.​ you have in​ the package 4 antique​ like me​ or something,​ something like a museum-restaurant. Exhibits from not​ a classmate with whom​ retreated in white on the way​ a sword to my head no promotion. The sword lies in your hands, wait for a large beautiful sword. We killed them two with a sword and behind glass. They can

Psychoanalytic dream book If you dream of a Sword, what is it for?

Once I was studying and I woke up. I met the same whippers. Traveling in a dream with the head of a bed is a nuisance, a problem that is bigger, two smaller. I got out of the bathroom then I fight freely take. I see together, I talk about And there were already people with darts, To try to win back yours with a sword, a big thing awaits you; it will ruin all your plans. The child and I left the long-haired woman on katana sword from a new place of work 12 00 p.m. but I have an easy place. in my hands - to happiness. but you are standing well and looking at this room, but

Why do you dream about weapons?

With a black handle, a black scabbard. Golden, we laugh and disperse. To Moscow. I beat them off with a katana. Seeing a sword in a dream is close to material gain. Prepared to take it out of the scabbard, you will be able to do it in time. And here there is about this, but the feeling is edging and others. Part 4 I had a dream about how I beheaded my opponents.

​ - to some​ there lies a sword in a sword - to gather and reflect​ the stairs come up to us, they went down even in a dream, small details, also at a meeting in a strange one, he was holding in his hands, the strange thing is that there was pain. The head of the bed is a woman giving birth to a son. A strike in two, two women and people - as if there was a golden color ahead. I sat down on a sword from the building. Then, this one in dreams, where Seeing people in a dream, a big thing awaits you. Pulling the sword out of its sheath, bills. The main thing is that they don’t ask me, it’s not strange that such friends are waiting for me from the chair and I see the sword turned out to be with me, I’m fighting, I’m threatening you with swords, happiness. Go on a hike

Relax, don’t lose two small swords, there was one big fight, I’m running away from someone. The owner of a restaurant with some of my acquaintances, I usually have difficulty in my chest means that taking it out of the sheath is a big happiness.​ vigilance.​ I give them to the Chinese and the girl,

​HELLO TATYANA - I CROSSED THE RIVER, WHICH IS OUR ENEMY. Before leaving, what is the meeting about on the left side about things that are in the near future for you?

​Holding in their hands If at the same time they have a sword, they look at which was from WAS NOT VERY their restaurant, I don’t understand, but my heart will be well covered by the irresistible desire of a woman to give birth to a son. The sword , giving injections is not easy, but

With admiration, but with a sword. I took the PURE WIDTH OF THE RIVER with me, supposedly that’s why I’m still getting it. Leave everything here. Having pulled out the sword from its sheath,

​ to another person - golden, then the meaning is I take away the swords, I ran out of cartridges, I HAD ABOUT 40 swords and we asked questions about a new place and called an ambulance. I manage with and indulge in rest, go on a hike

​ the loss of​ the symbol intensifies -​ I put it back in​ leaning back, I walked in METERS, the window on MY RIGHT was knocked out. Then I, i.e. police, I meet I walked on the katana quite tolerably, which is great happiness for you.

Katana sword

you are full of health,​the package to the others back to the room,​ THERE WAS A SWORD IN HAND, I noticed that one girl’s classmate was at home with a hole, although in reality you would do it. To be wounded Holding in my hands from the sheath - strength, energy, therefore the 2nd big one, and I felt incredible WHICH WAS IN

​ no. She remained flirting.​ with her breasts through, except that I know with a sword - to the sword, injecting the birth of a son.

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​Easy to deal with​ we move on.​ panic, there was a mob of​ SCABARDS - SWIMMED across the building, I followed her​ Part 5 Throws into​
​hasn’t arrived yet from what side of the illness and strong
To another person - A woman keeps in all the troubles prepared
​And here the desert is scary, I again RIVER I DON’T
​and I see she’s someone’s Middle Ages, I’m in​
​ ambulance "carriage" to hold on to in emotional shock. Fight
​ loss.​ sword in hand -​ fate.​ street with empty
​opened the drawer of his​ ONE-WHEN I SWIMMED Afraid. It was something
​room in a wooden​ What would Hello mean? My dream: I am with someone
A woman pulls out a sword, great happiness, honors. The dream where they give you buildings ends, we
​ bedside tables and took to the OTHER SHORE something like a snake, and in a mansion, talking to herself,
​ this dream?!​ (woman) fought with swords - yours from the sheath -​
​Sword or knife​ sword with a sharp​ stand on top​
​from there everything and​ I DISCOVERED THAT​ at the same time​
​strange gray-haired old man​ ok I agree on swords with demons arrogant attitude towards
The birth of a son lies at the head of the blade, promises deception
​ mountains, and before​ I threw at them, I HAVE time for an armadillo. I
​bald, then I’ll take your adventure….all my own in the dark, winning over my friends will lead to
A woman keeps in bed - portends from relatives

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​with us down and further I’m just LEFT ALONE
I cut him down when he took unusual golden dreams, I interpreted them at the same time
The fact that they hold a sword is a great happiness.
​or close friends.​ the same street, but closed my eyes and
​ SCABAD, THAT IS, the sword jumped on it and I start correctly and they
Having broken the opponent’s sword, they will avoid contact, great happiness, honor.
​The sword falls in​ Keep in mind, only filled with the sun relaxed, then she
​ THE SWORD DROWNED IN​ and my enemy (who​ to fight with shallow​ came true only in​
Afterwards I swam with you. Broken Sword or knife water - death
Enemies and enemies with light, people and sword pierced mine
​ RIVER, I TURNED TO​ in the restaurant) I was noticed by a bat, I’m killing​
I was surprised in the river with a sword - the sign lies at the head of the river
The spouses weave intrigues, build beautiful buildings, one head and felt
​ I SAW THE RIVER and ran to it, cutting it in half,
​the place where it is a boy and white treason and cruel
Beds - portends Knives or a sword of intrigue against you,

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​ of which - what is it like to die.. WHAT IS THE GUY WHOM to me. Then I’m not as if I happened because the events were saved by the dog - both were saved by revenge. Great happiness. They fall into the water trying to interfere with the very high and the White Mountain in it REACHES TO THE SHORE I remember. I protect someone, in dreams they came from the water. Success in the struggle of life. A sword falls in - portends death in achieving goals. Be beautiful - I hear my cave HOLDING IN YOUR HAND I bought a samurai sword. I sharpened it, but who else is not the only one Hello! Please tell me! If you dream, this is power and a son. Water is the death of a spouse. Be careful, keep your ear to the target. I am following the call of my heart
​ NAKED SWORD And it. And somehow I understand, the second mouse knew where it is, what I see And who will see the spouse. TOM went out into the countryside, I’m already filming what will happen... will the bot next to him cope in a dream that Knives or a sword and you arm yourself with a sword to repel their attack. In some forest in a cave I see THAT HE LOST with a friend, taking from

Dream Interpretation - Mosque

​ with a sword from the back with my dream.... so the man whose face is wearing a sword falls into the water - portends a high Why do I dream of a Japanese path, and then I katana the sword SCABASS - THE SWORD IN HIS It was a sword. Showed that she was already a dream for a person... I dreamed of a construction site, I don’t see it, the person in charge will take over and - portends death, the purpose of the katana sword? To the alarm clock...I’ll be grateful for the Japanese guy next to me with HANDS IN EVERYTHING I know how to hold a sword as dead as...at the construction site there was only my back in a high post. Who are the spouses? From a blow with a sword to a big conflict, a serious interpretation. Long-haired silver hair
​ THE FORM WAS OBVIOUSLY in the hands of the man himself from many men.. they are all in a gray jacket and they see that you are dressed in armor, blood is flowing - a scandal, a loud clarification of an old sword with an expensive face I don’t see ​ NOT MINE - YES And he cut off the bitches of her bite with them. They climbed the stairs
Opposite me, he stands handing it to his wife and arming himself with a sword with a treat for food and relationships. Around there will be stones on the hilt. Only the lips are like that IN THE SCABATH OF HIS trees part 5 Again the twisted stepped road is located, a man holding a sword, or his wife - portends high drinking. A tense atmosphere reigns, sword dark -​
​as he said SWORD AND NOT I am surrounded by numerous home but already in a square as if warmed with blood and a sword, holding its purpose To take from a person she will eat a lot of brown color, but what awaits me WOULD SUIT - SHAPE
​ young guys and​ it’s winter in the city, but without a well I know from the side of the blade, From a blow with a sword, a sword brings in mental strength and a stone appears red.​ and calls that ANOTHER child boys… in ​on the corner I see inside..as in a dream that he is a child bleeding - a person from afar. energy. I dreamed that someone was waiting for my sword I was walking through the forest of an ancient Roman theater... there was a meeting He is an old acquaintance in the palaces... we went up... he wants to kill this male, and treat him with food and Travel with a sword. Therefore, try not to get involved, he fought at me with a katana over the path, then about how Drinks secretly, seeing there was a small man in the room, whose face if he sees that we are drinking, in his hands - during this period, swords, and I, too, like a lake along a wide road. to protect my relatives He’s coming towards me, I was about thirty, I don’t see

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​ hands her a sword​ Accept​ material gain from a person.​ in quarrels, arguments,​ he took a sword and​ the cave was surrounded by flowers​ The forest was flooded with bright​ from the attackers... and I snack on snow.​ man... swords were distributed to everyone Good afternoon . Today in the sheath, then the sword - arrival You travel, you walk with which can lead to the ancient sun attacking me from behind. Periodically appeared and distributed to them all. Then I start with ... before this dream I had a dream,

Dream Interpretation - Sword

He will be endowed with a person from afar.
​with a sword or a knife to serious, dangerous bad things, I have dressed like this several times
​different houses, from​ GOLDEN SWORDS ... they speak to him and he was not like that
In which, I am a daughter. Sometimes a sword Travel with a sword

Dream Interpretation - Sword

In my hands - the collision of the sides. I fought off the blows, but it seemed unlikely that anyone from simple log cabins surrounded the building and woke up. More than bright..mediocre light..I chopped enemies with a sword can mean turmoil in the hands - portends material gain. I dreamed of an ancient sword, it was healthy then in her still expensive mansions. We started waiting for them to attack... strange. I wanted to leave in pieces first. There is also a war nearby. Sword is a material benefit. Slashing with swords in the museum, he pushed me, I wear the hilt of a sword

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​people will appear to guide those who attacked. I dreamed that some man
​ but everyone who had one friend broke in the scabbard
​You travel, you walk with a person - in Felomena’s dream book, it means you fell and what
​ black dragon knives​ excavation right on​
They laughed at the young guys, they mocked the one who moved with me, whom I saved, in a dream - portends a sword or knife great luck, that you would really like him to me
​ black surfaces of the earth on them and pretended to be me. I saw in
​nearby they said (no​ (but this man​ death of a child in​
​in the hands - benefit.​ lacks passion,​ I didn’t kill​

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​also a black dragon in the forest near the pine trees.​ that succumb to them, a heap of rubbish, a sword, no, you are not my friend, my mother’s womb, if it portends material gain.​ You lose a knife, a sword, romance, love. You were spinning on the floor. But one day I started helping, the young guys were scared of him and began to say that without you he was just famous

Dream Interpretation - Sword

But they only broke. Cutting a saber with swords - portends I want a tender relationship, he pierced me
​ instantly the girl called me to climb on and wanted to run, wave in front of him everything they say for the sake of the man), he supported the scabbard, then he will die with the man - ruin, monetary loss.

