Why do you dream about a big gray rat? Why do you dream about a rat?

When they see rats, many people experience a real nightmare, not only in reality, but also in their dreams. When interpreting, it is necessary to remember the main object and other details of the plot. In addition, it is worth considering that numerous dream books offer different information, so it is worth drawing an analogy between it and events real life.

Why do you dream about a big rat?

Most often, such rodents are a symbol of betrayal, and you should expect set-ups from those closest to you. If a rat is in the house, it means that enemies often appear under your roof. This could also be a harbinger serious problems V financial sector. Big rat may dream before serious matters. A fat rodent is a symbol of powerful enemies. Seeing a big rat gnawing on something in a dream means this moment you are tormented by some doubts and worries. If rodents bite, it means that your reputation may suffer significantly due to the actions of enemies. A bite on the hand is an indication that enemies will try to harm interests or work. A large rat has bitten your finger, which means you can expect unpleasant conversations ahead that will bother you for a long time. , in which a large rat attacks a person, is a warning that you may become seriously ill in the future. If rodents are running away from you, then you have missed opportunities to improve your existence. A night vision where a rat is crawling on you indicates that you can count on success in love affairs.

Seeing a large dead rat in a dream means you should be on your guard and not trust the people around you. Such a dream also promises victory over enemies. If you feed pests - this is a warning that you have “warmed a snake on your chest.” Treating your big pet rat means you are making attempts to improve your own financial situation. If you had to kill a big rat in a dream, it means that soon you will be able to recognize the true enemy and reveal his insidious plans. This plot can also mean that you can emerge victorious from any situation. For lovers, a dream about rodents indicates the existence of a rival who wants to destroy. In one of the dream books there is information that if you dreamed of a big rat running past, it is a harbinger of joy. A large number of rodents is an omen of a quarrel with a loved one.

The rat is a rather unpleasant creature. Why do you dream about a big rat? Meeting her in real life does not bring any pleasure, and even more so in a dream. After such a vision, there will definitely be a residue, and various guesses will pop into your head regarding the meaning of this dream.

In most cases, an apparition of a rat is considered a harbinger of some unpleasant event - betrayal, betrayal or failure. However, there are also positive interpretations. It all depends on the details of the dream.
  • A dream in which you saw a big rat is deciphered in almost the same way as a vision with an ordinary rodent. The size of the animal in this case is an indication of the increased degree of meaning of the dream or its individual details, which should be taken into account for the most accurate interpretation.
  • For example, a large rat in a pregnant woman’s dreams indicates the birth of a healthy and large baby or even twins.
  • A large rodent running around the house in a dream speaks of huge losses and constant failures in the near future.

To figure out why this unpleasant animal was dreaming, you should seek help from famous dream books.

Psychologist G. Miller believes that what is seen in a dream rodents portend conflict situations with colleagues or acquaintances in real.

  • If in a dream you grab a rat, this means that your high moral qualities will help you defeat your ill-wishers.
  • Killing a rodent in a dream foretells success in any endeavor.

What Vanga says about dreaming rats

Very ambiguous interpretations are given to dreams involving rats in Vanga’s dream book. This vision can be a harbinger of how good events, and bad.

  • Feeding a rat by hand in a dream means wise and decisive actions in reality.
  • A similar interpretation can be given to a dream in which you kill a rodent.
  • If a rat sneaks into the house, get ready for a series of obstacles and troubles.
  • If in a dream you try to catch a rat with a trap, but this idea ends in failure, it means you should expect deception from a person about whom you could not even think anything bad.
  • Defense from attacking rats symbolizes your disbelief in the power of justice and your desire to solve your problems yourself.
  • A huge number of rats in a dream predicts a global world tragedy in the form of the disappearance of all life from the face of the Earth as a result of war.

The meaning of sleep according to Nostradamus

Like Vanga, the astrologer considers the rat both a symbol of good luck and a harbinger of death.

  • Crop-eating rodents warn of a threat to the world environmental disaster, if people do not stop thoughtlessly using the resources given to them by nature.
  • The beautiful white rat symbolizes deceitfulness. Such a dream warns that you should not be fooled by your beautiful appearance.

Interpretations from other dream books

A rat attack is a dream - a warning. Possibly a very envious person from close circle plots against you. If a rat looks out of the darkness and is just preparing to attack, it means that the enemy is spreading rumors about you, trying in every possible way to denigrate you in front of people.