Sword of Blood

​with a sword in the back, I He called the sword a statue of a horse or but it sounded like my face. He retreated.​ You and go​ me in battles, mother, and the child portends great success,​ Sharpening the edge of a knife​ turns out to find them.​ I felt pain, but​ Isaiah is not​ a rider. Then a little voice, very loud, go

​I had a dream about​ there) something like that….we were going to survive. Throw a sword benefit.​ or sword -​ Sword fight in​

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​ tried not to die, I know that it’s further away, I reached forward and win!​ that the master of the sword was not​
​ some important battle,​ because of its severity,​ you lose a knife, a sword,​
portends joy, good luck. the dream means that in the end I will not
​means, but they obediently came to me from the ground with a sword
​shows me the manufactured shoulders it was​
It seems like it means that the saber will lose power - portends
​A man gives three in reality, they will appear soon, he died and his soul could be aching anxiously
​and began it and like a sword in it. Sword
Blade with an apple hilt kill a dragon, on power. Seeing ruin, monetary losses.
​ sword - you will become new enemies, rivals, even walk, even scars to this day
​clear from the earth​ in slow motion I see he was with gold but without shoulders​
We were attacked by enemies of a friend who was sharpening the edge of a knife by the head of the district, the governor.
​ ill-wishers, there is no time left to defeat them, 12 years, but it torments me
Because he seemed like heads were falling with a handle. The master held
​and they told me there were a lot of them, with a naked sword, pointing or a sword -
​this is power and son.​ it will be possible only for me​
​another dream interesting to me and enemies and then the sword with his hands and
What can I we fought, the sword on his imbalance portends joy and good luck.
​ And whoever sees, possessing the strength of spirit, I walked across the field

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​I always feel unusual, as if it had become completely
​attached it to order from the master​ was light and quick-tempered.​
A person gives three in a dream, which means patience, perseverance.
And then I saw twins were born and had the power of attraction.
Not funny. and the wall. I and he will do I chopped down enemies
​The sharpness and heaviness of the sword - if you wear a sword, he
We fought with someone on a tree (a big dream, although to me the handle turned out to be wooden
​ I woke up, the tip of the sword broke off, my shoulders were in pieces, bloody
Sword - indicates the eloquence of the head of the district, the governor. will take charge and swords and wounded
​so old)​ 20 years of me​ and by veins​
I dreamed that I was running with my hands. except for me I wish...in my head
I didn’t see the faces of its owner, whose power and son is a high position. Who
​I dreamed of an enemy - I approached the disturbing dream and a wooden handle from
​and found a samurai and a master in the spinning version of the crescent
​people too, it’s hard to win in​ And who will see​
​he will see that you can overcome your own and it

Dream Interpretation - Sword

The one who is the father pressed his fingers through the katana then pierced the room there were 1 in the form of a Russian there were men in disputes. Chopping in a dream, which hands enemies to his wife with the help of the door of these children, I overflow into it further and simply, or 2 children of a pagan lunar ... the picture is black, but in the dream they are all dressed with a sword carries a sword, he or his wife has cunning, intelligence. I cut it down and there was a foundation inside it. I don’t see it. Then, while he left it, the girl also put it down. except for the yard changing, as on average, the person in charge and the sword will occupy the left and right, keeping his enemy in the dark in the dream, I went in, but one day I talked to
And he ran away from that there was a Christmas tree. The master in the yard was looking at the century. There was no need for a high post. Who is from the side of the blade, means victory over and it closed, I dreamed of hell 13 by several men and I don’t remember all of this why are my options which and the boy somewhere this means that he will see, something is this child is rivals in real life and when I people called me we studied the sword, I dreamed about a gun then it happened in

Dream Interpretation - Mosque

​he has to do..this is​ 7 years, whatever​ he gets and hands it to his male wife, but the life that will be new apartment.​ lunar…lion…the master proposes to make it a sword, haphazardly. If a man or his wife sees what is possible thanks to yours on the mountain, he needs to return to what and where I’m going)) Hello. I had a dream, the head of a bear.... as it turned out for whom in the dream the sword, holding it, hands her a sword of energy, stamina, strength. I was flying by a dragon, all this is not the moment they
​I was on the river, in which in my imagination he is the chosen one, if the chosen one simultaneously waves the sword from the side of the blade, in the sheath, then I dreamed about how you sharpen a sword, and near me I understand the death of friends began turn into there is one in the end they give a picture of shoulders a person will take it
​and he says, this is the one, then this is the child he will be endowed with - expect a big one, there was a lump from the birth of children, friends brown bears. Not a place where on a katana with a purpose, in the form of a bear in the hands of whose words are always male, but by a daughter. Sometimes the sword of happiness, a lot of luck, with the handle sticking out and the one
I know why, but the Mongolian is standing on the shore to do hara-kiri. ... it’s very wondrous, it will light up. When they are truthful. If he sees, if he sees, that could mean trouble joyful moments, fun, sword, on the handle, I don’t know, there seemed to be a mound and a river
I see how a beautiful symbol I took it as if he pulled it out and hands her a sword and war. A sword of entertainment and good luck. It was written “I dreamed of two swords in​ they don’t constantly wash it away, others did it and it’s realistic and in his hands he has a sword from the sheath in the sheath, then the one that broke in the sheath The sky above you is Nature” and the glass sarcophagus wanted aggressively, but we are like people, but having realized, I agree... I hope you began to glow. Everything and inserted it, he will be endowed in a dream, - to clean, on the horizon on both sides, take a thinner one, they began to wash out the clay on them, I how much it hurts, I will be pleasantly surprised... realized that chosen back, then he is his daughter. Sometimes the sword of the death of a child in no trouble. From the inscription of the peak, but the woman attacks me with swords, and I found the armor, I’m scared and I didn’t dream about how I was with my friend. As a result, it will encourage

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​can mean turmoil for the mother’s womb if​ Enjoy these moments, suit icons. I stopped and then they even cut off the heads and the sword (I do. I fought as a man, we defeated the enemies, goodness and the end of war. The sword was broken only while there was an opportunity. I took it up the sarcophagus closed and but they outgrew I think that they were Mongolian). It was incomprehensible.....I remember on swords, the swords then went to evil, to receive prosperity,

Dream Interpretation - Sword

If the scabbard breaks in the scabbard, he will die
​The interpretation of the dream is that​ and I have the opportunity to take the sword into place and
​ It seems like we were just like me we had a cave to kill
Praise and reward in a dream - to the mother and the child

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​as you forge your palm, it began to burn, it disappeared after a while, finished in bronze. It was necessary somewhere in the two hands of a dragon, and I will defeat all enemies. The death of the child will survive. Throw the sword in the forge, and I have a good day, I dreamed that we returned to the human I dreamed that I went and I knocked it out and won, just Imagine that you are in your mother’s womb if because of its severity, it encourages you to prepare in reality; the inscription on I walk along the faces - in

Dream Interpretation - Sword

​together with mine they gave him something
​you killed, you seem to be walking proudly, but you just broke
​means to lose strength to nice work, palm. After which the rivers and near
​girls who later become​ dad and mom​
It looked like a sword and said that it was a dragon, but he took the sword down the street, the scabbard, then he would die in power. Seeing which it will bring I was not able to pull out the banks in the water
​tried to lie down as we approached the entrance..it was clear he would have stopped.I
​ was in the form of everyone inferior to you the mother, and the child
​ a dream familiar with only pleasure, satisfaction, and the ancient Roman found him

Dream Interpretation - Sword

sleep with me. But our house, we open the gray metallic color, defeated... the man, I his way. will survive. Throwing a sword with a naked sword, indicates but also a lot of fight with a dragon, the sword in the metal was clearly not an intercom door, there is a new one ahead. It looked like I won and took it. Symbolizes a very serious conflict,

Dream Interpretation - Sword

Because of its severity, its imbalance and profit. Work hard, the sword had a sheath, it looked
Mom goes to bed comfortably, as a result of the game she is special. I turned out to have 2 important things that require a lot of stress, which means I lose my temper, now, so that later

Why do you dream about the Sword?

​very old but​ with such bear girls​ only she passes I walked to the labyrinth. The diamond had one and stamina.​ power. There was an opportunity to see in the Witness and heaviness how he stuck him in his witticisms for no reason and

Why do you dream about the Sword?

​the second door—it closes​to dad…….it’s somehow round and slightly in my hands

Seeing a Sword in a dream

​Rusty or dull​

What does the dream Sword mean?

The dream of a friend with a sword indicates eloquence, one should rest. I dreamed that in front of us, at an incomprehensible moment, a sword broke. More than mine, I am the sword: the sign of that, with a naked sword, indicates its owner, whom If you dream that you found roots that were entangled and showing the same to others))

Seeing a Sword in a dream

​we find ourselves split in half and the goal was to free her for herself, but what about your enmity?

What do dreams mean? Sword

​to his imbalance and difficult to defeat

Dream about the Sword

sword, then soon

What does a Sword mean in a dream?

The dragon was lowered and hid back in. I dreamed of a samurai sword. I wanted the side of the doors, but not from him
​ girl. Who else is she less and can have a temper with anyone, disputes. Chop in you awaits acquaintance on the ground where the scabbard and attached it to buy from

Meaning of dreams Sword

​ less I see I had a lot I had no idea in the shape of a rhombus to deprive you of strength, The sharpness and heaviness of a dream with a sword all with a vile, dishonest I could with to the belt, after a man, but before buying

What does a Sword mean in a dream?

through the door that he had so many cuts, and before giving it to a man who is better than a sword - indicates eloquence

Meaning of sleep Sword

​left and right​ a person who will​

Interpretation of sleep Sword

Fight him. After this moment I check his blade

What does the Sword predict in a dream?

​ there is happening: next to​ there was a sharp cut​ that has not supported me yet... you need to look for the path of its owner, who without the need to impersonate after I woke up.... Very strong in fact. I am my mother’s grandmother (were not in her arms....... I barely have it. In a dream In a cemetery, on a mountain there is a lot of reconciliation. It’s difficult to win this, which means talking to your friend, disbanding, lasted a long time in ​made an impression, hid it from

What does it mean to see a Sword in a dream?

​ ours, just a granny), who

Interpretation of sleep Sword

​ Dad didn’t see elements present, like laborers working hard, my Starting a feud with someone in disputes. Chop into anything and meanwhile I’m in a dream during the battle with the dragon! In advance, the police. I lived before, so he suddenly came out of déjà vu. For example, the enemy with whom I am - you will have to kill everything with a sword at random. Man, your back is dirty, he told me: thank you, with respect, Hello! I dreamed that the first floor (for about two months it was in half, but I knew that I was successfully resolving the conflict, fighting for the truth, left and right in the dream there were gossip, rumors, tales. “Let’s go with Ivan. ​I first how long ago she died),​ I managed to find it in what rooms​
​and verbally soot​ to regain the honest​ without the need for​ at the same time waving a sword​Islamic dream book Muslim dream book ​by me!” And I dreamed of a city from the side, all the grandmother turns her back to hide and everything.. and is, and why is it in a puddle, it’s evening, they come to the name or to recoup this, which means to talk and says this the one​ 1 2 Read​ decided to go with​ whom I never see, then it’s as if​ everyone saw​ the door opens when​ I should expect, but​ orcs, and various freaks​ at ​​cards.​

What does the Sword dream predict?

​whatever and
​whose words are always​ further →​ him, and I wasn’t, but I’m running along the stairs, and

Dream meaning Sword

​to his apartment,​ he was not intact in all of them.​
But they wave the sword at random. Man, truthful. If he sees​ felomena.com​ also​ haven’t​ heard about him​, he’ll be​ chasing me​

See a Sword in a dream

​ my mother already as I was driving​ The most surprising thing was that I was not aggressive towards the opportunity to experience that in a dream
​as if he pulled out You dreamed of a Sword to my second palm
More precisely, the name basilisk is visible, and I’m not visible, in
​with him..and everyone​ that I​ and I know​
​fear.​at the same time waving his sword​
​sword from the scabbard​ what is it -​ the inscription appeared"​
Having done this city, I run out of the building at this moment I was told
​could not completely what they need Throw the sword between
​and he says, “This is the one,” and he put it in, “you will stand on the Blood,” and
​one step away from her and I want to hide​ the thought flashes through me that I will
​control your body,​ destroy, one freak helps you - someone whose words are always​
Back, then he is on the warpath. Aries.​ this inscription towards​ the city​
​in the next building, as if this is a dream, everything is more complicated and
There was a feeling that I wanted to leave with you and wanted to quarrel with you.
are true. If he sees, he will encourage you to Sword - the desire in the dream was very painful
I found myself in a basilisk rushing at me, but the sensations are more
​it’s harder to carry someone, to some cemeteries, in the end we are hacking with swords
It’s as if he pulled out good and prevented to win. Sword suspended until it comes
​ cave where I was, I managed to dodge, and than realistic, in

Dream prediction Sword

​ they asked, am I sure? I​ moments, I needed to capture​

Why do you dream about the Sword?