  • If you dreamed of a mink that a rat made in your house and lives there with its cubs, it means deception and meanness in the family. Perhaps someone from the outside will try to ruin your relationship with your relatives.
  • Fighting rats in a dream warn that two people want to make friends with you, pursuing selfish goals. You should be careful and not trust these people.
An unusual dream in which a rat asks for help portends triumph and victory over enemies. It’s good if you save a rodent in a dream, then the victory in reality will be final.

Why do you dream about a big Rat in a dream according to the dream book?


Where was the big rat?

What did you do with the big rat in your dream?

Kill a big rat in a dream▼

If you killed a big rat in a dream, you will be able to find a traitor in your own environment. The dream also indicates the ability to escape from an unfair action in your life.

What did the big rat do?

Video: Why do you dream about the big Rat?

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Did you dream about a big Rat, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

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    Dream today: I enter the kitchen (it doesn’t look like my kitchen, but in the dream I’m sure it’s mine) Under the sink there is a door half the height of a person, behind it there is some noise, a rumble. I open it and behind the door there is a small room, like a pantry and in the middle there is huge light rat gray.Stands like a man, on his hind legs, and gnaws on dried meat. Behind the rat, there is a hole in the back wall and two rats are watching from it, just as big, but on four legs, only their heads are visible in the hole. And all these rats are just looking at me , as if with curiosity. I am very scared, but not because they can harm me, but because of their size (I understand that such rats simply cannot exist in nature). Next to the standing rat there is a shelf with a tin bucket on it full of water and water was spilled around the bucket, I understand that it was a rat, for some reason she took a bucket of water and put it on the shelf herself (I’m shocked how strong she is) I continue to look at her in fear, she at me. I have something in my hands - that is, I throw this something at her, she catches it and I see a chocolate bar in her paw and she starts eating it. I slam the door. That’s it. Help me explain, I’m in a terrible mood.

    • Hello! I had a terrible dream, as if I was in my parents’ room, waiting for them (they had already died a long time ago), I looked at everything scattered, I thought I needed to clean up before they came, I took a large bag of garbage and suddenly huge fat red rats jumped out of there, I became terrified hit them, I think I killed two, the rest fled.

    I dreamed of a large striped turtle, which I bought and brought home, when I was already at home it turned out that it was not turtle, but fat fluffy striped rat (red and white stripes). I tell my mother that this is a turtle, and I will have it for 300 years old, and mom- no, it’s a rat and it will live with you no more than 10 years, and only with good care. I really like the animal, I stroke it and cuddle it.

    • Good afternoon Today I dreamed of a big rat, it kept running out of the hole, the hole was under the bench. I kept trying to close the hole with something, but it crawled out again. and then suddenly disappeared, and was seen in another place. Then in a dream they asked me if I had seen a big rat. please help me interpret the dream. very worried. Thank you!

    I dreamed of a big rat in my bedroom, as if it was hiding under my carpet and would now jump out at me, and I was holding this carpet with my hands and I couldn’t hold it, this rat is strong, but then I wake up

    At the beginning I saw that in clean water a rat with a big tail swam by, then it seemed as if it had rushed at me, I pushed it away, then I saw it sitting to the side so cute and looking at me

    I was riding in the elevator, it stopped on the -1st floor, the rats tore the walls of the elevator, but there was a metal frame inside, they tried in every possible way to reach me, but they failed. there were 3 rats, very large

    I go down to the basement there are thousands of rats and one white mattress, the largest rat is a rat sitting on the mattress and at that moment the rats begin to eat each other until a few days remain there for 50 small rats there are heaps of blood and one rat sitting on the mattress

    I dreamed that I came to the store. There were huge gold coins and everyone picked them up. I tried to find big ones. I picked them up. Then I saw that there was food at reduced prices, I went to dig through it. Everything was eaten up, I began to be indignant, and someone said “it’s eaten up because there, look.” A giant rat ran near the seller. And then I noticed that they were everywhere. I ran away, they passed by my feet. I went to my friends who lived in this house, their whole apartment was infested with giant rats. I sat down on the bed and they explained that these were not rats but kangaroos and stroked and scratched them.