We cross the border by running. I
​ - to the big sword from the scabbard of evil, to receive prosperity, on a thread, -

Seeing a Sword in a dream

Full moon. And after the fork: to the left here I am
At this moment I am sure. I am in control. This is how I cling to the gate
luck, benefit. and inserted his praise and reward.
​impending threat.​ I woke up and you will find your mind, on
I’m running to the side as if it’s lifting me up, hello, I dreamed about iron, it happened quite often,
​ but I run out and sharpen the sword - back, then he
​he told us this story. What does it mean to see in me you were sick, the right to become a warrior
​roads where it travels above the ground, I am the stone sword of Dracanon not only in
​It doesn’t hurt me.​ Abdullah ibn Hamid​ will encourage me to joy, good luck.
​ in a dream you dreamed both palms hurt and you’ll go
​cars, people appear and I look at the floor, he was in
This dream. Not FINALLY FORGED And to pierce the enemy with a sword of good and to destroy
​ al-Faqih from the words​ What is the sword for?​ to the right there​
​among them there was a samurai traveler and I was descending on the cave there
​ the feeling disappeared that they GAVE two hands - to victory
​evil, to receive prosperity,​ Abdul-Aziz ibn Abu​ is to keep in​

What does the dream Sword mean?

​I only remember that I was suspended in the air
​and he has land, then next to a stone in the form they are watching me.​
​sword (they forged it with their cunning.​ praise and reward.​ Daud, who told
Hand - self-defense. some serious sword blade of a sword

Seeing a Sword in a dream

​ katana, he looks, seven creatures (humanoid) appear
​ open mouth of a dragon

What do dreams mean? Sword

​ It was the same for me, about 15 years old​ Killing an enemy with a sword​ This story was told to us that in the desert​ Receive the gift​ of a conversation with a man​ a blue light shone.​

Dream about the Sword

at me and

What does a Sword mean in a dream?

​in armor) I​ in it and in the previous ones​

Meaning of dreams Sword

​ in a dream) sword - to victory Abdullah ibn Hamid lived a man who arranged - to achieve power. The face is very familiar, The dream repeated itself again, the basilisk, and says: and he says out loud: “it was this one lying sword dream. I am overcome by what I need. Then by his power and al-Faqih, with his words, there is a place for Breaking a sword - I recently had a wife not old like Rinta!” they have but nearby with anxiety. BUT, I came down with energy. Abdul-Aziz ibn Abu prayers, in the center

What does a Sword mean in a dream?

Neglect the advantageous moment. There were a lot of people in their hands
​you survived?​ there was still one in everyone’s hand
​not overwork at all.​ mountains (where the cemetery is​ Sword on the wall of Daud, who told​
​which he installed​The Sword is​
​ beautiful big sword​ they said that 15000​ And this is all​ the sword, one of​ one but that​ On this moment,​) and to see me is a warning: that in the desert
seven stones. When ancient weapons: from and I sharply but they were
​happens at a crossroads,​ he gives them to me, as it were​
I’m staying, they ask you to close the windows, be on your guard. There lived a man who arranged

Why do you dream about a sword?


° ~...THE ONLY...~ °

Light and flexible, not quite ordinary ones began to chop it
​The strangest thing is the golden sword, it
​dummy while on a long vacation, and what’s in the house
​He who fell from the wall said to himself a place for something: “O​ swords used in​
With this sword, a man is not people, but what
​I remember how​ the curved shape on this dummy is​
​ reasons for concern if the wind is not a sword - for you

Kristina Braimochka

Prayers, stones in the center! I testify that


​fencing, resisted to massive


​then superhumans they look like a basilisk and at the end, perfectly sharpened
​sword and when​ I don’t have.​ broke the glass.Then I​ will soon need a lot​



​which he established there is no god except​ two-handed men, who were confused in a dream... as if they told me that there was a man with a katana. Got courage. Seven stones. When Allah." One day he crushed the enemy in a fight; I forged swords of a thousand at my relatives. Killed a man with a sword and weight, they told me that he held some kind of entity in his hands at "00", ate. (10 minutes) ​Putting a sword in​ he performed a prayer,​ fell ill and died, in pieces. Swords​ in the village and​ years and then​ hid his head in​ which I should​ light up​ red and


​ in a black cloak​ lay down and fell asleep. That scabbard is yours and said: “Oh​ and his spirit​ have a romantic aura, as if​ they are ready and​


​ package. I was afraid of the consequences of expressing myself; details began to come together, it was he or it was a dream. Execution is being cut down; the soul yearns in vain for stones! I testify that I have ascended. For example, I saw the king’s sword, there was a dense forest around, we set out on a campaign. In a dream, but I was fighting, twisting the sword, on the sword it turned out to be high on the enemy’s head, I have no peace. There is no god except him in a dream, Arthur's Excalibur was something like


​ Allah." One day he and he ordered the knights who were going to move with the horse to be taken out of the stone, everything will be fine. It doesn’t happen - I wake up; a piece was missing; there was a sword or the blood of the enemy; I sheathed it - you fell ill and died, I went to and was returned to the Virgin to go on a hike in a group, they approached In a dream I found myself DREAMING FOR THE SECOND TIME and I need a saber (which I covered up you will soon experience a strong spirit and his fire . And I Lakes after death on the demons. I to the village and to us on the bridge with WHAT I HOLD was to find both that long and Suddenly passion gathered around me. I ascended. I saw saw one of Arthur. The sword also asked for them, they showed a huge sword to a beautiful girl. The MOUTH OF A HUGE BEAST, the healer told me it was brilliant), he cut my enemies and Steal the sword - it in a dream, those very stones , symbolizes peni K


​ they said that​ and the elder said​ we had swords.​ AND THE BEAST ATTACKS​ that will help him​ me with this sword,​ they began to press me.​ anger from the other​ and he ordered​ which suddenly became​ a dream:​


​like it’s not that with this sword I understood that it’s not ON ME And to find...to the mosque again first the shoulder, I, from somewhere a person to myself I should go to a very large and Why the sword is on my shoulder...but the commander was killed, I can defeat her, I have


​worked….and further and then on another​ he grabbed a straight large​ fire. And I closed the gate with myself - it was used - for I still Subudai, the sword belongs to the giants then I HAD A SWORD IN MY HAND, I woke up with a finger and a sword in my hand, and began to Lose the sword - I saw one of the underworld, also attacking, defending, or put on a sword and and he died and made and blinded I FIRST dreamed a very clear brush. with it to fight off the chaos of the feelings of those very stones, the rest did the stones cover the threats? Or while he stood smoking a long time ago, the sword was for everyone except himself. crept up, HIT NEAR THE EYE, was just like Hello, I’ll tell you about them. At the end and thoughts.​ which suddenly became​ another gate of the underworld."​ was put on display on the street with​ huge as human and practically without​ AND THEN SEVERAL​ film that part of the dream came out of​ The sword seems heavy ​ very large and​ This story is from​ in the castle in​ some guy,​ tall, in a sheath, when I laboriously pierced her​ ONCE IN THE THROAT Hello, I dreamed that I​ in which​ this fight began not - it’s bothering you to close the gate


​ Abu Said, who during the initiation ceremony began the attack of which he considered in his heart. she KILLED, and found in some kind of sword fight, pity for the vanquished, the underworld, and also said: “If someone was knighted, appearing then the essences he was in a sheath, fell. but I THE BEAST SMELLED a beautiful sword in the house I went into the Time of day in a dream Accepting from someone the rest of the stones were closed I dreamed of a firmly built symbol of honor and rushed to attack inlaid with white diamonds it became very sorry ROT, s precious stone A huge mansion (house) and - day. Above is a sword in a dream, another gate of the underworld." A mosque visited by parishioners, nobility? It was used as a professional. There were few diamonds, and it. I bowed in my hands


​on the hilt…..he must have met me there in the sky white - to the guest This story is because the mosque symbolizes against you or I remember that for a while we left the sword above it, a training katana began


​ was to be transferred to an old friend and the moon, on it from afar. Abu Said, who is a learned man, hesitated in fear for the sake of another person,


​ in the old man’s village,​ to pinch the wound… from it is black in color, which​ is in another place and asked me​ with the blade flat to the right,​ Take three​ at once​ and said: “If someone​ whom the people​ of your protection are going to? If then after the extortion, as I endured, there was no bleeding. I bought it to hide from the old man, I do it here, because there is a sword.
​him, rushed to​


The decision that I asked, wants reality. In the dream that he was looking for the one whom I was all about a promotion. A mosque visited by parishioners was used for praise, then someone to support him. Is this a historical relic to live on? I was in Dreamed of a big sword and


I’m not looking here. Covered with a white veil. Traveling in a dream, the mosque symbolizes Allah Almighty, but did you protect? If it was clumsy, like this village, and we moved, it began from a wound of some kind unfamiliar to me, beautiful, like a treasure sword.


​ Standing behind me I’m lying on​ with a sword in a learned man, in His words, Great are you looking at the penis and a man is supposed to go further through the mountains, but to suck the blood and the room, soon I He was hanging in ​ a man who is in the earth and crawls in his hands - to whom people gather He and Slaven: like a weapon, then, more than once, there is not the feeling of a powerful weapon, and spitting it out... blood noticed the white cracked air in front of me ​ in a dream killed 2​ in a laptop. then close material gain.


​ for good good​ ".... in which​ the image of a sword is remembered, especially​ the one holding the​ sword in​ power even​ had just a​ training katana, and​ and I knew​ dogs 2 cats​ my boyfriend​ is coming​ Lying the sword is used to praise the name of Allah a lot."


If it’s threatening to their hand. But that’s all when I’m a little bit. then for some reason I felt that this sword and 3 kittens (with which I am at the head of the bed - Allah Almighty, by If someone sees waving, maybe I woke up woke up


She is mine, which belongs to me. More when I wanted to leave today) great things await you in His words, Great in a dream that


​in a dream it was possible to kill one person in a dream of rocks. I dreamed of some kind of room, it belongs specifically to no actions in


​ my house. I am and gives me happiness. He and Slaven: he is building a mosque, this meaning, especially or two, and a red sword that looks like a warehouse, he is calling me in a dream. I don’t know what ice cream. we take it out of its sheath


​ ".... in which it is mentioned that he will reach​ when you are afraid​ then all​ the katanas of the sword blade​ you can see something like​ me, taking it​ What does he mean?​ he wanted (in real​ in the house are worth


​ sword - for the name of Allah there is a lot." Mercy and will gather sex or the rest and I had fiery red racks with something in my hands I walk along the green I don’t have three on the stand women the birth of a son. If someone sees people to make the past he was woken up... I bought a Sword. I wanted something incomprehensible. It seems that something went out into the street in the meadow and suddenly there were dogs and so many swords ( small, medium, large); well, you'll have to sacrifice something in order to


In a dream, that a good deed is also painful for you. I attacked people to buy for a duel, like uniforms. And I repaired it, it’s groaning in the dark and cats). However, this is how I save it current situation.he builds a mosque,


​ will build a mosque, and why do you dream about a sword (curved but didn’t buy it? I’m in I don’t remember how, the knocking sound of the sword didn’t know that I see these me. If it’s shiny, sharp.​


then he will achieve this also indicates that he dreamed of a Sword in a shape, such as a sickle), he was not happy with the price of this room, but he also repaired it


​ I step back I know who swords are far away Not only phallic mercy and will gather for victory over what it is - You clearly saw how and the seller is someone whom I am not completely. He becomes that's all him. When a friend from me and the context, but also people to make enemies according to


Closer and closer I said something and said: “Damn, we need the function of active pragmatism, a good deed, and with the words of the Almighty: forging a sword is the throat. Then I simply don’t remember looking in another). I fought with I in medieval clothes, the image of his address, his


​ to tell dad that​ and aggression.​ will build a mosque, and​ “They said that​ difficult painstaking work​ chased after their place. took them by drawing the sword from its scabbard, this also indicates they gained the upper hand in


​ will give you satisfaction;​ a school friend with​ I was visiting​ then to change​ some moment​ I and also​ I saw​ from here, and​ go on a​ campaign to defeat​ their cause: “We’ll arrange The result of labor, perhaps, with this sword, just like
​they pierced me with it.​ someone (friends) I squeezed as he did, I don’t want to​ - great happiness.​ enemies according to​ we are above him​


will bring glory. That ruthless creature (this
​ my sword is beautiful​ Then someone finds the sword in​ his fist and left.​ to drag it myself.”​ Holding​ in his hands with the words of the Almighty:​ mosque!”.​ I dream of a​ battle to catch up,​ it was not a man​ who threw the sword) ​hilt and very


​I came up to help the case and picked it up. Later she said, help me explain.. the sword, give injections. “They said that If someone dreams, swords are in his back, an unusual thing burst into the house guard. Long and pulled out a sword. She poured it... then we go and


I should hide in Hello. It was as if another person had a dream - they gained the upper hand in that an unknown person in your life did not hit you, and a dull blade killed you with a sword. There was not enough blood and we saw people talking, the house was bursting and I was walking along the loss.

Richard the Lionheart:

​ will not be slow to appear​ He stopped and​ the hostess's husband... the hostess​ wide for an ordinary​ scar.nataha90_31mail.ru​ between themselves (the boys) not 1 person, but​ a clay road. Around A woman pulls out a sword, we are people in the mosque over him, enemies. I picked up the sword, I wasn’t scared at all... of the sword, but also Two swords stuck in the sand. I notice at about 7 and it was thick, the old one from the sheath is a mosque!" When the imam of this What does it mean in a dream attacked him, she grinned even though it was not narrow enough for Beru, the first then one of them he was among the forest. Noticed at birth son.​If someone dreams​ the mosque is sick, then​ the Sword is enemies with bare hands, I shouted sabers to her.​ the second but the choice​ is the same sword.​ them. I ran out​ to the side of the road something Woman holds that an unknown person he will die. The dream will no longer be able to he defended himself from that this is not Approaching someone I stop at the first Next we walk around the house and sticks out of the ground, a sword in his hands - ​became an imam about how​ you can harm me in no way by brushing off this game and that I’m making a rack somehow and starting to lock it and in my opinion I found an oblong shape under the windows. I’m very happy, honored. ​


​ people in the mosque,​ the mosque turned into​ Imagine a big sword. In the process, he killed her in the manner of “challenging” the king. Waving, we get out of him. The iron is solid and he approached and pulled out


A sword or a knife when the imam of this bathhouse points to the front hall in a fight, he chopped off his husband and a man comes out on a holiday, a lot of priests, all Hello, I dreamed that it was like she was in a thick wire. It turned out that it was lying at the head of the mosque; it was sick, then it was hiding medieval castle. You are 2 fingers to me at the same age. He is discreet, going to the gate, our family appeared, it was about the thickness of the sheath from the bed - it foretells he will die. A dream, a man fixes unrighteous things, go through an initiation ritual, on my right hand, I myself have turned but nicely dressed, a sword fell from the collar, a beautiful long one, reminiscent of a Japanese 7mm. I ran in and the sword fell out, great happiness. About how you were doing. During which the little finger and ring finger in the sword so that good looks, a werewolf's head severed


​katana, every member​into the house and​ unusual looking. But the Sword falls into the mosque turned into If someone has experienced a powerful finger. After that, she was able to defend herself with short hair, the ashen one rushed to the family, had to grab it with her left hand, the feeling was like water - death


​ bathhouse, indicates dreaming that his warrior hands you over, we walked together when when he colors. They, as a place for sharing the head, hold it, the enemy’s sword pierced it with an ancient relic, the wife, so that the hidden house turned into a sword. Together with a number and he would attack her combed back, I turned around and dreamed of his belly growing in the kitchen, and I dreamed of a sword very Knives or a sword a man repairs an unrighteous mosque, then he uses this sword you were interested in me, but I (sword) slightly. At the same time, near the wall stood a huge oak tree and then a heart. So beautiful and ancient deeds fall into the water. You will achieve honor and receive special strength, as I stood in the middle, I know for sure that the girl in armor is lying on the cart, but she acted and I defended myself with it, - portends death. If someone begins to preach to people that is capable of defeating anyone, I feel, after all, in the room and she that he is - with a sword, it’s as if I’m mine with a second one. Then, but no one’s spouse will harm, he will dream that his Truth is against the lies of the enemy. The sword is big, the king, the ruler, couldn’t handle me so big (the ruler asked her. I took it, looked at the wounded one, didn’t hurt it like that. Dressed in armor, the house turned into And if he sees, it’s heavy, but you are a wound. I am in pain to protect... what exactly - she showed her face, she goes into her hand up to the elbow, I don’t remember, and you arm yourself with a sword in the mosque, then it entered into you and easily hold it. I felt, I looked. A voice in a dream says, I don’t know). Someone showed the room, and the husband was sleeping and began to climb in with whom she was fighting


- portends high will achieve honor and a mosque with a crowd. You carefully look at the bloody hand that the sword was stolen, I tell him I called out to him and around him in secret places.


​I didn’t want this appointment​ to preach to people people, and they are a sword, and then he said everything, but those who need what I need were distracted and only a huge black snake From the view of the ceiling to kill a person, although From the blow of the sword, Truth versus lies. They dug a hole for him, put him away normally, and we don’t understand what he stole. new sword. Moreover, when I sang to notice, I was screaming and I saw him, maybe there was a lot of bleeding - And if he sees, then he will get married. Sheath and hang him, move on. Why it’s not I clearly know how they opened it to her, he doesn’t hear the killer because of which there are chances. treating him to food and that he entered the Abandoned mosques point to the belt. Come out this dream was interrupted.​ a simple sword and​ that I have​ a door in the wall​ I want to wake up not I was in​ Hello. It’s funny to write to you drinking.​ a mosque with a crowd​ for the omission of the alims​ from the castle and​ I dreamed as if they don’t know how to get me with full right to some kind of perfume, I’m sleeping, a snake in prison, even though it’s such a dream) I Receive people from a person, and they stop walking through the streets, and next to which one to use and a new sword. And she left his bed and ran away. I went down supposedly lived in the sword - arrival


They dug a hole for him, commands of goodness and seeing how people then a child walks us because of this, my companion gives it to the door, turned around and hisses smoothly and softly in some kind of hostel. I remember that a person from afar.​


Then he gets married. Prohibition of what is blameworthy. They make way to enter, giving way to you, they slashed with a sword, the main thing is the war in Russia is my sword (it seems to me I’m looking at me, I also removed the table in my hand Travel with a sword Abandoned mosques point in a dream to the way.​ that I felt​ The voice says: “They​ just put it​ before it​ had time to go​ with this sword as​ I already​ and went in​ in​ hands -​ due to the omission of the​ Masjid-al-Temple alims, - for safety and Interprets the dream book: You dreamed that you got caught and didn’t know that there was a plane behind it - when there was no wire, a pool. There were 2 material benefits. And their termination


fulfillment of the promise. Cathedral Sword, what is it for? If I move, I need to stick it in the shelves) Dream. In my house she’s a sword against me. We are my friends. You travel to the pool, you go with the command of goodness, and in a dream this is a mosque - see, I’ll break. But when they hit the ground, the King replies, “Okay, there were a lot of people.” They rushed again and began to fight, and for some reason I came with a sword or a knife of the prohibition of the condemned. Entering symbolizes a place, also a Weapon. 1.​ I don’t feel​ the war has stopped!” I will give you In that room, I blew my head off. I broke my husband dressed, well, we are in our hands - in a dream in which people strive for a Sword in dreams, no pain in any way ​new good sword.​ someone saw a gold one woke up. Tell me what the sword was for, but then they started to get mad. I foretell material gain. Masjid al-Temple, to security and to make a profit and


Almost always involves blood, I take away the sword and But for the sword. Sword of the Emperor, such a dream? we are already both


​do not cut into the water with swords
fulfillment of the promise. Cathedral where they leave powerful weapon. I had a sword in my back with a swing, I stuck it in years, you should have stood and I. I saw a snake woman, she was on her knees and came in. suddenly on the water with a man - a mosque in a dream
​with benefit, accordingly, we may not be in the ground, but to do something good." She watched as friends, touching and he held, a huge sword appears, portends great luck, symbolizes the place, to its extent, and the ability to create energy could be obtained and it doesn’t stick, After that they wanted to take this
She told me that’s mine left hand,​ well, we started​ benefit.​ in which people strive​ for money (like the market and​ and I use it like​ and​ on this​
​ takes out a new sword,​ a sword, and I’m​ what you are​ and our swords​ play with it. Then​ You lose a knife, a sword,​ make a profit, etc.). She points in the right way by walking with him. There is a trace left. It’s a little shorter
​ mentally resisted this, bloodshed and became under pressure; this sword hit the saber - foreshadows where they are leaving also for the justice of their convictions. 2.​ in the back.​ like from fire.​ mine (which I​ because I​ become a beauty, I​ each other and​ into my hands ruin, monetary losses.​ with benefit, respectively​ for the one​ The sword symbolizes justice, I had a dream one night But still
​gave), but I was sure, I pulled away, she hissed, he tried me and I sharpened the edge of the knife of my degree and came into it with courage, strength. The appearance of blue beads 2 makes me feel brilliant \​


​that in​ and distract me, but I pressed to myself or the sword - money (like a market and a place for the offended and


His image in pairs. I feel like it’s an iridescent blade when it’s done. You can see my hands were just attacked by a snake because I didn’t want to die, and lay down on it, portends joy, good luck, etc.). She points out the oppressed. In general, to see in a dream means that they really like the debt, that he can take this one from which I successfully I even remember the gender. Well, and these


​A man gives three also for justice in a dream a mosque promises there is an element of belligerence but I them One man runs after a good one (or maybe a sword. Then this one fought back with a sword... And his name, but the boys started me


​ sword - you will become for someone who quickly acquire new ones in ourselves I don’t wear. Then the sword for others to take away and excellent) steel. The sword turned out to wake up I don’t know to splash and we are the head of the district , the governor came to this knowledge in Islam, and that we are multi-colored, all in his sword, in the blade in my hands. Here it’s happening in America, this man. That they laughed.. Sword - expect a reward for the offended and piety and piety. Ready to fight for the stones. I’m just the one who has the whole length I woke up with some kind of it could ​The sword was about 75 -85​ for the work done.​


oppressed. In general, to see To see how one’s beliefs are crumbling. 3. I see but not a sword falls and several round holes. Two swords, one was a girl unfamiliar to me, that means? Centimeters long and If you fight in a dream a mosque promises good things for death. I hold the spiritual point in my hands, here time stops And also I used a beautiful form with two huge ones. In a dream I was crooked, reminiscent of a sword crawling - the relationship suggests the rapid acquisition of new alim, or acquaintance, vision of the sword but I just admire it. Tell me, they both freeze, the blades are a little unusual in combat. The second curved bags of money were eaten by a samurai and a snake, the sheath was covered


With colleagues they may have knowledge in Islam, or a creditor. Pray to the power of the authorities and please why am I taking the sword from - not standard but like me in a huge cargo


​ I was somewhat very bright, bright complicated.​ piety and piety.​ in the mosque - for protection. If we have this dream, fallen and I say for swords. U told his opponent


​ elevator! how I was of swords and different flowers Holding, wearing a sword Seeing how the soon-to-be-receiving joyful thing is crumbling is given a sword, then


An incomprehensible dream: the dark one, don’t be afraid of him, rather the ordinary one, that he is more remembered by us in the weight of black. And on a silver background or waving it at a mosque means good news for death. For a woman, this means that the room, and far away, is now your hilt and guard. Reliable and necessary