    I saw rats more than once during the night, but I remember the last one well, I was walking with a pot of poop in a pot, both light and dark, and suddenly in front of me a large, fat, gray rat walked very slowly and entered the cesspool with shit and swam looking at me ya.sad1234jandex. ru

    A dream within a dream: I am in the delivery room with women and their babies. I myself am without a baby, i.e. I didn’t even give birth and wasn’t pregnant in my dream. We went out onto the balcony, women without babies. I came in, I don’t remember why. I saw one gray mouse and started chasing it away, then I saw another brown and beige mouse, I chased them all out of the room. Then I saw a rat the size of me, weaving a web. Somewhere in my dream I knew that such rats eat human babies. And I decide to fight with her to prevent her from eating the babies. In the end, I win with the help of one of the women in labor; they finally entered the ward.

    I dreamed of a small white kitten with a bald head. Then a big gray rat, I took the headboard from the bed and hit it on the head, but it walked away from me from room to room. But I pressed the board on her neck and began to press and she became a small lump.

    I dreamed that a medium-sized red rat was crawling out of a bag of food, some small black ones like tadpoles, but with arms and legs, a small frog seemed to jump out and I started killing them all with a slipper, like... something like this

    Dream: I wake up in a huge, bright (my own) apartment, look out the window, see a friend and invite him to visit, I go out to meet him at the entrance, the entrance is in complete disarray (like in an abandoned house), I meet him, we talk and see how a large gray rat slowly runs by, I look at it with some kind of calmness and kindness (although I can’t stand them)

    Hello Tatiana! Someone and I went into the basement to look for something, but we were warned to be careful because... there is someone there, some kind of animal. which can attack. We walked around looking for what we needed, but we never found it... but for some reason we noticed that there were no mice... Then we were about to leave and something flashed to the side and it was quite large, we looked, but they didn’t see anyone and went to the exit. And then we meet a young officer who also came to the basement, we started talking about mice, and about the animal that appeared in the basement... for some reason he called it Chupocabra... no one knows what it looks like..... After talking we went to the exit and then I looked back and saw a very large / about 60 cm / rat in the open shed Brown. There was no fear, because I’m not afraid of them at all, there was curiosity... The rat was reclining on its back and was very happy... At first we began to think about how it should not be destroyed, but rather removed from our basement. I decided to touch her with a stick and as soon as I touched her, she rushed at my leg, but without much aggression she grabbed my trousers and began to look me in the face... and there was something in this, it seemed to me that she understood our there was intention in her gaze - “I’m not hurting anyone, I’m helping you, don’t touch me.” In any case, these were the thoughts that appeared in my head, looking into her eyes..... In general, we looked at each other’s faces :-) and I began to shake her off.. She let me go and ran out the window. We all went outside, looked where she ran and realized that she had returned back. /2.5 months ago I quit smoking/ We came to someone’s house and began to decide what to do, I really wanted to smoke and I lit a cigarette….. In general, we came to the conclusion that this rat cannot be destroyed. To. it destroys all the mice in the basement and what would be better if there was one large and well-fed rat in the basement than a huge number of mice. Having come to this conclusion and decided that we would even feed her from time to time, we parted ways. That seemed to be the end of it. Thank you.

    hello, I dreamed of a big dark rat, I dreamed that I was returning home from a walk and the neighbors were coming out of the entrance and a big rat jumped out in front of me right at my feet and then abruptly ran away into the basement

    At the very beginning there were a lot of big rats, they were light beige in color, they were all running in one direction, it felt like they were running from me, and then it happened that I picked something up and a rat literally fell out of there , she wanted to bite me, but she didn’t succeed and she ran away, I remember her look, it was kind of embittered

    Good afternoon, I had a nightmare, a neighbor came and said that she saw people burying people in our garden, as if our five-year-old son was doing this, and showed the place where.. We go to this place, the ground moves apart and there old sofa Well, we open it, and there is a huge rat gnawing on people’s skulls.

    a large red-and-white rat was lying dead in the room, and the Comora was all up and down and sharpened with shashel, and the rat’s eyes were closed, but human, and the late grandmother was standing next to me, and I was screaming at her, get her out of here, you see, it’s dead, and she calms me down, saying, hush, hush then I find myself in the room and look right above the ceiling at the shelves made from clay, just like in the village, and this is what is in the village and there, things are a dress that I wore when I was 9 years old and a guipure T-shirt when I was older, but I really remembered that T-shirt I had

    Good afternoon, I remember that the room was dark and there was a white rat with red eyes, looking straight at me, and wherever I appeared it was nearby, but in all the rooms it was very dark... and only the rat was visible.