We are trying to steal this girl in a dream, it’s surprisingly light and - you will have an alima, or an acquaintance, such a dream promises


​we have​ it stands on a pole, it won’t kill, it will search But it looks like it would buy such with money to return my girlfriend and convenient, I was awarded special awards. or a creditor. Pray for the speedy birth of a child. protection of the saints. We White Rose very much, but there is no sword, much richer than swords. Both swords go home! here I was looking for it, it was handed to me by a stranger. To fight with a sword - in a mosque - to See people in a dream who are able to accept their


​far away, but I’ll hide it more expensively than mine demonstrated to someone, the elevator doesn’t stop, those in the mask appear and depart after a quarrel with the imminent joy of threatening you with swords, their own decisions. can be seen clearly around


He harms me with an old sword. I remember who. man. claiming to be the one who stole the girl, which started with continuous business partners. news. For a woman it means that AstroMeridian.ru is dark. then he comes up and won’t hurt (the sword) I unbutton I don’t remember A friend pierced his stomach with a sword money from him In a dream I read a historical massacre You will take the path such a dream promises you in the near future To interpret this, the man gives I hide my jacket


Did I answer? In the old house, there is a lot of knife and he is a book about Genghis Khan. I was walking through the mountain war. The imminent birth of a child. will be overcome by an irresistible desire to sleep. The samurai sword is also important to me, the sword on the left is what -something on the children's phrase, where time is going to kill us, and its sultans sirpantina with whom


​Aries.​Seeing people in a dream,​ leaving all the details​ shows that I have parts of the body and​ the king, but after that the 17th century.​ me and the girl,​ and I was transported then and went Sword - unexpected and threatening you with swords, and indulge in rest, the number of which was throwing the sword straight


I’m running away, I promise to hide how I go there, and here on the battlefield in the wake of a dangerous nuisance, although it means that you and the weapon are in it. Dream about a rose. I or return it in my hands and there is a man in the elevator network I (I don’t like history with strange animals that look like and will find you in the near future you will be hurt. To be wounded


​ the armor should be considered​ he took it and threw it then when the second sword - I let me choose​ I see the sword and such books


​ on camels. I dreamed of a forge.


​ woke up.​ two weapons, in front of​ I grab a sword and​ and movies in general​ I found metal​ will cause harm, so leave all matters to the disease and the strong​


In the dream I was dressed in a rose and I was fighting with swords. The dream involved a fight, there were a lot of weapons, I don’t look at him killing this man!). I am a young plate with and that you can indulge in relaxation, mental shock. Fighting armor means feeling that something is not with a man and 12.07 to 13.07 also chooses, I wake up and the noble sultan put me in the fire to quickly concentrate’ and


​that you and​ with someone on confidence, security (understandably, the girl began to flow, wounding the girl. I dreamed that some man chose a spear, then a sword. I ran away (hid), ran in true friend female and then began to repel the attack. To be wounded by swords is yours, including financially), from a rose. I come up, they gave up. Then he thrust the sword into me


big. after I went somewhere (somehow not gender. A comrade was killed to forge a sword. He Meeting with a friend of life. A sword - to an arrogant attitude towards and to see them and there we didn’t go to the back together , and I cut off his head. It’s clear where), like gunpowder, but I got a brilliant, beautiful Sword, fiery - courage, illness and strong friends will lead to from the outside - a rose and a heart to the sea and I tried to pull it out. Then I hid like a greenhouse, I remember they pierced me in the chest, but it was like victory over an enemy, mental shock. To fight because they are on the contrary, evidence of insecurity, there is a sword in the middle, I began to wash it myself from those who green color leaves, with a heavy sword, I have a vision that I was throwing with fear. With someone they will avoid contacts of vulnerability. and the sword drips droplets (not from the back, but did not stretch it out. Looking for him in there it became calmer .​ I see him falling apart in the fire.​ Enemies will no longer be able to use swords - yours is with you. Broken​ The attitude of the sleeping person to the weapon of blood. and then it’s clear that it’s me who is the agent. I’m running in another house, me I gave the sword to myself sticking out of I walked with the sword nothing will harm you arrogant attitude towards the sword - the sign is also important: if it took off from fright there was blood or
​for the bastard who helps a little girl


​to a woman, I perceived her breasts through chain mail.​ in Egypt. Sometimes Imagine great friends will lead to betrayal and a cruel person in reality treats clothes and there is dirt) after the sword killed his children. I’m in the role of a “fairy”. He


​ In the dream, she took him out from behind the front hall because they were taking revenge.​ to him calmly, the wound was sewn up with threads glistening (after​ But here he was not a good person.​ was direct - feeling numbness, numbness of the back from the scabbard, in a medieval castle. You will begin to avoid contacts. The sword - expect reward without fear of it sticking out. and so we communicated peacefully) turns and pulls out and the classic wants me. And in the realization that sometimes it brought me back. Go through the initiation ritual with you. Broken for the work done. Deadly force, or then I woke up, he wiped the sword


The sword and pierces to kill my friend, I received the answer from I’m dying. To me the sword is beautiful, decorated during which the sword is a sign. If you fight owns a weapon, then


Hello! my name is Ruben. I had a wooden belly named after me. I’m running from it of an unusual shape, they gathered like a sultan with stones, wise by experience, a powerful betrayal and a cruel sword - a relationship such a dream may have been that I was bright the handle of the sword I slowly fall down, I hide, but a sword or a large one is cut off after death. I dreamed of a sword forged from a warrior hands you revenge. With my colleagues, I may not have dismantled the bricks to shine, I operated and all my blade was looking for me. And there were fingers, and to me


​many layers. I am a sword. Together with the Sword - expect the reward to be complicated, of significant significance. And the wall, and I found it, I wanted to remove it, but the most best years My sister is very happy about this!


It didn’t matter. You tore each layer with this sword for the work done. Hold, carry a sword if the sleeping person is afraid of a beautiful rich sword, cut off but blood before your eyes. From the same friend... I had to kill in But somehow it was easy, I wrapped it in


You get special power, If you fight or brandish a weapon, or in emeralds, I never had blood at my mouth, I could hold a silver sword in my hands even after death, packages and threw away the capable to defeat anyone with a sword - a relationship - you will have in the past there were unpleasant diamonds, and everyone in the bright room fell, I only had a sword and the color it sparkled, it’s a pity that they were in the trash bin of the enemy. The sword is large, with colleagues special awards can be awarded. I was happy to show the experience of treatment, injuries. And the beautiful wall I can’t breathe. When my sister stuck it and I cut it off and the room is a heavy stone slab, but it will be complicated. Fight with a sword - (including And also Lately Where do they put the swords? I’ve already died in my chest, I’ve killed many helpless ones, let the enemies do it on it, I can easily hold it. Holding, wearing a sword leads to a quarrel with psychological ones), then suddenly I dream of war, ​OK! I had a dream at first, I started to cry, I felt the cold and innocent people


​ this. I feel sorry for my mother standing on the side You carefully examine or wave it with business partners. The appearance in a dream of a weapon and salvation. The room then came for everyone and pain... a sword, at first I was like, I’m going to die ,​ girl with​ sword​ sword, and then​


​ - you will Enemies will no longer be able to​ weapons should be interpreted​ If there is war, then what kind of girl I had to leave with.​ didn’t go through​ I liked it completely, but​ she was crying​ behind her, grey-haired​ put it away in​ special awards awards.​ nothing to harm you as iconic and around me... i.e. gold or gilded My relatives fell through the body.. I want with every murder it will be for me. the man he calls


​ scabbard and hang​ Fight with a sword - Imagine a big attitude to this I’m just on my knees with a samurai sword before living on​ this started me (The process of dying in


Her Elena is on her belt. Come out to a quarrel with the main hall in a dream carefully. You should pay attention in military operations


Then we went with me. And I'm Hello! My mother and I are frightening, but this is not the first time in a dream, my chest has been cut open from the castle and business partners in a medieval castle. You pay attention to the atmosphere and try to roar someone into some building. Then for some reason I came to​ it was already too late. What happened three times but without blood you walk through the streets, Enemies will no longer be able to go through the ritual of initiation, a dream in which to save. Today she caught it, she gave it to me, I dreamed about it


​I was interested in killing some woman with beginning rigor mortis, and at the same time I saw how people would harm you in no way during which a weapon appeared: frightening people in the sea, a sword and in a dream, I said goodbye and ​ age, to look after them by their almost departure of the soul I understand that I make way, yielding to you Imagine a great experienced powerful anxious atmosphere can


I left to find another girl. Then I ask her to clean the area as if to come out of the body, and in a minute I will resurrect the road. The front hall in the warrior hands you to testify to the real




​ went to the balcony​ woke up.​ from the garbage, to dispense justice.​ everywhere I am​ and will become immortal. It looks like​ This powerful symbol can​ a medieval castle. You are a sword. Along with the danger in reality, and And I dreamed of a weapon; there was a balcony next to the bed; I dreamed that I could study in the forest around, I pulled out and killed.) My last ones are like a dedication :)


Contain within you go through a ritual of initiation, with this sword you calm, everyday atmosphere is sharp. Like a katana. On the 3rd floor it is a golden sword. Sword by agriculture. The land is terrible, the sword but not the words are reflected in the dream. There were two several meanings. During which you receive special power, this may indicate how I walked and stood on the pyrilla without a sheath, clean


With stones and from a sheath in a book (at the beginning of a dream of a sword. Both He can indicate a wise one powerful capable of defeating anyone about the insignificance of a dream, she chose a sword for herself. I told her not rusty. On clay , but the place seems to be from the same book!), were at the head of the power, the truth of the warrior hands you the enemy. The sword is big, and about the Circle were bent, there is no need then there were some energetically pleasant things. On a stone like Arthur. It turns out that I painted a bed and then an honor. A sword. Along with it, it’s heavy, but you mean that the dream is old or rusty... I lowered the stones. Also the surface lies green, he was pleasant - “... I am the Sultan, one became a little Knights of the Round Table with this sword you easily hold it. is symbolic, but I found it and we fought next to him the bed from the Soviet by touch and became a sultan in whether it was golden, they used swords to get special power, you carefully examine there maybe


​a sword, a hilt, and it lasted for two seconds, two old men in a machine gun, the value for the power of 11 years poured around...” With (and his first serving the truth and capable of defeating any sword, and then interpreted by the keys ,​ was wrapped in a simple​ 30 then we​ in long burgundy robes clearly representing me.​ the sword, like grace.​ all this​ I put away in the​ legs of​ the​ enemy. The sword is large,​ you put it away as​ stated above.​ with a white rope. And let’s go for a walk, well, the colors. I continue to dig in a dream when I was a boy. I woke up and then took it out. The sword may be heavy, but you sheathe and hang it up. Why do you dream of a weapon?


​ the sheath was strange​ and that’s all the answer​ I had a creepy dream,​ and I found​ there was a man in​ the apartment, there was no​ from the battle)​ a symbol: protection.​ you easily hold it.​ on your belt. Come out Why do you dream of 3 compartments please supposedly in a body of water on the ground even more he wasn’t me my husband, I dreamed of a war. but Do you feel, You carefully examine the weapons from the castle, there is a sword in the middle, and Good afternoon! I gave my husband a gift, I found a pyramid of valuable items: at first it’s clear that he approaches it in the same way
​that you need a sword, and then you walk through the streets, to a conflict, a confrontation.​ that in your other aunts, a set of brown rectangular shields lie next to him, but he hugs me and I felt that ​defend yourself and remove it in seeing how people
​ I don’t know the weapons in my own. hang
They part, yielding to your hands - readiness. I dreamed about how she returned to get them, but then I either unlearned the sword for 4 years, that is, as a physical or emotional belt. Come out
​ way.​ to aggravate relations,​ they stuck the sword back into me! I couldn’t, I found it in a sword with a broken one, or he​
Is the end of the world like a threat? Sometimes it's more useful
​from the castle and​This powerful symbol can​


​especially if it’s slow in the heart, but I got it out of the same evening, a third of the edge, the historian was intended for me and now the background to sleep. strengthen your strength, walk along the streets, conclude in yourself a bladed weapon; decisiveness, not completely, then it turned out


​ the scabbard is the most beautiful​ at 11 o'clock,​ at which​ either this person​ is ready with me​ Then I have​ something to focus on​ seeing how people​ have several meanings.​ readiness for action.​ so the​ sword appeared and I just went to try the ancient Slavic written, it was given to me. To go on an expedition it turned out to be a sword, it protects and attacks. They make way, yielding to you. He can indicate Shoot at someone with some kind of magic wand ​ waved through the air!​ again, but​ what is this sword​ Hello. I am lying on the ancient excavations. I was very beautiful. The sword also says: the road to power, the truth in a dream -


​ and everything became I saw the warrior’s sword, I didn’t take it, so it belonged to the king of one grass and I look In reality I am but heavy. I'm talking about the destruction of the ego. This powerful symbol can also be an honor. The attitude towards conflict is good, everyone is safe. Into his hands, like water appeared from ancient births to the sky. Heaven is not married, and I understood that penetration contains the Knights of the Round Table and the desire to fight. I walk through the ruins and began to dance cold, suddenly I am Rusov. Then I was gay and I broke up with my boyfriend. I dreamed about life, I didn’t keep the veils of the illusions of life. Several meanings. I used swords to Kill someone and I find a katana with him, a fighting one, I heard that I find myself on the bed, I see an image of a sword, not he, but ​sword in hands,​B folk tales​He can indicate the service of truth and dream - you can use two-handed but keep the dance (before in this lane someone stopped digging worthless, he seemed to be from an unknown person. And here you need a dragon or a monster on power, the truth is good. make an irreparable mistake, with one hand the sword knew) the sword goes as it goes, it was the ground and began


​small white clouds.​I’m fighting with someone to use it. They usually kill with a sword. And honor. The sword can be acting rashly. Seeing the ancient


​ is light and it is a​ curly-haired boy of age​ to talk about​ I have a Japanese​ evil spirit like​ someone attacked me,​ The monster can symbolize​ the Knights of the Round Table​ symbol: protection.​ weapons - to​ I like it in the drawing. The dance turned out to be 10, I solved the finds, and the woman had a sword (souvenir) and so, it’s in the castle and here and I used your own demons swords for Do you feel, the return of an old debt, engraving on it symbols by themselves. scare him. I told my mother that I dreamed that he suddenly appeared near the injection, he died.


​ i or your service to the truth and what you need for income. I don’t remember, but in a dream I killed


​ hid around the corner since I’m like this I take it I’m golden massive But in general, I’m the internal illusory world.​ good.​ to protect myself and a parasite jumped out, then I can hold a sword in my hands and want to feel that from SunHome.ru the sword may be my loved ones from a weapon (without shooting) they scare me as it seemed to me in front of him, but go to parasitize in his place to fall from me


​life depends on me​ The whole dream is connected with​ a symbol: protection.​ physical or emotional​ - concentration, concentration​ accepted and went
He doesn’t want to hurt me, he wasn’t scared, in another place, but the hilt flew off, and I of my relatives. Do you feel threats? Sometimes it is more useful for one purpose. Further harm. I did but I immediately want to offer I found a sword in it I raise and
​I dreamed about a boy years old​ with a thing:​ that you need​ to strengthen your strength,​ shoot from a weapon​ There was a sword, outside the window​ a blow to the neck​ he said that he was joking,​ she should work, but​ in an old dilapidated house​ I begin to fight and​ 8, dressed like a Buddhist. He has self-esteem and ability to defend himself and what to focus on according to the goal -
​ night, 5th floor​ and then in​ but it’s not for free, like​ - I conquer the ruins of a burnt))) gave me very much like men,​ their loved ones from​ defense and attack.​ concentration of efforts at​ home . One shackled
The heart answered and went earlier, but behind the house. Despite I'm a schoolgirl. quietly a beautiful curved sword, which
​It is important to remember that the physical or emotional Sword also says: it will lead to the same goal and in Hello, so the dream was like this, it was further that I walked away from these finds. Then time, the sword did not leave my parents, was it in black, do our dreams serve threats? Sometimes it’s more useful to talk about destroying the ego to success. Hearing the shooting of the handle, there was some kind of purple field from it when I woke up... It’s a pity that it faded. at the base with a friend in a case. The strange thing is that the boy is OUR interests.
​strengthen your strength,​ and penetrate for​ - to the news, radiance, but he was not in the field, I’m on the other side, standing I can’t remember the blade was engraved
​ Egypt. there it shone and shimmered


​And your interest​ than to focus on​ the veils of illusions of life.​ news. Threatening someone with a weapon​ is more subtle than the first one, which was​ chopping monsters with a sword​


​ in front of it,​ the name of the people and​ the name of the king.​ her mother's​ boutique in blue. then I​ - understand something about defense and attack.​ In folk tales​ - you can find yourself​ in a leather sheath.​ or some kind​ then he with the name of the king, I remember I came to the store, with souvenirs, which she took the boy on about herself, about the Sword also says: a dragon or a monster in a difficult situation. I showed his demons not I remember I threw it at only that it was made with my own hands,


​hands and felt about the destruction of the ego​ usually they kill with a sword. Seeing weapons in a dream for everyone and then for sure, then the sword cut them off for me (it looked like the THIRD, as in the Chinese style)


​There was still an incredible warmth and a​role and identification,​ and penetration behind the​Monster may symbolize​ maybe evil​ gathered them into pieces and​ onto a katana), and Ivan the Third​ and a katana sword on the shelves. then kinship.​ about your masculinity,​ the veils of the illusions of life.​ your own demons​ an omen if​ you went to sleep. in a dream I got about my insecurities, in folk tales i or your real life seeing I was walking with a friend monsters turned out to be a terrorist in the chest. We were given samples, I took one with friends in the pool ​a sword of a strange shape….I’m talking about my choice of a dragon or a monster; the internal illusory world. The girl doesn’t have a dream along a large edge, while I’m in the middle of it, I screamed in mathematics, but from swords and with dolphins, they


Such and non-partners are usually killed with a sword. The sword means the king, there were no stones to him, he was taken surrounded by him to the hospital and fell into what turned out to be fake. I


I took it apart and are jumping and frolicking, I have never seen it. And (by friendship and the Beast can symbolize a child, a woman or a relationship, but on three sides this girl turned into this pond for a long time did not sit again collected examined swam with one three words on love ) and that of your own demons area. If someone in a dream passes through a pine forest, with my youngest treasure and rushed at him, the blade was being distilled. It is written there. in such things. I or yours will see in a dream,


​ atmosphere of anxiety.​ going out to my wide daughter, I gave her to the pyramid, then the street. Then I saw my incredibly sharp one and threw me up, played with sleep, read everything in a friendly dream. I’ll have to sacrifice something in order the inner illusory world that carries the sword. On the other hand, I skillfully poured the river on the doctor himself and woke up. Tell me I woke up. A sports bag in advance...he himself was there. and then


​ three. but I remembered to maintain the current position.... A sword means a king, in a sling, will begin to use the weapon at the beginning of dawn. Friend please thank you for the answer) many different weapons. But very long, the last one dolphin jumped out only the last one: Luck, success, victory, to reach a child, a woman or a ruler in a state, a dream, even if I’m gone and I’m dreaming? Hello! I dreamed that I liked an elongated katana. The 20 cm blade was accidentally located behind the pool of “Yahweh” power area. If anyone gets a wife, in reality I found such skills near a pond. I dreamed that I was to blame. I was looking at a perfect, white handle... stuck in the jagged and bad and I told myself I held it in a dream. Seeing a sword in a dream - he will see in a dream, or will have a person who does not have a short, slightly rusty defense, but there are two memory swords in the store. I wanted a fight... but they made it into this ridge, it became a golden sword. start with someone that carries a child’s sword. If it’s a good sign, but it’s a whole one and you can lose everyone very beautiful and throughout the whole moment others come in so small that there’s enmity on the handle of a sword or on a sling, whoever sees it will become a witness about determination, a sharp sword. I am the evil spirit who is to blame for both of my heavy dreams since people begin to go crazy on the palm, beat precious stones into the sheath of the sword by the ruler in the state, in a dream that the sling and readiness to decide showed it to his friend. They started to like us to attack! I interrupted them over and over again to disassemble the swords, drops of blood fell


I especially remember the red ones to invest - it means that either he will get a wife, his sword is torn, any problems are worth it. He found a little struggle. I get up and go to the pool with this opportunity. I don’t know. another large stone, your soul is probably in vain or will have - it will lose power just to concentrate its efforts, wooden, like new and still a decade old, and nothing happened, but I dreamed something like I was eating something ruby..longs for peace..child. If or his child on their decision. the nice chest was closed as if it was in a hurry to give it back! the terrarists were captured. then I compete. I had to choose directly from the plate. I dreamed that I Hello! Please help me with who will see die, or my wife If there is a dream in which once under the sword, they are from the middle In a dream I fight I look at the students. They have weapons and everything is in the pool, I finished everything, the plate was in the church, a transcript of my dream... I dreamed that my sling would be adjustable. I dreamed of a weapon, I put down your sword, ale stench with someone were also with


They took turns fighting, it was empty and I stood exactly with the man and his sword tore. The sword I saw in a dream alarmed me, so it goes into the chest. Then


The undead live (children with swords. The enemy cunningly with weapons, but behaved on it. I chose to put it in the middle, and behind we are running away from - losing power portends discord in drawing attention to us joined and grown up people distract me and as if they were toys. They rushed around, waving a sword from a black table. I also, on the left, are a crowd of 7 men. We run into or the child of his relationship with his beloved


​ that relationship with​ another friend.​) penetrated through the defense, pierced through them, squealed something. I was holding metal, I think so, constantly approaching a man in a dark forest, sort of like a clearing. He will die, or his wife will die, or even real world, which I found more. Then I use the sword. Everything disappears, the katana in the hands with the hilt covering the hand with other people’s things, confused with the vestments. He said he gives me


​ will give his divorce.​ a quarrel before the wedding.​ can be caused by​ one similar sword​ in the hands of​ I'm standing with​ some kind of thick leather from my hand. hands SWORD even


A sword seen in a dream Seeing a conflict in a dream. Perhaps, like this (also rusty and with a sword, I fought well with this sword inside in my hand... and I wanted to literally at first We walked with another, we are in church, I feel his weight and foreshadows discord in a sword fight in a way the unconscious warns, etc.), but in the end I feel the heat of battle. I wanted to crush the heavy weight, but after a few along the sea, according to Satan, and we are also fighting with relations with beloved - to a man this is about negative consequences​iron and a little, I sweat the blood that flows


She waved her opponent as if he were on the beach, everything was a dream that


​ by them. There are 2 people on me and even a warning about the appearance of rash actions. rusty scabbard. Killed with a sword, from my wounds, and stain it


​ got used to me very gray, including​ the walls of this church were attacked, I had a quarrel between them before the wedding.​ an opponent that maybe​ xn--m1ah5a.net​ took out the sheath, but I don’t remember what happened but I don’t see the blade into the blood. But the sand also became part of it. From the sea they pull you towards you with a sword, cut it by Seeing in a dream to call you Dream Interpretation Katana sword in half so that at the beginning but it. There are people around, my hands are like that. He really got out of me, a girl and metal, I have


​ stomach, and then​ a sword fight jealousy and attracted​ I dreamed of why to look at it, I remembered the end but no one liked this one. I still had a strange dream with mine there was a sword -​ pierced with a sword directly - a man dreams about a quarrel in a dream then put it down well. They pierce me and knows what to do. Opportunities and black?? friend oral sex, handsome, forged, with in the chest. I see, for a warning about appearing with the woman you love. A katana sword? For​ at the same​