    I dreamed of white mice sitting on perches in big cage. How calm they are, I look at them and then I see a big white one sitting in front of me and looking at me, and I see two teeth in front even and then I understand that she is sitting at the exit and the exit is right in front of my eyes and is open. Immediately closed the cage

    Chris became attached to me and became tame, but then she fell in love with my daughter. That is, she didn’t come into my arms anymore, but just started going towards my daughter’s arms, and she started biting me. I bought rodent poison and decided to poison her. When she ate it, I felt sorry for her, but I didn’t see her dead and woke up.

    Hello! I was sleeping near the window, and I heard a rustling sound. I lowered my hand to the floor, when I began to raise my hand, I felt paws and claws tangled in tulle. And when I opened my eyes, I saw a big rat, it was sitting very quietly, it was not going to run away.

    I dreamed of just a huge, very huge rat, half a meter in size, not counting its tail. It was brownish in color, sitting on the bedside table on its two hind legs, with its front legs tucked in and either sniffing out something, or looking out curiously. Surprisingly, she was friendly and very “nice”; I didn’t feel any threat or fear or anything like that. And it seems that I had a dream in the morning.

    Hello. I dreamed that in my apartment a huge rat ran out of the living room from the bottom closet. She was the size of big hare and coloration like nutria (dark red-brown). I was at home with the children. But the rat seemed non-aggressive. First she ran up to my youngest three-year-old daughter and I was afraid that she would bite, but she only touched my daughter’s leg with her mouth. THEN she ran into the kitchen, then into the corridor. THEN I took a stool and started hitting her in a panic, but I felt that my hits were very weak and had no effect on her. THEN the rat ran into the kitchen again and the children even tried to play with it. I was indignant that it was impossible, that a rat could infect them with some kind of disease or bite them. Then it seemed like there was a car in our small corridor, like in supermarkets for customers, and she climbed down there, laid her ears back and sat... And it seemed like someone older appeared, some kind of woman, but not my mother, and we decided that she would go for it’s like poison... This is such a dream... There was a constant feeling of such unpleasantness... Such a brrrrr... I’m generally afraid of rodents, but here is a rat and it’s also sooooo huge... There are probably no such things in nature... Like a big fattened hare! What could this mean?

    Something jumped into our house through the slightly open door and I saw a small budgerigar, I closed the balcony door. My wife was a little scared, but I said that this is a parrot and he can live with us. There was unexpectedly something else in the house, and I easily picked it up - it turned out to be some kind of fluffy animal, very pleasant to the touch, and I told my wife that it looked like it was a ferret, but it somehow twisted around and climbed onto my head. I carefully took it with my hands and removed it from my head and suddenly saw, not frightened but feeling disgusted, that it was a huge gray rat with long tail. Not wanting to scare my wife, I carefully removed it from my head and, without scaring her, I carefully put it outside the door, closed it and felt a strong blow on the door from the outside. She tried to rush back, I held the door with all my might and felt that she was very strong, but I didn’t let her in after that blow, although she managed to open the door a little. At that moment I woke up.

    I remember walking into an ordinary entrance multi-storey building on the first floor to open some apartment with my wife, my wife then disappeared, I was looking for her, then some large long corridor appeared with windows like in a school, the walls were light, shabby, dirty, and in the distance a large grayish rat appeared, I don’t remember exactly the size of a cow, and sniffed that it saw me from a small black-gray rat jumped out of my mouth and ran near me and then I woke up

    I dreamed of a large grey-red goat, fat, eating almost all the time, not resisting, when I sent it into the cage - it went, quite obediently. The rat was not aggressive and even talked.

    I dream that I am sitting over some dug canal - my feet touch opposite side ground, and below me there was a canal, a long hole dug. And suddenly large, fluffy brown rats jump out of it - one after one - and try to bite my legs, but every time I dodge them, the rats fall and run away. There were 4 or 5 rats. What could this mean?

    I dreamed that a neighbor was walking along the road and turned into my yard, I saw it through the window. I went out to her and she went into the flight kitchen and put something in the closet. I asked her what you were doing and what you put there. Why she answered me with a rat. And then I realized that she had allegedly put a spell on me. And I shouted to her, God forgive me, and she screamed. Then my brother came and took this rat in his hands, I told him that it was a lining and that it needed to be buried or something. I don’t remember. But he didn’t get rid of her. That’s all I remember from the dream.

    I saw in a dream a big fat rat that made a secret fool under my window and every time came out of this hole and ate something on my windowsill. I began to look for the hole from which it came out, but discovered that there were a lot of such holes, large and small. I began to put paper in there, trying to close these holes, but the paper turned out to be small and fell inside like into an abyss.

    I saw three rats, one was mouse-colored, the other was red-colored, the other was white with black spots, and one rat, nominya, jumped 2 times but didn’t bite, then I caught the red one and crushed it, then I caught two more and crushed them too

    Hello! Today I dreamed that I opened the door to the barn and saw a large rat, a hare and a turtle, I hid behind the door and the hare and turtle came out and the rat disappeared, then I woke up.

    I dreamed that I was expecting a child, but then it was as if someone pressed my stomach and now I was holding a huge rat the size of a baby in my arms. I got scared, threw her off my hands and she walked around the house for a very long time and then people came and one might say they drove her away. Please tell me why I dreamed about this.. From Saturday to Sunday.
    I still really want a child.. Maybe this is some kind of sign.. Please tell me!

    I dreamed of a big rat that attacked me. I threw it out the window. It came back and attacked me again. It tried to bite, but its teeth only slid across me and there was no pain or blood. I threw the kitty away from me and woke up. Sluggishly tried help me ex-husband(We are not divorced, but we do not live together either). The sensations were not pleasant.

    I dreamed about a whole bunch of rats. I'm afraid of them, but they're not scary. with huge ears and kind eyes. I ran from them. and my husband and I decided to move out of the apartment because of this. something like this…
    I also dreamed about my pregnancy. although I don’t want to yet. and I don't think about it. I was glad that I got pregnant.

    I had a dream at night at the dacha, how a huge white rat 60 cm or more ran along the wall, then jumped onto my bed, and I tried to throw it onto the floor, but accordingly there was no one there, since my eyes were already open in fear .

    Hello. It was like I had a dog. They were friends with the cat. But my sister decided to give them to the shelter. I cried for a long time in my sleep and immediately peeled the onions. Then I lay down in bed and from behind the curtain I saw a large gray tail, it was a rat. She ran towards me. It was already very huge. And out of nowhere, my cat comes out and starts gnawing on it. Lots of blood from a rat. and the blood is so bright.

    She was carrying a large rat caught somewhere in a plastic bag. There also turned out to be a large sweet green radish. The rat wanted to eat. I felt sorry for it and cut off a piece of radish... I don’t know where I was taking it

    It all started when I saw 2 rats in the room, running through the pipe (the room in a dream, as it was in reality, until we rearranged the furniture). My mother was sitting in the room with me. I screamed that there were rats there. She started to scare them, then she took a stick and started hitting them. Mom began to say to this that no matter what I hit, they would bite me. And so it happened. I couldn’t hit more than one rat. The first one jumped on my hand and bit me, but then ran away. The second one bit me on the neck. I don’t know about the third one, I woke up after that. help me please

    I’m lying on my bed, a very small rat runs out of the box and runs towards me and at the moment of its movement it grows and attacks me as a huge rat. I scream and try to fight back, but she tries to bite and I wake up.

    I dreamed that I was walking along a dark, dirty corridor, and there was a big rat lying there... I woke up, then fell asleep and had the same dream a lot... I went up to her, and she was alive and started running towards me, I was very scared, ran away and woke up...

    In my dream I was sleeping and through the dream I heard snoring, opened my eyes and saw on the shelf of the bookcase, a rat was lying with its paws up and snoring, it seemed like there was another rat nearby, but not that big, this one was just sitting next to it, as if it was waking it up which snores, and this one was very large, I don’t remember the color, but the ears were pink, the nose was large, elongated and the tail was long, I screamed in surprise and this rat jumped up and ran towards the bed, and I was lying on my side and it ran behind my back. I even felt a chill on my back and I still woke up with this chill in my back. What does all this mean?

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors.

Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry.

A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

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Dream Interpretation - Rat

Rats in a dream are dangerous enemies. They can also mean our loved ones who cause us constant trouble and grief.

Killing a rat in a dream is a symbol of victory over an enemy or troubles. Such a dream also means that you are intolerant of human weaknesses and will not put up with meanness, cowardice, and hypocrisy.

Petting a rat in a dream is a harbinger of trouble from a person whom you considered your friend and whom you trusted. White rat in a dream - your hidden enemy.

See interpretation: animals, beasts.

Skinning it in a dream means that you will be able to outwit an insidious enemy and profit at his expense. The main thing is that the skin does not tear during sleep, because this is the most valuable thing a rat has.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream in which rats dreamed does not promise Have a good mood. But don’t rush to panic, not everything is so bad. You need to look into the dream book to know what can happen when you are accompanied by a pack of rats or bitten by a rodent in a dream.