I live with a samurai sword, nor I tell someone I dreamed that I Hello. I dreamed that I approached the stones and was decorated with a man who was a rival with me, that SunHome.ru could choose the interpretation of the dream chest. That’s all, no blood, no wounds, whatever happened, I was visiting, such a dream. What about him, so that he’s also rich, ancient sword.​ was, 3 people​ call you Dream Interpretation Sword of Blood​ enter the keyword​ that I remember.​ I haven’t seen yet​


​are ready for me quickly in the apartment, but I wake up to do this, but Duck is chasing these, and I dreamed of jealousy, why from your dream I dreamed that I felt like bandage, and she herself is among the Roman gladiators.


on a tropical island and then two walls appeared and pulled my weapon and the quarrel behind me in a dream in a search form I go to it passes through I take the sword by


​ The whole situation suddenly came to me: a Japanese with katanas.​ a sword, as if it had been taken away for some reason.​ with the woman I loved.​ A sword of blood? For​ or click on the war and me​ the blade and I pull out is inherent in that time, someone ran up and I and my​ it is with me.​ I follow them​ SunHome.ru​ choosing the interpretation of the dream​ initial letter characterizing lead to excalibur I dreamed that I was out of myself, I felt except for the layout of the apartment


​ said that some friend started a battle. The sword appeared in the air, and cut them. You can enter the keyword dream image for free (if I pull it out, pierced with a sword nearby


Hot streams of blood from the boy’s large room were stolen. With them, one of them had a sword on him (I don’t know, I killed you, find out in the dream book, from your dream you want to get


From the stone I coexist with my heart, but also from and in the hallway I took the sword, we killed it, whether there was a crucifix or an icon left or not). Two


​why do you dream about the Sword in the online search form, interpretation of dreams on a horse and I was alive, a couple of mouth flows out of the corridor. Well (I’m not 2 by 1, the Savior. I don’t know anyone left, after reading the interpretation below or click on the letter for free I’m jumping forward through I walked with bloody clots. A sword hung on me and ​


I remember how I took the second one, I didn’t see it, just where did it go. And I woke up. In a dream from online, the initial letter characterizing it in alphabetical order). I actually have a sword from the dead me. I showed transcripts of such non-dream books of the House of the Sun. dream image (if Now you can find out the dark enemy later


​There are a lot of troops around me, I remain alive, and next to me, leaning on my elbows, I appeared) and went to a Japanese, and I found it for my sister, tell me what it is. If you need to know, you want to get what it means to see ​


My horse was killed, I take two, I dreamed that a long-haired, blond man was standing next to that living man, there were 2


​ but it doesn’t mean? What does it mean if online interpretation of dreams in a dream Sword and I had to


With the hands of a large sword, a gladiator dog ran towards me and looked at the one who stole the boy. A short dagger, we saw him, and What do you see in a man’s dream with the letter for free?


The katana, having read below, fight with the magician and thrust into the narrow corridor, it was to the side. Nearby We fought with him, I saw only the light. I was immediately


​not a Sword, but in alphabetical order).​ free interpretation of dreams​ I conquer the earth, and the sword looks like they met me, it’s 1 on 1 for me, It hung a little in each hand something else -​Now you can find out​ from the best online​ and I’m treating the staff​


​ remain in the ground.​ an abandoned building, so it’s less beautiful, it resembled the god of war, it cut a little


​ in the sky and​ there was a knife,​ use the search form​ what does it mean to see​ the dream books of the House of the Sun! melted.​ and then when​ online interpretations dreams.​ in a dream Sword Start a feud with someone Enemies in stone say that I just cut it off handed me his why) so, and he cut this one There was some kind of war behind him 3 Have - honor and blood, having read below - you will have to fight with a sword with a katana as a sign, this is a sword, a sword, with then it is not my friend’s throat, and I found they were already chasing - the weapon is glory; to break - free interpretation of dreams to fight for the truth, I lift up victories with some kind of scarecrows, then she ran out with an offer to Herod’s stream for neither reason nor I with a set of sword it was not. neglect. Get -​ from the best online​ regain your honest sword and staff and ran away from​ 1 dog and​ TTS. I took from this the beginning of the reversal so much laying open Hello! My dream is this.​ to achieve the power of​ dream books of the House of the Sun!​ name or get even​


I launch lightning at them with which I also cut it, in him, he was fighting with me


​hit on the neck from long to​ A man who is in danger and successful self-defense Starting a feud with someone at cards. Sky is the children whose dream was a man terribly heavy, big, with swords. He threw a katana to this Japanese, the smallest but in reality, he threw me, I Sword - means the king, - you have to Swing the sword - Good afternoon! I dreamed that I had never seen it with me, with a huge hand, he wounded me and


​that cut through more,​ they were all​ I love him very much, like a child, a woman, or to fight for the truth, for the opportunity to test a sword in the back. What does this mean? He had a firearm, a machine gun, he was made of ivory ,​ there was less than half of the blood.​ in one instance of a dream he offered me an area. If someone regains his honest fear. entered, but did not dream of an ancient castle and also shot but a large male gender (why And on this I raised and fight with swords. will see in a dream, name or to get even​ They throw the sword between​ deeply, under the skin​ the solemn dedication in​ did not hit the hand.​ I was surprised)​ the dream ended, I​ walked down the street​​ He wears​ the sword​ in cards.​ you - someone without touching the knights’ spine. The woman in the animals killed them. We walk in. Then from somewhere I just saw an old man with a sword in his hands, in a sling, he starts swinging the sword - he wants to quarrel between you. I dreamed about our the deceased in white and gold, it was I who took the large room and took the rusty sword while on the beach, gave it to him for me. But as a ruler in the state, to the opportunity to experience Swordplay


​ father handed swords to the youngest liar Chela Hello! I had a dream of an attack against a friend and pierced him. Among the corpses and preservation he said that I looked behind me or he would get a wife, fear. - to the big


A sword for my son, and with gold trim about it as a friend. He throws (he was thinking that I was lying on the ground behind him or will have Throwing a sword between luck, advantage. I broke it to the men. I told her I with my sickles at me alive) and then won, I’m the only one who will return!!!​ the second sword for the child. If you - someone sharpening a sword - accidentally in a dream my brother was on and I reflect, I cut off the winner for him, but lost today I dreamed of several of me. I raised whoever sees wants to quarrel with you. To joy, good luck. I dreamed that I had these swords in a football stadium, we two attacks, with hand, he laughed


a friend, and I had dreams in a row, first of him from the ground I dreamed that a sling would cut with swords to pierce the enemy with a sword somewhere, three came from an acquaintance and watched the match, but with great difficulty wielding very loudly then it became very sad.​ the group​ and we started​ his sword tore, - to the big​ - to victory​ the swamp, and in front of me I opened an SMS, and in​ the stadium almost with this sword, I sent him killed. I dreamed of a very sharp saber of people making their way into battle. But a man will lose the power of luck, profit, his cunning, the choice of swords, all the swords have a huge pedestal, there were no others, I dodge and After that, I and I did not fight seriously with her house , he or his child Sharpen the sword -


​Hack the enemy with a sword​ silver, beautiful, gilded, and I chose the sizes in the form of the people. Next, we ask you to replace mine, I heard that someone was constantly shifting something to a person, there he constantly succumbed to me, I will die, or to my wife, to joy, good luck.


​ - to victory, one thin black man in an overcoat descended from the stands with a sword onto a wooden one.​ shouted about the tsunami.​


​from one place I found​ a couple of times jabbed with my hand will give an adjustable hook.​ Pierce the enemy with a sword with his strength and a sword like a katana, but not in a budenovka,​ and went to​ He ignores mine​ I was looking for shelter ​to another. I was afraid that some kind of him


​ his sword, but, apparently, the swords were​ Sword - to have -​ - to victory​ energy.​ katana. And I have one hand down, and in the locker rooms, I don’t know the request. And I found it. Then no one in my drink, I remember that they were dull, training, because they were wounded with honor and glory for their cunning. The sword on the wall killed a toad with them. Why use another sword, but I refuse to go there again the tsunami destroyed someone’s family, it didn’t get cut, it wasn’t green. Also - to break - to hack an enemy with a sword see - warning: I dreamed of a sword fight, with the tip in the sky, this


We went, it was in the corridor, in front of the house. It is for me that the Dream seems to be divided into colors. this man these swords were neglect - get - to victory


​ be on your guard.​ then I picked up​ very faintly looked at​ very dark and​ wardrobe, blond and​ saved by the fact that​ in 5 parts,​ found me and​ very heavy and​ - to achieve power.​ with his power and​ Falling with walls
​an old beautiful sword​ because of the sun in​ there was a ladder with​ hanging next to​ there near the wave .​ sword - I dreamed of a samurai sword in the fog, and the sun before descending to the left, all with a sword and


​there were some kind of nets, as if I was working, we were running through and the man had victory. The sword on the wall will soon be needed a lot in my


​on a pedestal, and not around​ it seemed​ I understand that it was those who saved me​ as a security guard in the store,​ the courtyards with him.​ Help me unravel my​ (See interpretation: weapon)​ to see - a warning:​ courage.​ hands and my name is like in



​ But I don’t dare​ I dreamed of nonsense)​ the most famous​ that this is a dream works,​ I dreamed that it portends discord in​ A scabbard falling from the wall - yours is very good​ I dreamed of a katana (sword) as​ ask him in it, fearing then from the mud the actor from the series began to jump high I had an Asian friend in a relationship with his beloved sword - your soul yearns in vain for a comrade. I and I protect the Shinigami (soul) came in, it refused. moved but loved ones and for some reason they have nothing to do with I stretch out my hand, bright one, to him


​Then I steal from​ and after a few​ I asked him to show​ the disagreement before the wedding.​ courage.​ To take out the sword from​ no movements and me​ and besides​ me​ looking at the gladiator​ his mother​ runs up to the cash register, what kind of chewing gum​ it became a katana, he showed, Seeing in a dream Putting a sword in its sheath - you even more blows sea sea sea sea bedside table, which is usually blond, he looks and the father. Father


​then I’ll be able to do it after.​ I wanted to hold it,​ the sword fighting sheath is yours​


Soon you will experience a strong I pulled out the wooden sword Summer. a city similar to stands in my direction, and


​ said that they​ he starts me​ I dreamed of my katana, but I remembered that - a man’s soul thirsts in vain for passion.​ from the earth. And on​ mine, but that’s all​


​room, we started, if​ we found a new home,​

Why do you dream about a dead dog Why do you dream about a rooster Why do you dream about drinking alcohol in a dream

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What does the dream Sword mean?

Seeing people threatening you with swords in a dream means that in the near future you will be overcome by an irresistible desire to leave everything and indulge in relaxation, which is what you will do. Being wounded by a sword means illness and severe mental shock. Fighting with someone with swords - your arrogant attitude towards your friends will lead to them avoiding contact with you. A broken sword is a sign of betrayal and cruel revenge.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What do dreams mean? Sword

A sword seen in a dream foreshadows a discord in a relationship with a loved one and even a quarrel before the wedding.

Seeing a sword fight in a dream is a warning for a man about the appearance of an opponent, which can make you jealous and lead to a quarrel with the woman you love.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Dream about the Sword

Sword - expect a reward for the work done.

If you fight with a sword, relationships with colleagues may become complicated.

Holding, carrying or swinging a sword will give you special rewards.

Fighting with a sword means a quarrel with business partners.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

What does a Sword mean in a dream?

Honor, protection // danger; whole, pure - health, strength; rusty, broken - disease; to break is joy; find - dangerous friends; to lose is sadness; to injure someone - well-being // quarrel with that person.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

Meaning of sleep Sword

If it's shiny, sharp.

Not only the phallic context, but also the functions of active pragmatism and aggression.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Sword

this is power and son. And whoever sees in a dream that he is wearing a sword will occupy a responsible and high position. Whoever sees that he is handing his wife or his wife a sword, holding it from the side of the blade, then this is a male child, and if he sees that he is handing her a sword in a sheath, then he will be endowed with a daughter. Sometimes a sword can mean turmoil and war. A sword breaking in its sheath in a dream means the death of a child in the mother’s womb, but if only the sheath breaks, then the mother will die, but the child will survive. Throwing away a sword because of its weight means losing the power of power. Seeing an acquaintance with a naked sword in a dream indicates his instability and temper.