At the same time, you should not miss the little things: what color were the animals, was their bite painful or not, did there blood appear?

I dreamed about rats, what does this mean?

According to Miller's dream book, I dreamed rat pack for woman or man is regarded as a quarrel with disgruntled neighbors. This state of affairs can provoke a conflict incident and even a fight. Sometimes such a dream indicates cunning plans of neighbors with deceptive actions.

  • When dreamed of one or more rats– beware of the insidious actions of colleagues or business partners.
  • By Ancient Slavic dream book an encounter with an unpleasant rodent leads to an explosive situation at work, in places of study, or at home.
  • Rats dream of inspection, audit, unpleasant relations with superiors.
  • If you dreamed about a lot of animals, and they attacked and bit, then an inspection visit will reveal shortages, negligence, misgrading of goods, and incorrect accounting.
  • I dream about rats in the house to the emergence dangerous enemies, problems, grief and “intrigues” on the part of relatives, companions, and work colleagues.
  • Rat bite until you bleed- troubles with blood relatives.

Why do women dream about rats?

The dream book does not predict anything good woman when encountering rodents. It portends meanness, quarrels, conflict situations, betrayal.

If a woman dreams of rats, expect trouble from your husband, he is unfaithful to you.

When in a dream for women observed massacre of rat pups and female, the outcome of events will be positive. The woman will act wisely in her actions and return the unfaithful man to the family.

A woman dreams of rats from the squad of rats who bite until they bleed, gossip will appear from distant relatives.

Why does a man dream about a rat?

The dream book believes that men can see rodents in the night scene, for improvement material condition. The more there are– the more significant the amount of money.

If found big rat black and he bites– your companion may turn out to be dishonest, expect betrayal from him.

Don't expect anything good if you encounter a gray rodent. This is a colleague who can betray you at any moment.

White tame rat predicts prosperity and stability.

If you dreamed of a big rat

  • How larger sizes rodent, the more trouble it can bring. This applies to gray and black animals.
  • If you dream of a great white- this is a good sign.
  • White rat in a cage- you got lucky. Such a dream indicates monetary well-being, an unexpected bonus, a significant lottery win.
  • When I dreamed big gray— listen to the opinion of the leader. You may find yourself in a critical situation because of a work colleague or friend.
  • Big black a creature in a dream brings bad news related to a car accident, illness and even death.

Why do you dream about a lot of rats?

A dream with a flock of rodents portends trouble, troubles, conflicts.

Many dream books interpret such a dream as financial well-being, but not for all categories of the population.

Businessman can see a rat pack to conclude a profitable business deal, to income.

For housewives such a night plot predicts a quarrel with the husband and his close relatives.

Seeing a white, black and gray rat in a dream, what does it mean?

If you dream rodents in large quantities white, black and gray in color, which means you may have quarrels with neighbors, good friends, and work colleagues.

When animals didn't attack you, you may simply be a spectator in a conflict situation.

White to lynx and mouse and do not foretell bad developments. They are a symbol of purity and prosperity.

For men white the rodent brings income, and for girls it predicts an imminent wedding.

Presence of black animals in the pack portends quarrels, illness, poor health, and sometimes an accident.

Gray rodents also do not bring anything good. If you managed to throw a gray female or male out of the house, you will cope with your enemies and conflict situations.

I dreamed of dead and dead rats

Seeing dead rodents in a dream- does not indicate troubles and misfortunes. On the contrary, the troubles moved aside - as if they died. And your enemies decided to leave you alone.

Sometimes dead animals indicate a change in weather.

Why do you dream about a rat that bites?

The dream book states that a rat bite portends scandals, bad news, the emergence of gossip, unwanted quarrels and separations.

If you dream the rat that bit your hand, you should not borrow money. This may entail conflict situation with the creditor.

Bite on the leg according to the dream book- quarrels in the family, leaving home await you.

If a large, black or gray animal grabbed by the finger - minor setbacks await you, illness is possible.

Kill a rat in a dream

Kill a rodent in a dream According to the dream book, it means dealing with an ill-wisher, overcoming problems, and solving problems positively.

The woman who killed the pest will win over his opponent.

A businessman will receive a profitable investor by beating his competitors. The dream book interprets such a nightly plot as getting rid of obstacles on the way to solving assigned tasks.

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