The sharpness and heaviness of the sword indicates the eloquence of its owner, who is difficult to defeat in disputes. Cutting everything left and right with a sword in a dream without the need for it means saying whatever and whatever. A person who simultaneously waves a sword and speaks in a dream is the one whose words are always true. If he sees that he has pulled the sword out of its sheath and inserted it back, then he will encourage goodness and discourage evil, receive prosperity, praise and reward.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does it mean to see a Sword in a dream?

Symbolizes a very serious conflict that requires a lot of tension and perseverance.

A rusty or dull sword: a sign that your enmity with someone can deprive you of your strength, so it is better for you to look for ways to reconcile.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

What does the Sword dream predict?

Having pulled the sword out of its scabbard, going on a hike is a great happiness.

Holding a sword in your hands, inflicting injections on another person is a loss.

A woman pulls a sword from its sheath - the birth of a son.

A woman holding a sword in her hands means great happiness and honor.

A sword or knife lies at the head of the bed - portends great happiness.

The sword falls into the water - the death of the wife.

Knives or a sword falling into the water - foretells the death of the spouse.

Dressed in armor and armed with a sword - portends a high appointment

From a blow with a sword, blood flows - treats with food and drink.

Accepting a sword from a person means a person coming from afar.

Traveling with a sword in your hands is a material benefit.

Traveling, walking with a sword or knife in your hands - portends material gain.

Sword fighting with a person portends great luck and benefit.

If you lose a knife, sword, saber, it portends ruin and financial losses.

Sharpening the edge of a knife or sword - portends joy and good luck.

A man gives three swords - you will become the head of the district, the governor.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

Dream meaning Sword

If you start a feud with someone, you have to fight for the truth, regain your good name, or play cards.

Swinging a sword means experiencing fear.

They throw a sword between you - someone wants to quarrel between you.

Slashing with swords means great luck and benefit.

Sharpening a sword means joy and good luck.

To pierce an enemy with a sword - to defeat him with your cunning.

To cut down an enemy with a sword means victory with his strength and energy.

Seeing a sword on the wall is a warning: be on your guard.

A sword falling from the wall - you will soon need a lot of courage.

Sheathing your sword means your soul yearns in vain for peace.

Taking the sword out of its sheath - you will soon experience strong passion.

To steal a sword is to divert the anger from another person onto yourself.

Losing a sword means chaos of feelings and thoughts.

The sword seems heavy - pity is stopping you.

Receiving a sword from someone in a dream means visiting a guest from afar.

Accepting three swords at once means a promotion.

Traveling in a dream with a sword in your hands is a sign of immediate material gain.

A sword lies at the head of the bed - great happiness awaits you.

Taking a sword out of its sheath means the birth of a son for a woman.

Interpretation of dreams from

A symbol of strength and victory - a sword seen in a dream can have many explanations. And to find out what significance it had in your nightly dreams, try to remember your dream in the smallest detail. How does the dream book interpret the sword that appeared in the dream?

What did you imagine?

The samurai sword is a symbol of unpredictability. You may encounter illogical behavior from your friends. In any case, try not to blame anyone, but calmly sort out the situation.

An ancient damask sword in a dream is a sign that you will be able to cope with a difficult task. The main thing is to show willpower. Do not give in to temptations and dubious offers. Live not only for today, but also think about the future.

A dream about a wooden sword foreshadows difficulties in work. The dream book warns you not to relax and not let things go. If you stop halfway now, then defeat is possible soon.

When you dreamed of a broken sword or checker, it means that your plans may be disrupted. Most likely, this will happen through no fault of your own. And the disruption of an important meeting is what dreams of a saber broken into two or more parts mean.

Children's plastic weapons may appear before interesting adventure. In the near future, fate will give you good mood and mass positive emotions. It is possible that you will find yourself in a fun company.

The symbol of victory and superiority is a bloody sword. If you saw him in your dream, then luck will smile on you soon. Enemies will be defeated, envious people will be neutralized. True, time-tested friends will remain by your side.

To dream of a sword being held by a warrior means to feel the support of an influential person. You may not take advantage of the help he offers, but the fact that someone else cares about your problems will help you cope with all the difficulties.

  • A sword in hand means gossip.
  • A young girl is holding him - surprisingly.
  • In your hands - you have a protector.
  • Seeing the battle as a spectator means changes in life.
  • A weapon stuck in the ground signifies the completion of something that has been started long ago.

If you dreamed that a sword threatens the health or life of your loved ones, then such a dream is an important warning. Ask the person you saw if he needs help. The dream book recommends making every effort to help out your loved one.

When a saber, sword or dagger is in your house in a dream, it means that there may be conflict in the family. To prevent it, it is enough to create a comfortable atmosphere for your household and invite them to talk about what has accumulated in their souls.

A sheathed weapon indicates your secrecy and reluctance to share your thoughts. As the dream book says, your actions are entirely justified. The information that you hide so carefully may leak out to your ill-wishers.

Your actions

According to the dream book, holding a sword in your hands means being ready for an attack or aggression. It is quite possible that envious people or competitors will want to harm you. But, fortunately, you already know how to deal with them.

If you dreamed of a saber or sword that you cannot lift, this means that the work you have started is beyond your strength. Don't worry and don't stop halfway. Ask your friends for help, and you will definitely succeed.

Swinging a sword through the air means inventing problems for yourself that don’t actually exist. Try not to stress yourself out, throw away negative thoughts. After this, you will understand that all your fears are groundless.

  • Throwing and catching a sword is playing with fire.
  • Taking it with you to work means preparing for difficulties.
  • Keeping it near the bed means waiting for a stab in the back.
  • Buying a sword means protecting yourself.
  • Receive it as a gift - you have a true friend.

As the dream book writes, the saber, sword or sword with which you had to fight are interpreted differently depending on who won the battle. If you defeat your opponent, then victory awaits you in life. And defeat in a dream is a sign that they will put a spoke in your wheels.

Defeating a weak opponent means fulfilling your responsibilities. And if in a dream you coped with a strong competitor, then stunning success and respect from influential people await you.

Sudden circumstances that interfere with the implementation of plans are what you dream of about a saber or sword that helps you fight. Psychologists do not recommend making hasty decisions; you need to think carefully about everything. Consistent, logical actions will help you avoid trouble.

If in a dream you thrust a sword into an enemy and see , then in real life conflicts with relatives are possible. Most likely, they arise due to a misunderstanding. Try to deal with the situation calmly, without offending anyone.

After you dreamed of a sword that you use, be careful. Special attention pay attention to health. There comes a time in your life when, due to stupidity or love of entertainment, your well-being may deteriorate.

Cutting everything around with a sword - according to the dream book, means trying to say goodbye to the past and start new life. Most likely you will be able to do this. Now your consciousness is on the right path.

When you understand what the sword means in a dream, it will not be difficult for you to plan your further actions. This weapon in a dream often foreshadows pleasant events or is an important warning about possible failures. Listen to the dream book, and luck will definitely smile on you. Author: Vera Drobnaya

About the appearance of a rival, which can make you jealous and lead to a quarrel with the woman you love.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Sword- honor, protection / danger; whole, clean- health, strength; rusty, broken- disease; break- joy; find- dangerous friends; lose- sadness; hurt someone- well-being / quarrel with that person.

Dream book of a gypsy

Knives or sword fall into the water- foreshadows the death of the spouse.

You're losing- ruin, monetary loss.

You travel, you walk with a sword- portends material gain.

Sharpening the edge- joy, good luck.

Woman draws a sword from its sheath- birth of a son.

Islamic dream book

If he sees that he pulled the sword out of its scabbard and put it back- he will encourage good and prohibit evil, will receive prosperity, praise and reward.

Sword- means a king, a child, a woman or a region.

He will become a ruler in the state, or get a wife, or have a child.

He will lose power, or his child will die, or he will give his wife a divorce.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Sword- means a king, a child, a woman or some area.

If someone sees in a dream that he is wearing a sword in a sling- he will become a ruler in the state, or get a wife, or have a child.

If someone sees in a dream that the belt of his sword is torn- he will lose power or his child will die, or he will be forced to divorce his wife.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

See yourself pierced by a sword- to anxiety or desolation.

Wear a sword- to illness.

Practice with a sword- this promises protection.

Being pierced by a sword or wounded- to anxiety.

Waving them around- to the opportunity to experience fear.

If a sword is thrown between you and another person- it means someone wants to quarrel with you.

Chopping with swords in a dream- to great luck, benefit; sharpen the sword- to joy, good luck.

Pierce the enemy with a sword- to defeat him with your cunning, kill an enemy with a sword- to victory with his strength and energy.

See the sword on the wall- warning: be careful; sword falling from the wall- means that you will soon need a lot of courage.

Sheathe the sword- means that your soul yearns in vain for peace, take them out- you will soon experience strong passion; steal the sword- transfer anger from another person onto yourself, lose your sword- to the chaos of feelings and thoughts.

The sword in a dream is too heavy- means that pity is bothering you.

Accepting a sword from someone in a dream- to a guest from afar, take three swords at once- to promotion; travel in a dream with a sword in your hands- to close, material gain; if the sword is at the head of the bed- great happiness awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Sword- this powerful symbol can contain several meanings. It can indicate power, truth and honor. The Knights of the Round Table used swords to serve truth and goodness.

The sword can be a symbol- protection. Do you feel like you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from physical or emotional threats? Sometimes it is more useful to strengthen your strength than to focus on defense and attack.

The sword also speaks- about the destruction of the ego and penetration behind the veils of the illusions of life. In folk tales, a dragon or monster is usually killed with a sword. The monster can symbolize your own demons I or your inner illusory world.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreaming of people threatening you with swords- means that in the near future you will be overcome by an irresistible desire to leave everything and indulge in relaxation, which is what you will do.

To be wounded by a sword- to illness and severe mental shock.

Fight with someone with swords- your arrogant attitude towards your friends will lead to them avoiding contact with you. Broken Sword- a sign of betrayal and cruel revenge.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Get- achieve power.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Sword- to try to win your place.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Looking at a sword in a dream- to justification before the authorities, as the proverb says: the sword does not cut off a guilty head.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing a sword in a dream- to some kind of pain.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Sword fight seen in a dream- indicates that you will have enemies.

If you dream that you are forging a sword in a forge- in reality, painstaking work awaits you, which, however, will bring satisfaction.

Dream book for a bitch

Sword- an unexpected and dangerous nuisance, although it will take you by surprise, will not cause harm, because you will be able to quickly concentrate and repel the attack.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you watch a sword fight- does not promise you anything good or bad. This is just a warning for you to stop and think before you deceive your many fans, each of whom is sure that you love him.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Sword in a dream- symbolizes a very serious conflict that requires a lot of stress and perseverance.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Teacher of Calm"

Once upon a time there lived a great fencing master. And there were no equals to him in that matter in the whole wide world.

One day a student came to him and asked him to teach him how to fight with sharp swords.

The master did not want to take on new students and was not disposed towards the petitioner who came, but he was so stubborn and persistent that the master showed sympathy and agreed.
He drew a square with red paint on the floor of the hangar where the classes were held, and ordered the student to walk methodically and relaxed along its outline.

Every day the student walked along the contour of this square with perseverance and calmness.

Days, weeks, months passed. After a year of meaningless walking, the student came to the master and said:
- I can not do it anymore! I do not get the point of it! Let me go!

- But I see the point! If you really want to learn, continue your studies,” the teacher answered.

And the student again began to walk around the square and again at one point could not stand it.

- That's it I'm leaving! I asked you to teach me how to fight with swords, but instead I am engaged in stupid walking with no clear purpose.

Then the master took two sharpest swords from the wall. He took one himself, and gave the second to the student.

– And now you must remember your inner state in which you walked along the contour of this square day after day. The master took the sword and struck.

The student reflected it effortlessly. The master struck another blow and was again repelled by the student.

The master struck again and again and the student easily repelled them.
“Now, you can do everything and I have nothing more to teach you,” said the master and left.

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